Educational Project Plan

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a. Project title: developing critical thinking skills in students

b.project duration: march 4 – may 17

II. project objectives

1. Encourage students to ask questions

2. Teach students to evaluate information
3. Provide opportunities for problem solving

III. project scope

A. Target school: ESBSCS

B. Target participants :
C. Key components

Questioning skills:
Encourage students to delve deeper by asking follow-up questions that prompt them to explore various
aspects of a topic.

Analytical reasoning:
Integrate puzzles and games that require logical reasoning
Challenge students to think strategically and analytically.

Information evaluation:
Teach students to assess the reliability and credibility of sources, distinguishing between trustworthy and
biased information.
Incorporate activities where students verify facts and claims, enhancing their ability to question
information and seek accuracy.

Problem- solving task:

foster teamwork by assigning group projects where students promote diverse perspectives and
collaborative problem solving.

Reflection and metacognition:

Encourage students to verbalize their thoughts processes while working on tasks.

IV. project implementation

a. Timeline
Pre-implementation phase (week 1-2):
Identify specific areas where students may benefit from improved critical thinking skills through surveys,
assessments, or discussions.
Ensure access to materials, tools, and technologies that facilitate critical thinking.

Implementation phase (week 3-8)

Incorporate interactive activities, discussions and problem solving tasks.
Integrate open- minded questions into lessons.
Incorporate educational technologies that support critical thinking providing tools for research,
collaboration, and creative problem- solving.

Monitoring phase ( week 9-10):

Observe the implementation of the project.
Collect feedbacks from students, teacher, and parents.
Document success, challenges and key learnings.

Evaluation and adjustments (week 11)

Conduct a thorough analysis of the overall project data, including student assessments, feedback and
Evaluate whether the project goals related to critical thinking skills development have been achieved.
Make adjustments as necessary.

V. projects resources

Human resources:
Competent teachers.
Professionals who can design a curriculum that integrates critical thinking components across various
subjects and grade level.

Financial resources:
Budget for acquiring and maintaining technology tools software, and devices.
Budget for acquiring textbooks, articles, multimedia resources, and other educational materials.

Technological resources:
Access to computers, laptops, and tablets.
Integration of educational software and apps.

V. project evaluation
Data collection:
Administer surveys or questionnaires to students, teachers and parents.
Collect and analyze students’ work samples, project, and assignments.

Evaluate the effectiveness of assessment tools in capturing the complexity of critical thinking skills and
informing instructional decisions.
Identify challenges and barriers that students,teachers, or curriculum may be facing in effectively
promoting critical thinking

Repport and recommendation:

Assemble a thorough report detailing the project’s result.

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