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Talanta 47 (1998) 509 – 524


Inorganic and methylmercury speciation in environmental

J.E. Sánchez Urı́a *, A. Sanz-Medel
Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Uni6ersity of O6iedo, c/Julián Cla6erı́a 8, 33006 O6iedo, Spain

Received 3 November 1997; received in revised form 25 February 1998; accepted 16 March 1998


The different strategies for mercury species analysis in environmentally-related samples are reviewed. After
consideration of the main different steps involved in the speciation of mercury, such steps are discussed with more
extension for mercuric ion and methylmercury. The different approaches for preservation of these mercury species
during the storage of samples are considered. Different ways for the extraction of mercury species from the several
possible environmental compartments and the possibilities for preconcentration of such species after previous
derivatization reactions are discussed. Mercuric ions and methylmercury chromatographic and non-chromatographic
separations along with different techniques used for sensitive and selective detection of mercury are also critically
reviewed. Ranges of published detection limits achievable for such species determination, by using hyphenated
techniques between a chromatographic separation and a specific atomic detector are also given. © 1998 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mercuric ion; Methylmercury; Speciation; Environmental samples

1. Introduction total mercury emissions to the atmosphere of

around 10000 tones. These emissions came from
Mercury is considered by the Environmental the calcination of sulphide ores, fossil fuels com-
Protection Agency (EPA) as a highly dangerous bustions and heating of other mercury-containing
element because its accumulative and persistent materials [1]. Similar data were published by
character in the environment and biota. Calcula- Nriagu [2] 10 years later. Today, both inorganic
tions of 1973 assessing the antropogenic atmo- and organic mercury compounds are produced in
spheric contamination by mercury estimated a industrial processes for agriculture, paper indus-
try, pharmaceutical uses, etc. and they are respon-
sible for the vast majority of present antropogenic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34 8 5103480; fax: + 34 8 contamination of our environment with this toxic
5103125. metal.

0039-9140/98/$ - see front matter © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S0039-9140(98)00116-7
510 J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524

Moreover, mercuric ion can be converted into tion by solar UV light [20,21] of organomercury
methylmercury. It should be stressed that the compounds from the other. Recent reports [22]
most numerous cases of human poisoning by an estimate a total mercury concentration in natural
organometal have involved the ingestion of waters, ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng l − 1, while
methylmercury compounds. This organometallic methylmercury levels are much lower, around
species is neurotoxic, causes blockage of binding 0.05 ng l − 1 [23]. Of course, higher values can be
sites of enzymes, interferes proteine synthesis, found in waters from heavily industrialized areas
impides thymidine incorporation into DNA, etc. [22]. The upperlimit for total mercury concentra-
[3]. Reports of such cases have come from many tion in drinking water recommended by the EC is
areas of the world, but those from Asia have been 1 mg l − 1.
the most numerous. Particularly disastrous were In sediments and biota the levels of methylmer-
the widespread methylmercuric compound poi- cury are higher than in waters because of accumu-
soning cases of Minamata Bay, Japan, from lative phenomena [24]; while methylmercury in
which the name ‘Minamata disease’ derived to sea water is only found in highly contaminated
describe methylmercury poisoning [4]. These areas and amounting only to around 1% of total
organomercurials can be consumed in two classes element present [25], inorganic mercury and
of foods: fish and shellfish accumulating the poi- methylmercury seem to be preconcentrated in sed-
son from waters or sediments; and grain seeds iments and are found at relatively high levels in
coated with antifungal methylmercuric prepara- fish [14,15,26,27].
tions. These dangerous methylmercury species can Several authors have found the presence of
be antropogenic, but also inorganic mercury can dimethylmercury in fish [24,28–31]. However, Puk
be biologically converted into methylmercury in and Weber have pointed out that most analytical
algae [5], humic substances [6], etc. via methyla- methods published would not provide reliable re-
tion of mercuric derivatives by bacteria [7–10]. sults, or even detect dimethylmercury species, if
Both inorganic and organic mercury tend to be present [27]. Studies on the occurrence of other
accumulated in sediments and biota [11,12], par- organic mercury compounds in the environment
ticularly fish and molluscs [13 – 15]. In this way, are comparatively scarce, even if some recent ref-
neurotoxic methylmercury would eventually reach erences have been published on the presence of
our food chain specially from sea food [16]. The ethylmercury in water samples [32], soils and sedi-
high affinity of methylmercury to sulphydril ments [29,33,34]. Cai et al. attribute this lack of
groups and lipids of animals would explain its observations of these species to present analytical
accumulation in living organisms, particularly in methodologies mainly focused to develop meth-
lipidic tissue of mammals. Conversely, it appears ods just for methylmercury [34].
that sulphide groups in the sediment would be Nowadays it is worldwide recognized that the
responsible for the binding and final preconcen- toxicity of an element (e.g. Hg) is determined by
tration of mercury species [17] in sediments. its particular species occurring in the sample. In
Nowadays it seems accepted that the rate and general terms the organic forms of metals (more
extent of methylation of Hg(II) in the waters and hydrophobic) go through biological membranes
sediments depends upon factors such as: the com- quite easily as compared to inorganic forms.
pound of Hg(II) (acetate is easier to methylate Thus, organomercuric compounds are much more
than mercuric chloride), the methylation agent toxic than inorganic mercury. Therefore, today we
[18], the chemical composition of the sediment, its are witnessing a growing interest in analytical
oxygen concentration and the pH [19]. speciation of trace elements [35–37] and of mer-
In the waters it is interesting to note that levels cury in particular in samples of environmental
of methylmercury are usually much lower than origin.
those of inorganic mercury. This is due to the Considering the present knowledge, the main
difficulty of methylation reactions in aqueous species or forms of mercury to be identified and
phases, from one side, and to the easy decomposi- determined in the environment are mercuric ion
J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524 511

(inorganic mercury), methylmercury and, only rect species-specific techniques are seldom useful
occasionally, dimethylmercury. The various re- to solve speciation problems in real-life situa-
views appeared in the last few years about this tions because of lack of the sensitivity. In such
topic [27,38 – 41] give evidence of the great scien- situations previous sample treatments, precon-
tific interest arisen by mercury speciation. centrations, separations, etc., before final detec-
A possible revival of older disastrous episodes tion are usually needed.
of 1953 in Minamata [4], and other parts of the In order to achieve a reliable determination of
world in the 1960s, could happen now in the the two main environmentally relevant species of
Amazonia as a result of the new ‘gold rush’ of mercury, Hg(II) and CH3Hg + , there are four
the so-called ‘garimpeiros’ or gold-diggers. Their different steps to be considered individually:
techniques of amalgamation on gold-ore and 1. Mercury species ‘extraction’ from the envi-
further open ‘burning’ of the possibly formed ronmental sample (e.g. from soil, sediment or
gold amalgam is responsible for 80% of the to- biota) securing the integrity of the sought
tal mercury emission into atmosphere in Brazil species as they are in the sample;
(168 tonnes of the metal according to estima- 2. Mercury species ‘preconcentration’ from the
tions of 1989). Investigations to evaluate total obtained extract (again, preserving the iden-
mercury contamination in waters, sediments and tity of those components) to achieve a final
biota in Amazonia rivers are already in progress concentration level matching the detection
[26,42,43] and a cooperative project to assess the limits accessible with the detection technique
extent of methylation of such mercury
(volatilized into atmosphere and then deposited
3. Inorganic mercury and methylmercury ‘sepa-
in soils, flora and rivers) is due to start this year
ration’ without disturbing their relative origi-
nal concentration levels;
In this paper a revision of the different steps
4. Individual ‘detection’ (determination) of each
to speciate mercury, particularly inorganic and
of the previously separated species.
methylmercury, in environmental samples is car-
Of course, in filtered aqueous samples only
ried out. Precautions to be taken at each step
(extraction, preconcentration, separation and the last three steps should be considered. How-
specific detection), analytical strategies and par- ever, to speciate a given toxic metal in an
ticular techniques proposed to tackle this mod- aquatic environment non-dissolved materials
ern problem of mercury speciation are (solids in suspension, sediments and soil) and
thoroughly discussed. biota (plants, fish, shellfish and plankton) should
be dealt with as well.
As a result of the extremely low levels of mer-
2. The main steps to consider for mercury cury compounds in such real samples the cou-
speciation in environmental samples pling of the four different steps to develop an
integrated mercury speciation strategy in those
It is quite obvious that the ideal analytical particular samples is almost mandatory. All the
strategy for speciation of mercury and other four steps should be ‘tamed’ to such a degree
toxic elements would be direct ‘in-situ’ analysis that risks of contamination, losses, degradations
of the sought species in the desired sample. In or changes in the mercury species nature and
this way the most stringent challenge of specia- their relative concentrations are avoided (or at
tion, namely preservation of the original nature least, well assessed to allow for eventual correc-
of the sought species, would be nearly secured tions).
by avoiding sample manipulations of any type. Table 1 summarizes the ‘more common tech-
Electrochemical and optical (bio)-sensors could niques’ used to assemble an integrated strategy
be in the future viable approaches for metal spe- made of ‘the four mentioned steps required for
ciation [45,46]. At present, however, ‘in-situ’ di- speciation in environmental samples’.
512 J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524

Table 1

Pretreatment Preconcentration Separation Detection

Homogenization Criogenic trapping G.C. CV-AAS

Acidic preservation Column chromatography HPLC ETAAS
Extraction of species Non-chromatographic columns Non-chromatographic MIP-AES
—Alumina ICP-AES
—Cotton sulphydril ICP-MS
—Dithiocarbamate ECD
—Ditizone Electrochemical
Set-pack cartridges AFS
Electrochemical methods

3. Inorganic and methylmercury extractions pling. Interestingly, the efficiency of such reagents
to stabilize mercury species seems to be related
To start with, the environmental sample (water, with the water matrix (distilled, fresh water or sea
sediment or biota) should be made homogeneous water). Losses of methylmercury in sea water at
and perhaps preservative agents could be needed the ng l − 1 level have been reported to be caused
in order to prevent species degradation before by adsorption onto the container walls and con-
final analysis. It is well known that organometal- version into the inorganic form [50].
lics (e.g. methylmercury, methylarsenic com- Mineral acids are probably the most common
pounds, tributhyltin) can be degraded in many reagents added to water in order to maintain
ways including microorganisms action, oxidation, unaltered mercury species in solution, e.g. solu-
or even UV irradiation. This is why preservation tions with 1–2% of HCl or HNO3 [50,51], or 1%
of CH3Hg + in its original form and relative con- HNO3 containing 0.05% (m/v) of K2Cr2O7 [52];
centration can represent a difficult task, particu- other preservative reagents proposed include hu-
larly when its extraction from a solid is required; mic acids [53], freezing in liquid nitrogen and
the matrix of the sample can play an important further storage at − 80°C [28], Au(III) in diluted
role in the stability of the sought compound. For HNO3 acid [54], etc. It has been shown [48] that
instance, it has been shown that CH3Hg + in fish the stability of CH3Hg + in waters depends criti-
(dry or wet) exhibits a remarkable stability with cally on its concentration level, matrix of the
time at room temperature, while in shellfish sam- water, containers material and its pretreatment
ples a prolonged storing in the refrigerator, or for cleaning, temperature, etc. For instance, it
several freezing and de-freezing of such samples, appears that low concentration of CH3Hg +
may bring about significant CH3Hg + losses [47]. (lower than 10 ng ml − 1) are very unstable, while
The stability of mercury species in waters is its stability at around 100 ng ml − 1 levels im-
rather controversial. There is, however, a sort of proves substantially [48]. Likewise, the effect of
consensus on the positive effects of low pH and container material is also stressed in the literature;
high ionic strength to stabilize mercury species in PTFE containers are preferred to PVC or glass
solution, particularly when in the solution exists made flasks, provided their previous cleaning with
an oxidizing and complexing environment [48]. nitric acid [55]. The paper by Leermarkers et al.
Oxidants and complex forming agents appear to [48] is recommended in this respect as it is the
contribute to stabilize Hg(II), while low pH and paper by Lepine and Chamberland [56] about the
high ionic strength prevent cation deposition on filtering of water samples immediately after sam-
the containers wall. Thus, it is advisable to add pling. If a filtration of sample is required, it is
such preservative agents [49] if the analysis is necessary to do it at the very moment of sam-
going to be performed with a delay after sam- pling, because freezing and filtration after de-
J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524 513

freezing originates a lost of both, inorganic mer- acidic medium containing NaCl [68,69], KBr
cury and methylmercury. [62,70,71] and iodoacetic acid [72], generally
In biota and sediments, immediate freezing of using successive extractions with organic sol-
samples after collection is recommended as a rule vents such as benzene [73,74], toluene [75,76],
in order to retard microbiol activities [57]; doubts chloroform [62,77] or dichloromethane [28,78].
arise sometimes, though, about the possibility of It seems that benzene is not well suited for
species changes if samples are then de-freezed or CH3Hg + extractions at low concentrations
dried in the air before speciation measurements down to 0.5 ng l − 1 [63]. Several authors rec-
(e.g. in the case of deep sediments originally sur- ommend a back-extraction of the mercury spe-
rounded by a reducing environment). Liofilization cies from the benzene or toluene phase to the
processes appear to be risky for biota speciation aqueous phase, in order to clean or preconcen-
because some volatile species can be lost and trate the extracted species, using cysteine or
some metal-bound proteins can degrade [58]. sodium thisulphate [66,67,76]. Problems
Extracting the sought species of methylmercury derived from solvent background may arise
from the solid environmental sample is a delicate when toulene is used and the detection is
process depending on both, the nature of the carried out by microwave-induced plasma-
species and of sample matrix. While in water atomic emission spectrometry (MIP-AES) [79].
samples this process is not so troublesome [28,59– In the case of CH3Hg + speciation using chlo-
63], in biota or sediments the extraction is proba- roform, addition of complexing agents to facil-
bly the most crucial step of the whole speciation itate the extraction of methylmercury to the
strategy designed: a complete extraction of Hg(II) chloroformic phase has been proposed [62,77],
and CH3Hg + should be aimed at without chang- while addition of HgCl2 [25,80] or CuCl2 [81]
ing the nature of those species. Of course this is solutions has been recommended to release the
very difficult and demands a great deal of care in CH3Hg + from the –SH groups complexing
order to preserve the original speciation. More- the mercury species in the solid.
over, the dissolved extracts can be unstable, e.g. 2. Alkaline digestion and extraction: both KOH-
they should be kept out of UV light which could methanol [28,54–56,59,60] and NaOH-Cys-
cleave the bond Hg – C [20,64,65]. As a general teine [59] treatments have been proposed to
rule, this bond Hg – C should be safe during pre- release methylmercury from sediments while
treatment or extraction with added reagents. For maintaining original Hg–C bonds. In many
example, reagents used for extractions from biota cases, this alkaline extraction appears trouble-
and sediments should be able to break bonds of some as compared to acidic ones, because
the mercury species with clay materials, humic alkaline solutions are much more difficult to
substances, sulphides, etc., but the Hg – C bonds get in pure form as compared to acidic solu-
should be left unaltered. tions. Moreover, serious problems encoun-
The techniques published for pretreatment ex- tered in subsequent steps (preconcentration,
traction of mercury species in environmental sam- separation or detection) are derived from the
ples can be grouped into three categories. high levels of organic matter, sulphides or
1. Acid digestion with solvent extraction: this ferric ions co-extracted with the sought
digestion type was proposed long ago for methylmercury species using this sample treat-
Westöö as a means for the extraction of ment [81].
methylmercury in foodstuffs with HCl as 3. Acidic volatilization and preconcentration: an
acidic medium and benzene as the solvent; the alternative approach is to avoid organic sol-
extraction needs several steps in order to get a vent extraction by producing a volatile deriva-
‘clean’ solution of CH3Hg + in benzene tive of the sought species [72,81]. Vapor
[66,67]. Later on many modifications of West- distillation, in a stream of air or nitrogen at
öö’s methods were proposed for selective ex- 150°C, of a homogeneate of the solid sample
traction of methylmercury from a mineral in diluted H2SO4 with excess of NaCl is
514 J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524

strongly recommended to allow a non-chro- 4. Preconcentration/derivatization

matographic separation of Hg(II) and
CH3Hg + . The more volatile CH3Hg + Cl − As said before, the low analytical concentra-
compound formed is so distilled and is col- tions of organic or methylmercury expected (typi-
lected in a closed tube. This tube is water- cally in the range of pg l − 1) determine very often
cooled and stored in the dark in order to keep the need to carry out preconcentration of such
extracted methylmercury degradation at a species in order to allow for concentration levels
minimum before its final determination with measurable by the atomic detector used.
the various atomic detectors [53,82,83]. Sometimes liquid–liquid extraction have been
Comparative studies of the performance of the proposed after acid treatments of sediment, biota
three extraction approaches cited, from 1 to 3, to or water samples [62,67,70,73,74,80,88,89]. When
extract methylmercury in the same samples are the final detection is carried out by gas chro-
scarce. Horvat et al. [81] carried out such type of matography (GC) with an electron capture detec-
studies by applying the three extraction ap- tor (ECD), back-extraction to an aqueous phase
proaches to two certified sediments. They con- and further re-extraction to the organic solvent is
cluded that distillation of methylmercury from a recommended to clean up the extracts (atomic
8-M H2SO4 solution containing KI, at 145°C in a detection is less critical and so some of the clean-
nitrogen stream of 60 ml min − 1 was a most ing steps can be disregarded).
convenient system to isolate and preconcentrate Of course, the above mentioned gas–liquid pro-
this mercury species from sediments. In a later cedures of volatile mercury species formation and
paper [84] the same authors compared both, sol- distillation from environmental samples [28,82,83]
vent extraction and distillation, methods for are most appropriate for methylmercury precon-
methylmercury extraction from water samples centration and derivatization by ethylation as a
concluding that distillation method gives consis- mean to enhance the separation/sensitivity attain-
tent and high recoveries of MeHg in various able before final specific detection. This concept
samples. However, recent investigations showed has been well developed in papers by Bloom [28],
that the distillation procedure used to separate Rapsomanikis et al. [90,91], Craig et al. [92], etc.
methylmercury from both water and sediment during this decade.
samples generates artificially MeHg aided by the Solid-phase extraction can also be employed for
presence of natural organic substances. The mag- preconcentration of extracted mercury species.
nitude of this artifact appears to be related to the Lee and Mowrer [63] proposed the use of sul-
amount and the type of organic mater present in phydryl cotton fiber (SCF) packings as sorbents
the samples [85]. Horvat et al. [81] propose also of methylmercury from an aqueous solution; after
the ethylation of the methylmercury before the trapping/preconcentration in the minicolumn the
final detection of mercury by atomic fluorescence methylmercury is released of the column with 2 M
spectrometry (AFS). It should be noted, however, HCl solution to be then extracted into benzene for
that sulphide is the most serious interference for final GC-ECD determination. This system was
the ethylation reaction [28]. Moreover artifact for- later extended to a flow injection analysis configu-
mation of CH3Hg + may occur because the ethy- ration with final detection by CV-AFS [93] or
lation reagent might induce methylmercury MIP-AES [94]. The group of Jiang [95] applied
formation from inorganic mercury if it is present these cotton sulphydryl minicolumns to the ‘field
at much higher concentrations [81]. In any case, sampling’ of inorganic mercury and methylmer-
the use of HCl alone for this distillation is not cury in waters with interesting results, using a
advisable because it may not be able to release field sampling kit consisting of an on-line filter
completely the CH3Hg + contained in the sedi- (0.45 mm), a SCF column and a syringe.
ment, the amount of final mercury recovered de- Similarly, other groups have investigated the
pends on total organic carbon [48] and also on use of immobilized dithiocarbamates, packed in
sulphide content [86,87] of the analyzed sediment. minicolumns, for methylmercury preconcentration
J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524 515

[86,96–98]; then, this species is eluted of the as atomization cell.

column with an acidic solution of thiourea fol- Modifications proposed by Liang et al. [99]
lowed by its extraction into toluene. There, the allow to dispense with the use of cryogenic tem-
organomercurial is derivatized using the Grig- peratures for trapping. They proposed to trap
nard reagent before its final separation/determi- the ethylated derivatives formed in chromato-
nation by several possible techniques, graphic columns at room temperature and then
particularly gas chromatography with mi- the different ethylated species are separated
crowave-induced plasma-atomic emission spec- there, on heating the column, to be eventually
trometry (GC-MIP-AES) [59,69,86,98]. detected by AFS.
Non-chromatographic separations can be also Of course, other less popular approaches have
successful as proposed some time ago by Mine- been published for methylmercury preconcentra-
gawa et al. [97]: using cold vapor generation tion including temperature-controled evaporation
these authors described the separation of Hg(II) in a vacuum [80], electrochemical preconcentra-
(with SnCl2 in KOH solution) from CH3Hg + tion [100] or the ‘tandem on-line continuous
(with a mixture of SnCl2 +CdCl2 in KOH solu- separation’ technique [101]. In this last approach
tion) and final determination by CV-AAS. the preconcentration is achieved by continuously
Cryogenic trapping of both hydride and extracting the CH3Hg + of the samples with io-
ethylide derivatives of mercury species constitute dide into xylene; the organic extract is continu-
one of the more successful approaches to mer- ously merged with a solution of NaBH4 in
cury compounds preconcentration [24,28,29]. dimethylformamide, to form the volatile mercury
While the use of NaBH4 is more common for
species, which are continuously drawn into an
cold vapor and hydride generation, the ethylide
ICP-AES by a stream of argon [101]. In this
generation reaction is usually achieved by
way the first liquid–liquid separation operates
derivatization ‘in-situ’ (in the solution or acting
the selective extraction of CH3Hg + · I − (while
on a slurry of the sample) of the Hg(II) and
inorganic mercury remains in the aqueous
CH3Hg + at pH= 4.9 with NaB(C2H5)4 to form
phase) and its preconcentration, while the sec-
volatile diethylmercury and methylethylmercury,
ond liquid–gas separation step allows for an im-
respectively [24,90,91]. It is worth noting that
ethylation reactions of mercury are considerably portant increase in the sensitivity of the specific
slower than the corresponding hydride genera- mercury detection in the ICP-AES via cold va-
tion reactions with NaBH4. However, por generation. Once the methylmercury has
NaB(C2H5)4 does not generate the great excess been separated, inorganic mercury of the
of hydrogen characterizing NaBH4 decomposi- aqueous phase can be analyzed afterwards by
tion in acidic solutions. Once the ethylation step cold vapor formation from this phase in a flow
has concluded, the species of derivatized mer- system [101].
cury are preconcentrated by cryogenic trapping
with liquid nitrogen using a coiled borosilicate
glass column, previously cleaned and silanized 5. Mercury species separation techniques
with a solution of 5% dichlorodimethylsilane in
toluene, then the column is packed with 10% As a rule, chromatography is a more powerful
OV-101 on Chromosorb W AW-DMCS 40–60 separation technique than non-chromatographic
mesh. A Nichrom resistance wire surrounding approaches [102]. Therefore chromatographic
the column, connected to a variable transformer separations are more popular for speciation pur-
coupled to a temperature controller, raised the poses than non-chromatographic ones. However,
temperature of the column (once this is void of simple non-chromatographic approaches can be
liquid nitrogen) and the ethylated mercury spe- successful to separate adequately one or two
cies leave the column according to their boiling species in a given sample [45]. This is the case
points. The sequential detection of mercury spe- for Hg(II) and CH3Hg + speciation and we will
cies was carried out by AAS using a quartz tube refer briefly to this particular speciation.
516 J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524

5.1. Non-chromatographics separations 5.2. Chromatographics separations

The described method of ‘tandem on-line con- Admittedly that non-chromatographic simple
tinuous separations’ for methylmercury speciation technologies of separation may solve particular
[101] constitutes a good example of the possibility problems of speciation [45] it is undebatable that
of solving simple speciation problems by resorting the most powerful approach to real-life speciation
to non-chromatographic separations. The princi- consists of coupling a chromatographic separation
ple of using selective liquid – liquid extractions to with a sensitive atomic detection. In fact, the
separate methylmercury from inorganic mercury speciation of mercury in environmental samples is
by using halogenated acids and organic solvents is mainly carried out by the vast majority of work-
quite common and has been carried out usually in
ers by resorting to chromatographic separation
an ‘off-line’ mode for the final detection of mer-
techniques, particularly employing GC for this
cury, usually with CV-AAS technology [62].
purpose [25,55,63,66,72,73,90,98,106]. Table 2
Flow injection analysis (FIA) systems are the
most adequate for this type of simple separations. shows a schematic of the chromatographic separa-
Thus the differential behavior of Hg(II) and tion type to be selected depending upon the na-
CH3Hg + versus reducing agents (i.e. while Hg(II) ture of the species to be separated and quantified
is reduced to Hg0 by SnCl2, the methylmercury by hybrid speciation techniques [45].
species is not [21,22,103]) can be used to achieve a As can be seen, GC is to be preferred for
simple speciation scheme using CV-AAS detec- species being volatile or able to form easily
tion. Similarly the minicolumns previously de- volatile derivatives without uncontroled changes
scribed [63,93 – 95] of sulphydril cotton fibers are of the compound in the derivatization/separation
also good examples of non-chromatographic ap- processes involved. Thus GC is the more popular
proaches to separate inorganic and methylated separation technique for mercury and organomer-
mercury; in this latter FIA system [93], CH3Hg + cury compounds speciation using stationary
seems to be retained in the column while Hg(II) phases consisting of columns of variable length
goes through it. The retained organic mercury is (15–30 m and 0.3–0.75 cm i.d.) packed with OV
then released of the column, oxidized to inorganic
mercury (in a flow with acidic KBr/KBrO3), re- Table 2
duced to ‘cold vapor’ and detected by AFS [93]. Chromatographic-specific (atomic) detection for speciation
This sulphydryl cotton fibers are not commer-
cially available and reported extraction efficiency Problem: Volatile, thermostable, neutral species (or able
for CH3Hg + in benzene from these columns is to produce them by derivatization)
close to 65% [63]. GC “ Interface“ Atomic detector
Other non-chromatographic schemes proposed Problem: Non-volatile/Thermally unstable/charged com-
include the use of photo-oxidation [103,104]: pounds
firstly only inorganic mercury is detected by con- HPLC“Interface “Atomic detector
ventional CV-AAS; secondly, the organic mercury HPLC Characteristics
present is photo-oxidized to inorganic mercury Direct separation (no derivatization possible)
and the total content of mercury is evaluated; in Integrity of species can be more easily pre-
this way methylmercury is calculated by substrac- served
tion. Recently, Madrid et al. [105] have proposed Liquid chromatography is more versatile than
the use of microorganisms to achieve this separa-
tion of inorganic and organic monomethylmer- HPLC drawbacks
HPLC provides liquid samples
cury. Using Saccharomices cere6isiae in a
Atomic detector prefer gaseous samples (less
suspension, they showed that CH3Hg + seems to sensitivity)
bind quite selectively to these cells, after incuba- HPLC-Atomic detector interfaces with in-
tion at 37°C during 30 min, while Hg(II) showed creased sensitivity needed
no affinity to S. cere6isiae yeast.
J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524 517

101, in variable concentration adsorbed on a solid order to transform them into non-polar di-
support of Chromosorb W-HP (80 – 100 mesh) alkylderivatives. These latter compounds exhibit
[107] or silanized glass columns packed with 5% much better chromatographic properties than the
DEGS-PS on 100 – 120 mesh Supelcoprt (Supelco original mercury species to be separated with cap-
Inc.) [108]. GC techniques have been already used illary columns [69,71,111,112]. Capillary columns
for the speciation of mercury in natural gases and were also used for organomercury separation after
gas condensates [109]. the ethylated analyses were preconcentrated on a
There is, however, a clear trend today to the wide-bore fused-silica column and then desorbed
use of open capillary columns, of the non-polar by heating of the trap [113]. It should be stressed,
type, coated with a thin film of phenyl or methyl however, that this derivatization approach de-
silicone [110,116]. It appears that this type of mands the use of an atomic detector (specific
columns provide more efficient separations and detector for mercury) instead of the conventional
better resolution, as compared with the above ECD. Of course, now the halide, which brings
mentioned Chromosorb-type GC columns. Of about the measured ECD responses, is no longer
course, the disadvantage of capillary columns is there with the mercury sought compound after
the general restriction of the small sample volume derivatization. Perhaps the most popular specific
accepted (usually around 1 ml of sample). More- detector in this connection has been the Mi-
over the more common GC detectors might be crowave Induced Plasma in the hybrid technique
lacking the required selectivity to be used in speci- GC-MIP-AES [69,72,77,70,86,93,96,98,114]. Mul-
ation of mercury in environmental samples. For ticapillary columns for GC-MIP-AES, recently
instance, the well-known ECD have been pro- proposed for speciation analysis of butyltin com-
posed for methylmercury speciation. However, pounds [115] allowing for ultra-rapid (30 s instead
the ECD unselective response determined the of about 10 min) and more sensitive analysis,
need to resort to laborious cleaning-up processes perhaps may offer a good alternative for future
of the extract in the organic phase used for the mercury speciation.
mercury compounds extraction from the sedi- In an attempt to overcome the numerous draw-
ments. Preliminary work, using GC-ECD for mer- backs associated with the gas chromatographic
cury speciation [70], used packed columns to determination of organomercury compounds
separate the methyl and ethyl mercury halides in [110,111,117] many authors have resorted to alter-
toxicological samples and ill-defined and non-re- native separation procedures. Particularly HPLC
producible chromatographic peaks were reported. techniques [75,88,118–126] have been tried with
This behavior was ascribed to the polar character the final aim of establishing a reliable procedure
of these mercury halides which would therefore for the speciation of such compounds in environ-
interact too strongly with the packing material of mental samples. Of course, HPLC techniques,
the column. A possible way-out to this unfavor- usually being less sensitive for detection, are more
able situation is the previous column ‘pasivation’ suited for polar species and therefore could be
by its pretreatment with a solution of HgCl2 in advantageous for organomercury and inorganic
benzene or toluene [70,106]. Apart from the risk mercury speciation. Moreover, the flexibility of
of using high concentrations of Hg(II) for this liquid chromatography, with more separation
pasivation (before final analysis of low levels of mechanisms available, is considerably higher than
mercury compound in the sample) this pretreat- that of GC in order to achieve satisfactory separa-
ment is not durable and must be repeated rather tions of inorganic and organic mercury com-
frequently. Therefore, alternatives to this classical pounds in complex environmental samples.
mercury speciation strategy have been investi- Although detection at the exit of the liquid chro-
gated in recent years particularly capillary matographic column has been proposed with dif-
columns. ferent common HPLC detectors including UV-Vis
Other alternative approaches involve the use of absorptiometry [75], fluorimetry, electrochemistry,
pre-column derivatization of mercury species in etc., the most effective detection incorporates an
518 J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524

atomic/mercury specific detector in the so-called real-life speciation problems (demanding detection
hybrid approaches which couple the HPLC with limits below 1 mg l − 1). The use of on-line conven-
atomic spectrometry. AAS [120,123,124], plasma tional nebuliser AFS or ICP-AES detection would
detection using photons measurements as in ICP- find similar limitations of the required sensitivity.
AES [101] or MIP-AES [127,128] and mass spec- A general way-out to this lack of sensitivity of
trometry with on-line ICP-MS measurements HPLC separation coupled to atomic detectors is
[121,129,130] have been proposed. The lack of to resort to on-line derivatization at the exit of the
sensitivity is usually a main limitation [45]. Using column to form ‘cold vapor of mercury’ to en-
CV-AFS detection better detection limits for mer- hance the transport of the metal to the atomic
cury speciation can be obtained [28,71,81,84,93, detector. So, HPLC has been used in connection
99,112,131]. with AFS detection for organomercury species
There is not doubt that hybrid techniques, us- analysis. After the distillation and preconcetration
ing an atomic detector on-line with the column, of the mercury species they were separated onto
are becoming the most popular approaches to the HPLC column, derivatized to mercury cold
tackle the modern problem of trace element speci- vapor and finally detected by AFS [139,140]. The
ation and this trend is now being noticed in the use of ‘organized media’ in the mobile phase may
case of mercury speciation. The main analytical help cold vapor formation and so enhance the
task is to couple the separative column (GC or sensitivity of the determination [125]. In fact, the
HPLC) with the atomizer and this operation is use of vesicles exerts a synergic effect for the
achieved via an adequate ‘interface’. Of course gas speciation of mercury using AAS or ICP-AES
chromatographic columns are compatible with [141], particularly for MIP-AES detection [128].
any on-line atomizer (where atomic vapors are Vesicle-mediated HPLC can be coupled on-line
produced) in a straightforward manner. Thus the with flame-AAS and particularly with plasma de-
gaseous effluent from the column is directly intro- tectors offering both, more flexibility in the mech-
duced into the atomizer. The only problem en- anism of HPLC separation [142] and increased
countered can be the possible condensation of detectability (because of the beneficial properties
vapors in the interface due to the difference in of surfactants to on-line formation of hydrides
temperatures between the column in the chro- and cold vapor of mercury before their introduc-
matograph oven, the interface itself and the atom- tion into a plasma). The usefulness of this ap-
izer. Therefore, a heating and thermostating proach has been demonstrated for the speciation
device to maintain the interface at a temperature of inorganic and methylmercury in sea water
slightly higher than that of condensation of ex- [128,142,143].
pected vapors is usually mandatory for GC- Continuous oxidation of mercury in the eluent
Atomic Detection hybrid approaches [29,40,132]. and on-line further reduction to cold vapor of
The interface to couple HPLC columns with the mercury, which is then introduced into the atomic
atomiser can be very simple, via the direct connec- spectrometric detector, has also been reported
tion with a teflon tubing, of the exit of the column recently [144].
with the nebuliser of the AAS [133,134] or plasma Of course, other derivatization procedures such
detector [135,136]. Care should be exercised just as ethylation in aqueous phases [90,91] can be
to make compatible the flow rate from the HPLC employed as well.
column with the normal flow rates of the nebu-
liser used [137,138]. Unfortunately, the efficiency
of liquid samples transport attainable using nebu- 6. Other separation approaches
lisers is very low (1 – 3% for plasma nebulisers and
5–10% at most for AAS common nebulisers). As There are other separation approaches possible
a consequence, the sensitivity observed is limited for mercury speciation. For instance, capillary
particularly using flame-AAS detection where at- electrophoresis (CE), is rapidly becoming popular
tainable detection limits are too high to approach for speciation of ionic species and biomolecules,
J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524 519

although its use for chemical speciation and envi- Table 3

ronmental analysis is comparatively scarce [145]. Desirable features for an ‘ideal’ detector to be used in a hybrid
technique for trace element speciation
Recently, Medina et al. [146] developed a rapid
CE method for speciation of organo-mercury High sensitivity
compounds in biological samples of marine High specificity
origin. This technique allows a very convenient Ability to handle gases (in GC)
method for mercury speciation in a routine basis Ability to handle liquids (in HPLC and FIA systems)
On-line continuous operation with the separation column
and has been validated for methylmercury deter- Real-time information on the sought element
minations in tuna freeze-dried materials [147]. Broad linear dynamic range
Finally, the possibility of resorting to off-line Multi-element capacity
couplings of separation techniques and atomic Multi-isotopic capacity
detection should also be cited here, particularly in
connection with the use of the high sensitive
technique ETAAS to which we will refer later on. this compound has been GC with ECD. Problems
encountered using this mercury unselective detec-
tor have been addressed previously. Such prob-
7. Detectors for mercury speciation lems favored GC-MIP-AES because of its high
element-specificity towards mercury [69,146,148].
As pointed out before, the analytical selectivity There is no question that the availability of a
and sensitivity requirements for reliable speciation commercial instrument for GC-MIP-AES mea-
of trace and ultratrace amounts of toxic metals in surements [149] has been decisive to explain the
environmental compartments (atmosphere, water, general acceptance of this ‘hybrid’ technique using
soil, sediments and also biota) are extremely high. plasma detection for speciation purposes.
Therefore, it appears obvious that detectors used Analytical plasmas, both at atmospheric and
should exhibit exceptional selectivity and sensitiv- reduced pressure [150], offer great analytical po-
ity to the element to be speciated. Moreover, tential as ‘element-specific’ detectors. Some of
‘hybrid’ techniques are preferred for speciation them, particularly the ICP-MS, are now ap-
and, thus, such detectors should operate ideally proaching many of the main desirable features for
‘on-line’ with the chromatographic column, a detector in hybrid chromatographic techniques
providing continuous, real-time information on (Table 3).
the trace element sought for speciation. Most Probably the MIP-AES is the plasma detector
chromatographic detectors incorporated in com- more frequently used for mercury speciation
mercial instruments are universal or selective but [69,72,77,86,96,98,114,119,127,128,148,158] as the
lacking the required specificity to mercury in envi- direct nebulisation of liquid samples into the ICP-
ronmental samples. In many instances those com- AES [101,141,151] lacks the required sensitivity
mon chromatographic detectors do not provide for real-life mercury speciation. However, perhaps
the required sensitivity either. To make matters the atomic detector closest to the ‘ideal’ features
worse, typical electrochemical or molecular spec- for speciation (Table 3) is the ICP-MS whose
troscopic detectors are lacking the necessary abil- importance in environmental analysis has been
ity to detect organometallics in general or methyl rocketing during the last few years [152–155].
mercury in particular [137,138]. Thus, the increasing number of papers devoted to
It is worldwide recognized that in most cases of the use of ICP-MS detection for mercury specia-
real-life analytical speciation we have to resort to tion is not surprising [121,130,156–158]. Table 4
combine a chromatographic separation technique resumes the different atomic (specific) detectors
with an atomic (element-specific) detector. The used for mercury speciation so far. It is apparent
case of methylmercury is illustrative in this re- that the detector type more common is still AAS
spect: probably the most common technique for- in its different forms of ‘high sensitivity’ measure-
merly used for separation and determination of ments (cold vapor generation in flame quartz
520 J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524

Table 4
Hyphenated techniques with element ‘specific’ detection for mercury speciation

Separation Atomic spectrometric detector References Detection limits (range)

GC (CV)-AAS [47,83,90 – 92,118] 5–167 pg

HPLC (CV)-AAS [120,142,143] 4–16 mg l−1
GC ETAAS [73] 0.04 ng
GC (CV)-AFS [71,81,84,85,93,99,158] 0.01–6 ng l−1; 0.6–1.3 pg
HPLC (CV)-AFS [33,34,139,140] 0.015–0.1 mg
GC MIP-AES [69,72,77,86,93,96,98,114,127] 0.04–10 ng l−1
HPLC (CV)-MIP-AES [128] 0.35 ng ml−1
GC ICP-AES [113,151] 3 pg, 0.6 ng l−1
HPLC ICP-AES [142] 0.1 ng ml−1
GC ICP-MS [19,129] 0.12–1 pg
HPLC ICP-MS [121,126,130,156] 16–400 ng l−1

GC, Gas Chromatography;

HPLC, High Performance Liquid Chromatography;
CV, Cold Vapor;
AAS, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;
ETAAS, Electrothermal Absorption Atomic Spectrometry;
AFS, Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;
MIP-AES, Microwave Induced Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry;
ICP-AES, Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry;
ICP-MS, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.

tubes (CVAAS) and electrothermal vaporization only a final step in mercury speciation in environ-
in a graphite furnace (ETAAS)) while AFS detec- mental materials, where the extremely low levels
tion of mercury is also rather popular. of the element and the complexity of the matrix of
As said previously, any of these atomic detec- the sample render previous preconcentration and
tors will need an appropriate interface to connect separation stages virtually mandatory.
the exit of the column with the atomization cell. Sensitivity enhancements of atomic detection by
When using HPLC as a separation technique, the resorting to volatile species generation is not re-
low efficiency of nebulisers demands usually a stricted to AAS measurements. The extremely
derivatization technique, on-line with the flow of high sensitivity of AFS coupled to ‘cold vapor’
the mobile phase, to enhance the efficiency of the generation provides one of the more sensitive and
transport of mercury species to the atomiser. For selective atomic detectors for mercury [159], with
this purpose the use of SnCl2 and NaBH4 to instruments providing excellent features [160,161]
generate hydrides and the cold vapor of mercury available today in the market.
are the most popular derivatization reactions to ETAAS detection constitutes a different pic-
form volatile species. Recently, the use of ture. The very low limits of detection affordable
NaB(C2H5)4 for metal ethylation from an aqueous by ETAAS for mercury (in the low mg l − 1 level)
phase has also been proposed [90,91] and can also and the high selectivity of today’s ETAAS tech-
be most useful to increase the sensitivity by form- nology favor the use of this AAS methodology for
ing a volatile compound. mercury speciation [73]. However, the discontinu-
Of course, this volatile species formation, par- ous character of ETAAS determinations (drying,
ticularly of Hg0, has proved most useful for the ashing, atomization and cleaning-up) should be
preconcentration step of mercury and methylmer- stressed in this respect. In other words, the use of
cury by amalgamation [109] or in adequate traps this particular detector is limited because of its
[29,120]. As Fig. 1 represents schematically, the ‘off-line’ obliged operation. Notwithstanding that
final detection to provide the ‘speciation result’ is drawback, there are good examples of speciation
J.E. Sánchez Urı́a, A. Sanz-Medel / Talanta 47 (1998) 509–524 521

Fig. 1. Schematically representation of several steps involved in mercury speciation in environmental samples.

by collecting one or various (species) coming out by analytical scientists developing in the field of
of the column and then carrying those separated chemical speciation of trace elements in environ-
sample fractions to the corresponding ETAAS mental materials.
‘off-line’ analysis for mercury [73]. In any case,
the discontinuous nature of ETAAS operations
make this detector more appropriate for the anal-
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