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1. Diego is a drug addict. Realizing that drug use will bring him elsewhere he ceased from using it. Diego’s act is called:
A. Abstinence – cessation of using drugs C. Self medication
B. Rehabilitation D. Dependence
2. Facility used for the illegal manufactured of dangerous drugs is called:
A. Drug den- place where dangerous drugs is stored, delivered and administered
B. Laboratory equipment – paraphernalia in manufacturing dangerous drugs.
C. Drug laboratory
D. Clandestine laboratory
3. Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002, Except:
A. Cultivation, culture and delivery,
B. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading
C. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance
D. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and possession.
4. The amount of drug that produces untoward effect or symptoms of poisoning.
A. Minimal Dose C. Abusive Dose
B. Toxic Dose D. Maximal Dose

Drug Dose – amount of drugs take at one time

 Minimal Dose – smallest amount of drugs needed to treat or heal

 Maximal Dose – largest amount of drugs needed to produce therapeutic effect
 Abusive Dose – amount of drugs need to produce side effects
 Lethal Dose – amount of drugs that cause death
5. Which among these countries involved in the first important drug traffic route is responsible for preparation of drugs for
A. Middle East C. USA
B. Turkey D. Europe

First Important Drug Traffic Route

 Middle East-discovery, plantation, cultivation, harvest

 Turkey - preparation for distribution
 Europe-manufacture, synthesis, refine .
 USA - marketing
6. Which among the following responsible for producing almost 60% of Opium in the world.
A. Golden triangle C. Golden Crescent
B. B. Sliver Triangle D. White Christmas
7. What countries constitute the Golden Triangle of Drug Trafficking
A. Burma, Laos, Thailand C. Myanmar, Laos, Thailand
B. Peru, Columbia, Bolivia D. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
8. What countries constitute the Golden Crescent?
A. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India C. Burma, Laos, Thailand
B. Peru, Columbia, Bolivia D. Myanmar, Laos Thailand
9. It is the most important alkaloids and constitutes about 10% of the use raw opium
A. Morphine C. Heroin
B. Codeine D. opium
10. The drug taken from the coca bush plant Ertyroxylon coca.
A. Cocaine C. Marijuana
B. Papaver Somniferum D. Claviceps
11. What is the highest rank in PDEA?
A. Assistant Secretary C. Secretary
B. Director General D. Undersecretary
12. Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002, except
A. Cultivation, culture and delivery.
B. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading,
C. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance
D. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and possession
13. A laboratory examination is only required to an apprehended offender within 24 hours if the person arrested has
1. Visible manifestation that suspect was under the influence of drugs
2. Physical sign of drug abuse
3. Psychological manifestation of drug addiction
4. Symptoms of Drug abuse
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4


officer has reasonable ground to believe that the person apprehended or arrested, on account of physical signs or symptoms or
other visible or outward manifestation is under the influence of dangerous drugs.

 24 hours -subject to screening laboratory examination

 15 days -results of the screening laboratory examination or test shall be challenged after receipt of the
result through a confirmatory test
14. Considered by the Assyrians as a "Sacred Tree" planted by the Incas of Peru. It is considered as the world's oldest cultivated
plant which is the source of dangerous drug.
A. Papaver Somniferum C. Coca Plant
B. Cannabis Sativa D. Ephedrine
15. The ________________shall designate special courts from among the existing RTC in each judicial region to exclusively
try and hear cases involving violation of RA 9165.
A. DOJ C. Supreme Court
B. DDB D. Sandiganbayan
16. Can PDEA file an application for Search Warrant directly to the Court?
A. True C. Wholly Yes
B. False D. Maybe No

Circular 87-2013 -PDEA Agent can apply search warrant directly to court.

17. A person who is applying for Professional Driver's license is required to undergo Mandatory Drug Testing.
A. True C. False-removed applicants of driver's license to undergo mandatory drug test.
B. Partially True D. Partially False
18. The penalty imposed for possession of Dangerous Drug Paraphernalia shall be:
A. 6 years and 1 day to 12 years and a fine of 50 to 200 thousand pesos.
B. 6 months and 1 day to 4 years and a fine of 10 to 50 thousand pesos
C. 4months and 1 day and a fine of 10 to 40 thousand pesos
D. 6 months' rehabilitation
19. Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act took effect on:
A. June 7, 2002 C. July 4, 2002
B. June 19, 2002 D. July 30, 2002

Signed - June 7, 2002

Published - June 19, 2002
Took Effect - July 04, 2002

20. Known as the "Big Four Drugs trafficked in the global drug market.
I. Heroin and Cocaine
II. Shabu and Ecstasy
III. Marijuana and Methamphetamine
IV. Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Stimulants and Depressants
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. V

Keyword: He-Co-Ma-Me

21. In what quantity of specimen should be taken by forensic examiner of dangerous drugs for scientific analysis:
A. Not more than five (5) grams per package/bag
B. Not more than three (3) tablets for capsules or tablets
C. Not more than fifty (50 ml) for liquid solution
D. Not more than ten (10 grams) for dried leaves and not more than 2 plants
E. All of these
22. Hallucinogen or psychedelic drugs are Natural or synthetic psychoactive drugs that produce reactions such as perceptual
alterations and changes in the state of consciousness. Which among the following is the most patent form of hallucinogen?
A. LSD C. Cocaine
B. Barbiturates D. Methadone
23. Which of the following is not false?
A. R.A. 9165 gives a single definition of dangerous drugs
B. R.A. 9165 did not remove the distinction between regulated and prohibited drugs
C. R.A. 9165 defers dangerous drugs from prohibited drugs
D. R.A. 9165 defined regulated drugs as dangerous drugs
24. The opiates family of drugs was derive from?
A. Claviceps purpurea C. Opium poppy
B. Psilocybin Mexicana D. Peyole cactus
25. Jutay was found guilty under the Section 70 of RA 9165, therefore Jutay is
A. Qualified to apply for probation C. Allowed to apply for probation
B. Disqualified to apply for probation D. Not allowed to apply if the sentence is more than 6 years and 1 day

Sec. 66-Suspension of Sentence of a 1st-time Minor offender.

 Accused should be over 15 but below 18.

 Not previously convicted
 Not committed to a center before
 Board favorably recommends.

Note : DOH-6 months, after care not more than 18 months.

Section 67. Discharge After Compliance with Conditions of Suspended Sentence of a First-Time Minor Offender. - If the accused
first time minor offender under suspended sentence complies with the applicable rules and regulations of the Board, including
confinement in a Center, the court, upon a favorable recommendation of the Board for the final discharge of the accused, shall
discharge the accused and dismiss all proceedings.

Section 68. Privilege of Suspended Sentence to be Availed of Only Once by a First-Time Minor Offender.

Section 69. Promulgation of Sentence for First-Time Minor Offender.

Section 70. Probation or Community Service for a First-Time Minor Offender in Lieu of Imprisonment. - Upon promulgation of
the sentence, the court may, in its discretion, place the accused under probation, even if the sentence provided under this Act is
higher than that provided under existing law on probation, or impose community service in lieu of imprisonment.

26. National campaign strategy against illegal drugs, focus of which is through law enforcement, prosecution and judicial
A. Demand reduction C. Inter-agency coordination
B. Supply reduction D. International cooperation
Drug demand - Preventive education, treatment and rehabilitation and research.

27. Thamuz was arrested in a buy-bust operation conducted by the PDEA and found in his possession is eight ( 8) grams of
shabu. What is the penalty provided under RA 9165?
A. 20 years and 1 day to life imprisonment C. Life imprisonment
B. 12 years and 1 day to 20 years D. Death Penalty
28. How many grams of SHABU does an individual must possess to render him ineligible to post bail?
A. 100 grams C. less than 500 grams
B. half kilogram D. 50 g or more
29. PO3 lan planted 0.5 grams of SHABU to their suspect and PO2 Claire planted 1 gram of SHABU. Is their penalty the same?
A. No C. It depends
B. Yes D. True
30. The DDB can issue subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct of investigation involving the violations of RA 9165.
A. True C. Partially True
B. False D. Partially False
31. The drug crystal methamphetamine (shabu) Originated from what country?
A. Korea C. Japan
B. China D. Mexico
32. What penalty is provided for a Drug user for its 2nd violation?
A. 6 Months Rehabilitation. C. 6 years and 1 Day to 12 Years
B. 12 Months Rehabilitation D. 12 years and 1 Day to 20 Years
33. Perming Tigas was arrested for possessing seven (7) grams of Shabu at 9:00 PM. December 3, 2018. Up to what time and
date the arresting officers have to subject "Perming Tigas" to a drug test as required by the law?
A. 9:00 PM, December 2 C. 9:00 A.M., December 4
B. 9:00 P.M., December 4 D. 12:00 A.M., December 24
34. Hashish is 8 to 10 times stronger than the commercial trade marijuana because.
A. It is a concentrated resin extracted from marijuana
B. Dried flower of marijuana
C. Fruiting top of the plant cannabis sativa
D. Finest and high-grade leaves of marijuana plant
35. Is a violator of RA 9165 allowed to plead guilty to a lesser offense?
A. yes С. Nо
B. It depends D. maybe

 Section 5-less than 1g of shabu or less than 10g of MJ

 Section 7 - visitors of den,dive or resort
 Section 11-shabu, opium, morphone, heroin or cocaine is less than 5 grams or is MJ is less than 300 grams.

Note: can plea to possession of drug paraphernalia

 Section 11- shabu opium, morphine, heroin or cocaine is 5 grams or more but less than 10 grams and if MJ is
300g or more but less than 500gs
 Section 13-Possession of DD in social gatherings

Note: can plea to possession of drugs where penalty is 12 yrs and 1 day to 20 years.

 Section 12 -can plea to section 15.

No Plea Barganing:

 Section 4 - Imporation
 Section 4 par. 2- Imporation of Controlled Precursor
 Section 4 par. 3-imporation through use of diplomatic passport
 Section 4 par. 4- Financier in imporation
36. What is the primary component use in the production of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride?
A. Claviceps C. Ertyroxylon coca
B. Ephedrine D. papaver somniferum
37. What part of the globe is the principal source of all forms of cocaine?
A. South East Asia C. South America
B. Middle East D. South East Asia
38. Drug in gaseous form enter the lungs and are quickly absorbed by the rich capillary system, it is probably the second most
commonly used route of drug administration.
A. Snorting C. Inhalation
B. Injection D. Oral Ingestion
39. Heroin is Blanco: Codeine is School Boy: psilocybin is Magic Mushroom; Cocaine is
A. Hearts C. Uppers
B. Crack D. Speed
40. Which of the following does not carry a capital punishment?
A. possession of 20 grams' morphine
B. possession of 100 grams of marijuana - penalty is 12 years and 1 day to 20 years & fine of 300k-400k (not
capital punishment)
C. possession of 15 grams MDMA
D. possession of 60 grams SHABU
41. He prescribed opium poppy juice in surgery which was cultivated by the Sumerians during 7000 BC. He was regarded as
the "Father of Medicine".
A. Hippocrates C. Paulus Zachias
B. Morpheus D. Edmond Locard
42. Ms. Tina Moran cannot function without drugs in his system and if she do not take drugs, she develops withdrawal signs
such as restlessness, pain, or convulsions.
A. physically dependent on drugs C. psychologically dependent on drugs
B. mentally dependent on drugs D. socially on drugs
43. The world's transshipment point of all forms of illicit heroin?
A. Taiwan C. Japan
B. China D. Hong Kong
44. A situational users are persons who abused drugs to acquire additional energy and to perform well in their job. The example
of these are athletes who uses which type of drug?
A. Opium C. steroid
B. LSD D. Demerol
45. Rommel Ramirez, sensing that their group will be captured by the anti-drug operation of PDEA. He placed inside the lady's
pants a sachet of shabu. If proven to have "planted" a Shabu, as a civilian can he be punished under RA 9165?
A. Yes, because Under RA 9165 planting of evidence can be applied to a civilian.
B. No, Planting of evidence is only applicable to law Enforcement officers.
C. Yes, because she involves another person to be a violator.
D. No. it is not punishable under RA 9165
46. It is known as the King of all Drugs.
A. Ecstacy C. Shabu
B. Alcohol D. MArijuana
47. What is the number one abused drug in the Philippines?
A. SHABU C. Marijuana
B. MDMA D. All of these
48. The following statements are true pertaining to drugs:
1. Any chemically active substance rendering a specific effect on the human brain
2. A chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind and body
3. Any chemical substance that by virtue of its chemical nature alters the structure and functioning of a living organism
4. The use of any chemical substance that alters physiological and psychological functioning
A. 1 and 2 C. 3 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 4
49. Drugs may be harmful to a living organism when, except:
A. Taken in excess amount than what is advisable
B. Consumed in dangerous combination
C. Administered in physician's supervision and prescription
D. Person is hypersensitive
50. Which is classified as drug abuse?
1. Deliberate use of medically useful drugs which have the capacity to alter mood and behavior without the benefit of a
2. The use of a medically useful mood-altering drug for a purpose different from the one for which the drug has been
3. The use of a drug with such frequency that it causes physical or mental harm to the user or impairs social functioning.
4. The use of dangerous drugs
A. 1,2 and 3 C. 1,3 and 4
B. 2, 3 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
51. 2A substance considered as main precursor of methamphetamine hydrochloride
A. ephedrine C. THC
B. codeine D. ephedra plant
52. A category of drugs which involves those which are legally sold or dispensed without prescription. A user is prone to self-
medication syndrome.
A. Prescriptive drugs C. over the counter drugs
B. Illicit drugs D. unrecognized drugs
53. When the organism is too accustomed with a certain chemical, it will no longer react to such particular substance. The need
for additional amount to achieve the desired effect is necessary.
A. Addiction C. tolerance
B. Habituation D. Abstinence
54. Malachi went for mountain climbing one Saturday. On their way up to Mt. Banahaw, Hannah was bitten by a well-trained
ninja mosquito. As a treatment, Malachi get has ointment from his backpack and applied it directly on the mosquito bite
while the two are having sticky and direct eye contact. What route of drug administration was employed by Malachi?
A. Oral Ingestion C. Topical
B. Suppositories D. Iontophoresis
55. This statement is not true when referring to family problems as factor that pushes a person to be involved in drug using.
A. Domestic violence; liberal parentage
B. Parents who are irresponsible giving less attention to their children
C. Broken family and lack of parental values
D. Drug using friends encourage and pressure a certain individual
56. Drug trafficking generally refers to the sale and distribution of illegal drugs. Which of the following do not supports this
A. It refers to the illegal process through which narcotics and other illegal drugs are produced, transported, and
B. It refers to the illegal cultivation, culture, delivery, administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale, trading,
transportation, distribution importation, exportation
C. Includes possession of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical.
D. It refers to the use and consumption which led to the addiction, tolerance and habituation
57. An opiate which was synthesized by Alder Wright of purposes of morphine addiction treatment. This drug is considered as
the most potent type of depressant.
A. Codeine C. heroin
B. Methadone D. Darvon
58. Which among the following is not a route of administration of a drug shabu?
A. Oral C. smoking
B. Inhalation D. snorting
59. Selling, distributing, supplying or transporting of legitimately imported, in-transit, manufactured or procured controlled
precursors and essential chemicals, by the manufacturer of medicine to the drug trafficker is called:
A. Drug trafficking C. Chemical diversion
B. Sale D. Chemical smuggling
60. Tigas uses drugs. This drug produces sensations such as distortion of time, space, sound, color and other bizarre effects?
A. Opiates C. Narcotics
B. Heroin D. Hallucinogens
61. Goku uses amphetamines to make him capable of observing himself during the night. What are the symptoms of the use of
A. Sensation of distortion of time, space, sound and color
B. False perception of object and experience
C. Excitement,, alertness and wakefulness
D. Initial relaxation, drowsiness and sleep
62. Marijuana has been one of the most abuse hallucinogens in the Philippines and its control becomes difficult according to
some authorities due to the fact that:
A. It is easy to smoke secretly C. It is easy to cultivate
B. It is sellable in the market D. It is in demand
63. Drugs that affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion:
A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants
B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics
64. A form of physical dependence characterized by severe craving for the drugs even to the point of interfering with the
person's ability to function normally
A. Tolerance C. Habituation
B. Addiction D. Psychological dependence
65. The prevention of drug addiction is primarily a responsibility of what institution so as to prevent its members from being
hook to addiction?
A. Church C. Barangay
B. Family D. School
66. What group of drugs is used medically as pain killers?
A. Opiates C. Shabu
B. Track D.coke
67. The sources of most analgesic narcotics is/are:
1. Opium 4. Heroin
2. Morphine 5. Ephedrine
3. Cocaine 6. Cannabis
A. 1,2 and 3 C. 3, 4 and 5
B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
68. Consider the following:
I. Addiction is an overpowering compulsion to continue taking drugs
II. Addiction provide tendency of drug tolerance
III. Addiction has a detrimental effect to the individual and society
A. I and II are correct C. I and III are wrong
B. II and III are correct D. I, II and III are correct
69. To administer illegal drug means.
A. To introduce any dangerous drug into the body of any person, with or without his/her knowledge
B. To use drug through injection
C. To consume dangerous drug through inhalation
D. To introduce any illegal drugs into the body through snorting
70. Only a physician can prescribe a medicinal drug. The practice of taking drugs without proper medicinal supervision is
called non- medical use of drugs or
A. Drug misuse- wrong usage of drugs C. Drug Misadministration
B. Drug abuse D. Drug addiction
71. Mind altering drugs that gives the general effect of mood distortion.
A. Hallucinogens C. Hypnotic
B. Sedatives D. Narcotics
72. The major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe and known to be the "Paradise of Drug Abusers"
in this continent:
A. Portugal C. Germany
B. Spain D. Turkey
73. What is this process of removal of toxic substances from the body of a person as a result of drug abuse?
A. Detoxification C. Cleansing process
B. Wellness treatment D. Rehabilitation Program
74. In the Philippines, the most abused hallucinogenic drugs that contain Tetrahydro-cannabinol is
A. marijuana C. ecstasy
B. LSD D. Shabu
75. The following are statements about drug addiction, which one is TRUE among the following?
A. Drug tolerance involves greater drug response.
B. Nicotine is an addictive drug
C. Withdrawal symptoms means cessation from drug use.
D. Psychological dependence is not drug addiction.
76. Which of the following is considered by illegal drug historians as the world's oldest cultivated plant referred to as the
"sacred free" by the Assyrians?
A. Coca Plant C. Papaver Somniferum
B. Cocaine hydrochloride D. Cannabis Sativa
77. The following is NOT CORRECT regarding possession of dangerous drugs?
A. The question of possession is one that can be an actual or constructive.
B. The penalty to be imposed by the law is determined by the quantity of the illegal substance
C. the person caught with possession of different kinds of substance may be charged for complex crimes for as
many possessions.
D. The suspect may be convicted for possession if the charge for delivery is not proven
78. Which of the following is referred to as the Golden Triangle wherein 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate?
A. Thailand-Laos Myanmar C. Iran-Afghanistan-India
B. Peru Columbia-Bolivia D. Thailand-Laos-Burma
79. The following are statements about addiction:
(1) Addiction is an overpowering compulsion to continue taking drug.
(2) Addiction provide a tendency of drug tolerance,
(3) Addiction has a detrimental effect to the individual and society.
Which of the foregoing is correct?
A. 1,2 are correct C. 1, 2, 3 are correct
B. 1,3 are correct D 2,3 re correct
80. Which of the following does R.A. 9165 provides when a person discharged from confinement as a drug dependent under
voluntary submission programs?
A. Deserving of a suspended sentence for a period of 6 years.
B. Entitled to a mitigating circumstance for his criminal liability.
C. Considered pardoned of his criminal liability.
D. Exemption from serving criminal liability.
81. The following acts of law enforcement officers are, in relation to the enforcement of R.A. 9165, penalized
A. of dismissal through patent laxity, inexcusable neglect or unreasonable delay
B. failure of the immediate superior to notify the court of the transfer or reassignment of a witness during the
pendency of the case to territorial jurisdiction
C. failure if the immediate superior to exert reasonable efforts to present the witness in court
D. failure or refusal after due notice, to appear as witness for the prosecution
82. One of the significant drug education programs is one hinges on the belief that even if there is an over-supply of drugs if
there is no demand, there will be no drug addiction. The BEST approach to curb drug addiction under this belief is to
A. control the supply of illegal drugs
B. jail all users without benefit of probation or parole
C. implement legislation and imposition of severe penalty
D. conduct seminars to all sectors of society
83. Euphoria is the feeling experienced by a person who is taking illegal drugs means
A. state of sleepiness C. state of well being
B. feeling of exhaustion D. feeling hyper happiness
84. Which of the following are the symptoms of the use of amphetamines?
A. Excitement, alertness and wakefulness. C. Loss of appetite, anxiety and irritability
B. Sensation of distorted time, space, sound, color D. Initial relaxation leads to drowsiness and sleep
85. Under the Comprehensive and Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, any person found guilty of "planting" illegal drugs as
evidence regardless of purity and quantity shall suffer the penalty of:
A. reclusion perpetua C. Death
B. life imprisonment D. prision mayor
86. PSSg Hatikol planted 0.5 grams of shabu to their suspect and PCpl. Nuesca planted 1 gram of shabu. Is their penalty the
A. No C. False
B. Yes D. True
87. TOPUS, sensed that their group will be captured by Anti-drug operation of PDEA. He then placed inside to the bag of his
companion a 1 gram of shabu. If proven to have planted a Shabu, as a civilian can he be punished under RA 9165?
A. YES, because he involves another person to be a violator
B. NO, it is not punishable under RA 9155
C. YES, because under RA 9165 planting of evidence is applicable also to a civilian.
D. NO, planting of evidence is applicable only to LAW ENFORCER.
88. TOPUS sensed that their group will be captured by Anti-drug operation of PDEA. He then placed inside to the bag of his
companion a 1gram of shabu, If proven to have planted a Shabu, as a civilian what will be the imposable punishment of
A. Life imprisonment C. 20 years and 1 day to 40 years.
B. DEATH D. No punishment at all, because it only apply to law enforcer.
89. Preliminary investigation of drug cases shall be terminated within the period of
A. 20 C. 15
B. 30 D. 35
90. It is the psychoactive agent of marijuana.
A. Cannabis Sativa C. Tetrahyrocannabinol
B. Methamphetamine D. Papaver Somniferum
91. The latest and most popular sex drug whose chemical name is “MethyleneDioxyMethamphetamine”.
A. Shabu C. Heroin
B. Chomper D. Ecstacy
92. The operation plan of PDEA conducted to neutralized military or police personnel suspected of illegally engaged in
dangerous drugs.
A. OPLAN Iceberg C. OPLAN Hunter
B. OPLAN Athena D. OPLAN Tornado

 Oplan Athena – operation conducted to neutralize the 14k, the Bamboo gang and other local organized crimes groups
involved in illegal drug trafficking.
 Oplan Banat – the newest operational plan against drug abuse focused in the barangay level in cooperation with
barangay officials.
 Oplan Cyclops – operations against Chinese triad members involved in the illegal drug operations particularly
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
 Oplan Greengold – nationwide MJ eradication operations in coordination with the local governments and NGO’s.
 Oplan Iceberg – Special operations team in selected drug prone areas in order to get rid of illegal drug activities in the
 Oplan Mercurion – Operations against drug stores, which are violating existing regulations on the scale of regulated
drugs in coordination with the DDB, DOH and BFAD.
 Oplan Thunderbolt I –operation to create impact to the underworld
 Oplan Thunderbolt II –operations to neutralize suspected illegal drug laboratories
 Oplan Thunderbolt III – Operations for the neutralization of big time drug pushers’ drug dealers and drug lords.
 Oplan Tornado – Operations in drug notorious and high profile places.
 Oplan Sagip-Yagit – A civic program initiated by NGO’s and local government offices to help eradicate drug
syndicates involving street children as drug conduit.

Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) is the policy-making body and strategy-making body in the planning and formulation of
policies and programs on drug prevention and control. (under the Office of the President) (sec. 77, Art IX

PDEA - Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency. - It is the implementing arm of the DDB and responsible for the efficient
and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drugs and/ or precursors and essential chemicals.

Head: Director General – appointed by the President

Assisted By: 2 Deputies Director General (one for Admin, another for Opns) – appointed by the President (sec. 82, Art

PDEA Operating Units: It absorbed the National Drug Law Enforcement And Prevention Coordinating Center (NDLE-
PCC) (created under E.O. 61), Narcotics Command (NARCOM)of the PNP, Narcotics Division of the NBI, and the
Customs Narcotics Interdiction Unit (sec. 86, Art IX)

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