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Fancy Colored Pink Diamond Buying Guide

Pink diamonds are among the world's rarest stones, with just a small number generated yearly.
These diamonds create magnificent jewelry stones, whether they are subtly or strongly colored.
Most of these gems are found in Australia, namely in the Argyle region, which yields tiny but
vividly colored pink diamonds. Other sources produce larger stones, although they are often
less vividly colored.
Despite their modest size, pink diamonds are generating significant media attention worldwide.
These elusive and alluring gemstones are in great demand from connoisseurs, collectors, and
investors alike. With their rarity only growing, this status is not expected to change soon.
Though highly sought after by those in the know, many customers are unaware of pink
diamonds and what sets them from their white counterparts.
Continue reading to learn more about the grading and quality criteria for pink diamonds if you're
considering purchasing one. The purchase criteria for fancy-colored pink diamonds are very
different from those for white diamonds. Buying a diamond, any diamond is a challenging
process because of the enormous sums at stake—sums that are bigger in pink diamonds—and
the minuscule alterations in the diamond that might lead to a significant price shift.
However, the work may be fairly difficult given that most diamond purchases are made for
engagement rings, which is a deeply emotional transaction.
What is a Pink Diamond?
Pink is a delicate and charming hue that generally denotes love, romance, and femininity; its
lighter tones signify tenderness, while its deeper tones signify passion and vigor. A diamond of
this hue is unquestionably the ideal present for any woman who is cherished. We are reminded
of peace, kindness, and purity when we see pink in nature, such as on cherry blossoms and
rose bushes in the spring. The pink color represents genuine friendship, unwavering unity, and
pure affection that doesn't want anything in return. The hue pink represents harmony between
the spiritual and the physical in the spiritual realm and calms our mental and emotional
Pink diamonds are fancy-colored diamonds with a pink undertone. Pink diamonds' color is not
the result of chemical impurities, unlike other fancy-colored diamonds. In contrast, it is not
known how pink diamonds are made.

The Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia used to be where pink diamonds were most
frequently discovered (now closed after 37 years of operations). Pink diamonds have also been
produced in India, South Africa, Brazil, Russia, and Canada. Aside from red diamonds, the pink
diamond is one of the rarest types of colored diamonds that are known to exist. Pink diamonds
are extremely rare, making them extremely precious. A pink diamond of exceptional quality and
rich hue can cost up to $700,000 per carat.
The category of colored diamonds includes pink diamonds. Unlike "ordinary" colorless
diamonds, these diamonds come in a range of hues and tints. These colors include the well-
known brown and yellow diamonds, less frequent hues like orange, blue, purple, red, and green,
as well as our favorite pink. Pink diamonds are quite uncommon. They are among the niche's
rarest hues. The origin of colored diamonds' other colors is well understood, but the pink hue is
still somewhat of a mystery.
Natural pink diamonds are among the most uncommon members of the fancy color diamond
family, and it is still unclear exactly what gives them their stunning color.
Pink diamonds differ from other fancy diamonds in that chemical impurities do not bring on their
color, yet, the precise cause of pink stones is unknown. However, in the field of gemology, the
significant extra pressure that these stones experience during their production is most frequently
blamed for the pink color of diamonds.
These priceless pink diamonds qualify as "rare" and "collector" stones. Diamond grading colors
from reddish purple to orange are called "pink." A difference in tone causes a diamond's pink
look, and the color's saturation defines the diamond's color grade. The fancy mild, fancy, and
intense grades are most frequently given to pink diamonds.
Value Determining Characteristics
The same four standards used to grade all other gemstones—color, clarity, cut, and carat
weight—are also used to grade pink diamonds. The color of a pink diamond is the single most
crucial factor in grading it and establishing its worth. However, a pink diamond's value is
significantly influenced by its size. A pink diamond will be worth more if it is bigger and has a
superior hue. The Pink Star diamond, the most vivid pink diamond in the world at 59.60 carats,
is the most well-known pink diamond. Its auction buyer could not pay the agreed-upon amount
and was thus forced to default.
The color's hue, saturation, and tone are used to evaluate pink diamonds' color, just like they
are with other fancy colored diamonds.
The terms "hue," "saturation," and "tone" all relate to the distribution of color, the main and
secondary colors, respectively. Pink can be a modifying color in other diamond colors, but pink
can also be found in diamonds in shades ranging from brown-pink to purple-pink. The only
secondary colors in pink diamonds are brown, orange, and purple. However, pink diamonds can
sometimes display brown and orange overtones simultaneously, giving them the nickname
"brownish orangey pink" diamonds.
Although purple-pink diamonds are sometimes held in extremely high esteem, pure pink
diamonds are typically thought to be the best type of pink diamond. A vibrant pink diamond will
often be worth more than a bigger, lighter pink diamond. However, this isn't always the case.
Pink diamonds come in various intensities, including faint, very light, fancy light, fancy pink,
fancy intense, fancy vivid, and fancy deep/dark.
The more intense pink diamonds are significantly rare, the less vivid, just like any fancy color
diamonds, which is part of the reason they cost more. Depending on the specimen, the same
natural cause—the progression of the pink in pink diamonds—can be more or less intense. The
most concentrated diamonds in each hue are extremely difficult to discover. Even though the
GIA maintains a master inventory of every diamond color, there isn't a complete agreement on
what constitutes each color intensity grade. As a result, a subscale of 1–10 is also present for
each color intensity.
To assess the purity of each diamond, a loupe is used. Using a 10x magnification, it is possible
to see if the diamond has inclusions inside or on the surface. Similar to other diamonds, the
clarity of pink diamonds is graded on a scale from Flawless to Included. Similar to the rest of the
hues of fancy-color diamonds, the clarity has minimal bearing on a pink diamond's value. Only
7% of pink diamonds are either Flawless or Internally Flawless (IF), while the majority are
Slightly Included (SI). Since pink diamonds are created when the lattice structure of the stone is
deformed, the likelihood that they will be of low clarity is higher, making excellent clarity pink
diamonds exceedingly rare (7%).
It is advisable to comprehend the range of available clarity levels and choose the one most
suited for you, even though the clarity aspect becomes less significant when it comes to
uncommon and distinctive hues like pink. The price difference between a fancy pink diamond
with a VVS1 clarity rating and one with a VVS2 clarity rating is also negligible. But the price
variations considerably widen when traveling across level groupings, such as between VVS, VS,
and SI.
Due to the relatively cheap price for such a rare stone, selecting a diamond with a low level of
clarity might be advantageous. However, it is advisable to pick a degree of clarity with faults that
the human eye can't detect to ensure light's magical brilliance and penetration.
Although many people confuse carat with size, it refers to a measure of weight—0.2 grams to
be exact (or 100 points)—while the diamond's shape and cutting technique impact how big a
diamond seems to be. Weight makes a significant impact when it comes to rare gems like fancy
colored diamonds in general and fancy pink diamonds in particular. With weight, a diamond's
price rises tremendously. For instance, a single 1-carat pink diamond with the same color,
clarity, and cut will cost $30-$40K, but 100 pink diamonds weighing 0.01 apiece (1 carat total)
will cost $2,000-$2,500.
Though the cut is a much more intricate element, we naturally consider the diamond's form
when thinking about this characteristic. The quality of the diamond's cut, polish, and symmetry
as a high, medium, or poor grading, and how the diamond polisher molded the diamond into the
raw crystal. A fancy colored diamond that has been expertly cut will enhance its colors, produce
mesmerizing light reflections, and do all possible to showcase its benefits and raise its worth.
Choose your chosen grade depending on the appearance of the diamond because a beautiful
cut makes the stone seem stunning. However, it would be a shame to accept a lesser quality
cut that is unflattering to the timeless diamond that you or your loved one will preserve and
treasure for the rest of your lives and lacks symmetry or brilliance.
The distribution of color of the diamond is a factor to consider while selecting the ideal pink
diamond for you. Occasionally, concentrations of hues are created unevenly in different parts of
the diamond during the protracted chemical process that generates the diamond crystal over
many years. Naturally, a diamond's hue will be richer and deeper if the color is distributed
The Rarity of Pink Diamonds
Natural pink diamonds are extraordinarily valuable because they are so uncommon. There has
been a genuine worry that pink diamond mine supplies have been limited until recently.
However, those worries have been eased, at least until 2020, owing to the opening of a new
mine in Western Australia. However, the search for marketable pink diamonds is so laborious
that just one carat of a marketable fancy pink diamond is found for every million carats of raw
diamonds that are mined.

Pink diamonds are extremely hard to find. Only 0.01% of the roughly 14,000,000 carats worth of
diamonds that are mined, polished, and sold each year are colored diamonds, and of them, only
0.0001% are pink diamonds. A year's worth might fit in the palm of your hand with such
All these reasons and more make pink diamonds extremely sought-after and well-liked among
collectors who want to add the rarest and most distinctive diamonds to their collections and
investors looking for chances to invest in a rare asset with a high and steady value that rises
over time. They can accomplish so brilliantly with fancy pink diamonds.
Pink diamonds stand out from other diamonds because of their vivid hue, which makes it simple
to tell them apart from diamonds of other colors. Some individuals might believe that pink
diamonds are unique, stronger, or more durable than white diamonds or diamonds of other
Collectors who couldn't resist the stone's beauty and appeal have recently purchased extremely
rare pink diamonds for extravagant sums. An emerald cut fancy vivid pink diamond weighing
24.78 carats was acquired for a record price of $45.6 million by London jeweler Laurence Graff,
who has a fondness for unusual and exquisite stones, at an auction in 2010.
Pink Diamonds: Why Are They Pink?
Since experts are unsure of the specific reason why pink diamonds have that hue, there is no
clear-cut solution to this query. According to certain suppositions and educated assumptions
from gemologists, the pink hue these diamonds are renowned for and prized for results from the
even greater pressure they endure throughout the formation process beneath the ground.
All diamonds are created under this pressure, but pink diamonds are created under significantly
more strain. We'll now examine the research supporting the assertion that pink diamonds are
made pink by the same pressure and heat that create them. After the diamond is generated in
the earth, extreme temperatures and tremendous pressure, also known as non-isotropic stress,
from all directions, cause the diamond lattice to distort and result in this hue.
Due to this deformation, numerous carbon atoms are displaced from their original places, which
also affects the diamond's ability to reflect light. Because of this specific chemical configuration,
you can observe that the stone is pink. Since pink diamonds frequently originate in far harsher
environments than these, gemologists and other scientists speculatively believe that pink
diamonds' pink color results from these harsher environments. Remember that the rarest type of
diamonds is those that are pink. Therefore, original diamonds from a reputable and licensed
diamond dealer are preferable for you regarding the pinkness of your diamond.
The origin of the pink diamond's hue remains a mystery to gemologists. Pink diamonds do not
contain the impurities that give them their color, unlike other stones in the family of fancy-color
diamonds. Several hypotheses have been put forth regarding the cause of the diamond's
distinctive color. Some believe that the intense pressure pink diamonds experienced during their
development is the most likely culprit, while others think it could be connected to a seismic
event that affected the stone's molecular structure. The world now has access to a stunning
stone for engagement rings, bracelets, and earrings, even if the precise reason for the pink
diamond's hue is still unclear.
Pink Diamond Cost
Given that pink diamonds are among the rarest gems on Earth, you all presumably assume their
uniqueness comes with a price, and you're correct. The reputation that goes along with pink
diamonds is that they are uncommon and simple to locate and purchase if you're interested in


Your jeweler or diamond dealer will thus increase the price as much as possible solely because
of the rarity aspect, even though those pink diamonds are identical to other diamonds, omitting
the color component because they are aware of this reality. Because people know these
diamonds are valuable and uncommon, they are exceedingly difficult to discover but quite
simple to sell because they are likely to be purchased as soon as they come into contact with
Let's look at some data now to determine the outcome. After that, we'll talk about whether or not
you should consider purchasing one of these gems. The depth and level of intensity of the pink
hue have a significant impact on the price of a pink diamond. A pink diamond with a deep pink
tint that is easy to discern may easily go for up to $700,000 on a bad day or can even reach a
million dollars if you're buying one of the nicest pink diamonds out of there. A light pink diamond
can cost as little as $12,000 if it weighs a carat. It highlights how reliant a price tag is on certain
factors, such as color. The diamond's cut and the region of the world you are purchasing it also
have a significant role. Don't worry; we'll look at the diamond's cut and possible settings later.
Pink diamonds may be found in a variety of settings. But let's concentrate on the cost for now.
Due to their extreme rarity, pink diamonds command exorbitant prices; as a result, you won't
find a pink diamond that is tougher, more resilient, or endowed with any other "special traits"
than the hue. When a 1-carat diamond costs more than $500k, you know you're spending a lot
of money. That is the major "gist" of these gems, and their sellers know that you are aware of
their rarity. In other words, if you're not purchasing a pink diamond just for its color, you'd be
better off spending less money on several smaller diamonds or larger gemstones.
You will need to pay any fees if you want to bring a pink diamond back into the US or another
continent. If you want to buy a pink diamond in Europe, expect to pay roughly $220,000 only for
the diamond. A 0.40-carat fancy deep pink round cut diamond from the continent of Africa,
which is renowned for having had the most diamonds discovered there, costs around $40,000.
This may appear to be less expensive than the ones we've discussed, and it is, but you must
remember that the diamond we discussed was more than twice as large as the 0.40-carat
diamond that we are currently evaluating. So, the situation is much the same everywhere, and
the prices are comparable. The only differences are whether you will incur additional costs and
the size of your pink diamond.
The GIA developed the 4C's diamond grading and evaluation method many years ago. Carat,
Color, Clarity, and Cut are these. These are the four major 4 characteristics that can give you a
broad idea of the diamond's worth and its pricing, even though there are many more
characteristics that can significantly impact the diamond's price. Put, a colorless diamond with
intense fluorescence—which isn't even one of the four Cs—will be readily valued 15%–20%
less than a comparable stone without fluorescence. The 4Cs were, however, primarily
developed by the GIA for colorless diamonds.
The hue of colored diamonds receives the most attention. A fine fancy pink weighing 1 carat will
be much more expensive than a pure bright pink weighing 1 carat (or even 2 carats for that
matter). You should be aware that prices increase with the strength of the hue, even if there is
no set formula for how much an intense pink would cost over a fancy or a faint. And
occasionally, when we approach the greatest intensities, the growth is exponential rather than
linear (in multiplies).

Reasons to Take Precautions When Purchasing Pink Diamonds

Let's discuss the dangers you should be aware of when purchasing pink diamonds while we're
on the subject of (over)pricing pink diamonds. As we've already discussed, some will sell you
tempered diamonds that seem pink but aren't pink or outrageously overprice pink diamonds.
Even worse, they could try to sell you phony pink diamonds, but con artists like these are aware
of the amount of money at stake and that, barring transactions on the black market, you will
likely test stones before making a purchase. To avoid being duped into purchasing an
expensive diamond or a diamond that doesn't have a hue that is deep and vivid enough to be
labeled a pink diamond, we'll look at a few characteristics you should be aware of before you go
pink diamond shopping.
First of all, the overpricing. Diamond merchants frequently convey a feeling of urgency when
selling these items for two reasons. The first explanation is that they are aware that anyone
looking to purchase pink diamonds would probably act quickly and do so. This is extremely
important for the sale of the diamond since the seller will almost certainly convey a feeling of
urgency by showing proof that they have other serious purchasers and that if you don't buy it
now, it won't be possible later.
People frequently fall for this because they don't care if they overpay by a few thousand dollars
since they believe the gems are valuable. Knowing that the pink diamond isn't the only one on
Earth and that another opportunity will present itself if you miss the chance to purchase that
particular, exorbitantly expensive diamond is crucial in these circumstances (probably with a
better price).
Dealing with dishonest or dubious diamond sellers who want to sell you a "pink diamond" that is
significantly less expensive than a genuine pink diamond while using the justification that the
diamond lacks legal documentation is the second thing you should be wary of. Our best
recommendation in these circumstances is to take your money and go since these people either
offer phony diamonds that you frequently don't even have the chance to examine or sell real
gems obtained illegally. These people frequently try to sell the gems as quickly as possible to
get rid of them. Congratulations—you now have an illegal diamond if you fell for this.
Lastly, be wary of jewelers and diamond dealers who attempt to sell you on the idea that light
pink diamonds are worth the exorbitant price tag that hangs from their box. You shouldn't pay
tens of thousands of dollars merely for your "pink" diamond to be pale and appear like other
diamonds; light pink diamonds are almost as expensive as ordinary diamonds.
All of these circumstances are quite detrimental to the buyer. Therefore, our strong
recommendation is to continue looking for pink diamonds only in establishments with protected
and certified gems. Also, remember that you don't have to spend too much for a diamond
immediately; allow yourself some time.
Rarest Diamonds with Millions in Value
In addition to being alluring and magnificent, pink diamonds are one of the rarest stones in the
world, second only to red diamonds. Its existence makes it more unique and well-liked among
collectors, investors, and jewelry fans. It is still a mystery to the world because of its form,
geometry, and color, and it appears highly intriguing due to its rarity and mystifying natural pink
In addition to being unquestionably magnificent, pink diamonds' high value is due to their great
rarity. Pink diamonds have traditionally been prized by royalty and are currently projected to sell
for millions of dollars per carat due to their enormous carat weights and scarcity of vibrant hues.
You might not be aware that pink diamonds cost 20 times as much as white diamonds.
Astonishingly, a one-carat pink diamond might cost between $100,000 and $1 million.
Even experts disagree on how or why exactly these specific diamonds are colored this way
since the natural color saturation of pink and purple colors inside them is produced by such an
uncommon and rare method. All diamonds begin their lives under extreme pressure deep under
the earth's mantle. Diamonds are transported to the earth's crust by molten lava. All diamonds
go through this process, but pink diamonds appear to go through a special geological process
that puts too much stress and strain on the crystal that has already formed.
Only a small number of countries have discovered pink diamond mines. More than 90% of the
supply of natural pink diamonds in the world is produced from the renowned Argyle Mine in
Western Australia, which is located there. India, South Africa, Canada, Russia, Brazil, and
Argyle were formerly known to contain them. The Argyle mine only produces less than 1% of
the world's pink diamonds, which are the rarest of the rare. This is noteworthy because just one
carat of pink diamonds is available for sale for every million carats of raw diamonds mined in
Pink Diamond Buying Guide: Key Takeaway
The major determinants of a fancy color diamond's price are color intensity and carat weight,
and fancy pink diamonds are no exception to this rule. Secondary modifying hues like Orange,
Brown, Purple, and Red can exist when pinks are present. These hues can occasionally be so
faint that they are invisible to the unaided eye. An intensely colored pink diamond will be more
expensive since they are highly uncommon and have no secondary or overtones.
Some exceptional stones, like the Mystra, a 2.02 ct Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink round. The
Mystra's combination of carat weight, intensity, cut (rounds are extremely uncommon shapes for
a fancy color), and Purplish overtone makes it one of the most uncommon pink diamonds. Pink
diamonds are widely regarded as very wealthy jewelry. Pink diamond prices have dramatically
increased due to their increased rarity and desirability. As a result, they are frequently included
in investment portfolios as great alternative investments. In general, collectors prefer Type II
diamonds, which include pink diamonds.
The hue of a pink diamond should always be prioritized while purchasing. The final value of a
pink diamond is determined by its carat weight, color, and intensity. Due to the high rarity of
fancy colored diamonds, clarity and cut aren't as crucial. Most pink diamonds have SI clarity and
frequently have eye-clean surfaces. Due to the great rarity of pink diamonds, even I1 gems are
highly prized.

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