Antalogy Cerpen

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Muhammad Subhan
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Praise and gratitude the author prays to Allah SWT because thanks to
His grace and guidance, the task of the anthology can be completed on time.
The task of making an anthology of short stories is a mandatory thing for all
students who take the English-Indonesian Translation course as a substitute
for the final semester exam.
The author would like to thank Mr. Erlan Aditya Ardiansyah as a
lecturer from the English-Indonesian Translation course, who helped us in
completing the task of making an anthology of short stories by providing
direction and guidance. The authors also thank the friends of Group 2
English-Indonesian Translation: Muhammad Daffa Chaniago, Muhammad
Fahriza, Muhammad Faldiaz, Muhamad Fauqi Dzikri, Muhammad Fauzan,
Muhammad Haykal, Muhammad Nabhan Hanif, Muhammad Rizky Mulyana
Syahika, Muhammad Subhan, Muhammad Usamah Syamil Abdullah, Nasr
Hamid Abu Zayd, and Nazal Jatnika for their cooperation. Then also to other
parties, personally and friends, who have helped with the writing.
In making this anthology of short stories, the author realizes that
there are still many shortcomings. So the author expects contributions from
readers. Be it suggestions or constructive criticism to be able to perfect an
anthology of short stories like this in the future.
I really hope that this anthology of short stories can be useful for us
in particular and for students majoring in English Literature so that we can
improve our abilities in the field of writing and translation.


PREFACE ..................................................................................... 1
Time Full of Memories .................................................................. 3
The Last Carriage ........................................................................... 6
Prayer Answered .......................................................................... 11
The Cost of My Succeed .............................................................. 13
A Little Boy Story ........................................................................ 16
The Twist and Turn of a Musician’s Life .................................... 18
Herdsman Become Businessman ................................................. 21
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum ........................................................... 25
Best Friend ................................................................................... 28
The Little Light Revives The Life ............................................... 30
Meaningless ................................................................................. 32
Dreams Come True ...................................................................... 34
Biography Of The Writer .......................................................... 36
Lecturer’s Biography................................................................. 40

By: Muhammad Nabhan Hanif

One day, in a village called Gandasari village, there lived a boy named Ucup
and his two friends, Asep and Cepi. They have known each other since they started
school at SDIT AT-TAQWIM elementary school in the katapang area. They are
known to love to play, even when they come home from school sometimes they can
play until 18.00 or until maghrib time arrives. So sometimes their parents always wait
in front of the door until the children come home and then scold them for coming
home too late. However, it didn't scare them at all because playing was their habit
since entering elementary school on the condition that they could maintain their
achievements while in school. Ucup is known as a good student, he was able to
maintain his achievements when he was in school by getting a top 10 ranking which
was then followed by Asep who was also able to maintain his achievements. Unlike
the case with Cepi, who did not qualify for the top 10, but because Cepi's parents
were very busy, they were not at home until late in the afternoon, his parents still
allowed Cepi to play until late afternoon or evening.

Day after day they have spent together until they do not realize that their
graduation from elementary school is only 1 year away so they must prepare their
best after graduation. Class 6 arrived, and the time for farewell was in front of Asep,
Ucup, and Cepi's eyes. They leave their playing time to study for the final semester
exams to get the best grades and can go on to the best junior high school as well.
Farewell arrived. They must be ready if they lose each other because the dreams they
will achieve are of course different. However, when they entered junior high school,
it turned out that Ucup and Asep were enrolled in the same school, namely at a
boarding school, unlike Cepi who enrolled in a public school, so Asep and Ucup had
to lose Cepi when they started attending their junior high school.

However, who would have thought that even though they are in different
schools with Cepi they are still friends, even every Friday or Saturday, and Sunday

when they are off they still play together like their friendship when they were in
elementary school. They are so close that their parents know each other and they even
go through hardships and joys together, just like when Cepi couldn't play games, Asep
allowed Cepi to play games on his cellphone just like Ucup. Time seemed short, their
junior high school was almost over, and they had to be faced with an even tougher
test, namely to enter high school or high school.

At that time, they had to leave their playing time back and they took the exam
to enter the high school they wanted. Graduation day arrives Ucup, Asep, and Cepi
show each other their exam results but Cepi looks afraid to show their exam results
so only Cepi doesn't show the final exam results. School registration started again,
and Asep and Ucup chose the same school again, namely Madrasah Aliyah, while
Cepi was in a public school again. However, they were all accepted into the school
they had chosen at that time. Even though they are in different schools, their
enthusiasm for playing is always there even when they are busy with so many school
assignments, both writing assignments, and presentation assignments. One day Asep
and Ucup even introduced their school friend to Cepi so that Cepi had more friends
to play with. Unlike the case with junior high school when they were in high school
they always played at tourist attractions in the city by motorbike and even had time
to stay at their friends' houses while playing Playstation together.

However, in 2020 in February the corona outbreak arrived so their playing

hours had to be disrupted but who would have thought, it turned out that when the
corona came they could play every day without even having to wait for holidays
because they carried out their school online. Every morning, Ucup and Asep always
go to his friend's house named Yeti to study and play together at that time. Which
was then followed by Cepi at noon. They played happily while enjoying a plate of
nasi Padang and playing UNO cards. Every Ramadan, they always hold a Bukber
event together at a restaurant. However, the time has passed quickly, the coronavirus
is slowly disappearing and in 2021 they are faced with such a severe ordeal that their
school period has ended. They have to think about whether they will go straight to

work or whether they will continue their education at the university level. So that
their friendship at that time slowly crumbled little by little because not all of their
friends continued their studies. Some have to work for an income first so they can't
see each other again like when they were in school. However, they remain true friends
or friends who are always there wherever they are, just like during the school days
they had together where old friends were always together and new friends were
officially together. That's their friendship, complaining, sad, laughing, and even the
happiness they have been through together when they were still in school. In the end,
they realized that friends were people who were always there for them when they
needed them and that was the end point of their friendship from school until now they
became friends forever. ( Since 2022 )

By: Muhammad Haykal

In a village in a small town in Peru, there was a little girl named Esmarelda,
she is often called Esmara, she is the only child of her parents who work as cake
sellers, she goes to school in a city close to her village, Esmara known as a very smart
and very diligent, so that every morning Esmarelda helps her parents to sell their
handmade cakes, she sells them at school and some that she sells after school with
her mother in their small shop. For the age of a child who has just entered elementary
school, Esmara was somewhat more of a character than her peers.

One afternoon when she was 8 years old, Esmarelda's father had left his place
of work, he invited Esmarelda to go to a place where a station would be built in her
village, "hello my dear daughter, would you come with me, dad will show you
amazing things." Esmara replied, "what is it dad?, I want to see it, I will be very happy
if you show this right now dad." Esmara answered with enthusiasm. Finally, her
father also indicated that the train station would soon be completed and Esmara would
soon try it because according to her father, Esmara was very fond of locomotive toys
when Esmara was a toddler. "Look at that," said her father. “what is it dad?”, replied
Esmara, “it is the station and it is the house of the trains.” her father said again. “Are
you lying, dad? Where is the train?", Esmara answered while confused, her father
answered with a laugh and said, "no my dear, even though that is where the train
comes to but the station is still not done and there is no train there, I'm sorry." Esmara
just answered with a smile and hoped that the train would come.

Day after day, the morning after morning Esmara went to school and came
home, it was time for her to help her mother because tomorrow was a holiday and she
also had to help with housework and the cake business that her family was running,
Esmara went with her mother to a shopping center across town to buy ingredients.
needed to make cakes, but there were a lot of people talking about the station that
would be built in the village, instantly Esmara remembered what her father had said

some time ago about the station, but she was still too busy with the task her mother
had given her and went home immediately.

Day after day passed until two years later one morning, Esmara was
preparing to go to school as usual, but something was different that morning, there
was the sound of a train, it made Esmara surprised and immediately told her father
about it, immediately her father left to where the sound came from, namely at the
station in the village, and it looks like the construction has finished, it looks like a lot
of people came there but no one got into it, then Esmara's father asked the officer
there if he and his daughter could take the train, but the officer informed that the train
line to this station was still under development and experimentation and it would take
a long time, then the officer also informed that this train would soon be able to be
ridden in the next few weeks and free of charge for the first week, but Esmara’s father
immediately returned home and told Esmara about it and waited a few more weeks.

Three weeks after the inauguration of the station, Esmara and her parents
finally went to the station to take the train there, and right on the third morning they
came to the place, apparently, they didn't pay because it was still one week of the free
trial, they finally got on the train. and the journey began, and it turned out that the
train line that was made was connected to the station on the city side where the school
where Esmara studied was not far from the station, and on the way, Esmara and her
parents could see their house which was not far from the track. the rails were made,
and that's where Esmara was amazed by this journey where before she had never
ridden a train that she dreamed of being just a toy, this will be the main memory
where Esmara feels happy about this trip with her parents.

Finally, soon after, they arrived at the second station on the city side, Esmara
and her parents went to a place there for a walk because they were leaving on their
holiday, and they also found a pond near the station, there was full of beautiful fish,
and they even traveled to their relative’s house across town, and they returned home
at night using train again that still had a schedule at night to return home, the stars
twinkling until the beautiful moonlight shone at night, adding to the beauty of the

journey of Esmara and her parents passed by during the trip, according to her name
Esmarelda which was like a flashing diamond, Esmara's eyes looked shiny as if this
was the best day of her life, she loved this trip.

Arriving at the station in their village, Esmara and her parents were met by
officers and a machinist who gave warm greetings and welcomes for the journey they
had taken, that night became a happy night for Esmara. Then the next day, Esmara
and her father tried to go to school to take the train, still by the trial train, they went
to school without charge and just went to school by train, in the train, they met a lot
of people because the conditions were still very crowded with visitors, they boarded
the first carriage but it was good they still got a seat. After arriving, Esmara went to
school and her father went to work and when they came home they went home
together on the train again. They boarded the train until finally the limit for the trial
train had run out and they had to pay for the train, but it turned out that the price of
the train ticket given was cheaper than expected, the money given was the same as
selling five cakes. And the train became the mainstay of transportation for Esmara
and her parents.

Esmara, who was diligent in visiting the station and using the train services,
was finally noticed by the officers and the machinists because of the frequency with
which Esmara always used the existing train services and was seen more often than
other visitors, until finally Esmara was invited to speak by one of the machinists about
her enthusiasm in the train, after knowing this, Esmara was offered by the officers to
try and learn about everything at the station, starting from the control room, parts of
the train, and how the train works and other things related to the train. Then Esmara
immediately accepted it and was very excited when she was invited to go around.

Day after day Esmara diligently went to the station to go to school and
sometimes gifted the officers with cakes that she brought, she did this for eight years
starting when she was in elementary school, going to middle school, until this time
when she’s in high school. She loved the trip so much that he was almost recognized
by people at the station, Esmara grew up in a good environment during her schooling,

the memories she got were very good, she was very lucky to be in such a good
environment. Esmara will definitely remember it until she grows up.

Three months passed after she had done the test in high school, the station
suddenly seemed very quiet but Esmara still went there and took the train, in the first
week, it was seen that only less than thirty people got on, until the fourth week, only
Esmara filled the carriage, it seems like everyone in her village were gone, although
Even so, the officers and machinists seemed to appreciate Esmara's arrival and
continued to run the train according to schedule, they continued to run it because they
were worried that Esmara would be late for school even though it was actually empty
of visitors and it was not possible to leave, the train can’t go with only one visitor,
but this is a form of appreciation to loyal passengers who always use this
transportation service.

But unfortunately, this only one train journey only lasted one week and it was
forcibly stopped, then Esmara could no longer feel the train journey that she often
did, at first Esmara did not realize that this was her last trip with her favorite train,
but the main machinists told her directly and said sorry for the negligence that the
officers gave her because the train would soon stop operating in her village but still
operating in the city, the officer said that they were forced to stop this service because
the station had no more passengers, and the main station owner was forced to revoke
the permit and the station there can no longer operate, Esmara was surprised by the
decision but she accepted whatever decision was given by the station and Esmara felt
very proud of the services provided to her since childhood she really liked this trip
until she grew up and accompanied her growing up in an environment that this is very

The train that was going fast but not as fast as the time that Esmara spent on
the train, there were a lot of memories that Esmara got in the slow but very meaningful
journey, and the carriages went hand in hand beautifully like the series of Esmara's
life journey that went so perfectly, the journey in the morning with the sunlight that
shone on her beautiful face, the night journey with twinkling stars and moonlight that

made her heart melt made it gave Esmara a deep sense of longing, but Esmara couldn't
do anything because this was against her will, she could only imagine the beautiful
days in her life. that journey, because nothing lasts forever in this life, all things go
and change, and we have to accept it.

By: Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd
In a very beautiful city, there lived a young man named Rian. Rian is a young
man from Jambi who lives in a boarding school, the boarding school named Al-Falah
which is located in a city that has the nickname the Flower City, what else if it is not
the city of Bandung. At the boarding school, Rian is quite famous for his intelligence
and kindness. Rian is also a very close student and the favorite student of the owner
of this boarding school named Mr. Yanto. Thus, many female students like Rian's
cold figure. But female students who like Rian have to bite their fingers because Rian
only likes one girl. She is the daughter of the owner of this boarding school, her name
is Alya. Alya is a very good girl, intelligent, and also diligent in worship, therefore
many students want to be her partner.

But behind that there is uncertainty and Rian realizes that he can't possibly
get Alya because he feels he doesn't deserve to be his partner. Alya is a girl who might
be considered perfect in terms of wealth, beauty, intelligence, and level. While Rian
is an overseas youth whose economy is not good, has an ordinary face, and also
doesn't have the same level as Alya, that's what makes Rian feel inferior and
pessimistic about his feelings. But that also didn't make Rian give up, he really tried
and worked hard to get the girl he idolized by diligently worshiping such as night
prayers, reading the Qur’an, giving charity and he also relied on his intelligence to
get the girl. He was willing to not sleep for 3 days just to memorize a book that was
difficult for the other students to learn. Until the final exam arrived, Rian, who had
studied a lot and mastered the materials, was ready to face the exam. Coincidentally
at that time Rian's class and Alya's class were sides by side, it made Rian's enthusiasm
and motivation increase to get the best value for himself. He worked on the exam
questions very carefully and calculatingly to get good grades and become a champion
at the boarding school. He really wanted to be a champion because at the time before
the exam, Mr. Yanto announced that whoever would become the champion there
would receive a big prize, that's what made Rian very enthusiastic about this final

Long story short, the day for the announcement of the winners will come.
Rian, who spent the night in worship, did not escape prayers so that he would become
the champion in this final exam. Mr. Yanto also arrived at the boarding school hall
and prepared to announce the best students who won the title. The announcement
began with the 3rd place winner, Mr. Yanto said that Syafiq won the 3rd place,
standing applause was given to Syafiq and he went on stage. Continuing to the
announcement of the 2nd winner, Mr. Yanto mentioned the characteristics that won

the 2nd place starting with a name that started with R, there Rian was quite confused
if it was his name he would be happy but that was not Rian's target. Mr. Yanto also
continued his words, the 2nd place was won by Rini. Standing applause was given to
her and Rini immediately stepped onto the stage. There came a very tense
announcement where even the best champion would come forward to win the prize.
Mr. Yanto was quite tense when he announced it, and it turns out that Rian and Alya
won 1st place because they have the same value, both of them were called forward to
receive appreciation. Rian is very proud because he has succeeded in achieving his
target and he is very happy because he can go forward alone with Alya, the girl he
loves. Mr. Yanto also mentioned that the prize that would be won by the two students
was to go to the holy land, namely Mecca to perform Umrah, there Rian was
immediately delighted and immediately made prostration of gratitude because going
to the holy land was also one of Rian's dreams.

Not long after that, Rian immediately went to Mecca with Mr. Yanto and his
entourage to perform Umrah. There Rian did not waste the opportunity, he was very
diligent in worshiping and praying, and one of Rian's prayers was that he would have
a match and become Alya's partner, that was the prayer that Rian really hoped for. It
didn't feel like the Umrah service was over and they returned to Indonesia. Rian went
back to living his life as usual, like studying and memorizing. Arriving at night, Rian
was called Mr. Yanto and went to his house, Rian was quite tense because he was
embarrassed when he had to go to the house of the owner of the boarding school.
When he arrived Mr. Yanto asked Rian "when are you ready to get married?"
suddenly Rian was surprised by Mr. Yanto’s question. He was confused why Mr.
Yanto asked him about it. Then with an embarrassed face, Rian replied "I'm ready
when the time comes". Then Mr. Yanto also said, "When you are ready, come to my
house and marry my daughter", Rian is very happy because his dream to marry Alya
can come true, and he is more confident in his feelings. Immediately Rian was very
happy with what had just happened, and he really believed in the answers to prayers.

By: Nazal Jatnika
Brazil is a country with the biggest population in South America. Blessed by the
beauty of its nature and their natural talented kid with the biggest potential to become
anything. Saola is a kid with big ambitions to achieve his dream as the world's
greatest footballer. Born on the outskirts of Rio De Janeiro to a poor family, Saola’s
life is extremely difficult. He has low education because his family can afford to pay
for the school. Saola spends his day shepherding the sheep in a field while his father
walks the entire city to find some goods in the dump. Days by days Saola became
desperate in life and just accepted his fate as a nobody. His father can't witness his
only son grieving in the field every day from the sunset till sundown. To comfort his
little son, he then gives him a ball he found in a dumpster yesterday.

"Don't let your grief become your sorrow, perhaps this present of mine can
rejoice your little heart" Saola who hears his father's word smiles and said "I promise
father, that someday our belly will be full of food and our home will be warm from
the cold. Just wait, father"

His father just smiles back at him and leave. The next day Saola put trust in his
heart and work so hard practicing football while shepherding. He became more and
more skillful in soccer. His father who saw potential in Saola decided to let his son
play football with his friend on the beach. Saola’s routine is now playing football
every day. Without being tired, he keeps training himself to become more and more
skillful than before. One day, a professional coach comes to Saola village to find a
young potential player for his team. He felt unsatisfied with the quality of a player in
Saola village until he finally saw Saola playing. He's so impressed by Saola’s skill.
For him, Saola meets the criteria of the player he wants. He then approached Saola to
talk to him.

"What a magnificent playing style you have kid, from speed, ball control, shoot,
pass you have everything in you. Look, I want you to play on my team. I see a full
potential in you as a great player. Join my team and I make you one of the greatest
wonderkid in Brazil"

Hearing such a word Saola agrees to join the club. He was told to prepare himself
for a flight to Spain in the next month. The coach also says he will meet him
personally at the airport after his arrival. Saola then told his parent about his
agreement with the coach. At first, his parent refuses but after Saola convinces them,
they agree with Saola’s decisions and hope for the best for him. His father said.

"it's time to achieve your dream son, don't you worry about us just focus on what
you want to be"
Carrying the name and pride of his family Saola then flies to Spain. He met the
coach at the airport and took him to a flat near the famous Santiago Bernabeu. The
coach then says welcome to Real Madrid. Saola is shocked because he never expected
to be recruited by a famous team such as Real Madrid. The next morning he began
training with his fellow teammates. Becoming the youngest player on the team makes
Saola nervous. But the coach encourages him so he felt no burden at all. After a day-
by-day training together, he now earns respect from his fellow senior teammates.
They were all impressed by the play he made on the field. Seeing this positive reaction
the coach played him as a new starting eleven. His first debut as a striker began so
smoothly. He scores a hattrick and later became a top scorer in La Liga.

In a matter of time, he became famous among the Madrid fans and got praised
as a Brazilian wonderkid. But his biggest challenges come when Madrid qualified for
a Champions League. He doubts himself and feels anxious because he never faced a
big league like this. Seeing one of his players like this, the coach then approaches and
sits next to him. He then motivates Saola with a word he never forgot in his entire
life. The coach said.

"Feeling nervous and anxious I see. But don't let that thing break your focus.
You are a big player so you gonna play in a big league. Just remember this, a good
player is not born, it was made in the field, forged in the training, and shaped in every
match. And that player is you. So head up my child we have a victory to celebrate
and a trophy to win"

After listening to such a beautiful word, suddenly his heart set ablaze. He then
convinces himself to play better and better in every match. Then the battle of his life
is begin. Madrid is facing Benfica in the round of 16 knockout phases. Saola scored
two goals and bring Madrid into the round of 8 knockouts. His obstacles are not easy
now, because he will face the English Premier League red devil, Manchester United.
Saola score a winning goal from a penalty and ended the game with Madrid’s victory
leading them to a semi-final now.

In the semi-final, Madrid has to face their sworn enemy Barcelona. As a fellow
representative from Spain of course, this match will be very prestigious for them. But
the mother of fortune is on Madrid's side. Barcelona lost because of their own goal in
the extended time. With this victory, Real Madrid is officially going to the final.
Facing Juventus the giant from Italy made Saola’s heart blaze with flame again.
Juventus is the team that is the favorite to win the Champions League and considers
Madrid’s biggest wall to winning the trophy.

The whistle is blown and the match begins. As expected from the Italian giant
they managed to push Madrid over the wall. They put them on the defensive until one
moment, Saola receives a long crossing from his teammates. With his right foot, he
kicks that ball as hard as he can and score a dramatic goal that penetrates through
Juventus defender and goalkeeper. Juventus then tries to settle the score but it was all
useless. The whistle that ends the match is blown, and the stadium is going wild.
Madrid fans celebrate their 11 Champion League trophy. Saola is nominated as a man
of the match in the final.

In the middle of the celebration, Saola remembers his family in Brazil. Later, he
then flies to Brazil to meet his family and invites them to live in Spain. But
unfortunately for him, his parent is no more. They both die because of the great fire
that happens in his village. Saola can't hold his tears and cries as loud as he can. He
still can't accept the tragic death of his parent. A week is passed. He is calmer now
and is already accepting his parent's death. He then visited a monument that honors
the casualties of the great fire of Rio. On the face of that monument, he prayed for his
parent and put a pack of flowers in front of it. Before leaving Saola to talk to himself.

"Dear my beloved father and mother. Your son is now already achieving his
dream. He becomes a great football player and one of the best in the world. It's all
because of you that always cheer me up. Now my belly is full, my home is warm but
at what cost? Rest easy now father, mother your son will continue your legacy and
dream. Until one day we finally can together again"

By : Muhammad Rizky Mulyana Syahika
Once upon a time, in the big city let's call it Larangpada. it's a beautiful town
with a river beside the city. In that city, there was a very smart boy, who always
helped his mother but he was very lonely. He never goes outside because he had
trauma in the past lets called his name is ziky. One day when he was still in junior
high school, he saw in the wall magazine information about his senior high school

After he goes home, he tells his parents that he wants to be entered that
school. But his parents say "ziky you don't need to search your the school you want,
we have a solution for you, you will enter a boarding school after you're graduated."
After he heard that, he was very shocked because he knows boarding school it's a
place for bullying weak people and if we say to his brother, he will ignore him or
maybe he will be mad. In his heart, he was very scared but in another heart, he want
to make his parents sad when he refused.

After he graduated from junior high school, he says to his teacher that he will
continue his study in boarding school and his teacher was very happy and proud to
hear that. That makes him a little brave to enter a boarding school. In his heart, he
says"I will make my teacher and my parents proud of me because I can study in a
boarding school which only lucky students can enter to boarding school."

2 months later he was already prepared for anything to enter and stay in
boarding school, he goes out of the house and moved to a dormitory and used a car.
After he arrived at his boarding school, he was very excited to see a building it's so
very tall. He entered and his parents go away from him, his face looked very sad but
he hold the tears and walk to inside.

In the dormitory, he saw so many people there but he was very shy to meet
with them so he just sits down and cleans the cupboard until there was a boy who
looked like a bad boy and always disturb anything. He just ignored him and make
himself comfortable in the dormitory. The dormitory has 4 floors, on the first floor
it's a class, the second floor it's a room for junior high school, the third floor it's a
room for senior high school and he stays in this room. And the last it's also class and

Everything it's normal until one day when he sleeps in the afternoon because
he is sleepy, the bad boy lets us call him Irfan, prank ziky with Chili powder that

makes him Cough cough hard. That makes ziky feel angry but, he can't fight so he
moves to another room and sleeps again. This bullying does almost every day and
makes ziky feel uncomfortable but he still hold until one day he goes to another
building and stays on the rooftop.

He cried a lot and feel he wanna move out of this boarding school, he stay on
the rooftop at the night and alonely. After the bully, he always goes there, and
sometimes he wrote in the book to pour out his heart. But One day when he was
outside the dormitory Irfan accidentally opened his cupboard and opened the book
and read it. Hearing this ziky was very upset he scolded Irfan but he hit ziky so hard
that he bounced To the cupboard.

After that incident, the whole boarding school became viral And made
boarding school administrators intervene. Irfan became very upset and wanted to get
out of the boarding school, then he ran away and disappeared. After that, he felt very
happy and relieved that he was gone from his life. But it still hasn't gone away from
him, bullying happened again when he was in 11th and 12th grade he got bullied
again but the bullying was more of a word that made him hurt. But he always survives
in that condition and can get past the bullying and make the bullies feel tired.

When he graduated he got the best results and was able to enter the university
that all students at the Islamic boarding school wanted with easier. And he saw that
the people who bullied him were just Ordinary ordinary and viewed badly by

He feels grateful because he managed to get through all the challenges he

faced and in the end, he was able to get the impossible Everyone can get

By: Muhammad Faldiaz
Bandung is a city in Indonesia where there are lots of people who have
different hobbies, one of which is playing music. In a village in Bandung, there lived
a boy named Wick. Wick was born into a very affluent family, whatever he wanted
he could always get. With a very affluent family situation, it doesn't make Wick an
arrogant or extravagant person he is very fond of helping others and doesn't like to
spend money on useless things. Like children in general, Wick has hobbies, namely
playing music and singing, he has a very melodious voice. Because of that, from an
early age, Wick was immediately put into a music school and his parents bought some
musical instruments and some equipment for singing. "Daddy bought this for you,
you have to be more enthusiastic about becoming a singer," said Wick's father, "Yes
dad, I will be even more enthusiastic to reach my dream, thank you dad" replied Wick.
At that time, Wick dreamed of becoming a famous singer.

A few years later, Wick was very good at playing a musical instrument, he
also became more proficient in singing and his voice became more melodious. Can
be seen when he was in junior high school, he had often participated in singing
competitions and often won competitions. Because of that he was very well known
in his school. And at this time Wick is studying at a senior high school in Bandung.
It was at school that he met Evelyn, his girlfriend. Evelyn is a good person, she always
helps Wick when Wick is in trouble.

But a few months later, they would finally graduate from the school. Wick
plans to continue his education abroad, he will go to California. As for Evelyn, she
will continue her education in Bandung. Because of that, they finally decided to end
their relationship. Because of the great distance, it’ll be difficult to meet and

"Are you sure you want to go to California Wick?" asked Wick's father, "Yes
dad I'm sure, I want to realize my dream there" replied Wick, "What about Evelyn,
your girlfriend?" his father asked to make sure, "We have decided not to have any
more contact, dad, because of the great distance." Wick explained, "Well if that's the
case, it's your decision," his father said, "Yes dad" Wick replied.

Graduation day arrived. Wick planned to meet Evelyn at that time, he wanted
to say a few words before leaving his ex. "Hi Eve, congratulations on your
graduation," Wick said to Evelyn. "Hi Wick, congratulations on your graduation too"
Evelyn replied. Then Wick gave a present to Evelyn, "Here I bring flowers and some

gifts for you, I hope you will never forget me while I'm in California". Evelyn smiled
and said, "Thanks Wick, I think I'll never forget you, take care of yourself there!".
"Yes, I will take care of myself, and I promise I will become a famous singer, then
after that, I will return to Bandung and marry you" explained Wick. "I'll be waiting
for you, Wick" Evelyn replied with a smile. After that, Wick finally went to

A few years later, Wick was finally able to make his dream come true. He
has become a very famous singer in the United States. His name is always mentioned
in magazines or on television. While in California, he met Sady. Sady is a rapper from
California, his name is very famous there. Wick and Sady met at a music festival that
was there. After several months of seeing each other often, they became closer and
got to know each other. Sady has a bad personality, he often visits a casino in
California to gamble and consumes alcohol. Wick, who initially had a good
personality, eventually fell into the trap and joined in doing what Sady did. Wick
often goes with Sady to visit a casino. There he began to try to consume alcohol. Not
only that, Wick finally fell into trying to take drugs. Almost every day he took drugs
because of addiction, and he also joined gambling there.

After several months of Wick doing things that were not good for him, he
was finally arrested by the police because he was caught taking drugs. After further
investigation, the police and the government there decided to return Wick to
Indonesia. Because of that, the career that he had built was destroyed, and the dream
he had dreamed of since childhood finally disappeared, he returned to Indonesia very
sadly. What he promised to Evelyn finally couldn't keep, because of the stupidity he
had done.

After returning to Indonesia, to be precise back to Bandung. He was placed

in a rehabilitation place to do rehabilitation to be free from drug addiction. After
several months he was rehabilitated, and he was finally able to live well again. From
then on, he realized that when he was famous he would get a lot of temptations to do
bad things. That is the importance of having good friends so that we do not fall into
doing bad things.

A few months later, Wick decided to rebuild his career. And at that moment,
he finally accidentally reunited with Evelyn. They met at the supermarket. At that
time, Wick was embarrassed to say hello to Evelyn, because the promise he made to
Evelyn couldn't be kept. However, it turns out that Evelyn doesn't have a problem
with that, the meeting between them is enough for her. Unexpectedly it turns out that
Evelyn has been working while Wick is in California, she saves money to be able to
help with their wedding expenses. "Wick!" Evelyn called out to Wick in a loud voice,

because she was surprised that Wick had returned. Wick replied with an embarrassed
"Oh hi Eve". "How are you?" Evelyn asked. "I'm fine, how about you?" Wick
answered and asked back to Evelyn. "I'm fine too," said Evelyn. They finally talked
again, after a long time they had not seen each other.

After that meeting, they decided to get back into a relationship. At that time,
Wick decided to build his career on YouTube. He plans to create some interesting
content, such as song covers and musical instrument tutorials. And of course with the
help of his girlfriend, Evelyn. After several months, Wick finally became quite
famous among teenagers in Bandung because of his melodious voice and also his
skill in playing musical instruments. Then, they decided to get married to the money
from the YouTube content. After the marriage, they had a child and Wick became
more and more famous. At that time Wick promised, he would never want to fall back
into doing bad things, not only for himself but for his family as well. And then they
live happily.

By: Muhammad Fauzan

One day in a small village, there lived a teenager named Harry. Harry was
born into a humble family. His parents worked as farmers. He is a kind and diligent
man. Every day, he works as a forager for grass to sell to animal farms. He also often
works as a cattle herder. Even though he didn't earn a lot of money, he always worked
hard and sincerely without getting tired of looking for the coffers of sustenance to
help his family's economy.

One day, when Harry was cutting grass and going to sell it to a large farm in
his village, Harry accidentally saw a beautiful woman who was having trouble taking
care of the cows that would be fed. Harry rushed over to the beautiful woman.

Harry: "Let me help you, looks like you're having a hard feeding these cows."

Then Harry helps her.

Then woman reply

Elsa: "Thank you, I’m sorry to bother you, this is my first time feeding cows. By the
way, introduce me, I’m Elsa, what’s your name then?”

Harry: "I'm Harry, I'm a grazer and cattle herder"

Their conversation continued until they felt closer, it seemed Harry and Elsa
fell in love at first sight. While they were talking, suddenly Mr. Ragnick, the owner
of the farm, came and said to Harry.

"Why did you not work!? Don’t talk to my daughter! Don't try to approach my
daughter if you don't have anything yet!”

Harry and Elsa were surprised when they heard the screams from Mr.
Ragnick. Harry apologize to Mr. Ragnick then he returned to work. Then Elsa was
forced into the house by Mr. Ragnick. Finally, it is known that Elsa is the son of Mr.

Ragnick, a rich farmer in the village. Even though she was born into a rich family,
Elsa still looks simple, even though she helps feed the cows, even though Elsa is a
woman and the daughter of the owner of the farm. That's why Harry fell in love with

After being done, Harry immediately went home to give most income from
today to his parents. At home, Harry still imagined her beautiful face as Elsa. But he
realized that it was impossible to have Elsa because she was the son of a rich farmer
in his village. Seeing his son upset, his father asked Harry.

"What's the problem, son? Tell me."

Then, Harry told to his father that he was fall in love with a daughter of a rich
farmer in his village. His father smiled and then said to his son.

“Son, when you fall in love with someone, chase her. Even though it seems
impossible, you still have a chance and you have a long way to go to change your

Heard what his father say, Harry was determined to improve his life. And he
also asked for the blessing of his parents to migrate to the city the next day. After
asking for the blessing of his parents. On the other side, Harry also really wants to
make his parents proud, that's Harry's motivation to migrate to the city.

Harry also went to Elsa's house secretly at night to say goodbye and tell Elsa
that Harry had fallen in love at first sight with Elsa. Hearing this, Elsa was honest and
said the same thing to Harry. How surprised Harry that Elsa also loved him. This
made Harry's determination even stronger to change his fate.

The next day, with money less, Harry went to the city to seek his fortune. He
went by bus to the city. After arriving in the city, Harry was confused because he
didn't know what to do. After all, when he was in the village, he only could be an
animal herder. When he was about to pay the bus fare, suddenly there was a male
passenger who lost his wallet so the man couldn't pay the bus fare. Seeing that, Harry

also willingly paid the fee for the man, even though the amount of money Harry
brought was very mediocre, he was still willing to help others who were in trouble.
Finally, the man thanked Harry very much for his kindness. Then, they finally got to
know each other. It is known, that the name of the man is Mr. Joe. To repay Harry's
kindness, Mr. Joe also invites Harry to stop by his house first, especially since Harry
is going to town for the first time, so this can be a good moment to just share

How surprised Harry was when he saw Mr. Joe's big house, he did not expect
that the man he was helping was very rich. Mr. Joe then invited Harry to enter his
house. After entering, Harry asked Mr. Joe, why do rich people even seem to go by
city bus? Meanwhile, Harry saw that Mr. Joe's house has 2 luxury cars. Mr. Joe also
explained why he used the bus because the car that he was driving to go to his
hometown broke down on the road. So he had to go home by bus. Mr. Joe also asked
Harry why he went to the city. Harry also explained that he wanted to find a new job,
previously being an animal herder. Coincidentally, Mr. Joe is also a livestock
businessman, he has many farms in his country. Mr. Joe also wants to reply to Harry's
kindness by giving 1 of his farm to Harry. Harry refused the gift from Mr. Joe.
However, Mr. Joe still insists because Mr. Joe believes that Harry can manage the
farm well. After thinking for a long time, Harry finally accepted a gift from Mr. Joe.
Harry also thanked Mr. Joe very much for being very kind to have given one of the
farms for him. Even though Harry was willing to help Mr. Joe sincerely without
asking for anything in return. Mr. Joe also explained that people like Harry are rare,
therefore, Mr. Joe was willing to give one of his farms to Harry.

1 year later, Harry become one of the richest people in the region. The
company that Mr. Joe gave to Harry turned out to be growing rapidly, thus making
Harry a successful man. Harry also regularly sends his parents money from his
business. He never forgot his promise to his parents and the woman that he loved
since meeting her 1 year ago. Harry decided to return to his village the next day to
meet his parents and try to marry his dream woman. Harry also says goodbye to Mr.

Joe who had been very helpful in his life. Joe arrived at his village. What a surprise
Harry's parents saw that his son had become a successful man. Harry hugged his
parents tightly. Harry also told the whole experience of his life in the city. Then Harry
said that he was going to marry Elsa the next day. His parents also agreed to Harry's
dream to marry Elsa.

The next day, Harry and his parents went to Mr. Ragnick's house to marry
Elsa. Mr. Ragnick and Elsa are surprised to see Harry has become a successful man
in the city. Harry also explained the purpose of coming to Mr. Ragnick's house
because he wanted to marry his daughter Elsa. Mr. Ragnick was silent, and give the
decision to Elsa. Elsa also accepts a propose from Harry and Mr. Ragnick apparently
approves of their relationship. Finally, 2 months later, the wedding reception was
held, and many invited guests from the city came to Harry's village, including Mr.
Joe who was willing to come all the way to accept Harry's invitation. Finally, Harry
and Elsa got married and lived happily.

Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum
( If you want peace, prepare for war )
Fort Carson, 1985. A baby named Cody Stonebank was born, the son of Rolland
Stonebank and Jessica Schwart. Cody was born and grew up in a harsh environment filled
with gangsters in his city. His father, Rolland Stonebank, was one of the most respected
leaders of the 3 big gangs in the city. His strict father's upbringing made Cody someone who
has a strong character and is ambitious, but even so, the side of his mother who is friendly and
polite is also on him. Cody has 3 friends who are always with him, they are Lennox, Joe, and
Ulyysa. They grew up together in the same city and had similar family backgrounds.

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, and neither does Cody. His life as a gangster
began when he stepped on teenagers, where at that time Cody, Lennox, Joe, and Ulyssa were
unstable and naughty. On behalf of the father, Cody and his friends often perform their actions
without hesitation.

Robbing, destroying, and molesting were done without a second thought, just for the
sake of his father being proud of him. Wherever Cody went, there will always be someone
threatened and afraid.

One day, Cody and his friends who are in action, are surprised by an attack. suddenly
from his father's rival, Cody and his friends, who had never experienced the war between
gangs firsthand, panicked and fell silent and can only receive attacks from his father's enemies.
As a result of these attacks Cody, Lennox, and Joe were seriously injured and rushed to the
hospital. However, Ulyssa did not survive, she was raped and killed as a form of a message to
Cody, so as not to mess with them.

Cody's parents who heard the news of their son in the hospital were surprised and
immediately went after his son. Arriving at the hospital his mother could only be silent and
cry seeing her son battered in the hospital, his father who was filled with emotion immediately
went to plan a counterattack on his rival.

2 weeks later, Cody finally woke up from his coma, he was immediately surprised to
see himself in the hospital, lying on a bed full of wounds. Cody turned to the right to see 2 of
his friends lying on the bed.

Realizing that Ulyssa wasn't in the room, Cody's reflex forced him to get up from his
bed, but couldn't because his injuries were serious. Not long after, his mother came and saw
her son already fully aware, spontaneously his mother immediately hugged him gratefully,
Cody who was equally surprised could only be silent and hugged his mother. After hugging,
Cody immediately asked his mother about everything,

Where is his father?

did you see Ulyssa?
what happened to me?
how can I be here?

Hearing this question, his mother was immediately sad because she could not hold
back her tears. Slowly the mother answered Cody’s questions one by one. Starting from what
happened to him, to explaining what happened to Ulyssa and the climax, his father died during
a counterattack on his rival. Hearing everything from his mother, Cody's feelings became

Sadness, Anger, and Disappointment filled his head and feelings. Cody who had not
fully recovered, after hearing everything that had happened, was again unconscious.

10 years have passed, and Cody is an adult and has a job, he has completely stopped
living as a gangster and living in peace. Many changes have occurred in his city since the
incident 10 years ago, starting with his best friend.

Joe and Lennox are both now leaving their gangster life. They often gather and talk
about each other's lives, sometimes when they are together, Cody and his friends recalled
about Ulyssa, and their feelings are always sad and sadly full of regret. Even so, Cody and his
friends could do nothing but pray for Ulyssa and the life of himself and his friends.

One day, Cody was at work when he suddenly received news that his mother was
shot in front of the house by someone wearing a balaclava mask.

Cody who heard the news was immediately surprised and spontaneously went home
to confirm the news. When Cody arrived in front of the house, he was shocked, his feelings
were filled with sadness and emotions that stirred his heart, entered the house he was the
mother who was lying lifeless.

Joe and the Lennox turn out to have seen the incident firsthand, telling Cody that the
person appointed by his mother is his father's rival. Cody who already knew everything was
silent and then said "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

3 days after the death of his mother, Cody plans to counterattack, and end-all of this
one last time. He prepares everything carefully, starting by looking for information about his
father's rivals, weapons, and even the blueprint of his father's rival's headquarters.

His friends who know that Cody will definitely take revenge, try to stop Cody and
let this matter be handled by the local police, but Cody who is fed up wants to end it with his
own hands. Lennox and Joe don't want to let Cody do it alone, in the end, decided to help
Cody, but Cody refused his friend's help and thought that this must be resolved by himself.
Hearing this, his friends could only nod and pray that Cody could return safely.

After feeling ready to go, Cody leaves his house and goes according to his plan, Cody
who arrived at the place of his father's rival immediately opened fire, and shot blindly in front
of the rival's place. Cody getting shot several times in the hands and feet, but Cody doesn't
care anymore because he's been controlled by anger and sadness. Everyone in that place has
died, leaving behind the leader of the rival. The leader who can't do anything tries to negotiate
with Cody so as not to kill him but it's useless, Cody shoots him in the head.

After everything was over, Cody stood in the middle of the room silent and imagined
what would have happened if at that time he had not lived as a gangster, Ulyssa who should
have been alive, the mother who might never have been shot, and the father who should still
have been. alive. The tears came out by themselves when Cody drowning in his regret, his
hands moved in guilt pointing the gun at his head, and boom. Cody took his own life and
ended all of this one last time.

The End
Writed by : Muhammad Fauqi Dzikri

By: Muhammad Subhan
Once upon a time, there was a boy who was very smart, polite, well-behaved and liked
to worship and he was very good at hanging out with his friends, let's call him Rian. Born in
a poor family, Rian When he was still in elementary school, was very active in various
subjects, especially in the field of religion.

He is very well-liked by his friends, his parents, his teacher's father, and his mother.
Unlike a boy whose nature is reversed from Rian, let's call it Suby. Born to be the son of a
rich person, Suby when was still in elementary school, he was very popular as a rich person
among elementary school students at that time.

At first, Rian and Suby did not know each other. Rian feels inferior when he sees Suby
in elementary school. However, everything changed when the two entered middle school.
Rian was accepted at SMP because of the scholarship he got. Unlike Suby, who is indeed the
son of a rich person who was accepted at the junior high school. All of Rian Yang's friends
are children of the rich. Suby saw Rian feeling confused and alone in the canteen, immediately
approached him, and got acquainted with him.

After that, Rian and Suby were known as good friends who were popular at school. Even
though they are in different classes, they always spend time resting together. No one doubted
the close friendship between them. Even though they have different characters, it still doesn't
hinder their closeness. Rian is a poor child and a quiet student who won't be popular if he
doesn't play/make friends with Suby. Meanwhile, Suby is the son of a rich person who tends
to be a braggart whose hobby is always showing off his things to Rian.

One day at a prize drawing event, Rian was chosen as one of the winners. at that time,
he came with Suby. There the winners are allowed to choose their prizes in the form of
shopping vouchers with various nominal values. Of the five selected winners, Rian got the
fourth turn to take the prize. Rian saw the winner who would take the prize afterward, namely
a mother in shabby clothes with her four small children. He then looked at the remaining

Seeing the nominal on the voucher that only had two choices, he chose the shopping
voucher with the lowest nominal then turned around and smiled at the mother and her four
children. This surprised Suby and thought he was stupid. Suby then tried to test Rian with the
money he brought. He asked Rian to take one of the money he offered. A little confused, Rian
took the money with the lowest nominal.

The next day Suby told his friends about Rian's stupidity. To prove it, Suby asked rian
in front of his class.
"Hi, Ian, I have some idle money. Which one do you choose? I love you."

Suby handed Rian $10 and $20 of money. Rian also took the $10 from Suby. Suby and
his friends laughed and said that Rian was stupid. This incident didn't just happen once or
twice. Often, some of Suby's friends also do the same thing.

Rian kept silent even though he was humiliated like that. And every time he was forced
to choose, he was always easygoing and chose the money with the lowest nominal. He also
laughs when people laugh at him. Until one day Suby showed Rian's stupidity to one of the
most popular seniors named Zaky. Zaky was popular because of his patience and good

Zaky sees Suby humiliating Rian in front of his classmates. Suby again handed Rian the
money, this time with a nominal value of $50 and $100, to Rian and asked him to choose.
Again, Rian chose the money with the lowest nominal. Everyone who was there laughed at
Rian. Everyone just looked down on him except for Zaky. He to stunned to see who the one
is stupid.
"See, my best friend on this one is very unique, right? said Suby again starting to
embarrass Rian"
“Yes, he is unique and intelligent. If only he chose the money with the highest nominal
from the start, then you wouldn't want to play with him right? Try to count how many hundreds
of thousands you have spent on fees. He is smart and chooses to be patient to take more
advantage. So, who is the real stupid now ?”

Zaky continued to laugh and everyone was silent hearing the explanation from Zaky.
Honestly, they felt they had done something stupid. Meanwhile, Rian smiled at Zaky who
turned to laugh at Suby and his friends.

In the end, Rian was a good friend who was always there to provide unexpected
additional income even though he had to pay for it with patience. But that's okay, every action
must have a price, and Suby's actions are paid with money and shame.

By: Muhammad Usamah Syamil Abdullah
Do you know what the light is? Is it like the sun? Maybe candlelight? Or the fire light? But
all of those are wrong. The real light of life is in this story.

A long time ago, a man was born in a little village, in Temanggung, Central
Java. A couple was very happy about his birth. This couple was Kinan and Ahmad.
They came to the figure in the village and ask for advice from the figure regarding
their child’s name. He was named by Abdullah. Kinan and Ahmad were very pleasant
and thankful to the God Allah and the figure. Abdullah was a healthy and fat baby.
Kinan and Ahmad hoped to their child can give influence people. So they planned to
educate Abdullah to be a wise man.

Kinan and Ahmad sent him to the figure to study the religion. They also
taught Abdullah at home. Kinan and Ahmad were very spirits to give the lesson to
Abdullah. Until Abdullah’s age was on 10th. Ahmad thought that age was good for
sanding him to the boarding school. But Kinan, Abdullah’s mother, didn’t agree with
that idea. She wasn’t very willing to separate from her child. Ahmad as his father said
to Kinan, "Kinan, remember to our hoping for Abdullah!" Kinan replied, "Yes, I
remember it, but why we must send him to boarding school. He was just 10 th. I'm
afraid if he goes to boarding school." Ahmad laughed and said, "Kinan, we must give
what we have to Abdullah, he is our child. I am sure he will be a good man." Kinan
asks sadly, "Why are you so sure about that?" Ahmad replied calmly, "Because
Abdullah is our child, so I am sure for him." After listening to Ahmad, so Kinan was
been calm and directly agreed with Ahmad's idea.

In the morning, Ahmad was making conversation with Abdullah while

joking. Ahmad said to Abdullah, "Kid, are you ready to separate from your mother?"
Abdullah replied, "I don’t know for sure, in my deep feeling, maybe I don’t ready,
because I need her. But if destiny said it for me. I am willing for that." Ahmad was
shocked and happy at his child’s reply, and he hugged his child and said, "You are a
good boy, Kid. I hope you will be the best guy in the future." Abdullah was so curious
and asked, "Dad, is there something for me, why do you say it?" Ahmad replied
further, "Kid, I will send you to boarding school soon, so I asked you for ready or not
to separate from your parents, I am really happy with your answer, thank you, Kid."
Abdullah said, "So I will go to boarding school, maybe it will be so sad, but
InshaAllah I will do my best for you, Dad." Kinan was in the bedroom, listening to
their conversation, she was crying a lot and praying to the god for her child.

Ahmad and Kinan prepared for Abdullah, the cloth and his needs for him in
boarding school. They sent him to Tebu Ireng Boarding School in Jombang, East
Java. Ahmad planned that Abdullah might not get home after he became the figure
for the people and gave the light to the people. Kinan was crying when Abdullah
wanted to leave. Kinan said to him, "Son, care yourself there, eat enough, rest enough,
study a lot, and make a friend." And Abdullah said to his parents, "Mom, Dad, please
pray for me, I will do my best and remember what you both hope for me there, and
Mom will do what you said for me." So he left them and went to Tebu Ireng Boarding
School with spirit and hope.

From day to day, month to month, year to year, Ahmad and Kinan very much
missed Abdullah. But they were very patient with their child and always made
praying for Abdullah’s sacrifice in boarding school. They often talked about their
dream for their child. Because they very loved him and wanted Abdullah to be a
famous guy. But, someday there was a neighbor in his village, the neighbor didn’t
like Ahmad’s family, because Ahmad’s family was poor. The neighbor said, "Kinan,
don’t be too happy and confident of your child, he will not be a famous guy," the
neighbor mocked Kinan. Kinan was very upset and wanted to depend on her family
but Ahmad said to Kinan, "Honey, don’t be angry about what they said, just the way
we are, we never disturb them, so don’t be angry, just pray for them, and do a good
thing for us," Kinan was so calm directly and said thanks to her husband.

After 10 years, Abdullah was 20 years old. Kinan said to his husband,
"Honey, I very much miss Abdullah, he is 20 years old right now." Ahmad replied,
"I know your feeling, but we must be patient, May Allah SWT bless him always." At
that time, Ahmad and Kinan wanted to go to the market to fulfill their necessities.
They walked together while talking. But at one spot, they heard the Azan. They
decided to pray at the mosque. Unpredictable, they didn’t realize with the imam. They
just did as usual in praying. But after they finished the prayer. The man with the white
dress who became the imam made closer with Ahmad and said, "Asslamualaikum,
Dad." Ahmad was shocked and confused. Asking who he was, the man said, "I am
your son, Dad, Abdullah." At that time, Ahmad realized and hugged him. Ahmad
said, "Oh my son, Alhamdulillah, My Light of Life."

Abdullah was called by the people to give sermons. Kinan and Ahmad
watched him. Abdullah introduced his parents to the people that his parents gave and
supported by praying and spirit, so he became famous. Kinan and Ahmad were crying
a lot while Abdullah was giving a sermon to the people. They were happy and thanked
God for giving them a chance to their little light.

By: Muhammad Fahriza
On a sunny morning on Wednesday, woke up a man Named tony from his
sweet dreams. At first, the sound of the alarm did not wake him up. But Tony woke
up because of his mother's anger caused because Tony hadn't woken up either. Yes,
tony is a lazy man, he is a 20-year-old student who is studying at one campus in his
city. Tony is always scolded by his family every day for his lazy nature, how could
he not, he would rather pretend to sleep than help his father who is cleaning the yard.

on that Wednesday, tony had a lecture schedule at 8:30 a.m. Then he was
ready to go to campus, he took a shower in advance because Tony didn't want others
to think he was sordid. until he was on campus. After his college schedule was over.
Tony gathered with 2 friends in a café. Billy and rocky, it is said that the two people
are his best friends. By the time they got together, Billy was called by his girlfriend,
and rocky was having fun chatting with his girlfriend as well. Meanwhile, Tony just
sat dreamily smoking a cigarette because he only had a girlfriend between the three
of them. After billy and rocky finished with his busy life, they threw him in. And said
"Poor tony, there are two ears, how can you stay alone haha" billy mocked. Hearing
that Tony couldn't help but laugh because, in reality, it was indeed true. Tony also
wants to have a girlfriend like everyone else, but he is inferior because of his current

As they prepared to be ready to go home, there came a group of girls who

were famous on their campus. Among the group was a Woman Named Miranda who
caught tony's attention. Miranda is described as beautiful, long-haired, and stylish,
but behind it, all Miranda has a beautiful nature. He often behaved indifferently to
every man who approached him. That led him to undo his intention to approach him.
But billy and rocky who knew about it also told him to do something to get him close
to him. Tony categorically rejected the suggestion of the two of them because he was
embarrassed. Then they finally went back to their homes.

By the time he got home, Tony was lost in thought of his life. Why does
someone else's life look more enjoyable? Why does the other person's life seem to
have no problem? while tony's life feels very sad, his life has not changed, no one
loves him, lives monotonously, lazy in doing things.

Arriving on a sunny night on Saturday, tony, billy, and rocky went to the café
for a hangout. At the time tony confided about the problem in his life, the economy,
college, and his love affairs. Billy and rocky understood what tony was feeling. Billy

suggests that if he wants to have a girlfriend, he must be confident. Because tony has
always been inferior to what he has, so he has always failed in expressing his heart,
he is afraid of being rejected. Billy also gives a saying that "a bitter reality is better
than a sweet lie" so must dare to express his feelings to the woman he loves. What
billy said sparked tony's spirit to change his life. Soon Miranda came alone. At first,
Tony wanted to go to Miranda, but that intention was undone because there came a
man who came to Miranda first. But because he had already walked, he sat down by
the table he had occupied. Soon, Miranda started to get angry and cried at the man.
Tony, who was even more curious, also eavesdropped on their conversation. He was
in shock at their conversation. Miranda said that she was pregnant, and she held the
man accountable. Tony, who was disappointed, finally went home.

A few weeks later tony's condition worsened, which he originally wanted to

change, shattered instantly. Her heart sank after hearing that she had married another
man because she was pregnant. All day he could only lie down in the room even
though his parents didn't know why tony behaved like that. By the time billy and
rocky invite tony to hang out, tony refuses. And because tony behaved like that all
day tony's parents also scolded tony and his father accidentally said that tony was a
useless child. Tony, who heard that, finally went outside the house to calm himself
down. But while he was sitting he was approached by his friend, Ajax, who was a
drug dealer. Long story short, Tony also told what had happened before. After
hearing that ajax felt compassion, he also saw the opportunity to make tony a new
consumer. Finally, he also seduced Tony to take drugs, Tony, who was dizzy, was
finally tempted to take drugs.

Sometime later, tony's family also took a vacation to the beach, but tony did
not come with the excuse of being sick, even though it was just a boast so that he
could take drugs freely in his house. While he was on drugs, elsewhere tony's family
had an accident that resulted in all the passengers dying. Soon tony got word of the
accident. His heart is very devastated because he loves his family very much.

Sometime later, a very stressed Tony began to do The Act of immoral. The
inheritance money he can use to gamble, hire a psk, buy drugs, buy alcoholic drinks
He did that to vent his emotions. Tony's money ran out, he was getting more stressed.
tony, who was depressed, walked in the middle of the train track, thinking that the life
he was living was meaningless. And eventually, he'd throw himself in by ramming
himself into the train.

Dreams Come True
By: Muhammad Daffa Chaniago
Azka, breathing the fresh morning air deep-felt cool inside her chest. He felt
relieved when he looked at the house in front of him, such a beautiful house was very
good when he saw it, with a large yard filled with plants that decorated the house. He
did not expect that now he could have the house he dreamed of, yes of course with a
wonderful struggle and full of hard work, not forgetting that he was grateful to God
who had granted his prayer.

Returning his memories to the past, Azka who was a child of a farmer lives
in a small village in the south Sumatra region. but had such a big dream, a dream that
might for others be considered impossible to achieve, but he was always fully
supported by his father and mother to achieve his mind. He still remembers how his
friends mocked him as he told them what the dream he wanted to realize. “Hey hicks,
stop dreaming too high, you won't be able to have that big house hahaha,” they said
with mocking laughs. He could only shut up and then go home. Azka hugged her
mother in tears, while the mother patiently and calmly advised her son “ My son is
nothing impossible for God, the mother is sure you can achieve what you dream of ”
said the mother when Azka was complaining.

He also did not forget what his mother taught him to always be honest, work
hard, and not forget to give alms. After that he studied hard, and finish studying at
school he helped his father in the rice fields and also helped his mother sell snacks
happily. He was very determined to want to prove to his friend that he could achieve
what he wanted. The day he went through didn't feel like Azka had graduated from
school, with the money he had saved so far azka went on to college. He managed to
be admitted to one of the favorite colleges in the city, and how proud he was to finally
be able to realize his one by one his dreams. But when entering the world of lectures
is not as easy as imagined, azka has to face a wide variety of characters of new people.
Even so, he always remembers his mother's advice, “ my son remembers to always
be grateful, for if we are grateful God will add happiness to you, and always do good
to others “ therefore he continued to run the college happily, even though he had to
go to college as well as work to fulfill his daily needs.
The opportunities that are in front of his eyes he never misses, side jobs from
starting to teach private tutoring, helping friends do projects, helping friends sell
products made by their friends, and various other jobs so that there is a lot of
experience and also relationships that he gets. From that experience, Azka tried to
start his own business, with the capital he had already accumulated before. not as
smoothly as imagined he had tried various kinds of efforts but many times he always

failed and failed again. But he tried to get up and tell his friend. one day he met a
friend named Dian and then told him all the problems in running his business

" you've alms ?" asked Dian, then Azka replied

" Hmmm, alms? if alms 1000 or 2000 to beggars are traveled, it is often, but if it's
true almsgiving I think I have never been”,

then Dian asked him "okay then now you try to intend alms even bigger InshaAllah
what you want to be realized, how much money do you have in your savings? “
" I have 10 million in the savings I think" Azka replied.
"then try to give you half of your savings, god willing, you will achieve your dream,"
concluded Dian while praying for him. Finally, Azka followed the advice of his
friend, and not long after that suddenly his business path became wide open. He tried
to open a chocolate drink business and it turned out to be a boom among teenagers
and adults. After running for several months, now the business is getting more
advanced and can even have branches everywhere. One by one his wishes began to
manifest life changed for the better than before.

And now he can stand here, in front of the house he has dreamed of in the
past. Now Azka has succeeded in realizing his dream, making both his parents proud.
There is a sentence from her mother that she never forgets and always remembers in
her mind " thank you a lot then Allah will add happiness for you and don't forget to
give alms then Allah will multiply for you" thank you O Allah for all your favors.


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