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Database Modeling and


MTI – Manajemen Data

Relational Database Design Methodology
Conceptual database design
◦Step 1 Build conceptual data model
◦ Step 1.1 Identify entitiy types
◦ Step 1.2 Identify relationship types
◦ Step 1.3 Identify and associate attributes with entity or
relationship types
◦ Step 1.4 Determine attribute domain
◦ Step 1.5 Determine candidate, primary, and alternate key
◦ Step 1.6 Consider use of enhanced modelling concepts
◦ Step 1.7 Check model for redundancy
◦ Step 1.8 Validate conceptual data model against user
◦ Step 1.9 Review conceptual data model with user

ER diagram of Branch user views of

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Concepts of the ER Model

— Entity types
¡Group of objects with same properties, identified by
enterprise as having an independent existence:
÷Physical: Staff, Property, Customer, Part, Supplier, Product
÷Conceptual: Sale, Course, Inspection.

— Relationship types
¡Set of meaningful associations among entity types.
¡Degree of a Relationship
÷Number of participating entities in relationship: Unary, Binary,
Ternary, Quaternary
— Attributes
¡Property of an entity or a relationship type.

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ER diagram of Branch Has Staff relationship

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Unary, Binary, and Ternary Relationship

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Multiple Relationship and
Relationship with Attributes

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— Simple Attribute
¡ Attribute composed of a single component with an independent
— Composite Attribute
¡ Attribute composed of multiple components, each with an
independent existence.
— Multi-valued Attribute
¡ Attribute that holds multiple values for each occurrence of an entity
— Derived Attribute
¡ Attribute that represents a value that is derivable from value of a
related attribute, or set of attributes, not necessarily in the same
entity type.

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Candidate Key
◦Minimal set of attributes that uniquely identifies each
occurrence of an entity type.
Primary Key
◦Candidate key selected to uniquely identify each
occurrence of an entity type.
Composite Key
◦A candidate key that consists of two or more attributes.

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ER diagram of Staff and Branch entities and
their attributes

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Entity Type

Strong Entity Type

◦ Entity type that is not existence-dependent on some other entity type.

Weak Entity Type

◦ Entity type that is existence-dependent on some other entity type.
◦ Dependent entities as rectangles with rounded corners.

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Structural Constraints
— Main type of constraint on relationships is called multiplicity.
— Represents policies (called business rules) established by
user or company.
— Multiplicity is made up of two types of restrictions on
relationships: cardinality and participation.
— Cardinality
¡ Describes maximum number of possible relationship occurrences for
an entity participating in a given relationship type.
— Participation
¡ Determines whether all or only some entity occurrences participate in
a relationship.

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Structural Constraints

The most common degree for relationships is binary.

Binary relationships are generally referred to as being:
◦one-to-one (1:1)
◦one-to-many (1:*)
◦many-to-many (*:*)

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Multiplicity of Staff Manages Branch (1:1)

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Multiplicity of Staff Oversees PropertyForRent (1:*)
relationship type

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Multiplicity of Newspaper Advertises
PropertyForRent (*:*) relationship

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Multiplicity as cardinality and participation

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Enhanced Entity Relationsip
Limitations of basic concepts of the ER model
and requirements to represent more complex
applications using additional data modeling
Most useful additional data modeling concept of
Enhanced ER (EER) model is called
A diagrammatic technique for displaying
specialization/generalization in an EER diagram
using UML.

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The Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model

Since 1980s there has been an increase in

emergence of new database applications with
more demanding requirements.

Basic concepts of ER modeling are not sufficient

to represent requirements of newer, more
complex applications.

Response is development of additional ‘semantic’

modeling concepts.

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The Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model

Semantic concepts are incorporated into the

original ER model and called the Enhanced
Entity-Relationship (EER) model.

Examples of additional concept of EER model is

called specialization / generalization.

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Specialization / Generalization

◦ Anentity type that includes one or more distinct
subgroupings of its occurrences.

◦ A distinctsubgrouping of occurrences of an
entity type.

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Specialization / Generalization

Superclass/subclass relationship is
one-to-one (1:1).
Superclass may contain overlapping
or distinct subclasses.
Not all members of a superclass need
be a member of a subclass.

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Specialization / Generalization

Attribute Inheritance
◦ An entity in a subclass represents same ‘real
world’ object as in superclass, and may possess
subclass-specific attributes, as well as those
associated with the superclass.

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Specialization / Generalization

◦ Processof maximizing differences between
members of an entity by identifying their
distinguishing characteristics.

◦ Process of minimizing differences between
entities by identifying their common

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AllStaff relation holding details of all staff

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Specialization/generalization of Staff entity into
subclasses representing job roles

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Specialization/generalization of Staff entity into job
roles and contracts of employment

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EER diagram with shared subclass and subclass
with its own subclass

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Constraints on Specialization / Generalization

Two constraints that may apply to a

◦participation constraints
◦disjoint constraints.

Participation constraint
◦Determines whether every member in superclass
must participate as a member of a subclass.
◦May be mandatory or optional.

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Constraints on Specialization / Generalization

Disjoint constraint
◦Describes relationship between members of the subclasses
and indicates whether member of a superclass can be a
member of one, or more than one, subclass.
◦May be disjoint or nondisjoint.

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Constraints on Specialization / Generalization

There are four categories of constraints of

specialization and generalization:
◦mandatory and disjoint
◦optional and disjoint
◦mandatory and nondisjoint
◦optional and nondisjoint.

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DreamHome worked example - Staff Superclass with Supervisor and
Manager subclasses

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DreamHome worked example - Owner Superclass with
PrivateOwner and BusinessOwner subclasses

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DreamHome worked example - Person superclass with Staff,
PrivateOwner, and Client subclasses

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Database Design Methodology
Logical database design for the relational
◦Step 2 Build logical data model
◦ Step 2.1 Derive relations for logical data model
◦ Step 2.2 Validate relations using normalization
◦ Step 2.3 Validate relations against user transactions
◦ Step 2.4 Check integrity constraints
◦ Step 2.5 Review logical data model with user
◦ Step 2.6 Merge logical data models into global model (optional)
◦ Step 2.7 Check for future growth

Mapping from E-R Diagram
to Relations
(1) Strong entity types
◦ For each strong entity in the data model, create a relation that
includes all the simple attributes of that entity. For composite
attributes, include only the constituent simple attributes.
(2) Weak entity types
◦ For each weak entity in the data model, create a relation that
includes all the simple attributes of that entity. The primary key
of a weak entity is partially or fully derived from each owner
entity and so the identification of the primary key of a weak
entity cannot be made until after all the relationships with the
owner entities have been mapped.

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model
(3) One-to-many (1:*) binary relationship types
◦ For each 1:* binary relationship, the entity on the ‘one side’ of the
relationship is designated as the parent entity and the entity on the
‘many side’ is designated as the child entity. To represent this
relationship, post a copy of the primary key attribute(s) of parent entity
into the relation representing the child entity, to act as a foreign key.

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model

(4) One-to-one (1:1) binary relationship types

◦ Creating relations to represent a 1:1 relationship is more complex as the
cardinality cannot be used to identify the parent and child entities in a
relationship. Instead, the participation constraints are used to decide
whether it is best to represent the relationship by combining the
entities involved into one relation or by creating two relations and
posting a copy of the primary key from one relation to the other.
◦ Consider the following
◦ (a) mandatory participation on both sides of 1:1 relationship;
◦ (b) mandatory participation on one side of 1:1 relationship;
◦ (c) optional participation on both sides of 1:1 relationship.

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model

(a) Mandatory participation on both sides of 1:1

◦ Combine entities involved into one relation and choose one of the primary keys
of original entities to be primary key of the new relation, while the other (if one
exists) is used as an alternate key.

(b) Mandatory participation on one side of a 1:1

◦ Identify parent and child entities using participation constraints. Entity with
optional participation in relationship is designated as parent entity, and entity
with mandatory participation is designated as child entity. A copy of primary key
of the parent entity is placed in the relation representing the child entity. If the
relationship has one or more attributes, these attributes should follow the
posting of the primary key to the child relation.

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model

(c) Optional participation on both sides of a 1:1

◦ In this case, the designation of the parent and child entities is arbitrary
unless we can find out more about the relationship that can help a
decision to be made one way or the other.

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model

(5) One-to-one (1:1) recursive relationships

◦ For a 1:1 recursive relationship, follow the rules for participation as
described above for a 1:1 relationship.
◦ mandatory participation on both sides, represent the recursive
relationship as a single relation with two copies of the primary
◦ mandatory participation on only one side, option to create a
single relation with two copies of the primary key, or to create a
new relation to represent the relationship. The new relation
would only have two attributes, both copies of the primary key.
As before, the copies of the primary keys act as foreign keys
and have to be renamed to indicate the purpose of each in the
◦ optional participation on both sides, again create a new
relation as described above.

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model

(6) Superclass/subclass relationship types

◦ Identify superclass entity as parent entity and subclass entity as the
child entity. There are various options on how to represent such a
relationship as one or more relations.
◦ The selection of the most appropriate option is dependent on a number
of factors such as the disjointness and participation constraints on the
superclass/subclass relationship, whether the subclasses are involved in
distinct relationships, and the number of participants in the
superclass/subclass relationship.

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Guidelines for representation of
superclass / subclass relationship

Other options:

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Guidelines for representation of
superclass / subclass relationship
Other options for mapping:
Option A. General solution, applicable for all cases. Multiple
relations-Superclass and subclasses.

Option B. Multiple relations-Subclass relations only.

Option C. Single relation with one type attribute.

Option D. Single relation with multiple type attributes.

In what case are they applicable?

Conceptual data model for Staff view showing all

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Representation of superclass / subclass relationship
based on participation & disjointness

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Step 2.1 Derive relations
for logical data model

(7) Many-to-many (*:*) binary relationship

◦ Create a relation to represent the relationship and include any
attributes that are part of the relationship. We post a copy of the
primary key attribute(s) of the entities that participate in the
relationship into the new relation, to act as foreign keys. These foreign
keys will also form the primary key of the new relation, possibly in
combination with some of the attributes of the relationship.
(8) Multi-valued attributes
◦ Create a new relation to represent multi-valued attribute and include
primary key of entity in new relation, to act as a foreign key. Unless the
multi-valued attribute is itself an alternate key of the entity, the primary
key of the new relation is the combination of the multi-valued attribute
and the primary key of the entity.

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Summary of how to map entities and relationships
to relations

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Relations that represent the global logical data
model for DreamHome

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Global relation diagram for

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Referential integrity constraints

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§ Domain is the complete set of possible values
that an attribute can be assigned.
§ A domain provides a means of standardizing
the characteristics of the attributes.
§ For example, the domain Date, which contains all
possible valid dates, can be assigned to any date
attribute in a logical data model or date
columns/fields in a physical data model, such as:
EmployeeHireDate, OrderEntryDate,
ClaimSubmitDate, CourseStartDate

Domains can be defined in different ways.
§ Data Type: Domains that specify the standard types of data one can have in an
attribute assigned to that domain. For example, Integer, Character(30), and Date
are all data type domains.
§ Data Format: Domains that use patterns including templates and masks, such as
are found in postal codes and phone numbers, and character limitations
(alphanumeric only, alphanumeric with certain special characters allowed, etc.) to
define valid values.
§ List: Domains that contain a finite set of values. These are familiar to many people
from functionality like dropdown lists. For example, the list domain for
OrderStatusCode can restrict values to only{Open, Shipped, Closed, Returned}.
§ Range: Domains that allow all values of the same data type that are between one
or more minimum and/or maximum values. Some ranges can be open-ended. For
example, OrderDeliveryDate must be between OrderDate and three months in the
§ Rule-based: Domains defined by the rules that values must comply with in order
to be valid. These include rules comparing values to calculated values or other
attribute values in a relation or set. For example, ItemPrice must be greater than

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