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Sample Example for Process Chart

The picture below shows the recycling process of wasted glass bottles. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant

Report Plan
Paraphrase: Illustrate; the recycling process of waste glass bottles.
Overview/Summary: Mention the three stages in the recycling process.
Paragraph 3: Describe the first and second stages of the recycling process.
Paragraph 4: sent to a glass factory; crushed into pieces; the process continues to get burnt;
coupling of molten glass and new liquid glass.
Paragraph 5: Describe the final stage of the recycling process

Sample Answer

The diagram illustrates the process of recycling waste glass bottles.

We can observe from the diagram that there are three main stages in the recycling process,
beginning with gathering the wasted glass bottles, the recycling of these bottles, and ending
with the delivery of new products.
Firstly, wasted glass bottles are gathered at a collecting point. It is then transported to a
recycling center/cleaning plant by truck. Next, these are cleaned using high-pressure water to
eliminate the dust and other substances before being classified into three kinds of bottles
according to their color, such as brown, green and clear.
Later, these bottles are sent to a glass factory to be crushed into smaller pieces. The process
continues wherein those pieces are burnt in a specific furnace at a high temperature of 600c –
800c to become molten glass. The recycled molten glass and new liquid glass are coupled
together and poured into a glass mould to produce new bottles.
The new bottles are then filled with drinks, and the entire process of recycling glass concludes
after these filled bottles are delivered to the supermarket.

Describing the IELTS Process Diagram Task

Process diagram tasks of the IELTS Academic test can be complicated. However, you can nail
this task successfully if you keep these factors in mind while describing the process chart


The first thing that candidates should do for answering IELTS Academic task 1 is to formulate an
overview. This overview must include all the steps needed throughout a process along with the
first and ultimate step.

For instance, ‘The process chart shows the production of cheese, with a total of X steps,
beginning with cows grazing and ending with the delivery of packed cheese’.

Students can also mention the final result of the production. In case there are different types of
processes involved, one can mention them in the overview along with various stages required.

Let’s say the process diagram shows that the final result is tea. In this case, the overview could
be: ‘This process chart demonstrates the production of five different types of tea, from growing
tea plants to packaging. There is also another process diagram that shows six steps for the
production of coffee beans.’

If the chart illustrates a hydroelectric process, one can begin the following way: ‘Power
generation starts with the sun heating up the water bodies, and the process ends with the
hydroelectricity being supplied into homes, schools, factories and hospitals for consumption.’
However, make sure to avoid copying the language provided in the process diagram word by
word. You are allowed to use some of those words that are present in the process chart.

Grammatical Accuracy and Range

Process diagram task of IELTS tests a candidate’s ability to use active and passive voice. There
are certain verbs that cannot be used for passive voice. Thus, to ascertain which voice is
appropriate for describing a process chart task, one needs to ask who is doing the action.
Depending on the type of process task, it can be a worker, a machine, nature or something else.

In addition, it is crucial to use relative clauses such as ‘after that’ to ensure a smooth transition.

Coherence and Cohesion

To keep your response free from repetitive use of words and phrases, it is ideal to use object
pronouns. Object pronouns are specifically helpful in eliminating the chances of repetition.

For instance, you can use phrases like ‘following this’, ‘following’, ‘after this’, ‘followed by’, ‘first,
second and finally’, ‘once this step is completed’ and more to avoid repetition and thereby
establish cohesion and flow.

Use of Appropriate Verbs

Candidates can make use of a variety of verbs while describing the IELTS process diagram.
Here’s a list of verbs along with the suitable prepositions that one can employ:

Verbs to be used Use in Sentences

Added to The mixture is then added to a product.
Passes through Bricks are formed after clay passes through various pipes.
Flows out of This mixture slowly flows out of a gallon into a large vessel.
Processed by Tea leaves are then processed by a specialised mixing machine.
Formed Cheese cubes are formed by cube-cutting machines.
Sent to The finished product is then sent to an assembly section.
Goes into After that, the heated water goes into a spherical vessel.
Begins with The process begins with the collection of tea leaves.
Enters Once completed, the final product enters into the furnace.
Distribute Manufactured milk packets are then distributed via the logistics team.
Placed into Once the first step is over, tea leaves are placed under a dryer.
Stored in Bricks are stored in a dry chamber after completion.
Test-takers can use these verbs either in active voice or in passive, depending on the provided
graphic process.

Process Chart Vocabulary for IELTS

There is a specific type of vocabulary that test-takers need to use for describing the steps as
well as the type of diagram in the IELTS Academic Writing task 1.

Here is a list of process chart vocabulary one can use to discuss the type of diagram in a
process chart task:



For instance, if you are asked to discuss about hydrological process, you can use the following
specific words to describe the process chart:

‘This process chart illustrates the natural hydrological cycle through which water moves in the
environment. This cyclical process includes steps like evaporation, condensation and

In addition, one needs to use appropriate words while describing the steps in the process. The
following section consists of the process chart vocabulary needed to describe the steps involved
in a process effectively.



For example, if task 1 includes a process chart for photosynthesis, here’s how one should
explain the steps of the process with the suitable vocabulary.

‘In the first step, there are three things that occur simultaneously. Water, light and carbon
dioxide enters into the chloroplast. After this, water enters the thylakoids. In thesecond step,
carbon dioxide gets incorporated into the Calvin cycle. Subsequently, chloroplast produces
sugar and oxygen in the third step.’

For describing a cycle of repetition, you are required to use the following process chart



Continues indefinitely
Let’s take an example. If task 1 comes with a process chart describing the glass recycling
process, you can include the necessary vocabulary in this way: ‘This cyclical process usually
begins whenever a new product is manufactured. However, this process can continue in a loop.

Notably, candidates can appropriately discuss a process with the following verbs:

For instance, to discuss the rock cycle process, one can use the verbs in this manner: ‘Rock
cycle process starts with weathering and erosion. This process then continues with the
transportation and deposition. It then ends when rocks melt in magma.

Samples of Process Diagram Task Questions

The Writing section is, indeed, an important as well as challenging part of the IELTS test. The
following sections illustrate a sample IELTS process chart task to help students get an idea
about how to formulate the most appropriate answer for this task.

Question: The image below illustrates the recycling process of discarded glass bottles. Provide
a summary of the information by mentioning the main features and make appropriate
comparisons wherever relevant.

Here’s how you should chalk out a structure for your response:

Paraphrase: Recycling process of discarded glass bottles

Overview: State the three stages that go into recycling waste glass bottles
Paragraph 3: Elaborate on the first and second stages of the recycling process
Paragraph 4: Sent to glass factories, crushed by machines, the pieces are then burnt, molten
glass and newly manufactured liquid glass coupled
Paragraph 5: Discuss the final stage of the glass recycling process.
What to Write?

Once you are done with creating the blueprint for your answer, proceed to draft the response.
Here’s how the response should be:

This diagram depicts the process of recycling discarded glass bottles.

We can find out from the diagram that there are three main stages involved with the recycling of
glass bottles, starting with the collection of wasted glass bottles, recycling of the bottles and
finally the delivery of new products.

At first, wasted and discarded bottles are collected at a particular point. They are transported to
the nearby recycling centres by truck. After this, high-pressure water is used to clean these
bottles and remove the dust and other objects. Once cleaned, these bottles are classified into
three types on the basis of colour.

These bottles are then sent to a glass factory, where they are crushed into finer pieces. The
process continues in a furnace, wherein these crushed particles are burned at a high
temperature until they become molten glass. Afterwards, this recycled glass is coupled with new
liquid glass to manufacture recycled bottles.

The newly manufactured bottles are filled with different kinds of drinks. The process concludes
after these bottles are sent to the markets.

Steps to Write IELTS Process Diagram

Candidates can use the following steps to draft a high-scoring essay in IELTS Academic Writing
task 1:
Analyse the Question

Every question of Academic Writing task 1 consists of three parts. The first sentence is a brief
description of the graphical representation, while the second part contains the instruction, and
the third portion is a chart or diagram.

Students need to analyse each of the sections of the question that would help them to identify
and select the ‘main features’ of the diagram.

Identifying Main Features

The next crucial step for successfully answering a diagram task is to identify correctly. These
tasks usually do not include any numbers or data. You simply have to analyse the diagram to
identify the labels, titles and captions.

Formulate an Appropriate Introduction

For the introduction part, one has to rephrase the question. This can be done easily simply by
using synonyms or altering the structure of the provided question. For instance, if the question

The diagram below illustrates a structure that is used to generate electricity from wind power.

The introduction should be:

The diagram demonstrates the method of manufacturing electricity from wind power with the
help of a specially-designed man-made setup.

Draft an Overview

In the next paragraph, candidates have to provide a brief description of the diagram. Make sure
to avoid providing any detail in this section as it would come in the following paragraph.

Provide the information as plainly as possible without any heavy vocabulary or grammar.

Write a Detailed Paragraph

After the overview, you have to include a paragraph containing all the necessary details about
the process. Here, you should explain the first key feature elaborately.

Provide Another Detailed Paragraph

In the final paragraph, one has to add more details regarding the other main features of the
Here are the various sections that should be brought together to create a high-scoring diagram

Candidates are required to employ the right process chart vocabulary to make the Writing task 1
response more appropriate and appealing. This detailed guide with samples, tips and
vocabulary will help them to nail writing tasks with ease.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use idioms in Academic Writing Task 1?

You cannot use idioms while appearing for the IELTS Writing test. So, it is suggested to avoid
idioms in Writing task 1. However, you are allowed to use it while writing an informal letter in the
General Training Writing tasks.

2. Will I lose scores if I do not write the minimum words?

You will lose marks in the ‘Task Achievement’ section if you do not write the minimum number of
words for the Writing sections.

3. Can I use contractions in Writing task 1?

You cannot use contractions while answering the tasks in the Writing section. However, you can
use it while writing an informal letter.

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