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Sigourney File : 1319567906.gif-(43 KB, 256x256, 1316420578185.gif) Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:38 No.8276997 So I have this dream of opening my own business. How do I learn to run a business? Business school? I'm not starting up a huge corporation here, just a small store. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:40 No.8277009 Put on paper, what you want to achieve and what is you're going to be doing to achieve it. With as much detail as possible, then go to a bank for a small loan. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:41 No.8277016 Write a business plan and go to a bank for a loan. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:42 No.8277024 >>8277009 >>8277016 Yea but what after that? I still have no idea how to get suppliers, rent out a store, legal shit. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:43 No.8277038 >>8277009 In this day and age? You will be scrutinised up the wazoo, if your credit rating isn't perfect you won't get jack shit. If you plan on employing anybody, reconsider. The only way this can possibly ever work out for you is if you are self employed and don't have any employees. This after you have managed to convince the fat-ass bank manager that you deserve the loan in the first place. Those are the times brudda. Be prudent, wait the recession out. We're heading for a double dip so you'll get fucked if you start your own business now. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:45 No.8277045 >>8276997 >find people who run successful businesses >talk to them >A LOT - become friends, ask for advice >learn everything you can from them >start small >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:46 No.8277049 "wait the recession out" = worst advice I've ever read on this board. How is he gonna "wait" it out? By looking at his cash melt away, because Bernanke and his goons keep printing money? You're an idiot. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:46 No.8277055 >>8276997

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google "business plan" learn everything you can about making a good one if your business plan is less than perfect, you will get laughed out of any bank you walk into... >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:48 No.8277061 >>8277038 >wait the recession out yeah, that's what gives a recession staying power.... when millions of people DO EXACTLY THAT >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:49 No.8277065 >>8277049 As opposed to getting fucked by the incoming double dip and the completely batshit insane retarded interest rates on small loans just now? Waiting it out is the lesser of two evils. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:53 No.8277091 >>8276997 Ok, you can pitch your business plan to us. Show us what you've got and we'll try to help you fill in the blanks. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:57 No.8277113 >>8277091 At this point? All I have is >Open shop >Sell video games, movies, and have some arcade machines. It's not really a dream, but I have no other idea what to do with my fucking life. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:00 No.8277127 >>8277113 >>Sell video games, movies, and have some arcade machines. Terrible idea - you will NEVER be able to compete with the corporate big-dogs. Find a more specific, untapped niche. NEXT! >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:00 No.8277132 >>8277113 So you're going to be competing with Gamestop and EB Games, Netflix and pirating, and the fact that 90% of kids have a console and a computer in their house. I don't think it has a chance. I think you would do better with roofing. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:02 No.8277142 >>8277132 No gamestop's around here. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:02 No.8277144

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>>8277142 Ok, then open a Gamestop. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:04 No.8277162 >>8277127 again >video games Plus that's some expensive ass inventory to hold in a brick-n-mortar store... the overhead alone would fucking kill you. If they don't move, congrats - you own them. Trust me, this is an ASTRONOMICALLY bad plan all around. Kudos for having balls, just find something else. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:06 No.8277171 >>8277132 >>8277132 He cant compete with the labrador >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:06 No.8277175 >>8277142 You know that thing you are using right now to pedal this terrible idea to us with? It's a COMPUTER. It connects to this thing called THE INTERNET, where among literally millions of other company websites, there is a website for GAMESTOP too... It's AMAZING what we can do with technology these days... >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:07 No.8277183 >>8277144 Terrible idea. >>8277113 Not worth it with the constant development of high speed internet connections and digital distribution platforms. Steam, for instance, is dominant as it is, and it's only going to grow. My advice is to get into something like food or property - people always need to eat, and they always need somewhere to live. Find a niche in a market that isn't going anywhere, and take it from there. As for experience, get a job in the sector you want to dominate and take careful notes about everything. Don't just look for how it's being run, look for ways to improve on the current formula. That's how you develop a good opposition, you streamline the service. >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:08 No.8277187 >>8277142 sure fire way to get one there quick would be to open a ma-n-pa video game store... >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:11 No.8277205 >>8277183 >My advice is to get into something like food or property THIS. Also, while pretty fickle and best left to someone with experience, the entertainment sector (bar/venue/lounge) can be lucrative... there's just a lot of pitfalls that warrant some healthy experience.

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Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:14 No.8277225 >>8276997 4 years business, A @ GCSE, B @ A-levels, so listen up. The key to good business: Find a gap in the market. If it's a niche product, make sure there's a large enough near by populous to support it due to low sales, but high profit margins. If it's a mass product, prepare for heavy competition and profit margins. Know the 6Ps well - place, price, product, promotion, people and packaging - and fullfil them to their upmost. Cash flow - the money into and out of a business - is where you need to concentrate most. The only loan you should ever need in a successful business is a start up load. Corporate Social Responsibility, although expensive and only possible when you are profitable, will take you a long way. This ranges from how you treat your staff, where you source your products, to how you treat your customers and the nearby community.

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