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RET. 3960/07
Adv sor Name: Lelti Tsegay

Adigrat, Tigray, Ethiopia

SubmtSSlOnDate: is/10/2
011 E.C

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ThlSiS to certifythat the project St

reportentitled A Nem £l k Based Home S*
r el
•••e•y ""’
a bonfirerecord of work carried out by:


t t for
the aWard of
Under our guidance and supervision, for the fulfillment of the requ@ + °
degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer science Engineering.

Project Advisor:
Head of the department:


Signature: Signature: -



Name Signature

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First of all, we would like to thank God for his blessing, and we also Sgnse of
express our deep
gratitude to our adviser Mr Lelti Tsegay for encouraging us ect kRd
Jt3rk O 1 thls Proj

d eepest
jeCt. EUF
providing her support and guidance throughout the implem fltation of the pr who gave US this
Engineering departmen
appreciation also goes out to Electrical & Computer
strugg I lg
project that helps us to and practices what we knew in theory, find our friends who
with us exploring this scope. Finally, thank you to all those iR+ fldireGt1y
€1VC. d directly and i .A

helping us out during our design & simulation which we c£tfl t One of them
St lte €"lt Every doi g
e ill fl
special expression of l eran ce £tIld p ltienc
gratitude is extended to everyone for their to
the Project.

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The tremendous loss of lives and properties that may be attflbll
tO Griminalar alS i8 décent that
ming CâU
has Gpt2 to the
worldwide has become a source of worry to all. The sitUatiOn ys
mating it W i t hou
the authority has sought for the immediate means of check t delay. ° t‘d
a cts.
thèse otipiRal
security is most important issue arising due to the increase Of reqLlire
areas WhiGh
e is an importilRt application that helps iR pitprjng ¡ t e i*1
different V t}t
pt which plays
Surveillanc E CH
very imp O<ilnt conce
high security , thus video surveillance is a
{1g$£tfld tÜackingany
used in detecting, ân8tJy•]need
safety and security. Video surveillance system is Si c
urity e
e ank
and other highly d freaSlik b
unusual aCtiVity centers on the desig
also it is used for public safety On of äH
home surveillance etc. Th is work Rd ;jjpleIT1ent t' remote
lockers, syI
Protocol (IP) based home video su rveillance security tem. It i»• f
}}jäl and
Internet uSC'.r Using
video feeds

afld IP camera and storage of live also alerting the s th S

sound alafln all monitored With the '

(ic) A ll th• design ° ai‘p
OlT1 Up t.r
seof a P rsonal C elo ped Using +j SU£tl C*S h
i ations are dev
£tp rs are softwa e e appl t
re based. Henc the softwar i Sling and control of the entir ystem Ïl1

(C§) prOgrarnming mon

la nguage to enable the proper result Obt£fl*ed
t corded of1 PC. The

ewed and alSO re

which video feeds from the camera are vi e
system ation, this nem ork based home Surveillanc WäS
roper implem
showed thät with p £tU ÎtS t
to be excellent În

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Op IiASE IJ OME Paige ii

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Table of content
List of Acronyms and Abbreviatio
t. \ Genera1 Overvie
1.2 Problem Stat
1.3 Objective of the Projec
1.3.1 General Objectiu
I .3.2 Specific Objectiu
1.4 Material requir
1.5 Significance of the proje
1.6 Scope of the projec
1.7 OrganizatiOfl Of the
2. l Baek@OU

2.2 ON
2.3 Related W 10
Desci‘btion of M

3 I , j ViS ial
,. I .4 OZEKl Carri

BA Page iii

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s $q --------- -... .... .. . ... ......... ......... ... ........ ..... . ....... .---------°'
"*""’ng*°dule -- -------- -.... .. ............ . .................... ............. .. .. ........ .....-----23
5.2 Video recording module............... .
,, ..................................24
’‘3 A""‘ ‘°du e:- ... ............. .. ....... . .. ............ .. .. ..... 24
3-'"e°•" a a'=' a- -- -............................. ..... . ..... .. . ...... .......................-24
5.4 Motion detection module .................... . .. . ........... . ............................................................24
HA TER I.....................................................................................................26
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION........................................... ..........,.,...................................26
6.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................26
6.2 Recommendation..................................................................................................................................26
AppEjqDj E .............,............................................:....... ........ .. ..... ... ....... .. .. ........ .. 2g

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Figure 2 DVR-based analog CCTV systems
Figure 3 Network DVR-based analog CCTV systems ..... -- -- ----
Figure 4 Video encoder-based network video systems....-------- ----'
Figure S Diagram of network based home security system ... -- ---
Figure 6 Block comparison pixel by pixel............. ..- -- - -- ----
Figure 7 Sample of captured image while streaming .....- - --- --- ‘”“”“””“” ““
Figure 8

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List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
API. ..........-- - .. ......... Application Programming Interface

CCTV.....................................Closed Circuit Television

Common Language Infrastructure

DVR.......................................Digital Video Recorder

SSOci ati o n
ECMA. .. ...................... European Computer Manufacturers A

FPS.......................................Frames per Second

FTP.. .. .. ... .. .. - - ... ............File Transfer Protocol

GUI..... .... ......... ... ...... Graphical User Interface

IETF.... .. ... .............Internet Engineering Task Force

ironme nt
IDE. . .....-- .... . .. ... ... Integrated Development Env

. Internet ProtoGOl

al Standards Org£t> Zat*O*

iso...... ... -......................Internation
Area Network
LAN . ..- -....................Local
Moving Picture Experts GtolJp
. MPE I - -........................

Network Video Recorder

...... Open Netwofk Video Interface Forum
ON VIF. ---

Power over


T p›.... ...----------‘ ’ ’ ’ Real-TingeContrOlPFOtOCOJ

Real-time Transpoi't Pi'otocol


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RTSP............................. Real Time Stream
ing Protocol

SDK............................... Software Development Kit

D •. ......•. ...........,. Session Description p t

SIP........................ Session Initialization Protocol

SMS..............................Short Message Service


UDP..................... User Datagram Protocol

USB ............ ......... Universal Serial Bus

VCR.. . . ................ Videocassette Recorder

VHS........................Video Home System

Video Motion Detection

VPTZ.. ............... Virtual Pan-Tilt-ZOOlTl

BASED HO ME Page vii


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1.1 General Overview

Home security, are measures that
protect an individual's home and family. In developed
countries, including Ethiop the Police low
ia, and Fire Departments provide, along with relatively
Crime r£ttes, a sense of S£safety if1 Our daily livi S. Crime or violence is alw£tys be real threats
regardless of whether we are in a take
normal situation or after a disaster. However, people can
precautions to discourage burglary, home
invasion, rape or murder.

The current securitysystem, specifically, the well-known CCTV, consumes a lot of resources
such as memory, due to nonstop recording. Verily, they are efficient but it takes a while
before one gets back to locate the precise time
where an event happened in the area under
One has to rewind and fast forward, going back and forth to search a particu)ar scene and that
takes a lot of time and effort. Furthermore, time is needed to keep watch of the activities
going on via the screen. Something may be happen rig but due to negligence and human errors it
may pass by without been noticed, until something happens. Then the search begins without any
idea of where to start searching with lots of videos to go through. As such, much attention
and concentration is required to avoid missing important and significant activities.

Ethiopia is currently attemptinga broad expansion of lietwork access throughoutthe country, and
many individuals and organizationasre now subscribed to a broadband service.

As a team we came together to create an integi'ated system, that uses communication

infrastructure and IP camera which is efficient and cost effective and accessible to every
individual that iequiies one

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1.2Problem Statement
Current security system consumes a lot of resources. CCTV enhances security but is for £t
ring and searching
from the installation up to the maintenance and analysis. MonitO gh
a f d focus, going throu
particular event or a clip is labor intensive as it requises concentration l
hours, or even days, of recordings. Moreover, as the recorded scènesare
continuoUS, it ke

consuming space, which increases the cost of maintenance, cost Of gp or storage {})ed UŸ 9
t e
has happened.
R £t
technician labor fee, and so on. Another issue is identifyingwhere the Scene
place whereby a subject moving or conducting an act iS far from the camera, the place can
spotted, but then not clear.

1.3 Objective of the Project

l.3.t General Objective cost effective solution

œ infrast1‘UCture to develop il

This project aims to utilize th OlTl unications viable, off the shelf
npleiuented as a
for home security using an IP Camera. The system is ii
consumer product.

1.3.2 SpecifiC Objectives

The goal of this project is to that features
ement an automated home security camera system
motion sensing capabilities.
ability to record
affordable security camera systelr which has the
‹i• To have an easy,
is detected
video/imageswhen mOtion
computerrunning the application.
Video is stored on the loCal
end user to any lrotioll that is detected via email, sound alarm or a
: Able to notify the screen
popup displayed to the
is nsparent and automated, as in the honte user did not have to deal •ith
•:• The software tra
is installed.
the software once it
ljrity so that there is no exiia liardwai'e reqL1ired fol t 1iS sySte
It I educes the cost Of Si2C
to woi'k. I.e. storage.


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° J’
.4 aterial require "
p r a f a st
Smits delta Ov

IP camera: - camera is a networked digital videocamera th£l

t . lP C
ink. IP cameras may be monitored via web browser, i-k
available on web network. camera—›•• IP

1.5 Significance of the project

life. Similar1y.
t s S
any project €j ipplifies pe 3P e’
aim is to solve a problem and find the way l p¡y jgi çlg risk S<C
h as discoura
role in
design of home surveillance system play important evable
people to USA
traditionally unbeli
burglary, home invasion, rape or murder. Our mUnicgtion
that usesCOm
ti2chnology. AS a team we came together to create an integrated tO very
afld accessible
iflfrastr GOSt C i and e Gt e doing
ucture and lP camera which is efficient and erience €iwledge Whil
many exp
individual that requires one. Not only that we got coeci a1i ce in our field Of
gives us hope andSQ nfiden zatÎOn.

the project. Surely speakinp• it

1.6 Scope of the project amera syste {Ïj. Th•‹ efor the
automate sed hoinl security c
We have developed fully hO
broad band internet access.
scope of the project is limited U

@$ers and which have

1.7 O r p$ n uitt iOO Of e

Pr j RC S
t 2 describes the baclcground and
h folÎOWÎ!8g chaptei's: Cha
t e
The project ÎS Organized,¡Ch the relät 1 O eCts iinpJelââCnted
pieviously to th is prOje t ’e
e ature review i 1 d P’ J
des rôti
lit r ogy used Îil OUr pi oject Cliapter 4 deal s with
d«ta: with the deals with the result of the system and thC
discussed. Chaptero
£t d
tation O the prOject. of the pi oject.
sorts a ClC£tr COncI usion and i ecoinmeizdation
result. ä pt I2r 6
discussion Of the
endafi OU
Ch£tpter 7 desc1'ibes
the fUtlJre wOrk and recomir

Page 3
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2.1 Background

ptOf Our daily

Nowadays, many intelligent applications with multiple functions are becoming p
communications technC g›
lives due to the deve(opments in networking, computing, £tfl d
p(j hOfHefl
security, stlCh
Surveillance systems are utilized in many places for publiC £1te

n beings
banks, supermarkets, and environments which are
azardo r ina ccessi bl e for huma
h us O

(for example, in environments which with poisonous gases, Of ver y } or high te>Pe'atU'e )‘
;qpp} jc£ttion s are
w rk based
Since computers and network are widespread, many new ni t O
on of
home surveillanc e system s are u sed in it small fracti
appearing in our homes. Although more
creasing £tS more and
number of people deploying such systems is gradually in
homes, the
y systems provided only entry
functions are implemented by such a system. While initiall such
depai’tlTle ).
alarms (to deter theft) or smoke & fire illarms (to automatically summon the fire
later systems incorporated temperature etc. These
measuiements, detectors for water leaks,
enable the
, provide improved security, and
systems help people manage their homes more easily
around their home.
home owner to know What happens inside or

rig system may include video cameras, terminals, sensor’s,

A home surveillance/monitori
More generally, such a system can be used for monitoring or contro11
“ actuatois, and severs.
ing t £tp$fers datafrom sensors to a server, from wh icli the user
devi ces. Typically, till Ret °* '
call he user can send commands via the server to sensoi's
request information. Similarly,t
devices. These systCms ili‘e incre 1Si»gl y CC!nneCted V ia a gateway (with
iators to control

t. As a i esrllt, horne owners can both mow itor theii’ horses and control
fi rewall) to the interne
t Ot P e k
devices in the ii‘ liOll4 *' ' e '°'er'°e "'' ' e'’' ' C' '

ystems based Ol1 JP net\\ oi ks have becoille mainsticaiza )›i oducts ill i“ccent }’cat s.
s irveil lance s
f i aild other fot ills of data can be ti ansoJ itted in i eLtl time throu •l the
Ly g, rtu›vbc‹s
;yt -¿t// oi- intei net. MO/“e vCi, the sui”vcilIance systcm IiaS gr¿tdUItI y cvol ved fi-one only the
•1t\2! igf2 1‹ i anageizzent system conzpai cd to
1S I2
Traditi0i1al sccur ity izaC! !" !1 *Ll!^C!iC" ' * ' ^eC C•’



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analog surveillaflCe system,
ä *et+Oi
ked su>eiIlance system is more reliable, flexible £tnd lO wer
in cost. B ecause of the il
ppliCation centric , few
design Of these networked surveillance systems
Software and hardware Y£tD be easj
ly added accordingly to the user's specific needs.

2.2 ONVIJ Technology

Opefl Network Video Interfac
e For l• (ONVIF) is a global and open industry forum that
introduces global open standard
s for the interfaces of physical lP-based security products. Due to
it Je£lt f1eXibility, ONVIF technology ljq
s become increasingly popular [12].

Benefits of ONVtr:

Interoperability: The standards

• ensure that the products of various manufacturers al'e

• Flexibility: The end-users and integiators can create a system with differentproducts Of
different manufacturers.Currently there are more tlian 2500 products Compatible wÎth
ONVIF Standards.
• Future-proof: Products from different compan ies can communicate with each other,
therefore you can use the products even if the manufacturer closes their productiOIJ.
• Quality: There is a qualitv standard that pi oves that youi product is li ig)i-qualit and cale
be trusted.

llnw ONVIF Works

ONVIF itself is an organization started in 2008 by Axis Conaiiiunication, Bosch Security

Systems and Sony. The participants worked out a security system standai‘d, called ONV lF
System to make security globally Starldaidized. An ONVI F system consists of one or more IP
F Standard test), a Local Ai ea Netwoi k (LAN), a sei'vei it)
cameras (that have passed the ON VI
ON VI F handler softwaie vvoi‘kii g as Network Video Recorder (NVR), a bi'oadband Inter net
PCs. The‹c may /C /Lll ‹hei- i equii en e›Jts depcnding
ComaO.ction, and onc oi more client o/ tttC'

oxviF Service you Wish to use

ONVI F is a standardisation that iHClUdeSfeatures of

AU li w£ls iventioned abOVe,

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• IP configuration
• Device discovery
• Device management
• Media configuration
• Real time viewing
• Alarm handling
• PTZ control
• Video analytics
• Security

2.3 Related Work

urity sySte<
These are previous worked approaches of video surveillance systems for homi2 SeG

A. VCR-Based Analog CCTV Systems

were conn Cted
Tilt traditional analog CCTV system involved the use of analog cameras that
camei a needed its OO'lâ
a VCR for recording video. The system was coiiipletely analog. Each
Wa5 not compressed, and
coaxial cable to connect fi oin the carriera all to the VCR. The video
when recording at full frame rate, one tape lasted a maximum of eight

multiplCxei combined the video signals

In largei systems, multiplexers becanae commonplace. A
uultiplexed video signal. This made it possible to record even iiioi'e
from several caine1’£lS luto a i
device. The multiplexei also made it possible to map selected caiiieras
camei'as, ’ofteli 1.6 on one
S in a control room. ( AiniflU, S., Abba, l. M., Dodo, B. 1., Cruz, M.
to specific viewing wolf ÎtOl
T. D., & Eaganatliali, U)

p;pure 1 VCR —based a nalog CCTV system

IjASrI7 „osin sunvr.ILLANCE

Page 6

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The drawbacks of OCR-Based Aflalog CcTV
Systems include:

x• Limitations in scalability
•• The need to maintain VCRS and
manually change tapes.
•I• The quality of the recordings
deteriorated over time.
•. The cameras, for a long time, were also black and white. Today, mOSt
cameras are in color.

B. DVR-Based Analog CCTV Systems

äd OU
A surveillance system with analog cameras connected to a DVR, which includes the q!I
multiplexer functionality and provides digital recording. By the iTlÍd-1990s, the
surveillance industry saw its first digital revolution with the introduction of the DVR. The
t t d lfld
with its hard drives, replaced the VCR as the recording medium. The video WaS digi J
then compressed to store as many days' worth of video as possible. Standard comp Upali D£f V
Illgt3ritlims such as MPEG4 became available and widely accepte
d. .( Prof. R


Figure 2 VR-based analog CCTV systems

DVR systemprOvidedthe followin g majoi advantages:

The inti’Oduction of t12C

•-• No tapes and tape changes

‹• consistent t“eCoiding qUality
• i ecoi ded video
to quickly scaich II lough
• Transmit tl1c digital video ovei longei distances (using phone modem)


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Although the ability to monitor the video remotely via a PC was a great benefit, the actUal
functionality was not extremely useful because

s• very low frame rates,

•• low resolution,
•• Highly compressed video, which made the video more or less useless

C. Network DVR-Based Analog ccTV Systems

DVRs were eventually equipped with an Ethernet port for network connectivity. This intr
network DVRs to the market and enabled remote video monitoring using PCS. Som Ie C' l

DVR systems in use today enable the monitoring of both live and recorded video, whereas
SOm*J allow the monitoring a
of only recorded video. Furthe1'more, some systems require
d Web browSer; the
Windows client to monitor the video, whereas others use a standar

makes remote monitoring more flexible.( Raghu Raja Kalia, Preeti Abrol, 1EEE, (2014))

F:g••e 3 Network DYR-based analog CCTV systems

also had some inherent
Although DVRs provided great improvements over VCRs, they

tasks such as the digitization of video front all
•:• The DVR was burdened with irany
on, recoi'ding, and networking.
carnelas, video coirpressi
•;• J w£1s a "black box" solution, that is, proprietary hardware with pret oaded

$ ftu‹ai‘e, Which often foi'ced the end usei to soui ce spare paris fi om one

rna nufactuier, iTläki lg maintenance and upgrading expensive.

ed etnvofik Video Systems

p. Vid•• Encodei‘-Bre N



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The first step into £t fl etw€irked
Video system based on an open platform came with the
introduction of the video encoder, whiCh IS
also often called a video server.
A video encoder connects to a
nalog Cameras and digitizes and compresses the video. It then
Se>d3 the Vide 3 t3ver an IP network Vjä m8!8l8!
II network switch to a PC server that runs video
gemeflt Softwarefor monitoring the
£lndrecording. This is a true network video system because
Vid o is Coflsistentlysent
over an IP fletwork. In essence, the tasks previously p rformedby
the DVR are now divided up - with
the digitization and compression being done by the video
encoder and the recordingby the PC
server - thus providing better scalability .( Touaibia.1, AZ2ag•E,
Narjes.OlEEE, 2D14.)

0*i t Cabl iris

Figure 4 Video encoder-based network video systems

A video encoder-based network video system has the following advantages:

Use of standard network and PC server hardware for video recording and
management Scalability in steps of one camera at a time
Possibility to record off site
F uture-proof because the system is expanded easily by incorporating network cameras

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3.1 Descrbtion of Methodology

g langu£tBeS
This security system is developed usinghho of the most powerful programi y
d IP C£t er-
which is c-sharp, OZEKI camera SDK and it is fully functional with hardwarecalle
OZEKI camera SDK allows us to use the standards of ONVIF functionalities.ThiS
frSt receives continuous image frames from t a temple ir•i'ge
he IP camera. After that it stores
then compares it with the previous image. If it detects frame difference (detects m i° 1) ’

records a video and notify the user using email and sound alarin.

image input irom camera

Retûeve image Fom camera “

Store a templete image

start frame comParison

$,gg ¿ p¡dgrani of netnvork based liomc seCurity system

Page 10

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3.1.1 IP Camera
IP camera is a networked digital Vide came
o rathat transmits data over a fast Ethernet link.
"'•er-S• ly
be •C'•itC'°t2d *ill any web
brow$et, . GamT a signal on web network.
¡.e I P available
They receive, send and transfer the piCtur
e (video signal) directly via IP networks, thus
enabling t
he £luthorized viewers to see, save £tnd m ag
£t n e the video through standard

base network. It is connected to the ne

infrastructure of IP twork and it has embedded web
cameras are easily connected to the existing
server, FTP server IP infrastructure,they have POE
ability — power charge through network cable (data and power charge go through one network
cable). It has lOw cabling requirement, digital zoom

3.1.Z Wh£lt íS CL programniing?

C# is a modern, general-purpose, object-oriente
d programming language developed by MÍCfOSO)Í
and approved by European Computer (ECMA) and
Manufacturers Association
International Standards Organization (ISO). C# was developed by Anders Hejlsberg and his
team dui‘ing the development of .Net Framework. We have chosen C# in our project. Since
C# is a powerful, simple, structured, modular and flexible programming language. Like
all programming
languages, it can be used to create a variety of applications. Your potential with C# is
limited only by your imagination. The language does not place constraints on what you can do.
C# has already been used for pi ojects as diverse as dynamic Web sites, development tools,
and even compilers.

The following are the list of important feattiies of C# and widely used in our impleme!•tation:

â• Standard Library
â• Properties and Events
•.• Easy-to-use Genei‘ics
•:• Indexers
•.• Conditional Coisipi Jo IO
ü• Simple Multitliieading
•l• Integi‘ation Wlth WindowS

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3.1.3 V:avalStudio
oft ViSUal Studio is an integrated development environment (IQE) Microsoft. It iB

b Sites, web
Used to develop computer programs for Microsoft WindOWS, aS will as w
applications and web services.

V i sual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such aS Windo

windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, ght.
Windows Store and Microsoft Silverli
ViSual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion COITI )
as ger
well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debug
and a GUI
machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a forms designer for bUilding
applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. VÎSual Studio
different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to SU • ‹t• y"lg
V tr

degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. B
in languages include C, C++ and
C++/CLI (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic
and C# (via Visual C#). Support for other languages such as Python, Ruby, Node.js, and M
among otlaers is available via language services iiistalled separately

3.1.4 OZEKI Camera SDK

OZEKI Camera SDK is a software development kit that allows you to build webcans and IP
camera based solutions. It can handle USB cameras, RTSP, IP cameras, and ONVIF IP camei-
as. It can be easily included in any software developed in .Net. OZEKI Camera SDK is used to
develop ’any camera application that fits our needs. OZEKI’Camera SDK is based oii ON\
standards so it is compatible with other standard based pi oducts. Using OZEKI Calmer a
,SDK you can create ONVIF-based IP camera sofiwate, such as IP camera viewers. network
ideo recorders, notion detectors, network video analytic systems, etc

NETwoni‹ nASrn HoMn sunVEILLANCE

Page 12

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outsta lding fuflCtÍORalities of OZEKI camera SDK
following examples demonstrate how yCtu can use
The camera SDK ÍO P -eyO '
solutiorl like these [12)'
monitoring system by building some useful IP camera or IP camera £t
camera, RTSP camera
3• Video camera viewer: How to connect to a USB
view their image, play their audio, etc.
Of!8Oçtt£tÍ 9 tilt •ertical
•:• PTZ camera motion control: How to adjust the angle (pafl h
or limit movement of an IP camera, plus more possibilities. buffer based
nt circul ar
‹t• Network video recorder: How to take a snapshot, or impleme
video recording, etc.
adjUSt mOt O ' detection
â• IP camera motion detection and alarms: How to set up and
os/phOtOSto art FTP
s eflSi tivity, handle alarms and in case of an alarm hOw tO uplOad vide
server or send them as and e-mail, etc.
NVIF II C£tmera from a SIP
IP camera's stream to SIP Video call: How to call an O
of the IP
video plione, or lnake an alariu call to it and broadcast the image
G£tm er à

IP camera users, confi gure

- m camera configuring remotely: How to create and manage
its network settings, etc.
into ONVIF; send VÍd CO tO
fi• IP camera server: How to turn USB ot RTSP cameras
cellphones, etc.
ONVIF IP cameras on LAN and
ü• IP Camera Manager funetiORS: How to discover
remote network, connect to a denote network, query detailed IP camera information and

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4.1 Proposed Solution
The primary goal Of this project is to
develop a fully ilUt€tmated home security system using a
standard, commercially available Ca
IP mera and communication infrastructure. We minimize the

d £1 b£tGk Of CCTV Camera by providing remi3 e access (real time streaming ) and recording the
video if some intruders inter into the
camera view. This system mainly focuses on motion
detection to m j{ljlT1iZlng the st
orage cost. lt iS b tSed on IP (internet protocol) cameras that tlJlTl
the analog camera image and audio into
digital data then transmit this data over LAN or through
the I lterFlet.
This video surveillance softw£tre is an enhanced version of home security system
that COntiriuously monitors and remotely
views but only records unusual changes in the home.
Thèse unusual changes may include theft detection or fire detection in offices or home. The
software application acquises, analyze and record images taken from the security cairera. This
software analyzes consecutive video fraises sent from the cainera and detett any changes
occurring witliin the viewing frame of the camera. When a change is detected, the software is
then save the acquired image securely to a folder on the computer with an appropriate time
stanap as soon as the system catches any unusual activity it takes steps and informs the usei by:

Sending notification to the usei about an unusual aetivity.

W Lending an image Of the activity to the users so that lie may check the problem seriousness
and i eact accordingly. The nain advantage of the system is that it instantly alerts the user
about bill y susplCIOUs activity at the place and iequires much less oi no storage space as
coinpared to th traditionäl sdf ’*ei›»;jCi SySlelii. The finislied product must be ab1 lo opeiate

with an £lhvays

ppl jntelnet con laection YPiC£tl EthiopianliOire owFler, using a cont mercially available
O e b* eC ><£l 3$d hS•ll friendly. The sotte ai e iS
broadband paCkoSt
°"S ""e " 1

d, as in thé UCrue USTVlS ›‹Ot '*e de£l ›oith the software once it iS
ti £1f1spi3 C lt rend automate

Scanned by CamScanner
4.2 video strea ming
is content sent in compressed form ed by the
over the Internet £l nd display t
Stream‹»g video flOt have tO

n real time. With streaming video or streaming media, a Web user does d ata af1d 'S
a file to play it. Instead, the media is sent iR a continuoiis StreaiTi
to download ssed äRd
og that uncompre
iS ä S ecial l ents äf}d
p}gyed aS it arrives. The user needs a player, which e statem methOdS Of
data to the display and audio data to speakers. Som
sends video (l the
i r the imag °
help of this vi qwe123")• th'S
video streaming are: videoViewerWF 1.Start (): with the tiser ,
.112.109:8080" "
cUI is displayed. Camera=new IP Camera ("192.168
er of the class.
as a private memb
has been declared
method initializes the camera device thatwe evice,
used arguments are the following: first,
then need the lP address of the d the necessary
camera.VideoChannel, i g•

username and password. Connector. Connect Ur IP camera

recei ve frO*°*
the help of this method the connection between the image that we O n the
iJjjqg e of the c£tm <
IS used for displaying th
and the image provider object which
use this method in order
Graphical User Interface is established. Camera. Start (). You should
receive image from the camera.

4.2.1 Protocols needed for video streaming

the re ctive
Is a generic term. a standard that describes how participants communicate with
between computers that commun icate with
each other? For transmitting audio and video packets
(RTP) is used worldwide. But before audio or video
media are
each other the Real-Time ProtocOl
pro)ocols need to use to fi nd the remote device and to
transmitted between computers,othCr
media is transmitted between the two devices. These are
define the means by which
ca!1 such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
connection used
Those are protOCOIS rOl ONVI F

is IETF signaling protocol used foi‘ lnultimed ta

$IP: Session Il4ltÎätÎOR ProtoCol (SIP)
and video calls over lnternet Protocol (IP). S lP can be
cOirirunication sessions siich as voice
two-party (unicast) or irultiparty (multicast)
Used foi‘ creating, modifying and terrninating
telephone call, multiiaiedia distl‘ibuiion, »i1ltimedia conference
sessions. For exairple, ilâtCrnet s.
iflSt»i meSsaging etc.


PGge 15

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Scanned by CamScanner
PfOtOGOl (UDP) belongs to Suite that is a set
jjjjp: The User DatagfälT1 the lnternet ProtoGol
rs to send me
network i"O tOCOISfor the Internet. UDP makes it possible
for the compUte
Se S ¡ vé application s
{y 1 t
p sup ri not necessary. Tim e-
poses that error checking nd correction is of Waiting
tS instead
ystem that prefers droppif s paCk
often employ UDP as real-time s
delayed ones.
+t O"
sur: The Session DeSC'i"iption Protocol (SDP) conveys ÎnfOfffl ! Op StreamS in
ate in the
scriptio n to @ * G
multimedia sessions in order to allow recipients of a Session de k
ces in other rietwor
also describe conferen
session. It is mainly used in inter-network but it can
ndalone form I -
environments. SDP is often used together with RTP, SIP or as a Sta

RTSP: The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is srl l that ÎS

pplication-level protOCO
ieS. RTSP provides
used/can be used for controlling the delivery of data with real-time propert
an ata S ch as
extensible framework to enable controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time d , "

and video. Sources of data can include both live data feeds and stored eli S.
that is applied for
RTP: Real-time Transport Protocol specifies a standardized packet format
transmission of multimedia data such as audio and video over the Internet. RTP
end-to that
end multimedia data delivery with real-time characteristics.Pi-actically it means
With the
implementation of RTP it is possible to deliver interactive video or audio data.

RTCP: The Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) is a companion protocol of the
Real time Transport ProtoCr›l (RTP) the one used to send and receive roost media over IP
these days. RTCP gathers statistics for a media connection and infoi iaaation. RTCP gives
information on transmitted octet and packet counts, lost packet counts, jitter, and round-trip
delay time.

H323 Protocol: H.323 is an ITU VOIP protocol. It provides a foundatiola for audio, video,
and data coirmunications across IP-based networks, including the Inter net. It is irnpleiaaented
by voice and video conferencing equipmcnt naanufacturers, real-tilTle applicatÍOl3S ãl3d is
deployed worldwide by sei-vice providers and enterprises for both voice and video services
over 1P
nets orks.


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4.3 Video Motion Detection (V5@j)

This is a way demarcating action in an area,by examining
information and contrasts in various
images. VMD is usually used as a stand-alone
system and at times reconciled with
various identificati on framework s, which can either be
assembled into a grid film feature or
to go withvideo administration SO are. The logic behind VMD systems is for the
made good
processor to enduringly screen the cameras ifl the application. Furthermore, in ideal world
detection devices do not give false notification,unlikelyit is not, and some product of
defects must be minimized to the best and
deformities produced. These adequate level to
achieve the main goal of the system
There are basically four sub-fun
ctionscarried out sequentially to do the functionsexpected of
the system which are:

Capturing: Accomplished using a IP camera

(WC) that ceaselessly gives a sequence of video
frames with £trtiCular speed of FPS (frames per second). To detect motion, the system initially
has to captui-e live video frames of the scene and region under surveillance.

Comparison of Frames: This stage is for checking if there is motion from the live feed
captured. To do so, the system compares the frames obtained through the WC with one another
in order to detect variation in the frames and sequentially exert the presence of motion. On
confirming presence of motion, it is time for the next step to carry on.

Storing the frames: If motion is detected the next action expected of the system is to store this
kind motion for the client viewing later. This h'elps the user in that he cart provide a legitimate
confirmation in case of any inappropi iate action, since the video footage can be utilized as

evidence to the authorities, police and even in courts of law.

iroveiaient is detected, attention of the user is
Notification of Motion: When the i'equiied and

Q£ty w lit to be told instantly of an intrusion or suspicious irioveinent detected iii the premises

Li nder sui’vei1lance,
and thus, a CilUtion on system is added to the system. The alarm s

stent iflstantly triggei's an MP3 foi mat audio file alert signal once notion is detected,
and th1s

soil Elf SoCU’ ty b’e£1pJ £1a hot sth»i.

i1it£ltes the pi eventiOil Of any

Scanned by CamScanner
4.3 {{i if the
Video Motion Detection jp works aneOuslyit judges
s Hot t area simult
and monitors the high priority targe
TheSystemworks24X7 ce Gä Lised by hUm8
G Î !t
' ’
ftviron e disturban
rri nt change or any other
changé 'S C
ber O each blOGk’ S
place by dividing the image frame into N num f bl Gk . Then
adjaeent pixels are compared with the lOCks.
Centre and its {jjp[9U im£!ge (Ti) b
corresponding t g different lumi £t I
S havin
pparing the image frames we count the number of iX
All, C


Current Frame TemplateFrame

Figure 6 Block colRparison pixel by pixel

Sumination(C) of pixels having gl’CàtCi luiaiinaNce value of each blocl‹ is done and is conapai ed
with the thi eshold (òt) value. If threslaold value IS lOSS than the val die of |aixels that describe the
claange ili the lurninance of the image fi anae (òt < C) then it shows that the intrusion iS
or any unauthorized object is dctccted in the target area. Else t
if hreshold value is greater
than tlaC
v£tlue of pixels descri bing the change in the lum inam ce of frame (Al > C) mien the

image is updated After dCteCtÎ log äU ilJtl‘USIOlâ or any disturbance in tai get QNC£t
tire syston noti

the user/admin istrator via SMS and action is taken by them accoi fi es
d iljg] The user can access the

Scanned by CamScanner
Scanned by CamScanner
System remot
inistrator can take
ly and view the area by real time streami
t2 Then user/Adfn
required action by
performing operations such as p }ym e
4 3.2 Moti Oti Detection 0
Motion detection algorithrnlgoritb ms cedure in which t
he S
refers to thWapproaeh or pro l detectiofl i
made, how the Motion other words can be said
system verifies the presence of rnOtiOn, which in variety in
to be the steps in which an extensive
motion is been detected. They are the sUpp rt for
C puter vision such as Objects and clamping
visual surveillance, recognition arid ti tcking
streams. If it is faulty, the ain objective not achieved.
whole system is not run well arid the m
e to
Thresholding: ThÎS Compares the current frame with the pl0vious fram . It JS adaptiv
moving eamera appJications as distinctive protests and movements give diverse qualities of
that are not constant on the whole image. The verification is done separately on every pixel or on
minor hinders of pixels to detect the presence of motion. lt is easy to implement value, though it
has some limitation as it produces false alarm, caused as a result of false detection due to noise

Thresholding itself is subdivided into six main sections based on the information they exploit:

•• Histogram Shape-based: case the tops, valleys and arches of the smoothed
histogram are dissected
n• Clustering-based: here the dull-level specimens are bunched in two sections as
background and foreground object
•.• Entropy-based: This algorithm use enti'opy of the moving object and backgi'ound
locales, and so forth
fi• Object attribute-based: Mcasures the similitude between the gi ey sc£t1e And the
iepi escalations, such as fuzzy shape sirn ilat ity, edp•e foftU itous event, and so on.

.• Spatial: This method uses h igher-or der 9i Clbab1i ity d isseinination or

cor iespondence between pixels

•?• Local: where it adapts the edge esteern old cvei'y pjye| tO é C
tir n ärby to the local
image charactei istics.

ThresboJd iiiotion deteCt ion algoi'itl1m steps ai [ J 0]:

StC|3 I: Get the camera input.


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Gray Scale
input image nto
Step 2: Convert the
G(x,y)=0.299*Fr(x,y)+0.587*Fg(x,y)+0.l44*Fb(x,y) he Souare blOCk With
ited iflt t
y sc ale a l S*& C

Step 3: The images after converting to gra

e t re U ber e S N
f i*
' ‘

"‘ ' ’ ’ block by US"lg °
ge the
Step 4: Calculate the Absolute difference ima of

Dn(x,y)= l, |Wn(x,y)-Bn(x,y)>tT


(x,y=0,1,.....,N-1 N:window blOck size)

b block
e ch an ge r ate y
each dif ference imag
to store
Step 5: One-dimensional array declared
R(n) and initialized to 0.
tO 0.
Step 6: Declaredthe integer variable c to calculate the degree of chan
ge and Initialized
for the block differen ima
ge (Dn).
Step 7: Repeatthe steps 8 and 9

use the formUla.

Step 8: For background change
N2 k=0
R(n)=R R(n)+ I ,C CI 1,d Dn(k) > At

R(n)-1, therwise

of R(14) eSS th£ln ‘-1 ’, the backgi‘OUl2d image of the block is updated.
Step 9: If the value

ence ilrage is created at this time then it is initialized to 0.

Step 10 if the dil‘fei

4.3.3 Uses of D
Rel ieve operators fi orn Evoi l‹ load of watching ovei ounzerous camet as that way not
update foi a long pei iod
as of the pi ogi and
••• Monitol all tlic scencs h on camel
•:• kcacting to any suspiCiOUsactivity in the scene
+ i‹ed ‹i›e"' ‹°a° ,›* • °° '• d

Page 20

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4.4 Video Recording
i d ar
a1g orithM• Th r eflt
n de t ection -2,
This software records a video according to motio -1, JvfPE G
Thos e are j tPEG, jvfPEG e£t
p d from
of digital video formats for recording a video. g hOVide. S• C''

nd H.264 (AVC). We used MPEGm digital t

o fOFm It for

jGti8> b
the IP camera on the server device.
W C motion pred
object-based encoding, '
handles a e e

e ce ig.t "'y * '

ü• MPEG-4: introduced
G 4 Oife s an
dI fifliflg objects within the field of view ¡ yed
¡vtPEG-4 S monlY deplo
eme GO

relative to network bandwidth and storage requir ard defi 1 t'° 1
ifl onti»Qi tO be
IP video surveillance. MPEG-4 may c

Some statements and methods of this module are:

ü• Start Video Capture (): Creates a string that and time t,then uses its
the actUal date o bj ec subscri bes
inİtializes the M pi2g4ReCorder
parameter to complete the path. the
betw een th
y media channels and
to its events and establishes the connection

Mpeg4Recorder object.
rder_Mu1tiplexFi nished (): Terminãt S £t connections and Closes
ü• Mpeg4Reco
recorder object. the connections
method and termin£tteS
Stop Video Capture(): Calls a multiplexing

4.5 Notification (Slamming)

functionali ty which alerts the user using entail or
This software has ã]SO


to speech sound
How tO convert text string
Ut Id P*OdUC*S >UdlO St*’* ** US OUt9Ut- S9eeCl*
ch syntliesizer takes text as iiâ9
I in

as text-to-speech(TTS).
Syljtliesis iS also referied to

perform Substantiaalnalysis and processinp• to accurately convert a string

A Synthesizer must
of ),£t-aCtel's i»tO all audio stream thatSoriiids just as the words ould be spoken. The easiest
way to iir gi •• lOw thiS works is to pictui'e the front end and back end of a two-par t system [ 1
1 ].

Scanned by CamScanner

Scanned by CamScanner
Text Anaiysn
The front end s
analyzes a string
g gUage rules. lt
pecializes in the analysisof text natur al1 '}i h, bUt Ü t easy in
Of charactersto determine to dO il Eng S
where the words are (which is easy like
languages such as Chinesean ijtnmatical deta
d Japanese). This front es (j
O t pC;ufls, numbers, ilHd SO
end also figur
rop er
For instance, which wordsare p
functions and parts of speech.
fOfth; where sentences begin nor £t statement; d whether
and end; whether a phrase is a questio
a statementiS past, present, or
future tense.

All of th
se elements are critical to the selection Of appr opriate p ronunCiations a8 d intonations

a rising
for words, phrases, and sentences. Consider that in English, a question osualJy ends W3th
pitCh, or that the word ”read” is pronounced very differently depending on its Clearly,
text fntO
understanding how a word or phrase is being used is a Gritical aspectof interpreting
sound. To further complicate matters, the rules are slightly different for each language. S8, >
you can imagine, the front end must do some very sophisticatedanalysis.

Sound Generation

The back end has quite a different task. It takes the analysis done by the front end and,
through some non-trivial anaJysis of its own, generates the appropriate sounds for the input
text. Older synthesizers (and today's synthesizers with the smallest footprints) generate the
individual sounds algorithnaicaJJy, resulting in a very robotic sound. Modern synthesizers,
such as the one in Windows Vista and Windows 7, Windows 8&8.1 use a database'of sound
segments bui It fi-orri

hours and hours of recorded speech. The effectiveness of the back end depends on how good it is
at seJecting the appropriate sound segments for any given input and smooth ly sp licing them


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5.1 Video streaming module sS
This module is used to view the video of the IP camera O 1 it ppli Ggtio.. To a*ce e

camera, you need to the following three things:

The IP address of the camera

Username of the camera
Password of the camera
de I.t
By entering these three parameters correctly
this can access dTld VI
is being captured by the IP camera.


age z3

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5•2 VIdeo recording m p
ThlS lS tht second m d e
Odule of this
project which records a vide o ilb t Ct th
at StartS
if there is an ) ion until the
<Ot' n £tl ound the view of the IP ting f Ot
c£tmera. It records a video frO< the star
motion ends.

The a1armlr1g module of the owner of the system

project is used for alarming or informi81g the
that there is moving object
around the camera view according to motion
detection algorithm.

This system has two types of alarms.

S• Nearby alarming
•• Remote alarming

5.3.1 Nearby alarming

This is one type of alarm that tells the owner using speech and is used if he or she is near
computer installed with this software. It says that “motion has been detected around your
This is done by converting text string to speech sound.

5.4 Motion detection module

Motion detection in consequent images is nothing but the detection of the moving ob)ect in
the scene. In video surveillance, motion detection refers to the capability of the surveillance
system to detect notion and capture the events. Motion detection is usual ly a sofiware-based
monitoi ing algorithm which is signal the software to begin capturing the event when it detects
motions. The main goals of this module is to determine when a new object entei s the system's
field of view,
and initialize notion models for tracking that object.


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6.1 Conclusion
The result of the i ould require
mpleinentation that the network based home surveillance system c
eSS reSource
s for it tO WOrk as ex principl . The system
pected because of the motion detectiofl
only record when it detec d air" clips.
ts motion, thereby, avoiding storage of unnecessary “dea
This system is alSÇt ¿t1 e of a
*t*lTl Ind notifies the operator of motion so thilt he is awar
at tlJÎ S
t *e Site being Se
cured. The system is SLlccessfully and comp1e |y ijJjplem (lted. Therefore,
stage the systems is ready for the current
the end users to stan operating. In comparison With
application of ielated features, such as era
the Spy Cam, baby cam, Level 2 multi cam
appliCation, camera Bison, and tilrlds a chance in
even with the most populat’ CCTV, this system S
the market, as it is more flexible, and gives a better management opportunity than the cuirent
market applications. Its features, like the video compression, and detecting motion before it starts
i ecording footage, put it at a better leveiage than other systeiiis. Another advantage is that,
stoi agc iiiedia, time and energy are saved all in one simple package. This application thei efoi e,
sustains that the system is an iirpioveinent and achievement added to security.

6.2 Recommendation
The IP carnei a technology allows that anyone can connect to as inany as lie want IP cameras but
on l y lie can see maximtim of one IP carver as in parallel on the camei a viewei tab of his
application. Th is project is developed only to see one IP causera at a time. Our system is

irnp leiiiented mid tested lis ing USB Cfi!J1ei as due to the availabil ity pi oblens of IP camera. Btlt to
V ¡p,p y qt- hotel i ernotcly tis img liCtwoi k,
lP cansei a iiiust be available. The system eve have

devel oped conmainstlJC bnsic lèattii es of the survei1lance. S ince the field of video sul vC lllanCC IS

VCJ•y bi’Oad. FOI’ the 1tittiie wc ivill add some intelligent featri es like iuulticaireia viewin 3. Cloud

stoi.age, face i ecogn itioo a d etc.

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r S
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Sample of code for video
streaming(Camera connection)
private void button Com
pose Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var result = myCameraUrlBuilder.ShowDialog();

if(result != DialogResult.OK) return;

tb_ c a m e r a U r l .Text = _myCameraUrlBuilder.CameraURL;

button Connect.Enabled = true;

private void button_ Connect_ Cl ick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_camera != null)





_camera. Dispose();

_camera= null;

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_camera = new OzekiCamera(_myCameraUrlBuilder.CameraURL
_camera.CameraStateChanged += _camera CameraStateChang

b u t t o n _ C o n n e c t .Enabled = false;



Sample of code for email sending

private void SendEmail(string file)


var fromAddress = new MailAddress(this.tbsemail.Text, "OZEKI");

//var fromAddress = new MailAddress("", "OZEKI")i

var toAddress = new MailAddress(this.tbremail.Text, "OZEKI");

//var toAddress = new Mai1Address("FurtunaBerhane I 2@ginai1.corn”, ”OZEK I”);

const string from Password = ”motherislove";

const string subject = "Alarm Snapshot";

const String body — "Motion detected";

var attachirentFilenanie = fi le;

v£tr attachment — new Attachment(attachinentFilename.


N Page 29

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if (attachmentFilename != null)

OS t ls
lt l C.
disposition.CreationDate=File.GetCreationTim (attaché
e l

disposition.ModificationDate —

tachée t i e'l

Sposition.FileName = Path.G etFileName(attaChme tFile'l^‘e).



es. ttñCh e'lt ;

disposition.DispositionType = DispositionTypeNam

var smtp = new SmtpClient

Host = "smtp.grnail.COIT1",

port = 587,

EnableSsl = true,

Delivei’yMethOd = SiutpD
üseDefaultCi edentials = false,

kCredentialo(ifni Addi ess.Address.

c›-«d•nti Ils= new NCtWor


HOM s r LLA E Pag 3

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using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)

Subject = subject,

Body = body



InvokeGuiThread(() => labelEirai1.Text = ”Sending successful");

catch (Exception exception)

MessageBox.Show("Error. " + exception.Message);


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