Lab 6 Windows Forensics

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Lab 5 Windows Forensics

Task 1: Use Windows Event Viewer to audit failed Login + cleared logs:
1- First try to type the wrong password in Login, then try again with
correct credentials.
2- Open Event Viewer app.

3- Browse to Windows Logs, then choose Security.

4- Then press on “Filter Current Log” on the right-hand side.

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

5- Here, we need to audit failed login, we can use ID for failure login
as 4625.

Show me which status displayed to you??

Here is a list of codes for the status:

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

- Audit Clear Log attempt:
Activity: clear the log and then show me the auditing in Event viewer
that shows such an action. I clear log ID can be found in:

Task 2: Restore Volume shadow Copy

Volume Shadow Copy Service or VSS is a technology included in Microsoft Windows that allows
taking manual or automatic backup copies or snapshots of computer files or volumes, even when
they are in use.

1- We need to enable (system restore )on Windows VM. In the search bar type system

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

2- Click on Create a restore point.
3- Click on C drive and Click on Configure.

4- Choose Turn on system protection>>move the cursor in Max Usage to specify the volume
size>>Apply>> Ok

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

5- Delete any folder you have on Desktop, and then deletes it from Recycle bin.
6- Go to System Protection screen again, click on Create, type “test” then wait till it is done.

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

7- Open Command Prompt (Run as Administrator) and type the following command:
vssadmin list Shadows /for=C:

8- You will find that the shadow is created.

9- Type the following command to mount the shadow in your VM machine:
mklink /d C:\Users\IEUser\Downloads\shadow-copy2

10- Go to Downloads folder, and open the shadow folder:

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

11- you will find all the files in the C drive, including the folder you deleted in Desktop.

Dr. Sarah Abu Ghazalah

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