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Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

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Sustainable fertilizer supply chain network design using evolutionary-based

resilient robust stochastic programming
Motahareh Rabbani a, Seyyed Mohammad Hadji Molana a, *, Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi b,
Mohammad Hossein Davoodi c
Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
School of Strategy and Leadership, Coventry University, England, UK
Soil and Water Research Institute, Karaj Iran


Keywords: Phosphorus is an unsustainable substance that plays an essential role in modern agricultural systems and crop
Phosphorus fertilizer supply chain yield. Due to phosphorus growing demand and the importance of sustainable application of this critical resource,
Sustainability there is increasing concern about its supply chain network sustainability and resiliency. In this paper, a multi-
objective, multi-product, multi-period mathematical model is developed for the sustainable phosphorus supply
Robust stochastic programming
chain management in an uncertain environment. The parametric uncertainties such as demand and supply are
Genetic algorithm
aggravated by disruptions with devastating effects on strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. Given the
potential adverse effects of the phosphorus supply chain on the environment and human beings, a sustainable-
resilient supply chain network of the fertilizer industry is designed by considering the related environmental,
social, and economic challenges of the phosphorus managing. A reactive strategy is adapted to encounter the
disruptions and breakdowns along with the network, while a robust stochastic programming is extended and
solved using genetic algorithm to cope with the real-world uncertainties. The proposed model effectively controls
the uncertainty and risk-aversion of output decisions and confronts the adverse effects of disruptions. The
effectiveness and applicability of the model are validated through a real case study. Besides, the performance and
reliability of the model are proved by the realization under new scenarios. The results indicate that the proposed
model performs well in capturing real-world uncertainties and promoting the sustainability and resiliency of the

1. Introduction substance.
P is a low-cost commodity. Based on (Scholz & Wellmer, 2013), each
Phosphorus (P) is the most important element used in inorganic person annually consumes about 6 US$ worth of PR. Given the increased
fertilizers industry. P-fertilizers are indispensable for agricultural prac­ efficiency of mining technology and rising demand, some closed un­
tices and food security. The primary source of P is phosphate rock (PR), derground mines may be economically feasible to produce P again in the
which is non-renewable and limited (Scholz et al., 2013). Along with the long run. However, economical and physical access to phosphate varies
rapidly growing global population, the demand for food has been greatly. Despite the fact that many smallholder farmers, particularly
increased significantly (Gong, Xiang, et al., 2022). Modern agriculture those located in developing countries, cannot afford P (economic scar­
consumes substantial phosphates for crop farming, and consequently, city) or it is not available near them, the concentration of the known
the P intake is increasing by population growth (Scholz et al., 2013). phosphate mines in a few countries is also disconcerting (Scholz et al.,
According to some estimates, the global P reserves are being depleted at 2013). Such countries need to import active phosphate soil or fertilizers
a higher rate, and there will be no soil P reserve by 2050 (Gong, Xiang, from foreign suppliers and producers. Besides, countries have to tackle
et al., 2022; Röös et al., 2017). Therefore, more attention should be paid several challenges related to the P supply chain (PSC).
to boosting the efficiency of the P consumption, which is a vital On the one hand, natural and human disturbances in unstable real-

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: motahareh.rabbani@srbiau.ac.ir (M. Rabbani), molana@srbiau.ac.ir (S. Mohammad Hadji Molana), mojtaba.sajadi@coventry.ac.uk (S. Mojtaba
Sajadi), davoodi_mh@yahoo.com (M. Hossein Davoodi).


Available online 5 November 2022

0360-8352/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

world environments adversely affect the PSC network. They create a Then, the research gaps are analyzed, and our main contributions
high degree of uncertainty in the network, preventing network perfor­ against the existing literature are mentioned.
mance optimization. Long-term decisions intensify such uncertainty in
network design. Therefore, the main challenge is to provide a robust and 2.1. Phosphorous fertilizer supply chain
reliable solution that can cope with the uncertainties and has the least
possible performance fluctuation (Vali-Siar & Roghanian, 2022). In this Researchers shifted their attention to P as a scarce and crucial
study, there is a high degree of uncertainty related to the demand and resource in recent years. They encouraged the emergence of a “peak
supply parameters of the PSC, and thus, a robust stochastic supply chain phosphorus” discourse oriented around the world’s scarcity of the PR
network is designed to cope with this increasing uncertainty. (Nedelciu et al., 2020; Ragnarsdóttir et al., 2011). The rates of the P
Other challenge in supply chain network design (SCND) is associated consumption and geographical distribution of the PR reserves are sig­
with disruptions risks, which may halt or adversely affect the operation nificant inequalities on a global scale (Scholz & Wellmer, 2013). The
of PSC and lead to deviations in its objectives. The risk sources of the regional balance is highly relevant to food security, especially in facing
disruption include operational risks, natural disasters, pandemics and with the increasing world population that also shows different growth
political events (Shokouhifar and Ranjbarimesan, 2022). Hence, one of rates depending on the region (Nedelciu et al., 2020).
the primary factors in SCND is identifying disruptive behaviors and P-fertilizers include single superphosphate (SSP), triple superphos­
finding productive ways to face them. In this aspect, supply chain phate (TSP), and calcium magnesium phosphate (CMP) from medium-
resilience design is a practical approach to cope with the supply chain low PR processing; and mono ammonium phosphate (MAP), dia­
risk sources (Shafaghizadeha et al., 2021). mmonium phosphate (DAP), and nitrogen‑phosphorus‑potassium (NPK)
Current strategies for the P management face with rapid depletion of from high PR processing (Gong, Xiang, et al., 2022). Most of the losses
PR, low P use efficiency (PUE), and high P-related environmental from fertilizer application on the soil to fork are in runoff from agri­
pollution (Luo et al., 2017). In this regard, suggesting a strategy to cultural land (Scholz & Wellmer, 2015). Research on P production and
protect the environment is the main concern area (Simons et al., 2014). utilization indicates an 80 % loss from the mine to the fork. Humans
Given the finite nature of PR and the environmental impacts of improper digest only 10 % of the processed P-fertilizers (Cordell et al., 2009). The
management of P-fertilizers, particularly on aquatic ecosystems, and digested P finds its way into human wastewater or may be discarded
potential adverse effects of P overuse on biodiversity, sustainable P outside of the wastewater refining system in the context of uncontrolled
management has to focus on understanding prerequisites for sufficient P disposal. According to the United Nations wastewater assessment, un­
supply. In this way, the communities can ensure long-term food security treated or inadequately treated wastewater is acknowledged to have
and prevent aquatic pollution and potential negative effects on terres­ negative impacts on 1) environment, 2) human health, and 3) economy
trial biodiversity derived from P products (Garske & Ekardt, 2021). (Water, 2021). P runoff and P untreated wastewater are the leading
Technically, sustainability and resiliency should be considered together causes of creating or expanding “dead zones” (Nedelciu et al., 2020;
to ensure the system’s survival by exploiting the synergy and in­ Oberle et al., 2019). This phenomenon’s adverse effects are tangible on
teractions between these two concepts. Moreover, the supply chain the environment and the people’s livelihoods living in the affected areas.
should be resilient to maintain its sustainability performance, including Another P-rich runoff impact is threatening marine biodiversity (Mar­
the environmental dimension (Mehrjerdi & Shafiee, 2021). Despite the tinez-Escobar & Mallela, 2019). Furthermore, severe P footprint on air
crucial importance of the PSC network optimization, it has not received pollution and climate change cannot be neglected. Mining and refining
adequate attention for a long time, especially through mathematical PR to produce P-fertilizers is the main reason for almost all of the
approaches and operational researches. negative impacts of the PSC on the air quality and climate (Oberle et al.,
In this paper, an integrated sustainable-resilient SCND is studied. A 2019).
multi-objective mathematical model is developed considering three Studies in the PSC have included quantitative models, and their re­
pillars covering the concept of economic, environmental, and social sults pointed toward P scarcity (Nedelciu et al., 2020; Ragnarsdóttir
factors. Moreover, to enhance the resiliency of the network against et al., 2011; Sverdrup & Ragnarsdottir, 2011; Sverdrup & Ragnarsdóttir,
disruptions, a reactive strategy is applied. Finally, an evolutionary-based 2014). In these researches, a system dynamics model was proposed and
algorithm is presented to solve the established problem and handle the mentioned the growing population as a primary driver for P consump­
problem’s computational complexity. A real case study and various test tion and demand. They also assumed P-containing waste recycling in
problems are provided to verify the mathematical model and solution their model, including recapturing P substances in human waste, food
method. This study aims to design the first PSC network model industry waste, etc. Some authors developed a production and trade
employing a robust stochastic approach to 1) promote the resiliency of model to investigate concerns about P depletion. According to their
the PSC network in the case of disruption risk, 2) improve the sustain­ conclusion, there was no short-term or medium-term depletion (Van
ability of the PSC considering all the triple-pillars, and 3) tackle un­ Vuuren et al., 2010). In another study, a demand-production interaction
certain real-world challenges. The proposed model suggests the proper resource model was presented, considering low, best, and high estimate
inventory flow along with the PSC and optimize the effects of different scenarios of peak phosphate production (Mohr & Evans, 2013).
types of mineral P-fertilizers yield. Moreover, explore potential effective Some studies focused on analyzing and improving P products yield
approaches to improve PUE and reduce the adverse environmental im­ and managing the PSC environmental activities (Altamira-Algarra et al.,
pacts of P from a supply chain perspective. 2022; Gong, Xiang, et al., 2022; Meyer et al., 2020). A series of the
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews single-factor and integrated methods have been utilized to improve the
the literature in the cases of sustainable SCND, resilient SCND, and P-fertilizer consumption efficiency in agricultural systems (Bai et al.,
handling uncertainties in SCND. The problem modelling and solution 2013; Gong, Meng, et al., 2022; Withers et al., 2014). The yield response
method are provided in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. Section 5 presents to the P-fertilizer was employed to calculate the optimal P-fertilizer use
the details of the case study. The computational results and analyses are for soils with P deficiency (Bai et al., 2013). A maintenance and makeup
provided in Section 6, and finally, the paper is concluded in section 7. approach was proposed for the sustainable P management of soils with
high P accumulation (Li et al., 2011). Another study explored potential
2. Literature review practical approaches to reduce the negative environmental impacts of
the P-fertilizers and improve their efficiency (Gong, Meng, et al., 2022).
This section addresses the relevant studies to the subject of this Besides, a substitution strategy suggesting feeding crop roots rather than
paper. The literature is reviewed from two main aspects: P-fertilizer the soil was advocated to obtain high P-fertilizer use yield (Withers
supply chain and sustainability and resiliency in the uncertain SCND. et al., 2014).

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Environmental effects of the PSC from the RP exploitation to the crop logistic model considering four objectives to minimize the total cost,
production are shown in Fig. 1. Managing the PSC toward sustainable carbon emission coverage driven from transportation, and fraud func­
approaches in agriculture struggles with PR mining, P-fertilizer tion that gains from the extensive sharing of supply chain data, and
manufacturing, and crop production. Effects of different P-fertilizers on maximize the demand satisfaction. They used a robust fuzzy stochastic
the PUE must be quantitatively calculated and analyzed from a supply approach to deal with the uncertain parameters and the augmented
chain perspective (Nedelciu et al., 2020). Moreover, the nature and ε-constraint approach to solve the multi-objective problem (Gholizadeh
magnitude of P substances flow in the supply chain should be deter­ et al., 2020).
mined (Chowdhury et al., 2016). These two approaches are extensively Reliable and safe infrastructures are pivotal for ensuring the sus­
used in recent studies to identify general trends of the P flow. tainability of advanced societies. Resilience is an integrated supply
The previous studies focused on quantitative approaches concerning chain design and planning strategy to prevent disruption risks and deal
the production of PR and P-fertilizers. However, the PSC network with destructive events such as disasters that attack infrastructure (Fang
modelling and optimization is very useful to help the decision-makers in et al., 2019). In this regard, researchers have introduced and applied
managing a reliable P inventory flow among different echelons of the various resilience strategies. In (Elluru et al., 2019), a location-routing
PSC from the top-level (supplier) to the lowest level (consumer). To be problem has been developed with a time window considering different
more specific, more dedicated studies in the literature are noteworthy by reactive and proactive disaster-resilient supply chain scenarios. In
noticing the critical concerns of the PSC network, such as resiliency and another research, a mixed-integer programming model has been pre­
sustainability challenges. Moreover, regional differences in terms of P- sented to deal with the disruption distribution centers. They utilized
fertilizers requirements, price sensitivity of different regions, environ­ safety stock inventory as one of the essential resilience strategies
mental impacts of P on the PSC network have not been pragmatically (Taleizadeh et al., 2020).
included in studies so far. Most of the previous researches considered sustainability and resil­
iency separately. However, addressing sustainability challenges of the
supply chain alongside resiliency helps outperform such problems more
2.2. Sustainability and resiliency in uncertain SCND
practically (Sadeghi et al., 2021). One of the first studies in this respect
that investigated the sustainable-resilience relationship for SCND
Recently, one of the primary contexts in operations research and
quantifies social and environmental performances of the supply chain
mathematical modeling has been focused on supply chain management
through a multi-objective optimization model. A performance scoring
concerns (SCM). The generative design of supply chains and focusing on
method and a fuzzy goal programming approach were conducted to find
the problems of supply chain echelons helps organizations to achieve a
trade-off solutions (Fahimnia & Jabbarzadeh, 2016). Accordingly, a
competitive advantage (Sadeghi et al., 2021; Sohrabi et al., 2021a). The
study addresses bi-level programming for sustainable supply chain
emerging study area in this field is finding practical ways to boost SC
optimization by considering resilience and pricing decisions. Further­
performance to prevent vulnerability (Vali-Siar & Roghanian, 2022).
more, they suggested some policies that governments optimize and
Accessing and sharing the disruption information in supply chains is
affect social and environmental responsibilities by setting emissions tax
important to achieve a proper disruption reduction strategy (Thomas &
rates (Taleizadeh et al., 2022).
Mahanty, 2021). Several studies examined the disruption recovery
Some authors noticed the resilient SCND and developed a multi-
problems due to the importance of preparation to encounter the
objective location-allocation model to design uncertainty in a
disruption (Aldrighetti et al., 2021; Golan et al., 2021). The modern
sustainable-resilient supply chain network (Zahiri et al., 2017). A
supply chains are facing more complex uncertainties. Sustainable supply
stochastic-probabilistic programming model was developed to capture
chains reward competitive advantage to tackle the unforeseen disrup­
the uncertainty. Also, new sustainability and resilience measures, such
tions challenges. However, there is a long way to achieving a sustainable
as total cost, social satisfaction, and environmental resilience, were
supply chain configuration, especially in critical industries such as
proposed. Some authors conducted simulation-based research on the
healthcare and agriculture (Baghizadeh et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2022;
intersections among sustainability and environmental factors in supply
Sohrabi et al., 2021b).
chains (Ivanov, 2018). They majorly focused on analyzing sustainability
By outbreaking COVID-19 pandemic, considerable attention has
features and their role in the supply chains. The model analyzed the risk
been turning on simultaneously examining disruptions and the role of
of disruption considering three aspects of sustainability to design a
sustainability in the supply chains (Babbitt et al., 2021; Farhadi et al.,
resilient supply chain. Another research proposed a hybrid approach for
2018; Karmaker et al., 2021). A recent study proposed a sustainable

Fig. 1. P environmental effects (P losses and greenhouse emissions) in PSC.

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

the SCND (Jabbarzadeh et al., 2018), which remains sustainable while 3. Problem modelling
facing stochastic disruptions in a resilient way. They benefited from a
clustering method to quantify and evaluate suppliers’ sustainable per­ 3.1. Phosphate supply chain model
formance while facing disruption. In (Pavlov et al., 2019), a resilient-
sustainable supply chain management technique has been developed This paper considers a four-stage P-SCND comprising internal sup­
by suggesting a model for network redundancy and proactive contin­ pliers (supplying raw materials), internal producers, external suppliers/
gency plan optimization to handle disruptions. producers (importing raw materials and products from other countries),
and distribution centers, as seen in Fig. 2. The P-SCND is discussed in T
2.3. Our contribution against existing works time periods (i.e., months). At every month t, each distribution center
d faces a demand Ddpt for each fertilizer p. To bound the model, the
Regarding previous works conducted in the SCM area, a lack of following conditions are assumed:
dedicated studies on supply chain problems of fertilizers, especially
those related to the P products, is tangible. According to the literature, it • The raw materials include P, ammoniac (A), phosphoric acid (PA),
is understood that recently the supply chain’s sustainability and resil­ and sulphuric acid (SA), which are required to produce different
ience have been a heated debate among researchers. Hence, there is no fertilizers.
robust mathematical model for designing a sustainable and resilient • The products include three types of P-fertilizers: SSP, TSP, and DAP.
supply chain considering disruption risks for the P-fertilizers industry. In • SSP is composed of P and SA.
this regard, to cover the existing gaps, a robust stochastic programming • TSP is composed of S and PA.
is extended for designing resilient portfolios to achieve a sustainable- • DAP is composed of A and PA.
resilient P-SCND. The proposed model optimizes the supply chain’s • PA is produced using P and SA. However, the production of the PA is
economic, environmental, and social performances and makes a trade- not included in the proposed P-SCND model. Instead, it is considered
off among the conflicting objectives. The remarkable contributions in to be supplied as a raw material.
this paper against the existing researches can be summarized as follows: • At every month, each internal/external supplier can support
different manufacturers up to its capacity.
• Investigating the challenges and concerns of modelling the P-SCND • The required level of raw materials for each manufacturer may be
mathematically for the first time from the whole supply chain fulfilled by internal and/or external suppliers.
perspective. • Manufacturers can store some of the products at the end of each time
• Proposing a multi-objective model for P-fertilizers to design a period.
sustainable-resilient supply in both normal and disrupted conditions. • Each distribution center may purchase from internal manufactures
• Considering a resilient supply portfolio to encounter disruption risks and/or external producers until satisfying its required fertilizers.
along with designing a sustainable supply chain network for P-fer­ • Each distribution center may store some of the received products at
tilizers with economic, social, and environmental considerations. the end of each time period.
• Presenting a resilience robust stochastic programming (RRSP) • The lead time of delivery between internal suppliers, manufacturers,
approach for the P-SCND to capture the real-world uncertainties and and distribution centers is zero, i.e., the ordered raw material/fer­
reduce the decision risks. tilizer in month t is delivered at the same month t.
• Utilizing an evolutionary metaheuristic algorithm based on genetic • The lead time of delivery between external suppliers/producers to
algorithm (GA) to solve the P-SCND. manufacturers and distributors is one month, i.e., the requested raw
• Highlighting the widespread applicability of the proposed P-SCND material/fertilizer in month t would be delivered in month t + 1.
model through a real case study in Iran. • Each supplier has limited capacities to supply each raw material.
• Each external supplier/producer has limited capacities to provide
each raw material/product.

Fig. 2. The P-SCND model.

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

• Each manufacturer may have one/two, or three production lines to proposed model for each scenario ξ. The second term measures the so­
produce SSP, TSP, or DAP. lution robustness by coefficient λ, while the third term denotes the
• Each manufacturer has a limited capacity to produce each type of model robustness, penalizes infeasible solutions, weighted by a weight
fertilizer. parameter ω. In Eq. (1), θξ calculates the absolute cost difference in each
• The demand of distribution centers, amount of raw materials sup­ scenario relative to the cost weighted possibilistic mean value. The
plied by internal/external suppliers, and amount of fertilizers sup­ definition of the penalty function is related to the problem characteris­
plied by external producers, are assumed to be uncertain for each tics and the program’s constraints. In fact, lξ calculates the amount of
time period. shortage (for each fertilizer in each distributor at every month) under
• In each time period, breakdown may happen in suppliers (raw ma­ each scenario. Note that λ and ω are the solution optimality robustness
terials), external suppliers (raw materials and fertilizers), or manu­ coefficient (to control standard deviation) and model robustness coef­
facturers (fertilizers), with different disruption probabilities. ficient (for feasibility and preventing shortage), respectively.

3.3. Notations
3.2. Uncertainty handling
The list of indices, sets, parameters, and decision variables to model
Most of the parameters in the P-SCND are tainted with a high degree the phosphate SCDN are summarized as follows. The uncertain param­
of uncertainty in the real-world environment, because of dynamic na­ eters are denoted by ~ above them.
ture of the problem (i.e., possible fluctuations in parameters’ values over Indices & Sets:
the long-term horizon). These parameters include the demands of dis­
i∊I Set of (internal) suppliers
tribution centers, the capacity of supplying raw materials by internal/
j∊J Set of manufacturers (internal producers)
external suppliers, the capacity of supplying fertilizers by external pro­ k∊K Set of other countries (external suppliers/producers)
ducers, and the probabilistic breakdowns in internal/external suppliers/ d∊D Set of distribution centers
producers. In such a situation, the robustness of the final solution is r∊R Set of raw materials (P, A, PA, and SA)
crucial since it deals with inventory handling and production decisions p∊P Set of fertilizers (SSP, TSP, and DAP)
t∊T Set of time periods (months)
that cannot be changed easily in long-term horizon (Mousazadeh et al., ξ∊S Set of scenarios
2018). Parameters:
Robust stochastic programming (RSP) is one of the most popular Air 1 if raw material r is supplied in supplier i, 0 otherwise
methods proposed in programming under uncertain conditions in which Urp 1 if raw material r is used to produce fertilizer p, 0 otherwise
stochastic and robust uncertainties can be controlled simultaneously in Vjp 1 if production line p exists at manufacturer j, 0 otherwise

the system (Babazadeh & Sabbaghnia, 2018). To address the risk issue in CapS
̃ Amount of supplying raw material r by supplier i in time period t in
scenario ξ (per tonne (t))
stochastic programming, Mulvey et al. (1995) presented a flexible ̃E Amount of supplying raw material r by external supplier k in time period t
robust optimization approach for scenario-based stochastic program­ krtξ
in scenario ξ (per t)
ming, called RSP. It integrates the goal programming concept with the CapPjp Capacity of producing fertilizer p by manufacturer j in each time period
stochastic programming formulation. They extended the traditional (per t)
Amount of supplying fertilizer p by external producer k in time period t in
stochastic programming formulation by adding the objective function’s ̃E
scenario ξ (per t)
cost variance. The programming approach was later developed by Yu 1 if internal supplier i is broken down in time period t for scenario ξ,
and Li (2000) and Leung et al. (2007). Several RSP models have been
0 otherwise
used in the literature for various applications that prove the flexibility of BDE
1 if the external supplier/producer k is broken down in time period t for
the RSP models to solve different optimization problems under uncer­ scenario ξ, 0 otherwise
BDM 1 if manufacturer j is broken down in time period t for scenario ξ,
tainty (Babazadeh & Sabbaghnia, 2018; Bozorgi-Amiri et al., 2013;
0 otherwise
Hassannayebi et al., 2017). RSP also has been widely applied in SCND WSjr Warehouse capacity of manufacturer j for raw material r (per t)
(Suryawanshi & Dutta, 2022; Zeballos et al., 2014). However, the RSP WPjp Warehouse capacity of manufacturer j for fertilizer p (per t)
approach has not been used in the fertilizers supply chain management. WDdp Warehouse capacity of distributor d for fertilizer p (per t)
Accordingly, to cope with uncertain parameters of the proposed P-SCN αrp Amount of raw material r required in manufacturing fertilizer p (per %)
D̃ Total demand of distributor d for fertilizer p in time period t in scenario ξ
problem, an RSP approach is considered in this paper. RSP introduces dptξ
(per t)
two robustness concepts, including solution robustness and model TSr Truck size for carrying raw material r (per t)
robustness. The solution robustness means the solution is close to TPp Truck size for carrying fertilizer p (per t)
optimal in all possible scenarios. Alternatively, the model robustness dSij Distance between supplier i and manufacturer j (per km)
refers to the situation when the solution is almost feasible in all sce­ dSEkj Distance between external supplier k and manufacturer j (per km)
narios. The general framework for the RSP approach is briefly explained dPjd Distance between manufacturer j and distributor d (per km)
as follows: dPEkd Distance between external producer k and distributor d (per km)
⎧ FTCSijr Fixed cost of carrying raw material r from supplier i to manufacturer j
( ( ))

⎪ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ($/truck)

⎪ min π .z
ξ ξ + λ. π ξ 2θ ξ − z ξ − π .z
ξ ξ + ω πξ .lξ FTCSEkjr Fixed cost of carrying raw material r from external supplier k to

⎪ manufacturer j ($/truck)

⎪ ξ∈S ξ∈S ξ∈S ξ∈S

⎪ FTCPjdp Fixed cost of carrying fertilizer p from manufacturer j to distributor d ($/

⎪ truck)

⎪ zξ = c⊺ξ .xξ + dξ⊺ y∀ξ ∈ S

⎪ ∑ FTCPEkdp Fixed cost of carrying fertilizer p from external producer k to distributor
⎨ d ($/truck)
θξ ≥ zξ − πξ .zξ ∀ξ ∈ S
(1) VTCSijr Variable cost of carrying raw material r from supplier i to manufacturer j

⎪ ξ∈S

⎪ ($/truck/km)
⎪ s.t.Aξ xξ + Kξ y ≥ bξ − lξ ∀ξ ∈ S

⎪ VTCSEkjr Variable cost of carrying raw material r from external supplier k to

⎪ Ry = q manufacturer j ($/truck/km)

⎪ VTCPjdp Variable cost of carrying fertilizer p from manufacturer j to distributor

⎪ y ∈ Y, xξ ≥ 0 d ($/truck/km)

⎩ VTCPEkdp Variable cost of carrying fertilizer p from external producer k to
θξ ≥ 0
distributor d ($/truck/km)
BCSPL Purchasing cost of raw material r from supplier i for planned orders ($/t)
The first term in the objective function denotes the weighted possi­ ir

bilistic mean value of the objective function obtained by solving the (continued on next page)

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

(continued ) (continued )
Indices & Sets: Indices & Sets:

Purchasing cost of raw material r from supplier i for real-time on-demand YSEkjrtξ Amount of carried raw material r from external supplier k to manufacturer
orders ($/t) j in time period t in scenario ξ (per t)
BCSEkr Purchasing cost of raw material r from external supplier k ($/t) YPPL
Amount of carried fertilizer p from manufacturer j to distributor d via
BCPEkp Purchasing cost of fertilizer p from external producer k ($/t) planned order in time period t in scenario ξ (per t)
PCjp Manufacturing cost of fertilizer p in manufacturer j ($/t) YPRT
Amount of carried fertilizer p from manufacturer j to distributor d via real-
time order in time period t in scenario ξ (per t)
OCjp Operation cost of installing a new production line for fertilizer p in
YPEkdptξ Amount of carried fertilizer p from external producer k to distributor d in
manufacturer j ($/t)
time period t in scenario ξ (per t)
ICSjr Inventory holding cost of raw material r in manufacturer j for each time
SDdptξ Satisfied demand of distributor d for fertilizer p in time period t in scenario
period ($/t)
ξ (per t)
ICPjp Inventory holding cost of fertilizer p in manufacturer j for each time
SMjrtξ Satisfied demand of manufacturer j for raw material r in time period t in
period ($/t)
scenario ξ (per t)
ICDdp Inventory holding cost of fertilizer p in distributor d for each time period
USjrtξ 0 if demand of manufacturer j for raw material r is fully satisfied in time t
of scenario ξ; 1 otherwise
Hjp Number of work forces needed to construct production line of fertilizer p
UDdptξ 0 if demand of distributor d for fertilizer p is fully satisfied in time t of
in manufacturer j
scenario ξ; 1 otherwise
PYp Average crop yield increasement by fertilizer p (per %)
ISjrtξ Amount of inventory of raw material r held at manufacturer j at the end of
PLp Total P loss for production of fertilizer p (per %)
time period t in scenario ξ (per t)
G Vehicle fuel consumption (liter/kilometer) IPjptξ Amount of inventory of fertilizer p held at manufacturer j at the end of
eg The penalty cost of environmental impacts by transportation (per t of time period t in scenario ξ (per t)
GHGs emissions) IDdptξ Amount of inventory of fertilizer p held at distributor d at the end of time
et The amount of GHGs emissions (t) from burning each liter of gasoline period t in scenario ξ (per t)
ep The amount of GHGs emissions (t) from producing product type p
er The amount of GHGs emissions (t) from producing row material type r
πξ Probability of occurrence of scenario ξ 3.4. Resilient RSP model for P-SCND
λEC Coefficient assigned to economic objective function variability (Solution
robustness coefficient)
λSC Coefficient assigned to social objective function variability (Solution In this section, the sustainable-resilience P-SCND is mathematically
robustness coefficient) modeled by mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) and the resilient
λEN Coefficient assigned to environmental objective function variability RSP (named RRSP) approach. To solve the model, it is formulated
(Solution robustness coefficient) considering economic costs as well as social and environmental issues.
ωp Model robustness coefficient for each product
In normal cases, the required raw materials for each manufacturer are
Direct Decision Variables:
Ojp 1 if manufacturer j produces fertilizer p (if production line p is activated in supplied through planned orders from the internal and/or external
manufacturer j); 0 otherwise suppliers. Moreover, the required fertilizers for the distribution centers
Pjpt Planned amount of fertilizer p produced by manufacturer j in time period t are satisfied through planned orders from the internal manufacturers
(per t)
and/or external producers. In the case of any disruption in supplying
XSijrt 1 if supplier i is planned to supply raw material r for manufacturer j in
time period t; 0 otherwise
raw materials or fertilizers caused by breakdowns in internal or external
XSEkjrt 1 if external producer k is planned to supply raw material r for sources, a reactive resilient mechanism is applied to compensate the
manufacturer j in time period t; 0 otherwise shortages. To achieve this purpose, the required raw materials (or fer­
XPjdpt 1 if manufacturer j is planned to provide fertilizer p for distributor d in tilizers) can be supplied through real-time orders at each time period
time period t; 0 otherwise
only by the internal suppliers or manufacturers (as their lead time is
XPEkdpt 1 if external producer k is planned to provide fertilizer p to distributor d in
time period t; 0 otherwise zero). More specifically, external suppliers/producers located in foreign
YSijrt Amount of planned carried raw material r from supplier i to manufacturer countries cannot be called to satisfy the real-time orders. This resilient
j in time period t (per t) issue is controlled by two backup lists BLS and BLP, to compensate the
YSEkjrt Amount of planned carried raw material r from external supplier k to
shortages due to the disruptions in internal/external suppliers/
manufacturer j in time period t (per t)
YPjdpt Amount of planned carried fertilizer p from manufacturer j to distributor
d in time period t (per t)
YPEkdpt Amount of planned carried fertilizer p from external producer k to 3.4.1. Economic objective
distributor d in time period t (per t) The total economic cost comprises the purchasing costs of raw ma­
BLSj Resilient backup list of selecting internal suppliers by manufacturer j (for
terials from internal/external suppliers and fertilizers from external
disruption circumstances)
BLPd Resilient backup list of selecting manufacturers by distributor d (for producers, the installation cost of new production lines, the production
disruption circumstances) cost of manufactures, inventory holding cost, and transportation cost, as
Indirect (Scenario-based) Decision Variables: denoted in Eqs. (2)-(6), respectively. The total economic objective
Pjptξ Amount of fertilizer p produced by manufacturer j in time period t in function can be expressed in terms of the RSP as formulated in Eqs. (7)
scenario ξ (per t)
PL 1 if manufacturer j is sourced via planned order by supplier i for raw
and (8).
material r in time period t in scenario ξ; 0 otherwise Cost of purchasing raw materials/fertilizers
1 if manufacturer j is sourced via real-time order by supplier i for raw ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑
material r in time period t in scenario ξ; 0 otherwise BCξ = (BCSPL
ijrtξ XSijrtξ )+ (BCSRT
ijrtξ XSijrtξ )
XSEkjrtξ 1 if manufacturer j is sourced by external supplier k for raw material r in i r t j i r t j
∑∑ ∑∑
time period t in scenario ξ; 0 otherwise + (BCSEkr YSEkjrtξ XSEkjrtξ )
1 if manufacturer j provides fertilizer p via planned order to distributor k r t j
d in time period t in scenario ξ; 0 otherwise ∑∑ ∑∑
XPRT 1 if manufacturer j provides fertilizer p via real-time order to distributor + (BCPEkp YPEkdptξ XPEkdptξ )
d in time period t in scenario ξ; 0 otherwise k p t d

XPEkdptξ 1 if external producer k provides fertilizer p to distributor d in time period (2)

t in scenario ξ; 0 otherwise
YSPL Amount of carried raw material r from supplier i to manufacturer j via Cost of new production line installation
planned order in time period t in scenario ξ (per t) ∑∑ ( )
Amount of carried raw material r from supplier i to manufacturer j via OC = OCjp 1 − Vjp Ojp (3)
real-time order in time period t in scenario ξ (per t) j p

(continued on next column)

Cost of production

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

∑∑ ∑
PCξ = PCjp Ojp Pjptξ (4) manufacturers), which is formulated in Eq. (9). Moreover, the second
j p t social objective function is to maximize the average crop yield incre­
ment, which can be expressed as Eq. (10). Finally, Eq. (11) addresses the
Cost of inventory holding
total social objective function.
∑∑∑( ) ∑∑∑( )
ICξ = ICSjr ISjrtξ + ICPjp IPjptξ Number of employed new workers
∑∑ ( )
t j r t j p
∑∑∑( ) Z SC1 = Hjp 1 − Vjp Ojp (9)
+ ICDdp IDdptξ j p
t j p
Average crop yield
Cost of transportations

( ⌈ ⌉) ( ⌈ ⌉)
ijrtξ ijrtξ ijrtξ ijrtξ
∑∑∑∑ ( ) YSE XSE
kjrtξ kjrtξ
TCξ = FTCSijr + VTCSijr dSij + FTCSEkjr + VTCSEkjr dSEkj
t i j r t k j r
( ⌈ PL ⌉) ( ⌈ ⌉)
∑∑∑∑ ( ) YP XP
jdptξ + YPjdptξ XPjdptξ
∑∑∑∑ ( ) YPE XPE
kdptξ kdptξ
+ FTCPjdp + VTCPjdp dPjd + FTCPkdp + VTCPkdp dPkd
t j d p
TPp t k d p

( )/
∑ ∑∑ ∑∑∑
Total economic objective function ZξSC2 = PY p SDdptξ SDdptξ (10)
p t d p t d

( )
∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑
ir YS PL
ijrtξ XS PL
ijrtξ ) + (BCS RT
ir YS RT
ijrtξ XS RT
ijrtξ ) + (BCS E
kr YS E
kjrtξ XS E
kjrtξ ) + (BCP E
kp YPE
kdptξ XPE
kdptξ )
i r t j i r t j k r t j k p t d
( ) ( ) ( )
∑∑ ( ) ∑∑ ∑ ∑∑∑( ) ∑∑∑( ) ∑∑∑( )
+ OCjp 1 − Vjp Ojp + PCjp Ojp Pjptξ + ICSjr ISjrtξ + ICPjp IPjptξ + ICDdp IDdptξ
j p j p t t j r t j p t j p
( ( ⌈ ⌉) ( ⌈ ⌉)
ijrtξ ijrtξ ijrtξ ijrtξ
∑∑∑∑ ( ) YSE XSE
kjrtξ kjrtξ
+ FTCSijr + VTCSijr dSij + FTCSkjr + VTCSkjr dSkj
t i j r
TSr t k j r
( ⌈ PL ⌉ ) ( ⌈ ⌉))
∑∑∑∑ ( ) PL RT RT
YPjdptξ XPjdptξ + YPjdptξ XPjdptξ ∑∑∑∑ ( ) YPEkdptξ XPEkdptξ
+ FTCPjdp + VTCPjdp dPjd + FTCPkdp + VTCPkdp dPkd
t j d p
TPp t k d p

Total social objective

( ( )) ( ( ))
⎧ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
⎨ min πξ .ZξEC + λEC . πξ 2θξ − ZξEC − ⎧ ∑ ∑ ∑
π ξ .ZξEC + ω πξ .lξ ⎨ min πξ .ZξSC + λSC . πξ 2θξ − ZξSC − πξ .ZξSC
Z EC =

ξ∈S ξ∈S ξ∈S ξ∈S
Z SC = ξ∈S ξ∈S ξ∈S (11)

ZξEC = BCξ + OC + PCξ + ICξ + TCξ
ZξSC = wsc1 Z SC1 + wsc2 ZξSC2
To obtain the total social objective function, the sub-social objectives
where lξ is the total shortage of all fertilizers in different distribution
ZSC1 and ZSC2 are normalized to be minimized within [0,1] using the
centers at all time periods under scenario ξ. In other words, the third ξ

term is the total unsatisfied demand (per t) under scenario ξ. The value min–max method. Then, they are unified in a single social objective
of ω can be considered equal to the cost of shortage per unit fertilizer, so considering sub-weights wsc1 and wsc2 (i.e., wsc1 + wsc2 = 1) which adjust
that the third term is equal to the expected cost in case of shortage. the relative impact of the sub-social objectives within the total social
objective function. Finally, the normalized ZSCξ is converted into the RSP

3.4.2. Social objectives model to calculate ZSC .

In the P-SCND, two social objectives are considered. The first social
objective function is to maximize the number of new workers employed 3.4.3. Environmental objectives
by the system, for the installation of new production lines in manufac­ In terms of the environmental issues, two objectives are considered
turers (installing new production lines even in new or in the existing to minimize the total P loss (per t), and minimize the total greenhouse

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

gas emissions (CO2) due to production and transportations, which can penalties of the solution can be expressed as OFP = OF×(1 + PF), where
be formulated as Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively. As a result, the total PF is penalty function, which can be formulated as
environmental objective function is achieved by Eq. (14).
PF = NUC + NUS × (1 + APUS ) + NUD × (1 + APUD ) (16)
Total P loss
( ) where NUC is the number of unsatisfied constraints (as existed). NUS
∑ ∑∑ ∑∑∑
ZξEN1 = PLp Pjptξ Ojp + YPEkdpt XPEkdpt (12) and NUD are the number of unsatisfied demands for raw materials and
p t j t k d fertilizers, respectively. Moreover, APUS and APUD are the average un­
satisfied demands (in %) for manufacturers and distribution centers,
Total greenhouse gas emission

⎧ ⎛

⎪ ⎜ ( ) ( )

⎨∑⎜∑ ∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑( ) ∑

ZξEN2 = ⎜ Pjptξ + YPEkdptξ .ep + YSPL RT
ijrtξ + YSijrtξ + YSEkjrtξ .er

⎪ t ⎜

⎪ ⎝ p j k d j r i k

⎛ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⎞ ⎞
ijrtξ XSijrtξ + YSijrtξ XSijrtξ
∑∑∑ YSEkjrtξ XSEkjrtξ
⎜ .dS ij + .dS kj + ⎟ ⎟
⎜ i j r
TSr k j r
TSr ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎟
+⎜ ⌈ ⌉ ⌈ ⌉ ⎟ .G.et.eg ⎟ (13)
⎜ ∑∑∑ YPPL XPPL + YPRT XPRT ∑ ∑ ∑ E E
YPkdptξ XPkdptξ ⎟ ⎟
⎝ jdptξ jdptξ jdptξ jdptξ E ⎠ ⎠
.dPjd + .dPkd
j d p
TPp k d p

NUS = USjrtξ (17)
Total environmental objective ξ t j r
( ( ))
⎧ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑∑∑∑ ( )
⎨ min πξ .ZξEN + λEN . πξ 2θξ − ZξEN − πξ .ZξEN 1 Mjrtξ − SM jrtξ
APUS = 100 × max 0, (18)
Z EN = ξ∈S ξ∈S ξ∈S (14) S×T ×J×R ξ t d p Ddptξ

Zξ = wen1 Zξ + wen2 Zξ ∑∑∑∑
NUD = UDdptξ (19)
The total environmental objective function is calculated similarly to ξ t d p
the social objective function. To do this, the two sub-environmental
( )
objectives ZEN1 and ZEN2 are normalized to be minimized within [0,1] 1 ∑∑∑∑ Ddptξ − SDdptξ
ξ ξ APUD = 100 × max 0, (20)
using the min–max method. Then, they are unified in a single environ­ S×D×P×T ξ t d p Ddptξ
mental objective considering sub-weights wen1 and wen2 (wen1 + wen2 = 1)
where the demand of manufacturer j for raw material r in time t for
which adjust the relative impact of the sub-environmental objectives
scenario ξ can be expressed as the summation of the amount of raw
within the total environmental objective function.
material r required to produce all fertilizers, as

3.4.4. Objective function Mjrtξ = αrp Pjptξ Ojp ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (21)
To solve a multi-objective problem, converting multiple objectives p
via weighted average and Pareto front are the most popular techniques.
Generally, the Pareto front technique gives better insight when there are 3.4.5. Constraints
few objective functions. However, interpretability of this method is In the following, the constraints of the proposed P-SCND problem are
reduced by increasing the number of objective functions (Shokouhifar & formulated in four stages, related to distribution centers, manufacturers,
Jalali, 2017; Shokouhifar, 2021). By varying the weights in the weighted suppliers, and external suppliers/producers, respectively.
average method, any point of a convex Pareto front can be obtained and Distribution centers
more effectively investigated by focusing on the desired area within the ∑∑
search space (Jakob and Blume, 2014). In this paper, regarding the SDdptξ ≥ D̃
dptξ ∀p, ∀d, ∀t, ∀ξ (22)
problem under study with five objectives (an economic, two social, and
t d

two environmental objectives), the weighted average method is used. To

IDdp0ξ = 0∀d, ∀p, ∀ξ (23)
this end, each objective is normalized to be minimized within [0,1] via
min–max method. To ensure being within [0,1] for all feasible solutions ∑ ∑ ∑
IDdpt− + YPPL PL
jdptξ XPjdptξ + YPRT RT
jdptξ XPjdptξ + YPEkdptξ XPEkdptξ
in pessimistic circumstances, the expected minimum and maximum 1ξ
j j k
values extended by 10 % (i.e., different objective functions are
≥ SDdptξ ∀d, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ (24)
normalized in [0.1,0.9]). As a result, the multiple objectives are con­
verted into a single-objective function to be minimized using the ∑ ∑ ∑
weighted average method, as: IDdptξ =IDdpt− 1ξ + YPPL PL
jdptξ XPjdptξ + YPRT RT
jdptξ XPjdptξ + YPEkdptξ XPEkdptξ
j j k

OF = wEC Z EC + wSC Z SC + wEN Z EN (15) − SDdptξ ∀d, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ

where wEC , wSC , and wEN , are constant weights in [0,1], which (25)
determine the relative importance of the relative objectives within the
IDdptξ ≤ WDdp ∀p, ∀d, ∀t, ∀ξ (26)
overall objective function. The total objective function including the

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Constraint (22) illustrates that the total satisfied demand of all dis­ ( )
∑ ∑ ∑
tributors for fertilizer p in time t under scenario ξ must be at least equal ISjrt− 1ξ +
YSijrtξ XSijrtξ + RT RT
YSijrtξ XSijrtξ + E E
YSkjrtξ XSkjrtξ
to their total demand under the same scenario. Constraint (23) indicates i i k

that the initial on-hand inventory of distributer d is zero. Constraint (24) ≥ αrp Pjptξ Ojp ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (35)
shows that the summation of on-hand inventory of distributor d for p

fertilizer p in time t under scenario ξ and those purchased from internal/ ( )

external sources must at least fulfill its demand for fertilizer p in time t ∑ ∑ ∑
ISjrtξ =ISjrt− + YSPL PL
ijrtξ XSijrtξ + YSRT RT
ijrtξ XSijrtξ + YSEkjrtξ XSEkjrtξ
under scenario ξ. Constraint (25) expresses the inventory of distributor 1ξ
i i k
d for fertilizer p in time t under scenario ξ after satisfying the demand of ∑
− αrp Pjptξ Ojp ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ
the same period. Constraint (26) ensures that the on-hand inventory p
held by distributor d for fertilizer p in time t under scenario ξ does not
exceed its warehouse capacity.
Manufacturers IPjp0ξ = 0∀j, ∀p, ∀ξ (37)
Ojp ≥ Vjp ∀j, ∀p (27) ∑ ∑
IPjpt− 1ξ + Pjptξ Ojp ≥ YPPL PL
jdptξ XPjdptξ + YPRT RT
jdptξ XPjdptξ ∀j, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ (38)
( ) d d
ijrtξ ≤ max Urp Ojp ∀i, ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (28)
p ∑ ∑
IPjptξ = IPjpt− 1ξ + Pjptξ Ojp − YPPL PL
jdptξ XPjdptξ − YPRT RT
jdptξ XPjdptξ ∀j, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ
( )
d d
XSRT ≤ max Urp Ojp ∀i, ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ
p (39)
( )
XSEkjrtξ ≤ max Urp Ojp ∀k, ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (30) ISjrtξ ≤ WSjr ∀r, ∀j, ∀t, ∀ξ (40)

IPjptξ ≤ WPjp ∀p, ∀j, ∀t, ∀ξ (41)

jdptξ ≤ Ojp ∀j, ∀d, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ (31)
Constraint (27) shows whether the production line p is activated in
jdptξ ≤ Ojp ∀j, ∀d, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ (32) manufacturer j or not. It ensures that all existed production lines are
certainly activated. Constraints (28)-(30) indicates that raw material r
Pjptξ Ojp ≤ CapPjp ∀j, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ (33) can be delivered by the planned orders, real-time orders, and external
suppliers to the manufacturer j in each time period under each scenario,
ISjr0ξ = 0∀j, ∀r, ∀ξ (34) respectively, if the raw material r is required for the fertilizer production
in the manufacturer j. Constraints (31) and (32) ensure that the

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the GA-based optimization of the P-SCND model.

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Fig. 4. Encoding of a feasible solution.

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

manufacturer j cannot deliver fertilizer p to any distribution center production lines in manufacturers, S.P to set the amount of production of
through planned or real-time orders, if there is no production line for the each fertilizer in each manufacturer at every time period, four binary
fertilizer p in the manufacturer j. Constraint (33) ensures the amount of matrices to set the network connections, and four integer matrices to
fertilizer p produced by manufacturer j in period t under scenario ξ does determine the amount of carrying raw materials/products between the
not exceed its capacity. Constraint (34) shows that the initial on-hand different network stages. Moreover, two resilience backup lists S.BLS
inventory of raw material r held at manufacturer j under scenario ξ is and S.BLP are defined to make the solution resilient against the un­
zero. Constraint (35) ensures that there are enough raw materials to certainties and breakdowns in the model. As seen in Fig. 4, each row j in
produce the required fertilizer p produced by manufacturer j in period t S.BLS is a permutation vector of I internal suppliers to determine the
under scenario ξ. Constraint (36) calculates the on-hand inventory of backup list of suppliers for the manufacturer j. Moreover, each row d in
raw material r held at manufacturer j at the end of period t under sce­ S.BLP is a permutation vector of J manufacturers, which are considered
nario ξ. Constraint (37) expresses that the initial amount of fertilizer p the backup list of supplying fertilizers for the distributor d when it faces
produced by manufacturer j under scenario ξ is zero. Constraints (38) uncertainties and breakdowns.
and (39) ensure that the on-hand and produced amounts of fertilizer p by
manufacturer j satisfy its planned and real-time demands in period t
under scenario ξ. Constraints (40) and (41) ensure the on-hand in­ 4.2. Objective function evaluation
ventories of a specific raw material or fertilizer held in manufacturer j
storage do not exceed its capacity. At every iteration of the GA procedure, each solution is evaluated via
Suppliers the objective function of Eq. (15) according to the weights of the
different objectives, which the decision-maker have specified. Then, the
ijrtξ ≤ Air ∀i, ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (42) current population is sorted from the best chromosome to the worst
chromosome into a list. Moreover, the global best solution found so far is
ijrtξ ≤ Air ∀i, ∀j, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (43) updated and saved as Sgbest.
∑ ∑
ijrtξ XSijrtξ + YSRT RT
ijrtξ XSijrtξ ≤ CapSirtξ ∀i, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (44)
j j 4.3. Population updating

Constraints (42) and (43) express that the required raw material r by Population updating in GA is done using recombination, crossover, and
the manufacturer j may be sourced by the supplier i through planned or mutation operators, which construct NumR, NumC, and NumM solutions,
real-time orders, if the raw material r is supplied (produced) in the respectively (Shokouhifar and Pilevari, 2022). The pseudo-code of GA
supplier i, i.e., each supplier can supply-one or some specific raw ma­ for the optimization of the P-SCND is provided in Algorithm 1. In the
terials. Constraint (44) ensures the total amount of delivered raw ma­ recombination phase, NumR best chromosomes in the current genera­
terial r sourced by the supplier i to all manufacturers via planned and tion are directly transferred to the next generation to avoid losing the
real-time orders in period t under scenario ξ should not exceed the best solutions found so far. Moreover, NumC and NumM offspring are
production capacity of the supplier i. generated via crossover and mutation, respectively. To generate a new
External suppliers/producers offspring in the crossover phase, two parents are chosen probabilistically

YSEkjrtξ XSEkjrtξ ≤ CapSEkrtξ ∀k, ∀r, ∀t, ∀ξ (45) via the roulette wheel selection method. Then, they are combined via a
j crossover operator. Moreover, a new offspring can be generated by
selecting a single chromosome and then mutating it via a mutation

YPEkdptξ XPEkdptξ ≤ CapPEkptξ ∀k, ∀p, ∀t, ∀ξ (46) operator. Utilizing the crossover and mutation operators together in the
d GA ensures balanced exploration–exploitation to investigate the search
External supplier may provide raw materials or ready-to-use fertil­ space effectively. Different crossover and mutation operators are applied
izers. Constraint (45) ensures that the amount of raw material r sourced based on the binary, integer, or permutation structure of the matrices.
by the external supplier k for the manufacturer j in the period t under
scenario ξ should not exceed its capacity. Similarly, Constraint (46) Algorithm 1. Optimization of the P-SCND using GA.

ensures that the amount of fertilizer p sourced by the external supplier k Input:
for the distributer d in the time period t under scenario ξ must not exceed Model parameters of the supply chain
its capacity.
Optimized P-SCND model
Optimization via GA:
4. Solution method Generation of random initial population
n = 0;
The literature has proven that SCND is an NP-hard problem (Naderi while (n < maximum number of iterations)
for (p ≤ population)
et al., 2021; Shokouhifar et al., 2021). Thus, metaheuristic algorithms Evaluation of the objective function for solution p using Eq. (15)
are the best choice to solve the SCND problems. GA is the most common end for
population-based metaheuristic algorithm that benefits from both Sort population from the best to the worst according to their fitness
exploration and exploitation strategies to effectively investigate the Transfer NumR best solutions directly to the next generation
for (p ≤ NumC)
whole search space. The search process in GA starts by randomly
Select two parents based on roulette wheel selection method
generating an initial population of chromosomes, and then, iteratively Generate an offspring using crossover operator
attempts to enhance the population’s quality through selection, cross­ end for
over, and mutation operators. Overall flowchart of the GA to optimize for (p ≤ NumM)
the P-SCND can be shown in Fig. 3. Select a parent based on roulette wheel selection method
Generate an offspring using mutation operator
end for
4.1. Solution representation Update the global best solution, found so far
n = n + 1;
end while
A feasible solution, S, can be represented as a hybrid binary-integer-
Return global best solution as optimized P-SCDN model
permutation structure comprising 12 matrices, as shown in Fig. 4. The
decision variables include S.O to determine the installation of new

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

5. Case study
Table 2
Average annual demands of distribution centers by type of fertilizer (per t).
A real case study in Iran is considered to validate the proposed model
# Distribution center SSP TSP DAP
and the obtained results. Iran is a country with around 83 million
population. So, crop nutrients are essential for Iranian agriculture for 1 18,946 20,763 19,017
2 16,835 20,972 19,370
food insurance since a significant portion of land available for cultiva­
3 17,934 19,132 17,859
tion has poor soil fertility. In addition, fertilizers become a prerequisite 4 13,371 15,672 14,989
to enhance agricultural production due to low precipitation levels. 5 7,059 7,855 6,340
Thanks to rich natural gas reserves, the country has multiple facilities to 6 8,287 8,868 8,412
produce various chemical fertilizers’ raw materials. However, the low 7 2,229 2,278 2,310
8 6,602 6,833 6,628
participation of the Iranian fertilizer industry in producing P products
9 3,963 4,486 4,275
has put the country at the risk of shortage, and the demand for P-fer­ 10 4,354 4,966 4,616
tilizer is still being met mainly by external suppliers (Davoodpour, 11 28,927 36,114 30,206
2020). 12 8,881 9,436 8,719
13 43,640 47,368 48,054
The development of the Iranian fertilizer industry offers a complex
14 10,089 10,830 9,629
analytical problem in which most of the parameters are rapidly chang­ 15 3,239 3,612 3,365
ing. It is necessary to estimate future regional demands and take a much 16 8,049 9,565 9,368
closer look into the variation in costs of satisfying those demands from 17 29,381 32,410 30,220
internal and external sources, to obtain a clearer understanding of the 18 10,926 12,685 11,667
19 3,119 3,419 3,308
development options available to the industry. The extent and intensity
20 14,252 15,885 13,841
in Iran, leading to high annual fertilizer application rates, have strongly 21 11,710 13,688 13,261
influenced water quality. Accordingly, there are concerns about the 22 20,428 19,590 20,556
negative impacts of P on water quality. Large amounts of P-fertilizer and 23 3,787 4,192 3,383
24 20,300 24,398 21,376
poorly managed irrigated systems may lead to P accumulation and
25 12,648 14,226 12,275
surface and groundwater pollution (Jalali, 2007). 26 16,329 16,682 15,757
The required data for this study’s case study were collected from the 27 8,794 9,370 9,368
Iran Water and Soil Organization statistical reports, the reports pub­ 28 6,755 8,383 7,474
lished on the comprehensive database of fertilizer materials in Iran, and 29 6,167 6,184 5,635
30 17,021 17,729 15,107
expert opinions. Three types of P-fertilizers with the most application in
31 2,601 2,883 3,158
Iranian agriculture have been considered, including SSP, TSP, DAP, 32 9,742 11,637 10,948
which may be produced by internal manufacturers’ production lines or Sum 396,365 442,111 410,491
be imported from external suppliers. The main raw materials for pro­
ducing these fertilizers are P, A, PA, SA, which also may be produced by
internal suppliers or be imported by external producers. In fact, the
external suppliers/producers are considered those who exist in other Table 3
countries. The raw materials composition for producing P-fertilizers are Annual capacity of internal raw material suppliers (per t).
provided in Table 1. Raw material type # Suppliers Capacity Range Total capacity
A three-level direct supply chain of suppliers (internal/external), P 3 (40,000–120,000) 230,000
manufacturers, and distribution centers, have been considered in this A 9 (16,500–1,500,00) 5,900,000
paper. The distributors are considered the lowest echelon of the PSC, PA 7 (12,000–260,000) 890,000
which are the regional demand hubs of the chain and serve several local SA 36 (15,000–650,000) 3,450,000
farms. The data of the case study is reported in Tables 2-8. The annual
demands for distribution centers have been provided in Table 2. The
capacity of manufacturers and suppliers is addressed in Tables 3-5. As
can be seen in Table 3, Iran’s requirements for P-fertilizers’ raw mate­ Table 4
rials other than P are met through internal suppliers. In addition, more Annual capacity of external suppliers/producers (per t).
than 35 % of the country’s P needs can be satisfied from domestic Raw material # Suppliers Capacity Range (in Total
sources. By noticing Table 5, it can be precepted that there are also P- type Thousands) capacity
fertilizers shortages. Accordingly, two strategies have been considered P 5 (12,000 ~ 300,000) 900,000
to face the shortages: establishing new lines and importing from other SSP 5 (110,000 ~ 200,000) 750,000
countries. Therefore, only P and ready-to-use fertilizers might be im­ TSP 5 (115,000 ~ 210,000) 800,000
DAP 5 (80,000 ~ 200,000) 600,000
ported from other countries. Above all, the available manufacturers
which have only the production lines of one or two types of P-fertilizers
can also establish new lines for producing the other types of P-fertilizers situation to produce the internal P-fertilizers needs. The potential ca­
if needed and be justified. It is due to their achievement in the pro­ pacity of establishing new lines is considered 5,000 to 15,000 t annually.
duction technology and essential resources for the new lines. Also, 50 The costs of PSC are shown in Table 6. Other parameter values and data
potential manufacturing facilities can be installed in Iran upon the sets for the case study are reported in Table 7.

Table 1 6. Computational results and discussion

P-fertilizers properties based on main raw materials composition (%).
Fertilizer type P A PA SA
6.1. Parameters settings

SSP 0.64 0 0 0.37

This section reports the parameters setting for adjusting the GA al­
TSP 0.4 0 0.34 0
DAP 0 0.23 0.47 0 gorithm to solve the proposed model and the uncertain parameters
setting for the P-SCND problem.

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Table 5 6.1.1. Simulation settings

Annual capacity of producing P-fertilizers by available production lines (per t). The proposed model has been developed in MATLAB R2018b and
# Manufacturer SSP TSP DAP solved by the GA algorithm. Experiments were conducted on a laptop
with a 2.6 GHz i7 processor and 16 GB memory running on windows 10.
1 20,040 4,320 8,640
2 1,560 960 – To set each controllable parameter of the GA, different values were
3 8,880 11,400 7,200 evaluated, and eventually, the best value was considered for final sim­
4 2,280 480 – ulations (Esmaeili et al., 2022). The controllable parameters of the GA
5 1,320 840 – are summarized in Table 8.
6 3,360 2,160 –
7 4,440 2,880 2,640
8 2,280 840 1,080 6.1.2. Uncertain parameters settings
9 3,120 960 – As mentioned before, the demands and supplies in the proposed P-
10 3,480 – – SCND were considered uncertain parameters. We have analyzed previ­
11 3,360 1,440 –
ous years’ data for the case study to generate data for uncertain demands
12 3,480 – –
13 3,360 2,160 1,920 and supplies. The uncertain parameters of supply and demands in this
14 4,440 1,440 – study follow Normal distribution. Accordingly, average of demands/
15 5,520 – 3,960 supplies of similar periods has been considered based on expected mean
16 3,360 720 – values of data reported in Tables 1-5 for the case study. By considering
17 2,280 1,440
the expected standard deviation (Std.) for the uncertain supply/demand

18 11,160 4,320 –
19 2,640 – – parameters according to Table 9, the required data for the uncertain
20 – 14,280 – demands and supplies was achieved.
21 4,440 – – Besides, the breakdown parameters are also uncertain since the
22 22,200 15,720

disruption risks cannot be predicted. However, all the layers of the
23 – 14,280 10,200
24 13,320 1,800 5,400 supply chain may face disruption, but the occurring disruption on the
25 2,280 1,440 1,320 top levels of the chain has a bull-whip effect on the performance of other
26 3,240 3,840 – layers of the chain. In this regard, a reactive strategy has been noticed to
27 2,280 720 – promote the resiliency of the chain. In this paper, the disruption of two
28 11,160 14,280 –
29 2,640 120 –
30 5,520 720 2,280
31 5,520 – 3,960 Table 7
32 9,960 2,160 – Other data sets for the case study.
33 2,040 1,320 1,200
34 11,160 7,200 – Parameter Value Parameter Value
35 1,800 1,200 – T 12 (months) eg 0.5
36 8,040 5,160 4,680 S 10 et 2 e-3
37 1,560 720 – πξ 1/S ep 1 e-3
38 2,640 – – TSr , TPp 25 (t) er [2, 0.5, 1, 0.8] e-3
39 2,280 1,440 –
Hjp 5 ~ 12 (workers) λEC , λSC , λEN 5
40 4,440 1,320 –
G 0.1 (liter/kilometer) ω 1500 $
Sum 207,000 108,000 70,000

Table 8
Parameters setting of GA algorithm.
Table 6
Parameter Value/Description
PSC costs ($).
Maximum Iterations (IGA) 200
(a) Raw materials purchasing costs ($/t)
Population Size (PopGA) 50
Cost P A PA SA
Number of recombination solutions (NumR) 5
80 ~ 90 18 ~ 25 450 ~ 500 90 ~ 100 Number of Crossover solutions (NumC) 30
BCSRT 1.5*BCSPL 1.5*BCSPL 1.5*BCSPL 1.5*BCSPL Number of Mutation solutions (NumM) 15
ir ir ir ir ir
BCSEkr 150 ~ 180 35 ~ 45 800 ~ 900 160 ~ 200 Selection Strategy Roulette wheel selection
Weigh of economic objective function (wEC) 0.5
(b) P-fertilizers producing costs Weigh of social objective function (wSC) 0.25
Cost SSP TSP DAP Weigh of environmental objective function (wEN) 0.25

BCPEkp ($/t) 300~350 750~850 1,300~1,500

PCjp ($/t) 140~160 220~250 350~380
OCjp ($) 300,000~350,000 450,000~500,000 800,000~900,000 Table 9
Uncertain parameters.
(c) Transportation costs
Fixed-cost (per truck) Value Variable cost (per truck/km) Value Uncertain parameter Distribution function Std. Probability of occurrence
FTCSijr 50~100 VTCSijr 1~1.5 CapS
̃ Normal random 0.2 N/A
FTCSEkjr 200~300 VTCSEkjr 2.5~3.5 ̃E Normal random 0.3 N/A
FTCPjdp 50~100 VTCPjdp 1~1.5
CapP Normal random 0.3 N/A
FTCPEkdp 200~300 VTCPEkdp 2.5~3.5 kptξ

Normal random 0.1 N/A
(d) Monthly holding costs ($/t) Binary random N/A 3%
̃ Binary random N/A 5%
3 3 2 Binary random N/A 2%

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Table 10
Size of test problems.
Problem # Raw materials # Products # External suppliers/ # Suppliers # Manufacturers # Distributors # Time periods # Scenarios
(r) (P) producers (K) (I) (J) (D) (T) (S)

1 (small) 2 1 0 1 1 1 3 1
2 (small) 2 1 0 2 2 2 3 1
3 (medium) 2 2 1 2 3 2 6 3
4 (medium) 2 2 1 3 5 3 6 3
5 (rather large) 3 2 2 5 10 3 12 5
Case Study 4 3 5 55 40 32 12 10

such situations, the other internal suppliers and manufacturers respond

Table 11
to unfulfilled demands via a backup list. The breakdown possibilities
Comparison of GA algorithm (on average over 10 consecutive runs) against
have been mentioned in Table 9.
exact method.
Dataset Exact (Optimal) GA
OFP CPU Time* OFP CPU Time* Error (%) 6.2. Results and discussion

1 0.4592 0.8 0.4592 8.2 0.00

2 0.4149 5.2 0.4149 13.4 0.00
6.2.1. Validation of GA against exact method
3 0.378 211 0.3783 41.5 0.079 In this section, the results of GA are compared with those obtained by
4 0.4302 29,336 0.4314 70.2 0.278 the exact method for several test problems given in Table 10 with small,
5 N/A N/A 0.4342 193 N/A medium, rather large, and large problem sizes. It should be emphasized
Case Study N/A N/A 0.3861 755 N/A
that the test problems #1–5 are synthetic problems given to validate our
* CPU Time in seconds (s)
GA-based solution approach against the exact search method, while the
case study is a real data which has been discussed in Sec. 5. As the
problem under consideration is an NP-hard problem, the dimension of
Table 12
the search space increase exponentially as the size of the problem ex­
Comparison of the different metaheuristic algorithms over 10 consecutive runs,
pands. Comparison among the obtained results of the exact method and
in term of OFP.
GA can be summarized in Table 11. As shown in Table 11, the mean
Run # SA PSO GA deviation of the solution obtained by the GA algorithm from the optimal
1 0.4108 0.3911 0.3832 solution varies from 0 % to 0.278 % for the small- and medium-size test
2 0.4026 0.3969 0.385 problems which have been solved via the exact method. Although the
3 0.4146 0.4083 0.3881
computational time of the exact method for the small-size problems is
4 0.4084 0.3896 0.3872
5 0.409 0.3964 0.3913 less than GA, it raises with the expansion of the problem size. Besides,
6 0.4235 0.393 0.384 the exact method does not work well for large-size problems and cannot
7 0.3973 0.3916 0.3836 find the solution in a reasonable time. Despite this, the computational
8 0.4174 0.4087 0.3823 time of finding the feasible solutions increase some linearly with the
9 0.4005 0.3951 0.3905
10 0.4218 0.4033 0.3865
problem size expansion in GA. The findings demonstrate the potential of
Best 0.3973 0.3896 0.3823 the GA approach in solving real-size P-SCND problems.
Average 0.4106 0.3974 0.3861 To justify the performance of GA against other metaheuristic algo­
Standard Deviation (STD) % 2.15 1.76 0.81 rithms, we applied particle swarm optimization (PSO: as a population-
based metaheuristic) and simulated annealing (SA: as a solution-based
metaheuristic) to solve the RRSP model under the case study data. For
echelons has been considered: raw material suppliers (internal and
the sake of fair comparison, the same number of function evaluations
external) and P-fertilizer manufacturers/producers (internal and
(NFEs) equal to 10,000 (200 × 50) was considered for all algorithms.
external). When a disruption occurs for external suppliers/producers,
More specifically, the number of iterations and population size of PSO
internal sources are responsible for satisfying the demands via a real-
were set similar to GA as 200 and 50, respectively. Moreover, the single-
time backup list. Nevertheless, vice versa is not possible. In other
solution SA was performed with 10,000 iterations. Due to random-
words, in the case of internal suppliers and manufacturers disruption,
nature of metaheuristics, each algorithm was applied to solve the
meeting demands by external suppliers is not possible. That is because of
model in 10 consecutive runs. Comparison of the obtained results in
the lead-times that importing goods from other countries require. In
term of OFP can be summarized in Table 12. Although SA and PSO have

Table 13
Optimized values of sustainable objective functions obtained by solving the proposed model with case study data.
# Scenario EC SC1 SC2 EN1 EN2 OF PF OFP

1 923281884.1 627 0.3255 256257.78 12229688.7 0.3772 0 0.3772

2 907842652.7 627 0.3253 254434.98 11989852.7 0.3735 0 0.3735
3 911482597.4 627 0.3247 255110.78 12,031,458 0.3745 0 0.3745
4 904798808.9 627 0.3250 255183.32 11857113.6 0.3726 0 0.3726
5 903560619.4 627 0.3249 253569.46 11879620.2 0.3723 0 0.3723
6 913808679.4 627 0.3248 255787.2 12010688.3 0.3749 0 0.3749
7 912191693.9 627 0.3247 255652.66 11939374.8 0.3743 0 0.3743
8 915761104.8 627 0.3244 255196.34 12046984.5 0.3754 0 0.3754
9 890118141.4 627 0.3250 252770.28 11791029.4 0.3696 0 0.3696
10 901548552.7 627 0.3248 253831.1 11902906.1 0.3722 0 0.3722
Mean 908439473.5 627 0.3249 254779.39 11967871.63 0.3736 0 0.3736
Std. 9108246.696 0 0.0003 1101.971482 123615.9399 0.0021 0 0.0021

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Fig. 5. The performance of GA in the aspect of OF for solving the proposed RRSP model.

Fig. 6. The performance of GA in the aspect of PF for solving the proposed RRSP model.

acceptable results in some runs, the results show the superiority of GA results for all scenarios are also reported.
against SA and PSO, by obtaining better OFP on average for 10 runs. Figs. 5–7 illustrate the performance of GA for the case study. In the
Moreover, the best result of SA, PSO, and GA, have been obtained as beginning, the algorithm’s convergence speed is tangible. As the algo­
0.3973, 0.3896, and 0.3823, respectively. It shows that GA outperforms rithm progresses, the convergence speed decreases gradually. The GA
SA and PSO in term of the best result by 3.78 % and 1.87 %, respectively. starts the simulation and searches the solution by generating an initial
Another point is that the STD% of GA is less than SA and PSO, which population. The average initial value for OF, PF, and OFP for all sce­
shows that the result of GA is more trustable than the compared algo­ narios are obtained as 0.5792, 125.76, and 70.04, respectively. More­
rithms for a single run. over, the best solution within the initial population has OF = 0.4696, PF
= 43, and OFP = 20.66. By iteratively improving the solution via
6.2.2. Model performance analysis recombination, crossover, and mutation operators, finally GA coverages
To evaluate the performance of the model for real-world situations, to the global best solution with OF = 0.3861, PF = 0, and OFP = 0.3861.
the case study data has been employed for the sustainable P-SCND Fig. 8 indicates the new lines required to be established to satisfy the
model with the proposed RRSP approach. The results of solving the PSC demands of each P-fertilizer type. The new lines may be established
presented model with real data for 10 different scenarios are reported in in pre-launched plants (by using available manufacturers’ infrastruc­
Table 13. Due to the random nature of the metaheuristics, the GA al­ ture) or in new plants (that had been considered potentially). As can be
gorithm was performed for 10 successive runs. The mean and Std. of the seen, 32, 46, and 46 new lines are needed to be established for SSP, TSP,

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Fig. 7. The performance of GA in the aspect of OFP for solving the proposed RRSP model.

Fig. 8. The new lines were established for satisfying demands.

and DAP fertilizers, respectively. manufacturers for a 12-months planning horizon. As mentioned before,
Fig. 9 investigates the effects of conducting new production lines the total requirements to A, SA, and PA are supplied domestically
establishment strategy for producing P-fertilizers inside the country on through internal suppliers. As seen in Table 14, the main portion of A,
the total PSC costs. According to Fig. 9, an operational cost of estab­ SA, and PA requirements are provided via planned orders (97.3 %, 95.7
lishing new lines is imposed on the system, but the PSC total costs %, and 97.4 %, respectively). A total of 52.6 % of manufacturing re­
significantly decrease by considering the domestic potential of produc­ quirements to P raw material are sourced via domestic suppliers through
ing P-fertilizers inside Iran from 1526.3 to 908.4 (M$). That is mainly planned (49.5 %) and real-time (3.1 %) orders. The rest of 47.4 % are
related to purchasing ready-to-use P-fertilizers from other countries provided from other countries.
(1024.6 out of 1071.4 M$ of total purchasing cost) and transporting Table 15 indicates how the demands of distribution centers are
them to Iran (327.1 out of 376.6 M$ out of total transportation cost). In satisfied for a 12-months planning horizon. As mentioned before, do­
the case of implementing the new lines establishment strategy, a great mestic manufacturers or external producers might provide all types of P-
portion of the country’s demand for raw materials is also sourced by fertilizers. According to Table 15, almost the same portion of different
domestic suppliers. The results ensure that establishing new production fertilizers is satisfied via planned and real-time orders (~85 % and 2.5
lines can be a potent alternative that is beneficent for long-term %, respectively). The rest of the demands are satisfied from other
decisions. countries directly.
Table 14 addresses the raw material flow from suppliers to

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Fig. 9. The effects of establishing new production lines on the PSC costs.

6.3. Realization
Table 14
Raw materials ordering quantity (per t).
In this section, the performance of the Nominal, RSP, and RRSP ap­
Purchased raw material P A SA PA proaches for the sustainable P-SCND problem are compared under
170,409 77,198 238,642 137,158 several realizations of the uncertain parameters. The Nominal model
ijrt (%)
49.5 97.3 95.7 97.4 was solved according to the nominal values of all uncertain parameters.
10,643 2,152 10,797 3,685 In this regard, new random realizations are generated concerning the
ijrt (%)
3.1 2.7 4.3 2.6 corresponding uncertainty sets to examine the obtained results of each
YSEkjrt 162,937 0 0 0 approach under the realization models. Moreover, the total costs of
YSEkjrt (%) 47.4 0 0 0 constraints violation would be calculated aside from the other costs
Total 343,989 79,350 249,439 140,843 (Fazli-Khalaf et al., 2017; Hosseini-Motlagh et al., 2020), by means of a
penalty function as in Eq. (16). We generated 10 new scenarios for the
realization. Finally, the solutions obtained by the Nominal, RSP, and
Table 15 RRSP models were compared in the aspects of mean and Std. The model
P-fertilizers ordering quantity (per t). with a lower mean and Std has a better performance than another
model. The realization results for the 10 realization scenarios in aspects
Purchased P-fertilizer SSP TSP DAP
of OF, PF, and OFP are reported in Table 16. As it can be seen, the
345,673 368,230 351,380 nominal model indicated the worst performance compared to the RSP
idrt (%)
86.8 86.7 85.2
and RRSP approaches for all scenarios with a considerable number of
YPRT 9846 10,883 9084
idrt penalties. Note that the Nominal model ignores the penalty cost for
idrt (%)
2.5 2.6 2.2
violation of robustness criteria (i.e., optimality robustness and feasibility
YPEkdrt 42,493 45,421 51,735
10.7 10.7 12.6
robustness). Although the RSP approach performed better than Nominal
YPEkdrt (%)
Total 398,012 424,534 412,199 for the new scenarios and achieved the same results as the RRSP
approach in a few scenarios, it still has a substantial number of penalties.
On the other hand, the proposed RRSP approach has obtained the best

Table 16
Result of realization for Nominal, RSP and RRSP models.
# Realization Nominal RSP RRSP

1 0.3939 3 1.5756 0.3703 0 0.3703 0.3835 0 0.3835

2 0.3890 3 1.5561 0.3650 5 2.1899 0.3820 0 0.3820
3 0.3730 4 1.8651 0.3619 2 1.0857 0.3554 0 0.3554
4 0.3789 6 2.6526 0.3848 0 0.3848 0.3588 0 0.3588
5 0.3711 5 2.2268 0.3553 2 1.0658 0.3551 0 0.3551
6 0.3813 6 2.6689 0.3602 2 1.0805 0.3581 1 0.7161
7 0.4016 2 1.2047 0.3734 0 0.3734 0.3551 0 0.3551
8 0.3847 3 1.5386 0.3577 0 0.3577 0.3674 0 0.3674
9 0.3937 5 2.3624 0.3649 4 1.8244 0.3577 1 0.7153
10 0.3847 6 2.6927 0.3744 4 1.8718 0.3772 2 1.1317
Mean 0.3852 4.3 2.0343 0.3668 1.9 1.0604 0.3650 0.4 0.5120

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Fig. 10. Comparison of the performance of Nominal, RSP, and RRSP approaches under the realization in the aspects of OFP.

Table 17
Unsatisfied demands of manufacturers for raw materials (%).
# Realization Nominal RSP RRSP

1 3.66 1.13 4.64 3.07 1.16 0.83 1.12 3.39 0.1 0.03 0.16 0.02
2 4.07 0.87 2.85 1.77 2 0.35 1.61 1.21 0.14 0.04 0.14 0.1
3 4.1 0.87 4.15 1.91 1.59 0.66 1.31 1.03 0.1 0.05 0.24 0.1
4 2.45 1.16 5.25 8.43 0.73 0.55 2.24 4.46 0.11 0.05 0.15 0.06
5 4 1.15 2.51 0.83 2.24 0.37 1.49 0.93 0.11 0.03 0.21 0.08
6 2.95 1.46 2.38 4.62 1.08 0.58 1.81 2.64 0.1 0.04 0.2 0.05
7 2.11 0.87 4.99 2.84 1.96 0.28 1.33 0.57 0.08 0.02 0.14 0.08
8 2.96 0.45 4.33 5.67 1.85 0.37 1.11 2.58 0.16 0.04 0.18 0.11
9 3.01 0.83 2.03 5.51 2.22 0.39 1.46 0.98 0.16 0.04 0.25 0.04
10 3.41 0.39 3.2 5.05 2.03 0.43 1.54 2.44 0.08 0.03 0.11 0.03
Mean 3.272 0.918 3.633 3.97 1.686 0.481 1.502 2.023 0.114 0.037 0.178 0.067

Table 18
Unsatisfied demands of distribution centers for P-fertilizers (%).
# Realization Nominal RSP RRSP

1 1.49 1.79 4.78 0 0.17 0 0 0 0

2 3.43 4.34 3.32 1.46 9.58 0 1.1 0.45 0.32
3 4.53 3.42 2.33 0 1.47 1.93 0 0 0.67
4 7.06 5.77 5.02 0.21 3.12 0.78 0 0 0
5 3.67 4.69 4.23 0.22 4.67 1.54 0 0.73 1.31
6 3.03 4.96 4.95 2 3.32 0 0.48 0 0
7 0 3.59 2.17 0.65 2.72 0 0 0.17 0
8 0.99 3.89 2.77 1.38 2.07 0 0 1.02 0
9 3.59 5.02 4.11 0 4.25 2.65 0 1.1 1.44
10 2.96 10.5 0 3.94 6.09 0 1.7 1.13 0
Mean 3.075 4.797 3.368 0.986 3.746 0.69 0.328 0.46 0.374

performance in all scenarios compared to the Nominal and RSP ap­ shows unsatisfied demands of distribution centers to the P-fertilizers.
proaches. Fig. 10 compares the OFP obtained through different ap­ Similar to the unsatisfied demands of manufacturers, in this case, the
proaches for the 10 realization scenarios. The RRSP model almost RRSP approach performed better than the other two approaches, and the
dominates the perception of uncertain parameters. The result shows the shortage has been significantly decreased to a total of 0.39 % for all P-
applicability of the proposed RRSP approach to encounter real-life fertilizer types. The results indicate the applicability of the proposed
scenarios. model against the Nominal and RSP approaches in facing real-world
Tables 17 and 18 compare the unsatisfied demands obtained by the situations.
Nominal, RSP, and RRSP approaches for the 10 realization scenarios.
Table 17 shows the unmet demand of manufacturers separately for each 6.4. Sensitivity analysis
raw material. Compared with Nominal and RSP models, considering
each approach’s mean and Std., the RRSP model has greatly fulfilled the 6.4.1. Robustness evaluation
demands of realization scenarios with the lowest shortage. Table 18 also A trade-off between the model robustness and solution robustness

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Fig. 11. The effect of λ on solution robustness and model robustness.

Fig. 12. The effect of ω on solution robustness and model robustness.

could be obtained through penalty parameters λEC and ω defined in the dominates the second term. That is why the most of demand is satisfied
economic objective function of the proposed RRSP model, as seen in Eq. for lower values of λEC . However, the model robustness is still affected by
(8). These penalties allow the model to be infeasible, and therefore, two factors: 1) the model constraints that must be satisfied; 2) the first
violation of controlling constraints would be permitted (Fazli-Khalaf term of the total economic objective (solutions’ mean), which has a
et al., 2017). When ω = λEC = 0, there is no penalty for controlling great impact in total. As the amount of λEC increases, the weight of the
violations. Then, because the first objective (economic) roles to mini­ solution robustness gradually increases. As a result, the second term of
mize total costs, no inventory flow through the system is preferred. the economic objective function becomes more effective. From λEC > 5,
Unless constraints control the maximum allowed shortages, otherwise, the weight of the second term of the objective function dominates the
the system will face the maximum unmet demand. So, the effect of third term. As a result, the algorithm takes less effort to reduce the
penalty costs on controlling the constraint violations must be examined. amount of shortage. Furthermore, a great cost is imposed t the system to
Fig. 11 indicates the effect of solution robustness penalty (λEC ) on the make intangible progress in reducing Std. On the other hand, the solu­
performance of solution robustness and model robustness. For λEC = 0, tion robustness and the model robustness indicate a roper trade-off on
since the model has no control on the solutions Std, a significant risk is λEC = 5. At this point, it seems that an equal weight has been shared
imposed on the system, and the rate of Std. is sensible. By increasing the among the second term and the third terms of the total economic
λEC value, gradually, the weight of the second term of the objective objective function. As a result, the unsatisfied demand and Std. which
function (i.e., solution robustness) increases. Hence, the algorithm are imposed on the system are appropriately optimized.
severely tries to minimize the amount of Std. of the solutions. As seen in Fig. 12 compares the solution robustness and model robustness
Fig. 11, for the small value of λEC (i.e., λEC < 5), the second term of the performance for different values of model robustness penalty (ω). When
total economic objective function of the RRSP model in Eq. (8) slightly ω = 0, there is no control on the solution feasibility (i.e., model
affects the total economic objective performance. In this case, the weight robustness). In this case, the most shortage is imposed on the system. On
of the third term of the total economic objective (model robustness) the other hand, the weight of the second term of the economic objective

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

Table 19
Effect of the sustainable objective function weights on the different objective functions.
(wEC , wSC , wEN ) Economic Objective Social Objectives Environmental Objectives
ZEC (106 $) ZEC ZSC1 (person) ZSC2 (%) ZSC ZEN1 (106 t) ZEN2 (106 t) ZEN

(0.5,0.25,0.25) 912.21 0.3162 627 28.23 0.5686 0.2218 10.54 0.3434

(0.25,0.5,0.25) 1135.3 0.3981 943 41.1 0.3857 0.3042 13.75 0.457
(0.25,0.25,0.5) 1060.7 0.367 559 23.95 0.6521 0.1997 9.213 0.3042
(1/3,1/3,1/3) 1002.5 0.3482 647 29.88 0.5415 0.211 9.186 0.3127
(0,0.5,0.5) 1494.8 0.5135 856 38.7 0.406 0.1668 8.447 0.2672
(0.5,0,0.5) 833.6 0.2865 505 18.86 0.7256 0.145 7.289 0.235
(0.5,0.5,0) 911.9 0.3143 1040 45.11 0.3463 0.3618 18.447 0.5813
(1,0,0) 773 0.2613 453 22.89 0.754 0.4013 19.843 0.6338
(0,1,0) 1642.1 0.5632 1163 49.41 0.3187 0.2992 15.471 0.4765
(0,0,1) 1366.4 0.4787 548 23.14 0.674 0.1476 6.559 0.2189

function and the Std. of the solutions gets greater overally. So, for the manufacturers than from the external suppliers. It may result in less
lower value of ω (i.e., ω < 1,500) the algorithm indicates more effort on GHGs emissions (second environmental objective). However, some ob­
reducing the Std., but the unsatisfied demands are at the highest level. jectives have conflict impacts on each other. For example, the aim of the
From this point on, the shortage decreases significantly since the weight second social objective is to increase the average crop yield as much as
of the third term of the economic objective increases, and the algorithm possible. It means that more DAP than the SSP and TSP should be
tries to minimize its value. Notably, shortage reduction with greater delivered to the demand nodes, which results in more value of the total
values ω imposes a high cost on the system. Moreover, the shortage economic cost. In addition, more vehicles are needed to transport them,
never gets zero, as mentioned before, since capacity constraints must be resulting in more GHGs emissions.
satisfied and because of the role of the first term of the economic
objective function. Contrary, due to a decrement in the weight of the
second term, the Std. increases. In total, the result illustrates that at ω = 6.5. Managerial insights
1, 500, there is a balance between solution robustness and model
robustness. At this point, the unsatisfied demand and Std. are at Nowadays, management of soil resources for global food security is a
appropriate optimality. strategic purpose of countries. Hence, optimizing soil nutrition’s supply
chains for the fertility of the agricultural fields is one of the most critical
6.4.2. Sustainability trade-off priorities of administrators. Meanwhile, P-fertilizer is an essential and
As mentioned above, the decision-makers may have different pref­ non-substitutable nutrient for food and fiber production. Thus, it is
erences depending on the available resources in real-world situations. In necessary to design a supply chain network to source the required P-
this regard, such constraints may affect their decisions on pursuing fertilizer productions for the provinces in different crop periods. Despite
sustainability. Hence, the sustainability objectives (i.e., economic, so­ the importance of optimizing the PSC network, it has not received
cial, and environmental) may not have the same weights. This section enough attention so far mathematically. In this paper, the problem of P-
discusses the effect of sustainable objective functions weights on the SCND has been examined by considering its sustainability and resiliency
system’s overall performance. Table 19 reports the trade-off among the in an uncertain environment. It helps the administrators select proper
weights of sustainable objectives of the proposed RRSP model, wherein strategies and tactics as well as promote the network’s performance in
the first row corresponds to the default values of the weights in all above all the triple aspects of sustainability (i.e., economic, social, and envi­
simulations. In Table 19, the five sub-objectives including total eco­ ronment). Besides, the proposed model helps decision-makers encounter
nomic cost ZEC ($), number of employed new workers ZSC1 (person), disruptions using an RRSP approach. The model has been validated with
real data from Iran. In addition, some sensitivity and realization ana­
average crop yield ZSC2 (%), total P loss ZEN1 (t), and total GHG emission
lyses have been evaluated its performance.
ZEN2 (t), are reported. Among them, ZEC , ZEN1 , and ZEN , are to be mini­
To help the decision-makers to have a proper grasp on the applica­
mized, while ZSC1 and ZSC2 are to be maximized. Moreover, the total
tion of the proposed model and its solution, several insights are pro­
economic, social, and environmental objective functions are respec­
vided. This paper discusses two strategies for satisfying the P-fertilizers
tively reported by ZEC , ZSC , and ZEN , all provided in normalized form to demands: purchasing ready-to-use fertilizers by export from other
be minimized within [0,1]. countries and establishing new production lines domestically. We
According to the obtained results in Table 19, by considering higher widely discussed the consequence of these strategies in Section 6.2.2.
weigh for each objective function (economic, social, and environ­ The results indicated that establishing new lines is an appropriate
mental), the normalized value of the related objective (ZEC , ZSC , and ZEN ) strategy for long-term operations, especially in the economic aspect. In
is reduced. The less wEC, the higher economic cost ZEC ($). By increasing that case, the external suppliers still play a significant role in sourcing
wSC, the higher ZSC1 (number of employed new workers) and ZSC2 (crop the raw materials, especially P. From the resilience point of view, since
yield %) have been obtained. Moreover, the higher wEN, the less ZEN1 purchasing P-fertilizers from other countries needs a noticeable lead-
(total P loss) and ZEN2 (total GHG emission) are achieved. However, time, by occurring a disruption for external producers, the compensa­
there are some correlations between the different objectives. For tion of shortage is impossible pragmatically. In that case, by the model’s
example, the first social objective (ZSC1 ) attempts to install more pro­ ability to handle the disruption from backup lists, the unmet demands
duction lines to employ more workers in the system. In one hand, it can be satisfied significantly. This result also verifies establishing new
boosts more costs to install new lines. On the other hand, by installing production lines justification and resiliency.
new production lines, the capacity of the internal manufacturers is Promoting social and environmental aspects of sustainability is
increased. Generally, the total cost of purchasing raw materials, trans­ another issue that requires considerable attention. Thus, the adminis­
portation cost, installation, and production, is less than purchasing trators can measure and determine their decisions’ social and environ­
fertilizers from the external suppliers (on average). Therefore, this cor­ mental effects. It is necessary to make a trade-off among sustainable
relation may lead to reduce the total economic cost. In addition, less objective issues to achieve better performance and improve the
transportation is needed to transfer fertilizers from the internal competitive advantage. The proposed model plays a significant role in
reducing P-loss, improving P use, and P yield. Besides, it is effective in

M. Rabbani et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108770

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