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2023-2024 SPRING TERM

L1S & L2S & L3S & L4R

Language Level: B1 - B1+

Assignment Date: 06 March 2024 Submission Date: 3 Nisan 2024 (by 5.00 p.m.)

TASK: Travel Magazine Project

 Students work in groups* of 4 or 5 students to prepare a travel magazine.

 Group members decide on what to include in their travel magazine and work in collaboration throughout
the project.
 Each group member must prepare at least two parts for the magazine.
 The magazine can comprise the following sections:
 Destination Features:
Articles about specific travel destinations, highlighting their attractions, culture, history, cuisine, and
things to do.
 Travel Stories:
Personal narratives written by people who share their experiences and adventures from around the
world. These stories often offer insights into local culture, encounters with locals, and memorable
moments from the traveler's journey.
 Practical Travel Tips:
Practical advice and tips for travelers, such as packing tips, travel hacks, budget travel advice, safety tips,
and recommendations for solo travellers and families.
 Hotel and Restaurant Reviews:
Reviews and recommendations of accommodations, restaurants, cafes, and bars in various destinations,
including details about the ambiance, service quality, menu highlights, and overall experience.
 Activity Guides:
Guides to outdoor activities, adventure sports, cultural experiences, and sightseeing attractions, guided
tours, museums, festivals, and other experiences.
 Travel News and Trends:
Updates on travel industry news, emerging travel trends, destination developments, and tips for
traveling responsibly and sustainably.
 Travel Photography:
Stunning photography showing the beauty of different destinations, landmarks, landscapes, and cultural
 Travel Planning Resources:
Practical tools and resources to help readers plan their trips, including destination guides, maps,
itineraries, travel apps, booking platforms, and recommendations for travel equipment and accessories.

 The magazine must be minimum 4, maximum 5 pages long.

 Group members decide on the layout and organisation of the magazine and design it cooperatively.
 The groups are free to use online magazine templates that they choose. The following are some examples
of websites that offer such templates:
 The magazines must be submitted digitally through Make sure you submit
your assignment before the deadline.
 The evaluation will be conducted based on BOTH individual work and group work, according to the
“Travel magazine project assessment criteria”.

*Possible group combinations:

Total number of Total number of

students in classes groups
16 4 groups of 4 students 4
17 3 groups of 4 students 4
1 group of 5 students
18 2 groups of 4 students 4
2 groups of 5 students
19 1 group of 4 students 4
3 groups of 5 students
20 4 groups of 5 students 4
21 4 groups of 4 students 5
1 group of 5 students
22 3 groups of 4 students 5
2 groups of 5 students
23 2 groups of 4 students 5
3 groups of 5 students
24 1 group of 4 students 5
4 groups of 5 students
25 5 groups of 5 students 5

Travel Magazine Project Assessment Criteria

2.5 pts. 2 pts. 1.5 pts. 1 pt. 0.5 pts. 0 pts.

Individual Work
(The student is graded according to the parts s/he prepared for the magazine.)
Content The text presents enough information in an original and creative way with details and an
& appropriate heading.

Organisation The text structure is easy to read and understand and is developed using linking words.

Language The text has almost no errors in vocabulary use, grammar, spelling & mechanics.

Group Work
(The group members are graded according to the overall visual quality of the work.)
Layout The overall design of the magazine is visually appealing & engaging.
Visual quality

TOTAL SCORE: _____ / 10

!!! Scoring rules
*** Academic integrity is the principle that asks students to engage with their academic work to the fullest and to
behave honestly, transparently, and ethically in every work. You are allowed to make use of various resources to
complete your assignment, though you are required to paraphrase the source in your own words. Otherwise, it could
be considered plagiarism. Violations of academic integrity will be determined by using the programs used for this
purpose (Turnitin, etc.). If there is more than 10% similarity with the other resources, you will get 0 (zero) points for
this assignment. An additional Artificial Intelligence report has also been activated on It
checks whether the content has been prepared using applications like ChatGPT, Google Translate, etc. Therefore, your
submission will be checked for the use of artificial intelligence through Turnitin reporting system. In case of a
detection, you will get 0 (zero) points for this assignment.
*** Do not miss the deadline. If you don’t submit the assignment on time, your assignment WILL NOT BE GRADED, and
you will get 0 (zero) points for this assignment.
Some tips about group work:

 When possible, choose group members with similar schedules.

 Be proactive and begin setting the groundwork early.
 Arrange group roles and responsibilities with individual strengths and interests.
 Identify what project activities must be accomplished, in what order and by when.
 Choose a group leader who is comfortable taking on that role.
 Communication is key; establish clear guidelines around when, where and how your group
will communicate with each other.
 Create a comfortable forum to communicate through.
 Always be honest, but respectful, in a group. If either the project or a fellow group member is
heading down a path you don’t agree with, speak up.

GSE Objectives:

B1-2. WP (2) Can present a topic in a short report or poster, using photographs and short blocks of text.
B1 B1-2. WP (3) Can write a notice that clearly conveys information.
B1-2. WP (5) Can write descriptions of real or imaginary people.
B1-4. WP (1) Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on
familiar routine and non-routine matters within his/her field with some confidence.
B1-4. WP (2) Can give basic advice in writing using simple language.
B1-4. WP (6) Can write a short review of a restaurant, movie, etc. using simple language.
B1-5. WP (1) Can show a basic direct relationship between a simple problem and a solution.
B1-9. WP (1) Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar subjects within his/her
field of interest.
B1-9. WP (2) Can write a text on a topical subject of personal interest, using simple language to list
advantages and disadvantages, give and justify his/her opinion.
B1-10. WP (3) Can write a description of an event, a recent trip – real or imagined.
B1-10. WP (4) Can write a story with a simple linear sequence.
B1-10. WP (5) Can clearly signal the end of a simple narrative or description.
B1-10. WP (6) Can write about personal experiences in a diary or online posting, given a model.
B1-10. WP (7) Can write a basic description of experiences, feelings and reactions, given a model.
B1-10. WP (8) Can write about experiences, feelings and reactions in a simple connected text.
B1-11. WP (1) Can write simple instructions on how to use a device or product, given a model
B1-13. WP (1) Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on
familiar routine and non-routine matters within his/her field with some confidence.
B1-13. WP (2) Can write a basic summary of a simple text using the original wording and paragraph order.
B1-21. WP Can write a description of a future event or activity.
B1+ -2. WP (8) Can write a simple, structured informational leaflet/brochure, given a model.
B1+ -10. WP (11) Can write a description of a real or imagined event (e.g. ‘a recent trip’).
B1+ -13. WP (3) Can summarise factual information within their field of interest.
B1+ B1-13. WP (9) Can use simple cohesive devices such as repetition in a structured text.
B1+ -13. WP (10) Can use limited discourse devices to link sentences smoothly into connected discourse.

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