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so you'll be able to view it after the fact uh and those who can't join us today
also get a chance to see it and again i will turn it over to blake zeidema
uh director of technical development at novelis and chair of the atg
the aluminum transportation group technical committee
thanks john and good morning everybody welcome back to the aluminum association's
annual aluminum design and
lightweighting solutions workshop for those of you joining for the first time i'm
blake zeituma technical development
director at novelis and chairman of the aluminum association's um transportation
group on behalf of my
colleagues in the aluminum industry thanks uh all for joining us we're honored to
welcome back laurent chapui
uh president of light metals consultants and a pioneer in automotive aluminum
design for those of you who may not be
familiar laurent's career spans over three decades in fields related to automotive
manufacturing with an emphasis in
computer modeling and aluminum sheet for vehicle design yesterday laurent provided
a insightful
overview of automotive body sheet formability fundamentals and we look forward to
continuing that discussion
today and again tomorrow today laurent will discuss feasibility for product design
including uh the
various features of five and six thousand series alloys alloy selection and global
considerations now just a couple of housekeeping items if you have content related
questions during laurent's
presentation please share it in the chat window on the upper center of your screen
and we'll send these toronto at the end of this presentation uh and we again hope
you will join us again tomorrow at
10 30 for part three of laurent's presentation which will cover stamping processing
and production best practices
and finally please be sure to visit or the aluminum association
on youtube
for a replay of yesterday today's and again tomorrow's webinars available later
that week and
with that that's my pleasure to welcome laurent and turn things over to him thanks
everyone and take it away
thank you blake and again it's my pleasure to uh
continue that series and we're going to start
with day two here there we go so like yesterday we have we'll start with a
little bit of terminal terminology introduction and an introduction
we'll go through the alloy designations and tempers will survey
with all of this different uh aluminum alloy property aluminum alloy properties
and we'll go through some design considerations some and with of course
recycling we'll talk about cost because in the automotive industry
not talking about cost would be a grave omission and then we'll do a
short manufacturing overview from a product point of view and then a quick
will conclude with understanding some form ability so that we can actually
understand what
the analysis is trying to tell us and then we will conclude with a summary and some
conclusions so terminology very
simple abs again is auto body sheet class 1 is the skin vis
skin surface on the vehicle that is visible at first glance hence one by the
wires is going to be the yield strike 10 ts is a tensile strike for the ultimate
strike for failure we have ybe which is
a yield point elongation right that's what happens when you start pulling on a
specimen and it starts just yielding
without increasing strength before finally starting to to grow
stiffness of course and people are confused often with stiffness and strike
stiffness is relative to the elastic
behavior like flexing and twisting whereas strength is related to the plastic
behavior which is the permanent
deformation or energy absorption during crash the equivalent whenever you see me
the word equivalent it's when i'm comparing aluminum sheet to steel
we saw the annotated autobody aluminum
property that is referenced with this equivalent is adjusted to a thickness
that matches the reference steel solution so it could be an adjustment for what
you'll see height goes and then
finally scc we'll talk very briefly it's stress corrosion cracking it's a cracking
that is induced uh by in in
service stresses in a corrosive environment and of course the operating temperature
as usual greatly uh
influences the outcome so let's talk about aluminum yesterday we talked about
formability in general
today we'll start history a little bit with the discovery of aluminum so aluminum
is about 200 years old believe
it or not it's danish physicists discovered it but it took another you know 30
years almost
until someone was able to devise a process to extract it in something that would
approach industrial quantities and it was so expensive and so complicated that by
that time aluminum
is considered a precious metal right napoleon bonaparte where the the napoleon iii
was issuing
aluminum services and plates to honored guests rather than silver or gold
needless to say there was slow process developing commercial production methods
didn't go really far and if to give you an idea of of the history there in the
that's when things started to happen why because electricity was starting to happen
so an american charles bradley he
applied for a patent for an aluminum reduction process okay and he already uses
electric resistance heating
electrolysis of the dissolved ore it took a long time for it to be granted but he
applied for it in 1883
and in 1884 that's when we they made the capstone for the washington monument in
washington the capstone is still there and at the time it was the largest aluminum
casting ever made and it
weighed a whopping six pounds and to give you an idea i was able to dredge up some
cost aluminum costs
somewhere between 16 and 20 dollars per pound at the time where silver was 19 a
pound and in general production worldwide has been estimated
in 1884 to be around four times mostly from france using the devil process
so in 1885 a second u.s patent was granted this time to the kohl's brother
for the production of aluminum bronze because people were trying to figure out what
to do with the metal and besides
jewelry and things like that and aluminum bronze was of particular interest to make
stronger cannons
and uh brian the kohl's brother recognized that the bradley pattern could be a
hindrance to
their progress and they bought it by that time we made 112 pounds of aluminum
in in the us so something happened later two guys
were born in 1863 in france uh paul louis
eru was born on april 10th and charles martin hall was born in december 6 and
why do we keep them because these guys had power lives they both independently
patent the
modern electrolytic reduction process in 1886. uh heru did it in france in france
the rest of the world in 18 in february and hall did it in the us in march but
he was better organized and everything and in the us his patent will prevail
interesting to know is that aluminum would become shortly available not that
long afterwards and its availability commercially will follow the deployment of
electric power
these two guys didn't only invent aluminum discover aluminum in 1886 we
both died of the same years were born in the same years invented a reduction
process on the same year and died in the
same year kind of interesting but aluminum if you look at it as a pure metal is not
that interesting for a
structural material right 20 megapascal allele strength tensile strength for 65
to 90 megapascal there is nothing really to rejoice as a structural engineer and
the only good thing about it is that it has a phenomenal total elongation that
exceeds 40 percent and the good it does increase
in strength with work hardening but proportional loss of ductility so not
really great for structural materials so people are trying to figure out what to do
solution of course was alloying
and as as if you think about what i said about the development of aluminum
availability via
in 1892 they got the first first sheet came out in the u.s it was pure aluminum
and the first alloy
really to look at was an aluminum magnesium which is still used today 3003
that appeared in 1906 in 1906 was also the first year
that finally structural application would become possible and that's where german
and alfred will discovers age hardening it was an accidental discovery we won't go
the details but he did it with an alloy that had some copper more magnesium and
manganese and he discovered that if you heated that in the age that material you
would get something that could finally be used as a structural material world war
one followed not long after
and they made airplanes out were using duralumin and but they also used it in
the zeppelin and that was extensively used it was a a war secret in germany
but it became available quickly after world war ii after world war one
so we're going to discover in trying to understand now
alloy designations and temper and we're going to serve it so the system that we use
is proposed was proposed in 1954 it was officially adopted in 1957 and
internationally adopted in 1970 and it is managed by the aluminum association
so if we look at it we have the 1000 series that would be the pure aluminum 2000
series which is the one that velma
discovered white copper with magnesium and manganese 3000 series is based on
manganese 4000
on silicon with manganese added 5000 on magnesium with manganese added and 6000
series magnesium and silicon with manganese and copper and then 7000 series which
is based on
zinc so if we look at the sheet application that are not
automotive we'll find that heat shields 1000 or 3000 aerospace uses 2 000 and 7
000 application and then the marine industry often use makes use of 5000
series material and you'll recognize some of those alloys here and there's one that
is used 5083 is also used in
the automotive and we'll see how we do that so what is the highest volume
sheet that is being used today the highest volume sheet today is
basically uh oops i cannot have it
it's of course the beverage cans and the beverage can has a body made out of 3104
and the top of it is 5182 so
if you think though the designation theories really refer to
chemistry right so that to understand mechanical properties
we actually need to also specify the temper and understand therefore what
temper designations are all about tamper designations are
as follows f fabricated o anneal
h strain hardened t thermally treated to produce stable
tempers that are different than the others where the previous three and w which is
solution he treated but
it's mostly an intermediary temper and it's not usually not stable and it's
normally not a commercially available
temper so if we look at it for 5000 series 5000
series remember they're based out of magnesium with some angle is added they're
usually delivered in o temper
which va satisfies and provides the maximum formability that we can achieve
but it's also the lowest yield strength sometimes we also delivered a low age
temper like h11 and that's done to control the yield point elongation
so if you think about h1 and then what numbers can follow one digit the
processing was limited to strain hardening with no subsequent thermal processing so
that h18
would be a fully strained hardened right defined by delta between the tensile
strength in the o
temper and the tensile strength in the fully hardened condition so then we can
define intermediary
temper h14 which would be half of h18 h12 it's
another half of h14 and h11 which would be half of h12 or one eight hardened
makes a lot of sense so if we look approximately in practical term if you take 5182
the tensile
strength of 5182 under the h11 temper is basically the same as the one in the o
temper to which you would add nine megapascal right and that's approximately how we
if you look at the 6000 series they are delivered in t4 temper
and t4 stands for solution heat treated naturally aged and this is the key to a
substantially stable condition marvelous word substantially stable
and the solution heat treatment means heating and holding long enough at a
temperature suitable to allow
constituents to enter into solid solution and cooling fast enough between the
quench to hold the constituents in
solution right and i'm reading those because i have to be exactly precise when i
speak about
those right and then naturally age it's leaving enough time to elapse to
achieve the so-called substantially stable condition and the key here
is to understand that substantially stable as opposed to stable
simply means that things keep changing but not fast enough that
it should be a major problem t6 is defined as full artificial aging
and it's a maximum age harding that we can achieve for a given alloy according
to its specific time and temperature cycle because time
and temperature cycles for t6 to vary depending on the algorithm in an automotive
when we're talking about skins we often use other tempers for example t81 which
is two percent cold work followed by a standard automotive paint baked cycle
like 175 degrees c for 20 minutes
if we talk 7000 series we might be receiving f as fabricated or
w as heat treated temper and the heat treatment the final heat
treatment will take place at the point in use or alternatively we can receive them
t6 temper to be formed at elevated temperature so
if we survey now if we go through and and we look at our
free series we're going to be looking at five six and seven series alloys if we
look at 5000 series alloys they
were not the earliest alloys but they came fairly early they came in 1932 the first
5000 alloy
and as we mentioned magnesium is the major alloying element and it's most
often combined with magnesium with manganese sometimes we even added copper
but these are pretty special we're not going to go there
they they offer in general good combination of strength and formability and
it gives them the invest is because of a good work hardening characteristic and
that comes
from the the magnesium magnesium is when alloy with aluminum provide
excellent work hardening characteristic and it was actually used as autobody
sheet after world war two in europe right europe was trying to recover they had all
kind of
shortages of fuel and they were looking for lightweight vehicle and aluminum was
was quite desirable so for example
in immediately after the end of world war two
in 1946 bar introduced the first all-aluminum car actually that was a
aluminum body cast this aluminum sheet over a steel underbody
and this was a tiny little car like french cars were at the time in
1948 we all know the land rover right that was a temporary makeshift product
that turned out into such a long and during success it remained in production for
a long time until basically 2018 and when it was replaced finally right
and then to give you in england there another rover that was a luxury car that was
more expensive than a cadillac they
did make remain in production for a long time with an aluminum hood trunk and
doors all made out of 5000 series and so
the last hooray was par that delivered the first
all-aluminum vehicle it was a unibody stamped spot welded structure
and it was revealed in 1953 as a 1954
and you can see it here this is an all aluminum vehicle and i have to i can't
resist and one piece aluminum door in a
right and this is the all aluminum body and that was its last gasp
you 5000 series aluminum skin basically didn't really make it any after and we
can see we'll go through as we go through the pros and the car as to why that is
as we said except good to excellent for mobility another great thing that a
person would be interested in is that it has absolutely infinite shelf life as
long as you store it correctly to give you an idea when we were working on the
various development projects at ford we
once reused material that was 20 years old it had been stored correctly and
everything it had not changed one bit in
20 years it was still fine it's a lower cost sheet because there's no need for
continuous solution heat treat and crunch furnace what is not so great is that it's
low yield strength and that despite the fact that you work hard
on it when you stamp it by the time you pass it through paint it acts as an
annealing furnace and we lose most of
the work hardening that we put in it during the stamping and then of course we have
corrosion cracking susceptibility if we go to the high magnesium so we can't really
up the magnesium beyond
a certain level if we want to put into applications where we have heat vibration
and stresses and in a
corrosive environment but the most damning things for 5000 is the fact that you
cannot use them for
class one because of what we call ludaband and you can see it here
these are extreme condition of luda bands they have a you have a local formation
here you can see that even on
it you you have some some marks already and you have some gross marks that you go
around here this is another example
and that's why none of these vehicles that we saw before in from europe in the 50s
were really really uh immensely successful the power were the most successful in
terms of production
volume but they still required extensive metal finishing in order to make
painted surface the point that i want you to remember is that the yield strength in
service yield
strength on wheel will be approximately as the same yield strength as received you
lose the work hardening during the paint bake and that if you want to increase
the yield strength with the 5000 you start to lose the formability
if we look at what we use 5000 series for today well they are usually used for what
would keep keep the rain out panels and light bracketry right and we use alloys
such as 5754 which is around 80 megapascal yield strength it's
good for mobility it's good all around to do things you have the high strength
version that is that was developed at the request of jaguar land rover and ford and
it's its
improved yield strength up to 100 mega pascal minimum minimum similar for mobility
you have 5251 which is the lower strength material that is used for pet pro for
some hoodiness and then 5182
which to this day remains the highest for mobility aluminum alloy and we use it
primarily for doors door-enders and
liftgate inners and things like that where you really need for mobility but
but because it has a magnesium level above three and a half percent it's like
four and a half in the range of four four and a half percent uh if you cannot use
it really as a
structural alloy if you are in corrosive environment under you know under
stressful load you can use 5000 for conventional super plastic application
or fast super plastic methods and when you do that you don't have luda banks
because at high temperature they don't
form and this is an example of the tesla model x and that is courtesy of our
friends at
verbon in canada that make these parts and these are class one and they are
perfectly acceptable class one with no
metal finishing so how do we do those uh
parts we don't do it as a cold high speed process it's
done slowly and it allows you to to do to deliver very deep drawing parts out of
five six
or even seven thousand series aluminum alloy but also magnesium and titanium and
you basically clamp the sheet and
then you pressurize the oven at a high temperature and you move
the the pressure the pressure moves the material it basically flows into the cavity
and so it's a one-sided tool for
me right and it's right it's it's slow you can it's as you can see very very slow
rain and
if the slower you do it the higher the deformation that you can get you can get up
to the 300 percent deformation if you
do it at what they call here verbon calls high speed blow forming you can get
into the 180 percent elongation uh and and with
strain rates that allow you to have cycle times that now approaching the minute
but not it's still a far far cry from cold forming where you easily for skins
run at 15 or even higher strokes per minute if we talk about 2000 aluminum series
alloys with copper is a major element and it's usually combined with magnesium
and manganese and it is the original hard nigala
and it was the one that opened the door for lightweight and high strength
structures and that's the one that
basically the entire aerospace industry the aeronautical industry was based on
uh prior to world war ii and it will add the ford uh the ford
tri-motor and and all of those other planes the dc-2 dc3 these were all
thanks to the 2000 series for automotive use
the 2000 series was first used by citroen in france and
they did it for their high volume product and this was a citroen ds introduced in
and they were quite ambitious in values this car had a very very large hood a good
sized roof
and a deck lid and they did they the car was launched with another with visas
aluminum parts and they had
aluminum as internal structural parts as well on the car
and it remained in production and for 20 years and they make you know quite a large
number of those vehicles in
various places worldwide reynolds metal registered a derivative of au2g in 1970
and that's what ford used from 1978 to 1998 for 20 years for the versailles
hood that was the first ford aluminum hood went for the tanker and for the crown
vic and the grand marquis hoods
and we ford actually made literally a couple million hoods using 2036.
alcoa registered the last aluminum auto body sheet for in in
87 that was 2008 and it was used as an hood
for 1992 for the crown vic grand marquis for rosehood while they were in aluminum
so the pros is that 2000 series aluminum
are the first truly class one capable arnolds they they have an absolutely perfect
you want it you can have a perfect uh surface to it they do achieve modest edge
hardening in
the early e-coat orbits and what that is is that the early e-coat oven are
were actually high temperature they were like 205 degrees celsius and that allowed
2000 series to actually put
deliver some harding in beyond and because they were high incoming yield strength
and they had a
kick in the oven they it provided allowed them to provide competitive dent
resistance to mild
steel with fin gauges very quickly and what it did is because of the
application of 2000 series in france for example when citroen started that car
right this particular hood imagine this hood they didn't have they couldn't they
didn't have continuous heat treated then quench oven and they had to do this in
the blank and they would cut rectangular blanks heat treat them crunch them by
them into a big bath of water and then they would recover them and
have to stretch them to remove all of the complex distortions that were that
happen when you drop a fin sheet into water right so very quickly if you wanted to
high volume aluminum sheet and that was 2000 you needed to have
heat treat and quench furnaces continuous heat retention trench furnaces and and
these always actually drove it the difficulty with these alloys is that
they have difficult formability because they came in at very high yield strikes
compared to what we use today and that
gave them very high spring back and if you think about the 1970s with no
computer models nothing and they didn't you know high strength steel and ultra
high strength steel was still far away in the future and spring back was something
that was
really really painful they're good at strength but they're not
good at hamming and therefore not very good at craftsmanship so the people
for when they use 2000 series hood we made hot shots and that means downstanding
flanges which severely
limits what kind of geometry you can put what kind of curvature on the side and and
that you can actually achieve
and the most damning things is that they are incompatible with modern low
temperature echoed oven that's why 2
double oid that solves the hemming issue was actually not suitable as a skin
alloy because it was developed hoping to get high temperature equate oven but
in the market as the low temperature he got over and were being rolled out and
therefore could
never achieve the strength level necessary to be successful the final thing is that
the higher
copper level in 2000 uh unfortunately
makes them [Music] more susceptible to filiform corrosion
right and that's something that you don't really want so 2000 series i talked a lot
about it
because they were the original aluminum skins but they have been replaced by 6000
series nobody uses to 2000 series
anymore so for 6000 series magnesium and silicon
usually paired with manganese and sometimes copper
and they were enabled by the development of continuous heat tweet and quench lines
and all of this by the way all of
his development and arrival of aluminum autobody sheet is has been made possible
by what by the availability of proper rolling
capabilities within the aluminum mills and those rolling capabilities the hot
roll mills and and the powerful cold roll mills were all put in
place because of the success of the aluminum can so the aluminum cans drove the
assets and then the 2000 series drove the continuous heat treat furnace and
the 6000 series therefore the beneficiary of all of that alcoa is the first one to
register as
more than 6000 series alloys and they did it as early as 1976. it was a pair
6009 that was a high form ability to be used for inner that's how it was envisioned
and 6010 that was supposed to
be a high-strength class one alloy it was so high strength that it was almost
impossible to use it was even
higher income in yield strength than 2036 and the springback was simply out of
this world of course the dent resistance and the strength and service was out of
this world but if you couldn't make the part it was
kind of useless so 609 actually became a class one material it
was used by general motors and audi from early application audi the original audi
a8 used 6009 uh in in the body
aloe swiss introduced ac 120 for the 1978 porsche 928
and you notice here fairy portion ferdinand porsche himself and he was very proud
of that car
this is aluminum hood and fenders and the doors and the doors had a 5182 door
and it's a combination that has remained popular to this day uh ali swiss finally
registered iec 120 as and it became 6016 in 1984.
6016 in all of its many flavors is still today the most widely used
aluminum alloy and the great thing about 6000 series is
that they respond very well to processing tweak meaning the mills can deliver many
products that address different customer wants and need better hamming better
more stability higher strength you name it higher
make hardening response all of those different things can can come simply by
keeping you can keep the
geometry nearly the geometry the chemistry nearly constant and you can then change
the the processing itself to get the various variant so
all of the model skin and the highest strength followers today are 6000 series
summarizing they have reasonable incoming yield strength at the stamping plant they
have good form ability they
have excellent surface quality they have strong hardening response in the paint
bake oven which gives them
good dent resistance the only downside is that they suffer from natural aging but
even that
you can actually manage by processing tweaks so the skins today are what we call
copper they all have less than 0.2 percent copper that's becoming kind of a
universal standard worldwide standard and this is to mitigate this filiform
concerns and they are the most commonly used alloys today they delivered in t4
and remember this is substantially stable that's what this natural aging at room
temperature is about
and and was it explained how that works they use pre-aging nowadays which gives
a strong hardening response during e-cold bake and with we have on on wheels
strength on the skins that are
easily in excess of 200 megapascal and that's on top of the work hardening
from the stamping class one is absolutely perfect with the
roping free versions and as i said processing tweaks marry a different variant from
a single base
alloy and to give you an alloy of all these different alloys that we use for skins
6005 60 14 60 16 16 22 64 51 all
of these alloys that are considered low copper alloys that we can use in there are
many different variants to make
skins so we talk a lot about hardening so how does hardening work so
6000 and same as 2000 can be hardened if you expose them to heat for a length of
time so the hardening process is actually a race it's a race between the initial
annealing and precipitation hardening and if you give it enough time precipitation
hardening actually wins
so if you look at this one between zero and here with almost it's almost more
than 30 minutes at temperature you actually have gone from 270 years uh cereal
strength to about
390 yield strength for this particular alloy but notice that for the first
12 minutes there you actually are softening and notice that you are climbing and if
you into if you interrupt the edge hardening here you have a good kick but you are
in the middle of a very very
very steep hill and what that can do that can result in lots of viability for
very very little time change in the heat oven so the pancakes are too short to
full hardening which would be around here and as i was saying it's full temp small
changes in time temperature
exposure can yield to yield strength variation which is not very good if you
want to guarantee minimum properties or guarantee specific ductility
so the modern alloys use what we call pre-aging which is basically we do this part
right here at the mill
and we deliver it so the great thing is it delivers you lower yield strength
with a phenomenal kick that will take place in less time
and that is very desirable and that's how most of the 6000 series at least all of
them that are used for skins are delivered this way so that we can have a good kick
to note edge hardening if you were to do it either in the paint oven or if you had
subject the material to a independent hardening process has no dimensional
impact on the stamped part that is yeah
natural aging that's the downside right because if you
can artificially age you can naturally gauge it simply goes much more slowly so it
changes very quickly during the
first 10 days and then it kind of mellows down and continues more slowly
thereafter and that's what is called the substantially stable tensile strength
varies the same way
so the implication if you're a stamper if your yield triangle goes up the spring
back goes up
so if you think about now of your delivery flow right
you have the normal viability of the material itself that gives you
the window of your strength but you now out add an expanded window that would
come if you are not careful about using the material at a similar age if you
don't practice first in first out you now are going to be using one day material
that is very young then another
day you might be using material that is quite old and the yield strength difference
between the two might be very
substantial so that's the downside but you can manage
it aging affects some aspect of formability more than
others and hemming and clinching are really things that are affected by
natural aging and clinching the self-pierced
rivet which is some fall another form of clinching is negatively affected as well
so if you think about it you have shelf
life for forming hamming riveting that you have to pay attention but as i mentioned
there are now strategies that are done in in in the processing and pre-aging
strategies that can mitigate natural aging so not all 6000 series alloys are
created equal in terms of aging natural aging performance so if we look at uh 6000
series again
class one capable excellent hemming excellent craftsmanship free aging spectacular
age hardening response even
in the low temperate oven and we can have very competitive dent resistance at
0.9 millimeter and thank goodness for the low incoming yield strength because that
helps manage
spring pack and the great thing about all those is that you can then
if you use a short heat treatment after forming you can achieve 300 megapascal
yield strength which is
which is quite a you know it's a meaningful structural alloy given that you have
usually up up gauges will see and again to note that there is no
adverse dimensional effect so the con is that of course the shelf life
complex more complicated processing right you have not only do you have uh heat
wheat and crunch you have pre-aging
so that all adds on cost if you go above two percent point two percent copper
you arrive in the risk of uniform corrosion but they are the most widely used
aluminum alloy seven thousand series
not widely used today it's used in some exotic vehicles uh although uh neo uh in
japan in
china uses it for b pillar they actually are remarkably
you know old they have developed approximately the same time as a five thousand and
six thousand and
they were developed basically at the same time independently because we're all
military projects in europe the
united states and japan the first production was by sumitomo on the mitsubishi zero
like everybody knows the zero that's what allowed it to be light and maneuverable
among other things
alcoa was working on it independently and that appeared for the development for the
b-29 that
makes extensive use of 7000 skins
zinc is a major alloying element combined with copper and magnesium superior
strength as we mentioned that's
the strongest aluminum alloy that you can get and it still maintains good ductility
but the downside of it is that it requires requires specialized forming processes
and heat
treatments to achieve the mechanical properties and the corrosion resistance
so what do we need by specialized forming we're talking about hot forming this is
the most likely process the most
useful process that you can think about for for an automotive point of view you
take the blank it's similar to the press
hardened steel you take a blank put it in a heating furnace heating to a solutions
analyzing temperature
transfer it to the press without delay you form and quench in the press and you
have now a bunch of form parts you take
the foam parts you pass them to an aging furnace then you pass them to assembly and
paint and if you look at the profile
you have then the proper profile in the dye crunching and you arrive and the aging
and you'll arrive with very very strong material how strong we're talking 450
500 megapascal so if if we could review now a quick survey
of the our series file files 5000 low strength low cost
80 to 140 megapascal yield the yield strength in service is basically the yield
strength as received
the class 1 capable only if formed at high temperature by super plastic or
high speed blow forming increasing strength decreases form abilities and you reach
you you pump
against the high magnesium issue right 2000 series are class 1
capable no longer used and we know why the 6000 are the dominant series for
aluminum abs class 1 exceptional big hardening response with pre-aging yield
strength much higher than the yield strength has received wide range of properties
from high
formability high craftsmanship to medium high strength right good stuff the 7000
series are the strongest up to
500 or more yield strength they can be used for structural application but you have
to use
specialized processing at the point of views and as i said the most promising right
now is hot forming within die
crunch followed by a heat treat to achieve the best properties so let's talk about
people don't often do it that way but i decided i would actually try to explain
aluminum aluminum sheet
from based on its basic aluminum properties so we all know about density right
that's why we actually use aluminum versus steel and the density of aluminum always
actually varies by the alloying elements when you add copper or zinc you get
heavier if you put
magnesium you get lighter right that's why there is a range but it's approximately
one third of the
density of steel elastic modulus follows that of the density right so
also one approximately one third the yield stripes as we mentioned are quite good
from a low from from the i'm
talking about auto body sheet now from 85 to 500 that would be the uh the the
from the 5000 to the 7000 and you compare this to the
110 to 1200 in steel and the ratio is is compatible really is
pretty good but up to hsl right we really don't arrive in the very high strength
fair but the specific stiffness
if we look at it which is elastic modulus divided by the density uh they're
actually quite similar
and if we look at a specific strength right and we're comparing here 7000 t6
versus a press hardened you know 1200 tensile strength material they actually
have similar specific strength level so if we look which brings back to the
tensile strength comparison everybody knows the balloon shots for the steel right
and then if we put the aluminum
they look kind of modest but when you put it as a specific style strength you see
that we have a perfectly matching sets of balloon ourselves and that very aluminum
actually performs
quite well for that so that brings to the question is
how do we you know relate this problem of lower yield strength but and
lower a further modulus with how do we achieve where we are well
let's talk about skins surface stiffness is function of elastic modulus
and times the thickness to the third power right so for equal stiffness you can
derive it and when you arrive of it it's basically for just nothing change equal
stiffness you're about 45 thicker than steel
if you look at deflection though you discover that it's not only a function of the
surface stiffness but it's also a
function of the span and its function of the span unsupported span also to the
third power so if you think about an aluminum hood about a roof or other things
you can play all kinds of games changing the unsupported span
you can and the gauge and when we look at aluminum alloys and aluminum alloy skin
application we'll find that we're somewhere between one and a quarter to one and a
half times the thickness of
steel the champion of all times of aluminum skin in modern history was the
ford ranger hoods for which we had a 0.8 millimeter hood out over 0.85 mm
houdini and we achieved that by using the very high strength material 611 on the
but also very very short spans using a teacup that provided very very short
span there's all kind of difficulties with teacups and hoodiness and everything but
that was the world
champion so the summary for this basic mechanical properties good strength low
density low
modulus means up gauging section inclusive to achieve the structural equivalence
50 of gauge is something that like a ballpark that we use which brings them to
strength of the
mild steel to mid hsla kind of strength the design impact it means that for
skins aluminum is unbeatable it's better than big hardenable 250 and
you can get craftsmanship and everything and you can get everything you want for
that and therefore for skins
i think aluminum are there you get better than 40 percent weight save for
hoods decklids fenders so it's quite a good application on that for 7 000 series
very they're
competitive for structures for the 50 upgauge the heat treat you arrive at
something equivalent to 750 megapascal
to steel and that's not a bad deal so pretty good from a stamping point of view
aluminum is unfortunately similar to dp590
and that means that designing aluminum skins is like trying to design dp 590 skins
in terms of spring back in
but you don't just do skins that way you also do her dinners and things like that
and so therefore a little bit more
challenging for the stampers but we have the tools to do through that the downside
of it is that you'll
discover because of the strength of the material when you make prototype parts and
if you
don't compensate the tooling if you thicker than one and a half millimeter you will
not be able to
readily you know hammer your way back to
to the desired shape you will have to actually do spring back compensation for your
prototype tools now other properties that we don't often talk about electrical
aluminum i have here aluminum steel and copper and you can see that
aluminum is closer to copper than it is to steel
right and the latest heat of melting aluminum is actually requires quite a bit of
of power
to to melt per kilo but in reality we don't use a kilo if we use at least 40
percent if we use 40 then it's not that different in terms but that has
implications for welding because if you combine these two here the latent
heat of melting the electric resistivity and the thermal conductivity that is again
much closer to copper than it is
to steel it means that we have to use much higher
currents which in turns create power distribution issues when you want to have for
if you wanted to have a whole body shop if you think about all of these thousands
of wealth spots that you will
have to take place in a body shop that all happen randomly and some of them will
try to arrive at the same time when
you're trying to pull 26 000 amps instead of 6000 that can have quite
quite pro it's quite the power distribution problem you have also shunting
because remember you have very excellent very low electric electrical resistivity
you have good thermal conductivity you have everything that you don't want and you
get you have to put larger spacing
between the spot wells and because of all this power
and you have similar thermal latent heat of melting per mass
but a lot more power coming at it you have to have very short wealth
cycles which means that you don't really get good success unless you use mid
frequency welding and some pretty
sophisticated controllers then what is happening is that aluminum likes
to alloy with copper and when you put heat and everything with it and it will then
you will face
then copper diffusion i mean aluminum diffusion into the copper electrodes which
yields to frequent
frequent tip dressing and when you're dealing with 6000 series
on top of it because the heat treated product you will have a heat affected zone so
as you can tell i'm not exactly
fond of resistance part welding and it's especially true when you're
trying to do structure aluminum is expensive aluminum is more elastic right
and you want therefore to optimize your structural performance which you can do
that using continuous joints in steel we can approximate continuous joint
because the material is stiff you can put spare spots together you can do it with
resistance part welding but you
can't do the same with aluminum and therefore resistance bot welding is not
attractive as adjoining methods and we will want to go to continuous joining but
with electrical with the
the electric the thermal conductivity that has all kind of other difficulties
we can talk now about another property that everybody thinks that they know really
well which is
aluminum is corrosion resistance right because aluminum reacts instantly with
oxygen it has this self-healing oxide
layer oxide layer is function of the alloying elements right if you rub the the
surface you get an alloying element or without reacts with oxygen you'll have
base material dependent chemistry on on the
on the oxide layer but the consequences are that when you
bond you don't bond to the metal you actually bond into the oxide layer
and for welding the oxide layer defines the resistivity to the surface
and to make things more interesting the oxide layer reacts to you you made it to
the environment and to humidity
so if you want to have a stable and and and a strong performance i mean
stable resistant spot welding performance if you want to have a stable adhesive
performance you need to have a
stable and consistent surface and that means that you have to surface treat the
the other and the last property that we're going to look at is a thermal expansion
and aluminum thermal
expansion is twice as good and twice twice worse than steel
and that means that when you mix mixed body structures when you mix steel and
the aluminum at the same temperature will expand twice as much as you would in
steel and
the practical number that you need to remember is that passing for an ecodarwin if
both metal achieve the ego
dove and temperature which you hope they will so that you can have cured e-coat the
aluminum section will expand 1.8
millimeter more than the steel section for every meter
right so the higher stresses of a mixed metal construction are not in service we're
doing the e-code cure so if we talk about we try to conclude on the basic
properties right
we don't need to match the strength of steel because we typically used
thicker gauges anyway to compensate for the lower elastic modulus and that the fact
that in the car
few parts actually strength driven most are stiffness driven so that you will
have section changes as well so to maximize performance
because of the lower elastic modulus you want to use continuous joints you can't
really do that with resistant spot welding the high conductivity and high thermal
expansion completely complicates
continuous welding it's a very tricky process to uh from a dimensional performance
point of
view and so it's better to have a cold temperature solution which is adhesive
bonding but that requires specifying a surface treatment and compatible surface
compatible stamping lubricant all right
let's talk about some design consideration global feasibility right globally if you
think of aluminum sheet as dp590 and you forget mild steel
you'll be okay but your skin becomes the biggest challenge limiting factors
as we saw yesterday about wrinkling right unsupported areas will in the draw will
try to wrinkle or will wrinkle if
you know if they're not if they're unsupported they will wrinkle you have reduced
edge stretch
capabilities so when you have here this is a steel product you have this kind of
shells and you're trying to hem across it it's not going to be very good right so
the you have the root of the ledge
here you're going to have excessive stretch the shoulder will have excessive would
have compression followed by stretch which is excessive work hardening none of this
will be gracefully done with
aluminum sheet you will have to find solutions so that you don't have to actually
have a hem in those areas it's best to look to locate local
depression door handles budget depression in higher stiffness areas and we'll see
some examples
and the positive superior surface stretching potential compared to big countable
with strike strategy work really well right so that in reality we have plenty
of aluminum sheet to look at and do competitive studies from
this is a bmw product for aluminum doors
and and you can see how they located the door handle pocket in high stiffness area
you have a nice character line here
that prevents it from bleeding here you have both a high stiffness on top high
stiffness on the bottom for the surface
so all the surface distortion are nicely corrected you see the similar approach
here on the audi and you have a similar
approach here on the grand wagoneer the jeep grand wagoneer right so this is what i
mean when i say try to put these
depressions into locally stiff areas of the skin when you do that and you will
have excellent surface approximation i'm going to use
a body side as an example both today and tomorrow and
to show how you evolve a steel design into an aluminum friendly
one so for one piece body side which is provided by friends at the
mobility you have here to forget about having the
under fascia surface area attached to the body side you'll have to have this as a
separate piece so that
you can handle all of the complication here gracefully you'll have also to simplify
the rocker area you're not going to want you're going to want the rocker to end if
on the on the rocker not going to try to go all the way
around the rocker and joined on the a b line underneath you will minimize the depth
along the door opening it's good practice for steel but it's actually mandatory
practice for aluminum if you
want to try to avoid little distortions here at various chain
depth changes it's best to maximize the width of the reader why
because the ability of you to draw material into the root route here which is
important for your customers who will
try to sit in the rear of the car and swing their feet in right you want to have
as small possible and you can work out when you work on the harvest doors produced
that it is best to have the largest possible width of the rear door it's also good
generally to have a bigger door door but especially for forming
you will also try to move the ab line which is the line of the flange here
outward as much as you can to minimize the depth of these corners so that you
can have the sharper radii here at the front than you can have we don't worry too
much about this one because the seat
is there and it doesn't really have any implications from entrance
and lastly you will try you will work to simplify the hinge and the latch surfaces
that in the vehicle to avoid again surface distortion and complications
and well i said lastly here but really lastly you'll try to maintain
here at least two and three quarter ratio between the side of your radius and the
for structural parts well really view them as advanced high strength steel
with a couple different caveats if you think about
a draw a wall on the part like an u channel if you have a width transition like
you will try to do it on five to one meaning your transition will take five
units for any one unit of transition depth that you're going to try to achieve
you will try to minimize the form change on the radii for the same reason you will
use active stake beads at the
end of the draw to help control the spring backs and you will limit limit edge
condition to 15 if you do not you in for a world of hurt in production
and again plan on having to compensate prototype tools even at the prototype
tool stage for gauges thicker than 1.5 there are things that
the product engineer nobody talks about but because we always finished on
right we focused on finished assemblies meaning the adhesive has the pots are
together they have been
spot welded together or riveted together but in reality when you have a roof
or a hood you need to be able to take it off the press rack it and taking it off
the rack and
move it into the assembly process and if you don't have enough inherent
stiffness you will have buckling the the the panels will inverse and that is true
steel as well as well as aluminum is not unique to aluminum but it's especially
acute with aluminum because of the lower
spec the lower uh elastic modulus and so you have to actually pay attention and it
you to pay attention to doing the prototype build and if you can do it of course
with the
during the cae to verify that you have panels that are inherently stiff
that they don't buckle during handling and that is true also when you have closure
panels like for
example the ranger hood was famous that it was phenomenal in terms of a
fully finished cured assembly but it was absolute mush
as long as the assembly had not cured and that was one of the issues of using
the teacup design as it we implemented it in that particular hood was that it had
no intrinsic stiffness as an
adhesive without the uh before the adhesive cure right
so recycling recycling is a topic that really gets me going here so if we talk
remember we talked about
that aluminum as a metal is not really useful unless you alloy it and we we've been
talking about
five to six and seven thousand series reminding ourselves what the alloying
elements are and you really see that the
more the more strength we get the more alloying elements we put so in aluminum
grossly simplified alloying is forever and if you mix alloy families you lower
the value of your scrap right so mixing if you mix hours if you're trying
to re-melt what you have mixed you have you get less money for what you get
which brings us is how do we make aluminum sheet well we start with approximately a
little more more than five kilo of oxide this is what we mined we go through the
buyer process which is
mechanical and chemical process it's the same thing in steel when you mine it and
then you have to make it concentrate it
mechanically and process it in making taconite pellets for example
you arrive and making here about 1.9 kilo of alumina and that's where you famously
pass it through the
electrolytic reduction during which you consume about 450 grams of carbon anodes
as you're making here your one kilo of primary aluminum right and this is one way
to arrive at
the basic building block that you'll use for your aluminum body sheet the alloy
that you'll get when you do it
there is normally p1020 p10 for less than
10.1 percent of silicon 20 because less than 0.2 percent iron
right that's what a p1020 is and as i said you could arrive to the same place with
one kilo
of secondary aluminum meaning recycled aluminum and
that's what we call the metal portion and the metal portion when you use
recycling aluminum you use only six to seven percent of the energy that you would
consume to make it from bauxite
and that makes recycled you know aluminum recycling aluminum so attractive
but when you're thinking about the energy that is used into making autobody sheet
you have to come to still take
into account what happens after you have the your primary metal you still have to
actually make it into a useful alloy you have to allow it you have to roll it
fabrication you have to finish it and
that is to do to surface treat it you know to and then to deliver it which is to
it to life to trim it right and all kind of different things until you deliver it
and all those
processes also consume energy so when you're recycling
we can talk about two strings you have end of service i don't like to speak about
life but it's end of life and of
service it's post consumer recycling no mandate in the u.s for the
manufacturer it's handled in a very distributed fashion
you have multiple recycling path and destination in in the distributed
and the aluminum auto body sheet will be mixed with the rest of the vehicle and
the point to remember is that recovery there is on average because cars last so
long we've done such a great job making car last a long time cut the recovery delay
is now easily
exceed more than two decades where you go and and then finally the value doesn't
belong to the manufacturer
the value belongs to the recycler whereas if you go to a stamping plant
you know the prompt scrap recycling can be as little as 35 by as much as 55
of the buy by the stamping plant and it can be handled in a formal
agreement but in terms of tolling or it can be handled by secondary processors
the great thing about it is that the timing is as short as two months after coil
and the manufacturer owns the metal at that moment so the value belongs to the
manufacturer that's are the two most important point to remember as we
talk about recycling water body sheet in the u.s so
to finish talking about end of service is that we try if you try to map the
flow path there's an excellent article that has been published last year by
university of michigan and ford and
myself about mapping the flow part over the end of service it's a complicated
process there are accidents there's used
vehicle interstate sales right use vehicle export to other country you have
parts resale you have abandonment vehicles that just simply disappear you have
vehicles that are put in storage
you have scrapping and as i said the vehicle service lifespan have dramatically
over the last three decades and it's easily more than 20 years and if you look
at end of service recycling and we're pushing all of some aluminum now on
wheels with all of the latest application of the last 10 years aluminum is
basically energy on wheels
and it's going to remain that way for a long time if you look at how it processed
this is
on from a paper by kelly bellion approximately 58 of the incoming weight
is sent to the shredder in form of flattened shells right and
42 of the vehicle weight is actually dismantled
of which 10 is eventually recovered meaning sold to customers that actually use it
and the rest the majority of it 32 percent simply rots in place that we you
know get your own part at whatever and eventually we'll go back to the shredder and
join its brothers for the rest of
the body so it's really further delays into the process
whereas you look at scrap doling from a mass perspective and this was a max
perspective as well
if we have here 55 percent materialization 85 percent totaling efficiency which
means that we capture
85 of this crack coming out of the stamping plant 7 will then escape
38 will make it into an infinite dolling loop that will loop back and forth which
means that we need to put the metal only metal supplier will need to buy only 62
percent of fresh metals to bring it into the completion of an autobody sheet
order that will go on the stamping plant and the body and white or the parts or
whatever you do will come out with 55
of the metal so if you go and think further about
why we would want to do a scrap drawing if you assume that 45
of the metal goes to scrap out of the stamping plant and we
capture 85 percent and 35 38 is stole back we realized an instantaneous energy
saving you remember that the charts that i that i drew a few slides ago and we
avoid all of the end of service
issues no delay no disassembling no sorting no cleaning we have it right
then and there at the stamping plant it's not yet painted it doesn't have glue yet
on it it's everything the only
thing it has is a little bit of lubricant and if we think about
the energy to make one kilo of recycle of prime recycled metal is only six
percent of what we would have for the primary we can then put it back into our
equation and try normalizing it and try to see and and we'll arrive at just
towing back 38 gives us an almost matching energy reduction 36 energy reduction
primary just because we told the metal so from an energy point of view
tolling is something that we need to pay attention so on top of it of course things
are not
quite as simple uh auto body sheet today is not made just from prime it's also made
recycling because the aluminum industry itself is improving its efficiency the
production is also improving in efficiency and each one of the males have their own
green plants right an
aggressively replacing primary with resources from recycled metal
but with all of its good news and everything recycling still does not recover the
energy from fabrication
finishing and delivery so the best approach is to avoid buying
metal and we avoid buying metal by efficient design and efficient processing and
explore that a little bit more so to give you an idea of all of this what does it
mean with scrap torque
let's look at the tesla long-range model r right the model 3 long range 75 kilowatt
useful battery recycling one ton of aluminum save about 45 35 000 kilowatt hours
the f-150 just the f-150 by itself the f-150 enterprise recycles about 90 000
metric tons per year of pumped aluminum scrap this is equivalent recharging 800
than 820 000 tesla long-range model are every single week
right and so that's the energy that is involved in
in the savings of energy that you can do when you have a well-run well-managed
well-established scrap towing program and you can here you can get the qr code
here to get to the aluminum association report it just came out a couple a week ago
it's worth reading it's an excellent report on the energy and how does it pass on
the fabrication of aluminum
whatever the sheet so we're going to talk about cost because we're approaching the
end here
we're not done yet but we need to talk about cost so let's look at the part we have
a part here that is normalized it's
up i called it a 1.1 part 45 material utilization we're going to compare it
we're going to make up by approving the efficiency of design we
go to our one part and we can see that we'll save only
you know one-tenth here but we multiply this one-tenth saving by
the by the forty-five percent material if the forty-five percent forty-five percent
meaning that we actually save point two two on the material bar
that's a greater than one effect if i go to materialization
and i just go and improve from 45 percent to 50
every pound of material every kilo of material that i save by having a better
utilization is a kilo of material that i save from buying right
when i talk about towing efficiency total efficiency is great because we have a lot
of value and energy in the
efficiency but in terms of buy it doesn't change much to buy it simply
changes what you can recover from cost and the value that you recover because
we lose all the fabrication the the finishing and the delivery and we recover only
a portion of the cost on
the portion of the metal the implication on your buy is much much lower
design utilization efficiency have the largest impact on valuable cost
so if we talk about maximizing this crab value right we're already repeating
ourselves here
to really drive the point home scrap dolling aims to recover the
highest portion of the metal cost and you can see it in the graph here this is
45 percent of the metal is going on to scrap
we lose we can't really much we're gonna we work on it to recover 45 uh 85 of this
and if you look at the value the proportion of the total by recovered
we can actually recover around at the best of things
sorting by grade will pass and arrive at least on the on the 15
grade faint vet is critical in a stamping plan operation if
you're trying to actually get the value out of your scrap is to
avoid secondary processing which means that you want to avoid iron because iron
will have to be taken out
and the problem is that most damping plants are mixed metal plants iron readily
alloys with aluminum alloy iron
exists in the primary ingot remember the 20 in p1020 stands for 0.2 percent iron
scrap totaling is a forever loop right and you can have up to six cycles a year
between the stamping plant and the mill so let's say that you have one percent in
uh iron in the in the scrap toning loop if you look at
it what will happen is this is a random this is a modeling with a random
implication you need to remain below 0.3
percent for the alloy that you want to recycle into and materialization of 60
right primary has an average of 1.15 percent and you can see that if you have
one percent you'll saturate around point eight percent iron despite the fact that
you're bringing fresh metal
continuously into the system you would still saturate it point eight percent not
acceptable if you have if you have your iron
content out of the stamping plant you still saturate and you still don't
achieve your 0.3 to achieve your 0.3 using 60 percent materialization and
counting on 0.15 in the primary you'll need to bring your
stamping plant scrap sorting performance between regarding iron to the 0.2
percent limit which is like 2 kilo per ton of scrap which is a very strict
steel segregation and note that if you unfortunately drop your metallicization
from 60 to 50 right it means that you have less primary now coming into your mixed
tooling loop when you make the metal it means that you need to now get a more
efficient and more absolute scrap segregation so
another benefit of improved material utilization is that it improves the resilience
to iron
in your scrap stream so the higher the material utilization the higher your iron
tolerance is in
your scrap stream now since you are planning a product in
aluminum you're part of the investment consideration and whatever if you the
investment consideration for a stamping plant remember it's a large job shop it's
aluminum is usually a fraction of the pla of the plant you for each
die set that is going to make a product it has a home line and an alternate line so
that you always have to set at least
one plus an alternate line for scrap management you could consolidate the aluminum
and alloys is one solution you but everything that you do sorting and
handling has a cost so you want to minimize this sorting and handling so you could
consolidate aluminum parts
consolidate alloys because if you mix steel and aluminum
that's always the most expensive because it you will have went to steel to sort
both the aluminum from the steel so that
the steel doesn't go but it doesn't get to be a problem because the aluminum will
be a problem
in the re-melt of steel scrap so you have to get it out and you need to get the
steel out of the aluminum scrap if
you want to be able to get maximum value for the aluminum so this is expensive and
you can all of this we're thinking about all of that because the resale value of
is a meaningful way to reduce your valuable cost so the closing folks
operational issue controls the crop purity with cross-contamination when it happens
it's not steady flow it happens
in advance dedicating a press line don't think about it even independent
aluminum steel's crap system eliminating ferrous contamination is still difficult
dedicating press line by alloy even our family is cost prohibitive
you don't have enough volume and stamping lines are too expensive an asset to do
plants strive for perfection but they don't always achieve it and so the
stamping plants will need composition tolerance band for each other and the
strategy to define the receiver alloys
and you have to keep in mind the existing contamination data when you plant your
so when you conclude now little soliloquies about variable cost and and
so your product design you have to minimize gauges and material specifications pay
attention to material
utilization avoid hanging details on you know in your design that shoot down
the material utilization factor you have to include the scrap resale value into the
variable cost equation
you have to optimize sourcing by taking into account alloy families and the
manufacturing people will maximize
processing efficiencies by using double attach optimize blank and draw concept
consolidate the coil width high speed
transfer progressive dies rather than just control fashion progressive dies
optimize the sourcing based on ios
families and then of course always include the scrap recovery strategy in
the long term planning because minimizing valuable costs is a shared responsibility
manufacturing and product design so we're almost running out of time but
we're not quite there yet we still have time to quickly go through our
manufacturing overview because it's not
very long promise high performance lubricant to mitigate for mobility limitations
we talked about
that right the skins might require an additional trim time might
not always premium materials for trim dyes for high if you're doing high volume
higher tooling maintenance but the good news is for inner panel and structural
parts the processing is very
much like steel and the actual tooling costs are lower than advanced high strength
steel because the contact
pressures are so so much lower so you can actually get less expensive tooling
costs for your structural parts in aluminum than you do for advanced high-strength
steel the only thing you need to watch about
in stamping for 6000 series managing stock aging so you use first in
first act on the assembly welding bonding control
surface conditions mill applied surface treatment like tizerg a951 and others
compatible lubricants right for assembly and selfies rivers better joint properties
resistant spot welds spr versus isw you're trading for joint performance
which is better with the sbr additional part which is the rivet but
and a higher energy higher running cost so it's all a trade-off
regardless of the method for hemming right you will avoid closed hemmed corners so
you have the press hemming which is conventional in the conventional press you have
the table tops
dedicated right tooling in the machine robotic holder hamming you have a lower cost
asset in the robot with the dedicated fixture which is the the fixture
you go from high volume large footprint to low high volume small footprint
to scalable for volume wise but one that is erotic roller which is
programmable flexible and you can actually go fairly high right but
remember avoid hammer corners for mobility analysis
for the from a production product engineer point of view it's important
so if you're reviewing simulation make sure that you have insisted that they use
five layer shell elements even for
early feasibility you have to confirm the process strategy single double attached
non-attached prog trog whatever you want make sure you confirm the blanket geometry
and the strategy for the
blanking make sure you confirm and verify the setups that means the friction
coefficient the material
properties what are the failure criteria the flc is the zone definition safe zone
definitions the other criteria that you will use the max maximum edge strain
don't forget that the inflow line to make sure that you will not have
you know objectionable contact marks on to the the the product because it
you know all of those things you have to understand it and do this so we have
gone through this several times now and the point that i will hammer home one last
is that the flc in aluminum does not really
move that much as a function of gauge unlike steel and that the left hand side
is aluminum is not constant thinning which is now this slide you should be sick of
it by now
that you cannot use for for thin out analysis to define for mobility right you can
it to define suitability for for use for the product right because you want to
guarantee a
certain minimum thickness so perfectly okay to look at it and use finite analysis
to verify that you have
meet that but you cannot use fill out in aluminum for formability you either
for mobility or you lose a great deal of it failure criteria again remember what
these are right red is bad yellow is getting to danger green is good blue you're
into wrinkling tendencies and watch out for that and purple you probably probably
are in wrinkling territory
but the last one the one that people always forget
you straight edge stretch and it's not unless this is going to be a percent
a percentage of your stretch unit so that don't forget to clarify what percentage
you want for skin and the thicknesses remember we're talking what 15
conclusion stamping fva essential
share share and share share the setup the material data the failure criteria
throughout the entire product and tooling value chain right when you're doing the
feasibility through the
tooling process concept to the tooling design and the face
everything share the data use finite values product engineering information don't
realize the four
mobility criteria flc is really
for the first stage normally because it relies on monotonic strain
path pay attention to edge stretch everywhere not just on the part but also to the
edge of the blanks think about the fender with the wheel arch and don't be afraid
ask for simulation
covering the next process steps but then you'll have to watch out as to what
failure criteria you use not a strain
based wise six files and alloys are the most
used aluminum motor body sheets strong age harding performance excellent for
mobility class one capability
unbeatable for skills deliver credible structural performance if you use a
high speed short heat treat treatment afterwards 5000 great for keeping the rain
bracketry affordable you want them right but what you buy is what you get
meaning yield strength 7000 outstanding structural performance
but specialized forming processes and heat treatments to achieve what you're hoping
for from a design point of view
design excellence most cost effective scrolling loop can lower your variable
cost by 15 but you need script strict steel segregation
segregation be five and six is a minimum and when volume allow when the volumes
finally allow it partner with an aluminum mill into towing programs and
we have seen what the energy savings are that vastly present right and
in order to make all this possible do strategic sourcing to optimize investments
high performance lubricant will be essential but you have to use a system approach
that include compatibility
with the assembly and paint and that's up to you in the product point of view to
take care of it
it's a team effort sharing cae standards and best to use a strategic approach
right when you you do long term and stable application stable part sourcing
you will miss some things when you do strategic you can trigger secondary weight
savings you can
downsize if you go big you can do all kind of other things but if you
just to strategic meaning you just do an aluminum closure panel here and there to
solve a specific weight problem
you will start you will not be able to develop your learning for your design
for your stamping process and for your staffing plant
and these are your missed opportunities right you get higher weights and cost
you get lower materialization higher cost you get higher cost higher initial energy
cost and life assessment
right and you can you can keep your light weighting cost 25 higher than necessary
and you can double your energy
footprint that's concludes i'm slightly over i hope you have had time to stay with
until the end and i'm opening it for questions thanks
we've got a couple uh first could you elaborate on the uh tesla's uh super plastic
forming on 5000
series uh for class one production okay so that is that one they use that
uh on the model x right on the rear fenders and and the liftgate and it's done uh
using 50 variants of 5083 and it's done in in canada in quebec by
a company called a bomb and they they do this at a reasonably with a process that
they developed and
patented and they developed it with tesla and that they patented themselves
and they they produce all of those parts for tesla and
it's basically the cycle time is is approaching where
they're like 30 to 45 parts per hour right so it's not very high speed but
for super plastic forming that is high speed okay okay
thank you and could you tell us uh about any friction based joining methods any
experience you've got there ah
well of course friction stir welding that's a wonderful methodology for that
it was used by mazda on as a point friction stir weld on on houdinis
it has been used for delivering and and working on
by twb to develop
taylor welded likes right and it works very nicely but you need to you know
constrain the parts and it's mechanical it works great
and could you uh tell us is there an amount of stretch to aim for with active beads
to compensate for
spring back you talking about skins
right if you're talking about skins yeah if you want to you you do have to i mean
easily shoot for two percent right two or three percent on surface strain
so that you you have the best shape retention and you get yourself the kick in
strength that you're counting on for that resistance okay
uh what adhesives would you recommend for bonding aluminum uh that also
provides sound damping oh
that is a very specialized question i'm going to pass i think for that you need to
talk to
your favorite adhesive material supplies because there is a myriad of developments
and solution it all depends
on what you want to do for being and it also depends on what stamping lubricants
you're going to have
to bond against right bought through
okay and i'm not sure i understand this one uh what do you think about recycled
quality to use for abs applications
no problem i mean that's uh i mean if you think about it the the example that i
showed i
mean there with ford uh the whole ford high volume enterprise
the f-150 the super duty and the uh expedition navigator
all of that enterprise therefore is is making extensive use of tolling and
therefore recycled content in in the vehicles is at least
equivalent to the uh to the tolling values
yeah thanks for that one because there is a lot of misinformation out there
regarding uh the effect of recycled
metal on on the quality of a product and in effect there is none
because i mean it's one of those questions you know it's function of what you
right and so regardless of how the metal is made where it comes from the metal has
to meet the desired
specification and that's you know four specifications gm specification toyota
specification i mean jaguar land rover
specification we're not the only one towing uh thank goodness and
you know you have to deliver what you need to deliver and from primary or second or
using recycle
the metal is the same it has to be the same okay uh thank you and blake can i turn
it back over to you at this point to uh to close the session
john you can um and again thanks everybody for the the thought-provoking questions
and uh laurent thanks once
again for another very outstanding lecture on the the form ability of aluminum we
hope each of our participants has
learned some important design practices and other considerations and feedback and
share with your colleagues
in your future aluminum designs as a reminder please join us again tomorrow
at 10 30 a.m eastern standard time for part three of presentation where
we'll cover stamping processing and production there is a different teams link to
follow that webinar which you're going to get about 30 minutes before tomorrow's uh
activity and again we will
post a replay of yesterday's and today's webinars to the aluminum association's
youtube site a copy of lauren's
presentation will be available on later this week uh please stay
tuned to those channels for
more and finally we value your feedback on today's content and hope you'll complete
a post weapon or survey you'll
receive an email a little bit later this afternoon from francesca on that leak and
this now concludes our webinar
presentation for today have a pleasant afternoon everybody and we hope to see you
again tomorrow goodbye all

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