Knowledgeable KhantNyiLinThit

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Knowledge is like a big collection of facts and ideas we keep in our brains.
Every day at school, we learn new things that help us understand the world better.
It is like planting a seed of knowledge inside us. Each new thing we learn is like
adding a piece to a big puzzle, making our brains smarter.
We get to explore, ask questions, and find out new things. Our teachers and
parents help us grow our knowledge by teaching us important skills like reading,
writing, and counting. Knowledge is not only about school subjects but also about
knowing how to make friends, express ourselves, and stay healthy.
Being knowledgeable helps us in school to answer questions and understand
what our teacher is teaching. It also helps us outside of school to have interesting
conversations and learn new things. So, I will keep learning and growing my
knowledge every day to understand the world and have lots of fun.
By Khant Nyi Lin Thit
Grade 1 Breezy

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