A Guide To UK House Styles, Eras and Architectural Features - Homebuilding

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A guide to UK house styles, eras and GET THE HOMEBUILDING &

architectural features
By Michael Holmes published October 14, 2022 Bring your dream home to life with expert
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A guide to house styles found in the UK — including tips on inspiration, direct to your inbox.
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(Image credit: Bruce Hemming)

Understanding house styles of the past and present is a helpful starting

point for anyone looking to take on a renovation, extension or period-style
self build project.

Categorising homes into styles is hard, for good architecture should

ultimately be dictated by the wants/needs of the homeowner, combined
with some interplay with local design influences — therefore every home
should be very different.

However, when it comes to articulating your style preferences to an

architect or designer for a new self build, faithful renovation or innovative
extension project, it can be very helpful to have an understanding of the
rough groupings that design experts put buildings into.

The styles below fall into the categories of historical design styles (or those
with a more traditional leaning), and what is generically known as
contemporary style, which itself has several sub-categories.

Tudor house styles (1485 - 1603)

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This tudor style house was once a boxy, uninspiring brick building. A series of extension and an
exterior remodel over the course of a decade have produced a faithful recreation of the house sty
(Image credit: Future)
The homes and grand houses built in the Tudor dynasty (a long era
spanning well over 100 years) began a movement from the gothic and
earlier medieval forms to the softer renaissance styles seen in mainland
Europe. Like many styles linked to the reign of a particular royal family, it is
not so clear cut to describe all homes built between the Plantagenet and
Jacobean eras as Tudor, but there are certain notable features that can
help you identify a Tudor building, or can be used should you want to
mimic the style.

Tudor homes are defined by: AD

Use of the Tudor arch (a flattened, or four-centred version of the Gothic

Steep gables
Increased use of brick (often laid in patterns)
Tall chimneys
Mullioned windows
Exposed timber/oak frame
Thatched roof
White-painted wattle and daub

Pitfalls to avoid with Tudor traditional style homes

In the late 19th century Tudor Revival architecture was made popular by
well-known buildings such as Cragside in Northumberland and Liberty
department store in London which was built to look like a half-timbered
mansion. Nowadays the look has been given a bad name by ‘mock Tudor’
estates in the UK (and even in China) that make a half-hearted attempt at 1 John Inverdale wins planning
battle to add loft conversion
emulating the style and are widely described as pastiches.
with snooker table to his £2m
However, the look can be done well if you combine all of the details of seafront mansion
Tudor style homes, rather than doing what is so common and just
timbering the upper section, or inserting the odd mullioned window. Start
off with the form. Remember that roofs would have been made from
2 What is an Active House and
should you be building one?
materials that needed a steeper pitch to allow proper drainage, so a steep
pitch is essential. To balance this, chimneys must be tall and ornate.
3 What is a water source heat
pump? Why it might be a
Windows should be made up of lots of small panes of glass held together
smart move for your home
with lead, as large panes were not possible to make until centuries later.
Incorporate a Tudor arch where possible — the most likely place for one is
round a door or over a window, but you could also use it inside for 4 Why you shouldn't run air
conditioning at night
openings between rooms.

Georgian houses (1714 - 1830) 5 Newly-built homes worth

£20million to be demolished
Image 1 of 3
'due to unsound foundations'



Georgian homes usually feature six over six design sash windows (Image credit: getty Images)

Georgian style – which of course denotes the type of homes built between
1714 and the 1830s – evolved in a period of much social and industrial
change in Britain. People wanted to reflect their growing worldliness in the
look of their homes, which drew upon classical architectural elements born
in Greek and Roman cities. As the style spanned a period of over 100 years,
it underwent much change, so the style itself is split into several categories
and was also adapted to suit differing economic restraints.

Architect Alex Oliver (director at Alex Oliver Associates), details:

"Early Georgian (1714 - 1750) Architecture takes inspiration from the

Italian Renaissance, in particular the enticing sun-lit Veneto villas of Andra
Palladia. The style, known as 'Palladianism', can be recognised by its
proportion; symmetry, simple, regular fenestration; and limited
"The principal style of the Late Georgian (1765 - 1811) period is known
as 'Neo Classical' and takes reference from the temples of ancient Greene
and Rome. Clarity, purity of form and a lack of fussiness were hallmarks.
"Regency (1811 - 1820, but often covering 1811 - 1837) is identifiable by
elongated windows set in stark walls of brick or stucco.
Many self builders choose to emulate Georgian style for its associations
with prestige and power. The look is clean, symmetrical and offers good
resale potential should you wish to move on — in fact most of the new
homes we see today, built by volume, take cues from this style.

Common features on Georgian architecture include:

Sash windows. These were the most common windows type and earlier
versions had more panes of glass. "The quintessential Georgian sash has
two movable sashes of 'six over six' panes, with highly elegant, slim glazing
bars and meeting rails and panes taller than wide," advises Editor of Period
Living Melanie Griffiths.
Double piled layouts
An uncluttered, elegant façade
Panelled, painted front doors

How to get this style right when self building or renovating a house

The key to Georgian domestic architecture is proportion. Homes of this

time ascribe to what is known as the golden ratio, which sets the
proportions of the various sections of the build and features like its doors
and windows. Even the humble workers’ cottages built in this era follow
this design principle.

It is hard to build in the Georgian style without creating a pastiche, so being

influenced by the style is usually preferable to copying it. Also, it is best to
pick a specific stage of the Georgian period and make sure your detailing
matches accordingly.

Inside, a classical Georgian floorplan has a large central hallway, with

evenly sized reception rooms to either side. Upstairs is similarly formal and
rooms are placed so that the windows can follow the pattern set by the
ground floor. Dormer windows and mansard (dual-pitch) roofs – which
permitted large, lighter rooms in the roof – were popular in the earlier
Georgian years.

Gothic revival (late 1700s - 1860)

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Intricate brickwork patterns have been included in this Gothic Revival house (Image credit: Future)

The Victorian era saw the revival of many historic styles in a move away
from the formulaic architecture of the Georgian era. Gothic revival was one
of these styles and was popularised by a young architect called Augustus
Welby Northmore Pugin. In his 1836 work Contrasts (published when he
was just 24), Pugin urged architects to reject classical forms and rediscover
medieval style — he believed this to be infused with the Christian values
that the country had seen prior to the industrial revolution and neoclassical

This style is defined by:

More organic layouts and lack of symmetry

Vertical emphasis
Intricate stonework and decoration
Pointed arches and windows
Typical gothic and ecclesiastical features such as flying buttresses,
vaulted ceilings and spires

Features to watch out for:

Despite being a rebirth of a previous style, Gothic revival successfully

became the predominant architectural movement of the latter part of the
Victorian era. Even the most humble of homes incorporated elements of
gothic buildings into their designs such as stained glass, leaded windows,
battened doors, and decorative wood and stonework.

Houses on a grander scale can pull off the more exuberant features of
Gothic revival such as extravagant chimneys and spires — these can be
used to bring height and balance to a large, wide building. Whilst on the
subject of height, roofs should be steeply pitched and you can use arches
elsewhere for vertical emphasis. Inside, where timber has been used in the
structure, leave it exposed and include double-height vaulted ceilings,
perhaps with a mezzanine level or galleried landing.

When renovating a victorian house it is just as important to get these

details right.

Arts & Crafts housing movement (1880 - 1920)

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Low sloping roofs are characteristic of this period — this self-build flawlessly replicates the style
(Image credit: Simon Maxwell)

This style has evergreen appeal and is thought of as quintessentially

English. It came about as a reaction against the rigid symmetry and
showiness of Georgian architecture, and is rustic, natural and homely. The
style is inspired by the barns, farms and cottages of rural England. with low
eaves and steep roofs.

The style was part of the Arts & Crafts movement, which romanticised the
fine arts, folk art and the skills of crafter-makers. It advocated social and
political reform and was an attempt to right the wrongs (both socially and
in design) made in the industrial revolution.

These houses can be defined by:

Mixed roof pitches and low eaves

Strong, heavy chimneys
Leaded casement windows, sometimes arranged as bays or in dormers.
Stained glass was also popular. "Arts & Crafts windows were typically
cottage style, with multi-paned casements of either timber or metal," adds
Melanie Griffiths.
Ornamentation that shows off craftsmanship, such as handcrafted oak
porches and medieval-style door furniture.

How to get it right

Regional materials and vernacular styles should inform your choice of roof
covering, wall cladding and construction type. Timber frame naturally lends
itself to the style, but brick can also be used for an authentic look.

The style lends itself well to being scaled up or down according to how
much space you need, but try to make the home look as if it has ‘grown’
organically with split levels. Break up the roofline into several pitched
sections and gables facing both front, back and side to aid this. Also
remember to balance horizontal and vertical elements for an overall sense
of proportion.

Include the usual elements of an Arts & Crafts home, such as bay windows,
dormer windows, ornate chimneys and have a catslide roof on at least one
elevation. Another popular feature of Arts & Crafts homes is a jettied first
floor. If your structure does not allow for a full overhang a bow or oriel
window will do.

Art Deco (1920 - 1940)

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Coloured concrete and clean lines make this house typically Art Deco (Image credit: Getty Images)

Defining Art Deco is not easy and thus building a house in this style can be
difficult. Unlike Victorian and Georgian styles that came before, it does not
call upon any particular traditional building methods and is not a question
of construction technique. The Art Deco period which lasted roughly
between 1920 and 1939 bridged the decline of Arts & Crafts and the rise of
Modernism — bear this in mind and it is a little easier to recreate.

Seen as a somewhat exuberant style, it was an architectural reaction to the

horrors of the First World War. However, the war effort brought about
much innovation and it is a number of these new technologies and
materials that were used in Art Deco homes. Curved metal is a prime
example of something used heavily to create the archetypal shapes of this

Watch out for these features:

Clean lines and geometric forms

Bright colours
Use of contemporary industrial materials like steel and concrete
Decoration (which was often curved and inspired by things from an
industrial context such as ships and railway engines) or motifs such as
zigzags and sunbursts
Exotic influences, including touches of Moorish, Mayan and Egyptian

Get an Art Deco build right:

Art Deco buildings are often streamlined with emphasis on a combination

of horizontal lines and curved forms. White and off white render is
standard for walls (although sometimes decorated with colourful tiles) and
roof terraces or flat roofs feature heavily. Where a pitched roof is used, it is
often disguised by high parapets.

When it comes to windows they are usually long and horizontal, although
don’t forget that arched and porthole windows – featuring the ubiquitous
sunburst over doorways and garages – are a great way to bring curved
metal into your design. Concrete porches supported by round columns, or
recessed porches with decorated surrounds, bring attention to the

When it comes to the interior, in a self build or 1930s house renovation, Art
Deco style is not always practical. Art Deco homes tended to maintain
single-purpose rooms like their Edwardian and Victorian predecessors, but
you can choose a layout that suits your needs, then bring Art Deco
influence in with the interior finishes. The staircase offers the perfect
chance to channel Art Deco design — a helical or spiral staircase with
wrought steel or iron banisters is ideal.

Modernist houses (1930 - 1960)

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Side and rear extensions allowed this home to embrace the Modernist style of the past
(Image credit: Jonathan Gooch)

Modernism is an architecture of strict functionalism, often viewed as

severe with its rational outlines, sharp forms and a lean towards simple
white walls. An early proponent of the Modernist Movement was Swiss-
born architect Le Corbusier (1887–1966), who famously defined a house as
a machine for living in. It is this common sense approach to design that
shaped the style, which advocates practicality and a good use of light.

Modernism appeals as it encourages using materials ‘honestly’ — turning

steel and concrete into imaginative buildings. Using simple materials in
simple ways does not make the style easy however, as what little detailing
there is has to ‘work’ harder to be attractive.

Modernist homes include:

Sharp, rational outlines

Geometric shapes
Flat roofs
Smooth surfaces

Get this style right

Part of the point of Modernism is to abandon your preconceptions of what

the style should be and instead adopt the Modernist way of thinking — that
is think about every design choice practically. For example, many Modernist
homes are open plan, but that is not to say yours should be too as open
plan layouts are not always suitable for those with young children or for
the elderly.

Follow the principle of keeping everything as simple as it can be, but

remember the style evolves as using the latest materials and building
techniques is encouraged.

Cottage house styles

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A sensitive approach was taken when this cottage was renovated — with the new windows carefully
matching the era and area
(Image credit: Cornish Gems)

The term cottage has its roots in the feudal system of the Middle Ages.
Cottages were simply the homes owned by cottars — peasants who had a
simple home on a small parcel of land, that was just large enough to grow
food for a family.

A typical cottage would have a ground floor for living in, and they would
sleep on the first floor in the roofspace. This is the form that many cottages
and cottage-style homes take, but the term is often used to denote any
smaller dwelling that would typically have been owned by the working

As simple homes built on a budget, cottages should very much follow the
local vernacular, using readily available materials. Building traditions were
often passed from father to son, so these homes are usually fairly rustic.
However, some ornamentation may have been introduced in a show of
one-upmanship over neighbouring properties.

Cottages are defined by these features:

Modest proportions and low eaves

Exposed beams or an ‘honesty’ about the structure
Traditional-style timber windows that do not dominate the façade

How to get cottage-style self builds and extensions right

If you want lots of space and large rooms, a cottage is not for you. They are
fondly described as cosy, which a romantic way to say that they are on the
smaller side. This is not to say a cottage can’t comfortably accommodate a
family, but if you want spacious rooms for entertaining a villa or rectory
style will be more suited to you.

Thatch is seen as being typical for cottages, but this is only so in regions
where thatch is commonly used. Elsewhere slate or clay tiles might have
been the cottar's choice of roof covering, so again, look to the local
vernacular. The roofing material will then govern the pitch of your roof —
in fact, to some degree all the materials you use will help inform the shape
of your home.

Internally a palette of natural materials should be used such as wood or

stone for flooring. However, to avoid pastiche, don’t be afraid to bring the
style up to date and build a modern take on the cottage style. To do this,
stick to the principles of scale and form and remember it should be a
modest home, but don’t forget that you are building a new home, so colour
choices and interiors don’t have to be ‘traditional’.

For further inspiration, take a look at this collection of homes you won't
believe are new builds.

Barn houses
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This tone and timber barn style home was built to blend into the traditional landscape
(Image credit: Simon Maxwell)

So many self builders use barn style for their new homes now that you
might think it would be an easy style to build in. Not so. In fact, many
leading architects in this style warn that it is extremely easy to get wrong
because barns are basically very simple buildings.

In essence barn houses are simple in form and often have a large internal

As with when you convert a barn, the interior is divided in a way that suits
the structural capabilities of the frame — which often means large open
plan spaces and a modular approach to creating rooms that doesn’t
interfere with the beams.

These are defined by:

Simple, agricultural-style shapes — usually rectangular

Dedication to local vernacular in form and use of materials
A balance between walls and windows/doors (don’t overdo the
Exposed steel or timber frame (internally)

Things to watch out for

Remember that you are building to mimic agricultural structures – not

homes – so avoid dormers and pastiche. Barns do not tend to have gutters,
so if you can’t conceal rainwater goods use rain chains or opt for
agricultural-style gutters and drainpipes.

Study the style and materials used in barns in your area and copy this.
Small stone barns are found in the Yorkshire Dales, and large brick ones in
Norfolk and Lincolnshire. Head to Devon and earth is the material of
choice, then in the likes of Kent and Sussex you will find large timber
framed barns with weatherboarding. Stick to the regional style.

Large expanses of glazing are wonderful from a lifestyle point of view but
will imbalance the look of your barn. This is not to say you can’t have big
cart-door-style windows, but think carefully about the ratio of solid wall to
glass. Also, don’t forget that floor-to-ceiling windows make it harder to
divide the interior, so always let practicality reign.

Contemporary style homes

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Contemporary design has a focus on sustainability and eco credentials — this self build was also a
Passivhaus design
(Image credit: Simon Maxwell)
To describe Contemporary design as a style is somewhat misleading as it
simply refers to the popular modern styles of the day. It should be viewed
as an umbrella term for a number of schools of design that came about in
the 20th and 21st centuries, which are clearly separate from the traditional
period styles that came before.

These styles evolved as a reaction against the ‘fussy’ and rustic homes that
were built in the late Victorian era, such as the popular Arts & Crafts
homes. The style also sought to move against the mass-manufacture look
from the housing boom in the 1930s — thus every attempt is made not to
fit in, so the style is bold, striking and inventive.

The style has been shaped over the years to mimic international trends and
many of the homes we see today would be as suited to the coasts of
California as the suburbs of Surrey. Reflecting the globalisation of the
second half of the 20th century, the homes take on elements of European,
Australian and Scandinavian themes.

Contemporary self builds often include:

Large geometric forms

Flat roofs
Frameless windows and large expanses of glass
Little attempt at symmetry
White render or horizontal timber cladding
Open plan, minimalist interiors

Building a modern house style

Expect to invest in a lot of glass, and take on board the solar gain issues
that could arise as the result of that by thinking about orientation and
shading. You also need to think harder about services and detailing like
gutters that you will want to hide to complete the look. Even entrances are
low key and sometimes hidden, which can be a fun Bond-esque touch (but
a slight annoyance to the postman).

Inside, a statement staircase using glass balustrading – and even glass

treads – will add an edge, and a well-planned lighting scheme is essential.
To keep the open plan interiors minimalist, design in as much storage as

Organic house styles

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Natural materials were celebrated in this modern self build, including flint, timber cladding and a
thatched roof
(Image credit: Future)

Modern organic architecture appeals to those who appreciate the clean

lines, light-filled open spaces and large expanse of glass of contemporary
design, but are left cold by the flat, plain and clinical atmosphere of some
Modernist homes. This style calls on nature to inform a look that is daring
and elegant.

A growing number of new houses are being built in a style that takes the
basic tenets of Modernism, with its emphasis on function and utility, and
combines them with the latest principles of sustainable design and
construction. The result is homes that have both a purity of design and an
inherent warmth, created by the use of natural materials – often locally
sourced and drawn from the vernacular palette: timber, stone, slate, etc. –
combined with modern, low-maintenance alternatives.

This style is defined by:

A functional approach to form with long, low rectangular blocks and

curved lines
A flat, low profile roof that makes some attempt to echo the lines of the
surrounding landscape
Large windows for solar gain and integration of the landscape
Natural materials
Vernacular influences
Important features

Sustainability is often the driving force of this design style, and with that in
mind you might want to consider passive solar orientation and a green roof
in order to lower environmental impact. This also helps to blend the home
into the landscape, and large windows enable you to bring the outside in.

When making material choices, look to the cladding and stone that is used
on homes in the surrounding area. Where hardwood cladding is used, it is
usually left untreated to weather naturally.

Metals offer a more industrial take on the look but being long-lasting and
recyclable, they adhere to the principles of organic design. You should also
not shy away from using modern breathable polymer renders (such as Sto),
which have great insulating properties and come in a wide range of colours
and textures to blend into your scheme.

New England style

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This New England-style house was once a dated brick bungalow (Image credit: Alistair Nocholls)

This is an interesting style that is English in its origins but has picked up
some interesting additions across the pond. When settlers from the south-
east of England built their homes on the East Coast, they opted for styles
that emulated what they were used to. Over the years the look evolved,
incorporating features to suit their overseas habitat (and the materials
available), and it largely influenced the homes built across much of the

The style also developed as immigrants from other European countries

brought their architectural influences. For some years now, self builders
have been emulating New England style in ‘old’ England.

Look to include:

Simple rectangular forms

Side gabled pitched roofs, often with dormer windows
Timber features heavily and traditional timber windows such as sashes
are often used
Porches and verandas are common and used in the US to enjoy warmer
Shutters are added to prevent overheating

How to get it right

Although timber is often used in the USA, brick can work too and can be a
great way to work in your local vernacular. On that note, New-England-style
should really be seen as an influence and planning departments are more
likely to pass a home that still refers to regional styles. Where timber is
used, don’t shy away from colour as cladding is often painted, sometimes
in pale and pastel colours.

Think carefully about detailing like the chimney and roofline. New England
style homes either have a central brick chimney, or chimneys at the gable
ends. There are several roof styles, to choose from, but all are quite
distinctive. Earlier New England homes had steep pitches as per their
British ancestors, but with the uptake of timber shingles, the pitch was
brought down to as little as 35 degrees.

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Michael Holmes

Michael is Homebuilding & Renovating's Director of Content, Vice Chair

of the self build industry body, the National Custom and Self Build
Association (NaCSBA), presenter of multiple property TV shows and
author of Renovating for Profit (Ebury). He also runs an architectural
and interior design practice, offering design and project management
services. He is one of the country's leading property experts and has
undertaken over 30 building projects including two self-builds and the
renovation of a Grade-II listed farmhouse.

Michael has presented over 150 property shows for BBC, ITV1, Channel
5, UK TV Style, and Discovery RealTime, including I Own Britain's Best
Home; Don't Move Improve; Trading Up; Good Bid, Good Buy; Build,
Buy or Restore?; How to Build A House; and Hard Sell.

Michael is also a regular expert at the Homebuilding & Renovating

Shows. He has written for leading British newspapers, including The
Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times, Daily Express and The Independent and
has appeared on news programmes such as BBC Breakfast.


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