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Research Design and Methodology


Population and Locale of the Study

This study took place in Barangay Palma-Urbano

which involves the senior citizens from the said barangay.

The respondents are according to the master list of Senior

Citizens Association in Barangay Palma-Urbano, the total

population of senior citizen is 127, where the total sample

is 112, and 15 for the reliability test. The researchers

distributed questionnaire to senior citizen to confirm if

happiness and self-esteem has indeed related to the

significance of their lives. The researchers used cronbach

alpha method for the reliability test. The researchers used

pearson product moment correlation sampling method since it

allows a researcher to measure the relationship between the

two variables.

Data Gathering Tool

The research tool used in the study were

well-being questionnaire for the happiness, (PERMA) Positive

emotions, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning and purpose, and

Accomplishment Model. It is a mnemonic for the five elements

of Martin Seligman’s well-being theory. The RSE/ Rosenberg

Self-esteem Scale has internal consistency range from 0.77

to 0.88 with the test-retest reliability range from 0.82 to

0.85. However, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the PERMA

model was modified by the researchers and is done by

Research Design and Methodology

pretesting to get its reliability. Thus, the questionnaires

was administered by the researchers to get its reliability.

The result was both reliable, .80 for the happiness and .87

for the self-esteem. The PERMA

questionnaires comprised of 15 items where the 5 dimensions

has three questions. The items 1-3 falls under Positive

Emotion; item 4-6 falls under Engagement; items 7-9 falls

under Relatedness; items 10-12 falls under Meaning or

Purpose; and items 13-15 falls under Accomplishment. The

level of happiness was determined using the scale of more

often, often, seldom and never. For the self-

esteem questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was

used. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale comprised of 10 items.

The level of self-esteem was determined using the scale of

more often, often, seldom and never. The items 3,5,8,9, and

10 was the reverse scored.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the permission was granted by the barangay

officials to conduct the study, the researchers first

secured the total population of the senior citizens in

Barangay Palma Urbano. After which, the researchers sought

the approval of the senior citizens to float the

questionnaires to the senior citizen’s respective houses.

Upon approval, the researchers administered the

Research Design and Methodology


Based on the experience of the researchers most of

the respondents were having troubled by answering the

questions and it almost took for almost 30 minutes to finish

answering. By then, the researchers helped each of the

respondent on understanding the given questions and

explained the instructions. Also, the researchers translated

the questionnaires into Filipino version to be able to

understand well by the senior citizens.

Treatment of the Data

To treat the gathered data, the following

statistics were used.

Mean. This was used to determine the

level of happiness and self-esteem of the respondents.

Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. This was used to

determine the level of the relationship of Happiness and

self-esteem of the respondents. The

level of Happiness was determined using the following scale:

Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Indication

3.25-4.00 More often Very High

2.50-3.24 Often High

1.75-2.49 Seldom Low

1.00-1.74 Never Very Low

Research Design and Methodology

The following scale was used to determine the level of self-


Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Indication

3.25-4.00 More often Very High

2.50-3.24 Often High

1.75-2.49 Seldom Low

1.00-1.74 Never Very Low

The following scale was used to determine the level of

relationship of happiness and self-esteem.

Correlation Coefficient Descriptive

0.0 No correlation

0.0 < r >0.2 Very weak correlation

0.2 ≤ r < 0.4 Weak correlation

0.4 ≤ r < 0.6 Moderately strong correlation

0.6 ≤ r ≤ 0.8 Strong correlation

0.8 ≤ r < 1.0 Very strong correlation

1.0 = r Perfect Correlation

Research Design and Methodology

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