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What is mind-body connection and how crystals enable so called healing?

Every single one of us has a unique vibrational frequency. Those with higher vibrations emanate
kindness, love, serenity, and compassion. As a person, your vibration is unstable. And it is
susceptible to outside influences. It varies due to our exposure to other people. Likewise to
social media, news, traffic, the weather, good news, bad news, and memories.
On the other hand, crystals have a constant energy frequency. Why? Crystals are molecules
arranged in a set. And it is a predictable and geometric arrangement. And they keep their
excellent stability. The exact antithesis of our unstable and ever-changing human nature. So
why does a crystal's stability matter? Well, more strong and more steady energy. And strong
energy can affect the energies around it. This explains why crystals have such a dramatic effect
on our erratic, weaker energy.
Crystals and Chakras
We have always been fascinated by crystals, but are they more than simply attractive rocks?
Yes! They are! Crystals are fantastic instruments to support our energy healing efforts. This is
due to their energetic qualities and spiritual link with the Chakras.
Every crystal has a unique energy frequency, like every other person. It relies on several
variables. Including size, content, and color. Why does the hue of a crystal matter? The hues we
perceive are certain light frequencies. For instance, purple occurs far more than red, likewise
with our bodies. Purple, represents your crown chakra since it is the chakra with the greatest
vibration and the color with the highest frequency.
You can often select your stone to match the chakra you wish to balance. This is because
related hues have a similar frequency. For instance, the throat chakra, represented by the color
blue, benefits from blue sapphires. Like how your yellow solar plexus chakra is aligned with
amber and yellow topaz gemstones. This is an excellent place to start. There are a few outliers,
such as rose quartz, which aligns with the green heart chakra.
If you're unsure about which chakra to concentrate on, choose the gem that your intuition
directs you to the one you like. Your body and intuition are aware of its demands. The events in
our lives might cause an imbalance in our chakras. We could become out of harmony when this
occurs. There will be indications that your energy is out of balance. Those indications take the
form of physical symptoms, emotional disturbances, or mental illnesses. Crystals can assist in
rebalancing any misalignment. And in bringing the energy centers back to the frequencies they
were intended. Each crystal has a unique composition. This composition can help you in your
mindfulness meditation. Crystals might serve as your meditation's calming center.
Chakra Crystals for Mind-Body Health
The chakras serve as energy filters. They allow or block certain energies from passing through
us. For humanity to exist on this planet, this natural mechanism is required. When our chakras
experience obstruction, we feel negative effects on our bodies and minds. The particular
frequencies that crystals produce can interact with our chakras. This is to assist and balance us
to enjoy holistic health.
The Root Chakra serves as our link to the earth. When balanced, the Root Chakra promotes a
sense of strength, vitality, and enjoyment of earthy pleasures. When out of balance, we may
struggle with money. Worry about our job security or the stability of our relationships. We may
resort to using sex to gain control or security. Also possible are feelings of boredom, lethargy, or
flatteries. This chakra is physically impacted by the vaginal and rectal regions, male
reproductive organs, bladder, coccyx, legs, knees, and feet.
The middle of the chest is home to the Heart Chakra, which gives us the capacity for both love
and healing. It controls all facets of love, including romantic, self-love, family, and love. It also
provides us with all that love offers. Including serenity, letting go, compassion, connection, and
kindness. This chakra promotes loving connections and the capacity to let go of things that
aren't beneficial to us when it is balanced. Trouble grieving are all symptoms of imbalance. This
chakra affects the mid-thoracic vertebrae, breasts, lungs, arms, and heart.
These chakra crystals will help you balance your energy system. This will help you get rid of
physical ailments, and spiritual obstructions. Work with these gemstones to keep your energy
body in good shape.

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