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Curing & Dewaxing Book Name - Textbook Of Prosthodontics Author Name - Deepak Nallaswami Veeraiyan Edition - 2nd Publisher - Jaypee Section - 1. Complete Denture Page No. - 265 ( 2.A.3 ) Trom tne stator ty we waked Aan water 2A3, Flasking Procedure asstopcock grease shouldbe stead ef Betoltur (0 avoid ‘Amixof dental piaster and stone ina ratio ot 1: into the body till the level of the occlusal/incisal surfaces of the teeth. This is the second pour, Since the cast was positioned such that the occlusal plane is parallel to the floor, the occlusal surfaces of the teeth will be evenly exposed. If the occlusal surfaces of the teeth are not ea OTTO Prosthodontics be Spry Uy Ua a POCO Uc uo od BO ETT Pe Uo DEE url BEV ‘Mixing of powder and liquid Packing Curing Cooling Defiasing 2.1, Preparation of the Trial Denture After torn, the trial dentures are placed en the east ond] ‘ealed to the cast using additional wax. Ths is cone so| ‘hat the relationship of the tal denture and the cast sno aitered during disarticulation (Fig. 121). 2.8.2. Disorticulation In an aricuttor with remounting plates. dsariculation i ‘ly carried out by unscrewing the remounting pites. in anarieuator without any remounting plates the mounting ‘from the articutator, they 2re soaked in slurry water. 2A3. Flasking Procedure Aslicone mould release, suchas stopcock greate should be Used on inner ask surface instead of petrolatum to avers Sone oF plaster using a 2-pour or 3-pour technique, The asks made of three components namely rounded tisn- ‘gular base, counter or body and the lid. When ft together ‘tho ask s held n postion with the help ofa clamp, The base ofthe Masks file! wath dental plaster. This is the frst pour The cast with the wa pattern is immersed Into the pastefill base. The cast should be immersed ‘only atthe center of the bate. It should be immersed Into the base such thet the occlusal plane ofthe tral ‘dentures parle tothe floor fig. 123). Fig. 123:Posecring na can intnebose ct Fig. 124: veseng a cst ne tae te ask ‘Theplaster inthe base investing pastel iscontoutedto form agradual slope fromthe land areacthecastto the ‘edge ofthe base ofthe flask In case of lower cats, the ‘etm pad is very high and its dificlt te produce 2 gradual slope with the investing plaster Hence, care should be taken to obtain the maximum gradual ope pasible. The land area ofthe base of the flask should nat be covered with investing plaster Fig. 122), ‘Once the base s invested, 9 separating medium (ds ‘cussed in deta below) applied inal areas where gyp- sum is exposed, Separating medium should be apoed in single-sided strokes in order to protect the continuity ofthe membrane Surface tension reducing agent can be applied over the wwax patter in order to improve the wettability of the second pour of gyptum aver the wax pattern" ce the separating medium dries. the body ofthe Nask pores Intothe bocy tithe level of the occlusal surfaces the teeth This isthe second pour Since the cast was positioned such thatthe occlusal plane is parale! tothe Miao, the occlusal surfaces ofthe teeth will be evenly exposed, If the occlusal surfaces of the teeth are not evenly exposed it inelcates thatthe occlusal plane is ‘ot parallel tothe Naor Figs. 125A and 8) +The secord pour is allowed 10 set and another layer of ‘separating medium w apoled Care should be taken to cavaid apelying separating medium over the exposed fecclusal surfaces of the teeth The third pour of cert plasters poured toil the body. The lids placed on the body and closed. Exces plaster Inallowed toescape out The lampis tightened to hold the askin postion Fig, 126) Te advantage of three-pour technique is that I fac tates easy removal ofthe denture ater curing Ifa two ‘pour techniques tobe used, then the second and thi ‘ours are replaced by a single pout Alter Rashng, the Mask is left undisturbed for 30-60 ‘minutes so thatthe investing plaster reaches its fnal setting time Eada Dowaring Pow Gul) done to remove the wax in the was mag The ane Bong water '5 minutes. Before placing the fask nto the waterbath the lamp should te loosened. Dewaring is done to jst soften the wax and met ‘Dewasxing for a prolonged time wil lea to leaching of the wai inte the investing plaster? Once the wax laches Into the gypsum inthe Mask tis very difficult to completely eradicate the recital wax ‘After 5 mnutes, the as is taken cut ofthe water bath, the base and the body are careluly separated. The softened ax fushed aut using hot water ora wax solvent or $039 olution (Figs 127A and B). The soap sokton is sad to react ith the gypsum forming a membrane impervious to wax!” ven the finest traces of waxes should be removed, stare to temave wax can lead tothe contamination of the denture base during curing

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