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Copyright © 1995, The Paleontological Society


Departement de geologie, Universite de Montreal, P.O. Box 6128, Montreal, Canada, H3C 3J7 and
Geological Survey of Canada, 60 I Booth Street, Ottawa, Canada, KIA OE8

ABsTRAcr- The thorax of Hypodicranotus has ten segments and a spine on the eighth. The ages of Erratencrinurus s.l. spicatus and
Erratencrinurus (Erratencrinurus?) vigilans in the Lake St. John district do not confirm their temporal roles leading to subgenera of
Erratencrinurus, as has been recently suggested. Phylogenetic analyses oflarge data sets of species previously referred to Encrinuroides
and Physemataspis yield a minimal length cladogram containing 18 species. Encrinuroides is restricted to four species, two of which
have biogeographic affinities with Iapetus. These results lead to three clades, named the Walencrinuroides n. gen. clade, Frencrinuroides
n. gen. clade, and finally the Physemataspis clade, with an enlarged concept of the genus with the erection of Physemataspis
(Prophysemataspis) n. subgen. These last three clades are restricted to North America and Scotland, with alternating predominance
of one region. Walencrinuroides s.l. gelaisi n. gen. n. sp. is described. New morphological data on Erratencrinurus s.l. spicatus
confirm its close relationship with the clades discussed above. Data are insufficient for phylogenetic analysis of selected cheirurine
species here surveyed. Eye position, glabellar segmentation, and pygidial shape differentiate the genera Ceraurus and Gabriceraurus;
emended diagnoses of these genera are presented. Ceraurus globulobatus and C. matranseris are distinct, but morphologically close
to one another. The status of Gabriceraurus dentatus can be stabilized on its extant types.

INTRODUCTION Owen and Heath (1990) presented a revision of Erratencrinu-

D ESBIENS ANDLesperance (1989) presented the stratigraphy

of the Lake St. John and Chicoutimi outliers of Quebec
and argued for large-scale northward migration of the faunas
rUSe They suggested a phylogeny of all the species, without un-
dertaking a rigorous cladistic or stratophenetic analysis due to
deficient stratigraphical and systematic knowledge of some spe-
typical of the "middle" Ordovician farther south (Ontario and cies (Owen and Heath, 1990, p. 228). They recognized two
New York) into the "upper" Ordovician. They presented sig- species groups within Erratencrinurus (Erratencrinurus), two
nificant changes in the biozones of selected species, previously additional ones within Erratencrinurus (Celtencrinurus), and an
considered diagnostic of specific intervals. The purpose of this Erratencrinurus s.l. group; they also presented subgeneric di-
contribution is to document more fully selected remopleuridine, agnoses, but deferred a generic diagnosis until generic diagnoses
encrinurine, and cheirurine species and investigate their con- of other encrinurine genera were finalized. Erratencrinurus s.1.
tribution to evolution and/or systematics. spicatus was considered a morphological and temporal inter-
The age assignments and the arguments for these ages within mediate between all Erratencrinurus species and the probable
the Quebec outliers need not be repeated here. Terminology of ancestral lineage from Encrinuroides torulatus Evitt and Tripp,
the encrinurines follows Evitt and Tripp (1977). 1977, to Encrinuroides uncatus Evitt and Tripp, 1977. Erra-
tencrinurus (Erratencrinurus?) vigilans [sic] was considered in-
RECENT CLASSIFICATIONS OF SOME termediate in position between spicatus and Erratencrinurus
ORDOVICIAN ENCRINURINAE (Erratencrinurus) species.
The occurrence of three encrinurine species in the Lake St. Both Strusz (1980) and Owen and Heath (1990) assigned a
John, Chicoutimi, and Manicouagan outliers of Quebec, re- mid-Caradocian age to spicatus, then only known from the Green
ported as Encrinuroides vigilans (Hall, 1847), Encrinuroides n. Bay area of Wisconsin, and reported as originating from the
sp., and Encrinuroides? spicatus (Tripp, 1974) (Desbiens and Galena Formation (Tripp, 1974, p. 484). Recent correlation
Lesperance, 1989), is an opportunity to examine the systematic charts recognize a dozen or so members within the Galena, and
bases of some encrinurines. These species were assigned to the the lack of precise stratigraphic information in Tripp (1974)
Edenian, the basal stage of the Cincinnatian Series of North renders its exact age problematical. The Galena of southeast
America, which underlies the Maysvillian Stage. The Carado- Minnesota, some 500 km westward of the Green Bay area, has
cian-Ashgillian boundary is now known to be at, or very near, been assigned to the tenuis and conjluens conodont zones (Sher-
the EdeQian-Maysvillian boundary (Barnes et aI., 1981; Berg- manian-Edenian; Sweet, 1984) and thus is of mid- to latest
strom and Mitchell, 1986). The reported ages of the three taxa Caradocian age (Barnes et aI., 1981). Available evidence on the
quoted above, however, do not accord with the evolutionary age of spicatus, both from its type area and the Lac Saint-Jean
paths recently suggested. Therefore, these recent suggestions are and Manicouagan outliers (where it is latest Caradocian), con-
briefly reviewed below. sequently does not support chronostratigraphically its ancestral
The genus Erratencrinurus Krueger, 1971. -Encrinurus spi- relationship with all the species of Erratencrinurus. New mor-
catus has acquired pivotal significance in the evolution of some phological data on spicatus presented below confirm its close
"upper" Ordovician encrinurines through the numerical anal- relationship with species ofthe widely conceived genus Encrinu-
yses of Temple and Tripp (1979). They recognized this species roides Reed, 1931.
as leading to two distinct branches, later formally recognized as It appears reasonable to accept both Ludvigsen's (1979a, p.
Erratencrinurus s.s. and Erratencrinurus (Celtencrinurus) Evitt 45) and DeMott's (1987, p. 80) judgments that Encrinurus tren-
and Tripp, 1977 (Strusz, 1980; Lesperance and Tripp, 1985). tonensis Walcott, 1877, and E. cybeleformis Raymond, 1921,
are junior synonyms of "Encrinurus" vigilans (Hall, 1847), as
the specific concepts of the first two are based on pygidia. Thus
conceived, vigilans extends from the Rocklandian to the Eden-
1 GSC contribution no. 11994. ian of southern Ontario (Ludvigsen, 1978) and also occurs in

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the Edenian of the Manicouagan outlier (Desbiens and Lespe- Recent analyses of encrinurines by Temple and Tripp, 1979,
rance, 1989); that is, it occurs from early Caradocian (Harna- Temple and Wu, 1990, and Edgecombe and Chatterton, 1990,
gian) to latest Caradocian (Barnes et aI., 1981). This again alters have provided numerous characters and basic raw data to use.
significantly the stratigraphic relationships recognized by Owen Without the first two studies, it would have been impossible to
and Heath (1990). The Manicouagan outlier material ofvigilans assemble a reasonable matrix of characters. Nonetheless, the
does not furnish new data on this species; the lectotype chosen choice of characters is delicate and somewhat subjective. It is
by DeMott (1987) has been illustrated by Ludvigsen (1979a, fig. commonly stated that as many characters as possible should be
27A) and Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990, PI. 1, fig. 11). assembled for any analysis (e.g., Smith, 1994, p. 35, 43, 45).
Owen and Heath's (1990) Erratencrinurus s.1. sp. B [=Erra- This approach may be fine in theory, and even desirable and
tencrinurus (s.1.) of Lesperance and Tripp, 1985] occurs in the necessary, but even modern computers place a limit on the size
Rouge Member of the Pabos Formation, assigned to the Pus- of the matrices that can be analyzed (discussed more fully be-
gillian-Cautleyan (Ashgillian) (Lesperance et aI., 1987) and not low). In addition, knowledge of the taxa under study varies
to the late Caradocian as given by Owen and Heath (1990, fig. widely according to the nature of the material and its complete-
2). This change of age does not alter Owen and Heath's (1990) ness of description. Biological interpretations of many of these
interpretation of evolution within their Erratencrinurus s.l. characters is at best difficult, especially in extinct groups such
branch. as the trilobites, and one has the feeling of dealing with totally
Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990) examined critically some abstract concepts of taxa of unknown nature.
generic concepts within the Encrinurinae using cladistic meth- Following Edgecombe and Chatterton's (1990) review, phy-
ods. They accepted that Erratencrinurus formed a monophyletic logenetic analysis of taxa included within Physemataspis and
group, noted that Encrinuroides was in need of revision, and the broadly conceived genus Encrinuroides was judged worthy
that possibly many new genera may be required to assign all of investigation. Taxa included in Erratencrinurus, as outlined
species to monophyletic taxa (Edgecombe and Chatterton, 1990, by Owen and Heath (1990), including Erratencrinurus s.l. spi-
p. 823). They considered that, as presently conceived, Encrinu- catus and E. (Erratencrinurus?) vigilans, were excluded from
roides was paraphyletic and they discussed various recent di- consideration, as previous investigators have accepted this as a
agnoses of the genus. The majority of the characters used re- monophyletic group. The genus Physemataspis, obviously re-
cently were considered as synapomorphies of the encrinurines lated to a broadly conceived Encrinuroides through insularis
or as plesiomorphies shared with other groups. They also point- Shaw, 1968, appears to be the sister group of Encrinuroides,
ed out that some species were assigned to Encrinuroides on the and was considered as such in the early stages of analysis. A
absence of apomorphies with other genera. survey of most species conceivably members of Encrinuroides,
Temple and Wu (1990) amplified the work of Temple and gleaned from original or later descriptions, Temple and Tripp
Tripp (1979) by the addition of numerous Chinese species. Or- (1979) and Temple and Wu (1990), isolated 18 taxa well enough
dination, including the Chinese species, isolated a fairly tight illustrated, described, or preserved for consideration (Table 1).
group of "Encrinuroides-like forms" (Temple and Wu, 1990, p. Taxa not in this table, possibly or probably best included in
21 7), indicating survival of the morph in the Silurian of China Encrinuroides, are either based on pygidia or do not meet min-
after its disappearance elsewhere (p. 218). Silurian encrinurines imal requirements for determination of character states.
are consequently excluded from this contribution. Characters considered and retained. -Smith (1994) has dis-
The genus Physemataspis Evitt and Tripp, 1977. -Physe- cussed at length the qualities that characters used in phylogenetic
mataspis mirabilis Tripp, 1980a, was added to the monotypic analysis should possess. Of primary importance in the choice
Physemataspis coopi Evitt and Tripp, 1977, by Tripp (1980a). of these characters is the objectivity of their definition and the
Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990, p. 823) suggested that En- assignment to their separate states. Particular difficulties are
crinuroides insularis Shaw, 1968, was more informatively clas- associated with continuous variables. Stevens (1991) has out-
sified in Physemataspis. Furthermore, following Strusz (1980), lined the problem and, as a consequence, the writers have at-
they suggested that the Llandeilian-Caradocian group composed tempted to eliminate continuous variables. Many of Temple
of Encrinuroides periops Tripp, 1967, E. tholus Evitt and Tripp, and Tripp's (1979) variables are continuous, and between six
1977, E. capitonis Frederickson, 1964, E. pernodosus (Slocom, and nine ofthe 28 variables ofEdgecombe and Chatterton (1990)
1913), Encrinuroides sp. of Ross and Shaw, 1972, with possibly are continuous. Nonetheless, some characters are inherently
E. gibber (Dean, 1979) and two poorly known Late Ordovician variable and as a consequence Encrinuroides hornei Dean, 1973,
species, was more closely related to Physemataspis than to a the oldest of the encrinurines (latest Arenigian or earliest Llan-
restricted monophyletic concept of Encrinuroides. A new species virnian), was used to define character states 0 and GSC primary
(reported above as Encrinuroides n. sp., and described below types 32743-32749 were examined to complement the pub-
as Walencrinuroides s.l. gelaisi n. gen. n. sp.) is more easily lished description. Assignment of character states 0 to hornei is
compared with North American species than with other known an attempt at reducing the subjectiveness of determining char-
ones. acter polarities. Determining polarity of characters with strati-
graphic data is fraught with difficulties (see discussion, chapter
During the review process for this contribution, it was strongly 3 in Smith, 1994), but the procedure was adopted here for lack
suggested that the traditional systematics used for selected En- of other alternatives. Not all characters retained here can be
crinurinae be abandoned and that cladistic parsimony analysis observed in hornei and as a consequence the earliest cybelines
be employed. This is certainly not the place to review these two have been used to determine some character states.
opposing philosophies and methods; phylogenetic methods are The cybelines are probably the sister group of encrinurines,
described in recent contributions by Wiley et aI., 1991, Forey as implied by Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990); they share
et aI., 1992, and Smith, 1994. It is nonetheless pertinent to note forwardly expanding glabellae, median glabellar furrows on the
that reversal of character states in cladograms is common, a frontal lobe, and pauci-segmented pygidia with similar archi-
situation which in traditional systematics is dealt with by rel- tecture. The cybeline Lyrapyge ebriosus Fortey, 1980, is older
egating these reversals to a lower taxonomic level, or ignoring than the earliest encrinurine (hornei), and is possibly the oldest
them altogether as undiagnostic. The choice of characters and cybeline (Fortey, 1980, p. 100); the slightly younger cybelines
included taxa, however, merit extensive discussion. which are probably also older than hornei, Cybelurus brutoni

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Fortey, 1980, succeeded by C. halo Fortey, 1980, were also used. TABLE 1- Taxa retained for cladistical analysis; last three taxa are cybe-
Character states 0 were determined from these early cybelines lines used for determination of ancestral states (see text for further
when they could not be observed in hornei (notably thoracic
and hypostomal data).
A significant number ofcharacters were not coded for a variety Taxon (revision or redescription)
of reasons. Two characters are constant within the 18 taxa re-
Encrinuroides autochthon Tripp, 1962
tained: minimal glabellar width occurs across the L 1 lobes and Encrinuroides capitonis Frederickson, 1964 (Shaw, 1974)
there is absence ofa sagittal depression on the anterior cranidial Physemataspis coopi Evitt and Tripp, 1977
border (its presence is diagnostic [apomorphic] of Erratencrin- Walencrinuroides s.l. gelaisi herein
urus). These two plesiomorphic characters are consequently not n. gen. n. sp.
instructive. Four other characters are too subjective for use. The Encrinurus gibber Dean, 1979 (Edgecombe and Chatter-
ton, 1990)
number of glabellar tubercles and the tubercle size index (Tem- Encrinuroides hornei Dean, 1973 (herein)
ple and Tripp, 1979) are continuous variables and there is no Encrinuroides insularis Shaw, 1968
obvious way of assigning states to these measures. The sym- Encrinuroides lapworthi Tripp, 1980b
metrical arrangement of the anterior border tubercles is seldom Encrinuroides neuter Evitt and Tripp, 1977
Encrinuroides obesus Tripp, 1965
well described, or illustrated, and subjective in assessment. The Encrinuroides periops Tripp, 1967
absence or presence of the torular tubercle (Evitt and Tripp, E ncrinuroides polypleura Tripp, 1967
1977) is difficult to determine from illustrations, is seldom de- Ceraurus rarus Walcott, 1877 (Chatterton and Lud-
scribed (as it has been recently defined) and, furthermore, occurs vigsen, 1976; DeMott, 1987)
Cybele sexcostatus Salter, 1848 (Whittington, 1950,
in some species only during their ontogeny. Finally, the absence 1965; Price, 1974)
or presence of glabellar tubercle pairs requires either excellent Encrinurus stincharensis Reed, 1928 (Tripp, 1979)
descriptions or well oriented illustrations for accurate deter- Encrinuroides tholus Evitt and Tripp, 1977
Encrinuroides torulatus Evitt and Tripp, 1977
mination. Encrinuroides uncatus Evitt and Tripp, 1977
Seventeen characters were retained in the phylogenetic anal- Lyrapyge ebriosus Fortey, 1980
ysis. These are described and commented upon in the Appendix. Cybelurus brutoni Fortey, 1980
Character polarity. - As previously alluded to, this subject is Cybelurus halo Fortey, 1980
fraught with difficulties, which can lead to tortuous assumptions
and reasonings. In an effort to bypass these difficulties, realizing
that the group under investigation has always been considered Data from Tables 1 and 2 were thus subjected to cladistic
as the early radiation of the encrinurines, character states 0 parsimony analysis, as discussed above. Figure 1 gives the unique
common to the earliest encrinurine (hornei) and the earliest solution from the data in the tables; this cladogram was obtained
cybeline (Lyrapyge ebriosus) were defined as Ancestral State 1 through branch-and-bound search. Three well individualized
ofTable 2. Ancestral State 2 are those character states 0 common clades issue from the basal nodes of the cladogram and are
between hornei and Cybelurus brutoni (ifabsent from C. brutoni, assigned generic status. It is gratifying to note that the cladogram
these states were taken from the slightly younger C. halo). It is retains some previously described relationships between some
submitted that under the circumstances this method is the least species, as autochthon-polypleura (Tripp, 1967), coopi-insularis
subjective method that can be suggested. (Edgecombe and Chatterton, 1990), and neuter-uncatus (Evitt
Results of analyses. - Because of the large matrix at hand and Tripp, 1977; Edgecombe and Chatterton, 1990).
(Table 2), PAUP 3.1.1 installed on a Power Macintosh 6100/ Figure 1 reveals a close relationship between insularis, coopi,
60, with 256 Kb cache memory, was chosen as the most efficient neuter, and uncatus. This clade also forms a monophyletic group
combination for cladistic analysis. Searches for the shortest trees ifconsidered as the outgroup to the other species, in cladograms
were performed using different strategies. The practical limit of
exhaustive searches for all trees is, approximately, a data matrix
of 12 taxa and 14 characters (which evaluated 6.5 x 108 trees
in an interval of 36.5 hours). Heuristic (approximate) searches TABLE 2 - Data matrix of the 18 taxa retained for cladistical analyses,
with two ancestral states, as discussed in the text.
are useful, but the general approach yields spurious results based
on order of data entry, which unfortunately occurred during the
Character states
analyses. Branch-and-bound searches, with furthest addition se-
quence, are thus indicated, even if less ideal than exhaustive Taxon 1 234 5 6 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
searches. Available computer hardware does not permit ex- autochthon 01011 1 100 1 1 1 ? 0 0 0 1
haustive searches of data matrices other than relatively small capitonis o10 1 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
ones· even branch-and-bound searches as detailed above have coopi 100 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
gelaisi n. sp. 000 1 1 1 102 0 1 1 1 ? 0 ? 1
an i~precise upper limit of approximately 20 taxa. If only a gibber 010 I I ? 1 ? 2 0 1 1 ? ? 0 ? 0
restricted set can be effectively analyzed, the steps leading to hornei o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? 0 ? 0
exclusion of taxa are subjective, which goes against all the aims insularis 000 1 1 1 112 0 0 1 ? 0 0 1 0
of objectivity of phylogenetic analysis. lapworthi 000 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
neuter 000 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
The first attempts isolated the data structure using Physe- obesus o 0 0 0 1 0 100 0 1 1 ? 0 0 0 0
mataspis coopi as the outgroup; insularis was always its closest periops 12011 1 102 1 1 1 ? 0 0 0 0
associate and tree lengths of 36-38 were commonly obtained, polypleura 010 1 1 1 100 1 ? 1 ? 0 0 0 1
with matrices of the same size as Table 2, but differing in a few rarus 010 1 1 1 101 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
characters. Ancestral State 1 was employed in a second step to
sexcostatus o 0 101 1 100 0 1 2 1 ? 0 ? 0
stincharensis 000 1 1 1 102 0 1 1 ? 0 0 0 1
polarize the characters. Ancestral State 2 was also used to po- tholus 010 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 ? ? 0 ? 0
larize the characters and it gave identical results to those using torulatus 010 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Ancestral State 1, except that the retention index obtained was uncatus 000 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Ancestral state 1 0 000 0 0
lower (0.714 vs. 0.731); this ancestral state is consequently not Ancestral state 2 0 o0 0 0
considered any further here.

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: Encrinuroides : Walencri nuroides Frencrinuroides : Physemataspis :


J ~~c:, ~
J ~ti,'\.
~ ~ ~J ~'CD
I ®~ ®II
~~~.~ ~c:, r:"fli. nc:, ~-:~.~ ~0 ~~\ ~~O 0~(. ~~ ~\c:, ~~c:, ~ ~ ~\c:, 'it.~c:, ~
~ ~ ~~0 0'5 ;:f..CO ~\Oy~ ~ ~~Cj • C~ ~O '!. ~c:, ~Ov ~\~~~ ~~~0'( O~~c:, .n~O <I~fli. ~ ~ ~~fli. O-Q' ~,0 ",C'l;.~ ~~
~O O~ c:,0 ~0 .," ~0 c:,~~ \'l>'Q '(fli. 'l>~ ~O\1 ~ ~v ~ c~Y ,0' ~ ~ \~~ CO ~0 ~'" ~ ~

U (10,1)
(9,0) (9,0)


(12,0) (13,0)

I (2,1)
I (14,1)

I (9,1) (2,1)
(2,2) (16,1 )
(1,1) (17,1) (8,1)
(12,2) (9,2)
(3,1) (4,1)


(7, 1) (12, 1)
(5,1) (11,1) CD Physemataspis (Physemataspis)
I ® Physemataspis (Prophysemataspis)
FIGURE 1-Unique minimal length cladogram of the 18 encrinurine taxa of Table 2, using the branch-and-bound method, with furthest addition
sequence, of PAUP and Ancestral State 1 of Table 2. Tree length is 34, consistency index 0.588, and retention index 0.731. Changes from
initial character states 0, as well as reversals, are indicated above their respective nodes (first number is the character and the second its state).

not presented here. As coopi is the type species of Physemataspis, oftype species, gibber and tholus are assigned a sensu lato status.
its generic concept is best broadened to include neuter and un- The remaining taxa of Figure 1 could be referred to Encrinu-
catus, which by themselves form a compact subgroup isolated roides. However, the gelaisi-stincharensis-lapworthi-rarus-au-
at the subgeneric level as P. (Prophysemataspis) n. subgen. A tochthon-polypleura clade is obvious. This clade can be easily
sensu lato assignment of insularis to Physemataspis is conse- defined and is herein assigned to Walencrinuroides n. gen., with
quently indicated. rarus as type species, necessitating a sensu lato assignment to
Physemataspis (Prophysemataspis) n. subgen., as defined four species.
herein, has been assigned an important role, at least, or has been It follows, from the assignment of character states 0 to hornei
considered the root stock for younger encrinurine genera by and the method of defining the ancestral states, that hornei
numerous investigators (Evitt and Tripp, 1977; Strusz, 1980; would be the closest taxon to the hypothetical ancestor. It ap-
Edgecombe et aI., 1988; Owen and Heath, 1990; Edgecombe pears logical that Encrinuroides be restricted to the clade con-
and Chatterton, 1990). This subject is, however, outside the taining hornei to periops, although hornei and obesus must be
scope of this contribution. assigned a sensu lato status within Encrinuroides.
Another well individualized clade that stands out from the The choice of Encrinuroides capitonis Frederickson, 1964,
parsimony analysis is the gibber-tholus-capitonis-torulatus and Ceraurus rarus Walcott, 1877, as type species of Frencrinu-
group. This clade is herein named Frencrinuroides n. gen., with roides n. gen. and Walencrinuroides n. gen., respectively, is dic-
capitonis as type species. As shown in the cladogram, this is a tated by the necessity of using the best known species within
morphologically intermediate clade, and because of the choice each clade. This has the unfortunate consequence of assigning

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the phylogenetically previous species of each clade a sensu lato investigated here appears the only course of action presently
status. available.
Biogeographic and age considerations. -Support of the clado- The type specimen of Ceraurus, pleurexanthemus Green, 1832,
gram of Figure 1 can be gathered from the spatial and temporal is totally unsatisfactory in preservation (Evitt, 1953, PI. 5, fig.
distributions of the various clades. Encrinuroides, as restricted, 1), and knowledge of the species comes from other material
has biogeographic affinities with Iapetus (hornei in eastern New- superbly illustrated by Evitt, 1953, from the same general area
foundland and sexcostatus in northern Wales), while the other west of the Adirondacks. Characters that are commonly used
included species occur in Scotland. The duration of this group for generic diagnoses in other cheirurids or other trilobite fam-
is, however, the most extensive, as it occurs from the Arenigian- ilies show an apparent haphazard mixture in distinct species
Llanvirnian to the Ashgillian. Walencrinuroides n. gen. is main- and populations. Thus, diagnostic generic characters are not
lya Llanvirnian-Llandeilian clade, extending to the middle (lap- obvious within Ceraurus and its closest allies with forwardly
worthi) and upper (gelaisi n. sp.) Caradocian. It occurs mainly expanding glabellae, the genera Gabriceraurus Pribyl and Vanek,
in Scotland and less so in cratonic North America. The Fren- 1985, and Leviceraurus Hessin, 1988a. These three genera share
crinuroides n. gen. clade is retricted to eastern cratonic North similar hypostomata, stout, more or less elongated genal spines,
America and the adjacent mioclinal rocks of Virginia; it is re- non-carinated large pygidial spines originating from the anterior
stricted to the lower and middle Caradocian. The Physemataspis pygidial axial ring, an ornamentation of a mixture of pustules
clade is again a lower and middle Caradocian clade, with the and/or tubercles, and isolated, or at least circumscribed, Ll
exception of insularis, which is slightly older (Llandeilian), cor- lobes. The importance ofexoskeletal convexity is problematical,
responding to its position in the cladogram. This Physemataspis and it is suspected that it is related to size and hence not properly
clade has the same spatial distribution as the Frencrinuroides a character that can be used at the generic level. (Extensive
n. gen. clade, with the addition of Scotland (Physemataspis mi- collections of Ceraurus pleurexanthemus from the St. Lawrence
rabilis), a region well documented for its affinities with Virginia Lowlands of Quebec show that collections with individuals of
trilobites of the same age. As a whole then, these observations greater average size than other collections have greater convexity
reinforce the cladogram of Figure 1. and more frontal glabellar protrusion.)
Concluding remarks. -Species based on pygidia, and with Most of the North American cheirurine species near pleurex-
unknown cephala, are difficult to assign unequivocally and bet- anthemus can be assigned confidently to Ceraurus and Gabri-
ter referred to "Encrinurus" until the phylogeny of the Encrinu- ceraurus, following their emended diagnoses presented below.
rinae is more fully understood. The genus Leviceraurus is perhaps a valid taxon, but will not
Additional described material or illustrations are sorely need- be discussed further, as it only includes its type species Levi-
ed for elucidating the status of the following species: Encrinurus ceraurus mammilloides Hessin, 1988a.
contentus Reed, 1914 (PI. 6, figs. 11, 12), to which Tripp, 1962, The genus Gabriceraurus, erected by Pribyl and Vanek, 1985,
p. 24, referred the cephalon illustrated as Cybele? perversa Reed, with Ceraurus gabrielsi Ludvigsen, 1979b, as type species, was
1935 (PI. 4, fig. 5; also, Tripp, 1967, p. 71); Encrinurusfallax accompanied by an uninstructive diagnosis. This new genus was
Reed, 1899 (p. 753, PI. 49, figs. 9-12; for comments, see Tripp, subsequently used without comment by Shaw and Tripp (in
1962, p. 24, who described E. autochthon's cranidial construc- DeMott, 1987) and by Hessin (1989). The obvious distinction
tion are similar to that of E. fallax); Encrinurus pernodosus between Gabriceraurus and Ceraurus lies in the relative position
Slocom, 1913 (p. 61, PI. 16, figs. 5-7); E ncrinuroides waigatch- (exsag.) of the eyes, farther backward in the former (opposite
ensis Burskyi (1966, p. 79, figs. 5-15); and Encrinuroides sp. of L2) than in the latter (L3). Even this character is not entirely
Westrop and Ludvigsen, 1983 (p. 23, PI. 8, figs. 11, 12, 14). constant in natural populations and between the species assigned
Until this is done, these species and others not discussed here below to the two genera. Previous investigators had assigned to
are best assigned to Encrinuroides? Ceraurus species with eyes in both positions, not recognizing
this criterion as of generic significance. Nonetheless, careful at-
tention to glabellar segmentation, inflation of the anterior gla-
THE CHEIRURINE GENUS CERAURUS AND ITS ALLIES bellar lobe, and the nature of the posterior pygidial margin
The number of species that have been assigned to Ceraurus between the great spines provides criteria complementary to eye
Green, 1832, is impressive, as it is a long standing genus, its positions. "Tendencies" are considered morphologic traits more
putative species are widespread, and probably restricted to North commonly found in one taxon rather than in the other, but
America in addition to being long ranging ("middle to upper" which are not restricted to either taxon. Even with revised di-
Ordovician). As have all genera that were suggested in the early agnoses, some species remain of uncertain affinities (see below).
nineteenth century, it has been frequently dismembered through Both Ceraurus and Gabriceraurus are useful taxa, and they
the recognition of distinct genera with diagnoses that are not are formally and more fully diagnosed (and emended) in the
always distinctive. Systematic Paleontology section. Ceraurus has eyes in an an-
A phylogenetic study of the taxa centered on the genus Cerau- terior position, in conjunction with a glabella that either over-
rus has not been attempted because of the absence of a large hangs or nearly reaches the frontal margin, a glabellar segmen-
data base, as available for the encrinurines. Ludvigsen (1979b) tation that is restricted laterally, and a posterior pygidial margin
remains the most important contribution to our knowledge of that tends to be subtriangular. In contrast Gabriceraurus has a
the genus to date; this contribution complements Ludvigsen's frontal border that is always visible when viewed dorsally, in
(1979b) important survey. As with many older species, many conjunction with eyes that are set more backward, and a glabella
cheirurine species remain incompletely known and, most im- that is more segmented proximally than that of Ceraurus; its
portantly, their intraspecific variation is seldom detailed, ana- posterior pygidial margin between the great spines tends to be
lyzed, or even mentioned. As for the genus Cryptolithus (Shaw transverse, with a tendency to spinosity. These data are more
and Lesperance, 1994), significant intraspecific variation is sus- evident on Figure 2, which shows graphically these distinct gla-
pected (and some is detailed below). A data matrix for phylo- bellar and pygidial outlines. Glabellar ornamentation in Cerau-
genetic analysis ofthe 25-30 species discussed here would prob- rus tends to be symmetrically disposed, while in Gabriceraurus
ably be unresolvable with present computing means. A tradi- glabellar ornamentation is seldom symmetrical.
tional treatment of the systematics of the few cheirurine genera As thus conceived, Ceraurus includes C. cetus Dean, 1979,

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Pleurexanthe~:~EN +-0-
-0- 3~
0 "--/ ~
montyensis EVITT
- _rR()---.
~\ R ~9 >g.
f/; ~

whittingtoni EVITT :Q~Q~~Q ~

BRADLEY 180 190- ~O-
-0 -0- 0-
C-..=:> c=s c::::=:s

26\:1- 27(/ :y-

22b 23~ 24


C=s13---. +-
33 ~

COOPER 3:0- ~fjj- :Q-

blussoni ~



FIGURE 2 -Outline drawings of various species of Ceraurus and Gabriceraurus showing their respective glabellae, occipital rings, and pygidia.
Transverse arrows point to the mid-point (exsag.) of the palpebral lobes when known. Proximal limits of glabellar furrows shown by small
filled circles, joined together by imaginary lines. Source of drawings are as follows. 1, Evitt, 1953, PI. 5, fig. 5 x 1.4; 2-4, Whittington, 1941,
PI. 73, fig. 4 x 1.3, 3 x 2.7, 24 x 4.0; 5, 6, Evitt, 1953, PI. 8, fig. 5 x 1.8, 6 x 3.1; 7-11, Evitt 1953, PI. 5, fig. 9 x 1.4, 11 x 2.2, PI. 8, fig. 12
x4.6, 11 x4.5, 8 x 1.9; 12, 15, Whittington, 1992, PI. 2, fig. A x 1.4, PI. 3, fig. A x2.8; 13, 14, 16, 17, Evitt, 1953, PI. 5, fig. 16 x2.3, 14
x 1.5, PI. 8, fig. 25 x3.1, 23 x 1.9; 18-21, herein, Fig. 4.14 x 1.7,4.16 x 1.7,4.17 x 1.3,4.22 x 1.8; 22-25, Hessin, 1989, PI. 4, fig. 1 xLI, 4
x 1.7,5 x 1.6,3 x 1.6; 26-30, herein, Fig. 4.9 x4.1, 4.10 x 1.2,4.3 x 1.8,4.12 x 1.8,4.13 x 1.5; 31-34, Raymond and Barton, 1913, PI. 1,
fig. 8 xLI, 6 x 1.9,7 x 1.6, PI. 2, fig. 6 xO.9; 35,36, Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 15, fig. 46 x2.2, 53 x2.8; 37-40, Shaw, 1974, PI. 7, fig. 1 x 1.4,
15 x 1.7, 10 x 3.3, 5 x 2.1; 41-46, Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 12, fig. 1 x 1.1, PI. 11, fig. 1 x 1.1, PI. 12, fig. 4 x 1.4, 14 x 1.3, 25 x 2.2, 18 x 3.3;

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PI. 2, figs. 1-5, 9, PI. 4, fig. 10; C. globulobatus Bradley, 1930, Remopleuridinae and Hypodicranotinae are of degree and not
C. cf. C. globulobatus of Hessin, 1989, non Bradley, 1930, and kind; Pribyl and Vanek's subfamily is thus best maintained as
C. matranseris Sinclair, 1947, all three of which are discussed a junior synonym of Remopleuridinae.
at some length in the Systematic Paleontology section; C. mil-
leranus Miller and Gurley, 1894, PI. 8, fig. 10, Raymond and
Genus HYPODICRANOTUS Whittington, 1952
Barton, 1913, PI. 1, figs. 6-8, PI. 2, fig. 6, Slocom, 1913, PI. 17,
figs. 1-3, Caster, Dalve, and Pope, 1961, PI. 3, fig. 28 (only); C. Type species.-Remopleurides striatulus Walcott, 1875, by
milleranus of Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 15, figs. 45-57, non Miller original designation of Whittington, 1952, p. 1.
and Gurley, 1894; C. parvilobatus Troedsson, 1928, PI. 17, fig. Discussion.-Ludvigsen and Chatterton's (1991) revision of
14; C. pleurexanthemus Green, 1832, Evitt, 1953, PI. 5, figs. 1- the genus has demonstrated the intraspecific variability of the
8, PI. 7, figs. 1,2, PI. 8, figs. 5-7; C. pleurexanthemus montyensis type species of the genus, as well as the wide geographic and
Evitt, 1953, PI. 5, figs. 9-12, PI. 6, figs. 1-10, PI. 7, figs. 3, 5- temporal (Llandeilian-Ashgillian) distribution ofthe genus. They
12, PI. 8, figs. 1-4, 8-16; C. ruidus Cooper, 1953, PI. 11, figs. have synonymized the North American species Hypodicranotus
1,2,4, 12, 15, PI. 12, fig. 6, Shaw, 1974, PI. 7, figs. 1-10, 14, striatulus and H. missouriensis (Foerste, 1920); they recognized
15, and its synonyms (Shaw, 1974, p. 29); C. tuberosus Troeds- only a single named species outside North America. The di-
son, 1928, PI. 18, figs. 1-9; and C. whittingtoni Evitt, 1953, PI. agnosis of the genus must be modified in order to accommodate
5, figs. 13-16, PI. 6, figs. 11-24, PI. 7, figs. 4, 13-20, PI. 8, figs. evidence presented below as to the possession of 10 thoracic
17-25, Whittington, 1992, PI. 2, figs. A-C, PI. 3, figs. A, B. segments, and not 11 as previously thought.
On the other hand, Gabriceraurus regroups Ceraurus blussoni
Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 13, figs. 9-29; C. dentatus Raymond and HYPODICRANOTUS STRIATULUS
Barton, 1913; C. cf. C. dentatus Raymond and Barton, 1913, (Walcott, 1875)
of Dean, 1979, PI. 3, figs. 1-7, PI. 4, figs. 1, 11; C. gabrielsi Figure 3.1-3.5
Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 11, figs. 1-44, PI. 12, figs. 1-49, PI. 13,
figs. 1-8; C. hirsuitus Ludvigsen 1979b, PI. 14, figs. 1-25; and Remopleurides striatulus WALCOTI, 1875, p. 347, figs. 27A, 27a, 27b.
C. plattinensis Foerste, 1920, PI. 21, figs. 20A, 20B, PI. 23, figs. Hypodicranotus striatulus (Walcott). JOHNSON, 1985, unnumbered fig.
p. 94; LUDVIGSEN AND CHATIERTON, 1991, p. 620, figs. lA, IB, 2,
3A, 3B, DeMott, 1987, PI. 9, figs. 17-24, PI. 10, figs. 8-10, PI. 1, figs. 1-28 (complete synonymy).
Hessin, 1988b, fig. 1, A-D, Hessin, 1989, PI. 3, figs. 1-7. Ques-
tionably included are Gabriceraurus mijJlinensis DeMott, 1987, Description. -As previously described by Whittington (1952)
PI. 9, figs. 8-16, PI. 10, figs. 4-7, and Ceraurus proicens Tripp, and redescribed and modified by Ludvigsen and Chatterton,
1962, PI. 3, figs. 1-13. 1991, with the addition of the following.
Species of uncertain affinities. - Ceraurus maewestoides Lud- Cranidium without ornamentation, occipital ring with barely
vigsen, 1979b, PI. 13, figs. 30-33, C. binodosus Cooper and perceptible axial node. Maximum (exsag.) length to width of
Kindle, 1936, PI. 53, fig. 20, C. bituberculatus Troedsson, 1928, hypostoma as 2.5: 1. Incomplete thorax with attached pygidium
PI. 17, fig. 12 (non fig. 11), and C. bispinosus Raymond and retains six partial thoracic segments. Third before last segment
Barton, 1913, PI. 1, figs. ?3, 4, Ludvigsen, 1978, fig. 26, all have with stout sagittal spine, in posterior halfofaxial ring, projecting
two swellings on their anterior glabellar lobes. Generic assign- posteriorly; width of spine at posterior margin of axial ring
ment of these four species is uncertain, more so in view of the approximately l/S width of axis at that level. Thorax smooth,
fact that their respective pygidia are unknown. The pygidium except for postero-Iaterally directed parts of thoracic pleurae
of Hapsiceraurus hispidus Whittington, 1954, PI. 59, figs. 1-7, which are covered with terrace lines. Sagittal length ofpygidium
PI. 60, fig. 19, is equally unknown. equal to maximum width occurring at mid-length; axis diffuse.
The specific assignment ofOntario specimens to Bufoceraurus Surface of pygidium ornamented with terrace lines every 0.2
bispinosus (Raymond and Barton, 1913) by Hessin, 1989 (PI. mm or so.
2, figs. 1-7) is probably in error. Discussion. -Johnson (1985, p. 94) had previously illustrated
Ceraurus tuberosus of Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 17, figs. 36-41, Hypodicranotus striatulus with an axial spine on the eighth (from
and C. mackenziensis Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 15, figs. 1-44, can- the anterior) thoracic segment; although deformed, this Edenian
not be assigned unequivocally to either Ceraurus or Gabricerau- specimen from Ontario strongly suggests that the spine extends
rus, as they resemble Ceraurus in glabellar segmentation and to the pygidium. Ludvigsen and Chatterton's illustration (1991,
Gabriceraurus in the position of their eyes and the anterior Fig. 1B) of a better preserved specimen from essentially the
border. same horizon unequivocally demonstrates the presence of a
stout axial spine on the eighth thoracic segment. As the pygidium
SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY has but one segment, it is small, seldom preserved in individuals
Family REMOPLEURIDIDAE retaining their thoraxes and, furthermore, mechanical prepa-
Hawle and Corda, 1847 ration is consequently difficult; all this explains the uncertainties
Subfamily REMOPLEURIDINAE as to the proper number of thoracic segments of this genus. The
Hawle and Corda, 1847 Lac St-Jean specimen here illustrated (Figure 3.5) demonstrates
that the axial spine is on the third before last thoracic segment
Hypodicranotinae PRIBYL AND VANEK, 1972, p. 429.
and, consequently, the thorax of Hypodicranotus has 10 thoracic
Discussion. - As pointed out by Ludvigsen and Chatterton segments, in contrast to the 11 in Remopleurides. Ludvigsen
(1991), the differences between the respective type genera of the and Chatterton's reconstructions (1991, fig. 2) ofthe type species

47-50, Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 13, fig. 9 xLI, 12 x 1.5,21 x 1.5,25 x 1.8; 51-55, Ludvigsen, 1979b, PI. 14, fig. 1 x 1.7,6 x 1.0,16 x 1.3,8
x 1.3, 12 x 1.2; 56-59, Raymond, 1921, PI. 11, fig. 8 x 0.6, PI. 10, fig. 3 x 0.4, herein, Fig. 5.3 x 0.6, Raymond, 1921, PI. 11, fig. 8 x 0.7; 60,
Raymond and Barton, 1913, PI. 1, fig. 2 xO.7; 61,63, DeMott, 1987, PI. 9, fig. 17 x 1.2, PI. 10, fig. 8 x 1.4; 62,64, Hessin, 1989, PI. 3, fig. 1
x 0.9, 4 x 1.5.

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of the genus with 11 thoracic segments thus has one thoracic Genus WALENCRINUROIDES n. gen.
segment too many. Type species.-Ceraurus rarus Walcott, 1877, p. 68, Ray-
Material. - Four cranidia, 5 hypostomata, 2 librigenae, a par- mond and Barton, 1913, p. 541, PI. 2, fig. 3, Chatterton and
tial thoraco-pygidium and an isolated pygidium, from the Ship- Ludvigsen, 1976, p. 74, PI. 15, figs. 1-15, 16--43, non fig. 16,
shaw (units 1 and 2, particularly abundant in the former) and DeMott, 1987, p. 80, PI. 11, figs. 13-25, non Tremblay and
Des Galets Formations; also present in unnamed limestones at Westrop, 1991, p. 821, fig. 17.27-17.36.
Lake Manicouagan, Edenian. The most important localities are Diagnosis. - Encrinurines with variable width: length glabel-
1) quarries between Roberval and Pointe-Bleue, 1.5 and 2.2 km lae and equally variable outlines of lines joining tips of L2-L3-
north of the Ouiatchouaniche River in Roberval; 2) road out- L4 lobes; glabellae with 50-90 tubercles, tubercle pairs sym-
crops along route 169, east of Chambord; and, particularly, 3) metrical across (tr.) Ll and L2, and rarely L3 lobes, in some
outcrops along the Shipshaw River, at the dam at Chutes aux species (lapworthi, rarus, and gelaisi n. sp.), without symmetry
Galets and up to 1 km downstream, all UM collections. in the others; short anterior cranidial borders in dorsal view,
Measurements. -All specimens with their exoskeletons, and with omnipresent tubercles; with short genal spines (except lap-
measurements are in mm. GSC 92974 hypostoma, sag. length worthi) and hypostomata with elongated middle bodies (except
5.3, maximal exsag. length 18.7; GSC 11031 7 librigena, exsag. rarus); pygidia with subequal width-length ratios, 17-21 axial
length of eye: 3.6; GSC 110318 cranidium, sag. length: 4.7, rings, 7-9 pleural ribs, and 1-2.5 congruent pleural ribs and
maximum width: 4.7; GSC 110319 pygidium, sag. length: 2.6, axial rings.
maximum width: 2.4; and GSC 110320 incomplete thorax with Etymology. -Encrinuroides with a suffix of the first three let-
pygidium, sag. length of the 5 thoracic segments: 5.3. ters of the surname ofC. D. Walcott.
Family ENCRINURIDAE Angelin, 1854 Species assigned.- Walencrinuroides rarus (Walcott, 1877);
Subfamily ENCRINURINAE Angelin, 1854 W. s.l. gelaisi n. sp.; W. s.1. stincharensis (Reed, 1928); W. s.1.
Genus ENCRINUROIDES Reed, 1931 lapworthi (Tripp, 1980b); W. autochthon (Tripp, 1962), W. po-
lypleura (Tripp, 1967), and W. n. sp. (=Encrinuroides rarus of
Type species. - Cybele sexcostata Salter, 1848, by original des- Tremblay and Westrop, 1991).
ignation of Reed (1931, p. 20), as redescribed by Whittington, Discussion. - This is the only encrinurine of Figure 1 which
1950. has subequal width: length pygidia, a character in itselfvariable
Diagnosis. - Encrinurines with longer than broad glabella with within certain species.
tips ofL2-L3-L410bes in straight line (exceptperiops); glabellar Walencrinuroides rarus has been described extensively and
tubercles small (tubercle size index 6-8), ranging from 40 (hor- illustrated by Chatterton and Ludvigsen (1976). Tremblay and
nei) to 200 (sexcostatus), with symmetrical tubercle pairs, except Westrop's (1991) specimens, referred to rarus, show a uniform
in sexcostatus, across (tr.) Ll, L2 and L3; anterior cranidial glabellar ornamentation, as pointed out by these two authors,
borders narrow (sag., exsag.), subhorizontal (hornei) to vertical which is very distinct from the apomorphic concentration of
(sexcostatus), non-tuberculate (except periops); with short genal tubercles on the frontal lobe of other material referred to rarus
spines and elongated middle hypostomal bodies (hypostomata from the same general area as the type area of the species (see
known in only two species); pygidia broader than long, axial DeMott, 1987).
rings widely variable in number (8 in hornei, 12 in obesus, and Walencrinuroides gelaisi n. gen. n. sp. has not been chosen
16 or 20 in the remaining two species), pleural ribs also variable as type of the genus because of its variability in pygidial shape
(5 in hornei, 6 inperiops, and 7 in remainder), and 1-2 congruent and the unknown nature of its hypostomal and rostral mor-
pleural ribs and axial rings and 4 in hornei and obesus. phology.
Species assigned. - Encrinuroides sexcostatus (Salter, 1848),
E. s.1. hornei (Dean, 1973), E. s.1. obesus Tripp, 1965, and E. WALENCRINUROIDES s.l. GELAISI n. sp.
periops Tripp, 1967. Figure 3.6-3.13
Discussion. -Even with the erection of new genera below, the
Encrinuroides n. sp. DESBIENS AND LESPERANCE, 1989, p. 1191.
variability of Encrinuroides remains significant, as distinctive
suites of restricted characters define the other genera. This vari- Diagnosis. -A species characterized by reduced ornamenta-
ability is probably due to its age span (Arenigian-Llanvirnian tion, notably on the cephalic borders, thorax, and pygidial ribs.
to Ashgillian), the age limits of the taxa of Figure 1. This re- Glabellar furrows short (tr.), distally restricted and sub-vertical;
stricted group containing Iapetus forms could possibly yield a cephalon with small genal spines or spinules. Pygidium as wide
significant number of new species, in view of its duration, but as long to wider than long, with 19-20 tuberculated axial rings
Iapetus related strata are restricted in occurrence. and 7 (rarely, 8) p~eural ribs.

FIGURE 3-1-5, Hypodicranotus striatulus (Walcott, 1875).1, librigena, x 6.9, GSC 110317; 2, cranidium, x 6.0, GSC 110318; 3, pygidium, x 9.6,
GSC 110319; 4, hypostoma, x 3.0, GSC 92974; 5, incomplete thorax and pygidium with spine on third from posterior thoracic segment, x 6.7,
GSC 110320. 6-13, Walencrinuroides s.l. gelaisi new genus new species. 6-7, incomplete cranidium, dorsal and oblique lateral views, x 4.9,
x 4.4, GSC 110321; 8, incomplete cranidium, x 7.0, GSC 110322; 9, librigena, x 4.3, GSC 110323; 10-11, pygidia, x 8.1, x 4.6, GSC 110324,
110325; 12-13, holotype, enrolled individual, dorsal anterior and dorsal posterior views, x 5.9, GSC 110326. 14-19, Erratencrinurus s.l. spicatus
(Tripp, 1974). 14, incomplete cranidium, x 9.4, GSC 92988; 15, cranidium, with faint longitudinal glabellar furrow at arrow, glabellar tubercle
formula: Ll-l, L2-1,2 (on right doubled),3, F4-1,2,3, F4/5-0, F5-1,2, F6-1, x 7.0, GSC 110327; 16, librigena, x 6.4, GSC 110328; 17, pygidium,
x 7.0, GSC 92990; 18, cranidium, with an extra tubercle on the anterior border, left of sagittal line; glabellar tubercle formula: L 1-1, L2-1 ,2,3,
L3-1,2,3, F4-1 ,2,3, F-5, 1,2, x 6.1, GSC 110329; 19, incomplete cranidium with transverse L1-0 and larger L2-2 tubercles, x 9.4, GSC 110330.
Localities are: 4, Manicouagan Lake (see Desbiens and Lesperance, 1989); 5, 10, 50 m downstream from falls at Chute aux Galets, west side
of Shipshaw River, Chicoutimi outlier; remaining specimens from quarry on east side of road from Roberval to Pointe-Bleue, 1.5 km north
of Ouiatchouaniche River in Roberval, Lake St. John outlier.

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Description. -Outline of cephalon hemispherical, maximal posterior of midpoint (sag.), outline lozengic with anterior sides
cephalic width across genal spinules, twice cephalic length. Gla- rounded. Pleural fields with 7 ribs, anteriormost 4 (? 5) ending
bella strongly convex sagittally, maximum height proximally in free points, posteriormost one parallel to axis, and continuing
across L3; anterior glabellar lobe steeply sloping, remaining part as a post-axial piece to slightly upturned posterior margin; bigger
ofglabella sloping forward and backward evenly and much less individuals have better individualized seventh ribs with more
so. Maximal height of glabella, measured from axial furrows, obvious and deeper axial furrows. Post-axial piece as long (sag.)
subequal to transverse fixigenal width proximally from eye lobe. as posteriormost 5 axial rings. Two individuals with 8 pygidial
Maximal glabellar width across posterior part of anterior gla- ribs; in both, seventh rib coalesces posteriorly sagittally and
bella lobe, slightly wider than width across L3; width ofoccipital continues to posterior margin, while what is here termed the
ring slightly less than width across L3. Minimal glabellar width eighth rib forms post-axial ridge, equally long (sag.) as posterior-
across Ll, as 7: 10 when compared with maximalglabellarwidth. most 5 axial rings and coalesced seventh rib posterior to eighth
Axial furrow incised and deep; preglabellar furrow frontally wid- rib, between posterior margin ofaxis and coalesced seventh ribs.
ened (sag., exsag.) at longitudinal median glabellar furrow, shal- Pleural ribs rounded, unfurrowed, ranging from apparently un-
lower anterolaterally. Anterior border and field of fixigena sep- tuberculated and smooth to individuals with 1 or 2 low 0.1 mm
arated by equally deep and wide furrow as preglabellar furrow, granules, distributed predominantly proximally. Axial rings 19-
originating at axial furrow-anterior border junction, joining lat- 20, last 4 or 5 indistinct to poorly individualized; central third
eral border furrow of librigena; fossula not observed. Glabellar of axial ring furrows shallower than distal thirds, continuous in
furrows short (tr.), smooth, subvertical; S2 and S3 equally de- only anteriormost 5 or 6; 2 congruent axial rings and pleural
veloped; SI more incised and shorter (exsag.) than S2-S3. Slope ribs. Axial rings tuberculate, with 4 to 8 (or more) tubercles,
lengths of glabellar furrows (tr.) and longitudinal median gla- most prominent ones paired near sagittal line and 0.2 mm in
bellar furrow (sag.) essentially the same. Lateral glabellar lobes diameter, ranging in size downward to 0.05 mm, which tend to
equally developed transversely; L lone-half exsagittal length of be asymmetrically distributed.
L2 and L3. Occipital furrow incised, transverse, on same line Etymot%gy. -In honor of Philippe St-Gelais, of Jonquiere
(tr.) as proximal halfofposterior border furrow; posterior border in the Lake St. John district, a long-standing fossil collector in
furrow incised, distal half anteriorly concave, dying out before this area.
reaching posterior branch of facial suture. Both occipital and Discussion. - The circle of eight or so bigger tubercles on the
posterior border furrows approximately equally long (sag., exsag.) fixigenae is reminiscent, but distinct from, the circlet of four
as deep. Occipital ring and posterior border almost smooth, circumocular tubercles of Ramskold (1986; also, Edgecombe
with rare 0.04-0.15 mm granules; posterior border shorter and Chatterton, 1987), two of which are the torular and post-
(exsag.) than occipital ring distally. Eyes opposite S2 (tr.), pal- ocular tubercles. Because of the presence of eight tubercles in
pebral lobes sloping at 45°, at least as high as sagittal part of the Lake St. John species, these are not named circumocular.
Ll, smooth, delimited from field of fixigena by a sharp angu- The two individuals described above as possessing eight pygidial
lation. Genal angles drawn out into spinules; posterior branch pleural ribs are morphologically identical to Encrinuroides tho-
of facial suture reaching margin immediately anteriorly of these /us of Evitt and Tripp, 1977, PI. 4, fig. 4.
genal spinules. The other North American species of Wa/encrinuroides, W.
Librigena with significantly elongated eye, of sloping length rarus and W. n. sp., have better developed glabellar segmen-
half of total length of lateral border furrow and 3 times width tation and fewer and coarser glabellar tubercles than does W.
of same furrow (commonly measuring 1.6 by 0.9 mm); lateral s.l. ge/aisi n. sp. The highly tuberculated and rotund glabella of
border furrow as wide as deep, bordered by numerous granules this new species shows closest similarities with the North Amer-
proximally and distally, dying out posteriorly at faint sutural ican species tho/us, capitonis, and the unnamed species of Ross
ridge. Anterior border furrow shallow and wide, ill defined. Stalk and Shaw, 1972. Wa/encrinuroides s.l. ge/aisi n. sp. is easily
of eye lobe absent, junction of eye and field of librigena marked distinguished from Ross and Shaw's (1972) species, which pos-
by change ofslope, unfurrowed. Length twice width in both field sesses a granulated-tuberculated posterior margin and forwardly
and precranidiallobe of librigena. Field of librigena tuberculate directed proximal glabellar and occipital furrows, which are
and with numerous depressions. Lateral border little granulated; almost transverse in other North American species. The Okla-
anterior border of cephalon with a few tubercles or granules. homa species, capitonis, has cephalic borders more granulated
Rostral or median suture not preserved (GSC 110326 is laterally than in ge/aisi n. sp., it possesses more strongly developed gla-
and ventrally crushed). bellar furrows, and its pygidium is segmented differently (14
Glabellar tubercles numerous, many (most ?) perforated, and axial rings and 8 pleural ribs). The closest affinities of ge/aisi n.
ca. 0.2 mm in diameter, some decidedly smaller and others sp. are superficially, however, with tho/us. In addition to char-
larger; tubercles Ll-l and L2-1 omnipresent; L2-2 also com- acters detailed in Table 2, a notable difference lies in the amount
mon, remaining tubercles showing no obvious distributional of granulation-tuberculation, which is far better developed in
pattern. Anterior border tubercles asymmetric in distribution, tho/us than in ge/aisi n. sp., notably on the cephalic borders
commonly with 2 or 3 bigger tubercles on either half, with a and the whole of the pygidium. The glabellar tubercles of ge/aisi
few smaller ones. Torular tubercle on fixigena surrounded by 8 n. sp. tend to be of the same size, but those in the central third
or so slightly smaller tubercles arranged in circle; posteriormost of the glabella of tho/us are bigger than the remainder.
tubercle of circle is approximately exsagittal to torular one and Material. -One complete individual, 19 cranidia, 6 librige-
is the post-ocular tubercle. Depressions on field of fixigena and nae, and 27 pygidia, in various states of preservation, predom-
librigena 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter. Fixigena and librigena with inantly with their exoskeletons, unit 1 of the Shipshaw For-
0.2-0.4 mm tubercles. Tubercle size index 7.9-8.7. mation, Edenian, UM collections, from 1) quarry along the road
Hypostoma unknown. Thorax with 11 segments. Axial rings between Roberval and Pointe-Bleue, 1.5 km north of the Oui-
rounded, pleurae gently rounded, without exposed pleural fur- atchouaniche River in Roberval; 2) road outcrops along route
rows. Axial rings and pleurae with 2 rounded inconspicuous 0.1 169, east of Chambord and 1.6 km west of Desbiens; 3) along
mm pustules. railroad, 350 m west of Chambord Junction; and 4) outcrops
Pygidium with subequal widths and lengths to wider than along the Shipshaw River, immediately and up to 200 m down-
long, in approximately equal proportions; greatest width slightly stream from the dam at Chute aux Galets.

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Types. -An enrolled individual, GSC 110326, is herein des- tubercle size indices (10-15), significant genal spines, long (exsag.,
ignated holotype of the species; paratypes are GSC 110321- generally also sag.) cranidial anterior border in dorsal view,
110325. commonly tuberculate, or at least coarsely granulose, with round
Measurements. -All specimens with their exoskeletons, and middle hypostomal bodies (except in neuter) and posterolateral
measurements are in mm. GSC 110321 incomplete cranidium, hypostomal spines (except in insularis), and broader than long
sag. length ofglabella and occipital ring: 4.9, maximum glabellar pygidia with 13-18 axial rings, 6-8 pleural ribs, and 2-3.5 con-
width: 3.9; GSC 110322 incomplete cranidium, as previous gruent pleural ribs and axial rings.
measurements: 4.3 and 3.2; GSC 110323 librigena, maximal Species assigned. -Physemataspis (Physemataspis) coopi Ev-
length: 10.5; GSC 110324 incomplete pygidium, sag. length 4.4, itt and Tripp, 1977, P. (Physemataspis) mirabilis Tripp, 1980a,
maximal width 6.4; GSC 110325 pygidium, as previous mea- P. (Prophysemataspis) n. subgen. uncatus (Evitt and Tripp, 1977),
surements: 7.7, 8.6; GSC 110326 enrolled individual, cranidial P. (Prophysemataspis) n. subgen. neuter (Evitt and Tripp, 1977),
measurements as previously: 4.3 and 3.7, pygidium, sag. length, and P. s.1. insularis (Shaw, 1968).
including most of articulating half ring: 5.7, tr. width at, and Discussion. - The semicircular glabellae ofthree ofthe species
including, genal spines: 10.0. included within this genus are unique among the encrinurines
treated here, as are the hypostomata with posterolateral spines
Genus FRENCRINUROIDES n. gen. and round middle bodies, the absence of adaxial tubercles on
Type species. - Encrinuroides capitonis Frederickson, 1964, the fixigenae, and the long (exsag., commonly also sag., in dorsal
p. 71, PI. 1,figs. 1-5, Shaw, 1974,PI.9,figs.15, 19,20-23,PI. view) anterior cranidial borders, approximately equal or slightly
10, figs. 1,2,4-11, ?non PI. 10, figs. 3, 12, 13. less than the sag. lengths of the occipital rings.
Diagnosis. - Encrinurines with subequal width: length gla- As the three species with semicircular glabellae in this genus
bellae and broader than long pygidia, variable tubercle size in- are visually distinctive, so are the species neuter and uncatus,
dices (6-15), significant genal spines, round middle hypostomal shown through phylogenetic analysis to belong to the Physe-
bodies with shallow rhynchos, 14-25 axial pygidial rings, 6-9 mataspis clade, when compared to these three species. This
pleural ribs, and 1-3 congruent pleural ribs and axial rings. morphological distinctness, reinforced by three character changes
Etymology. -Encrinuroides with a suffix ofthe first two letters at the neuter-uncatus node (Figure 1), are taken as sufficient
of the surname of E. A. Frederickson. justification to separate these two species taxonomically at the
Species included. - Frencrinuroides capitonis (Frederickson, subgeneric level, as P. (Prophysemataspis) n. subgen.
1964), F. s.l. tholus (Evitt and Tripp, 1977), F. s.l. gibber (Dean, A sagittal depression on the frontal lobe of the glabella is
1979), and F. torulatus (Evitt and Tripp, 1977). present in Encrinuroides (except E. periops), Walencrinuroides
Discussion. - Frencrinuroides n. gen. shares with Physema- n. gen., Frencrinuroides n. gen., and Physemataspis (Prophyse-
taspis longer genal spines than the other encrinurines of Figure mataspis) n. subgen., but is absent in P. (Physemataspis).
1, round middle hypostomal bodies, and pygidia that are broad-
er than long. Although it is not mentioned in the diagnosis, the Subgenus PHYSEMATASPIS (PHYSEMATASPIS)
anterior cranidial borders are broadly intermediate in length
(sag., exsag., in dorsal view) between Physemataspis and Wal- Type species. -As for the genus.
encrinuroides. On the other hand, Frencrinuroides shares with Diagnosis. -Glabellae subcircular, without a sagittal depres-
Walencrinuroides adaxial tubercles on the fixigenae, and both sion on the frontal lobe; pygidia with 13 axial rings, 6-7 pleural
do not possess posterolateral hypostomal spines. Frencrinu- ribs, and paired sagittal axial tubercles.
roides is thus almost totally intermediate between these two Discussion. - The anterior cranidial border is absent sagittally
genera, as indicated by the cladogram of Figure 1. in P. (Physemataspis) mirabilis and reduced in P. (Physema-
Our knowledge of Frencrinuroides gibber is from Dean's type taspis) coopi; this last species is also unique within the two
material (1979, p. 10, PI. 5, figs. 8, 11, 12; PI. 6, figs. 2, 3) and subgenera in possessing axial thoracic spines (however, the state
the associated cranidia that were identified as Ceraurus sp. (Dean, of this character is unknown in the other species). The hypos-
1979, PI. 2, figs. 6, 7; PI. 4, figs. 3, 6, 9), which have been referred toma is only known in P. (Physemataspis) coopi and it is without
to gibber by Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990, p. 823). rhynchos.
Evitt and Tripp (1977, p. 125) described their new species
Encrinuroides tholus as differing from E. torulatus in a number Subgenus PHYSEMATASPIS (PROPHYSEMATASPIS)
of features. They did not give the pygidial width: length ratio n. subgen.
of tholus, and illustrated wider than long transitory pygidia and Type species. - Encrinuroides uncatus Evitt and Tripp, 1977,
two (holaspid) pygidia, one equally wide as long, and the other p. 128, figs. 4A, 8, PI. 5-7.
wider than long. The pygidium of E. torulatus is decidedly wider Diagnosis. -Glabellae with straight or concave outwards out-
than long and thus available information suggests than the py- lines, 13-15 tubercle size index, and L 1-L2-L3 glabellar tuber-
gidium of tholus is wider than long (as coded in Table 2). It is cle pairs; hypostomata with rhynchos; pygidia with 14-18 axial
notable that if pygidial shape (character 17) of tholus is taken rings, 7-8 pleural ribs, and sagittal axial tubercles.
as unknown in Table 2, exactly the same cladogram as Figure Etymology. - From Physemataspis and the latin suffix pro,
1 is obtained, suggesting some type of robustness in the data. generally translated as meaning/or.
The type species of Frencrinuroides n. gen. is taken to be Discussion. - The symmetry and coarse ornamentation on the
capitonis, in preference to tholus, as the latter is rare as an adult glabella and the cranidial anterior border within this subgenus
(Evitt and Tripp, 1977, table 1), and its adult genal angle, li- suggest affinities with Erratencrinurus, a subject best investi-
brigena, hypostoma, and thorax are unknown. gated in a separate phylogenetic analysis.
Genus PHYSEMATASPIS Evitt and Tripp, 1977
Type species. - Physemataspis coopi, Evitt and Tripp, 1977, Genus ERRATENCRINURUS Krueger, 1971
p. 138, PI. 12, figs. 1-4, PI. 13, figs. 1-17, PI. 14, figs. 1-7, text- Type species. - Erratencrinurus capricornu Krueger, 1971, p.
figure 12, 13, by original designation. 1147, PI. 6, figs. 1, 2, PI. 7, figs. 1, 2, by subsequent designation
Diagnosis. - Encrinurines with variable glabellar outlines, high of Krueger, 1972, p. 858.

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ERRATENCRINURUS s.l. SPICATUS (Tripp, 1974) Subfamily CHEIRURINAE Hawle and Corda, 1847
Figure 3.14-3.19 Genus CERAURUS Green, 1832
Encrinurus spicatus TRIPp, 1974, p. 485-487, PI. 1, figs. 1-8.
Ceraurus (Eoceraurus) ESKER, 1964, p. 201.
Encrinuroides? spicatus (Tripp). DESBIENS AND LESPERANCE, 1989, figs.
?Hapsiceraurus WHITTINGTON, 1954, p. 125.
?Bufoceraurus HESSIN, 1989, p. 1208.
Erratencrinurus s.1. spicatus (Tripp). OWEN AND HEATH, 1990, p. 228.
Description. -As described by Tripp (1974), except for the Type species. - Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green, 1832, p. 83,
following. Anterior cranidial border always bisected by median by monotypy.
furrow, with eight tubercles; one specimen (Fig. 3.18) has ninth Diagnosis. -A cheirurine genus with forwardly expandinggla-
tubercle that is, however, not in sagittal plane, and thus asym- bella widest across L3 and/or posterior part of anterior lobe,
metric. Longitudinal median glabellar furrow ranging from ab- eyes transverse to S2 and/or L3, with steeply sloping to vertical
sent to incised, of sag. length subequal to exsag. length between anterior borders, and preglabellar furrow merging into axial
glabellar lobes; relative proportion between presence or absence furrow; glabellar segmentation reduced so that central two-thirds
of median glabellar furrow unknown. Lateral (glabellar) lobes (or more) of glabella, tr. of L2 and L3, unsegmented; glabellar
pointed tubercles; interspaces between these lobes without (gla- ornamentation ranging from symmetrical to disorganized, with
bellar) furrows as such, but concave. Four specimens have larger tendency to symmetrical; pygidium essentially twice as wide as
glabellar tubercles, as previously described by Tripp (1974), but long; pygidial spines uncarinated; segmentation proximally of
in one specimen (Fig. 3.14) Ll-l and L2-2 are larger and only great spines with subtriangular posterior margin.
L2-2 is larger in another specimen (Fig. 3.19), which also has a Discussion. - In dorsal view, the glabella reaches, and even
transverse L 1-0 tubercle. overhangs, the anterior margin, as the anterior border is vertical.
Pygidium with well-developed articulating half ring and half Natural populations of this genus can have eyes that are both
ribs. Sixth and posteriormost pleural rib parallel to axis; height transverse to L3 and S2, and there is a tendency for the indi-
of rib significantly less than sagittal height of axis. viduals to have eyes transverse to L3; on the other hand, Cerau-
Discussion. - Differences between the Lake St. John material rus milleranus appears to have eyes exclusively opposite S2.
and that originally described from Wisconsin can be easily ex- Whittakerites Ludvigsen, 1976, has eyes transversely from S1
plained by differences between two small samples and normal and a truncated semi-elliptical glabella, which serve to distin-
geographic variation present in any species. As such, these dif- guish it from Ceraurus.
ferences do not warrant subspecific (and much less specific) The carinated great pygidial spines and subrectangular and
separation. Even within the small sample here studied, the vari- smooth glabella of Ceraurinus Barton, 1913 (Ludvigsen, 1977),
ation in glabellar tubercles is best interpreted as inherent to the clearly differentiate this genus from Ceraurus. Ceraurinella Coo-
species. It has, however, been suggested that such variation is per, 1953, is somewhat similar, but its pygidial spines are not
the norm in some Silurian encrinurines (Ramskold, 1986, p. carinated; its glabella is also subrectangular and in this case
529). granulose. The bulb-shaped glabella of Borealaspis Ludvigsen,
A pygidium with eight pleural ribs, otherwise identical to 1976, widest across L3, and possessing a posterior glabellar (sag.)
spicatus, is not assigned to this species. This pygidium from a spine, is distinctive when compared to Ceraurus; its palpebral
locality on the Shipshaw River does not occur with other en- lobes across L3 or S3 recall Ceraurus and its spinose pygidium
crinurine material, and this renders its specific assignment prob- is almost identical to some species of Gabriceraurus, testifying
lematical. to the close affinities of all these cheirurine taxa.
The presence of a median glabellar furrow in this species had Hapsiceraurus hispidus Whittington, 1954 (the species being
not been noted previously. Its occurrence links spicatus with the the type of the genus, both erected in the same publication),
species of Figure 1, with the exception of Physemataspis (Phy- from the Canadian Arctic, is known only from individuals with-
semataspis), reinforcing previous suggestions ofits intermediate out pygidia. Lane (1971, p. 75) referred to a pygidium (of un-
phylogenetic position. known origin) which possibly belongs to the genus. Until the
Material. - Eight cranidia, 7 pygidia and 14 librigenae, all pygidium of Hapsiceraurus is definitely identified, the genus is
with preserved exoskeletons and from unit 1 of the Shipshaw best considered a possible synonym of Ceraurus, from which it
Formation (Edenian-Upper Ordovician), UM collections, from differs in few respects.
1) quarry along the road between Roberval and Pointe-Bleue, Both Lane (1971) and Shaw (1974) did not consider Ceraurus
1.5 km north ofthe Ouiatchouaniche River in Roberval; 2) road (Eoceraurus), with C. (Eoceraurus) trapezoidalis Esker, 1964,
outcrops along route 169, east of Chambord and 1.6 km west as type species, a valid subgenus; furthermore, trapezoidalis
of Desbiens; 3) along railroad, 350 m west ofChambord Junc- itself has been synonymized with C. ruidus Cooper, 1953, by
tion; and 4) outcrops along the Shipshaw River, immediately Shaw (1974, p. 29).
and up to 1 km downstream from the dam at Chute aux Galets. Bufoceraurus of Hessin, 1989, has for type species the very
Also present in the Manicouagan Lake outlier area (GSC col- poorly known Ceraurus bispinosus Raymond and Barton, 1913,
lections). based on an incomplete holotype cranidium. Hessin's (1989)
Measurements. -All specimens with their exoskeletons, and material does not show the distinctive spines, or protuberances,
measurements in mm. GSC 110327, 92988, 110329, and 110330 on the frontal glabellar lobe, and his assignment of Ontario
incomplete cranidia, sag. length of glabella and occipital ring, material to this species is questionable. In such circumstances,
respectively, 3.1, 3.3, 3.6, and 3.1, maximal glabellar width, the taxon bispinosus is best restricted to the holotype, and Bufo-
respectively, 2.7, 2.5, 3.0, and 2.5, and tr. width of occipital ceraurus considered a possible subjective synonym of Ceraurus.
ring ofGSC 110329: 2.6; GSC 110328librigena, maximal length: Species included. - Ceraurus cetus Dean, 1979; C. globulo-
6.9; and GSC 92990 pygidium, sag. length: 4.5, maximal width: batus Bradley, 1930; C. cf. C. globulobatus of Hessin, 1989; C.
5.1. matranseris Sinclair, 1947; C. milleranus Miller and Gurley,
1894; C. milleranus of Ludvigsen, 1979b; C. parvilobatus
Family CHEIRURIDAE Hawle and Corda, 1847 Troedsson, 1928; C. pleurexanthemus Green, 1832; C. pleurex-
Remark. - The justification ofthe familial authorship is given anthemus montyensis Evitt, 1953; C. ruidus Cooper, 1953; C.
by Lane, 1971, p. 7. tuberosus Troedsson, 1928; and C. whittingtoni Evitt, 1953.

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CERAURUS GLOBULOBATUS Bradley, 1930 visible frontal border, its maximal glabellar width across the
Figure 4.14-4.23 posterior part of the frontal glabellar lobe is distinctly greater,
Ceraurus globulobatus BRADLEY, 1930, p. 274, PI. 30, figs. 33-36, 39- and it has more strongly developed eye ridges than does glob-
42, ?fig. 38. ulobatus (in fact, stronger eye ridges are common to almost all
non Ceraurus cf. globulobatus Bradley. HESSIN, 1989, p. 1217, PI. 4, species of Ceraurus). The hypostoma of globulobatus apparently
figs. 1-7. differs from all other hypostomata referred to Ceraurus by its
equal width and length, and its anterior and posterior borders,
Diagnosis. - A species of Ceraurus with bituberculate (tuber-
which have different dorso-ventral inclinations. The two tu-
cles of 0.3 and 0.6 mm) glabella with commonly an undefined
bercles on the fixigenae, aligned with a third one on the posterior
pattern of tubercle distribution to one in which two ill-defined
border, are common in Ceraurus, but they do not occur in
exsagittal rows of 5-6 coarser tubercles can be recognized, an
ruidus; much the same is true for the common occurrence of
occipital node, and glabellar furrows equally incised, essentially
two exsagittal rows of tubercles on the glabella, but these rows
transverse; largest specimens have fewer smaller glabellar tu-
are absent in ruidus, tuberosus, and whittingtoni. Ceraurus cetus
bercles; maximum width of glabella across posterior part of
is unique in possessing two spines proximally ofthe genal spines.
frontal lobe, only slightly greater than across L3; frontal glabellar
Differences between globulobatus and matranseris are detailed
lobe laterally steeply sloping, and even overhanging axial furrow
on inner molds; center (exsag.) of palpebral lobe opposite (tr.)
Measurements. -All specimens are inner molds, except UC
L3 and S2; lateral border furrow turning transversely at anterior
20685C an outer mold, and measurements are in mm. UC
end, joining S3; eye ridge absent to ill developed, low, and
20709a, 29103, 28956, 20719b, and 20696 incomplete cranidia,
forming part of posterior slope of proximal part of transverse
sag. length of glabella and occipital ring, respectively, 10.7, 6.7,
prolongation of lateral border near S3; distal part of eye ridge
9.3, 16.1, and> 5.3, maximal glabellar width, respectively, 8.5,
near eye unknown (or possibly not developed); fixigenae retic-
5.6,7.2, 12.8, and 4.6. UC 20709 hypostoma, sag. length: 5.8.
ulate and with small tubercles, notably near posterior border
UC 20695c, 20695b, pygidia, sag. length, respectively, 4.9 and
furrow, and two large tubercles disposed exsagittally between
eye and glabella aligning themselves with a third tubercle on
posterior border; anterior border visible dorsally, one-third to CERAURUS MATRANSERIS Sinclair, 1947
one-half as long (sag.) as occipital ring, smooth or bituberculate Figure 4.1-4.13
with scarce tubercles. Hypostoma maculate, equally wide as
Ceraurus matranseris SINCLAIR, 1947, p. 254, PI. 1, figs. 3-6; DESBIENS
long, with a steeply sloping (not vertical) anterior border and a
AND LESPERANCE, 1989, p. 1191, fig. 2M, 2N.
slightly dorsally deflected posterior border. Pygidium with small
projections between the great spines, posterior margin trian- Diagnosis. - A species of Ceraurus with bituberculate (tuber-
gular; axial furrows between axis and pleural ribs or spines cles of0.3 and 0.6-1.0 mm) glabella with almost always a pattern
obsolete. of tubercle distribution of two exsagittal rows of 5-6 coarser
Types. - Holotype, inner mold of incomplete cranidium, DC tubercles, occipital node minute, present only in a few individ-
20709A; paratype, inner mold of large incomplete cranidium, uals, and essentially transverse S2 and S3 glabellar furrows, S2
DC 20719A; paratype, incomplete pygidium retaining part of shallower; some individuals without smaller glabellar tubercles
exoskeleton, DC 20695C; paratype, incomplete outer mold of and others with tubercle on each glabellar lobe; maximum width
pygidium, UC 20695B; paratype, inner mold ofan almost com- of glabella across posterior part of frontal lobe; frontal glabellar
plete hypostoma, DC 20709B; and hypotype, incomplete inner lobe laterally sloping at 45°-60°;center (exsag.) ofpalpebral lobes
mold of cranidium, UC 28956 (fig. 33 of Bradley, 1930). commonly opposite (tr.) L3, rarely S2; lateral border furrow
Material. -All the material of Ceraurus globulobatus exam- turning transversely and slightly posteriorly at its anterior end,
ined from the Field Museum (UC) is from the middle Ordo- joining S3; eye ridges immediately posterior of transverse part
vician (Kirkfieldian-Shermanian: Ross et aI., 1982) Kimmswick of lateral border furrow, essentially transverse to S3, a few in-
Limestone of Missouri (Glen Park-Sulphur Springs area; rarely, dividuals have eye ridges slightly anteriorly directed proximally;
Festus) and Illinois (1 mile north of Batchtown). This material fixigenae reticulate and with few small or large tubercles, and
is composed almost exclusively of inner molds and totals ap- two large tubercles disposed exsagittally between eye and gla-
proximately 55 cranidia, 7 fixigenae, 6 pygidia, and 33 hypos- bella, in line with third tubercle on posterior border; anterior
tomata. border not visible to visible dorsally, pustulose and bituber-
Discussion. - The extended diagnosis above, in conjunction culate with scarce tubercles. Maculae on hypostoma faintly pres-
with Bradley's (1930) description, is sufficient to characterize ent in a few individuals; hypostoma much wider than long (as
the species. It should be noted that the concept of the species 3:2), without anterior border in central halfand slightly dorsally
rests almost exclusively on inner molds, with consequent un- upturned posterior border. Missing hypostomal anterior border
certain differences on the external surface. slightly more than half as wide as anterior lobe of hypostoma.
Paratype UC 20695A (original of PI. 30, fig. 38 of Bradley, Rostral plate as wide as anterior lobe of hypostoma. Cephalic
1930), inner mold ofincomplete cranidium, with missing frontal doublure pustulose. Thorax with two tubercles on each axial
part of glabella, as well as another cranidium from UC 5869 ring. Pygidium with triangular posterior margin; axial furrows
(Glen Park, Missouri) are assigned doubtfully to Ceraurus glob- between axis and pleural ribs or spines obsolete to faint.
ulobatus because of their flattened profiles (sag., tr.), contrasting Discussion. - Ceraurus matranseris and C. globulobatus have
with the evenly rounded profiles of C. globulobatus. been considered possible synonyms (Desbiens and Lesperance,
Ceraurus globulobatus differs from the type of the genus, C. 1989, table 1). The diagnoses of these two species show that in
pleurexanthemus, by the lateral slope of the frontal lobe, which fact they are quite distinct, even though globulobatus is essen-
is far more gentle (45°, or so) in the latter (but this feature has tially known from inner molds and the exoskeleton of matran-
not been determined with precision for all species of the genus). seris is well known. Nonetheless, they are close to one another;
Ceraurus globulobatus differs from milleranus of Ludvigsen, matranseris is, however, younger (Edenian). Both species show
1979b, pleurexanthemus, pleurexanthemus montyensis, ruidus, significant variation, as detailed. The better-developed eye ridg-
tuberosus, and whittingtoni by its dorsally visible frontal border. es, the shallower lateral slope of the frontal glabellar lobe and
Ceraurus cf. C. globulobatus of Hessin, 1989, has a dorsally the symmetrical tubercles near the sagittal line of the glabella

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clearly distinguish C. matranseris from C. globulobatus. These of 6.7. Pygidia GSC 7395 and 110334 have, respectively, sag.
symmetrical glabellar tubercles are more obvious (in size and lengths of2.0 and 4.2, and tr. widths anteriorly are 5.2 and 10.0.
symmetry) in matranseris than in other species of Ceraurus (for
further discussion, see the previous discussion of C. globulo- Genus GABRICERAURUS Pribyl and Vanek, 1985
batus). Type species. - Ceraurus gabrielsi Ludvigsen, 1979b, by orig-
The hypostoma of Ceraurus matranseris is very similar to the inal designation of Pribyl and Vanek, 1985, p. 161.
hypostomata of C. pleurexanthemus, C. pleurexanthemus mon- Diagnosis. -A cheirurine genus with subrectangular to for-
tyensis, and C. whittingtoni of Evitt (1953, PI. 7, figs. 1-20), but wardly expanding glabella widest across posterior part of an-
the Quebec material is not silicified and it is impossible to terior glabellar lobe, eyes transverse from S 1 to S2, more com-
confirm that it does (or does not) possess the short frontal margin monly L2, with distinct anterior border in dorsal view, and
at right angle to the surface of the hypostoma. Perhaps this incised preglabellar furrow merging with axial furrows; glabellar
feature is variable, as C. whittingtoni illustrated by Whittington segmentation significant, central halfacross (tr.) L2 and L3 with-
(1992, PI. 2, fig. B) has an anterior hypostomal margin sloping out segmentation; glabellar ornamentation with strong tendency
anteriorly. The dorsally upturned hypostomal posterior margin to asymmetricity; pygidial segmentation proximally of great
of C. matranseris (also present in C. globulobatus) is absent spines with tendency to spinose transverse margins, approxi-
from Evitt's (1953) material. Maculae are well developed in C. mately twice as wide as long.
pleurexanthemus and C. pleurexanthemus montyensis, but faint Species included. - Ceraurus blussoni Ludvigsen, 1979b; C.
or absent in C. whittingtoni and C. matranseris. The hypostoma dentatus Raymond and Barton, 1913; C. cf. C. dentatus of Dean,
of C. ruidus is distinctive as it is more subrectangular, with 1979; C. gabrielsi Ludvigsen, 1979b; C. hirsuitus Ludvigsen,
better developed anterior lateral borders, than the hypostomata 1979b; C. plattinensis Foerste, 1920; ?Gabriceraurus mifJlinensis
discussed above. DeMott, 1987; and ?Ceraurus proicens Tripp, 1962.
Material. - This species is known from specimens with their Discussion. -See Ceraurus above.
exoskeletons, which include, approximately, 2 complete indi-
viduals, 1 cephalon, 50 cranidia, 6 glabellae, 6 librigenae, 13 GABRICERAURUS DENTATUS (Raymond and Barton, 1913)
hypostomata, and 7 pygidia, predominantly from unit 1 of the Figure 5.1-5.3
Shipshaw Formation, but also from unit 2 ofthe same formation
Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green, 1832. HALL, 1847, p. 242, PI. 65, fig.
and the Des Galets Formation (UM collections) and the Man- Id-lf, Ih, Ii, lk, ?11, 1m, ?In; PI. 66, fig. la-lh; non PI. 65, fig. la-
icouagan Lake area (GSC collections), all of which are Edenian. Ic, Ig.
Localities from the Lake St. John district include 1) quarries Cheirurus pleurexanthemus (Green). BILLINGS in I...cxJAN, MURRAY, HUNT,
along the road between Roberval and Pointe-Bleue, 1.5 and 2.2 AND BILLINGS, 1863, p. 188, fig. 188.
km north of the Ouiatchouaniche River in Roberval; 2) road Ceraurus dentatus RAYMOND AND BARTON, 1913, p. 534, PI. 1, fig. 2,
outcrops along route 169, east of Chambord and 1.6 km west PI. 2, figs. 4, 5; RAYMOND, 1921, PI. 10, figs. 2, 3, PI. 11, figs. 7, 8;
of Desbiens; 3) along railroad, 350 m west ofChambord Junc- DEMolT, 1987, PI. 9, figs. 1-7, PI. 10, figs. 1-3.
tion; 4) outcrops along the Shipshaw River, immediately and non Ceraurus dentatus Raymond and Barton. RAYMOND, 1921, PI. 10,
up to 1 km downstream from the dam at Chute aux Galets; and fig. 2; SINCLAIR, 1964, PI. 4, fig. 10; LUDVIGSEN, 1978, fig. 33; LUDV-
IGSEN, 1979a, fig. 26C.
5) drainage ditch, 200 m east of the Niobec road in St-Honore.
Ceraurus hirsuitus Ludvigsen. HESSIN, 1989, PI. 1, figs. 1-7.
The quarry 1.5 km north of Roberval has yielded abundant
material, as has another locality in unit 1 in the Shipshaw River Primary types assigned.-Paratypes AMNH 29511, MCZ 7,
some 250 m downstream from the dam. GSC 1769b, and 8062.
Types. - Holotype, small cranidium GSC 6801, paratype, in- Primary type rejected. -Paratype GSC 1769 (=non Ceraurus
complete pygidium GSC 7395, pathological individual, large dentatus of synonymy list).
cranidium GSC 7712 all of Sinclair, 1947, from quarries "1 Other material. - Extensive material from the "Trenton" at
mile north of Roberval" (p. 255), and hypotypes GSC 92984, Middleville, New York, illustrated by Hall (1847) was previ-
92985 of Desbiens and Lesperance, 1989. ously catalogued in the American Museum of Natural History
Measurements. -All specimens have their exoskeletons, and under the all inclusive (locality) number 850/1 and has been
measurements are in mm. Glabellar and occipital ring sag. lengths renumbered. A single specimen from this lot is a paratype (see
of GSC 92985, 110332, 110333, 6801, and 92984 are, respec- below; AMNH 29511), while the remainder are hypotypes of
tively, 7.4, 9.3,8.2,2.9, and 9.1, while the maximum glabellar dentatus. These are: 29502 (PI. 65, fig. Id, Ie); 29503 (PI. 65,
widths are, respectively, 6.4, 7.4, 7.4, 2.6, and 8.5. GSC 92985 fig. If); 29505, 29506 (PI. 65, fig. Ih, Ii, respectively); 29507-
and 110333 have tr. widths across the palpebral lobes of 14.9 29510 (PI. lk-ln, respectively); 29512 (PI. 66, unnumbered
and 16.2. The articulated specimen GSC 92984 has, further- figure between multiple views of 29511).
more, a dorsal sag. length of 33.4, and a hypostomal sag. length Description. -As in DeMott, 1987, p. 78, with addition of the

FIGURE 4 -1-13, Ceraurus matranseris Sinclair, 1947. 1-3, cranidium, oblique anterolateral, lateral, and dorsal views, x 3.5, x 3.5, x 2.3, GSC
92985; 4-5, incomplete individual, oblique anterolateral and dorsal views, x 3.1, x 2.7, GSC 110331; 6-7, incomplete cranidium, dorsal and
frontal views, x 3.0, x 4.7, GSC 110332; 8, cranidium, x 2.3, GSC 110333; 9, ho1otype cranidium, x 6.7, GSC 6801; 10-11, almost complete
individual, dorsal and ventral cephalic views, posterior pygidial spines exagerated by mechanical preparation, x 2.2, x 2.8, GSC 92984; 12,
paratype pygidium x 4.5, GSC 7395; 13, pygidium, x 2.7, GSC 110334.14-23, Ceraurus globulobatus Bradley, 1930.14-15, holotype cranidium,
dorsal and lateral views, x 2.4, x 4.0, UC 20709A; 16, cranidium, x 3.4, UC 29103; 17, Bradley, 1930, hypotype cranidium, x 2.7, UC 28956;
18, paratype hypostoma, x 3.8, UC 20709B; 19, paratype incomplete cranidium, x 1.6, UC 20719A; 20-21, incomplete cranidium, dorsal and
oblique anterolateral view, x4.6, x 8.1, UC 20696; 22, paratype pygidium, x 3.9, UC 20695C; 23, paratype pygidium, x4.9, UC 20695B.
Localities are: 1-3, Manicouagan Lake; 4, 5, 10, 11: same quarry detailed in explanation of Figure 3; 6-8,13: Shipshaw River as detailed in
explanation of Figure 3; 9, 12: see Sinclair, 1947; 14-18, Glen Park-Sulphur Springs area, Illinois; 19-23: 1 mile north of Batchtown, Illinois.

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FIGURE 5- Gabriceraurus dentatus (Raymond and Barton, 1913). 1, paratype, incomplete individual with exoskeleton, x 1.0, Middleville, Herkimer
County, New York, AMNH 29511, original of Hall, 1847, PI. 66, fig. la-Ih; 2, hypotype, incomplete pygidium with exoskeleton, x 1.0, same
locality as 1, AMNH 29509, original of Hall, 1847, PI. 65, fig. 1m; 3, paratype, almost complete individual with exoskeleton, Cobourg, Ontario,
x 1.0, GSC I769b, original of Raymond, 1921, PI. 10, fig. I.

following. Entire surface of exoskeleton covered with 0.08--0.1 In order to stabilize the concept of dentatus, the extant para-
mm granules. Genal spines exceptionally long (exsag.) for the types must first be ascertained. The following paratypes have
genus, covering two-thirds of thoracic length. been traced, or examined: AMNH 29511 (illustrated by Hall,
Discussion.-Hessin (1989, p. 1207) has used the taxon hir- 1847, PI. 66, fig. la-lh; herein, Figure 5.1), an incomplete in-
suitus Ludvigsen, 1979b, as synonymous with dentatus Ray- dividual with missing posterior part of thorax and pygidium,
mond and Barton, 1913, and as a replacement name for the lost MCZ 7 (illustrated by Raymond and Barton, 1913, PI. I, fig.
holotype of dentatus (Bolton, 1966, p. 50). Furthermore, he 2), a pygidium, and GSC 1769, 1769b (herein, Figure 5.3), and
stated that there is a single existing paratype pygidium (MCZ 8062, all illustrated on PI. 10 of Raymond 1921, which can be
7), and that it was not designated a neotype in view of the identified from Raymond and Barton's (1913) discussion (more
difficulty in using solely pygidia in (cheirurine) taxonomy. This or less complete individuals).
unusual procedure ofa "replacement" name has no justification GSC 1769 is herein excluded from dentatus as it possesses
in the Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et aI., 1985). eyes that are set far more forward (tr. of L2 or S2) than in the
What is perhaps more serious is that additional paratypes are remaining paratypes; furthermore, its glabella recalls Ceraurus
extant besides MCZ 7 and a neotype is unwarranted and un- pleurexanthemus.
justified. GSC 1769b is well preserved, but fragile. It is herein reillus-
Raymond and Barton's (1913) description oftheir new species trated and it is suggested that the concept of dentatus be derived
dentatus (repeated in Raymond, 1921) includes a synonymy, a predominantly from this specimen, as it appears closest to the
short description, and a discussion of other specimens besides lost holotype. MCZ 7 is a pygidium that appears identical to
the explicit erection of a holotype (GSC 1775, a complete in- the holotype, and it need not be reillustrated. Figure 5.2 is a
dividual, now lost). According to the Code, all the specimens hypotype pygidium from the same locality as paratype AMNH
mentioned become part of the type series (Article 72(b)(i» and 29511.
as a holotype was erected the other specimens become paratypes
(and not syntypes, and thus unavailable for lectotype selection) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Article 72(b)(v». The concept of the taxon dentatus must con- The writers are grateful to the following individuals and their
sequently rest on any or all of the paratypes and a replacement respective institutions for the loan and information ofboth type
name is illegal and unjustified. Although dentatus and hirsuitus and non-type material: T. E. Bolton and J. Dougherty of the
Ludvigsen, 1979b, are very similar, they are not considered Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa (GSC), F. Collier of the
synonymous, as hirsuitus has far longer (exsag.) palpebral lobes Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ),
(and hence, eyes) and a different course of the anterior branch N. Eldredge and C. B. Boyko of the American Museum of Nat-
of the facial suture, with a consequent greater fixigena proxi- ural History (AMNH), and C. Foster and S. Lidgard ofthe Field
mally and anteriorly of the eye in dentatus. Museum of Natural History (presently UC, WM of Bradley,

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APPENDIX ever, this character is less informative than if it were treated as a

The following characters were used in the phylogenetic analysis. continuous variable.
8) Nature of genal spine; 0 = short (exsag. length shorter or approx-
1) Sagittal depression on anterior part of glabella; 0 = presence; 1 = 'imately of the same (sag.) length as the occipital ring); 1 = longer
absence. than state O.
This falls within Temple and Tripp's (1979) attributes 12-15. This is Temple and Tripp's (1979) attribute 10, somewhat mod-
Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990) have discussed this character ified.
and shown its plesiomorphic distribution; it is nonetheless not 9) Lateral outline of glabella; 0 = straight; 1 = concave outwards; 2
constant within the taxa here considered. = convex outwards. This multistate character is considered unor-
2) Glabellar shape; 0 = longer than broad; 1 = subequal, within mea- dered.
surement, preservation bias, or errors, as well as intrapopulation This is Temple and Tripp's (1979) attribute 32.
variation; 2 = broader than long. This multistate character is con- 10) Ornamentation of occipital ring; 0 = smooth or granulose; 1 = with
sidered unordered. one or more tubercles.
Edgecombe and Chatterton (1990) used this character, but did 11) Adaxial tubercles on fixigenae; 0 = none; 1 = with one or more
not recognize state 1 above. tubercles.
3) Maximum width of glabella; 0 = across the posterior part of gla- This character is slightly modified from Temple and Tripp's
bellar lobe L4; 1 = maximum width elsewhere. (1979) attribute 29.
If the maximum width is not across the posterior part of the 12) Sagittal and nearly sagittal tubercles on axis of pygidium; 0 = with
frontal lobe, it is anterior to that point. at least one sagittal tubercle; 1 = with paired near sagittal tubercles;
4) Tubercles on anterior border of cephalon; 0 = absent; 1 = present. 2 = without tubercles. This multistate character is considered
This is essentially Temple and Tripp's (1979) attribute 28. unordered.
5) Number of axial rings in pygidium; 0 = 7-9; 1 = <7-9, > 7-9. This is Edgecombe and Chatterton's (1990) character 4.
This continuous character is difficult to assess because of the 13) Axial thoracic spines; 0 = present on at least one segment;
faintness of the posterior rings. Its importance, however, has been without axial thoracic spines.
discussed by Ramskold (1986, p. 529-531) who has suggested This is Edgecombe and Chatterton's (1990) character 11.
alternate ways of coding the pygidial axis. Encrinurus hornei has 14) Postero-Iateral hypostomal spines in holaspis; 0 = absent; 1 = with
8 axial rings; in the natural sciences, values with an uncertainty spines.
of ± 10% are the norm, which suggests that assigning state 0 to 7- This is Edgecombe and Chatterton's (1990) character 6.
9 pygidial rings is reasonable, although it is uncertain if early 15) Glabellar ornamentation; 0 = uniform; 1 = not uniform.
cybelines or encrinurines have less than 7 axial rings. 16) Middle body of hypostoma; 0 = elongated; 1 = round (equally wide
6) Number of congruent axial rings and pleural ribs; 0 = 4; 1 = <4, as long).
>4. The hypostomata of early encrinurines are inflated; this char-
This character has been defined by Temple and Tripp (1979) as acter is inspired by Edgecombe and Chatterton's comments (1990,
attribute 9 (see also Ramskold, 1986). p. 823) on Physemataspis.
7) Number of pleural ribs; 0 = 5; 1 = ~6. 17) Pygidial shape; 0 = broader than long; 1 = subequal, within mea-
Although this character is generally coded as "pleural segments," surement, preservation bias or errors, as well as intrapopulation
"pleural ribs" are better terms, as ribs can be identified easily. variation; 2 = longer than broad. This multistate character is con-
Whether these ribs correspond or not with pleurae is still open to sidered unordered.
question (see Hessler, 1962, on this subject). In any event, axial Temple and Tripp (1979) did not recognize posterior pygidial
segmentation is poorly correlated with pleural architecture in en- spines (mucros) in the taxa treated here. State 2 of this character
crinurines, which explains the usefulness ofcharacter 6. This char- does not occur in the early encrinurines considered here, but does
acter is the same as attribute 6 of Temple and Tripp (1979) and, occur in the early cybelines of Table 1. The state of this character
used somewhat differently, character 18 of Edgecombe and Chat- for Frencrinuroides s.l. tholus n. gen. is discussed in the Systematic
terton (1990). These two authors have also shown the limited value Section.
of this character within the encrinurines; as employed here, how-

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