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oaior2026 11:23, EU Stands Up For Spanish Olives Against US Tarifs A WTO: Interview With Spanish Farmers Union FORBES > LEADERSHIP > LEADERSHIP STRATEGY EU Stands Up For Spanish Olives Against US Tariffs At WTO: Interview With Spanish Farmers Union Ana Garcia Valdivia Former Contributor © Twrite about the Spanish economic policy in the framework of EU a Jan 30, 2019, 09:32am EST © This article is more than 4 years old Black olives PIXABAY The tariffs on Spanish black olives opened a new chapter in the US-EU trade war saga last year. Now the European Union has adopted a firm stance by announcing that the European Commission will challenge the US's tariffs in the World Trade Organization (WTO). These tariffs do not only have a big impact nipsulww forbes. convsitesfanagarciavalivia/2019101/30/eu-stands-up-for spanish-olves-against-us-tarifs-at-wtoiterview-with-spanish-farme.... 14 owvor2026 11:28 EU Stands Up For Spanish Olves Agoinst US Tarif A WTO: ntowew With Soansh Farmers Union on Spanish olive exports, but they also represent a threat to the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). “The duties imposed by the United States on black olives from Spain are unjustified, unwarranted and go against the rules of the World Trade Organisation. Tomorrow, we are taking this case to the WTO dispute settlement system, requesting consultations with the US,” tweeted last Monday the European Commissioner for Trade, Cecilia Malmstrém. Since August 2018, the US has applied a tariff of 34.75% on imports of Spanish black olives in terms of anti-subsidy and anti- dumping duties. The argument is that Spanish producers compete at an unfair advantage because they benefit from the aid of the CAP. According to Californian olive growers, the price of Spanish olives in the US was even lower than on the Spanish domestic market, which led the US Department of Commerce (DOC) to launch an investigation last summer into unfair competition and trade distorting. Ever since, Spanish producers and authorities have been asking the European Union to stand up for their cause, arguing that the CAP subsidies are line with the WTO’s rules and complaining about the fact that the EU had already appealed other US tariffs before. The Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, who has welcomed the Commission’s decision, has also recalled that Spanish olive producers “are exactly the same as the [European] producers of cars or steel and deserve the respect, consideration, and protection of the EU. It was good news for Spain when Malmstrém said that “together with Spanish authorities, we will continue to vigorously defend the interests of EU producers.” This position is very reasonable since EU authorities are aware that this legal dispute is not just about Spanish olives, but it is the EU agricultural aid system that tips forbes. convsitesfanagarciavalivia/2019101/30/eu-stands-up-for spanish-olives-against-us-tarifs-at-wtoiorview-with-spanish-farme.... 2/4 oaior2026 11:23, EU Stands Up For Spanish Olives Against US Tarfs A WTO: Interview With Spanish Far is at stake and the WTO resolution may affect other judicial procedures regarding US tariffs in the future. Meanwhile, the Spanish producers are already suffering the economic consequences, especially because the US is one of the main export markets of the product. Antonio De Mora, general- secretary of ASEMESA (the Spanish Association of Olive Exporters) regretted last November that the exports of black olive had fallen by 72% during the first two months of the application of the tariff. Thave interviewed José Maria Castilla Baré, Head of Office of the Permanent Representation in Brussels of ASAJA (Spanish Farmers Union) to know the reception that the EU decision has had among Spanish producers and how the US tariffs are affecting the olive sector since last summer. sion with “We welcome the decision of the European Commi: great interest. The tariffs imposed on the Spanish olives in the US are not justified and go against the rules of the WTO,” said Castilla Baré, who pointed out that “although this conflict has been treated as a Spanish issue, it is not a Spanish problem but a problem at European level since it is the aid system of the CAP what is being questioned.” “Today these tariffs affect the Spanish olives, but tomorrow may be French wine, Italian oil, or German potatoes the products suffering the consequences.” “This is an attack on the European production model, which is totally compatible with the WTO since the aid of the CAP is framed within the ‘green box’ of the organization [in WTO terminology, the green box refers to the permitted subsidies]. This means that CAP subsidies do not distort trade, they do not cause a product to compete unfairly through dumping,” explained Castilla Bard. ntipsulww forbes. convsitesfanagarciavalivia/2019101/30/eu-stands-up-for spanish-olves-against-us-tarifs-at-wtoiterview-with-spanish-farme... 3/4 oaior2026 11:23, EU Stands Up For Spanish Olives Against US Tarfs A WTO: Interview With Spanish Far Regarding the impact of tariffs in the olive sector, the Head of Office has argued that they have caused a “collapse” in Spanish ‘ion of the exports. “In August 2018, the first month of appli definitive tariffs, sales to the US fell by 70%, from 3.2 million kilos in the same month of the previous year to just over 1 million kilos in 2018. It is catastrophic for the sector”. Castilla Baré has also valued “positively” the fund announced by ion of €2.5 million [$2.85 million] in the European Commi: terms of promotion for olives to seek alternative markets. “Although these funds will not be enough to face this crisis,” he said. However, Castilla Baré has assured that they have had the support of the EU, the Government of Spain and the Government of Andalucia throughout the proce: “We are optimists”, he concluded. “Now a requirement will be opened during which an agreement could be reached between both parties. We hope that the conflict will be resolved as soon as possible, although unfortunately, we believe that this will be a multi-year process.” However, Castilla Baré has assured that they are “very calm". "We believe 99% that we will win this dispute because our aid fully respects the WTO rules,” he has insisted. & ‘Ana Garcia Valdivia I'm a Spanish journalist graduated in law and politics, specialized in international journalism. Currently living in Brussels! Editorial Standards Reprints & Permissions ntipsilw forbes. convsites/anagarciavalivia/2019101/30/eu-stands-up-for spanish-olives-against-us-tarifs-at-wtointorview-with-spanish-farme.... ld

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