Performance Task Science 9

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Performance Task 1

Complete the crossword puzzle by filling in the missing words in the text below. Once the crossword and the text
are complete, answer the guide questions found on the next page. A scoring rubric will be used to grade your

Each individual body system works in conjunction with other body systems. The circulatory system is a good
example of how body systems interact with each other. Your (14) pumps blood through a complex network of
(13) . When your (10) circulates through your digestive system, for example, it picks up (7) your
body absorbed from your last meal. Your blood also carries oxygen inhaled by the (5) . Your (6) system
delivers oxygen and nutrients to the other (2) of your body then picks up any (11) products created
by these cells, including carbon dioxide, and delivers these to the kidneys and lungs for disposal.

Each of your body systems relies on the others to work well. Your (9) system relies on your circulatory system
to deliver the (4) it gathers; while the muscles of your heart cannot function without the oxygen they receive
from your lungs. The circulatory system provides your (1) with a constant supply of oxygen-(15) blood while
your brain regulates your (12) and (3) .

Working together, these systems maintain internal stability and balance, otherwise known as (8) .

Guide Questions:

Q1. How does blood get oxygen?




Q2. Why should the respiratory system need to respond to the activities of the circulatory system?




Q3. Can a disease in one body system affect Homeostasis? If yes, how?






2 points 1 point 0 point

Claim An assertion that Makes a claim that Makes a claim that Does not make a claim or
something is true makes an incoherent
is sufficient to answer the is sufficient to answer the
questions and is coherent questions or is coherent


Explanation Provides an explanation how Provides an explanation Does not provide an

and why a phenomenon how or why a phenomenon explanation.
Describe how and why a
occurs occurs.
phenomenon occurs

3 points 2 points 0 point

Reasoning Includes all of the following: Includes two of the Includes one or none of
following: the following:
Provides reasons the
reader o Cites sufficient and relevant evidence to support the
should accept your claim/explanation.
claim or explanation o Describes how the cited evidence defends the claim/ explanation.

o Reader feels compelled to accept the argument

Performance Task 2

Information Dissemination.

You are going to make an infographic showing how to take care of the respiratory and circulatory systems. You can
draw/write or print the infographic and attach it on this module.

Criteria Exceptional / 10 pts Admirable / 8 pts Marginal / 4 pts

Content (Creativity and Topic is focused, with a Topic is focused, and Little or no focus of the
Originality) clear, engaging story. most of the data is topic, with no clear
All data is relevant and relevant, if not story. Data is missing or
conveys meaningful especially compelling. irrelevant.
information to the Data may not paint a
viewer. The data tells complete informational
the full story and does picture of the topic.
not leave out major

Layout Layout shows clear Mostly clear and Confusing layout

organization and organized but may be and/or data. Little use
creates an easy-to- confusing in spots. of color or graphics to
Some use of graphics guide the reader.
follow and easy to read
and color to help guide
storyline. Excellent use
the reader.
of graphics and color to
help guide the reader.

Visual Appeal Eye-catching and Good use of graphics, Poor use of graphics,
effective use of color and fonts. Most color and/or fonts.
graphics, color, and elements add to the Visually distracting--
fonts. All elements overall theme and
may use too many
work together to story. Visuals are good,
colors or fonts.
reinforce the data and but there may be an
Graphics merely
story, without being over-reliance on text to
decorate, with the text
distracting. The visuals tell important
telling the story.
tell the story, with text information.
there only to
supplement. Readers
could still get the gist of
the story if text were

Performance Task 3

One-month Healthy Lifestyle Challenge. Your objective is to make a 30-day planner of having a healthy lifestyle.
From day 1 – 30 you are going to plan what you eat, how many minutes you will exercise for the day, and what time
you are going to bed. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. You can copy the layout of the table below the

Rubrics: Excellent / 2 pts Good / 1 pt. Fair / 0 pts

Eating Healthy Foods Has planned to eat Has planned to eat Has planned to eat no
healthy foods for the healthy foods but only healthy foods for the
day. Go, grow, and 2 types among go, day
glow foods grow, and glow

Regular Exercise Has planned of having Has planned of having Has planned to
30 minutes of exercise 15 minutes or less of
slack off for the day
or 10,000 steps for the exercise or less than
day 5,000 steps

Sleeping Early at night Has planned to sleep at Has planned to sleep at Has planned to sleep at
8-9 PM 10-11 PM 12 AM onwards

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