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Above (prep) /əˈbʌv/

in or to a higher position than something else:
There's a mirror above the sink.

2. Across (prep) /əˈkrɒs/

from one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as
an area of land, a road, or a river:
She walked across the field/road.

3. Actor (n) /ˈæk.tər/

someone who pretends to be someone else while performing in

a film, play, or television or radio programme:
"Who's your favourite actor?" "Robert de Niro."
a person or an organization that is involved in politics, society, etc. in
some way because of their actions:
International law recognizes that a state can engage in armed conflict against
a non-state actor.
4. Actress (n) /ˈæk.trəs/

a woman who pretends to be someone else while performing in

a film, play, or television programme:
She's the highest-paid actress in Hollywood.

5. Adult (n) /ˈæd.ʌlt/

a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength:

An adult under English law is someone over 18 years old.

6. Age (n) /eɪdʒ/

the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed:
Do you know the age of that building?
What age (= how old) is your brother?
7. Article (n) /ˈɑː.tɪ.kəl/
a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or
on the internet:
There was an interesting article on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday.

8. Aunt (n) /ɑːnt/

the sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of

someone's uncle or aunt:
I have an aunt in Australia.

9. Away (adv) /əˈweɪ/

somewhere else, or to or in a different place, position, or situation:

Ms Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week.
Just go away and leave me alone!
10. Awesome ( adj) /ˈɔː.səm/

extremely good:
You look totally awesome in that dress.
11. Back (n, adv) /bæk/

in return:
If he hits me, I'll hit him back.
in reply:
I'm busy at the moment - can I call you back?
used about watching something that has
been recorded, especially after experiencing it in real life:
I haven't watched the race back on video and I think I never will.
12. Bank (n) /bæŋk/

an organization where people and businesses can invest or borrow mon

ey, change it to foreign money, etc., or a building where
these services are offered:
The big banks have been accused of exploiting small firms.
I need to go to the bank at lunchtime.

13. Baseball (n) /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl/

a game played especially in North America by two teams of nine players,

in which a player hits a ball with a bat (= stick) and tries to run around
four bases on a large field before the other team returns the ball:
Jake never played baseball like the other kids.

14. Bath (n) /bɑːθ/

a long plastic, metal, or ceramic container that is filled with water so that
you can sit or lie in it to wash your whole body
15. Behind (prep, adv) /bɪˈhaɪnd/

at the back (of):

Look behind you!
16. Below (adv, prep) /bɪˈləʊ/

in a lower position (than), under:

From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.

17. Bike = Bycicle (n)

18. Blog (n) /blɒɡ/
a regular record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that you put
on the internet for other people to read:
She writes a food blog in which she shares recipes, tips, and restaurant
19. Blond (adj) /blɑnd/
(esp. of hair) pale yellow or golden
20. Boot (n) /buːt/
a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg:
walking boots
riding boots

21. Business (n) /ˈbɪz.nɪs/

the activity of buying and selling goods and services:

My brother's in business.
He's in the frozen food business.
22. cent (n) /sent/
- a unit of money worth 0.01 of a dollar, or a coin with this value:
- A call will cost you around 25 cents.
On the foreign exchanges the pound rose two cents against the dollar.

23. chart (n) /tʃɑːt/

a drawing that shows information in a simple way, often
using lines and curves to show amounts:
There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all
the children.
The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months.

24. cousin (n) /ˈkʌz.ən/

a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant (=
not close) relation:
My brother's wife and I both had babies around the same time, so the cousins
are very close in age.
25.cow (n) /kaʊ/
a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk:
a dairy cow

26. dear (adj) /dɪər/

used at the beginning of a letter to greet the person you are writing to:
Dear Kerry/Mum and Dad/Ms Smith/Sir
loved or liked very much:
She was a very dear friend.
He was very dear to me.

27. description (n) /dɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/

something that tells you what something or someone is like:
Write a description of your favourite beach.
She has given the police a very detailed/full description of the robber.

28. detail (n) /ˈdiː.teɪl/

a single piece of information or fact about something:
She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital
information about someone or something:
A police officer took down the details of what happened.

29. dialogue (n) /ˈdaɪ.ə.lɒɡ/

conversation that is written for a book, play, or film:
The play contained some very snappy/witty dialogue.
Act Two begins with a short dialogue between father and son.
30. discuss (v) /dɪˈskʌs/
to talk about a subject with someone and tell each
other your ideas or opinions:
The police want to discuss these recent racist attacks with local people.

31. dish (n) /dɪʃ/

a container, flatter than a bowl and sometimes with a lid, from which food can
be served or which can be used for cooking:
an oven-proof dish
all the plates, glasses, knives, forks, etc. that have been used during
a meal:
Have you done/washed the dishes

32. downstairs (adv) /ˌdaʊnˈsteəz/

to or on a lower floor of a building, especially the ground floor:
I went downstairs to answer the phone.

33. during (prep) /ˈdʒʊə.rɪŋ/

from the beginning to the end of a particular period:
They work during the night and sleep by day.

34. each (adv) /iːtʃ/

every thing, person, etc. in a group of two or more, considered separately:
When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.
There are five leaflets - please take one of each.

35. east (n, adj, adv) /iːst/

the direction from which the sun rises in the morning, opposite to the west, or
the part of an area or country that is in this direction:
The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.
Which way is east?
in or forming the east part of something:
Cambridge is in East Anglia.
towards the east:
We'll drive east for a few more miles, then turn south.

36. even (adv) /ˈiː.vən/

used to show that something is surprising, unusual, unexpected, or extreme:
I don't even know where it is.

37. ever (adv) /ˈev.ər/

at any time:
Nothing ever happens here in the evening.
Have you ever been to London?

38. extra (adj) /ˈek.strə/

added to what is normal:
If you need any extra help, just call me.
too extreme and not suitable; making too much effort, or demanding too
much effort and attention:
Olivia's so extra - she built a model of an island when she only needed to do
a rough sketch.
39. fact (n) /fækt/

something that is known to have happened or

to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which
there is information:
No decision will be made until we know all the facts.

40. fall (v , n) /fɔːl/

to suddenly go down onto the ground or towards
the ground without intending to or by accident:
The path's very steep, so be careful you don't fall.

41. far (adv) /fɑːr/

at, to, or from a great distance in space or time:
How far is it from Australia to New Zealand?

42. fill (v) /fɪl/

to make or become full; to use empty space:
I filled the bucket with water.

43. final (adj) /ˈfaɪ.nəl/

a final warning/offer

44. front (n, adj) /frʌnt/

the part of a building, object, or person's body that faces forward or is
most often seen or used:
The front of the museum is very impressive.
the part of a vehicle that is nearest to its direction of movement:
Do you want to sit in the front (= next to the driver)?
If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.

the outside part or cover of a book, newspaper, or magazine:

There was a picture of the Trevi fountain on the front of the book.

one of the first pages in a book:

There's an inscription in the front of the book.

45. fun ( n) /fʌn/

pleasure, enjoyment, or entertainment:
Have fun (= enjoy yourself)!

46. geography (n) /dʒiˈɒɡ.rə.fi/

the study of the systems and processes involved in the
world's weather, mountains, seas, lakes, etc. and of the ways in
which countries and people organize life within an area
47. get (v) /ɡet/
to obtain, buy, or earn something:
He went to the shop to get some milk.

48. give (v) /ɡɪv/

to offer something to someone, or to provide someone with something:
[ + two objects ] She gave us a set of saucepans as a wedding present.

Can you give me a date for another appointment?

49. gray (adj, n) /ɡreɪ/

(of) the color that is a mixture of black and white,
the color of clouds when it rains:
a gray coat
[ U ] She was dressed in gray.

Hair that has changed color to gray:

He’s already beginning to turn gray.

If the weather is gray, there are a lot of clouds in the sky.

A gray area is an unclear situation, usually because

the rules that relate to it are not known:
Criminal negligence is a gray area.

50. ice (n) /aɪs/

water that has frozen and become solid, or pieces of this:
The pond was covered in ice all winter.

51. include (v) /ɪnˈkluːd/

to contain something as a part of something else, or to make
something part of something else:
The bill includes tax and service.
Tax and service are included in the bill.
[ + -ing verb ] Your responsibilities will include making appointments on
my behalf.

52. interest (n , v) /ˈɪn.trest/

the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something or
of wanting to be involved with and to discover more about something:
I've always had an interest in astronomy.
Your interests are the activities that you enjoy doing and
the subjects that you like to spend time learning about:
On his form he lists his interests as cycling and cooking.
If someone or something interests you, you want to give that person or
thing your attention and discover more about him, her, or it:
Sport has never really interested me.
53. into (prep) /ˈɪn.tuː/
to the inside or middle of a place, container, area, etc.:
Would you put the jar back into the cupboard for me, please?
Let's go into the garden.
used to show when a person or thing is changing from
one form or condition to another:
Peel the cucumber and chop it into small cubes.

54. later (adv) /ˈleɪ.tər/

at a time in the future or after the time you have mentioned:
He'll be back later.

55. left ( adj, adv,n) /left/

on or towards the side of your body that is to the west when you
are facing north:
His left eye was heavily bandaged.
Turn left at the lights.
the left side:
First I'll introduce the speaker sitting on my left.
56. let (v)
to allow something to happen or someone to do something by not doing anything
to stop an action or by giving your permission:
She wanted to go but her parents wouldn't let her.
used to show that you accept what is going to happen, although you do
not like it:
Let it rain - it won't spoil our afternoon.
used to say that you wish something to happen very much:
Oh, please let him get the job!
used to express a suggestion or request that includes you and the
other person or people:
Let's go out to dinner.

57. letter (n) /ˈlet.ər/

a written message from one person to another, usually put in
an envelope and sent by post:
I got a letter from the bank this morning.

58. line (n) /laɪn/

a long, thin mark on the surface of something:
a straight line

59. little (adj) /ˈlɪt.əl/

small in size or amount:
It came in a little box.
60. lot (adv)
lots (of) a large amount or number of people or things:
She eats lots of fruit.
very much or very often:
Your sister looks a lot like you.

61. lunch (n) /lʌntʃ/

a meal that is eaten in the middle of the day:
What's for lunch?

62. main (adj) /maɪn/

larger, more important, or having more influence than others of the
same type:
The main thing is not to worry.

63. mean (v) /miːn/

to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact:
What does this word mean?

64. mile (n) /maɪl/

a unit of distance equal to 1,760 yards or 1.6 kilometres:
a ten-mile drive

65. mistake (n) /mɪˈsteɪk/

an action, decision,
or judgment that produces an unwanted or unintentional result:
I'm not blaming you - we all make mistakes.
66. negative ( adj) /ˈneɡ.ə.tɪv/
A negative sentence or phrase is one that contains a word such as
"not", "no", "never", or "nothing":
"I've never seen him in my life" is a negative sentence.
expressing "no":
We received a negative answer to our request.

67. next to (prep)

used when describing two people or things that are very close to each
other with nothing between them:
Can I sit next to the window?

68 . note (n) /nəʊt/

a short piece of writing:
He left a note to say he would be home late.
a short explanation or an extra piece of information that is given at
the bottom of a page, at the back of a book, etc.:
For more information see Note 3.

69. once (adv) /wʌns/

one single time:
I went sailing once, but I didn't like it.

70. opposite (adj, n, prep) /ˈɒp.ə.zɪt/

completely different:
You'd never know they're sisters - they're completely opposite to each other in
every way.
being in a position on the other side; facing:
My brother and I live on opposite sides of the city.
facing the speaker or stated person or thing:
If you want to buy tickets, you need to go to the counter opposite.
in a position facing someone or something but on the other side:
We're in the building opposite the government offices.
something or someone that is completely different from
another person or thing:
My father is a very calm person, but my mother is just the opposite.

71. own (adj) /əʊn/

belonging to or done by a particular person or thing:
Each neighbourhood in New York has its own characteristics.

72. pair (n) /peər/

two things of the same appearance and size that are intended to be used
together, or something that consists of two parts joined together:
a pair of shoes/gloves
two people who have a romantic relationship or are doing something
They seem a very happy pair.
What have the pair of you been up to
two animals that come together to have sex and produce young:
a breeding pair

73. pants (n) /pænts/

a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from
the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for
each leg, that are joined at the top:
a pair of pants

74. paragraph (n) /ˈpær.ə.ɡrɑːf/

a short part of a text, consisting of at least
one sentence and beginning on a new line. It usually deals with
a single event, description, idea, etc.
Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph?
75. park (n , v) /pɑːk/
a large area of land with grass and trees,
usually surrounded by fences or walls, and specially arranged so
that people can walk in it for pleasure or children can play in it:
walk in it for pleasure or children can play in it:
Central Park
to put a vehicle in a place where it can stay for a period of time, usually
while you leave it:
Where have you parked?
to put yourself or something in a particular place for a long time,
often annoying other people:
He parked himself in front of the TV and stayed there all afternoon.
to not deal with something or answer a question immediately but leave it
for a later time:
Can we park that question until the end of the session?
76. passport (n) /ˈpɑːs.pɔːt/
an official document containing personal information and usually
a photograph that allows a person to travel to foreign countries and
to prove who they are:
Many refugees have arrived at the border without passports.

77. pepper (n) /ˈpep.ər/

a grey or white powder produced by crushing dry peppercorns, used to
give a spicy, hot taste to food:
freshly ground black pepper

78. photo (n) /ˈfəʊ.təʊ/

a photograph:
She took lots of photos of the kids.

79. photograph (n) /ˈfəʊ.tə.ɡrɑːf/

a picture produced using a camera:
a colour/black-and-white photograph

80. phrase (n) /freɪz/

a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence

 an adverbial phrase

81. piece (n) /piːs/

a part of something:
a piece of cloth torn from her coat
82. plane (n) /pleɪn/
a vehicle designed for air travel, with wings and one or more engines:
a fighter/transport/passenger plane

83. plant (n) /plænt/

a living thing that grows in earth, in water, or on other plants, usually
has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds:
native plants and animals

84. point (n) /pɔɪnt/

an idea, opinion, or piece of information that is said or written:
I'd like to discuss the first point in your paper.

85. positive (adj) /ˈpɑː.zə.t̬ ɪv/

full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence:
a positive attitude

86. pound (n) /paʊnd/

the standard unit of money used in the U.K. and some other countries:
a one-pound/two-pound coin
a unit for measuring weight:
One pound is approximately equal to 454 grams.

87. present (adj,n) /ˈprez.ənt/

something that you are given, without asking for it, on
a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you:
a birthday/Christmas/wedding present
88. probably (adv) /ˈprɑː.bə.bli/
used to mean that something is very likely:
I'll probably be home by midnight.

89. put (v) /pʊt/

to move something or someone into the stated place, position,
or direction:
Where have you put the keys?

90. quarter (n) /ˈkwɔː.tər/

one of four equal or almost equal parts of something; ¼:
He cut the orange into quarters.
91. routine (n) /ruːˈtiːn/
a usual or fixed way of doing things:
There's no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different.
a regular series of movements, jokes, or similar things used in
a performance:
an exercise/dance routine
92. section (n) /ˈsek.ʃən/
one of the parts that something is divided into:
the sports section of the newspaper

93. shirt (n) /ʃɜːt/

a piece of clothing worn, especially by men, on the upper part of
the body, made of light cloth like cotton and usually having
a collar and buttons at the front:
a striped/white shirt
94. shower (n) /ʃaʊər/
a device that releases drops of water through a lot of
very small holes and that you stand under to wash your whole body:
The shower is broken - you'll have to take a bath.
a short period of rain or snow:
showers of rain, hail and sleet

95. sick (adj) /sɪk/

physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy:
a sick child

96. similar (adj) /ˈsɪm.ɪ.lər/

looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same:
My father and I have similar views on politics.

97. skirt (n) /skɜːt/

a piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and
does not have legs:
She wore a denim skirt and a white shirt.

98. snow (n,v) /snəʊ/

the small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky when
it is cold, or the white layer on the ground and other surfaces that
it forms:
Outside the snow began to fall.
Let's go and play in the snow!

99. space (n) /speɪs/

an empty area that is available to be used:
Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard?

100. spelling (n) /ˈspel.ɪŋ/

forming words with the correct letters in the correct order, or
the ability to do this:
He's hopeless at spelling.
101. statement (n) /ˈsteɪt.mənt/
something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done
to express an opinion:
The government is expected to issue a statement about
the investigation to the press.

102. still (adv) /stɪl/

continuing to happen or continuing to be done:
I'm still hungry.

103. story (n) /ˈstɔː.ri/

a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events:
Will you read/tell me a story, daddy?

104. sweater (n) /ˈswet.ər/

a piece of clothing, typically with long sleeves and made from yarn, that
is worn on the upper part of the body:
Put a sweater on if you're cold.

105. take (v) /teɪk/

to move something or someone from one place to another:
The weather report said rain, so take your umbrella (with you) when you go

106. text (n) /tekst/

a text message :
I'll send you a text as soon as I have any news.
the written words in a book, magazine, etc., not the pictures:
The book has 500 pages of text.

107. thanks (n) /θæŋks/

→ thank you :
"Shall I do that for you?" "No, thanks."

108. theater (n) /ˈθɪə.tər/

a building, room, or outside structure with rows of seats,
each row usually higher than the one in front, from
which people can watch a performance or other activity:
the Lyceum Theatre

109. their (n) /ðeər/

of or belonging to them:
He gave them their coats.
used to refer to one person in order to avoid saying "his or her":
One of the students has left their book behind.

110. them (n) strong /ðem/ weak /ðəm

used, usually as the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to people,
things, animals, situations, or ideas that have already been mentioned:
I've lost my keys. I can't find them anywhere.
It's them. They're here.

111. then (adv) /ðen/

(at) that time (in the past or in the future):
I was working in the city then.
112. there (adv) /ðeər/
(to, at, or in) that place:
Put the chair there.
used to introduce the subject of a sentence, especially before
the verbs be, seem, and appear:
There's someone on the phone for you.

113. through (prep) /θruː/

from one end or side of something to the other:
They walked slowly through the woods.

114. title (n) /ˈtaɪ.təl/

the name of a film, book, painting, piece of music, etc.:
The title of Evelyn Waugh's first novel was "Decline and Fall".

115. travel (n,v) /ˈtræv.əl

to make a journey, usually over a long distance:
Between school and university,
she spent a year travelling, mostly in Africa and Asia.
to move or go from one place to another:
Supersonic planes can travel faster than the speed of sound.
the activity of travelling:
air/space travel

116. turn (n,v) /tɜːn/

to (cause to) change the direction in which you are facing or moving:
Turn right at the traffic lights.
to move, or to move an object or page, so that a
different side or surface is on the top:
Now turn the page, please, and start work on Exercise 2.
an opportunity or a duty to do something at a particular time or in
a particular order, before or after other people:
Is it my turn yet?

117. until (prep) /ənˈtɪl/ /ʌnˈtɪl/

up to (the time that):
I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished!
as far as:
You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change.

118. up ( prep) /ʌp/

towards a higher position; towards a higher value, number, or level:
Put those books up on the top shelf.
in or into a vertical position:
Would you stand up for a minute? I want to see how tall you are.
in a high position; at the top:
Our boardroom is up on the 23rd floor.

119. upstairs (adv) /ʌpˈsteəz/

towards or on the highest floor or floors of a building:
an upstairs landing/window
120. often – usually (adv) /ˈɒf.ən/ /ˈɒf.tən/ /ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li/
many times:
I often see him in the garden.
in the way that most often happens:
He usually gets home about six o'clock.

121. vacation (n) /veɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/

a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do
what they want, such as travel or relax:
We're taking a vacation in June.

122. weekend (n) /ˌwiːkˈend/

Saturday and Sunday, or Friday evening until Sunday night; the part of
the week in which many people living in the West do not go to work:
This/Next weekend we're going to see some friends.

123. west (n, adj, adv) /west/


the direction in which the sun goes down in the evening, opposite to
the east, or the part of an area or country that is in this direction:
The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.
in or forming the west part of something:
West Africa
towards the west:
Go due (= directly) west until you see a lake.
The balcony faces west.

124. without (prep) /wɪˈðaʊt/

not having or doing something, or lacking something:
I left without my umbrella.

125. yard (n) /jɑːd/

a piece of land next to a house, usually used for growing flowers, grass,
and other plants:
The kids were playing in the yard.


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