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Hocus Focus

A Dresden Fiasco

Stars and stones, Billy! Isnt there already a game with me in it?

Based on the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher Yea h, but this ones gre CREDITS
Written by Peter Woodworth Edited by Matthew D. Gandy Art by Logan Bonner

at too ! Its about fla wed people who com e up with a bad plan that fa lls apart in a big way.

Oh, that sounds... fun.

I know, right!

ouv Y e got a good heart, kid.

Layout by Bully Pulpit Games and Fred Hicks Playtested by Scott Adams, Rich Brodsky, Kristen Carlson, Dominic Ciarocchi, Greg Curley, Sarah Curley, Alyssa Foote, Genevieve Harbuck, Amy Houser, Scott Katinger, Michael Pucci, Dan Schermond, Andrew Scott, Tali Teichman, Meg Woodworth, and Ashley Zdeb

This Playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully Pulpit Games. This Playset is copyright 2011 by Evil Hat Productions, LLC. Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved. Based on the original works in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher as published by the Roc imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Arranged through the authors agent: Jennifer Jackson, Donald Maass Literary Agency. The Dresden Files, all of The Dresden Files book titles, all of the characters, descriptions, and plots from The Dresden Files books and stories, and all quoted material from The Dresden Files books are 2000-2011 Jim Butcher. For more information about Fiasco or to download other Playsets and materials, visit If youd like to create your own Playset or other Fiasco-related content, write Bully Pulpit Games at For more information about the Dresden Files Roleplaying Game, visit and

It was all going according to plan...
Occult Chicago. Beneath the surface there are movers and shakers, magics and artifacts, all hidden from mortal eyes. Theres so much right there for the takingmoney, power, fame, respectit feels like all you need to is just reach out and grab it. And thats just what you intend to do. Youve got supernatural powers, a foolproof plan, and then? Easy street. What could go wrong?

...But then Harry Dresden showed up.

This playset has a special twistHarry Dresden is the Tilt. One way or another, Harry gets involved in the action, which in turn leads to the characters plans going awry (if they werent heading off the rails already). To represent Harrys presence shaking things up, youll find a special Tilt table near the end of the playset, detailing his involvement. Unlike the normal Tilt table, there are only three categories, each with two corresponding numbers instead of one. Otherwise, they function exactly as the normal Tilt tables. During the Tilt phase, players are required to select at least one element from this special table. They may still select the other Tilt element from the regular Fiasco rulebook, or they may select both elements from the new Tilt table, but should not select both elements from the original Tilt table.

In the Know

This playset follows a group of characters as they attempt to e you t, does that mak pull off some kind of impulIf youre the Til wizard? sive, dangerous, or otherwise a pinball ill-advised scheme in the shad? nba ll wiz ard owy world of occult Chicago. It W hats a pi you. might be a magical conspiracy Quiet, both of of some kind, or perhaps its an ordinary crime they intend to carry out using their supernatural abilities. As such, it is assumed that all the characters are, if not actual supernatural beings or wielders of magical powers, at least clued-in about some of the paranormal forces at work in occult Chicago.

ything I sh up, ever So when wroow? Perfect. ng goes

1 Family Ties
1 Parent/Child 2 Estranged siblings 3 Kissing cousins 4 Golden child/black sheep 5 Adopted family 6 Long-lost relatives

2 Strictly Business
1 Hitman/target 2 Client/bodyguard 3 Pusher/addict 4 Legitimate business partners 5 Shop owner/disgruntled employee 6 Gang leader/muscle

3 Friends and Lovers

1 Best friends who are actually bitter rivals 2 Mentor/protg 3 Buddies from way back 4 Faithful spouse/cheating spouse 5 Friends with benefits 6 Your least favorite ex

4 Spellcasters
1 Wizard/impatient apprentice 2 Weekenders with no idea what theyre doing 3 Wizard/illicit supernatural contact 4 Necromancer/drummer 5 Sidhe noble/mistreated vassal 6 Warden of the White Council/Lawbreaker

Wait, what happens if one of your Relationships says youre one type of supernatural being,r but then your othe Relationship says ? youre something else
Well, you could just select a different Relationship, if youve got choices remaining. You could also make it about just one of you, or even someone else entirely whos important to your characters. If one Relationship says that youre a wizard , for example, but your other Relationship says Werewolves in a pack, you might be a wizard who just happen s to have a close connection with a particular pack of werewolves.

5 Predators and Prey

1 White Court virgin/vampire wannabe 2 Denarian/would-be recruit 3 Ambitious sorcerer/starry-eyed acolyte 4 Red Court vampire/their thrall 5 Werewolf packmates 6 Ghoul/intended victim

6 Fringe Elements
1 Midwestern Arcane reporter/anonymous source 2 Changeling/their last mortal friend 3 Witch hunter/minor practitioner 4 Hustler psychic/desperate client 5 True believer/diehard skeptic 6 Faerie godparent/godchild

As though such a bizarre relationship could ever work.


1 I Gotta Get Paid
1 and nobody better get in my way. 2 because I owe some dangerous people. 3 and get out of this life for good. 4 and finally make it to the big leagues. 5 and give them the life they deserve. 6 but I have this one last job to do first.

2 Im In Love
1 with someone who doesnt deserve it. 2 as deep and as true as it gets. 3 and it scares the hell out of me. 4 and I need to make them love me back. 5 but if they ever find out, itll ruin everything. 6 and I just wish I could make my love happy.

3 I Want Power
1 and it will be mine, all mine. 2 and I dont care who gets hurt. 3 just for the rush. 4 because I deserve to be in charge for once. 5 so I can finally make them notice me. 6 to make the world a better place.

T se guy ar he always the s or e w because not st, only ar hey determinee tthey d, can be really hard to spot un t its too late. Itil really w a lot easieou ld tbe if bad guys acr ual he t ly wore black hat s.

4 I Want Payback
1 because its all Ive got left. 2 so I can finally sleep at night. 3 so I can watch them suffer. 4 for the little guy. 5 and theyll never see it coming. 6 on the whole damn world.

5 I Lost Something
1 and Im running out of time. 2 but I bet that bastard has it. 3 and without it Im losing control. 4 but when I get it back, everything will be perfect again. 5 and I didnt realize its value until just now. 6 and nobody can ever know its missing.

6 Im Changing
1 and Im scared of what Im becoming. 2 but nothing will be different. Nothing. At. All. 3 as soon as the ritual is complete. 4 and now we can be together forever. 5 but I can still stop it if I just find a way. 6 and when its over, theyll see who theyre messing with.


1 Tourist Spots
1 Sears Tower 2 The Field Museum 3 Millennium Park 4 Wrigley Field 5 University of Chicago 6 Lincoln Park Zoo

2 Sinister Sites
1 A run-down waterfront warehouse 2 The champagne room at a second-rate skin shack 3 A 24-hour pawn shop that specializes in exotic goods 4 A half-clean hotel with discount hourly rates 5 A dark alley with a notorious body count 6 A well-kept park no one visits after dark

3 Mysterious Places
1 The third floor of a two-story library 2 An old family tomb with a broken padlock 3 A quiet house on a quiet street with quiet neighbors 4 The Midwestern Arcane offices 5 An apartment block built over a graveyard 6 A hotel room where thirteen suicides took place

4 The Nightlife
1 The Velvet Room 2 McAnallys Pub 3 Club Zero 4 The Green Mill jazz club 5 Executive Priority Health club 6 Coiffure Cup salon/caf

Pardon my stubborn insistence on sensible chronology, but wouldnt it be difficult to include both locations in the same story, since one replaced the other? After a rather spectacular fire, as I recall?
possible Not necessarily. Its always over that you could tell a story s a span of time that include e in a both, or visit the old sit flashback, or jump ahead and ure. see the newer one in the fut

5 Official Business
1 The city morgue 2 Cook County Hospital

3 The offices of CPDs Special Investigations unit 4 The Hall of Records 5 The Chicago Tribune offices 6 Cook County Jail

6 Occul Sites t
1 Chicago-Over-Chicago 2 Undertown 3 Monoc Securities 4 Demonreach island 5 The Hidden Halls of Edinburgh 6 The Deeps


1 Spellcraft
1 Veil of Invisibility 2 Demon summoning ritual 3 Tracking spell 4 Exploding heart spell 5 Spirit binding 6 Possession spell

2 Dark Materials
1 The Heart of Kemmler 2 A debt to Queen Mab 3 A hexenwolf belt 4 A leftover crate of the ThreeEye drug 5 An ancient, blackened silver coin 6 A vial of vampire blood

3 Supernatural Stuff
1 A trapped member of the Little Folk 2 A Sword of the Cross 3 Ghost dust 4 A wizards staff 5 An old skull covered in mystical writing 6 A protective amulet

Oh, Billy.
What? This game is all about how things go wrong. Just think about how bad it would get if the wrong person got their hands on you!

You really dont want to know. Trust me.

4 Questionable Items
1 A stolen Wardens sword 2 An ancient totem mask 3 A sleazy love potion 4 A blood-soaked fetish stick 5 Lucky cards with bloodstained corners 6 A cursed Ouija board

5 Mundane but Creepy Stuff

1 An ancient bone 2 A tear-stained letter 3 A bloody wedding band 4 A raven feather 5 A deed to an abandoned manor 6 A lock of hair

6 Hot Property
1 A stolen car 2 A thumb drive full of dangerous information 3 A murder weapon 4 A briefcase stuffed with cash 5 Enough plastique to blow up City Hall 6 Fake IDs and a one-way plane ticket to Vancouver


The Til Harry Dresden t:

1-2 Its Business
1 and hes on the job for Special Investigations. 2 and hes on the job for a desperate parent. 3 and hes on the job for the White Council. 4 and hes on the job for Gentleman Johnny Marcone. 5 and hes on the job for Queen Mab. 6 and hes on the job for a client who hasnt told him the whole truth.

3-4 Its Personal

1 because you targeted Harry, you idiots. 2 because you targeted an old client. 3 because you targeted one of his friends.

Isnt this every client youve ever had, Harry?

S hut up, B ob.

4 because he cant stand to see a woman treated that way. 5 because what youre doing is just plain wrong. 6 and its for your own good.

5-6 Its Dumb Luck

1 because Harry happened to witness part of the action. 2 because you have a crucial piece of evidence that he needs. 3 because someone had an attack of conscience and told Harry about it. 4 because your plan accidentally destroys his office and/or apartment. 5 because something magical goes haywire at the exact wrong time. 6 because Harry accidentally soulgazed one of you.

A Hocus Focus

Relationships Under Investigation
For three players * Wizards: Warden of the White Council/Lawbreaker * Family Ties: Long-lost relatives * Friends and Lovers: Your least favorite ex For four players, add * Strictly Business: Legitimate business partners For five players, add * Fringe Elements: Hustler psychic/desperate client

Needs Under Investigation

For three players * I Gotta Get Paid: because I owe some dangerous people. For four or five players, add * Im Changing: but nothing will be different. Nothing. At. All.

LOCATIONS Under Investigation

For three or four players * The Nightlife: McAnallys Pub For five players, add * Mysterious Places: Hotel room where thirteen suicides took place

OBJECTS Under Investigation

For three or four players * Spellcraft: Demon summoning ritual For five players, add * Questionable Items: A stolen Wardens sword

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