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Pagadian City
College of Education
SMC, The Maker of Today’s Leaders in Western Mindanao
Prelim Exams in TTL 102 (2nd Sem. 2023-24)
Name: BLAYA, ANGEL MIE C. P. #_________ Date:02-21-22
Course: _BSED-Social Studies
Topic: Lesson 2 (ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Language Learning Plans)

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

 Discuss essential points to consider when integrating any ICT in facilitating language education;
 Present learning plans that integrate ICT in the learning procedures to be able to attain the
learning outcomes; and
 Plan for some activities that will help develop digital citizenship and relate this to the
development of 21st Century skills among learnings.
I. Analyzing the Salient Parts of the Learning Plan
Identify and describe the common parts of the two learning plans you have read. Write your
observations below:

Essential Parts of a Learning Plan

Learning plan is needed to deliver the productive lessons to the learner. Here are the Seven essential
parts of a learning plan:

I. Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes- The learning plan sample suggest that the first thing you
have to do is the objectives. Identifying the learning outcomes helps us build the other part of the
learning plan. It will be our guidelines to prepare a good lesson.

II. Daily Procedures– The learning plan has a daily procedure that refers to the different teaching and
learning activities in the classroom that are set each day in the class. It has suggested every activity to be
achieve each day of lesson.

III. Pre-requisite skills– This part of the learning plan refers to the basic knowledge of students that
needs to be mastered with the help of the teacher during the discussion.

IV. Materials and Resources Required for the Unit– This part refers to the materials that are used in
presenting the lesson. At the discussion we will integrate ICT and printed materials like books,
newspaper, dictionary etc.

V. Accommodation for Differentiated Instruction– During the lesson, there are some students who
need extra help, like those students who have impairments. As a teacher we have to design a learning
plan that will adjust and involve some sort of material that could be used by students with special needs.
VI. Student Assessment– In this part after the lesson assessment will be given. For example, the teacher
can ask the students explain what they understand about the lesson. This kind of assessment will assess
student of what they understand about the lesson.

VII. Summative Assessment– This part refers to the assessment administered at the end of an
instructional unit of a course. These assessments are intended to evaluate student learning by
comparing performances to a standard or benchmark. In the learning plan, we also noticed that there
are a lot of testing we can utilize for us to meet the learning goals. Some are designed for the student
with special needs
II. Learning from the Learning Plans
By the help of the following questions, share your own recommendations and observations on
how you may enhance the two learning plans.
Learning Plan 1 Learning Plan 2
Guide Report’s Notebook Panitikang
Are the learning objectives Yes, it is aligned with the Yes, the learning
aligned with the targeted target curriculum objectives and curricular
aasic education curriculum competencies because competencies are
competencies? Why do you based on what we’ve matched in such a way
say so? read and understand that students learn
they followed the based on the objectives
organization of the given and competencies
topic from day 1 today 11 provided
which has an aim to
achieve the learning
competency/ objectives
Is the plan of technology Yes, it is supportive to It supports the
integration supportive of the the attainment of the attainment of the
attainment of the learning learning competencies/ learning competencies
competencies and learning objectives because the because with the use of
objectives? Explain your integration of internet internet we can make
answer. will attain the learning lesson more interesting
competencies and the and find less difficulty to
learning objectives. the students.
Through integration of
technology, the teacher
will not find hard in
delivering lesson and the
student will engage more
to the lesson
How do you plan to use the We can used the learning We will use this learning
learning plan in teaching plan as our guide and plan in teaching because
language lessons in the pattern in teaching it will help us stay focus
future? languages and we will and improve the
improve it with the use learning outcomes of
of Innovative technology our students.
If you are to improve the plan We will still consider As a teacher we need to
for the accommodation for different technologies as Integrate technology in
differentiated instruction, how a tool for teaching like teaching for us to make
would you develop it? software and other teaching effective.
applications that are easy
to access for us and the
students We will make
sure that we provide the
correct and proper
resources for our
students can learn
What significant principles in For us, we chose the For learning plan 2, we
ICT integration do you think UNESCO’s principle of ICT choose Ratheeswarl’s
are highly recommended in Integration because they principle, in which he
developing a learning plan believed that ICT says that ICT Integration
in language teaching and Integration is not merely Improves learning and
learning? mastering the hardware teaching. It helps
and software. According teachers to perform
to them the teacher need their role as creator of
to realize how to pedagogical
organize the classroom environments.
to structure the learning
tasks so that ICT
resources become
automatic and natural
response to the
requirements for
learning. Environments in
the same way as teachers
use markers and
whiteboards in the

III. Guided by the standards and the principles of ICT integration and lesson planning principles taught in
your previous classes, develop the learning outcomes of this learning plan. Encode your daily
objectives and submit these using the course Learning Management System (LMS) portal.

Days Daily Objectives/Learning Outcomes

By performing basic ICT operations the student should be able to;
Day 1
a. Enhances their retention capability by using different information
technology tools.
b. Develop new skills and become more creative.
c. Advance informatization, not only teachers who support learning
but also students will be able to acquire knowledge and skills of IT
By using the digital resources from specified sources (learning with
Day 2 searches) student should be able to;

a. Collaborate with peers using digital platforms, explore creativity

through technological features, engage in higher-order thinking
processes, participate in inquiry-based learning, synthesize
information from multiple sources and establish a sense of online
social presence.
b. Learn from a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, which
can broaden their understanding and appreciation of different

By practicing in typing, edit and format short sentences (learning with text)
Day 3 the student should be able to;

a. Improve and learn new skills through a computer or any other

device that is keyboard based.
b. Support better learning and career opportunities in the future.
While keyboarding used to be considered an “office” skill, its scope
has recently expanded far beyond that.
c. Review their work, editing skills allow students to analyze the
quality of their work and made adjustments and improvements.
Produce and manipulate multimedia content (learning with multimedia)
Day 4 student should know that;

a. Multimedia content helps to vary and enhance the learning

process, and leads to better knowledge retention of every learners.
b. Multimedia stimulate students’ learning motivation and increase
their learning satisfaction and;
c. Providing multiple representations and cues, reducing cognitive
load, and increasing attention and motivation

Trough Compare and Contrast the difference between online platforms,

sites, and content the student should be able to know that;
Day 5
a. Online platforms support so many of our daily activities that we
have become dependent on them in our personal and professional
lives. We rely on them to buy and sell goods and services, to find
information, and to keep in touch with each other.
b. Websites provide one-way engagement, with users ingesting
whatever content the website delivers. By contrast, platforms use
expressed data capture, where users provide identifying
information by registering and logging in
c. Digital nature: Websites, online platforms, and online content all
exist in the digital space and are accessed through the internet.

IV. Shaping Life’s Purpose through an Everyday Discovery

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Days Daily Procedures

Step 1. Always starts with a prayer
Day 1 Step 2. Introduce the good and deeds of technology before performing and
always remind your students about the proper usage of the computer.
Step 3. Teach them step by step so that they can get everything coming from
the basic procedure.
Step 4. After teaching, always ask your student if they have any clarifications or
confusion about the given topic. And as a responsible one don’t hesitate to
answer them one by one because our main function is to teach and make the
new future generations learned.
Step 1. Starts with a prayer
Day 2 Step 2: divide your student into how many groups. And always give clear
Step 3. Give them time to collaborate and to easily build a bright idea . And
honestly, I have observed that, through researching there are lots of
unexpected friendship has been build.
Step 4. REPORTING. The best way to find out the accurate results specially
when it comes to research. And the best way to share about the compilation of
idea coming from a group activity.

Step 1. Starts with a prayer

Day 3 Step 2: Make sure that you prepared everything so that nothing can interrupt
when you are about to discuss and speak.
Step 3. Always remind your students that the best way in practicing typing and
editing is computer and laptops and don’t forget to introduce the keyboard.
Step 4: teach in a calm mood and guide your students specially those novice

Step 1: Always stars with a prayer

Day 4 Step 2. Keep your students understand about the good and bad effect of
Step 3. Provide educational video so that students can have more opportunities
to learn and engaged with the content. Students around the world can learn
from course content made available through video.
Step 4. Give and allow your student a pre-recorded lecture and let them give a
small reflection afterwards and;
Step 5. Allow your student to have a power point presentation during reporting
to practice their skills in PPT.
Step 1. Always starts with a prayer
Day 5 Step 2. Discuss first the previous topic to unlock the new one. And introduce
the new topic.
Step 3. Make your students active and let them provide one by one an example
about online platforms. And give your example as well
Step 4: after discussing assess your student learning in a way of giving quizzes.

V. Examine

1. Teachers also work as curricularist. As a curricularist, how do you intend to make your ICT
integration more responsive and relevant?
Through techniques like replacing chalkboards with intelligent, advanced whiteboards that use
students’ smartphones and other devices for learning, ICT has become essential to the teaching
and learning process. As a curriculum developer, educators should practice teaching cross-
disciplinary skills in related courses like Integrating research methods, articulating technical
scientific concepts in verbal, written, and graphic forma: presenting laboratory reports under the
supervision of specialists, or using emerging technologies, software programs, and multimedia
applications as an extension of an assigned project long class time and the flipped classroom
model, where students watch lectures at home on the computers or any other devices and use
classroom time for more interactive exams. By integrating ICT, educators can create new
instructional strategies that mirror the manner in which the world is evolving.
2. What is unique with ICT integration in language teaching that must be thoroughly considered
when development a learning plan?
Teachers must successfully integrate ICT literacy since it is crucial for survival in our highly
technologically advanced environment. ICT is a useful method for improving teaching and
learning. It is a technical resource for teachers, serving as a mode of classroom delivery and a
source of legitimate and useful text forms. It allows students to improve their communication
skills and learn literacy skills, including essential literacy skills. It’s a useful tool for researching
writing and reacting as well as displaying and portraying information in language teaching.
Teachers can use technology to create and customize instructional materials to better meet the
needs of individual students. Technology has encroached on the entire world and we are unable
to carry out even our most basic task without it how much more in the world of teaching and
learning. The use of ICTs in today’s education is leaning toward on integrated pedagogy.

Submission: Feb. 21, 2023 (thru: E mail.

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