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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
San Juan Evangelista St., Goa, Camarines Sur

Science 10: Fourth Monthly Exam

Name: Grade Level:
Date: Teacher: Gerald Jun P. Gavarra
Part 1. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and place the correct answer in the space provided before the number.
1. Which of the following shows how the volume of gases changes when the temperature changes?
A. An inflated balloon will become deflated when exposed to cold water
B. Ice is less dense than water and thus will occupy more space or will have a greater volume
C. Coffee expands when heated
D. A basketball will expand if the pressure inside it is lower than that of the environment’s
2. Which of the following scenarios is most likely to lead to logistic growth in a population?
A. Rapid colonization of a new habitat C. Steady increase in resource availability
B. Occurrence of a natural disaster D. High predation pressure
3. If you raise the energy of a balloon by heating up its gas, which of the following might happen?
A. It will deflate B. It will explode C. It will expand D. It will implode
4. According to which gas describes the relationship between pressure and temperature?
A. The higher the temperature, the lower the pressure since the volume will increase
B. If the volume is kept constant, pressure and temperature are inversely proportional
C. The higher the pressure, the higher the temperature if the volume is allowed to change
D. At a constant volume, pressure and temperature are directly proportional
5. How might human activities influence carrying capacity in an ecosystem?
A. By promoting biodiversity conservation C. By depleting natural resources
B. By reducing pollution levels D. By restoring degraded habitats
6. Which of the following scenario shows the critical point in population growth?
A. A new herd of deer is introduced to an island with plentiful food.
B. A bacterial culture doubles in size every hour.
C. A forest fire sweeps through an area inhabited by rabbits, destroying their habitat.
D. A lion pride reaches a stable population size due to limited prey availability
7. Which limiting factor limiting factor is being exhibited when no one builds houses in an area due to the
frequency of storms that hits it?
A. Predation B. Abiotic factor: C. Competition D. Disease
8. How will an overshoot affect the survivability of a population?
A. There will be an abundance of resources, leading to population growth.
B. The population will stabilize at the carrying capacity of the environment.
C. The population will crash due to resource depletion and competition.
D. There will be a slight decrease in population, followed by a return to normal.
9. When a population is evenly distributed in an area, they are distributed .
A. Randomly B. Uniformly C. Clumped Aggregated
10. Which of the following would cause the carrying capacity of a habitat to be reduced over time?
A. Introducing a new predator species to the habitat.
B. Increasing the average rainfall in the area.
C. Reducing pollution levels in the water.
D. Constant overshooting of the population
Part 2. True or False
Directions: Write :) if the statement is true and :( if the statement is false. Writing anything else will be considered
11. You can increase the pressure of a gas by also increasing its volume
12. Increasing the number of particles will also increase the gas’s volume, pressure, and temperature
13. The value of a mole will be different with every compound
14. A submarine underwater only experiences pressure from the water outside it
15. The reason why the volume increases when you increase the temperature is because the particles within
the gas will multiply or become more numerous
16. In order for us to determine the partial pressure of a gas, we can just add them all together
17. Decreasing the volume of a gas will increase the pressure and temperature
18. Leaving a deflated balloon in the sun will cause it to deflate further because of the heat
19. The expansion of gas or increase in its volume will cause a decrease in temperature
20. The implosion of a hot container rapidly cooled is due to the partial vacuum created inside it when the
gas cools down and compresses.

Part 3. Problem Solving

Directions: Solve for the missing variable and make sure that you include your computations together with the
cancelation of units. Enclose your final answer in a box.
21-24. The pressure experienced by a particular underwater vessel equals approximately 3 atmospheres when its
volume is 10 m3, what will be the pressure experienced by the vessel when it shrunk down to 4 m 3?

25-28. Determine the volume of occupied by 2.34 grams of carbon dioxide gas at STP.

29-32. A gas that has an initial temperature of 50 degrees Celsius was heated to 140 degrees Celsius, if the final
pressure was measured to be 3500 pascal, what was the initial pressure?

33-36. The volume of a gas decrease from 5L to 3L when the temperature was lowered from a certain temperature to
100K. What was the initial temperature of the gas?

37-40. A container holds three gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide, and helium. The partial pressures of the three gases
are 2.00 atm, 3.00 atm, and 4.00 atm, respectively. What is the total pressure inside the container?

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