MoMs With Online Attendance

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: RG-25/(18)/2023-QoS
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(QoS-Il Section)

405, MDS Bhawan

June 28, 2023

Minutes of Meeting dated 15.06.2023 with Access Providers

A meeting was held with Access Providers on 15.06.2023, in hybrid mode, under the
chairmanship of the Secretary, TRAI. The list of TRAI Officials and representatives of Access
Providers who attended the meeting in offline mode is given in Annexure. Besides, several
representatives of Access Providers attended the meeting in online mode.

2. Agenda item-wise observations, discussions, and action points are as follows:

A. Implementation of Direction dated 16.02.2023.

a) Status of verification of Headers and Templates:
(1) The implementation percentage is very low (30%) for all the Access Providers
except BSNL. Access Service providers were asked to expedite actions at their
end. Failing no response from PEs concerned, a deadline should be indicated
to PEs no unverified Headers or message templates shall be allowed.
(2) Important PEs such as financial, banking, Railways, Government, and other
logistic service agencies should be contacted on priority and entity wise brief
summary of pending headers! message template verification need to be shared
with TRAI for taking further actions at this end. Target Date: 23 .06.2023.
(3) Temporary blocking of promotional messages from unverified Headers!
Templates and error message showing the reason to be sent to RTMs — This
may be done Immediately.
(4) Temporary Blocking of all unused!unverified Headers! Templates — By
(5) TRAI will audit the verification of Headers! Templates done by Access
b) Status of Implementation of PE-TM chain binding: Two different solutions are
suggested by the Industry on which there is no consensus among themselves.
Industry requested to discuss among themselves to find a hybrid solution that is
acceptable to all. The proposed hybrid solution, if any, is to be submitted by the
Industry by 23.06.2023 failing which the Authority will decide based on the solutions
offered by the Industry and in that case each Service Provider has to adhere with
solution decided by TRAI.
B Proposed Header Category Indicator format (suffixing of -P, -S, -T for Promotional,
Service, Transactional messages respectively) to be tested and implemented by
15.08.2023. A few sample messages to TRAI Officials in QoS-Il division may be sent
to demonstrate the network level preparedness by 23.06.2023. Additionally, few
indicators such as G for Government or E for Emergency etc are also to be looked into
for categorization of the Headers.
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C. Allocation of l4Oxxx series to PEs under TMs category for identification of names
of Principal Entity sending promotional message was discussed and agreed that PEs
willing to have such flexibility may be allocated 140xx series directly in their names.
Only thing for this purpose they need to register themselves as TMs because as per
current guidelines issued from DoT only RTMs can use 140xxx series for making
promotional calls.
D. Migration to DLT based system for voice communications: Full Implementation
Plan with Milestone and Timelines on Promo Voice Solution (140xx) to be submitted
by 23.06.2023.
E. Further, SoP for proposed utilization of the new series (l4lxx) and Process for the
implementation of Scrubbing and other aspects.
(1)'141' series should be allocated to Access Provider only who, in turn, will
allocate the same to PEs only. This decision may be reviewed subject to
assessment of demand and market position in future.
(2) Few options were suggested by the Industry for allocation! implementation of
'141' series. Some Access Providers suggested that instead of 141, a separate
series would have been better. The industry will submit its comprehensive
proposal formally giving pros and cons of various options and suggestions on
the matter by 23.06.2023.
F. Industry may discuss and deliberate on the feasibility of developing a common App for
display of names of promotional and transactional including service messaging! calling
entities at recipient end. Proposal if any need to be submitted to TRAI for further
examinations and decision thereof

3. During the discussions, Secretary, TRAT emphasized that a multi-dimensional approach,

involving all the possible measures, is imperative to effectively tackle the menace of UCC. Further,
he underscored the importance of strict scrutiny! KYC of PEs! TMs at the time of registration and
any loopholes in the process should invariably be plugged. Secretary, TRAI stressed on the need
on the part of Access Service Providers to be much more vigilant in this regard. Next meeting to
discuss the issues will be held after one week on a suitable date.

(Manish Jam)
Joint Advisor (QoS-Il)
Ph: +91-11-23664211

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List of participants in the meeting held on 15.06.2023 at 10:30 hrs

Sh. V. Raghunandan, Secretary
Sh. Mahendra Srivastava, Pr. Adv (QoS, CA, IT)
Sh. Jaipal Singh Tomar, Adv (QoS-Il)
Sh. Manish Jam, Jt. Adv (QoS-JI)
Ms. Kishori Kumari, Jt. Adv (QoS-JI)

Access Providers and COAl

Sh. Gopal Singh Dugtal, DGM, MTNL
Sh. Rajesh kumar chawla, AGM, BSNL
Sh. Yogesh Khurana, DM, BSNL
Sb. R.K. Gujral, VP, RJIL
Sh. Arpit Arora, AM, AJRTEL
Ms. Seema Jindal GM, AIRTEL
Sh. Manish Memra, Manager, AIRTEL
Sb. Gaurav Agnihotri, Product Head, AIRTEL
Sb. Kshem Kapoor, Director, COAl
Sb. Sanghash Khorwal, GM, TTL
Ms. Rupa Saharau, Sr. Manager TTL (Online)
Ms. Pooja Tomar, Manager, TTL
Sb. Rakesh Kr. Singh, DG, TTSL
Sh. Vishal Ambardar, SM, RJIL
Sb. Ajay Mebta, VP, VIL
Ms. Geeta Nagpal, DGM, VIL

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Name of the Participants present online during the meeting
S.No. Name Email S.No. Name Email
1 Anurag1 Jain 18 Gaurav Agnihotri
2 Peeyush Mishra-QTL (Guest) 19 Rajeev (Guest)
3 Rupa Saharan 20 Vibha (VMIPL) (Guest)
4 Hemant Khanna 21 yogeshwer singh
5 Swarajya Lakshmi 22 Rishi
6 RAJEEV (Guest) 23 Balakrishna (Guest)
7 Manish Mehra 24 Anurag Tyagi
8 Narendra Purohit 25 Shalet Dias
9 Anurag (Guest) 26 Pravin3 Rathod
10 Ali Zoomkhawala 27 Poonam Khatate
11 Hasan - VMIPL 28 Manish Bhanker (Guest)
12 Sameer1 Masalkar 29 Naveen Joshi
13 Suraj37 Singh 30 Shreya Suvarna
14 Ranjan Das 31 Hemant Soni - Vi (Guest)
15 Bhumanyoo Varshney 32 Sumeet Pol
16 Hitesh1 Paliwal 33 Robin Gupta
17 Ankur (Guest) 34 Vishnudev Tripathi

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