p.10 Luna and Rizal

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Tribune (Philippines : 1932 - 1945), Sunday 3 January 1932, page 10

Lunaand Rizal PutOne Overon Each

Other; Works
of ArtLostto
remarked, “Tit
The latest aboutRizalis told by have for tat.”
his nephew, Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Ri-
But another, one who is a res-
zal, chief of the of com- pectorof values, would have sigh
“What might have been...!”
municable diseases, Philippine ed,
health service.

The anecdote follows:

Rizal, in Madrid, was at one time

trying his hand at parlor poetry,
or a poem to a
lady. Before having time to finish
the verse, his left him.
He put off on it for a
while, during whichhe was called
away by some urgent business.
returned to
When he his desk,
be found the verse not
only completed but with improved,

silly, meaningless words inserted

here and there. Being young, he
saw red and for a momentwas in
destroy the person res-
a mood to
for the revision — if he only
knew. A day or so later,he knew
that it was his friend, Juan Luna

Novicio, painter,
y the who amend
ed his verse.“You shall pay for
this,” he muttered.

One day, Luna was
inspired and started painting what
to be a great work of
art. But it could not be done in
sitting. One afternoon,
one when
returned studio to
Luna to the con-
tinue his work, he found his mas-
terpiece terribly splashed over
with colors that failed to harmonize

with eithertone or rythm of what

he had He was mad, to
put it But only for a mo-
ment. For it dawned upon him
shortlythat Rizal must have done
unto him what Luna had done un-
to Rizal.

Some youth would

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article249600082

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