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Mock-lawgat test, March 2021, wish you all best of luck!


1. According to Constitution of 1962 _____________ was the Chief Executive of the Country?
A. President
B. Prime-Minister
C. Chief minister
D. None of these

2. According to Constitution of 1962, President was elected through___________________?

A. Parliament
B. Provincial assemblies
C. Electoral College
D. None of these

3. Between its promulgation and abrogation, ____ federal ministries changed?

A. Five
B. Four
C. Three
D. Two

4. The military dictator General _______Enacted the 1962 constitution to the country through
an executive order?
A. Ayub Khan
B. Yahya khan
C. Zia-ul-Haq
D. Agha Muhammad

5. General Yahya Khan abrogated the Constitution And imposed Martial Law in the Country
A. 25th March 1969
B. 26th March 1969
C. 27th March 1969
D. None of these

6. Power of President to promulgate Ordinances are mentioned in which article?

A. 87
B. 88
C. 89
D. 86
7. The President considers that it is desirable to obtain the opinion of the Supreme Court on
any question of law which he considers of public importance, he may refer the question to
the Supreme Court for consideration under what article president has powers to do so?
A. 185
B. 186
C. 187
D. 188

8. The Chief Justice and each of the other Judges of a High Court shall be appointed by
the President in accordance with Article ?
A. 175
B. 176
C. 175A
D. 176A

9. which article of Constitution Appointment of ad-hoc Judges are defined?

A. 181
B. 182
C. 183
D. 184

10. A Judge of the Supreme Court or a High Court may resign his office by writing under his hand
addressed to the President?
A. 204
B. 205
C. 206
D. 207
11. Its purpose is to give a complete and systematic account of that complex body of
Principles which is received and administered in the tribunals of the state is called?
A. Civil Jurisprudence
B. International Jurisprudence
C. Natural Jurisprudence
D. None of these

12. The meaning of jurisprudence under black law dictionary is ?

A. “the philosophy of positive law”
B. “skills in Law”
C. “Philosophy of Law”
D. “Jurisprudentia”

13. Salmond defines Jurisprudence as ?

A. The formal science of positive Law
B. Science of any actual system
C. “skills in Law”
D. The science of Law

14. The Historical school of Jurists was founded by?

A. Friedrich karl von savigny
B. Faton
C. Ulpan
D. Gray

15. Civil Jurisprudence is divided into how many branches?

A. Five
B. Three
C. Four
D. Two

16. Who was known as Dar-ul-Higra:

A. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal
B. Imam Yousif
C. Imam Malik
D. Imam Muslim

17. False charge of adultery is called:

A. Rajim
B. Lian
C. Qazif
D. None of these
18. Iddat in case of death of husband is:
A. 4 months 20 days
B. 4 months 10 days
C. 90 days
D. 3 months 10 days

19. A man is prohibited to marry his daughter on the ground of:

A. Affinity
B. Consanguinity
C. Fosterage
D. None of these

20. According to Pakistani law, a child is legitimate if born:

A. Within 280 days of the termination of marriage

B. Within one year of the termination of marriage
C. Within two years of the termination of marriage
D. None of these


21. No Court shall proceed With the trial of any suit in which the matter in issue is also
Directly and substantially in issue in a previously instituted suit between the same parties?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12

22. Section ___________ of C.P.C. deals with making of application to challenge the validity of a
judgment, decree or order on plea of fraud, misrepresentation or want of jurisdiction ?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12(2)

23. No appeal shall lie from any order passed in appeal under section?
A. 102
B. 103
C. 104
D. 105
24. Under Order 1, Rule 1, all persons may be joined as plaintiffs if_______________?
A. Their right to relief is same
B. They belong to same group
C. They are close relative
D. None of these

25. Order VI, Rule 15, of C.P.C. deals with_______________?

A. Amendment of pleadings
B. Verification of pleadings
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

26. Order VI, of C.P.C. deals with _________________?

A. Submission of written statement
B. Both a & c
C. Pleadings
D. None of these

27. As per principle laid down in Order VI, Rule 2, of C.P.C. Pleadings needs to state ?
A. Material facts not evidence
B. Evidence
C. On evidence not material facts
D. None of these

28. Order VIII of C.P.C. have________Rules?

A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15

29. The Order of C.P.C which deals with written statement is______________?
A. Order VII,
B. Order VIII,
C. Order IX,
D. Order X

30. Order VII, Rule 11 of C.P.C. provides_____ingredients from which deficiency of any occasion
can cause rejection of plaint?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
31. Where a plaint does not disclose cause of action_________________?
A. It can be rejected
B. It can be amended
C. It can be returned
D. None of the these

32. Order VII, Rule 9, of C.P.C. deals with__________?

A. Procedure of admitting plaint
B. Procedure of admitting written statement
C. Procedure of collecting Court fee
D. None of the these

33. O. IX, of C.P.C deals with ___________________?

A. Appearance of the parties
B. Consequences of non appearance of the parties
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these

34. VIII, Rule 13, of C.P.C. deals with____________________?

A. List of legal representatives of plaintiff
B. List of legal representatives of defendants
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the these

35. A bequeaths Rs.2,000 to B and appoints C his executor and residuary legatee. B dies and D
takes out administrations to B’s effects. C pays Rs.1,000 as surety for D; then D Sues C for
the legacy. C cannot set-off the debt of Rs.1,000 against the legacy, for neither C nor D fills
the same character with respect to the legacy as they fill with respect to the Payment of the
The illustration is given in___________________?
A. Order VIII, R. 5, of C.P.C
B. Order VIII, R. 6, of C.P.C
C. Order VIII, R. 7, of C.P.C
D. Order VIII, R. 9 of C.P.C

36. Order XXXIX, of C.P.C contains __________________ Rules?

A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11

37. In which order APPEALS FROM ORIGINAL DECREES are defined?

D. None of these

38. As per O. XXXIX, R. 5 of C.P.C. an injunction directed to corporation is binding

A. Corporation
B. Upon all officers and members of corporation
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these

39. Order XLI, Rule 13, of C.P.C. deals with notice to __________ Court?
A. High Court
B. To the Court whose decree is preferred
C. To Respondent
D. None of the these

40. Order XLI, Rule 5(2), of C.P.C. deals with ________________?

A. Stay of execution by Court which passed the decree
B. Stay of execution by Appellate Court
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

Criminal Law
41. The word “_____” includes any Company or Association, or body of persons, whether
incorporated or not?
A. Public
B. Person
C. Women
D. Men

42. The word_______denotes the person or persons authorized by law to administer executive
Government in Pakistan, or in any part thereof?
A. Servant of state
B. Government
C. Public
D. None of these

43. The _____ denotes any harm whatever illegally caused to any person, in body, mind,
reputation or property?
A. Life
B. Death
C. Injury
D. Death

44. Jurh is of how many kinds?

A. Six
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

45. Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 was enacted on _____________?

A. 16th September, 1860
B. 6th October, 1860
C. 17th October, 1860
D. 18th October, 1860

46. Minimum quantum of diyat as provided in section 323 P.P.C is___________________?

A. 30630 grams silver
B. 30600 grams silver
C. 30530 grams silver
D. 30550 grams silver

47. A in order to cause hurt strikes Z with a stick or stone which in the ordinary course of nature
is not likely to cause death. Z dies as a result of such hurt. A shall be guilty of ?
A. Qatl-i-khata
B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-amd
D. None of these

48. Definition of qatl-i-amd is given in ___________________?

A. Section 300, P.P.C.
B. Section 301, P.P.C.
C. Section 302, P.P.C.
D. Section 303, P.P.C
49. Whoever, without any intention, cause death of, or cause harm to, any person, does any
unlawful act which becomes a cause for the death of another person, is said to commit?
A. Qatl-i-khata
B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-amd
D. Qatl-bis-sabab

50. Punishment of Thug is defined in which section?

A. 326
B. 327
C. 328
D. 329

51. Section 15 of Cr.P.C deals with_______________?

A. Special Magistrate
B. Benches of Magistrates
C. Third class magistrate
D. None of these
52. Section __________ Cr.P.C empowers police-officer to break, open door and windows for
the purpose of liberation of any person?
A. 48
B. 47
C. 49
D. 50

53. Police-officer under section _______ may arrest any person without warrant who has been
concerned in any cognisable offence?
A. 53
B. 54
C. 55
D. 56

54. Under section _________ any Magistrate may direct a search to be made in his presence of
any place for the search of which he is competent to issue a search warrant?
A. 107
B. 106
C. 105
D. 104

55. Section 156-B of Cr.P.C deals with investigation against a women accused of the offence of
A. Dacoity
B. Theft
C. Zina
D. Murder

56. Section ___________ deals with information of cognizable offences?

A. 155
B. 154
C. 153
D. 152

57. Section 167, empowers Magistrate to send any accused within the custody of police upon
request of police for not more than _________ days?
A. 13
B. 12
C. 15
D. 16

58. Recording of confession of accused under section 164 on oath is ________ in the eye of law?
A. Inadmissible
B. Admissible
C. Important
D. Very important
59. Section _______, deals with appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of
attached property?
A. 406 CrPC
B. 407 CrPC
C. 405 CrPC
D. 403 CrPC

60. Which provision of Cr.P.C from the following deals with double Jeopardy ?
A. Section 402, Cr.P.C
B. Section 403, Cr.P.C
C. Section 404, Cr.P.C
D. None of above

Law Of Evidence
61. Which article of Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 deals with entries in books of account
when relevant?
A. 48
B. 49
C. 50
D. 51

62. Which article of Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 deals with whem oral admissions as to
contents of documents are relevant?
A. 34
B. 35
C. 37
D. 36

63. Which article of Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 deals with previous judgments relevant to
bar a second suit or trail?
A. 57
B. 56
C. 55
D. 54

64. Which article of Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order deals with Judges and Magistrates?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3

65. Who conducts identification parade?

A. Session Judge
B. Magistrate
C. Police
D. Doctor
66. Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order came into force on ?
A. 26th October 1984
B. 25th January 1984
C. 23rd March 1984
D. 25th December 1984

67. All statements which the court permits or requires be made before it by witnesses, relation
to matters of fact under inquiry; such statements are called?
A. Documentary Evidence
B. Oral evidence
C. Hearsay evidence
D. Ocular evidence

68. According to article 16 an accomplice is competent witness in all cases except in?
A. Roiting
B. Target killing
D. Hudood cases

69. The question is whether A and B were married. The fact that they were usually received and
treated by their friends as husband and wife is?
A. Irrelevant
B. Relevant
C. Both a & c
D. None of these

70. Rule of plea of alibi is applicable in__________?

A. Civil cases
B. Family cases
C. Criminal cases
D. None of these

71. A dying declaration is________ piece of evidence?

A. Conclusive
B. Substantive
C. Corroborative
D. Tentative

72. The question is whether horse sold by A to B is sound A says to B “Go and ask C. C knows all
about it” C’s statement is_______________?
A. An admission
B. Is not an admission
C. Depends upon C’s intention
D. None of these

73. Article 24 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat deals with__________________?

A. Relevant facts
B. Facts not otherwise relevant become relevant
C. Both a & b
D. None of these

74. Anything, state of things, or relation of things capable of being perceived by the senses
A. Fact
B. Feeling
C. Act
D. Crime

75. Article 164 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat deals with production of evidence that become
available due to______________?
A. Formal documents
B. Public documents
C. Modern devices
D. Old devices

76. When any witness turndown and record his evidence against the interest of the party who
produce it the party can make an application to the Court for declaring such person
(witness) as________________?
A. Liar witness
B. Hostile witness
C. Trustworthy witness
D. Eye witness

77. Indecent and scandalous questions during cross examinations are barred by
Article___________, of Qanun-e-Shahadat?
A. 146
B. 147
C. 148
D. 149

78. Ali an accused of a murder alleges that by reason of unsoundness of mind he did not know
the nature of the act the burden of proof is on ?
A. Prosecution
B. Ali
C. Medical officer
D. Police

79. Confession before police in absence of Magistrate is___________________?

A. Admissible in law
B. Not admissible in law
C. Depends upon circumstances
D. None of these
80. Statement made by persons to whom a party to the suit has expressly referred for
information in reference to matter in dispute are admissions in the light of
A. Article 33
B. Article 37
C. Article 29
D. Article 31

International Law
81. Who was the father of International Law?
A. Hago Grotius
B. John Salmond
C. Austin
D. Aristotle

82. Subject of international law are ?

A. States
B. Individual
C. Both a & c
D. None of these

83. Culvo clause means?

A. State can intervene on behalf of its nationals
B. State can not invene on behalf of its nationals
C. Both a and c
D. None of these

84. Pacta sunt servanda means?

A. Treaties between are not to be respected
B. Treaties between states are to be respected
C. Both a & c
D. None of these

85. Charter of international criminal court was adopted in ?

A. Rome conference 1998
B. Paris conference 1998
C. Hague conference 1998
D. US conference 1998

86. International law is not a law but only a positive morality who said that?

A. Hobbes
B. Austin
C. Oppenheim
D. Hall
87. The budget of International Court of Justice approved by?
A. International Court of Justice
B. ICJ and General accembly
C. The general accembly
D. General accembly or ICJ
88. Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in:
A. 1946
B. 1948
C. 1945
D. 1947

89. De facto Recognition is ?

A. Legal recognition
B. Recognition in principle
C. Circumstantial Recognition
D. None of these

90. Diplomatic relations are established by?

A. Mutual consent
B. A unilateral decision
C. A decision of a regional organization
D. None of these

Professional Ethics
91. A Lawyer can seek for adjournment only to?
A. Delay the course of Justice
B. For proper reason
C. With ulterior motives
D. Nothing special

92. Professional Ethics tend to Regulate?

A. The conduct of legal practitioner
B. The conduct of Court
C. The conduct of client
D. The conduct of accused

93. Where Lawyer is a substantial witness in a case in which he appearing his counsel, he must?
A. Keep on appearing as counsel
B. Refrain from becoming a witness
C. Appear as a witness
D. None of these

94. In all such cases that can be compunded he must promote between parties?
A. Litigation
B. Compromise
C. Misunderstanding
D. None of these

95. An Advocate shall not accept professional employment without first disclosing his Relation,
if any, with the adverse party, and his interest, if any, in the subject matter of Such
A. True
B. False

96. He is a lawyer who haunts hospitals, and visits homes of the afflicted, officiously intruding
their presence and persistently offering his service on the basis of a contingent fee?
A. Medico Legal
B. Ambulance Chaser
C. Forensic Lawyer
D. Contingent Fee Lawyer

97. A Lawyer may disciplined by the Supreme Court in connection with?

A. His professional conduct as a lawyer only
B. Private conduct as a private citizen only
C. His professional as well as private conduct
D. None of these

98. A judge should be like Ceaser’s wife what does this mean?
A. The judge should be ethical
B. The judge should decide cases promptly
C. The judge should refrain from making any comments in about cases pending in his
D. The judge must not only be pure but he must also appear to be pure

99. It is contract of employment between a client and an attorney for a particular service or case
A. Retainer agreement
B. Engagement contract
C. Special retainer
D. General retainer

100. The subject matter of litigation, the cause of action, and the claim or demand
belongs to?
A. Lawyer
B. Client
C. Both the lawyer and the client
D. Court

The End

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