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SCHOOL Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates: FEB. 5-9,2024 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 2


A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect movement of objects.
B.Performance Standards The learners should be able to produce an advertisement demonstrates road safety.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different objects. S6FE-IIIa-c-1
1.Teacher’s Guide pages K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages ADM WEEK 2 ADM WEEK 2 ADM WEEK 2 ADM WEEK 2
4.Additional materials from learning “Force of Gravity”, Clark “What is Gravity?”, Padpad, Evelyn C., 2015. The New Padpad, Evelyn C., 2015. The
resource (LR) portal Science 8, accessed NASA Science, Space Science Links Worktext in Science New Science Links Worktext
September 21, 2020, Place. Explore Earth and and Technology 6. Rex Book Store in Science and Technology 6.
https://clarkscience8.w Space, last updated Rex Book Store September 14, 2020,
B.Other Learning Resource Pictures, realia objects Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, pictures Powerpoint presentation,
pictures pictures
A.Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
B.Presenting Examples/ instances of the Directions: Refer to Ask: Ask:
new lesson the clues/phrases Have you experienced
below to complete the How does the gravitational mountain climbing? Why is
crossword puzzle. force affect people’s lives? Do it hard for you to go up the
Write the answers in you have any idea of finding mountain than going
your Science activity ways to minimize its effect? down?
notebook. What do you think made it
hard for you to do so?

1. The Earth's ______

force is the reason
why things fall.
2. ______ is a natural
phenomenon wherein
all things with mass or
energy are attracted
to one another.
4. The more mass
and the closer the
objects are to each
other, the ______ is
the force of gravity.

3. The object will float
on ______ if there is
no gravitational force
acting on it.
5. The mass of an
object and the ______
between them are two
things that affect the
gravity towards an
C.Discussing new concepts and Describing Gravity In everyday life, we can observe the
practicing new skills #1 gravitational force and its effects on the objects.
 Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between Everything that goes up on Earth comes down.
any two objects. Gravitational force is the force of attraction between
 Gravity is a force that tries to pull two objects toward all masses in the universe, especially the attraction of
each other. Earth’s mass for bodies near its surface. There are
factors that affect the movement of the objects as
 Gravity is a natural phenomenon wherein all things
they fall such as the air, weight and distance. Objects
with mass or energy are attracted to one another. falling on Earth pass through air. The movement of
 The force of gravity towards an object depends on the falling object is affected by the air. It can slow
two things: the mass of the objects and the distance down the movement of an object.
between the objects.
The weight of an object can greatly affect the
 Greater mass results in greater force; greater distance
gravitational force of attraction. The heavier the
results in smaller force. This means that the more object, the faster it moves to the ground.
mass they have and the closer the objects are, the
greater is the force of gravity.
 On Earth, gravity pulls all objects to Earth’s center. All
objects in the universe attract each other, therefore
gravity acts on all objects in the universe.
 The Earth’s gravity is the reason why things fall down
rather than up and what keeps you walking on the
ground instead of flying off into space. All objects with
a mass will experience a force of gravity which is
directed “downward” toward the center of the earth.
 Weight is a measure of the force of gravity pulling
down on an object.

D.Discussing new concepts and Study the illustration below: The gravitational force acting on an object is affected
practicing new skills #2 by distance. The more distant the object from the
earth, the less gravitational force of attraction. The
closer the objects from each other, the greater are
the gravitational force. When the distance increases,
the gravitational force decreases.

Activity 1
Observing the Effect of Gravitational Force
 The force that is present while the girl is trying to slide
across the skating rink is friction. Direction: Perform the activity given below and write
your answers in your activity notebook.
 The force that pulls the girl to the ground as she fell is
called gravity. Problem: Does weight affect how fast the object fall?
Other examples involving gravity or gravitational force are What You Need: metal spoon and plastic spoon What
shown below: You Need To Do:
1. Get a metal spoon and a plastic spoon.
2. Put the two spoons in each hand.
3. Drop the spoons at the same time and observe
what spoon hit the floor first.
4. Do this three times.

Answer the following questions:

1. Which object consistently hits the floor first?
2. When you dropped two different objects, which
hits the floor first- the lighter or the heavier object?
Explain your answer. __________________________
3. What force acts on the objects as they fall? 4. How
does weight relate to the gravitational force of

E.Developing Mastery Directions: Read the following Directions: Study the Directions: Direction: Write the effects
statements carefully. Write T if pictures with its description Given the of gravitational force in the
the statement is True and F if it below. Mark (✔) if it shows pictures below, graphic organizer and
is False in your Science activity the effect of gravity towards tell how write your answers in your
notebook. _________ 1. Gravity an object and (X) if it does gravitational activity notebook.
helps the Earth to stay in orbit not. Write the answers in force affects
around the Sun. _________ 2. your Science activity the objects.
Gravity is the attractive force notebook. Write your
that exists between any two answers in
objects. your activity
_________ 3. Gravity is the notebook
reason why leaves fall from the
_________ 4. How much
gravity an object has depends
on its mass. _________ 5.
Mass is a measure of the force
of gravity pulling down on an
F.Finding Practical application of Indicate if the friction has Activity 2- Do It Yourself Directions: Directions: Choose the letter of the
concepts and skills in daily living desirable or undesirable effect. Materials Needed: ball and Supply the correct answer. Write the letter of
Write D for desirable and U for cotton Procedures: missing words your answer on a separate sheet of
undesirable. Answer in your 1. Hold the ball on your in the paper.
activity notebook. ____1. Wet other arm and the on the paragraph to 1. What can make objects move
roads are dangerous for other arm, hold the cotton. make it fast and stop?
travelling vehicles. 2. On shoulder level, complete. A. energy
____2. Friction produces heat release the two items at the Choose among B. force
that can be used for cooking. same time. the words C. gravity
____3. A rubber placed at the 3. In your activity notebook inside the box D. motion
edge of the staircases helps in copy the table below. below. Write 2. If you climb the stairs, you will
avoiding accidents. Repeat procedure no. 2 your answers experience difficulty to reach the
____4. Applying wax to the three times and record your in your activity highest part. Why?
surface makes it easier to move observation. notebook. A. You go against gravity.
heavy objects. B. You go with the gravity.
____5. Smooth floor on The C. Gravity pushes you up.
playgrounds can cause more ___________is D. Gravity has an upward force.
accidents on children. the force that 3. What do you call the pull of
acts on the attraction towards the center of the
Answer the following objects as they earth?
questions in your activity fall to the A. force
notebook. ground. The B. gravity
1. Based from the activity movement of C. kinetic friction
you’ve done, what object the falling D. frictional force
hits the ground first? objects is 4. What do you call the pull of
2. What force acts on affected by the gravity on any object?
objects as they fall to the _____. It can A. mass
ground? _________the B. weight
3. What causes heavier movement. C. motion
and lighter objects to fall at The heavier D. newton
different speed? the object, the 5. What would happen to objects
4. Would the ball and ______it and people if there is no gravity?
cotton hit the ground the moves to the A. The objects and people would
same way it does here on ground. The not move or remain stationary.
Earth on the moon? more distant B. The objects and people would
the object from neither rise nor fall, or they would
the earth, just float.
the_____ C. The objects and people would
gravitational eventually drift away and float off
force of into space. D. The objects and
attraction. The people will move downward and will
closer the remain still on the ground.
objects from
each other, the
______is the
force. When
the distance
increases, the

G.Making generalization and abstraction Gravity is very important to all of us. Without gravity, we could It was Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and physicist who
about the lesson not live on Earth; instead, all the objects will be floating into the discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about
space. the forces of nature.
Gravity is the force that attracts planets, bodies and elements
towards each other.
Gravity only pulls; it never repels.
Gravity is weaker the farther an object is.
Gravity causes everything to fall at the same speed.
This is why balls with different mass hit the ground at the same time.
H.Evaluating learning Directions: Read each Directions: Perform Put a check ( ) on the space Read the questions
question carefully and the activity below by if the activity is affected by the carefully and write the
choose the letter of following the gravitational force and X if not. letter of the correct answer
the best answer. In instructions on what to Write your answer in your in your activity notebook.
your Science activity do and write the activity notebook. 1. Which of the following
notebook, write the answers to the _____ 1. Climbing the stairs statements does NOT tell
letter that corresponds questions in your _____ 2. Lifting a pail _____ 3. about the effects of
to your answer. Science activity Pushing a cabinet _____ 4. gravitational force on
1. What natural notebook. Plates on the table _____ 5. objects?
phenomenon explains Throwing garbage in the A. The more distant the
why all things are “Paperclip Gravity compost pit body from the earth, the
attracted to one Experiment” lesser is the gravitational
another? force of attraction.
A. Force What you need: B. Gravitational force
B. Gravity a stick pushes the objects
C. Friction paper clips upward.
D. Motion string C. Gravitational force is
2. The force of gravity greater when the objects
on an object is its What to do: are closer together.
_______. 1. Tie one end of a D. The farther you are
A. mass piece of string to a from earth, the lesser your
B. volume paperclip and tie the weight.
C. speed other end around the 2. Why is it difficult for us
D. weight stick. to go up in a mountain
3. Why do objects 2. Repeat twice more than go down?
float in outer space? so that the stick has A. We are moving against
Objects float in outer three paperclips gravity.
space because they attached. B. We are pulled by the
have _______ gravity. 3. Hold the stick up in wind.
A. less the air, allowing the C. We are moving towards
B. unknown paperclips hang gravity.
C. more freely. D. None of the above
D. zero 4. Tilt the stick back 3. Which of these will have
4. Which of the and forth. the strongest gravitational
following has the pull on Earth?
strongest gravitational Question A. a baby
pull? 1: Which direction do B. a drinking glass
A. A basketball the paperclips point? C. a half sack of rice
B. The Earth ______ D. an elephant
C. A car Question 2: What 4. Without air resistance,
D. The Sun happens when you tilt all objects fall at the same
5. Which is the best the stick? _____ rate.
example of gravity? Question 3. How does A. True
A. A car stops moving gravity affect the B. False
when it hits a tree. movement of the C. Maybe
B. A sailboat moves paperclips? D. Neither True or False 5.
when the breeze The gravity between two
blows. objects increases as the
C. A book moves distance between them
when it is pushed ___.
across a table. A. decreases
D. A ball falls to the B. increases
ground when it is C. neutralizes
dropped from the D. stabilizes
fourth floor of a
I.additional activities for application or

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe formative
B. No.oflearnerswho requireadditionalactivities
C. Didtheremediallessons work? No.oflearnerswho
havecaughtupwiththe lesson.
D. No.oflearnerswho continuetorequire remediation
E. Whichofmyteaching strategiesworkedwell?Why
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI encounterwhichmy
principalorsupervisorcan helpmesolve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other



Teacher I Principal II

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