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Infra-red Therapy


Senior Lecturer Infra-red (IR) radiations lie within that part of the electro-
magnetic spectrum which give rise t o heating when
CECILY J PARTRIDGE P ~ F C S P absorbed by matter. IR radiations display wavelengths of
Reader in Physiotherapy between 0.78-1,000 micrometers (pm), lying between
Centre for Physiotherapy Research, King’s College London microwaves and visible light on the spectrum (Wells et a/,
1988; Moss e t a / , 1989). Many sources which emit either
visible or ultraviolet radiation will also emit IR (Moss et a/,
Authors’ note: The purpose of this article is to review the current state 1989). The International Commission on Illumination (CIE)
of knowledge about this method of electrotherapy. It has, however, been found describes three biologically significant bands - IR-A from
necessary to provide background information to familiarise the reader with 0.78-1.4 pm, IR-B from 1.4-3.0 pm and IR-C from
the terms used and the concepts developed and reviewed in the latter part
of the paper.
3.0 pm-1.0 mm. Wavelengths used clinically are mainly of
. .
between 0.7 and 1.5 pm (Ward, 1986) and are therefore
This review will be updated by Ms A O’Ryan, District Physiotherapist, mainly concentrated in the IR-A band.
Pavilion 6, Whiston Hospital, Prescot L35 5DR. IR radiations can be reflected, absorbed, transmitted,
refracted and diffracted by matter. All of these parameters
Key words: Review, infra-red, physiological effects, hazards
are of importance when measuring IR radiations but only
Summary: Infra-red therapy has been used in clinical practice for a con- refraction, absorption and transmission are of biological
siderable period of time; there are, however, a limited number of studies significance (Moss e t a / , 1989).
which evaluate the efficacy of this modality in the management of clinical IR sources can be either natural, the most common source
conditions. This review considers the physical behaviour, physiological effects, being the sun, or artificial. Sources used by therapists in the
the efficacy and hazards of infra-red therapy.
clinical setting are of the latter type and can be either
Biography: Sheila Kitchen qualified as a physiotherapist at Guy’s Hospital luminous or non-luminous generators. Luminous generators
in 1971. Since then she has practised clinically and then taught for the last produce radiations of a peak wavelength of 1 p;they also
14 years. She is now senior lecturer at King’s College London and is course produce visible light. Non-luminous generators produce
co-ordinator for the new MSc degree for remedial therapists being run at
radiations which peak at a wavelength of 4 pm (Wells etal,
London University. She has undertaken the review of literature in the
field of electrotherapy as part of the research programme of the Centre for 1988). Filters may be used t o limit the output t o a particular
Physiotherapy Research. wavelength band (Moss e t a / , 1989). A period should be
Cecily Partridge is director of the Physiotherapy Research Unit, King’s allowed for the lamp t o heat up as it has been shown that
College London. She worked in clinical practice for many years, but has the heat emitted by the source increases over a period of
been in full-time research since 1975. Her research interests include time (Orenberg et a/, 1986); the time required will vary
community physiotherapy, recovery from physical disability, and the according t o the type of lamp. Non-luminous lamps will take
measurement and evaluation of practice in physiotherapy.
longer than luminous lamps t o reach a stable, peak level of
heat emission as the molecular oscillation causing heating
spreads through the body of the heater (Ward, 1986).
Penetration of energy into a medium is dependent on the
intensity of the source of IR, the wavelength and consequent
frequency of the wave, the angle at which the ray hits the
Introduction surface and the coefficient of absorption of the material
THE use of heat for the treatment of a variety of medical (Lehmann et a/, 1982; Ward, 1986; Kahn, 1987). Skin is a
conditions has a long history; hot baths and poultices have complex material and consequently its reflective and
been used for very many years and are mentioned in classical absorption characteristics are not uniform; these depend
literature. Infra-red therapy has a history which reaches back primarily on the blood supply t o the area and skin pigmenta-
to the beginning of the century and it seems that physio- tion (Moss et a/, 1989). Jacques et a/ (1955) determined
therapists still make considerable use of this heating method, reflection curves for human skin and noted that maximum
Ide and Partridge reporting an excess of 6,000 machines in reflectivity occurs between 0.7 and 1.2 pm, the range of
service in Britain in 1988. many therapeutic lamps.
Some work was carried out early in the second half of this The depth of penetration of IR into the skin varies with
century into the efficacy of infra-red in therapy (Fleck, 1952) its structure. Hardy (1956) points out that short wavelengths
but interest appears t o have waned more recently, there are scattered more than long and that the differences are
being a dearth of published research in recent years. It is minimised as the thickness of the skin increases. Penetration
important to remember that early work must be viewed with therefore depends on both the absorption properties of the
caution as the consistency of output from machines and constituents of the skin and the degree of scattering brought
the accuracy of measuring equipment was limited by the about by the skin microstructure. Maximum penetration
prevailing technological knowledge. occurs with wavelengths of 1.2 pm; the skin is virtually
This review is concerned with the physiological effects opaque t o wavelengths of 2 pm and more (Moss etal, 1989).
of infra-red, its therapeutic efficacy and its associated Hardy (1956) showed that at least 5 0 % of radiations of 1.2
hazards. pm penetrated t o a depth of 0.8 mm, allowing interaction

Physiotherapy, April 1991, vol 77,no 4 249

w i t h capillaries and nerve endings. As the energy absorbed flow in the cutaneous circulation but not in the underlying
decreases exponentially with depth (Ward, 1986) most muscles (Crockford and Hellon, 1959; Millard, 1961; Wyper
heating will occur superficially, though some will penetrate and McNiven, 1976). Crockford and Hellon (1959)
t o a greater depth. IR was treated as a surface heating demonstrated a gradual rise in temperature which occurred
modality by Selkins and Emery (1982) w h o found that during the first ten minutes of irradiation, the return to normal
almost all energy was absorbed at a depth of 2.5 mm. taking an average of 3 5 minutes..
Harlen (1980) differentiated between different IR wavelengths, Both Crockford and Hellon (1959) and Kaidbey e t a / (1982)
demonstrating penetration depths of 0.1 m m for long wave- reported a change in cutaneous blood flow in adjacent
lengths and up t o 3 mm for the shorter wavelengths. tissues despite screening from irradiation. Kaidbey et a/
It is possible t o calculate mathematically the amount (1982) irradiated one half of the back w i t h IR, raising the
of heat received by a patient (Selkins and Emery, 1982; skin temperature by approximately 7 OC; the other side,
Orenberg e t a / , 1986) or t o measure the heat developed in covered during exposure, exhibited a rise in temperature of
the tissues using heat sensors of varying types (Westerhof only 1.5-2.0°C. A n irregular flare extended for a distance
e t a / , 1987; Kramer, 1984; Moss eta/, 1989). It is however of 2-4 c m beyond the irradiated area.
normal clinical practice t o gauge the heat striking the surface Clark and Edholm (1985) found that heating the feet in
by the sensory report of the patient (Hyland and Kirkland, hot water resulted in an increase in blood flow at a distant
1980; Ward, 1986). Both temperature and pain are sensed point, namely the forearm; Crockford and Hellon (1959)
in the skin and are not dependent on the rate of heating or looked for such a reflex dilation following irradiation of
the internal thermal gradient (Moss et a/, 1989). Thermal the hand and arm w i t h IR rays but were unable to report a
sensitivity t o IR radiation is a complex subject which was similar response. All these writers together suggest that
further discussed by Stevens (1983). the effects of IR are local; increased circulation, though
The amount of energy received by the patient will be not totally limited to the irradiated area, does not extend
governed by the intensity of the output of the lamp, far in terms either of depth or of lateral spread.
measured in watts, the distance of the lamp from the patient,
and the duration of the treatment (Michlovitz, 1986; Ward, Extensibility of Collagen
1986). Penetration is governed by the factors already
discussed. Much work has been carried out in the field of rheology,
or the study of the deformation and flow of materials, on
Biological Effects of Infra-red the behaviour of collagen under stress (van Brocklin and Ellis,
Lehmann and de Lateur (1982) claimed that 'skin and 1965; Yamada, 1970; Shah e t a / , 1977; Woo e t a / , 1980;
subcutaneous tissues are selectively heated by infra-red' and Zernicke e t a / , 1984; Viidik, 1990a and many others). Most
provided an extensive discussion and bibliography of much work, including these papers, dealt w i t h the extensibility
of the literature prior t o 1980, on the biological effects of of collagen in vitro and the loads leading to permanent
the most commonly used forms of therapeutic heating. They deformation and disruption; collagen from a variety of
indicated a need for a temperature of between 40-45OC, different sites, b o t h animal and human, has been
maintained for at least five minutes, t o achieve therapeutic investigated.
effects. Both Lehmann and de Lateur (1982) and Low and Reed
Moss e t a / (1989) stated that 'it is generally assumed' that (1990) stated that heat alters the behaviour of collagen and
IR photons do not give rise t o photochemical effects. The may therefore be used prior t o applying passive stretch or
main physiological effects claimed for IR are therefore the active exercise in order to facilitate the lengthening of scars
result of tissue heating, and are listed as altered metabolic or contractures. A few papers describe the effect of an
and circulatory effects, increased extensibility of collagen, increase in temperature on the behaviour of collagenous
reduced pain and a reduction in muscle spasm (Lehmann and materials under stress but this is a technically difficult area
de Lateur, 1982; Wells e t a/, 1988; Low and Reed, 1990). t o investigate. Gersten (1955) showed an increase in the
extensibility of frog Achilles tendon as the result of heating
Metabolic Changes by ultrasound, using intensities of 1; 2 and 3 watts/cm2
respectively. Lehmann et a/ (1970) heated rat tail tendon
A n increase in temperature will result in an increase in the t o a temperature of 41-45OC, using a hot water bath. A t
metabolic activities in the superficial tissues due to the direct these higher temperatures the viscous properties of tendon
effect of heat on chemical processes. These effects are well appeared, leading t o a reduction in tensile strength. The
documented in physiological texts (Ganong, 1989). stress-strain relationship was altered; residual elongation
occurred following the application of a designated force at
Circulatory Changes temperatures of 45OC whereas no residual elongation
Direct heating of skin tissue, such as that produced by IR, occurred at normal body temperatures. Warren et a/ (1971,
results in increased circulation which is due t o vasodilation 1976) also described alterations in the strength of rat tail
of the skin vessels; this may be mediated through the collagen associated w i t h heating, again using a water bath.
direct effect of heat on the vessels themselves or via Rupture, following loading, occurred at similar levels of
their vasomotor nerve supply (Clark and Edholm, 1985; stress in collagen'heated t o 45OC and in material tested
Ganong, 1989). Increased levels of certain metabolites in at normal body temperatures. A t 39OC, however, rupture
the blood, the result of increased metabolic activity arising occurred at loads of 3 0 - 5 0 % of normal. This temperature
from the increased temperatures, have a direct effect on relates t o the transition phase of collagen.
vessel walls, stimulating vasodilation (Ganong, 1989; Ward, All this information should be considered w i t h great care
1986; Wells e t a / , 1988). Body core temperature and blood by therapists evaluating the effects of stretch by either
pressure do not, however, rise significantly, even when passive or active means in vivo. It is important t o remember
exposing the whole of one aspect of the body t o a source that caution must be used when attempting t o extrapolate
of IR (Westerhof e t a / , 1987; Moss e t a / , 1989). from the experimental to clinical environments. The pressure
IR radiation has been shown t o cause an increase in blood a therapist exerts on a joint will probably be in the region

2 50 Physiotherapy, April 1991, vol77, no 4

of about one-third of the force used in vitro t o produce Ibservation that heat relieves muscle spasm is limited.
deformation (Viidik, 1990b). The stresses applied by the use -ehmann and de Lateur (1982) indicated that heating tissue
of active exercise will vary widely but are unlikely t o reach :o therapeutic temperatures of between 4OoC and 45OC
experimental levels. The role played by reflexes, especially .esulted in a reduction of spasm and suggested that this was
when pain is present, and the behaviour of muscle under Jue t o a selective reduction in the firing of muscle spindle
stretch, must also be taken into account. secondary endings, backed by increased inhibition of Golgi
Therapists should therefore be very cautious in their claims :endon organs. They also showed that stimulation of skin
about the effects of heating on the extensibility of n the neck region could result in increased muscle relaxation,
collagenous tissues in vivo. 2ossibly through decreased gamma fibre activity, leading
to decreased spindle excitability. They suggested that this
Neurological Effects atter mechanism could be the way in which IR acts, as it
Melzack and Wall (1982) stated that 'despite widespread ieats only superficial tissue. Both observations made by
use of heat t o relieve pain, we do not know why it works'. the researchers may be correct but it is unlikely, in the
They suggested t w o possible mechanisms of pain relief. ight of more recent work in the area of neurology, that
First, vasodilation 'must' bring cells and chemicals to the the mechanisms suggested are acceptable.
area to assist healing and remove the breakdown products Barbour e t a / (1986) conducted a subjective evaluation of
of injury. Second, the pain gate control theory might indicate the efficacy of any form of 'heat' in the relief of pain and
that the transmission of thermal sensations may take interviewed 5 8 patients suffering from cancer. They found
precedence over nociceptive impulses (Melzack and Wall, that 6 8 % used heat in some form t o help control pain.
1982). Heating of tissue generates impulses which could Despite the difficulties in establishing mechanisms it is
have an inhibitory effect and close the pain gate. This interesting t o note that patients regard heating as an
hypothesis would explain why heat at a distance from the effective method of pain relief.
site may relieve pain but it should be noted that this view
is constantly being modified by new work. Cellular Effects
Lehmann e t a / (1958) reported that when IR was applied Kligman (1982) demonstrated in guinea pigs that
to the ulnar nerve region at the elbow, an analgesic effect prolonged exposure (15 minutes, three times a week over
was noted distal to the point of application. Kramer (1984) 4 5 weeks) t o IR at an intensity of 12.45 J/cm2 giving rise
utilised IR as a control when evaluating the heating effect t o a skin temperature of about 4OoC, can result in an
of ultrasound in nerve conduction tests on normal subjects. increase in elastic fibres in the upper dermis and a large
IR was applied to the distal humeral segment of the ulnar increase in ground substance. This effect is increased when
nerve for long enough t o generate a rise in tissue temperature the IR is combined w i t h ultraviolet light.
of 0.8OC, the same temperature as produced by the IR radiation may cause an alteration in the amino acid
ultrasound. An increase in the post-treatment ulnar nerve composition of proteins which then appear t o become more
conduction velocity was found which was comparable w i t h resistant t o heat. This effect means that thermal tolerance
that produced by the ultrasound. The workers attributed this develops and results in a reduction in the efficacy of
velocity change t o the increase in temperature. subsequent doses (Westerhof e t a / , 1987). This effect can
The studies of Halle e t a / (1981) and Currier and Kramer be overcome by allowing a gap of between 36 and 7 2 hours
(19821, again on human subjects, supported this work. t o elapse between treatments.
Though used as a control for work on ultrasound by these While normal cells are unaffected, the effects of mild
workers, it seems that IR can cause an increase in the hyperthermia (41-45OC) on cancer cells can include the
conduction velocity of normal nerves in man. This could have inhibition of the synthesis of RNA, DNA and proteins
implications both in terms of motor and sensory conduction; (Westerhof et a/, 1987). This can cause irreversible
and increase in motor conduction can result in an increase structural damage t o cell membranes and the disruption
in speed of a reflex response and possibly the speed of of organelles.
muscle contraction. Current theories suggest that an
increase in sensory conduction might influence sensory Efficacy
responses via an increase in endorphins which could affect
the pain gate mechanism. There is however no firm evidence A number of authors have suggested that IR radiation can
for this view at present. be effective in a variety of clinical settings. Low and Reed
Most work involving the effects of heat on tissue describes (1990), Kahn (1987) and Forster and Palastanga (1985)
the pain produced by the increase in temperature rather than suggested the use of IR for the reduction of pain and muscle
the analgesic effects which may be produced at a slightly spasm, the acceleration of healing, the improvement of the
lower temperature. One of the few papers in this area by circulation and the reduction of oedema. Forster and
Kanui (1987) notes that the mechanisms involved in the Palastange (1985) added t o this list the possible use of IR
analgesic effect of heat are obscure; he evaluated the effect as a counter t o excessive dosages of ultraviolet rays and Low
of an undefined type of heat on chemically induced pain in and Reed (1990) noted that IR can be used in the treatment
rats and found that temperatures of between 38-42OC of certain skin conditions. Little evidence was provided by
caused 'substantial analgesia'. In contrast, Kumazawa et a/ the earlier of these writers in support of these suggestions;
(1987) showed that the application of heat, resulting in a Low and Reed (1990) attempted t o back their suggestions
temperature of between 34OC and 43OC, could cause heat from reported work but had difficulty as there is such a
sensitisation and a corresponding hyperalgesia. These scarcity of information.
contrary views are extremely important t o physiotherapy
practice and need further investigation. The present lack Joint Stiffness
of information makes it difficult to interpret the material Joint stiffness encompasses a number of parameters such
which is available. as the behaviour of ligaments, which tend t o degenerate
Information about the physiological basis for the clinical w i t h immobilisation, and joint capsule and periarticular

Physiotherapy, April 1991, vol 77, no 4 251

structures, which tend t o stiffen with immobilisation and Shattock and Waller (1929) appears to have given rise to the
fluid pressure. Very few papers report the results of heating Delief that the application of IR radiation prior t o UVR could
a stiff, living joint. Wright and Johns (1961) applied IR t o a ncrease the absorption of the latter. Everett e t a / (1963) and
normal hand joint in vivo, producing a surface temperature Montgomery (1973) mentioned a second belief held by
of 45OC. They measured a 2 0 % drop in joint stiffness at therapists, which is that the effects of UVR are diminished
45OC when compared with stiffness at a temperature of DY the application of IR following the UVR treatment. There
33OC. This work was performed with only t w o subjects s however little evidence t o support either of these beliefs,
and has not been replicated. They also demonstrated though work such as that by Kligman (1982) on guinea pigs
that people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and chronic did suggest that the t w o together might modify cellular
tophaceous gout exhibited increased stiffness, and xtivity. Both Bain e t a / (1943) and Freeman and Knox (1964)
suggested that the work on the effects of heat on stiffness ,eported that heat increased the incidence and development
in normal subjects would apply t o those with pathological >f UVR-induced tumours in mice, thus showing that IR
stiffening. It is, however, not possible t o extrapolate ,rradiation does accelerate this effect of UVR.
from these results t o the general use of IR t o reduce joint Montgomery (1973), building on the earlier work of Everett
stiffness. O t a/ (1963) and Freeman and Knox (19641, measured the
length of time required to produce a minimal erythema using
a number of conditions. These were UVR alone, either
Psoriatic lesions, though of uncertain origin, may result preceding or following the UVR w i t h 2 5 minutes of IR or
from the activity of either epidermal keratinocytes or dermal Following the UVR treatment w i t h four minutes of IR. They
fibroblasts or both. Trials involving the use of hyperthermia Found that the application of IR both before and after UVR
t o control psoriasis (Westerhof etal, 1987) were suggested treatment could enhance the erythema. When applied before
by work on thermal effects o n cancer cells. Twelve patients the UVR treatment an increase in erythema always resulted;
w i t h psoriasis underwent total body exposure, 30 minutes when given after the UVR, IR enhanced as often as
t o each side of the body for one month. A skin temperature diminished the erythema. Kaidbey etal (1982) also evaluated
of 42OC was achieved and the vasomotor erythema resulting the effect of applying IR t o the skin before, during and after
persisted for half an hour. The authors claimed that 8 0 % the use of UVR. They also noted the effect IR had on the
of these patients experienced remission, 3 0 % experiencing action of the phototoxic and photosensitising activities of
a dramatic improvement. certain drugs. Results indicated that heating neither
Orenberg e t a / (1986) compared heat delivery systems for enhanced the UVR erythema when given prior to or reduced
the hyperthermic treatment of psoriasis. Ultrasound, hot it when given after ultraviolet radiation. Heat had differing
water and IR were examined. IR, with a centre wave length effects on the activity of drugs depending on their nature.
of 10 pn, was positioned in order t o give a maximum surface Kaidbey e t a / (1982) drew attention to the large number of
temperature of 44OC, decreasing t o 40.5OC at a depth of variables involved in such a trial and pointed out that these
3 mm. Peak temperatures were reached during the early results may not hold if the variables are altered. These
phase of treatment; this was followed by a slight fall. Heating authors gave full details of the parameters used.
is required in the region of the plaque tissue, this being the
epidermis and upper dermis. Orenberg etal (1986) concluded Summary
that 'IR systems provide adequate heating within a millimetre These few papers on the effects of IR radiation in differing
of the skin surface . . . at deeper tissue levels high thermal situations span many years and cover a very varied spectrum
impedence plus heat loss . . . prevent achievement of of interest, from ulcers and psoriasis t o effects upon other
significant temperature elevations'. IR seems adequate t o radiations. Few trials into the clinical efficacy of IR appear
heat the desired tissues. This was borne out by Westerhof to have been conducted in the last twenty years.
e t a l (19871, whose work suggested that IR may be a useful The reports vary in the detail provided about dosage
measure t o combat psoriasis, possibly in association w i t h parameters and methodology and it is not clear from any
other treatment methods. Further work in this area needs of these trials h o w measured temperatures relate t o the
t o be done. normal clinical practice of judging temperature by the
patients' verbal report and possibly the skin erythema,
Skin Ulcers
though the theory behind this issue was touched upon by
Again this area is not well documented: Hyland and Stevens (1983). Patient numbers varied from t w o (Wright
Kirkland (1980) applied IR t o ulcers with the objective of and Johns, 1961) t o 2 4 (Kaidbey e t a / , 1982); Everett e t a /
improving healing by dehydration, increasing the circulation (1963) giving no figures. Lamps vary in their output and
and the retardation of bacterial growth. The ulcers were the descriptions given often include only manufacturers'
treated for 3 0 minutes, four times a day. Infra-red therapy descriptions of the machine, rarely including further details
was most successful in ulcers of 5 m m or less in depth. of wavelength and output. No trials indicated that they used
No use was made of a control group of patients in order t o randomised allocation of patients or the blind assessment
make a comparison and no indication is given of the time of the results, so that it is impossible to generalise from the
for which the ulcers had been present in the patients prior information given.
to irradiation. This work indicated that it might be possible Doses were stated clearly in some trials (Kligman, 1982;
t o treat ulcers with IR radiation; further research in this Orenberg et a/, 1986; Kaidbey et a/, 1987; Westerhof e t a / ,
area should be undertaken t o establish its value both 19871, though not all. Most workers established tissue
inherently and in relation t o the many other methods temperatures using thermal sensors; some measured surface
of treatment currently in use. skin temperature (Wright and Johns, 1961; !-!\$and and
Kirkland, 1980; Orenberg eta/, 1986; Westerhof eta/, 1987)
Infra-red Radiation and Ultraviolet Irradiation
and others measured the subcutaneous temperatures
Therapists have held a number of beliefs concerning the (Kramer, 1984; Orenberg eta/, 1986; Westerhof eta/, 1987).
interrelationship between IR and ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Everett et a/ (1963) and Montgomery (1973) gave no
Early, poorly quantified work by Hill and Eidenow (1923) and indication of temperatures achieved. Exposure times varied

252 physiotherapy, April 1991,vol 77,no 4

from a few minutes (Everett et a/, 1963) t o half an hour )ther types of heating? Does IR cause beneficial thermal
(Hyland and Kirkland, 1980; Westerhof eta/, 1987) and the :hanges in collagen when applied to large joints? What effect
distances between lamp and skin also varied considerably. joes superficial vasodilitation have on different conditions?
The trial by Kligman (1982) was performed on an animal Does IR cause reflex relaxation of muscle?
model and caution should therefore be exercised when All these questions - and others - must be addressed
extrapolating to human subjects as the heating patterns :o establish a sound physiological basis for the active choice
in a small animal may be very different from those in a i f IR as the preferred treatment in identified conditions.
human body.
More studies and investigations are required which
employ rigorous experimental methods in order t o examine ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the effect IR has on differing clinical conditions and the We would like to thank the Department of Health for funding this
stage at which any therapeutic intervention may be most nork. Particular thanks also go to Dr C Gabriel, Department of
effective. 'hysics, King's College London, and Dr R Smith, Department of
'hysics, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, for their invaluable
:omments along the way.
Hyland and Kirkland (1980) described the effects of
excessive exposure to IR as being permanent pigmentation,
wheal formation, blistering and oedema. Moss et a/ (19891,
in their review, considered optical damage t o be the most Bain, J, Rusch, H and Kline, B (1943). 'The effect of temperature
upon ultraviolet carcinogenisis with wavelengths 2800-3400 oA,
likely hazard, corneal burns resulting from far-IR and retinal
Cancer, 3, 610-612.
and lenticular injury from near-IR. These latter injuries are Barbour, L A , McGuire, D B and Kirchhoff, K T (1986). 'Nonanalgesic
normally associated with long-term irradiation. Skin damage methods of pain control used by cancer patients', Oncology
can occur at temperatures of 46-47OC; pain is usually Nursing Forum, 13, 6, 56-60.
elicited at a temperature of 44.5 -t 1.3OC and should Clark, R P and Edholm, 0 G (1985). Man and his Thermal
Environment, Edward Arnold, London.
therefore provide protection by evoking a response prior t o Crockford, G W and Hellon, R F (1959). 'Vascular responses of
burning (Hardy, 1951; Stevens, 1983). human skin to infra-red radiation', Journal of Physiology, 149,
Kligman (1982) demonstrated and discussed the damage 424-432.
caused by prolonged exposure to IR, especially when Currier, D P and Kramer, J F (1982). 'Sensory nerve conduction:
Heating effects of ultrasound and infra-red', Physiotherapy Canada,
combined with ultraviolet. Epidermal hyperplasia and a large
34, 241-246.
increase in ground substance occurred in guinea pigs when Everett, M A, Doran, C K, Everett, H D and Anglin, L H (1963).
subjected t o prolonged irradiation ( 4 5 weeks, three times 'Modification of sunburn by infra-red rays', Journal of the American
a week) with IR alone. The writer suggested that space Medical Association, 186, 8, 118-119.
heaters, IR reflector lamps in beauty salons and sunbathing Fleck, U (1952). 'Infra-red in relation to skin and underlying tissue:
A bibliography', Technical Information Division, Library of
can all have these effects. Therapists might wish t o add t o Congress, Washington DC.
this list those patients having their o w n IR lamps for Forster, A and Palastanga, N (1985). Clayton's Electrotherapy: Theory
self-treatment. and practice, Bailliere Tindall, London.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has available a Freeman, R and Knox, J (1964). 'Influence of temperature on
ultraviolet injury', Archives of Dermatology, 89, 858- 864.
document which provides information on the safe use of IR
Ganong, W F (1989). Review of Medical Physiology, 14th edn, Lange
therapy in the clinical environment which is based on the Medical Publications, California.
knowledge available t o date. Gersten, J W (1955).'Effects of ultrasound on tendon extensibility',
American Journal of Physical Medicine, 34, 362-369.
Halle, J S, Scoville, C R and Greathouse, D G (1981). 'Ultrasound
effect on the conduction latency of the superficial radial nerve
Discussion and Conclusion
in man', Physical Therapy, 61, 3, 345-350.
There are few recent papers which have evaluated the Hardy, J D (1951). 'Influence of skin temperature upon pain threshold
clinical effects of IR, though IR lamps are still widely available as evoked by thermal irradiation', Science, 114, 149-150.
Hardy, J D (1956). 'Spectral transmittance and reflectance of excised
in physiotherapy departments and are still being bought (Ide
human skin', Journal of Applied Physiology, 9, 257-264.
and Partridge, 1988; Ide 1989). It is essential that an Harlen, F (1980). 'Physics of infra-red and microwave therapy' in:
evaluation of this modality should take place, reflecting the Docker, M F (ed) Physics in Physiotherapy, Conference Report.
conditions and purposes for which it is at present used. Series - 35, The Hospital Physicists Association, London.
IR radiation has been shown t o increase the temperature Hill, Land Eidenow, A (1923). 'Biological action of light: The influence
of temperature', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London:
of superficial tissues, primarily the skin; it may facilitate reflex Biology, 95, 163-180.
relaxation of muscle, increase the extensibility of collagen, Hyland, D B and Kirkland, V J (1980). 'Infra-red therapy for skin
relieve pain and increase cutaneous circulation. These ulcers', American Journal of Nursing, October, 1800-01.
aspects need to be further examined t o evaluate their effects Ide, Land Partridge, C (1988). 'Survey of electrotherapy equipment
in physiotherapy departments and private practice', report available
on varying pathologies at differing stages in the disease
from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, London.
process. The underlying physiology must be considered Ide, L (1989). 'Report on a follow-up survey of electrotherapy
seriously and deductions made in the light of modern equipment', available from the Centre for Physiotherapy Research,
theories. IR needs t o be compared with other methods of King's College, London.
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