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Training Program: Delivering Superb Presentations in a Corporate Setting

Trainer: Garet Arbilon


1. Discover their current strengths and weaknesses at work

2. Know the skills needed to be able to deliver an effective presentation
3. Be familiar on the technical know-how in creating effective decks to be used in presenting using Microsoft PowerPoint
4. Know the strategies in public speaking
5. Apply the strategies and techniques learned
6. Designing and effective presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint

Training Timeline

DAY 1:

09:00 AM – 09:15 AM: Discovery of current strengths and weaknesses through the Line Up activity
09:15 AM – 10:00 AM: The Multiple Intelligences Theory
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM: Short Break
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM:

 Know the importance of delivering effective presentations (How it affects the business)
 What are the elements of a super presentation?
 Introduction to the tools you can use for creating presentations
 Designing and effective presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint
- Outline your presentation
- Highlight the important information in your presentation
- Usage of appropriate font, color, shapes and charts

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: LUNCH BREAK

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM:

 Designing and effective presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint Designing and effective presentation
using Microsoft Powerpoint (continuation)
- Arrange slides in accordance to the goal of the presentation
- Proper usage of animation and how to make your presentation visually appealing

02:00 PM – 02:15PM: Short break

02:15 PM – 03:00 PM: Deck Creation Workshop

DAY 2:

09:00 AM – 09:10 AM: Review and debriefing of Day 1

09:10 AM – 09:30AM: Discover the importance of communication through Pass the Message
09:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Effective Public Speaking

 Introduction to public speaking

 What is effective communication?
 The importance of proper diction and pronunciation
 The importance of tone and intonation

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM: Short break

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM: Workshop on delivery – story telling
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM:

 The importance of body language (gestures and eye contact)

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: LUNCH BREAK

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Preparation for the Presentation Workshop (Practice and Brainstorming)
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Presentation of output

DAY 1: Self-discovery and Designing Effective Presentation Deck

I. Preliminary Activity: LINE UP!

 The facilitator will ask the participants to stand up. All they have to do is to line up under the trait that best
describes them
 Facilitator will project words/adjectives that are related to important skills at work

II. The Multiple Intelligences Theory (Brain Science, 2021)

 Who is Howard Gardner?
- Howard Gardner is an American psychologist, distinguished Harvard professor and writer. He’s prolific
— he has written hundreds of articles and thirty books throughout his career.
- Gardner had a mission. He wanted to reorient the way we learn. Specifically, he believed that the
prevailing methods of instruction failed to maximize learners’ potential.
 What is the Multiple Intelligences Theory?
- It proposes that there are multiple types of intelligence, which can be measured in different ways.
Understanding this also helps to highlight the different ways that humans absorb, process and apply

 What does this tell me?

- The theory remains one of the most popular ideas in learning and development. It can help us to
recognize the different strengths and weaknesses. In turn, this can benefit and transform our training
- Skills are trainable and can be mastered through continuous practice! It might not be your strength
now, but it can be your strength someday.

III. Designing Effective Presentations (Facilitated Learning, 2019)

A. Why is effective presentation important?
a. When striking deals and gaining clients, it is essential for business professionals to understand the
audience. Excellent presentation skills enable an individual to mold his message according to the traits of
the audience. This increases the probability of successful transmission of messages.
b. Professional and engaging presentations reinforce the image and perception of professionalism
c. Increases the effectiveness of messaging and allows for reinforcement
d. Allows for ‘real-time feedback from the audience via body language and questions.

B. Elements of a superb presentation

a. Thorough Presentation Deck
- One important element of a successful presentation is thorough preparation and ensuring that you
tailor your presentation toward your audience and its needs.
b. Effective Hook
- An engaging start to your presentation helps you quickly build rapport and connect with your
audience's emotions.
c. Clear Objective and Agenda
- A clear objective and agenda help you effectively outline your presentation and avoid any
unnecessary information.
d. Effective Delivery
- An effective presentation delivery can keep your audience engaged.

C. Tools you can use in creating a deck presentation

 Video Material on presentation –
 Explanation on the difference of Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides
- PowerPoint (or PPT for short) is a staple program in the Microsoft Office software suite and comes
packaged with Microsoft Word and Excel. You can use PPT on both Mac and PC, or any other
computer operating system via the cloud-based Microsoft Office 365.
- With PowerPoint, you can easily get your point across, and share your stories with your audience.
Instead of verbally describing your product, you can simply show people an image of your product.
- As part of the G-Suite family of apps, Google Slides is like the online alternative of PowerPoint. Just as
you can create word documents on Google Docs, you can make your presentation on Google Slides.
- This presentation tool has a variety of templates that you can use for your presentations. You can
easily collaborate using Google Slides because you can give your team members access to the
presentation. You can make them a viewer, commenter, or editor of your presentation.

a. Start by creating an outline of your presentation
 Know your topic and the goal of the presentation. This is important as it dictates the Method of
Presentation to be used.
 Start gathering or collecting important information needed for the presentation
 Create an outline
- The standard outline format uses an alphanumeric system, which alternates letters and numerals at
the start of each section.
- Main topics like sections or chapters are listed as Roman numerals.
- Paragraphs are usually listed as capital letters.
- Points and subtopics within a paragraph are listed as Arabic numerals.
- Specific details are listed as lower-case letters.
 Identify the important points/words in the presentation
- This will be highlighted in your presentation
 Identify which data can be converted to a chart
- This will make presentation easier to understand and be visually appealing
 Designing your presentation
- It should agree in the company’s branding guidelines
- It should look clean and professional
- Start by checking the MS Powerpoint’s pre-loaded designs. MS Powerpoint has templates that are
available for use. This will make designing easier and faster. (Steps will be provided). All pre-loaded
designs have recommended Font Style and Color
- Click the Design button and choose from a wide variety of design templates
- However, if you wish to design your own PowerPoint Template, it is also recommended, but you have
to remember to keep it SIMPLE.
- Start formatting your presentation using Slide Masters (Source: link)
 Additional tips!
- Visual aids complement our presentation therefore, it should not be too WORDY. Put emphasis on the
most important information that you want your audience to remember
- Always use bullet points for information that are more than 1 enumerated n the slides
- For data or number-related data, use charts via SmartChart in PPT to have your numbers properly

IV. Workshop
a. The class will be grouped into 5 groups.
b. Each group will be given a topic and they will be tasked to create a mock presentation with a minimum of
3 slides
c. After the activity, each team will present their deck and show it to the class. Explain the design and
elements in the presentation


I. Preliminary Activity:
A. Pass the message
 Each group will line up and will be tasked to pass a “message” by drawing an object at the back of
their teammate
 The facilitator will ask the first person in the line to draw a specific object then they will pass this on
same way until it reaches the last person
 The last person will have to guess what the object is, the team with the most accurate guess wins
 After the activity, the facilitator will explain the importance of communication and body language
B. The Nervous Presentation (
 Facilitator will show the video and discuss

II. Public Speaking

 Public speaking, also called oration or oratory, is the process of communicating information to a live
audience. The type of information communicated is deliberately structured to inform, persuade, and
entertain. Many people fear they suffer from a public speaking weakness and lack the will to master the

A. What is Effective Communication?

- Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data
so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. When we communicate
effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied.

B. Proper Diction and Pronunciation

a. Break it down

This isn’t just a cue for some awesome dance moves, or a remix kicking in. When we’re thinking about
enunciation in singing, it’s really useful to break down the words in the lyrics. Go slowly to begin with. Separate
out the different types of sounds, including the consonants and vowels – even writing them out and noting
where they change.

Speak, then sing each through carefully, making sure every sound is clear and distinct. Over-articulate as you
go, exaggerating far more than you would in a performance. Gradually start to speed up, but without losing
any of the crisp quality you achieved when you started. Then once you’re hitting each and every sound, you
can dial it back a bit in terms of the exaggeration but keeping that clarity

b. Twist that tongue

Tongue twisters for singers are a simple way to improve diction. They use a run of words with very similar
sounds but requiring completely different placement of the tongue. This gives your tongue and lips a full
workout. Using a variety of exercises ensures you work all the different areas of your mouth.
c. Record and playback

It’s cringe time. Yes, listening to and watching yourself back after a performance can be squirm-inducing.
However, it’s a necessary part of growth and a fantastic way to accelerate your development. If you’re new
to this, don’t worry, it does get easier with time. Try to be as objective as possible and imagine you’re one
of the Open Mic UK music industry judges. Can you hear all the lyrics? Does the way you’re pronouncing
the words work? Take notes as you watch back and pause each section, as you evaluate where you can
If you discover that diction is a really weak point in your performance, then you may need to consider
some speech improvement lessons. There are lots of fantastic online resources, workshops and courses to
learn how to improve diction in singing.

C. Intonation and Tone

D. Body Language

III. Story Telling Activity

 The facilitator will provide a short story that they class will read per group
 They will have to read it and their teammates will assess if the tone, intonation, and pronunciation of
words are correct

IV. Presentation Workshop

 The team will need to present the topic that they chose in the previous workshop and present it to
the class
 They will be evaluated based on a rubric following the training on Deck Creation and Public Speaking

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