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Kyer Guelan


The Aged Mother

Formalist Criticism

The Aged Mother" is a heartfelt and symbolic tale that carries deep moral
lessons, touching upon themes of love, sacrifice, wisdom, and tradition. It effectively
conveys the message that respect for elders and respect for tradition are crucial
aspects of societal harmony and personal growth. The story revolves around a
decree issued by a despotic ruler mandating the death of all elderly citizens. In
response, a faithful son refuses to obey and seeks the guidance of his aged mother,
who offer wisdom learned from the mountain. Together, they come into a journey to
evoid the order. Through her selfless sacrifice, the aged mother saves the village and
imparts valuable lessons to her son. The aged mother symbolizes wisdom and
tradition, serving as a case of ancestral knowledge. Her son represents filial piety and
the willingness to challenge illegal authority. While these characters effectively lead
the story's themes, deeper character development could enhance reader
engagement and emotional connection. on the other side of its predictable plot,
"The Aged Mother" remains a timeless tale with enduring lessons. It regards on the
importance of family, tradition, and sacrifice resonates with readers across cultures
and generations. Through its allegorical narrative, the story invites reflection on the
values that unite humanity and the wisdom passed down through generations.
Overall, "The Aged Mother" effectively communicates its moral message while
leaving room for deeper exploration of its characters and themes.

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