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Applied Energy 161 (2016) 330–336

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State-space model with non-integer order derivatives for lithium-ion

Yuan Zou a,⇑, Shengbo Eben Li b, Bing Shao a, Baojin Wang c
Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Electric Vehicles, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 100081, China
State Key Lab of Automotive Safety and Energy, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University, 100084, China
Department of Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 We use fractional order model to describe lithium-ion battery behavior.

 We use Oustaloup approximation to obtain the state-space equation.
 Particle swarm optimization is employed to identify model parameters.
 Good accuracy and robustness is obtained when cycles, aging levels and cells vary.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lithium ion batteries have attracted wide attention due to their high energy density, long cycle life, and
Received 19 July 2015 environmental friendliness and are widely used in electrical vehicles. An accurate and reliable battery
Received in revised form 28 September 2015 model is needed in battery management systems (BMS) to monitor battery operating conditions, includ-
Accepted 1 October 2015
ing state of charge (SOC), state of health (SOH), etc. This paper presents a state-space model with non-
integer order derivatives for electrochemical batteries with a constant phase element (CPE) in order to
accurately describe battery dynamics. The proposed model is a combination of electrochemical impe-
dance spectroscopy and the 1-RC model. The Oustaloup recursive approximation was selected for model
Fractional-order model
parametric identification and potential implementation. A particle-swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm
Non-integer order derivative was used to identify three model parameters by using time-domain test data. The model accuracy and
Oustaloup recursive approximation robustness were validated by using datasets from different driving cycles, aging levels and cells of the
Particle swarm optimization same chemistry. The proposed FOM showed good accuracy and robustness. It is suitable for research
on battery reliability, including issues like SOC estimation, SOH prediction, and charging control.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction because of the large number of model parameters needed, highly

complex structure, and common over-fitting issue [4]. Moreover,
Chemistry-based energy storage systems are critical for sustain- partial differential equations (PDEs) associated with electrochemi-
able road transportation. Today, lithium ion batteries have cal models may require heavy storage and computation resources
attracted wide attention due to their high energy density, long [4–7]. As an alternative, equivalent circuit models (ECMs) are gain-
cycle life, and environmental friendliness [1]. To ensure safety ing popularity in BMS design because of their relatively simple
and extend battery life, accurate and reliable battery models structure and model parameters. ECMs are composed of electric
should be used in battery management systems (BMS) to monitor components such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors [8,9]. Plett
conditions such as state of charge (SOC) [2], and state of health et al. provided a detailed introduction to various types of ECMs
(SOH) [3]. evolved from a primitive model, including a simple model with
Electrochemical models are generally more accurate than only SOC as a state, and a one-state hysteresis model adding an
equivalent circuit-based models in describing battery dynamics. additional ‘‘hysteresis state” to the model state equation [10].
However, electrochemical models are less practical in applications Resistance–capacitance (RC) networks have been widely used to
construct ECMs, which leads to many commonly used models,
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 10 68944115. e.g., 1-RC model [11], 2-RC model [12], and 1-RC with hysteresis
E-mail address: (Y. Zou).
[13], etc. In these models, the variation of dynamics caused by
0306-2619/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zou et al. / Applied Energy 161 (2016) 330–336 331

temperature and SOC are modeled as parametric functions [14,15]. century [23]. Many real-world physical systems, such as electro-
Recently ECMs have been widely used in battery management, chemical, biological, material, and viscoelastic systems display
including SOC estimation [16], SOH prediction [17], and charging fractional-order dynamics, because their behavior is governed by
control [15]. fractional-order differential equations. For example, in electricity,
One major shortcoming of ECMs is their structural mismatch if at least one of the electrodes has a rough surface, the current
with the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measure- through a capacitor is proportional to the non-integer derivative
ment. The EIS measured in small-voltage excitation can provide of the voltage [24]. To describe and model a real object more
important details about battery internal states and degradation. accurately than the classical ‘‘integer” methods, fractional calculus
For example, in a lithium ion battery the EIS is often composed has been widely used in physical systems in which mass transport,
of two sections in the operating frequency range: (1) a straight line diffusion, or memory phenomena appear [25]. For a battery
in low frequency and (2) a semi-ellipse in middle frequency. The system, FOC is a good way to describe the electrical dynamics
low-frequency straight tail is generally believed to be caused by including mass transport in the electrolyte and diffusion in solid
mass diffusion of lithium ions, while the middle frequency semi- electrodes.
ellipse is caused by dynamics such as charge-transfer reaction
and double-layer effect [18]. An ECM with 1-RC network has an 2.1. Definitions of fractional-order derivative
ideal semi-circle in the EIS diagram, which obviously does not
agree with measured data. High-order RC networks can improve The fractional-order calculus is given as [20]:
EIS accuracy, but this inevitably results in a large number of model 8 a
parameters. Fractional-order models (FOM) can address the dis- > d
< dta a>0
crepancy between the complexity and accuracy in ECMs, which a
Dt ¼ 1
a¼0 ð1Þ
uses non-integer derivatives instead of integer derivatives for :Rt a
a ðdtÞ a<0
states. Existing studies have demonstrated that batteries inher-
ently possess fractional-order properties because of mass trans- where a e R is an arbitrary number and denotes the order of deriva-
port, diffusion dynamics, and memory hysteresis [19,20]. With tive or integral. In this paper, a > 0 is considered. In application,
better accuracy and fewer parameters, FOMs are attracting the there are different types of definitions of fractional derivatives such
attention of battery researchers. For example, Xu et al. proposed as Riemann–Liouville, Grünwald–Letnikov, and Caputo [23,25]. The
a fractional Kalman filter for SOC estimation [20], where the model Laplace transformation of the Caputo definition is more concise, and
was structured with a Warburg element and a parallel circuit con- is therefore used here [26]. It is defined as:
sisting of a constant phase element (CPE) with resistance. The frac- Z t
1 d
tional order of the Warburg element was fixed at 0.5 and the other Da f ðtÞ ¼ ðt  sÞa f ðsÞds ð2Þ
model parameters were identified using the least-squares method Cð1  aÞ 0 dt
in the time domain. Sabatier et al. proposed a fractional-order
where f(t) is the function to be differentiated, C() is the Euler’s
model using a Warburg element to estimate the crankability of
gamma function:
lead–acid batteries with a fractional order fixed at 0.5 [21]. How-
ever, some researchers have demonstrated that optimal fractional Z 1

order is not 0.5 and that fixing the fractional order may decrease CðaÞ ¼ t a1 et dt ð3Þ
model accuracy [22].
The main contribution of this paper is to take advantage of frac-
tional order modeling method to describe an electrochemistry- 2.2. Approximation methods of fractional-order model
based system and to derive a state-space model with non-integer
derivative using a structure similar to the commonly used Since the fractional-order model itself is an infinite dimensional
resistor–capacitor model for batteries. This modeling method has system, proper numerical approximation should be done to imple-
the potential to mimic the input–output behavior of complex ment a band limit of the fractional-order system [27–29]. The key
electrochemical dynamics inside a battery with fewer model to approximate FOM is to obtain approximated integer order mod-
parameters than a physics-based model. The proposed FOM is els for fractional-order systems, or finite dimensional models for
structured with an ohmic resistor and a parallel circuit consisting infinite dimensional systems [28]. Vinagre et al. discussed several
of a CPE and a resistor. The ohmic resistor is used to depict the resis- approximations for both continuous and discrete models [28].
tive impedance, and the parallel circuit is mainly used to describe One approximation method for continuous models is to obtain a
the diffusion dynamics. The high complexity of electrochemical rational approximation of irrational transfer function using contin-
models and the structural mismatch of ECMs could be mitigated. ued fraction expansions and interpolation techniques [30]. The
The fractional order is optimized as the variant value with the advantage is that it frequently converges much more rapidly than
respect to the different SOC ranges to maintain the model accuracy. power series expansions and converges in a much larger domain in
The performance of the FOM has been validated by the battery test- the complex plane. Another method for continuous models is using
ing data at the different aging levels. The remainder of the paper is curve fitting or identification techniques based on the approxima-
organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the fractional-order tion of a fractional-order transfer function by a rational function
calculus; Section 3 derives the fractional-order model for lithium [24,31]. For discrete models, approximations using numerical inte-
ion batteries and introduces the Oustaloup recursive approxima- gration and power series expansion are often used to discrete
tion process of fractional-order operator; Section 4 identifies the transfer functions in the form of polynomials [32,33]. In this paper
model parameters using time-domain test data; and Section 5 we selected the Oustaloup recursive approximation. This algorithm
discusses the model accuracy and robustness, followed by the is widely used where a frequency band of interest is considered
conclusion in Section 6. within which the frequency domain responses should be fit by a
bank of integer-order filters to the fractional-order derivative
2. Fractional-order calculus [24]. In addition, it is simple and easy to implement, approximates
fractional-order operator using a rational transfer function [34],
The introduction of fractional-order calculus (FOC) is usually and has been proven that very good continuous approximations
associated with Leibniz and L’Hospital in the late of the 17th can be obtained by using this method [28].
332 Y. Zou et al. / Applied Energy 161 (2016) 330–336

3. Fractional-order model for a lithium ion battery V 0 ¼ V OCV  u1  IR0 ð7Þ

where I, V0, Cn and z are the current, output voltage, nominal capac-
The electrode process of a lithium ion battery is not a simple ity, and SOC, respectively; g is the Coulombic efficiency, VOCV is the
chemical reaction, but rather a series of processes with different open-circuit voltage (OCV), R0 is the ohmic resistance, and u1 and
phenomenon. Typical battery dynamics include charge-transfer s = R1C1 are the voltage and time constant of the RC network.
reaction on electrode/electrolyte interface, lithium ion diffusion Eq. (6) is the state differential equation, which captures the system
in electrodes, double-layer effects, and resistance/capacitance dynamics, and Eq. (7) is the output function, which is a combination
growth of the anode-insulating film, etc. [22,18]. Therefore, acquir- of the state variable u1, VOCV, implicitly determined by state variable
ing an accurate mathematical model to describe the working z, and input I. The initial voltage across the RC network is u1(0) = 0.
behaviors of the battery is of critical importance to the research
on battery reliability including issues such as SOC estimation, 3.2. Approximation of fractional-order operator
SOH prediction, and charging control.
According to Oustaloup recursive approximation, for zero initial
3.1. Derivation of FOM conditions, the Laplace transform of Eq. (2) is [25,27,37]:

ECMs have been widely researched and used in battery man- C ¼ ½ C N1 C N2    C1 C0 
agement systems. Hu et al. compared 12 commonly used equiva- ai ði ¼ 0; 1; . . . N  1Þ
lent circuit models and concluded that the first-order RC model cj ðj ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; N  1Þ
(1-RC) is most useful in terms of complexity, accuracy, and robust- 8 dup
ness [14]. However, the impedance results for a solid electrode/- < dt ¼ A0 up þ B0 f ðu1 ðtÞ; IðtÞ
> ð8Þ
electrolyte interface often reveal a frequency dispersion that > up ð0Þ ¼ ð1; 0; 0; . . .ÞT
cannot be described by simple elements such as resistance, capac- u1 ¼ C 0 up þ D0 f ðu1 ðtÞ; IðtÞÞ
itance, and inductance [35]. The frequency dispersion is generally
Pi ¼ ½V i1 ; V i2 ; . . . ; V im ; Rio ; Ri1 ; si T
attributed to a ‘‘capacitance dispersion” expressed in terms of a
CPE, which is often used to describe this behavior instead of an The approximation is given by:
ideal capacitor. From the analysis above, the structure of FOM is PN
ai Si
derived as shown in Fig. 1. An ohmic resistor (R0) is used to repre- Sa ¼ PNi¼0 j ð9Þ
sent resistive impedance, a parallel circuit consisting of a constant j¼0 bj S
phase element (CPE), and a resistor (R1) is used to depict the diffu-
The resulting approximation is valid within the frequency range
sion dynamics.
(xlow, xhigh). The number of poles and zeros N has to be deter-
The CPE is a component that traduces a partially capacitive and
mined beforehand. The choice N is not considered here as we use
resistive behavior [36]. The model of its impedance is expressed as:
the rule of thumb N = log(xhigh  xlow). Note that a smaller value
1 of N causes lower order and simpler approximation. The coeffi-
ZðsÞ ¼ ð4Þ
C 1 Sa cients are obtained given a, N, xlow, and xhigh.

where C1 is a capacitance-like parameter and a is the differentiation X

ai ¼
order to describe capacitance dispersion (a e R+, 0 < a < 1). When xðz; nÞ
K¼j n¼0
a = 1, the CPE behaves like an ideal capacitor; when a = 0, it
becomes an ideal resistor. The transfer function of the circuit in
Fig. 1 is derived as: bi ¼
K¼j n¼0
xðp; nÞ
V OCV ðsÞ  V 0 ðsÞ R1
¼ R0 þ ð5Þ
IðsÞ 1 þ R1 C 1 sa 8 pffiffiffi
< xðz; nÞ ¼ xlow g; n ¼ 1
According to Eq. (5), the dynamic system can be expressed in xðp; nÞ ¼ xðz; nÞe; n ¼ 1; . . . ; N
the state-space representation as follows: >
xðz; nÞ ¼ xðp; n  1Þg; n ¼ 2; . . . ; N
8 dz g
< dt ¼  3600C n IðtÞ
>  a=N  ð1aÞ=N
Da u1 ¼  us1 þ R1aIðtÞ ð6Þ xlow xlow
> e¼ ; g¼ ð10Þ
: xhigh xhigh
Form the whole circuit shown in Fig. 1, the following relation-
ship can be obtained:
a i¼0 ðai  baNN bi ÞSi aN
S ¼ PN j
þ ð11Þ
j¼0 bj S
R1 Eq. (11) can be further adjusted to satisfy the following
PN i PN1
j¼0 bj S c j Si
Sa ¼ PN
CPE ¼ PN þd ð12Þ
+ i i
i¼0 ai S i¼0 ai S

VOCV V0 with aN = 1. It is finally possible to approximate the operator sa

+ -
u1 using a state-space definition:
I - < z_ ¼ Az þ Bf ðxðtÞ; uðtÞÞ
Da xðtÞ  x ¼ Cz þ Df ðxðtÞ; uðtÞÞ ð13Þ
Fig. 1. Structure of the fractional-order model.
Y. Zou et al. / Applied Energy 161 (2016) 330–336 333

with machine interface, and a switchboard for cable connection. The

2 3 voltage, current, and temperature of each cell is recorded at the
aN1 aN2    a1 a0
61 7 sampling time of 10 Hz. The tested batteries were 8 LiFePO4 bat-
6 0  0 0 7 tery cells with 1.1 A h nominal capacity, 3.3 V nominal voltage.
6 7
60 1  0 0 7 The battery test bench can generate the typical current load cycle,
6 7
A ¼ 6. .. .. .. .. 7
6 .. . . . . 7 including the static capacity test, a Hybrid Pulse Power Cycle test
6 7
6 7 (HPPC), a DC resistance test, a dynamic stress test (DST), and a Fed-
40 0  1 0 5
eral Urban Driving Schedule (FUDS) test at the specific tempera-
tures and records the voltage response. More details are available
in a previous work [14].
1 0 0  0 The parameters of FOM were identified by using the multiple
B¼ particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithm [38,39], which is
based on the battery dynamic testing data. For this research, the
  swarm P consists of the model parameter vectors:
C N1 C N2    C1 C0

P ¼ ½p1 ; p2 ; . . . pn 
pi ¼ ½V i1 ; V i2 ; . . . ; V im ; Rio ; Ri1 ; si T
in which ai(i = 0, 1, . . ., N  1), cj(j = 0, 1, . . ., N  1), d are the ele-
ments in sa.
where pi, i = 1, 2, . . ., n is the ith particle of the swarm.
The second function of Eq. (9) is then approximated as:
Vij, i = 1, 2, . . ., m is used to represent the jth optimization variable
8 du
> for describing VOCV, which is modeled as a function of SOC. In
> dt ¼ A0 up þ B0 f ðu1 ðtÞ; IðtÞÞ
< practice, the value of VOCV is interpolated by the look-up table con-
up ð0Þ ¼ ð1; 0; 0; . . .ÞT
ð14Þ sisting of VOCV and SOC. Ri0 is the internal ohmic resistance; Ri1 is
> u1 ¼ C 0 up þ D0 f ðu1 ðtÞ; IðtÞÞ
> the diffusion resistance; and si is the time constant. The final
optimization problem is expressed as follows

For the approximation, different xlow, xhigh and a will result X

in different A0, B0, C0, and D0. The dimension of up is lim f ðpÞ ¼ ½V 0 ðjÞ  V sim ðj; pÞ ð17Þ
N(N = log(xhigh  xlow)). j¼1
Eq. (14) can be further formulated as:
8     where f is the fitness function, N is the length of test data, V0(j) is the
> dup B0 C 0 R1 B0 R1 B0 D 0
> dt ¼ A0  sþD0 up þ s  s2 þsD0 IðtÞ
< tested battery voltage, and Vsim(j, p) is the estimated battery voltage.
T ð15Þ MPSO incorporated the swarm-splitting features and enhance glo-
> up ð0Þ ¼ ð1; 0; 0; :::Þ
> bal search capability better than classical PSO did.
: u ¼ sC 0 u þ R1 D0 IðtÞ
1 sþD0 p sþD0

The system is discretized using the forward finite-difference 4.2. Results and discussions
8 The model accuracy is measured by the average root-mean-
> u ðk þ 1Þ ¼ GðTÞup ðkÞ þ HðTÞIðkÞ
< p squared error (RMSE) between battery test data and model output.
up ð0Þ ¼ ð1; 0; 0; :::ÞT ð16Þ In this section, the identification results are given and the robust-
u1 ðk þ 1Þ ¼ ssþD
up ðk þ 1Þ þ sRþD
1 D0
Iðk þ 1Þ ness of FOM is validated.

  4.2.1. Pre-determination of non-integer order
B0 C 0
GðTÞ ¼ DT A0  Iðk þ 1Þ The non-integer order a affects model accuracy. For this
s þ D0 research, a is selected to be from 0.1 to 0.9 with 0.1 as the step
  length. At each value of a, the identification process is performed,
R1 B0 R1 B0 D0 and the results are shown in Fig. 2. The black line represents the
HðTÞ ¼ DT 
s s2 þ sD0 average RMSE of the model optimized for training datasets HPPC,
where I is unit matrix, DT is the sampling time. The smaller the and the yellow line is the results evaluated using the DST datasets.
sampling time, the more accurate the approximation. A balance As can be seen from Fig. 2, the RMSE of FOM varies as the fractional
between approximation accuracy and computation efficiency must order changes. When a = 0.7 the model achieves the best perfor-
be balanced considering that rather small sampling time can lead to mance under both test cycles. Therefore, the fractional order 0.7
heavy computation load. is adopted in this paper.

4. Model parameter identification and discussion 4.2.2. Discussion of model parameter results
Table 1 gives the identified parameters of FOM for the battery
This section discusses the battery model parameters based on cell. The parameters are the functions of SOC. As SOC decreases,
the testing data and discusses the results. both resistance R0 and R1 tend to increase, while the capacitance-
like parameter C1 appears to be a parabola tendency.
4.1. Battery testing systems and model identification method The validation result for the HPPC test is shown in Fig. 3. There
is good agreement between the model and the test data. The max-
The battery test data is generated in the test bench consisting of imum relative error is less than 1% and the average root-mean-
an Arbin BT2000 tester, a thermal chamber, a computer for user- squared error is 4.9 mV.
334 Y. Zou et al. / Applied Energy 161 (2016) 330–336

-3 3.4
x 10
Experimental M odel



3.2 3.38
6 0.5 0.55 0.6
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
4 (a) Voltage response in DST
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fractional order

Fig. 2. Relationships between model accuracy and fractional order. 3.35 Experimental M odel

Table 1 3.2 3.35
Parameters of FOM for LiFePO4 cell. 3.15 3.3
0.5 0.55 0.6
SOC range 0.1–0.3 0.3–0.5 0.5–0.7 0.7–0.9
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
R0 (X) 0.0278 0.0251 0.0245 0.0231 Time/hr
R1 (X) 12.4520 11.1385 4.6440 9.2315
C1 32.8413 34.1565 50.2402 45.8910 (b) Voltage response in FUDS
Fig. 4. Validation result in DST and FUDS tests (validation).

3.4 -3
Experimental M odel x 10



3.2 3.4
3.3 8
0.6 0.7 0.8
0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2.7 6
(a) Voltage response in HPPC 4
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Cycle Number
Relative Error M ean Value Fig. 5. RMSEs of the model at different cell aging levels.

0.5 life, which is a great advantage in applications in electrical

Fig. 6 shows the RMSEs of the other cells with the same chem-
0 istry and tested under the same conditions. The model parameters
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time/hr are identified using the dataset of No. 1 cell and the other seven
(b) Voltage error in HPPC cells are validated by the optimal model. The average RMSE of
the eight cells is less than 10 mV, which proves that the optimal
Fig. 3. Validation result in HPPC test (training). model maintains good accuracy. It can be concluded that the good
accuracy and robustness of the FOM have been maintained for the
different load cycles, aging level, and cells.
4.3. Accuracy and robustness of the FOM To validate the performance of the proposed fractional order
model, the other five typical ECMs for lithium-ion batteries with
Different cycle tests were conducted to verify the model
accuracy and robustness. Loading profiles under DST and FUDS
cycles are used and the results are shown in Fig. 4. The maximum
relative errors in both tests are less than 1.5% and the average root- RMSE Mean Value
mean-squared errors are 6.5 mV and 7.8 mV in the DST and FUDS 0.015
tests, respectively. It is concluded that the FOM maintains good

accuracy under different test cycles. Fig. 4 shows the average

root-mean-squared errors of the model at different cell aging levels
under the three test cycles. It appears the model has better perfor-
mance under DST and FUDS cycles, which have higher frequency 0.005
and are closer to the actual working conditions.
Fig. 5 shows that the average root-mean-squared error
increases slightly as the aging number N increases. The RMSE of 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the model is less than 10 mV after 3000 cycles, which indicates Cell Number
that FOM has a great adaptability. In addition, Fig. 5 also illustrates
that the lithium–iron phosphate battery has a around 3000 cycle Fig. 6. RMSEs of different cells.
Y. Zou et al. / Applied Energy 161 (2016) 330–336 335

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