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SCHOOL Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates: FEB. 5-9,2024 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 2


A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of sequence in forming rules, expressions and equations.
B.Performance Standards The learner is able to apply knowledge of sequence, expressions, and equations in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives formulates the rule in finding the nth term using different strategies (looking for a pattern, guessing and checking, working backwards) e.g. 4,7,13,16,…n
(the nth term is 3n+1).
Formulating the Rule in Finding Differentiating Expression from
the Nth Term Equation
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 224 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 224 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 224 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 224
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages MarjosephH. Perez et. al, 21st Canlapan, Raymond B. et. Marjoseph H. Perez et. al, 21st Canlapan, Raymond B. et.
Century MATHletes 6 Vibal al, Mathematics in Action 6 Century MATHletes 6 Vibal al, Mathematics in Action
Group Inc, 2016, pages 213- DIWA Textbooks, 2017, Group Inc, 2016, pages 213- 6 DIWA Textbooks, 2017,
222 pages 186-195 222 pages 186-195
4.Additional materials from learning resource Department of Education. LR Department of Education. Department of Education. LR Department of Education. LR
(LR) portal Portal. DepEd LR Portal. LR Portal. DepEd LR Portal. Portal. DepEd LR Portal. Portal. DepEd LR Portal. https:// https://

detail/2166? detail/2166?
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B.Other Learning Resource Pictures,chart Picture,chart Picture,chart Chart,picture
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the Given the following How do you find the nth Recall the previous lesson. Find the pattern and write its
new lesson scenarios, tell which of the term ? expression.
four basic operations is 1. 12, 15, 18, 21,24,...
involved. 2. 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, ...
3. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125,....
1. Ruth had typed 12 pages 4. 4, 8, 12, 16, ....
of her research paper 5. 1⁄2 , 1,1 1⁄2, 2, 2 1⁄2 ,...
during the first day. On the
day she typed 14 pages.
How many pages did she
type in all?
2. Bless is 9 years old. Her
older brother Ed is twice as
old as she is. How old is
B.Presenting Examples/ instances of the new A. NAME THE BABY. Read and analyze. Then Study the following
lesson Mechanics: study the problem and sequence of figures.
a) Name the 7th term in the answer the following Then, draw the
following sequences. questions. next figure and write the
b) Match column A with related number
column B by writing the sequence for each
corresponding letter in the illustration.
given number below.
c) Then name the baby.
Write it on your activity 1. How much did she
notebook. save on the 1st day?
2. How will you solve the
3. Look at the pattern of
numbers given in the

3.1. What is the

difference between each
term? 4. How many matches
3.2. Is the difference have been removed in
between each term the the second picture?
3.3. What is the answer
to the problem?
C.Discussing new concepts and practicing new The nth term rule is the rule that will calculate any term Expression is any combination of numbers,
skills #1 in a sequence. A sequence is a set of numbers written constants and variables with operations such as
in a special order by the application of a definite rule. addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
Term is each number in a sequence.
To formulate the rule in finding the nth term of a
sequence, we can look for a pattern, guess and check,
or work backwards.
Strategy 1:
By following a certain PATTERN, the following
sequences show the rules and the next three terms.
Study the table below:
4.) (4 x 10) ÷ 5
5.) 7 - (2 x 2)

Equation is a mathematical sentence that shows two

equal expressions.

1.) 3x + 5 = 20
2.) 2(x – 7) = 12
3.) 5(x – 4) = x
4.) 3 x 2 = 12 - 6

D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new Strategy 3 Directions: Determine

Directions: Draw if it is
skills #2 whether each of the
Working Backwards an equation and if it is following is an
By working backwards, we start observing from the last an expression. expression or an
term of the given sequence. Study the table below: equation. Write the
Example: 5n + 3 = 18 letter of the
correct answer.
Answer: Example: EQUATION
1. 2a – b 2a + 6 = 66
2. 2x + 3 = 17
3. x + 5 = 12 1. ________4c + 4
4. 5y – 2
5. c + 18 = 29 2. ______3 x 4 + 5 = 17
3. _____5a x 6x8 += 18
4. _____7c+ 5
5. _____a-3c

E.Developing Mastery A. Directions: Guess and Directions: Formulate nth Give the differences and A. Tell whether the
check the given nth term term rule of the given similarities of expression following statement is an
rule among the choices that sequence below. and equation using Venn expression or an
satisfies the sequence Complete the nth term diagram. equation. Write the
below. Write the rule of the sequence on phrase in the
letter of the correct answer. the left. Write the letter of appropriate column in
your answer. the given table.
Example: Sequence: 8, 1. a number with
11,14, 17 ... operational symbol
A. 3n + 8 B. 3n – 8 2. a number with
operational symbol with
D. 3n – 5
an equal sign
3. has no equal sign
1. Sequence: 4, 7, 10, 13 ...
A.3n + 1 B. 3n - 1
C. 3n + 3 D. 3n - 3
2. Sequence: 6, 11, 16,
21 ...
A.5n + 1 B. 5n - 1
C. 3n + 5 D. 3n - 5
3. Sequence: 0, 3, 6, 9 ...
A.3n + 3 B. 3n - 3
C. n + 3 D. n – 3

F.Finding Practical application of concepts and Finish the race by Find the next term in Write whether each number is
skills in daily living completing the challenge each sequence. Then, an expression or an equation.
below. Solve the problem write the rule in finding Write the answers on a sheet
by finding the the nth term. Write your of paper.
nth rule and the next term 1.16−6=10
answer on your activity
given for each of the 2. 4⋅2+1
notebook. 3. x÷25
following linear sequences. 1. 10, 15, 20, 25, ...125th 4. y+8=40
term. 5. 2x+10= 2(x+5)
Rule:__________ 6. 8x + 12
7. (2+3)x4
2. 6, 13, 20, 27, ...41 8. (3+1)x5=20
st term. 9. 3y-4
10. 4x=12
G.Making generalization and abstraction about Remember: The nth term rule is the rule that will Expression is any combination of numbers, constants
the lesson calculate any term in a sequence. A sequence is a set and variables with operations such as addition,
of numbers written in a special order by the application subtraction, multiplication or division.
of a definite rule. Term is each number in a sequence.
Equation is a mathematical sentence that shows two
To formulate the rule in finding the nth term of a equal expressions.
sequence, we can look for a pattern, guess and check,
or work backwards.
H.Evaluating learning Directions: Read and A. Directions: For each of B. Directions: Determine A. Instruction: Read and
analyze each item. Write the following sequences, whether each of the understand each
the letter of the correct find: following is an expression question carefully. Write
answer. or an equation. Check the your answer on your
1. What is the nth term rule appropriate column. activity notebook.
based on the pattern shown
below? 1. Which of the following
is the 65th term in the
sequence 8, 5, 2, -1, ...?
A. 4n + 4 B. 4n - 4 A. -184 B. -186
C. -4n + 4 D. -4n – 4 C. -190 D. -195
2. Find the nth term rule
2. What is the nth term rule in the sequence 5, 11,
based on the pattern shown • the next three terms 17, 23, 29.
below? • the nth term rule A. 5n-1 B. 6n-1
• the 20th term C. 7n-1 D. 8n-1
3. Which of these
4, 7, 10, 13, 16, … phrases show an
A. 6n + 4 B. 6n - 4 • the next three terms 4, equation?
C. -4n + 6 D. -4n – 6 7, 10, 13, 16, ____, A. 5n+5
3. Which nth term rule ____, ____ B. 9y+4
below satisfies the • the nth term rule C. 10+2 = 4x3
sequence 1, 9, 17, 25? ____________________ D. (5x8)÷4
A. 8n - 7 B. 8n + 7 • the 20th term
C. 7n + 8 D. 7n - 8 ____________________ B. For items 8-10. Solve
4. What mathematical each problem.
sentence that shows two Thelma got a low
equal expressions? score in her Physical
A. constant C. expression Fitness Test in the test
B. equation D. variable for stamina. To
5. 4x + 3 is an example of develop her stamina,
_________. she decided to plan for
A. constant C. expression a self -designed jogging
B. equation D. variable program. In the first
week, she plans to jog 3
km, and each
succeeding week, she
adds 2 kilometers to
what she jogs the
preceding week. In
which week will she be
jogging 7 kilometers?

4. What is the rule in

finding the nth term?
5. What is the answer to
the problem?
I.additional activities for application or MATH CHALLENGE: Read
remediation and solve.
A frog is at the bottom
of a 15 m hole. During the
day, it climbed up 5 m but
slid down 2 m at night. How
many days will it take for
the frog to climb up the

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe formative
B. No.oflearnerswho requireadditionalactivities
C. Didtheremediallessons work?
No.oflearnerswho havecaughtupwiththe
D. No.oflearnerswho continuetorequire
E. Whichofmyteaching strategiesworkedwell?
Why didthesework?
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI encounterwhichmy
principalorsupervisorcan helpmesolve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other



Teacher I Principal II

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