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English B HL paper 2 Custom and tradition

Good morning, parents and teachers,

As you all know, the school principal is planning to reduce the length of the school’s main holiday.
On behalf of the students, I believe that the holiday length shouldn’t be reduced, for two reasons.

Firstly, a school holiday is an opportunity for students to recover, and a shorter holiday cannot
achieve this purpose. For students, the holiday has different functions. It not only gives us time to
recharge ourselves from a tense and busy term but also allows us to start ahead during the holiday.
During the holiday, we need to finish our holiday homework, and probably read through the
contents we are going to cover next term. More importantly, we need to spend time hanging out
with friends, and that’s why this period is called a “holiday”. If holiday time is reduced,
everything will be done in a rush, and the result is that nothing can be finished perfectly. We
cannot enjoy the time we deserved, have to finish the homework hurriedly. I’m sure this is not
what you want to see right? Without a fully recovered relaxing time, students cannot start the new
term, or journey of study, positively.

Secondly, the school holiday is a chance to enjoy life for all stakeholders involved. Not only
students enjoy the school holidays, parents, teachers, also need a holiday to relax. Do teachers
have their own family? Yes. And do teachers need to enjoy the time with their family members?
The answer is yes again. So you see, the school principal, teachers, parents need to spend time
with their family members as well. The holiday is a chance to create a stronger bond between
parents and children. if students and teachers spend the holiday at school, then where’s the human
relationship that we are supposed to have? Everyone has their own life, and the school cannot
exploit students and teachers just because it wants to have higher scores. We are seeking a balance
between study and life, rather than putting all the efforts into the study. if that’s the case, then we
are just robots, not living human beings.

I know some of you may insist that a shorter holiday means being more productive, doing more
work, higher score, but just like what I said, study is not everything. A balanced lifestyle is what
we want, and I’m sure it’s what you want as well. Therefore, the length of the school holiday
shouldn’t be reduced.

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