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Canvas™ Smart Display

Supplemental Information Manual
CARESCAPE Software version 3 (3.3)

2nd edition
© 2022 General Electric Company
All rights reserved.
Supplemental Information Manual Contents

Introduction to this manual ...................................................................................................................... 11
Intended use of this manual ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Intended markets of this manual..............................................................................................................................................12
Intended audience of this manual .....................................................................................................................................................12
About these devices................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Safety precautions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Manual conventions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Monitor naming conventions ......................................................................................................................................................12
Acquisition module naming conventions ..............................................................................................................................13
Other naming conventions ..........................................................................................................................................................13
Related documents................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Ordering manuals...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Revision history.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Accessing manuals online ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Product availability ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Compliance.................................................................................................................................................. 17
Standards compliance............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
IEC 60601-1.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Compliant devices..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Design, environmental, and physical specifications .............................................................................. 19

Design, environmental, and physical specifications...................................................................................................................19
CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 specifications...............................................................................................................................19
CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display specifications ............................................................................................................20
CARESCAPE Canvas D19 display specifications .................................................................................................................21
F2 Frame specifications................................................................................................................................................................. 22
F5 Frame specifications................................................................................................................................................................. 22
F7 Frame specifications................................................................................................................................................................. 23
CARESCAPE Patient Data Module specifications...............................................................................................................23
PDM battery specifications.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
CARESCAPE respiratory module specifications..................................................................................................................24
E-miniC module specifications...................................................................................................................................................24
E-PP and E-PT module specifications......................................................................................................................................24
E-COP and E-COPSv module specifications .........................................................................................................................25
E-PiCCO module specifications..................................................................................................................................................25
E-EEGX module and N-EEGX headbox specifications ......................................................................................................25
E-ENTROPY module specifications...........................................................................................................................................25
E-NMT module specifications .....................................................................................................................................................26
E-BIS module specifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
E-MASIMO module specifications.............................................................................................................................................26

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E-NSATX module specifications.................................................................................................................................................26

E-musb module specifications ...................................................................................................................................................27
B1X5-REC recorder specifications ............................................................................................................................................27
USB remote control specifications ...........................................................................................................................................27

Alarm specifications................................................................................................................................... 29
About alarms ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Alarm standards compliance ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
Auditory alarm volume, IEC tones......................................................................................................................................................29
Auditory alarm volume, legacy tones ...............................................................................................................................................30
Audio alarm sound tolerances............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Legacy alarm tone sound patterns...........................................................................................................................................31
IEC alarm tone sound patterns ..................................................................................................................................................32
Remote alarm tone sound patterns.........................................................................................................................................32
Auditory information signal characteristics ..................................................................................................................................32
Visual information signals ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Alarm delay specifications..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Time to alarm for tachycardia.....................................................................................................................................................33
Physiological alarm delay specifications................................................................................................................................34
Alarm delay specifications for ECG alarms..................................................................................................................34
Alarm delay specifications for impedance respiration alarms............................................................................36
Alarm delay specifications for SpO2 alarms................................................................................................................36
Alarm delay specifications for rSO2 alarms.................................................................................................................37
Alarm delay specifications for NIBP alarms ................................................................................................................38
Alarm delay specifications for invasive pressures alarms ....................................................................................38
Alarm delay specifications for temperature alarms ................................................................................................42
Alarm delay specifications for cardiac output alarms ............................................................................................43
Alarm delay specifications for SvO2 and ScvO2 alarms .........................................................................................43
Alarm delay specifications for airway gases alarms................................................................................................43
Alarm delay specifications for spirometry and gas exchange alarms..............................................................45
Alarm delay specifications for Entropy alarms ..........................................................................................................46
Alarm delay specifications for NMT alarms.................................................................................................................46
Alarm delay specifications for BIS alarms....................................................................................................................46
Technical alarm delay specifications .......................................................................................................................................46
Remote alarm delay specifications ..........................................................................................................................................57
Alarm priorities and escalation times ..............................................................................................................................................57
Alarm priorities and escalation times for ECG ....................................................................................................................57
Alarm priorities and escalation times for impedance respiration..............................................................................64
Alarm priorities and escalation times for SpO2 ..................................................................................................................65
Alarm priorities and escalation times for rSO2 ...................................................................................................................69
Alarm priorities and escalation times for NIBP...................................................................................................................70
Alarm priorities and escalation times for invasive pressures.......................................................................................72
Alarm priorities and escalation times for temperature ..................................................................................................80
Alarm priorities and escalation times for cardiac output...............................................................................................81
Alarm priorities and escalation times for CCO....................................................................................................................82

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Alarm priorities and escalation times for SvO2 and ScvO2............................................................................................83

Alarm priorities and escalation times for airway gases..................................................................................................85
Alarm priorities and escalation times for spirometry......................................................................................................91
Alarm priorities and escalation times for gas exchange.................................................................................................92
Alarm priorities and escalation times for Entropy.............................................................................................................93
Alarm priorities and escalation times for NMT ...................................................................................................................94
Alarm priorities and escalation times for EEG and AEP..................................................................................................95
Alarm priorities and escalation times for BIS ......................................................................................................................96
Alarm priorities and escalation times for TC........................................................................................................................97
Alarm priorities and escalation times for trends, snapshots, and laboratory data ............................................97
Alarm priorities and escalation times for various situations........................................................................................98

Parameter specifications......................................................................................................................... 105

Parameter specifications .................................................................................................................................................................... 105
About parameters......................................................................................................................................................................... 105
ECG standards compliance....................................................................................................................................................... 105
ECG performance specifications ............................................................................................................................................ 105
Impedance respiration performance specifications ...................................................................................................... 108
SpO2 standards compliance..................................................................................................................................................... 109
SpO2 displayed saturation values.......................................................................................................................................... 109
SpO₂ summary of clinical studies used to establish accuracy claims.................................................................... 109
Accuracy of Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax sensors........................................................................ 109
Accuracy of SpO2 with the MAX-N sensor ................................................................................................................ 110
Accuracy of SpO2 with Softcare SC-PR and SC-NEO sensors .......................................................................... 110
Accuracy of Masimo SET technology with Masimo SET sensors .................................................................... 110
SpO2 test methods used to establish accuracy claims during motion.................................................................. 110
SpO₂ test methods used to establish accuracy claims during low perfusion..................................................... 111
Low perfusion accuracy of Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax sensors ......................................... 111
Low perfusion accuracy of Masimo SET technology............................................................................................. 111
SpO₂ test methods used to establish pulse rate accuracy ......................................................................................... 111
Pulse rate accuracy of Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax sensors .................................................. 111
Pulse rate accuracy of Masimo SET technology with Masimo sensors........................................................ 112
SpO2 performance specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 112
SpHb performance specifications.......................................................................................................................................... 115
rSO2 performance specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 116
SPI performance specifications............................................................................................................................................... 116
SPI calculations .............................................................................................................................................................................. 116
NIBP standards compliance...................................................................................................................................................... 116
NIBP performance specifications........................................................................................................................................... 117
Invasive pressure standards compliance............................................................................................................................ 117
Invasive pressure performance specifications................................................................................................................. 118
SPV and PPV calculations................................................................................................................................................. 118
Temperature standards compliance..................................................................................................................................... 119
Temperature performance specifications .......................................................................................................................... 119
C.O. standards compliance ....................................................................................................................................................... 120
Cardiac output (C.O.) performance specifications.......................................................................................................... 120
CCO performance specifications............................................................................................................................................ 122
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E-PiCCO calculation formulas.................................................................................................................................................. 123

SvO2 and ScvO2 performance specifications.................................................................................................................... 125
Airway gases standards compliance .................................................................................................................................... 125
Airway gases normal conditions ............................................................................................................................................ 125
Airway gases performance specifications.......................................................................................................................... 126
Airway gases calculations ......................................................................................................................................................... 130
Airway gases CO2 unit conversions ...................................................................................................................................... 131
Spirometry normal conditions................................................................................................................................................. 131
Spirometry performance specifications.............................................................................................................................. 132
Spirometry calculations.............................................................................................................................................................. 133
Spirometry airway pressures calculations................................................................................................................ 133
Spirometry airway flow calculations ........................................................................................................................... 133
Spirometry compliance calculations ........................................................................................................................... 134
Spirometry airway resistance calculations............................................................................................................... 134
Gas exchange performance specifications ........................................................................................................................ 134
Gas exchange calculation formulas ...................................................................................................................................... 134
Entropy standards compliance ............................................................................................................................................... 135
Entropy performance specifications..................................................................................................................................... 135
Entropy calculations ........................................................................................................................................................... 136
NMT standards compliance ...................................................................................................................................................... 136
NMT performance specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 136
EEG standards compliance ....................................................................................................................................................... 137
EEG performance specifications............................................................................................................................................. 137
BIS standards compliance ......................................................................................................................................................... 138
BIS performance specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 139
BIS calculations .............................................................................................................................................................................. 139

Calculation specifications ....................................................................................................................... 141

About calculations and drug calculations.................................................................................................................................... 141
Drug calculation specifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 141
Drug calculation formulas ......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Resuscitation medications calculations....................................................................................................................................... 142
Laboratory data calculations............................................................................................................................................................. 142
Hemodynamic calculation specifications .................................................................................................................................... 143
Hemodynamic calculations input parameter specifications ..................................................................................... 143
Hemodynamic calculations calculated parameter specifications........................................................................... 143
Hemodynamic calculations calculated parameter formulas..................................................................................... 144
Oxygenation calculation specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 145
Oxygenation calculations input parameter specifications ......................................................................................... 145
Oxygenation calculations calculated parameter specifications............................................................................... 146
Oxygenation calculations calculated parameter formulas......................................................................................... 146
Ventilation calculation specifications............................................................................................................................................ 148
Ventilation calculation input parameter specifications ............................................................................................... 148
Ventilation calculations calculated parameter specifications .................................................................................. 148
Ventilation calculations calculated parameter formulas ............................................................................................ 148

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Supplemental Information Manual Contents

Default settings ........................................................................................................................................ 151

Understanding your monitor configuration ................................................................................................................................ 151
Software packages ....................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Software features ......................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Licensed software options........................................................................................................................................................ 151
Software profiles ........................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Software settings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Care unit settings.......................................................................................................................................................................... 153
DEMO MODE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 153
Exiting the DEMO MODE ................................................................................................................................................. 154
Profile settings................................................................................................................................................................................ 154
Current patient settings............................................................................................................................................................. 154
Configuring care unit settings........................................................................................................................................................... 154
Alarm settings................................................................................................................................................................................. 155
Parameter alarms settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 157
Screen settings............................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Admit/discharge settings........................................................................................................................................................... 159
Unit of measure settings............................................................................................................................................................ 160
Parameter/demographics unit of measure settings............................................................................................. 160
Laboratory values unit of measure settings ............................................................................................................ 161
Calculations unit of measure settings ........................................................................................................................ 162
Parameter settings....................................................................................................................................................................... 162
12 lead ECG settings........................................................................................................................................................... 163
ECG settings ........................................................................................................................................................................... 164
Temperature label settings.............................................................................................................................................. 164
Catheter settings ................................................................................................................................................................. 164
Drug list settings............................................................................................................................................................................ 165
ED, ICU, OR and PACU software package drug list default settings............................................................... 165
NICU software package drug list default settings ................................................................................................. 165
Standby site name settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 166
Show in Screen Setup settings................................................................................................................................................ 166
Roving settings ............................................................................................................................................................................... 167
Telemetry settings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 167
Print settings................................................................................................................................................................................... 167
Configuring profile settings................................................................................................................................................................ 167
Absolute alarm limit settings................................................................................................................................................... 168
Alarm delay settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 172
V Tach Event Duration Criteria................................................................................................................................................ 172
Invasive pressures alarms settings ....................................................................................................................................... 172
Invasive pressures colors settings for labels..................................................................................................................... 177
Page settings................................................................................................................................................................................... 177
Upper parameter area settings ..................................................................................................................................... 178
Lower parameter area settings ..................................................................................................................................... 188
Primary screen split screen settings ........................................................................................................................... 191
Secondary screen split screen settings...................................................................................................................... 191
Trends and snapshot settings.................................................................................................................................................. 192
General trend settings....................................................................................................................................................... 192
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Graphic trends page settings.......................................................................................................................................... 192

Snapshot settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 196
Care report settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 197
Configuring locking settings............................................................................................................................................................... 198
General locking settings............................................................................................................................................................. 198
Parameter locking settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 198
Alarm locking settings................................................................................................................................................................. 199
Configuring Time & Date settings ................................................................................................................................................... 202
Time Format settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 203
Configuring current patient settings.............................................................................................................................................. 203
Alarm limits settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 203
Alarm priority settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 203
Arrhythmia alarm settings........................................................................................................................................................ 205
Lethal alarm settings.......................................................................................................................................................... 205
V Tach Criteria settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 206
Ventricular alarm settings................................................................................................................................................ 206
Atrial alarm settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 207
Audible and visual alarm settings.......................................................................................................................................... 209
Monitor screen settings.............................................................................................................................................................. 209
Monitor brightness settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 209
Invasive pressures color settings for channels ................................................................................................................ 210
Other parameters color settings............................................................................................................................................ 210
Monitor sound settings............................................................................................................................................................... 211
Monitor parameter settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 211
Waveform printout settings..................................................................................................................................................... 212
Report settings............................................................................................................................................................................... 212
Device settings ............................................................................................................................................................................... 213
Drug calculator settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 214
Calculator default settings .............................................................................................................................................. 214
Titration table default settings ...................................................................................................................................... 214
Resuscitation medication settings............................................................................................................................... 214
Laboratory data settings............................................................................................................................................................ 215
Calculation settings...................................................................................................................................................................... 215
Other patients (remote alarm) settings .............................................................................................................................. 215
Admit/discharge or start/end case settings...................................................................................................................... 216
Trend settings ................................................................................................................................................................................. 217
Trend scales default settings .......................................................................................................................................... 219
Parameter default settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 221
ECG default settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 222
ECG setup default settings .............................................................................................................................................. 222
ECG advanced default settings...................................................................................................................................... 224
ECG arrhythmia alarm default settings ..................................................................................................................... 227
ST default settings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 227
ST alarms default settings................................................................................................................................................ 228
QT default settings ....................................................................................................................................................................... 229
QT setup default settings ................................................................................................................................................. 229
QT alarms default settings............................................................................................................................................... 229

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Supplemental Information Manual Contents

QTc alarms default settings............................................................................................................................................. 229

Impedance respiration default settings .............................................................................................................................. 229
SpO2 default settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 230
SpHb default settings......................................................................................................................................................... 233
rSO2 default settings ................................................................................................................................................................... 234
SPI default settings....................................................................................................................................................................... 235
NIBP default settings ................................................................................................................................................................... 235
Invasive pressures default settings....................................................................................................................................... 237
Art 1 pressure site default settings.............................................................................................................................. 237
UAC 1 pressure site default settings ........................................................................................................................... 238
CVP 2 pressure site default settings............................................................................................................................ 239
UVC 2 pressure site default settings ........................................................................................................................... 240
Fem 3 pressure site default settings ........................................................................................................................... 240
Art 3 pressure site default settings.............................................................................................................................. 242
PA 4 pressure site default settings............................................................................................................................... 243
CVP 4 pressure site default settings............................................................................................................................ 243
P5 to P7 pressure site default settings....................................................................................................................... 244
Art 8 pressure site default settings.............................................................................................................................. 245
Temperature default settings .................................................................................................................................................. 246
T1, T2 default settings........................................................................................................................................................ 246
T3, T4 default settings........................................................................................................................................................ 247
Tblood default settings...................................................................................................................................................... 248
Cardiac output (C.O.) default settings.................................................................................................................................. 249
CCO default settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 249
SvO2 and ScvO2 default settings............................................................................................................................................ 250
Airway gases default settings.................................................................................................................................................. 251
CO2 default settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 251
O2 default settings .............................................................................................................................................................. 252
Anesthetic agent default settings ................................................................................................................................ 253
Spirometry and gas exchange default settings................................................................................................................ 254
Entropy default settings............................................................................................................................................................. 255
NMT default settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 256
EEG default settings..................................................................................................................................................................... 257
EEG montage default settings........................................................................................................................................ 258
AEP default settings............................................................................................................................................................ 259
BIS default settings....................................................................................................................................................................... 260
Transcutaneous CO2/O2 default settings ........................................................................................................................... 260

Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................. 261
Before any planned maintenance or regular checks .............................................................................................................. 261
Planned maintenance for the monitor and secondary display .......................................................................................... 261
Planned maintenance for the modules ........................................................................................................................................ 261
Planned maintenance for the frames............................................................................................................................................ 261
Regular checks......................................................................................................................................................................................... 262
Daily checks ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 262
Check every two months ........................................................................................................................................................... 262
Check every six months.............................................................................................................................................................. 262
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Check every 12 months.............................................................................................................................................................. 262

Check every 24 months.............................................................................................................................................................. 262

Supplies and accessories ......................................................................................................................... 263

About supplies and accessories....................................................................................................................................................... 263
Ordering information ............................................................................................................................................................................ 263

SpO₂ supplemental analysis graphs....................................................................................................... 265

Additional accuracy information for Nellcor sensors with E-NSATX and PDM (Nellcor) ........................................ 265
Additional accuracy information for Masimo sensors ........................................................................................................... 265

Electromagnetic compatibility ............................................................................................................... 271

IEC 60601-1-2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 271
Electromagnetic compatibility safety precautions.................................................................................................................. 271
Essential performance in EMC.......................................................................................................................................................... 272
EEG accessories and electromagnetic compatibility.............................................................................................................. 273
BIS accessories and electromagnetic compatibility ............................................................................................................... 274
Electromagnetic emissions................................................................................................................................................................ 274
Electromagnetic immunity................................................................................................................................................................. 275
Electromagnetic immunity for RF ................................................................................................................................................... 276
Recommended separation distances............................................................................................................................................ 277
Proximity field immunity compliance............................................................................................................................................ 277

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Introduction to this manual

Intended use of this manual

The information in this manual applies to the software version listed on the first page of the manual.
This manual must be used in conjunction with the user manual for important safety information and
detailed instructions for clinical use of these products. Devices and versions not specifically stated are
not supported and should not be used with the monitor.
The list below indicates the compatible products (brands, models and descriptions as applicable) with
which this manual is to be used. Supported products are covered by the manuals that were delivered
with those products.
• CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000
• CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display
• CARESCAPE™ Software version 3 (3.3)
• CARESCAPE Canvas™ D19
• E-COP-01, E-COPSv-01
• E-PiCCO-00
• E-sCAiO-00, E-sCAiOV-00, E-sCAiOVX-00, E-sCO-00, E-sCOV-00, E-sCOVX-00, E-sCAiOE-00, E-
• E-miniC-00
• E-NSATX-00
• E-PP-00, E-PT-00
• E-NMT-01
• E-EEGX version MJD101, N-EEGX version MJS101
• E-BIS-01, E-BIS-01-JA
• E-musb, version MJU101
• CARESCAPE™ Patient Data Module, CARESCAPE™ Patient Data Module GS
• B1X5-REC recorder
• Frame F5–01, Frame F7–01
• F2-01
• USB Remote Control (including localized versions)
• CARESCAPE™ RAD, Remote Alarm Device, version MBRA001

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Intended audience of this manual Supplemental Information Manual

Intended markets of this manual

This manual is not intended for U.S. FDA-regulated markets because the Surgical Pleth Index (SPI)
measurement, Full PiCCO license, and certain supplies and accessories are not cleared for use by the

Intended audience of this manual

This manual is intended for clinical professionals. Clinical professionals are expected to have a working
knowledge of medical procedures, practices and terminology required to provide patient care. Using the
system should never replace nor impede the human intervention and required patient care provided by
clinical professionals. This manual is also intended for service representatives and technical personnel
who install, maintain, troubleshoot, or repair this device.

About these devices

Refer to the user manual for important information about the monitor, including intended use of the
device, important safety information and detailed instructions for clinical use of the product.

Safety precautions
Refer to the user manual for important system safety messages. Safety messages specific to parts of
the system are found in the relevant section. Read all the safety information before using the monitor
for the first time.

Manual conventions
This manual uses the following styles to emphasize text or indicate an action. Also note the terminology
Item Description
Courier Indicates hardware keys and connectors.
bold Indicates software terms.
italic Indicates terms for emphasis.
> Indicates menu options to select consecutively.
select The word select means choosing and confirming.
acquisition device A generic term when referring to both the acquisition modules (PDM,
E-modules) and the acquisition platform (CARESCAPE ONE).
NOTE Note statements provide application tips or other useful information.

Monitor naming conventions

In this manual, the CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display are referred to as
the monitor when a function or a feature applies to both. For describing monitor-specific issues, the
monitors are referred to as Canvas 1000 and Canvas Smart, respectively.

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Supplemental Information Manual Manual conventions

Acquisition module naming conventions

In this manual, the following naming conventions are used to refer to different modules and module
• PDM: CARESCAPE Patient Data Module
• E-modules: All modules with the prefix E-.
• Pressure E-modules: E-PP, E-PT
• CARESCAPE respiratory modules: E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, E-
• E-miniC
• Specialty E-modules: E-NMT, E-EEGX, E-BIS, E-ENTROPY
• SpO2 E-modules: E-NSATX, E-MASIMO
• E-musb: CARESCAPE Parameter interface module

Other naming conventions

For technical documentation purposes, the abbreviation GE is used for the legal entity names, GE
Medical Systems Information Technologies, Inc., and GE Healthcare Finland Oy.
In this manual, CARESCAPE Network is used to refer to both the IX Network and MC Network except
where they need to be differentiated. Then they are referred to as IX Network and MC Network.
In this manual, the CARESCAPE ONE acquisition platform may also be referred to as CS ONE.
In this manual the CARESCAPE Canvas D19 is referred to as the D19 display or secondary display.
In this manual, the following naming conventions are used to refer to different frames:
• F7 Frame: Frame F7-01
• F5 Frame: Frame F5-01
• F2 Frame: F2-01
In this manual the B1X5-REC recorder is referred to as the local recorder.
In this manual, CARESCAPE Parameters is used as a generic term when referring to all of the following
Graphic on the CARESCAPE Pa- Explanation
CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring ECG. Note that in the manual, the following
name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE ECG.

CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring invasive pressures. Note that in the manual,
the following name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE Pressure.
CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring regional oxygen saturation of blood (rSO2) in
cerebral and somatic tissues with INVOS technology. Note that in the manual, the
following name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE rSO2.

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Related documents Supplemental Information Manual

Graphic on the CARESCAPE Pa- Explanation

CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring temperature. Note that in the manual, the
following name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE Temperature.
CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring CO2 with Respironics LoFlo technology. Note
that in the manual, the following name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE
CO2 — LoFlo.
CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2), FiCO2, and
respiration rate with Microstream technology. Note that in the manual, the follow-
ing name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream.
CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring SpO2 with GE TruSignal technology. Note
that in the manual, the following name is used instead of the graphic: CARESCAPE
CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring SpO2 with Masimo rainbow SET technology.
Note that in the manual, the following name is used instead of the graphic: CARE-
SCAPE SpO2 — Masimo.

CARESCAPE Parameter for measuring SpO2 with Nellcor™ sensors with OxiMax™
technology. Note that in the manual, the following name is used instead of the
graphic: CARESCAPE SpO2 — Nellcor.

In this manual, CARESCAPE CO2 is used as a generic term when referring to all of the following products:
CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo and CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream.
In this manual, CARESCAPE SpO2 device is used as a generic term when referring to all of the following
products: CARESCAPE SpO2, CARESCAPE SpO2 — Nellcor, and CARESCAPE SpO2 — Masimo.
In this manual, acquisition platform refers to the CARESCAPE ONE.
In this manual, the following product names are used as generic terms:
• D-lite when referring to D-lite, D-lite+, and D-lite++
• Pedi-lite when referring Pedi-lite and Pedi-lite+
• D-fend Pro when referring to D-fend Pro and D-fend Pro+
• D-lite(+) when referring to D-lite and D-lite+. Does not apply to D-lite++.

Related documents
• CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display User Manual
• CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display Supplies and Accessories
• Cleaning and Disinfection Supplement
• Monitor Software Compatibility Supplement for CARESCAPE Software Version 3 (3.3)
• Marquette 12SL ECG Analysis Program Physician’s Guide
• Instructions for use for CARESCAPE rSO2 — INVOS
• Instructions for use for CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream
• Instructions for use for B1X5-REC recorder
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Supplemental Information Manual Ordering manuals

• CARESCAPE Modular Monitors Mounting Solutions

• CARESCAPE Central Station User’s Manual
• Unity Network Interface Device (ID) User's Manual
• CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display Service Manual
• CARESCAPE Canvas D19 Service Manual
• Service manuals for acquisition modules and module frames
• CARESCAPE Network Configuration Guide
• CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display Privacy and Security Manual.
Security related documents can be downloaded from
For a list of third-party or open-source software included in the device, please contact your GE service

Ordering manuals
A paper copy of this manual will be provided upon request. Contact your local GE representative and
request the part number on the first page of the manual.

Revision history
Revision Description

1st edition Initial release.

2nd edition Minor updates.

Accessing manuals online

To obtain the latest version of the manual:
1. Go to
2. Enter the Customer Documentation Portal.
3. Select Modality > Monitoring Solutions (MS).
4. Select Products > the products you want to search.
You may also select the Document Type and Language to narrow down the search.
5. Launch the search.
6. Identify and download the manual.
The manuals are in PDF format. Make sure that your viewing device (for instance, computer) has
software to open the PDF files (for instance, Adobe® Acrobat® Reader).
Security related documents can be downloaded from

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Product availability Supplemental Information Manual

Product availability
Due to continual product innovation, design and specifications for these products are subject
to change without notice.
Some of the products mentioned in this manual may not be available in all countries. Please consult
your local representative for the availability.

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Standards compliance
The system complies with the following standards.
• IEC 60601-1:2020-08
• IEC 60601-1-2:2020-09
• IEC 60601-1-6:2020-07
• IEC 62366-1:2020-06
Compliance to parameter and function specific standards is disclosed in the applicable sections.
Compliance applies only to those products that are currently being manufactured and shipped. It does
not apply to older devices or devices that have had their software upgraded.

IEC 60601-1
• Type of protection against electrical shock: Class I.
• Degree of protection against electrical shock: applied parts are marked with a symbol indicating
degree of protection.
• Degree of safety of application in the presence of flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with
oxygen or nitrous oxide: Not suitable.
EXPLOSION. Do not use this equipment in the presence of flammable anesthetics, vapors
or liquids.
• Degree of protection against harmful ingress of water: IPX1 (minimum), see individual device
• Mode of operation: Continuous.
• Method(s) of sterilization or disinfection recommended by the manufacturer: see the supplemental
information provided.

Compliant devices
The devices listed in the following table have been verified to be compliant with the standard 60601-1:2020, 3.2 edition:

Monitor CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display

Secondary display CARESCAPE Canvas D19
Acquisition platform CARESCAPE ONE with software version 3.2
PDM CARESCAPE Patient Data Module (product code SPX) software v2.9 (Masimo and

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Compliant devices Supplemental Information Manual

E-modules E-BIS-01 E-NSATX-00

E-BIS-01–JA E-PP-00
E-COP-01 E-PT-00
E-COPSv-01 E-sCAiO-00 (product code SUA)
E-PiCCO-00 E-sCAiOE-00 (product code SUA)
E-EEGX MJD101, N-EEGX MJS101 E-sCAiOV-00 (product code SUA)
E-ENTROPY-01 E-sCAiOVX-00 (product code SUA)
E-MASIMO-00 E-sCAiOVE-00 (product code SUA)
E-miniC-00 (product code SUB) E-sCO-00 (product code SUA)
E-musb MJU101, with: E-sCOV-00 (product code SUA)
• CARESCAPE rSO2 E-sCOVX-00 (product code SUA)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream
Frames F0 docking station
Frame F5-01 and Frame F7-01
Peripherals B1X5-REC recorder
2093421–001 USB Barcode Reader and Mount
2077698–001 USB Mouse
2077699–0xx USB Washable Keyboards
2039040-0xx USB Remote
Unity Network ID v10B

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Design, environmental, and physical specifications

Design, environmental, and physical specifications

For CARESCAPE ONE and F0 docking station specifications, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
For additional specifications, refer to the documentation provided with your equipment. For more
information on modules that can be used with the system, refer to the Monitor Software Compatibility
Operating altitude: The system shall meet specifications when subjected to altitudes corresponding to
pressure readings from 700 mbar to 1060 mbar.
An average pressure reading of 700 mbar corresponds to an altitude of 3000 m (10,000 ft)
and 1060 mbar corresponds to an altitude of –400 m (–1000 ft).
Non-operating altitude: The system shall meet specifications after being subjected to altitudes
corresponding to pressure readings from 500 mbar to 1060 mbar.
An average pressure reading of 500 mbar corresponds to an altitude of 5486 m (18,000 ft).

CARESCAPE Canvas 1000 specifications

INACCURATE RESULTS. Do not use or store the equipment outside the specified temperature, humidity, or
altitude ranges, or outside the specified performance range. Using or storing the equipment outside the
specified operating environment or outside the specified performance range may cause inaccurate results.

Size (H x W x D) 388 × 440 × 126 mm

Weight 7.6 kg (16.6 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 15 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 mbar to 1060 mbar (3000 m to –400 m)
Non-operating altitude range 500 mbar to 1060 mbar (5500 m to –400 m)
Fuses 2 × T4 AH; 250 VAC; 5 × 20 mm; breaking capacity 1500A @ 250 VAC; IEC,
Power requirements line voltage 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 200 VA
Cooling Natural convection
Indicators AC Power Present, Device ON
Degree of protection provided by enclo- IP22

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Design, environmental, and physical specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Display panel 19" LCD 5:4

Display panel resolution 1280 × 1024
Display panel contrast ratio 1000:1
Display panel viewing angle 170° vertical, 170° horizontal
Touch screen Capacitive
USB 2.0 port connector 5 × USB type A
Equipotential connector DIN 42801 equipotential ground stud
Video connector DisplayPort
ePort interface connector 2 × ePort interfaces (RS232)
ePort interface communication type 100BASE-T and 10BASE-T
ePort interface power Max 4.2 A, +15 to +17 VDC (single ePort)
Max 6 A, +15 to +17 VDC (two ePorts combined)
Ethernet port 3 × (RJ45)
Ethernet port communication type 100BASE-T and 10BASE-T
Processor Arm Cortex-A9

CARESCAPE Canvas Smart Display specifications

INACCURATE RESULTS. Do not use or store the equipment outside the specified temperature, humidity, or
altitude ranges, or outside the specified performance range. Using or storing the equipment outside the
specified operating environment or outside the specified performance range may cause inaccurate results.

Size (H × W × D) 388 × 440 × 126 mm

Weight 7.4 kg (16.3 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 15 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 mbar to 1060 mbar (3000 m to –400 m)
Non-operating altitude range 500 mbar to 1060 mbar (5500 m to –400 m)
Fuses 2 × T4 AH; 250 VAC; 5 × 20 mm; breaking capacity 1500A @ 250 VAC; IEC,
Power requirements line voltage 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 160 VA
Cooling Natural convection
Indicators AC Power Present, Device ON
Degree of protection provided by enclo- IP22
ePort interface connector One ePort interface
Display panel 19" LCD 5:4

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Supplemental Information Manual Design, environmental, and physical specifications

Display panel resolution 1280 × 1024

Display panel contrast ratio 1000:1
Display panel viewing angle 170° vertical, 170° horizontal
Touch screen Capacitive
USB 2.0 port connector 3 × USB type A
Equipotential connector DIN 42801 equipotential ground stud
ePort interface connector 1 × ePort interfaces (RS232)
ePort interface communication type 100BASE-T and 10BASE-T
ePort interface power Max 4.2 A, +15 to +17 VDC
Ethernet port 2 × (RJ45)
Ethernet port communication type 100BASE-T and 10BASE-T
Processor Arm Cortex-A9

CARESCAPE Canvas D19 display specifications

INACCURATE RESULTS. Do not use or store the equipment outside the specified temperature, humidity, or
altitude ranges, or outside the specified performance range. Using or storing the equipment outside the
specified operating environment or outside the specified performance range may cause inaccurate results.

Size (H × W × D) 388 × 440 × 126 mm

Weight 7.3 kg (16.1 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 15 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 mbar to 1060 mbar (3000 m to –400 m)
Non-operating altitude range 500 mbar to 1060 mbar (5500 m to –400 m)
Fuses 2 × T4 AH; 250 VAC; 5 × 20 mm; breaking capacity 1500A @ 250 VAC; IEC,
Power requirements line voltage 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 50 VA
Cooling Natural convection
Indicators AC Power Present, Device ON
Degree of protection provided by enclo- IP22
Display panel 19" LCD 5:4
Display panel resolution 1280 × 1024
Display panel contrast ratio 1000:1
Display panel viewing angle 170° vertical, 170° horizontal
Touch screen Capacitive

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Design, environmental, and physical specifications Supplemental Information Manual

USB 2.0 port connector 3 × USB type A

1 × USB type B
Equipotential connector DIN 42801 equipotential ground stud
Video connector DisplayPort, DVI-D

F2 Frame specifications
Size (H × W × D) 160 × 284 × 165 mm (6.3 × 11.2 × 6.5 in)
Weight < 2.4 kg (5.29 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 to 1060 hPa (525 to 795 mmHg)
Non-operating altitude range 500 to 1060 hPa (375 to 795 mmHg)
Degree of protection against solid ob- IP21
jects and water
Power requirements line voltage 100-240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 100VA maximum
Service life 7 years

F5 Frame specifications
Size without modules and cables (H x W 162 x 290 x 225 mm (6.4 x 11.4 x 8.9 in)
x D)
Weight without modules 3 kg (6.6 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Power requirements 16.7 V @ 4.6 A supplied by the monitor through an ePort interface cable
Operating voltage range 14.5 to 18.0 V
E-module interface voltage 15 V ±0.75
Power consumption Idle (no modules): < 3 W
Maximum module load: 57 W average (1 h), 77 W maximum
Degree of protection against harmful in- IPX1
gress of water
Default synchronization connector Analog output for ECG, invasive blood pressure and defibrillation synchroni-
zation output
Not supported with CARESCAPE Software Version 3.

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Supplemental Information Manual Design, environmental, and physical specifications

F7 Frame specifications
Size without modules and cables (H x W 138 x 314 x 215 mm (5.4 x 12.4 x 8.5 in)
x D)
Weight without modules 3 kg (6.6 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Power requirements 16.7 V @ 3.9 A supplied by the monitor through an ePort interface cable
Operating voltage range 11.2 to 18.0 V
E-module interface voltage 15 V ±0.75
Power consumption Idle (no modules): < 3 W
Maximum module load: 39 W average (1 h), 65 W maximum
Default synchronization connector Analog output for ECG, invasive blood pressure and defibrillation synchroni-
zation output
Not supported with CARESCAPE Software Version 3.

CARESCAPE Patient Data Module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 70 x 146 x 216 mm (2.8 x 5.7 x 8.5 in)
Weight 1.1 kg (2.4 lb) without optional battery
1.3 kg (2.9 lb) with optional battery
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Battery charging temperature range 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F)
Non-operating temperature range -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 15 to 95% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 95% RH non-condensing
Degree of protection against harmful in- IPX1
gress of water
Defib/Sync connector Analog output for ECG, invasive blood pressure, and defibrillation synchroni-
zation output/input

PDM battery specifications

Battery model 2016989-003
Battery type Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery
Size (H x W x D) 59 x 81 x 20 mm (2.3 x 3.2 x 0.8 in)
Weight 0.16 kg (0.36 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Charging temperature range 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F)

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Design, environmental, and physical specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Storage temperature range -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)

Operating humidity range 10 to 95% RH non-condensing
Storage humidity range 5 to 95% RH non-condensing
Battery nominal voltage 10.8 V
Battery capacity 1.85 AH nominal
Battery run time (new fully charged bat- Approximately 1.5 h
Battery charge time Approximately 2.5 h
Battery life 300 cycles to 60% capacity

CARESCAPE respiratory module specifications

The following specifications apply to E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, E-sCAiOE, and E-
sCAiOVE modules.

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 205 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 8.1 in)

Weight 0.7 kg (1.5 lb)
Cooling Forced air
Power consumption 4.3 W, 7.6 W momentary
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 98% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 660 to 1060 mbar

E-miniC module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 209 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 8.2 in)
Weight 0.4 kg (0.88 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to 70°C (-13 to 158°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 95% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 95% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 666 to 1060 mbar

E-PP and E-PT module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 187 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.4 in)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.66 lb)
Power consumption Approximately 1.5 W
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to +60°C (-13 to 140°F)

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Supplemental Information Manual Design, environmental, and physical specifications

Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing

Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing

E-COP and E-COPSv module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 187 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.4 in)
Weight 0.35 kg (0.77 lb)
Power consumption E-COP modules: approximately <1.5 W
E-COPSv modules: approximately <4 W
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing

E-PiCCO module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 188 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.4 in)
Weight <0.5 kg (1.1 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 °C to 40 °C (50 °F to 104 °F)
Non-operating temperature range –20 °C to 60 °C (–4 °F to 140 °F)
Operating humidity range 10% to 90% non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10% to 90% non-condensing

E-EEGX module and N-EEGX headbox specifications

Size (H x W x D), E-EEGX 112 x 37 x 187 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.3 in)
Weight, E-EEGX 0.3 kg (0.66 lb)
Size (H x W x D), N-EEGX 34 x 97 x 174 mm (1.3 x 3.8 x 6.7 in)
Weight, N-EEGX 0.5 kg (1.10 lb)
Power consumption 3.1 W
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 to 1060 mbar

E-ENTROPY module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 180 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.3 in)
Weight 0.35 kg (0.77 lb)
Power consumption 1.5 W

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Design, environmental, and physical specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)

Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing

E-NMT module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 186 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.3 in)
Weight 0.35 kg (0.77 lb)
Power consumption 3.3 W
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 to 1060 mbar

E-BIS module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 189 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.4 in)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.66 lb)
Power consumption 2.2 W
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to 70°C (-13 to 158°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 95% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 95% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 to 1060 mbar

E-MASIMO module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 187 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.4 in)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.66 lb)
Power consumption 1.5 W typical
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Degree of protection against harmful in- IPX1
gress of water

E-NSATX module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 187 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.4 in).

26/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Design, environmental, and physical specifications

Weight 0.3 kg (0.66 lb)

Power consumption 1.5 W typical
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Degree of protection against harmful in- IPX1
gress of water

E-musb module specifications

Size (H x W x D) 112 x 37 x 186 mm (4.4 x 1.5 x 7.3 in)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.66 lb)
Operating temperature range 10 to 40°C (50 to 104°F)
Operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating altitude range 700 to 1060 mbar
Non-operating temperature range -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Degree of protection against harmful in- IPX1
gress of water

B1X5-REC recorder specifications

Recorder type Thermal printer
Operating temperature range 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F)
Non-operating temperature range -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating humidity range 20 to 90% RH non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% RH non-condensing
Operating and non-operating altitude range 700 to 1060 hPa (525 to 795 mmHg)
Resolution Horizontal: 24 dots/mm (600 dots/in) minimum in waveform mode
Vertical: 8 dots/mm (200 dots/in) in non-waveform mode
Paper width 50 mm (2 in)
Paper speed 5; 10; 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
Power consumption Printing: ≤10 w
Service life 10 years

USB remote control specifications

Size (H x W x D) 50 x 174 x 40 mm (2.0 x 6.9 x 1.6 in)
Weight 0.25 kg (0.55 lb)
Operating temperature range +10 to +40°C (+50 to +104°F)

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Design, environmental, and physical specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Non-operating temperature range -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)

Operating humidity range 10 to 90% non-condensing
Non-operating humidity range 10 to 90% non-condensing
Degree of protection against harmful in- IPX1
gress of water

28/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Alarm specifications

About alarms
Some alarms and alarm settings are only available with certain products and licenses in use. Refer to
the Licensed software options section for a list of available licenses. For information on the feature
availability with the Canvas 1000 and the Canvas Smart, see the user manual.

Alarm standards compliance

The system complies with IEC 60601-1-8:2020-07.
Legacy alarm tones do not meet the audio requirements defined in IEC 60601-1-8 Clause

Auditory alarm volume, IEC tones

Tested in accordance with IEC 60601-1-8 subclause with alarm volume control set to maximum and measure-
ment radius of 1 m.
The values are given with the accuracy of ± 0.5 dB(A).

Canvas 1000
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
1 High priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
6 High priority alarm: 51 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 48 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 46 dB(A)
10 High priority alarm: 75 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 72 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 70 dB(A)

Canvas Smart
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
1 High priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
6 High priority alarm: 51 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 48 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 46 dB(A)

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Auditory alarm volume, legacy tones Supplemental Information Manual

Canvas Smart
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
10 High priority alarm: 75 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 72 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 70 dB(A)

D19 display
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
1 High priority alarm: 27 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 25 dB(A)
6 High priority alarm: 58 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 56 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 55 dB(A)
10 High priority alarm: 81 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 79 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 78 dB(A)

Auditory alarm volume, legacy tones

Tested in accordance with IEC 60601-1-8 subclause with alarm volume control set to maximum and measure-
ment radius of 1 m.
The values are given with the accuracy of ± 0.5 dB(A).

Canvas 1000
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
1 High priority alarm: 25 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
6 High priority alarm: 50 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 43 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 41 dB(A)
10 High priority alarm: 72 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 66 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 64 dB(A)

Canvas Smart
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
1 High priority alarm: 25 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 26 dB(A)
6 High priority alarm: 50 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 43 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 41 dB(A)

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Supplemental Information Manual Audio alarm sound tolerances

Canvas Smart
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
10 High priority alarm: 72 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 66 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 64 dB(A)

D19 display
Alarm volume setting Maximum sound pressure level
1 High priority alarm: 29 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 22 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 21 dB(A)
6 High priority alarm: 58 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 49 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 45 dB(A)
10 High priority alarm: 80 dB(A)
Medium priority alarm: 71 dB(A)
Low priority alarm: 67 dB(A)

Audio alarm sound tolerances

Tolerances for sounds (total pulse duration with rise and fall times) are:
• Time < 1000 ms: ±5%
• Time ≥ 1000 ms: ±250 ms
• Frequencies: ±5 Hz

Legacy alarm tone sound patterns

Priority Corresponding sound pattern
High • Beep (500 & 510 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep (500 & 510 Hz /100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep (500 & 510 Hz/100 ms) Silence (500 ms)
Medium • Beep (397 & 441 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep (397 & 441 Hz/100 ms) Silence (2.4 s)
Low Beep (397 Hz/500 ms)

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Auditory information signal characteristics Supplemental Information Manual

IEC alarm tone sound patterns

Priority Corresponding sound pattern
High • Beep “C” (523 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep “F” (698 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep “G” (784 Hz/100 ms) Silence (300 ms)
• Beep “A” (880 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep “B” (988 Hz/100 ms) Silence (1 s)
• Beep “C” (523 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep “F” (698 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep “G” (784 Hz/100 ms) Silence (300 ms)
• Beep “A” (880 Hz/100 ms) Silence (100 ms)
• Beep “B” (988 Hz/100 ms) Silence (5 s)
Medium • Beep “C” (523 Hz/200 ms (Silence (200 ms)
• Beep “G” (784 Hz/200 ms) Silence (200 ms)
• Beep “B” (988 Hz/200 ms) Silence (19 s)
Low Beep “C” (523 Hz/200 ms)

Remote alarm tone sound patterns

The sound pattern of the bed-to-bed alarm sounds two consecutive beeps at 60% volume (alarm tone
set to Repeat): a 100 ms beep at 340 Hz, followed by a 100 ms delay, then another 500 ms beep at 300

Auditory information signal characteristics

Measurement and start-up related information signals
Signal Frequency (Hz) Duration (ms)
Start-up sound 523 1000
QRS/Pulse beep 815 10 ms when Beat Tone
Sound is set to Soft.
40 ms when Beat Tone
Sound is set to Sharp.
SpO2 oxygen saturation level indicator (pitch) 920 at 100% SpO2 100
900 at 98% SpO2
240 at 32% SpO2
220 at 30% SpO2
NIBP ready prompt 250 500
NMT stimulus beep 230 100
UI touch tone 660 100
Reminder tone 523 125
Invasive blood pressure wedge sound 660 100

32/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Visual information signals

Visual information signals

A screen saver for Pause Monitor or Pause Monitor & Central changes its position on screen once a
minute. For information regarding other visual information signals, see the user manual.

Alarm delay specifications

The disclosed alarm system delays are measured by simulator or respective methods, which represent
optimal signals. Possible interferences and poor quality signals in a clinical environment may extend the
disclosed alarm system delays.
The alarm generation consists of two components: the algorithm delay of each parameter and the fixed
delay of the monitor software. Both of these components are included in each alarm system delay.
The determination of an alarm condition has nominal factors: signal quality, movement artifact,
heart rate for ECG related alarms, and respiration rate for impedance respiration and gas monitoring
The following disclosures list the alarm system delays as an average and include the delay of the first
activated priority alarm.
Alarms with alarm delays of more than 10 s are specified with the average, minimum, and maximum
values obtained from five trial measurements.
Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Time to alarm for tachycardia

When tested in accordance to IEC 60601-2-27 Clause b) 6), according to Figure 201.101, the times to
alarm for tachycardia are as follows:

Module Measurement value

PDM Ventricular tachycardia (206 bpm); halved amplitude: 5.5 s (average) (5.2 to 5.8 s
Ventricular tachycardia (206 bpm); normal amplitude: 8.3 s (average) (7.2 to 9.1 s
Ventricular tachycardia (206 bpm); doubled amplitude: 4.5 s (average) (4.1 to 4.7 s
Ventricular tachycardia (195 bpm); halved amplitude: 7.9 s (average) (6.3 to 9.1 s
Ventricular tachycardia (195 bpm); normal amplitude: 5.0 s (average) (4.3 to 5.8 s
Ventricular tachycardia (195 bpm); doubled amplitude: 3.8 s (average) (3.4 to 4.2 s

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Module Measurement value

CARESCAPE ONE Ventricular tachycardia (206 bpm); halved amplitude: 5.2 s (average) (4.7 to 5.5 s
Ventricular tachycardia (206 bpm); normal amplitude: 8.3 s (average) (7.2 to 9.2 s
Ventricular tachycardia (206 bpm); doubled amplitude: 4.6 s (average) (3.9 to 5.1 s
Ventricular tachycardia (195 bpm); halved amplitude: 7.9 s (average) (7.1 to 8.5 s
Ventricular tachycardia (195 bpm); normal amplitude: 5.8 s (average) (4.9 to 6.8 s
Ventricular tachycardia (195 bpm); doubled amplitude: 4.4 s (average) (3.9 to 5.1 s

Physiological alarm delay specifications

With reference to the delays listed below: all configurable alarm delays were set to 0 seconds.

Alarm delay specifications for ECG alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the ECG measurement. Any alarm delays
that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

A Fib PDM: 30 s (average) (26 to 35 s range). A Fib
detection delay is usually 30 - 60 seconds.
CS ONE: 37 s (average) (31 to 40 s range)
Telemetry: 48 s (average) (28 to 64 s range)
Accel. Ventric. PDM, CS ONE: 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
Telemetry: 11 s (average) (11 to 12 s range)
Asystole PDM, CS ONE: 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
Telemetry: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Bigeminy PDM: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
CS ONE: 9 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Telemetry: 9 s (average) (8 to 11 s range)
Brady 20 to 300 bpm 1 bpm PDM: 8 s
HR(ECG) low CS ONE: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Telemetry: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Couplet PDM: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
CS ONE: 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
Telemetry: 9 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Frequent PVCs 1 to 100 per minute 1 per minute PDM: 50 s (average) (48 to 52 s range)
CS ONE: 53 s (average) (52 to 54 s range)
Telemetry: 51 s (average) (49 to 54 s range)
Frequent SVCs 1 to 100 per minute 1 per minute PDM: 18.5 s (average) (18 to 20 s range)
Irregular PDM: 15 s (average) (9 to 25 s range)
CS ONE: 12 s (average) (11 to 12 s range)

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

Missing Beat PDM: 5 s (average) (4 to 6 s range)
CS ONE: < 5 s
Multifocal PVCs PDM: 16 s (average) (10 to 34 s range)
CS ONE: 11 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
Pause 1 to 5 s PDM, CS ONE: < 5 s
Telemetry: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
QT high 300 to 600 ms 5 ms PDM: 300 s (average) (300 to 301 s range)
QTc high CS ONE: 301 s (average) (300 to 301 s range)
R on T PDM: 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
CS ONE: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
Telemetry: 23 s (average) (18 to 30 s range)
ST Ant high -12.0 to +12.0 mm 0.1 mm PDM: 86 s (average) (83 to 89 s range)
ST Inf high CS ONE: 87 s (average) (85 to 89 s range)
ST Lat high Telemetry: 81 s (average) (79 to 86 s range)
ST Ant low -12.0 to +12.0 mm 0.1 mm PDM: 84 s (average) (83 to 85 s range)
ST Inf low CS ONE: 88 s (average) (81 to 97 s range)
ST Lat low Telemetry: 81 s (average) (78 to 83 s range)
ST XXX high -12.0 to +12.0 mm 0.1 mm PDM: 82 s (average) (79 to 86 s range)
where XXX = ECG lead CS ONE: 87 s (average) (82 to 89 s range)
label Telemetry: 83 s (average) (81 to 85 s range)
ST XXX low -12.0 to +12.0 mm 0.1 mm PDM: 88 s (average) (85 to 92 s range)
where XXX = ECG lead CS ONE: 84 s (average) (74 to 88 s range)
label Telemetry: 82 s (average) (79 to 85 s range)
SV Tachy 4 to 10 beats 2 beats PDM, CS ONE: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
HR for SV Tachy: HR for SV Tachy:
120 to 220 bpm 10 bpm
Tachy 20 to 300 bpm 1 bpm PDM: 9 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
HR(ECG) high CS ONE: 9 s (average) (9 to 10 s range)
Telemetry: 9 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Trigeminy PDM: 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
CS ONE: 10 s (average) (9 to 10 s range)
Telemetry: 11 s (average) (10 to 12 s range)
V Brady PDM, CS ONE: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Telemetry: 11 s (average) (9 to 17 s range)
V Fib/V Tach PDM: 11 s (average) (9 to 17 s range)
CS ONE: 9 s (average) (8 to 10 s range)
Telemetry: 13 s (11 to 13 s range)
V Tach 90 to 300 bpm 10 bpm PDM, CS ONE: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
Telemetry: >100 to Telemetry: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
300 bpm

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

VT>2 PDM: 10 s
CS ONE: 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
Telemetry: 11 s (average)

Alarm delay specifications for impedance respiration alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the impedance respiration measurement.
Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

Apnea (Imped.) 3 to 30 s 1s Delay depends on the configurable apnea alarm
seconds setting
PDM: 14 s (average) (12 to 15 s range) with 10 s
for apnea alarm seconds
CS ONE: 23 s (average) (22 to 24 s range) with 20 s
for apnea alarm seconds
Cardiac artifact Delay depends on the respiration rate value
PDM: 33 s (average) (32 to 35 s range) measured
with respiration rate 60 / min
CS ONE: 32 s (average) (31 to 32 s range) meas-
ured with respiration rate 60 / min
RR (Imped.) high 4 to 120 breaths 1 breath per minute PDM: 5 s (average) (3 to 7 s range) with RR (Imp-
per minute ed.) high alarm delay configured to 0 s
CS ONE: 5 s (average) (3 to 8 s range) with RR
(Imped.) high alarm delay configured to 0 s
RR (Imped.) low 4 to 120 breaths 1 breath per minute PDM: 4 s (average) (3 to 5 s range) with RR (Imp-
per minute ed.) low alarm delay configured to 0 s
CS ONE: 6 s (average) (4 to 7 s range) with RR
(Imped.) low alarm delay configured to 0 s

Alarm delay specifications for SpO2 alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the SpO2 measurement. Any alarm delays
that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

PR(SpO2) high 30 to 240 bpm 1 bpm E-MASIMO: 8 s (average) (7 to 9 s range)
E-NSATX: 8 s (average) (4 to 11 s range)
• Masimo: 8 s (average) (7 to 9 s range)
• Nellcor: 6 s (average) (4 to 9 s range)
• TruSignal: 14 s (average) (12 to 15 s range)
• Masimo: 9 s (average) (6 to 10 s range)
• Nellcor: 10 s (average) (6 to 12 s range)

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

PR(SpO2) low 30 to 240 bpm 1 bpm E-MASIMO: 14 s (average) (11 to 16 s range)
E-NSATX: 13 s (average) (10 to 17 s range)
• Masimo: 8 s (average) 8 to 9 s range)
• Nellcor: 13 s (average) (9 to 17 s range)
• TruSignal: 19 s (average) (17 to 22 s range)
• Masimo: 15 s (average) (13 to 17 s range)
• Nellcor: 15 s (average) (11 to 18 s range)
SpHb high CS ONE:
• Masimo: 163 s (average) (119 to 199 s range)
SpHb low CS ONE:
• Masimo: 166 s (average) (117 to 195 s range)
SpO2 high 30 to 100% 1% E-MASIMO: 13 s (average) (7 to 18 s range)
E-NSATX: 5 s (average) (4 to 8 s range)
• Masimo: 17 s (average) (10 to 21 s range)
• Nellcor: 20 s (average) (19 to 21 s range)
• TruSignal: 9 s (average) (8 to 10 s range)
• Masimo: 14 s (average) (12 to 16 s range)
• Nellcor: 9 s (average) (7 to 10 s range)
SpO2 low 30 to 100% 1% E-MASIMO: 13s (average) (7 to 18 s range)
E-NSATX: 15 s (average) (15 to 16 s range)
• Masimo: 17 s (average) (10 to 21 s range)
• Nellcor: 12 s (average) (11 to 14 s range)
• TruSignal: 9 s
• Masimo: 14 s (average) (12 to 15 s range)
• Nellcor: 10 s (average) (9 to 11 s range)

Alarm delay specifications for rSO2 alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the rSO2 measurement. Any alarm delays
that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

rSO2 high 15 to 95 1 CS ONE: 10 s (average) (9 to 11 s range)
E-musb: 11 s (average) (10 to 12 s range)
rSO2 low 15 to 95 1 CS ONE: 12 s (average) (11 to 13 s range)
E-musb: 10 s (average) (8 to 10 s range)

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Alarm delay specifications for NIBP alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the non-invasive blood pressure measure-
ment. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as < 5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

• NIBP Sys high/ • Adult: 25 to 260 Infant: 1 mmHg PDM, CS ONE: < 5 s
NIBP Sys low mmHg Adult, Child, Not se-
• NIBP Mean high / • Child: 25 to 190 lected: 5 mmHg
NIBP Mean low
• Infant: 15 to
• NIBP Dia high / 140 mmHg
NIBP Dia low

Alarm delay specifications for invasive pressures alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the invasive pressures measurement. Any
alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

• Art X sys high -25 to 320 mmHg 1 mmHg (0.1 kPa) E-COP(Sv):
• Art X mean high (-3.3 to 42.7 kPa) • Systolic: 18 s (average) (15 to 20 s range)
• Art X dia high • Diastolic: 21 s (average) (19 to 22 s range)
• CVP X mean high • Mean: 18 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
• Fem X sys high PDM:
• Fem X mean high • Systolic: 14 s (average) (14 to 15 s range)
• Fem X dia high • Diastolic: 19 s (average) (16 to 20 s range)
• FemV X mean high • Mean: 17 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
• ICP X mean high E-PP, EP-PT:
• LAP X mean high • Systolic: 16 s (average) (15 to 18 s range)
• P X mean high • Diastolic: 19 s (average) (17 to 21 s range)
• PA X • Mean: 18 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
sys high E-PiCCO:
• PA X • Systolic: 19 s (average) (16 to 22 s range)
mean high
• Diastolic: 19 s (average) (16 to 20 s range)
• PA X dia high
• Mean: 17 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
• RAP X mean high
• RVP X mean high
• Systolic: 14 s (average) (13 to 15 s range)
where X = invasive pres-
sure channel number 1 • Diastolic: 14 s (average) (14 to 15 s range)
to 8 • Mean: 15 s (average) (14 to 15 s range)
• CVP X sys high
• CVP X dia high
• FemV X sys high
• FemV X dia high
• ICP X sys high
• ICP X dia high
• LAP X sys high
• LAP X dia high
• P X sys high
• P X dia high
• RAP X sys high
• RAP X dia high
• RVP X sys high
• RVP X dia high
where X = invasive pres-
sure channel number 5
to 8
• UAC X sys high
• UAC X mean high
• UAC X dia high
• UVC X mean high
where X = invasive pres-
sure channel number 1
to 4

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

• CPP X high -25 to 320 mmHg 1 mmHg (0.1 kPa) E-COP(Sv):
where X = invasive pres- (-3.3 to 42.7 kPa) • 19 s (average) (17 to 20 s range)
sure channel number 1 PDM:
to 8
• 15 s (average) (13 to 18 s range)
• 17 s (average) (15 to 20 s range)
• 17 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
• 15 s (average) (12 to 18 s range)

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

• Art X sys low -25 to 320 mmHg 1 mmHg (0.1 kPa) E-COP(Sv):
• Art X mean low (-3.3 to 42.7 kPa) • Systolic: 20 s (average) (17 to 24 s range)
• Art X dia low • Diastolic: 17 s (average) (15 to 19 s range)
• CVP X mean low • Mean: 15 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
• Fem X sys low PDM:
• Fem X mean low • Systolic: 15 s (average) (14 to 15 s range)
• Fem X dia low • Diastolic: 14 s (average) (13 to 15 s range)
• FemV X mean low • Mean: 14 s (average) (13 to 15 s range)
• ICP X mean low E-PP, EP-PT:
• LAP X mean low • Systolic: 18 s (average) (17 to 20 s range)
• P X mean low • Diastolic: 18 s (average) (15 to 19 s range)
• PA X • Mean: 18 s (average) (16 to 20 s range)
sys low E-PiCCO:
• PA X • Systolic: 19 s (average) (17 to 22 s range)
mean low
• Diastolic: 17 s (average) (15 to 20 s range)
• PA X dia low
• Mean: 19 s (average) (16 to 20 s range)
• RAP X mean low
• RVP X mean low
• Systolic: 14 s (average) (14 to 15 s range)
where X = invasive pres-
sure channel number 1 • Diastolic: 14 s (average) (13 to 15 s range)
to 8 • Mean: 14 s (average) (13 to 15 s range)
• CVP X sys low
• CVP X dia low
• FemV X sys low
• FemV X dia low
• ICP X sys low
• ICP X dia low
• LAP X sys low
• LAP X dia low
• P X sys low
• P X dia low
• RAP X sys low
• RAP X dia low
• RVP X sys low
• RVP X dia low
where X = invasive pres-
sure channel number 5
to 8
• UAC X sys low
• UAC X mean low
• UAC X dia low
• UVC X mean low
where X = invasive pres-
sure channel number 1
to 4

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

• CPP X low -25 to 320 mmHg 1 mmHg (0.1 kPa) E-COP(Sv):
where X = invasive pres- (-3.3 to 42.7 kPa) • 20 s (average) (18 to 23 s range)
sure channel number 1 PDM:
to 8
• 17 s (average) (16 to 19 s range)
• 21 s (average) (19 to 23 s range)
• 20 s (average) (17 to 22 s range)
• 18 s (average) (16 to 20 s range)
PR Art X high 20 to 300 bpm 1 bpm E-COP(Sv) modules: 8 s (average) (5 to 9 s range)
PR Fem X high PDM modules: < 5 s
PR UAC X high E-PP, EP-PT: 6 s (average) (3 to 8 s range)
where X = invasive pres- E-PiCCO: 5 s (average) (3 to 6 s range)
sure channel number 1 CS ONE: 5 s (average) (3 to 6 s range)
to 8
PR Art X low 20 to 300 bpm 1 bpm E-COP(Sv) modules: 8 s (average) (7 to 10 s range)
PR Fem X low PDM modules: 7 s (average) (6 to 8 s range)
PR UAC X low E-PP, EP-PT: 6 s (average) (5 to 8 s range)
where X = invasive pres- E-PiCCO: 8 s (average) (5 to 10 s range)
sure channel number 1 CS ONE: 7 s (average) (5 to 9 s range)
to 8

Alarm delay specifications for temperature alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the temperature measurement. Any alarm
delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

T1 high PDM, CS ONE: 10 to PDM, CS ONE: 0.1°C PDM, CS ONE: 60 s
T2 high 45°C (50 to 113°F) (0.18°F)
T1 low
T2 low
T3 high E-PT: 10 to 45°C (50 E–PT: 0.1°C (0.18°F) E-PT: 61 s
T4 high to 113°F)
T3 low
T4 low
Tblood high PDM, CS ONE, PiC- PDM, CS ONE, PiC- PDM, CS ONE: 60 s
Tblood low CO: 17 to 44 °C CO: 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) PiCCO: 61 s (average) (61 to 62 s range)
(62.6 to 111.20 °F)
Tblood-T1 high PDM, CS ONE, PiC- PDM, CS ONE, PiC- PDM, CS ONE: 60 s
CO: 0 to 20 °C (0 to CO: 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) PiCCO: 61 s
36 °F)
T2-T1 high PDM, CS ONE: 0 to PDM, CS ONE: 0.1 PDM, CS ONE: 60 s
20 °C (0 to 36 °F) °C (0.18 °F)

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

T4-T3 high E-PT, PiCCO: 0 to 20 E-PT, PiCCO: 0.1 °C E-PT, PiCCO: 61 s
Tblood-T3 high °C (0 to 36 °F) (0.18 °F)

Alarm delay specifications for cardiac output alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the cardiac output measurement. Any
alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

CCI high 0.1 l/min/m2 to 15 0.1 l/min/m2 <5 s
CCI low 0.1 l/min/m2 to 15 0.1 l/min/m2 <5 s
CCO high 0.3 l/min to 25 l/min 0.1 l/min <5 s
CCO low 0.3 l/min to 25 l/min 0.1 l/min <5 s

Alarm delay specifications for SvO2 and ScvO2 alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the SvO2 and ScvO2 measurements with
E-modules. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

ScvO2 high 21% to 98% 1% 10 s
ScvO2 low 20% to 97% 1% 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
SvO2 high 20 to 98% 1% 10 s
SvO2 low 20 to 98% 1% 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)

Alarm delay specifications for airway gases alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the airway gases measurement. Any alarm
delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit incre- Alarm delay

Apnea (CO2) N/A N/A CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: 19 s (average) (19
to 20 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 21 s
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 21 s (average) (20 to 21
s range)
E-musb: 21 s (average) (20 to 21 s range)

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Alarm Limit range Limit incre- Alarm delay

EtCO2 high 0 to 13% 0.1% CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: < 19 s (average)
(19 to 20 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 21 s
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 22 s (average) (21 to 22
s range)
E-musb: 21 (average) (21 to 22 s range)
EtCO2 low 0 to 13% 0.1% CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: < 19 s (average)
(19 to 20 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 22 s (average) (21 to 22 s
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 21 s (average) (21 to 22
s range)
E-musb: 22 s (average) (21 to 22 s range)
EtHal high • Hal, Enf, Iso: 0.0 • Hal, Enf, 20 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
EtEnf high to 6.0% Iso: 0.1%
EtIso high • Sev: 0.0 to 8.0% • Sev: 0.1%
EtSev high • Des: 0.0 to 20.0% • Des: 0.5%
EtDes high
EtHal low • Hal, Enf, Iso: 0.0 • Hal, Enf, 20 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
EtEnf low to 5.9% Iso: 0.1%
EtIso low • Sev: 0.0 to 7.9% • Sev: 0.1%
EtSev low • Des: 0.0 to 19.5% • Des: 0.5%
EtDes low
EtO2 high 11 to 100% 1% 20 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
EtO2 low 10 to 100% 1% 19 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
FiCO2 high 0 to 3.0% 0.1% CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: 22 s (average) (21
to 22 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 22 s
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 21 s (average) (21 to 22
s range)
E-musb: 21 s (average)
FiCO2 low 0 to 3.0% 0.1% CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: 21 s (average) (20
to 22 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 22 s
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 21 s (average) (21 to 22
s range)
E-musb: 21 s (average) (21 to 22 s range)

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Alarm Limit range Limit incre- Alarm delay

FiHal high • Hal, Enf, Iso: 0.0 • Hal, Enf, 19 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
FiEnf high to 6.0% Iso: 0.1%
FiIso high • Sev: 0.0 to 8.0% • Sev: 0.1%
FiSev high • Des: 0.0 to 20.0% • Des: 0.5%
FiDes high
FiHal low • Hal, Enf, Iso: 0.0 • Hal, Enf, 19 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
FiEnf low to 5.9% Iso: 0.1%
FiIso low • Sev: 0.0 to 7.9% • Sev: 0.1%
FiSev low • Des: 0.0 to 19.5% • Des: 0.5%
FiDes low
FiN2O high N/A, fixed 82% N/A 20 s (average) (20 to 21 s range)
FiO2 high 19 to 100% 1% 19 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
FiO2 low 18 to 100% 1% 20 s (average) (19 to 20 s range)
RR (CO2) high 4 to 60 breaths per 1 breath per CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: 19 s (average) (19
minute minute to 20 s range)
NICU sw package CS ONE:
and CARESCAPE res- • CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 22 s (average) (21 to 22 s
piratory modules or range)
CS ONE: 4 to 100
breaths per minute • CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 21 s (average)
E-musb: 21 s (average)
RR (CO2) low 4 to 60 breaths per 1 breath per CARESCAPE respiratory modules, E-miniC: 19 s (average) (19
minute minute to 20 s range)
NICU sw package CS ONE:
and CARESCAPE res- • CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 22 s (average) (21 to 22 s
piratory modules or range)
CS ONE: 4 to 100
breaths per minute • CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 21 s (average) (21 to 22
s range)
E-musb: 21 s (average)

Alarm delay specifications for spirometry and gas exchange alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the spirometry and gas exchange measure-
ments with E-modules. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

MVexp high Sensor type Adult: Sensor type Adult: 53 s (average) (30 to 142 s range)
0 to 30 1
Sensor type Pedia- Sensor type Pedia-
tric: 0.6 to 30 tric: 2
MVexp low Sensor type Adult: Sensor type Adult: 68 s (average) (31 to 170 s range)
0 to 30 1
Sensor type Pedia- Sensor type Pedia-
tric: 0.6 to 30 tric: 2
PEEPe high 0 to 60 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 42 s (average) (22 to 63 s range)

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Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

PEEPe low 0 to 60 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 23 s (average) (11 to 33 s range)
PEEPi high 0 to 20 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 37 s (average) (30 to 54 s range)
PEEPi low 0 to 20 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 29 s (average) (26 to 32 s range)
PEEPtot high 0 to 60 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 57 s (average) (40 to 80 s range)
PEEPtot low 0 to 60 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 25 s (average) (17 to 32 s range)
Ppeak high -20 to 100 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 31 s (average) (28 to 37 s range)
Ppeak low -20 to 100 cmH2O 1 cmH2O 40 s (average) (31 to 51 s range)

Alarm delay specifications for Entropy alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the Entropy measurement with the
E-ENTROPY module. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

Entropy RE high 0 to 100 1 16 s (average) (15 to 16 s range)
Entropy RE low 0 to 100 1 16 s (average) (15 to 16 s range)
Entropy SE high 0 to 90 1 16 s (average) (15 to 16 s range)
Entropy SE low 0 to 90 1 16 s (average) (15 to 16 s range)

Alarm delay specifications for NMT alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the NMT measurement with the E-NMT
module. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

Block recovery 60 s

Alarm delay specifications for BIS alarms

The following table lists the alarm delays for physiological alarms related to the BIS measurement with the E-BIS
module. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as <5 s.

Alarm Limit range Limit increment Alarm delay

BIS high 0 to 100 1 15 s
BIS low 0 to 100 1 15 s

Technical alarm delay specifications

The following table lists the alarm delays for technical alarms. Any alarm delays that are less than 5 s are given as < 5 s.

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

Agent inaccurate Airway gases 21 s (average)
Agent mixture Airway gases <5s

46/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm delay specifications

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

All monitors disconnected Bed-to-bed 24 s (average) (12 to 33 s range)
Analog output malfunction N/A 5 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
Apnea deactivated Impedance res- < 5 s
Application error: Citrix N/A Load balancing disabled: range 20 to 23 s
Load balancing enabled: range 3 min 30 s to 3 min 32 s
Application error: pdf MUSE 12SL <5s
Application error: Service N/A 5s
Arrhythmia paused ECG PDM: 32 s (average) (32 to 34 s range)
CS ONE: 32 s (31 to 32 s range)
Telemetry: 34 s (average) (33 to 35 s range)
Art 1 disconnect to Art 8 discon- Invasive pres- PDM, E-PP, E-PT: 7 s
nect sures E-PiCCO: 8 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
Fem 1 disconnect to Fem 8 dis- E-COPSv: 7 s (average) (5 to 7 s range)
UAC 1 disconnect to CS ONE: 8 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)

UAC 4 disconnect
P1 to P4 pressure malfunction Invasive pres- <5s
BIS measurement removed BIS <5s
BIS sensor check failed BIS 120 s
BIS sensor expired BIS <5s
Calibration fail Temperature PDM, CS ONE: < 5 s
Call service NIBP 22 s (average) (22 to 23 s range)
Change telemetry battery ECG Telemetry: < 5 s
Check CO2 adapter Airway gases 41 s (average) (41 to 42 s range)
Check EEG referential montage EEG 13 s
Check gas flow Airway gases CS ONE: 42 s (average) (41 to 42 s range)
E-musb: 41 s (average) (41 to 42 s range)
Check NIBP NIBP PDM: 114 s (average) (83 to 122 s range)
CS ONE: 110 s (average) (109 to 111 s range)
Check sample gas out Airway gases CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 43 s (average) (41 to 44 s
E-miniC: 43 s (average)
Check sample line Airway gases 57 s (average) (56 to 58 s range)
Check SpHb SpO2 <5s
Check SpO2 probe / SpO2 < 30 s
Check SpO2(2) probe
Check Water Trap Airway gases CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 54 s (average) (52 to 56 s
E-miniC: 52 s (average) (52 to 53 s range)

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Alarm delay specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

CO measurement removed Cardiac output <5s
CO2 device failure: Call service Airway gases CS ONE:
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s
E-musb: < 5 s
CO2 device malfunction Airway gases <5s
CO2 device overheated Shutting Airway gases 10 s (average) (9 to 11 s range)
CO2 inaccurate Airway gases 21 s (average) (20 to 21 s range)
CO2 measurement purging Airway gases CS ONE: 27 s (average) (26 to 27 range)
E-musb: 26 s (average)
CO2 measurement removed Airway gases <5s
CO2 sensor overheated Shutting Airway gases CS ONE: 10 s (average) (9 to 10 s range)
down E-musb: < 5 s
CO2 sensor removed Airway gases <5s
CO2 zero required Airway gases 41 s (average) (41 to 42 s range)
CS ONE battery low N/A <5s
CS ONE battery temp high N/A <5s
CS ONE Faulty Device Connected N/A <5s
CS ONE faulty device in port #X N/A <5s
where X is the CARESCAPE Param-
eter port number
CS ONE not authenticated: Call N/A <5s
CS ONE removed N/A <5s
CS ONE unknown device in port N/A <5s
where X is the CARESCAPE Param-
eter port number
Duplicate TTX ECG Telemetry: < 5 s
ECG Analog output malfunction ECG 6 s (average) (5 to 7 s range)
ECG device failure: Call service ECG 6 s (average) (4 to 6 s range)
ECG device overheated. Shutting ECG 9 s (average) (8 to 10 s range)
ECG malfunction ECG <5s
ECG measurements removed ECG <5s
EEG Headbox temperature high EEG <5s
EEG Headbox overheated Shut- EEG <5s
ting down
EEG leads off EEG <5s

48/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm delay specifications

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

EEG measurement removed EEG <5s
EEG module error: Call service EEG <5s
E-musb disabled. Connect pa- N/A <5s
rameters to CS ONE.
E-musb faulty device in port X N/A <5s
where X = E-musb port A or B
E-musb module error N/A <5s
E-musb unknown device in port N/A <5s
where X = E-musb port A or B
Entropy Cable off Entropy <5s
Entropy measurement removed Entropy <5s
Entropy sensor check failed Entropy <5s
Entropy sensor off Entropy 60 s (average) (60 s range)
F2 frame not authenticated: Call N/A <5s
Failure in Agent ID Airway gases 21 s (average) (21 to 22 s range)
Faulty adhesive SpO2 probe SpO2 7s
Gas measurements removed Airway gases <5s
Gas module standby Airway gases <5s
High BIS impedance BIS <5s
Identical BIS modules BIS 7s
Identical C.O. modules Cardiac output <5s
Identical CO2 device Airway gases <5s
Identical EEG modules EEG 5 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
Identical E-musb modules N/A <5s
Identical Entropy modules Entropy <5s
Identical frame detected N/A <5s
Identical gas modules Airway gases 11 s (average) (9 to 13 s range)
Identical NMT modules NMT <5s
Identical IP address noticed N/A 40 s (average)
Identical IP8 modules Invasive pres- E-COP(Sv): < 5 s
sures E-PiCCO: < 5 s
Identical PP modules Invasive pres- 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
Identical PT modules sures

Identical pressure devices Invasive pres- <5s

Identical SpO2 device SpO2 <5s

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Alarm delay specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

Identical SpO2(2) modules SpO2 E-MASIMO: 7 s
E-NSATX: < 5 s
Identical Temp device Temperature <5s
Imped. malfunction Impedance res- < 5 s
Incompatible adhesive SpO2 SpO2 6 s (average) (5 to 7 s range)
Incompatible device: BIS module BIS <5s
Incompatible device: COP(Sv) Invasive pres- <5s
module sures
Incompatible device: ECG mod- ECG <5s
Incompatible device: Gas mod- Airway gases <5s
Incompatible Recorder N/A <5s
Incompatible rSO2 device rSO2 CS ONE: 6 s (5 to 7 s range)
E-musb: < 5 s
Incompatible SpO2 device SpO2 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Incompatible SpO2 probe / In- SpO2 E-MASIMO: < 5 s
compatible SpO2(2) probe PDM (Masimo): 10 s
CS ONE: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
Insufficient power for CO2 de- Airway gases <5
Insufficient power for ECG de- ECG 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
Insufficient power for rSO2 de- rSO2 <5s
Insufficient power for SpO2 de- SpO2 Max. 10 s
[Invasive pressure channel label] X Invasive pres- E-COP(Sv): 6 s
sensor disconnected, where [In- sures PDM: 7 s
vasive pressure channel label] =
Art, CVP, Fem, FemV, ICP, LAP, P, E-PP, E-PT: 8 s
PA, RAP, RVP, UAC, or UVC and X = E-PiCCO: 7 s
invasive pressure channel number CS ONE: 6 s
1 to 8 (UAC and UVC channel num-
bers 1 to 4)
[Invasive pressure channel label] Invasive pres- 8 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
X sensor failed, where [Invasive sures
pressure channel label] = Art, CVP,
Fem, FemV, ICP, LAP, P, PA, RAP,
RVP, UAC, or UVC and X = invasive
pressure channel number 1 to 4
IP Analog output malfunction Invasive pres- 6 s (average) (5 to 7 s range)

50/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm delay specifications

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

IP's not zeroed Invasive pres- PDM: 303 s (average) (302 to 304 s range)
sures E-COP(Sv): 303 s (average) (302 to 303 s range)
E-PP, E-PT, E-PiCCO: 304 s (average) (303 to 305 s range)
CS ONE: 301 s (average) (300 to 302 s range)
LA/L lead off ECG PDM: 12 s (average) (10 to 17 s range)
LL/F lead off Telemetry: 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
RA/R lead off CS ONE: < 5 s
Lead off
RL/N lead off ECG PDM: 12 s (average) (10 to 17 s range)
Lead off Telemetry: 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
CS ONE: 10 s (average) (9 to 10 s range)
Leads off ECG PDM, CS ONE: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
Telemetry: 6 s (average) (6 to 8 s range)
Lead I failed Impedance res- < 5 s
Lead II failed Impedance res- < 5 s
Lead RL-LL failed Impedance res- < 5 s
License(s) expired N/A 24 h
Low gas sample flow Airway gases CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 57 s (average) (35 to 100 s
E-miniC: 11 s (average) (11 to 12 s range)
Module voltage low N/A 15 s
Monitor disconnected Bed-to-bed 32 s (average) (31 to 33 s range)
Monitor restarted. Check pa- N/A < 40 s
Move CO2 device to a cooler lo- Airway gases 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
Move CO2 sensor to a cooler lo- Airway gases CS ONE:
cation • CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: < 5 s
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s
E-musb: < 5 s
Move pressure device 1/2 to a Invasive pres- 6 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
cooler location sures
Move pressure device 3/4 to a Invasive pres- 6 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
cooler location sures
Move SpO2 device to a cooler lo- SpO2 5s
Move Temp device to a cooler lo- Temperature 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)

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Alarm delay specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

Multiple Remote Alarm Devices N/A 5s
N2O inaccurate Airway gases 21 s (average) (20 to 21 s range)
Network down N/A 33 s
NIBP cuff loose NIBP 22 s (average) (22 to 23 s range)
NIBP cuff occlusion NIBP <5s
NIBP auto stopped NIBP <5s
NIBP STAT stopped
NIBP malfunction NIBP <5s
NIBP over range NIBP <5s
NIBP under range NIBP <5s
NMT measurement removed NMT <5s
NMT sensor removed NMT <5s
No adhesive SpO2 probe SpO2 7s
No battery backup in monitor N/A <5s
No BIS sensor BIS 62 s (average) (62 to 63 s range)
No CCO catheter Continuous car- < 5 s
diac output
No Entropy sensor Entropy 61 s (average) (60 to 61 s range)
No license for F2 frame N/A <5s
No license for F5/F7 frame N/A <5s
No SpO2 cable SpO2 6 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
No SpO2 probe / SpO2 E-MASIMO: 8 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
No SpO2(2) probe E-NSATX: 5 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
• Masimo: 8 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
• Nellcor: 6 s
• TruSignal: 6 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
• Masimo: 7 s
• Nellcor: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
No telemetry ECG Telemetry: < 5 s
Noisy ECG ECG PDM: 36 s
CS ONE: 36 s (36 to 37 s range)
O2 inaccurate Airway gases 21 s (average)
P5 over range to P8 over range Invasive pres- E-COP(Sv): 6 s
sures E-PiCCO: 5 s
E-PP, E-PT: 5 s
P5 under range to P8 under Invasive pres- 6s
range sures

52/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm delay specifications

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

PDM battery low N/A 5s
PDM battery temp high N/A 5s
PDM IP calibration failed Invasive pres- 28 s (average) (27 to 31 s range)
PDM module removed ECG, IP, SpO2, <5s
NIBP, Tempera-
Power management failure N/A 15 s
Pressure device failure: Call Invasive pres- 8s
service sures
Pressure device initializing Invasive pres- 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
Pressure device overheated. Invasive pres- 9 s (average) (9 to 10 s range)
Shutting it down sures
Pressure measurement removed Invasive pres- <5s
Re-calibrate CCO Continuous car- 8 hours from the last calibration
diac output
Re-calibrate ScvO2 ScvO2 or SvO2 24 h from the last calibration
Re-calibrate SvO2
Reconnect CS ONE N/A 13 s (average) (3 to 30 s range)
Reconnect PDM N/A <5s
Relearning Impedance res- < 5 s
Remote Alarm Device discon- N/A 5s
Remove one ECG module ECG <5s
Replace adhesive SpO2 probe SpO2 <5s
Replace SpO2 cable SpO2 <5s
Replace SpO2 probe SpO2 <5s
Replace Water Trap Airway gases CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 54 s (average) (45 to 80 s
E-miniC: 50 s (average) (49 to 51 s range)
Resp (Imped.) measurement Impedance res- ICU, ED, OR, PACU: 50 s
paused piration NICU: 18 s
rSO2 device failure: Call service rSO2 CS ONE: 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
E-musb: 8 s (average)
rSO2 excess light rSO2 <5s
rSO2 interference rSO2 <5s
rSO2 malfunction rSO2 <5s
rSO2 measurement removed rSO2 CS ONE: 5 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
E-musb: 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)

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Alarm delay specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

rSO2 X sensor disconnected rSO2 CS ONE: 10 s (average) (10 to 11 s range)
where X = rSO2 channel label E-musb: 10 s (average)
rSO2 poor signal rSO2 <5s
rSO2 X replace sensor rSO2 <5s
where X = rSO2 channel label
rSO2 X sensor off rSO2 14 s (average) (14 to 15 s range)
where X = rSO2 channel label
rSO2 X unsupported sensor rSO2 <5s
where X = rSO2 channel label
Sample line blocked Airway gases CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 42 s (average) (40 to 45 s
E-miniC: 46 s (average) (45 to 46 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo:42 s (average) (40 to 45 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 46 s (average) (45 to 47 s
E-musb: 46 s (average) (45 to 47 s range)
Sample line disconnected Airway gases CS ONE:
• CARESCAPE CO2 — LoFlo: 41 s (average) (41 to 42 s range)
• CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream: 41 s (average) (41 to 42 s
E-musb: 41 s (average) (40 to 41 s range)
ScvO2 cable off ScvO2 7.1 s
ScvO2 faulty cable ScvO2 <5s
ScvO2 measurement removed ScvO2 <5s
ScvO2 not calibrated ScvO2 121 s (average) (121 to 122 s range)
ScvO2 signal poor ScvO2 36.7 s ±1 s
ScvO2 temp error ScvO2 583 s (average) (524 to 1145 s range)
Select age for CO2 Airway gases CS ONE: 24 s (average) (23 to 24 s range)
E-musb: 22 s (average)
Sensor check failed BIS 120 s
Service CO2 sensor Airway gases <5s
Service CO module Cardiac output <5s
Service CS ONE faulty port #X N/A <5s
where X is the CARESCAPE Param-
eter port number
Service E-musb faulty port X N/A <5s
where X = E-musb port A or B
Service gas module Airway gases <5s

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Supplemental Information Manual Alarm delay specifications

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

Service Monitor Activation N/A <5s
Service Monitor - and specific er- N/A 32 s
ror code
Service the PDM Configure Pow- N/A 35 s (max)
er Frequency
Service the PDM Error Code N/A 35 s (max)
Speaker failure - and specific error N/A 85 s
SpO2 Demo mode SpO2 <5s
SpO2 device failure: Call service SpO2 7s
SpO2 device overheated Shut- SpO2 8 s (average) (6 to 9 s range)
ting down
SpO2 faulty cable SpO2 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)

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Alarm delay specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

SpO2 faulty probe / SpO2(2) SpO2 E-MASIMO: < 5 s
faulty probe E-NSATX: 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
• Masimo: 10 s (average) (10 to 12 s range)
• Nellcor: 10 s (average)
CS ONE: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
SpO2 malfunction SpO2 PDM: 20 s
E-MASIMO: < 5 s
CS ONE: 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
SpO2 measurement removed SpO2 <5s
SpO2 probe off / SpO2(2) probe SpO2 E-MASIMO: 7 s (average) (6 to 7 s range)
off E-NSATX: 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
• Masimo: 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
• Nellcor: 8 s (average) (7 to 9 s range)
• TruSignal: 9 s (average) (8 to 10 s range)
• Masimo: 7 s (average) (7 to 8 s range)
• Nellcor: 12 s (average) (10 to 12 s range)
SvO2 cable off SvO2 7s
SvO2 faulty cable SvO2 <5s
SvO2 measurement removed SvO2 <5s
SvO2 not calibrated SvO2 121 s (average) (121 to 122 s range)
SvO2 signal poor SvO2 37 s (average) (36 to 38 s range)
SvO2 temp error SvO2 583 s (average) (524 to 1145 s range)
SW download failed on CS ONE N/A <5s
port #X
where X = CS ONE USB port
SW update in progress on CS N/A <5s
ONE port #X
where X = CS ONE USB port
T1 calibration fail Temperature <5s
T2 calibration fail
Tblood calibration fail
T3 temperature error Temperature 9 s (average) (9 to 11 s range)
T4 temperature error
Telemetry battery empty ECG Telemetry: < 5 s
Temp device failure: Call service Temperature 8 s (average) (8 to 9 s range)
Temp device overheated. Shut- Temperature 10 s (average) (9 to 11 s range)
ting down
Temperature error Temperature 9 s (average) (9 to 11 s range)

56/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm priorities and escalation times

Alarm Parameter Alarm delay

Temperature malfunction Temperature <5s
Temp measurement removed Temperature <5s
Too many rSO2 devices rSO2 6 s (average) (5 to 6 s range)
TTX Off Network ECG Telemetry: 5 s (average) (4 to 6 s range)
Wrong cable SpO2 PDM:
• Masimo: < 5 s
• Nellcor: < 5 s

Remote alarm delay specifications

Local alarm condition delay to output port 5s
Alarm signal generation delay 3s

The following alarms apply to the CARESCAPE RAD:

Alarm Alarm delay

Multiple Remote Alarm Devices connected 7s
Remote Alarm Device disconnected 6s
Remote Alarm Device service life exceeded 7 days (average) (7 to 8 days range)
Service Remote Alarm Device 5s

Alarm priorities and escalation times

Alarm priorities and escalation times for ECG
The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; report = report
view; and modules connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0
s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
12 diagnostic report 0s
leads needed
ACI-TIPI on - age report 0s
less than 16
ACI-TIPI on - chest report 0s
or left arm pain
not entered
A Fib Not available in NI- alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
CU software pack-
Accel. Ventric. alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info

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Alarm priorities and escalation times Supplemental Information Manual


info low medium high
Arrh off param. 0s
Arrhythmia alarm 0 s if no pa- according to priority setting: high, medium,
paused tient case/no low, info
admitted pa-
Arrh paused wavef. 0s
Arrhythmia Alarm Priority = alarm 0 s if no vital 0s 40 s
paused Escalating signs
Arrh paused wavef. 0s
Artifact wavef. 0s
Asystole alarm, par- 0s
am., wavef.
Bigeminy alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Brady ECG as a primary alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
source um, low
Brady Alarm Priority = alarm 0s 69 s
Escalating; ECG as
a primary source
Brady Alarm Priority alarm 0s
= Escalating; HR
<0.75 x low limit;
ECG as a primary
Brady SpO2 or IP as a pri- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
mary source setting: high, medium, low
Brady Alarm Priority = alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
Escalating; SpO2 or lay setting lay setting +
IP as a primary 64 s
Brady Alarm Priority alarm PR alarm de-
= Escalating; HR lay setting
<0.75 x low limit;
SpO2 or IP as a pri-
mary source
Brady HR ≤ low critical alarm 0s
alarm limit NOTE: Basic
alarm delay is
applied if the
critical alarm
limits are ex-
ceeded im-
Cable off report 0s
Change telemetry Telemetry, all soft- alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
battery ware packages ex-
cept NICU

58/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm priorities and escalation times


info low medium high
Couplet alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Duplicate TTX Telemetry, all soft- alarm 0s
ware packages ex-
cept NICU
ECG device fail- alarm 0s
ure: Call service
ECG device over- 0s
heated. Shutting
ECG malfunction alarm 0s
ECG measure- alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
ments removed tient case/no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
Failure connecting Telemetry, all soft- alarm 0s
to transmitter ware packages ex-
cept NICU
Frequent PVCs Alarm Priority = alarm 0s 13 s
Frequent PVCs alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Frequent SVCs Alarm Priority = alarm 0s 13 s
Frequent SVCs alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Gender is not de- report 0s
HR high HR Alarms = Sin- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
gle; user-selected setting: high, medium, low
SpO2 or IP as a pri-
mary source
HR high HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
ple; Alarm Priority lay setting lay setting +
= Escalating; user- 64 s
selected SpO2 or IP
as a primary source
HR high HR Alarms = Mul- alarm PR alarm de-
tiple; Alarm Priori- lay setting
ty = Escalating; HR
>1.25 x high limit;
user-selected SpO2
or IP as a primary

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Alarm priorities and escalation times Supplemental Information Manual


info low medium high
HR high HR ≥ high critical alarm 0s
alarm limit NOTE: Basic
alarm delay is
applied if the
critical alarm
limits are
exceeded im-
HR low HR Alarms = Sin- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
gle; user-selected setting: high, medium, low
SpO2 or IP as a pri-
mary source
HR low HR Alarms = Sin- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
gle; Alarm Priority lay setting lay setting +
= Escalating; user- 64 s
selected SpO2 or IP
as a primary source
HR low HR Alarms = Sin- alarm PR alarm de-
gle; Alarm Priority lay setting
= Escalating; HR
<0.75 x low limit;
user-selected SpO2
or IP as a primary
HR low HR ≤ low critical alarm 0s
alarm limit NOTE: Basic
alarm delay is
applied if the
critical alarm
limits are ex-
ceeded im-
HR(ECG) high HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
ple um, low
HR(ECG) high HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0s 69 s
ple; Alarm Priority
= Escalating
HR(ECG) high HR Alarms = Mul- alarm 0s
tiple; Alarm Priori-
ty = Escalating; HR
>1.25 x high limit
HR(ECG) high HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0s
ple; HR ≥ high criti- NOTE: Basic
cal alarm limit alarm delay is
applied if the
critical alarm
limits are ex-
ceeded im-

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info low medium high
HR(ECG) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
ple um, low
HR(ECG) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0s 69 s
ple; Alarm Priority
= Escalating
HR(ECG) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0s
ple; Alarm Priority
= Escalating; HR <
0.75 x low limit
HR(ECG) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm 0s
ple; HR ≤ low criti- NOTE: Basic
cal alarm limit alarm delay is
applied if the
critical alarm
limits are ex-
ceeded im-
Identical ECG de- alarm 0s
Incompatible de- alarm 0s
vice: ECG module
Insufficient power alarm 0s
for ECG device
Irregular NICU software alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
package only um, low, info
LA/L lead off wavef. 0s
LL/F lead off
RA/R lead off
RL/N lead off
V/C lead off
Va/Ca lead off
Vb/Cb lead off
V2/C2 lead off
V3/C3 lead off
V4/C4 lead off
V5/C5 lead off
V6/C6 lead off
Lead changed wavef. 0s
Lead off alarm 7 s, according to priority set-
ting: low, info
Leads off Alarm Priority = alarm 3s 12 s (30 s in 60 s
Escalating OR software
wavef. 0s

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info low medium high
Leads off alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
um, low
Learning wavef. 0s
Missing Beat Not available in NI- alarm, wavef. 0s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
CU software pack-
Move ECG device wavef. 0s
to a cooler loca-
Multifocal PVCs alarm, wavef. 0s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
No 10 or 6 lead report 0s
No 12RL license report 0s
No 12SL license report 0s
No telemetry Telemetry, all soft- alarm 0s
ware packages ex-
cept NICU
Noisy ECG alarm 0s 5 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
Noise wavef. um, low

Noisy ECG Alarm Priority = alarm 5s 12 s

Noise Escalating wavef.
Pause alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Please wait - col- report 0s
lecting waveform
QT high alarm 300 s, according to priority setting: medium,
low, info
QTc high alarm 300 s, according to priority setting: medium,
low, info
R on T alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, off, info
Remove one ECG alarm 0s
ST Ant high / ST alarm 60 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Ant low
ST Inf high / ST Inf
ST Lat high / ST
Lat low
ST XXX high / ST alarm 60 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
XXX low where
XXX = ECG lead la-
SV Tachy alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
Tachy ECG as a primary alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
source um, low

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info low medium high
Tachy Alarm Priority = alarm 0s 69 s
Escalating; ECG as
a primary source
Tachy Alarm Priority alarm 0s
= Escalating;
HR>1.25 x high lim-
it; ECG as a primary
Tachy SpO2 or IP as a pri- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
mary source setting: high, medium, low
Tachy Alarm Priority = alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
Escalating; SpO2 or lay setting lay setting +
IP as a primary 64 s
Tachy Alarm Priority alarm PR alarm de-
= Escalating; HR lay setting
>1.25 x high limit;
SpO2 or IP as a pri-
mary source
Tachy HR ≥ high critical alarm 0s
alarm limit NOTE: Basic
alarm delay is
applied if the
critical alarm
limits are ex-
ceeded im-
Technician ID is report 0s
Telemetry battery Telemetry, all soft- alarm 0s
empty ware packages ex-
cept NICU
Telemetry pa- report 0s
tient: No 12SL
Trigeminy alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
TTX Off Network Telemetry, all soft- alarm 0s
ware packages ex-
cept NICU
V Brady alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
V Fib/V Tach alarm, par- 0s
am., wavef.
V lead A is not V1 report 0s
or V lead B is not
V leads off report 0s

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info low medium high
V Tach alarm, par- 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info
am., wavef. The alarm priority is always high if the duration is over 30 s,
the set HR high limit is exceeded, and the HR is over 180 in
NICU sw package or over 150 in all other sw packages.
VT off NICU software param. 0 s, priority setting: off.
VT>2 alarm, wavef. 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, off, info

Alarm priorities and escalation times for impedance

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Apnea (Imped.) OR sw package, ad- alarm, wavef. X seconds (X X + 40 s X +102 s
justable limit sec- = adjustable
onds limit)
Apnea (Imped.) PACU, ED, ICU, NI- alarm, wavef. X seconds (X X + 20 s X + 40 s
CU sw packages, = adjustable
adjustable limit sec- limit)
Apnea (Imped.) Alarm priority set to alarm, wavef. X s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low, info (X
info, low, medium or = adjustable limit)
Apnea deactivat- param. 0s
Artifact / Cardiac alarm, par- 0s
artifact am., wavef.
Imped. malfunc- alarm, par- 0s
tion / Check de- am., wavef.
Lead I failed param., 0s
Lead II failed wavef.
Lead RL-LL failed
Measurement off param., 0s
Relearning PDM param., 0s
Resp (Imped.) Alarm priority set to alarm, wavef. High, medium, low, or info according to priority setting.
measurement info, low, medium, Alarm delay for NICU software package = 18 s; all other
paused / Measure- or high software packages = 50 s.
ment paused

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info low medium high
Resp (Imped.) Alarm priority = alarm, wavef. Initial delay Initial delay + Initial delay +
measurement Escalating for NICU soft- 20 s 40 s
paused / Measure- ware pack-
ment paused age = 18 s; all
other soft-
ware pack-
ages = 50 s
RR (Imped.) high / Alarm priority set to alarm High, medium, low, or info according to priority setting.
RR (Imped.) low info, low, medium or Separate configurable alarm delay (0 to 30 s) for low and
high high alarms.
RR (Imped.) high / Alarm priority = alarm X seconds (X X + 40 s
RR (Imped.) low Escalating = adjustable
delay: 0 to 30

Alarm priorities and escalation times for SpO2

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Artifact UNID param. 0s
Check device All modules except param. 0s
Check Ext device UNID param. 0s
Check probe param. 0s
Check SpHb alarm 0s
Check SpO2 alarm 5s 30 s
probe / Check
SpO2(2) probe
Connecting UNID param. 0s
Faulty probe SpO2, all modules param. 0s
except E-NSATX and
Identical SpO2(2) E-NSATX and E-MA- alarm 0s
modules SIMO
Identical SpO2(2) E-NSATX, E-MASI- alarm 0s
sources MO and UNID mod-
Incompatible All modules except param. 0s
probe E-NSATX and UNID

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info low medium high
Incompatible All modules except alarm 5s 30 s
SpO2 probe / E-NSATX and UNID
SpO2(2) probe
Interference E-NSATX and E-MA- param. 0s
Learning UNID param. 0s
Low battery UNID param. 0s
Low perfusion E-MASIMO param. 0s
Low signal PDM Masimo param. 0s
Low signal quality PDM, E-MASIMO param. 0s
Motion detected PDM Nellcor param. 0s
No ext device UNID param. 0s
No probe param. 0s
No SpO2 probe / All profiles except alarm 5s 30 s
No SpO2(2) probe Perfusion
PR(SpO2) high / HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
PR(SpO2(2)) high ple; UNID setting: high, medium, low
PR(SpO2) high / HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
PR(SpO2(2)) high ple; Alarm Priority lay setting lay setting +
= Escalating; UNID 64 s
PR(SpO2) high / HR Alarms = Mul- alarm PR alarm de-
PR(SpO2(2)) high tiple; Alarm Priori- lay setting
ty = Escalating; HR
>1.25 x high limit;
PR(SpO2) high / HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
PR(SpO2(2)) high ple; PDM setting: high, medium, low
PR(SpO2) high / HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
PR(SpO2(2)) high ple; Alarm Priority lay setting lay setting +
= Escalating; PDM 64 s
PR(SpO2) high / HR Alarms = Mul- alarm PR alarm de-
PR(SpO2(2)) high tiple; Alarm Priori- lay setting
ty = Escalating; HR
> 1.25 x high limit;
PR(SpO2) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
ple; UNID setting: high, medium, low
PR(SpO2) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
ple; Alarm Priority lay setting lay setting +
= Escalating; UNID 64 s

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info low medium high
PR(SpO2) low HR Alarms = Mul- alarm PR alarm de-
tiple; Alarm Priori- lay setting
ty = Escalating; HR
< 0.75 x low limit;
PR(SpO2) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm delay setting, according to priority
ple; PDM setting: high, medium, low
PR(SpO2) low HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
ple; Alarm Priority lay setting lay setting +
= Escalating; PDM 64 s
PR(SpO2) low HR Alarms = Mul- alarm PR alarm de-
tiple; Alarm Priori- lay setting
ty = Escalating; HR
< 0.75 x low limit;
Probe off param. 0s
Pulse search param. 0s
Replace SpO2 ca- alarm 0s
Replace SpO2 alarm 0s
SpHb high Escalating alarm alarm 60 s 120 s 180 s
SpHb high Alarm priority set to alarm 60 s, according to priority setting: info, low,
info, low, or medium or medium
SpHb low Escalating alarm alarm 60 s 120 s 180 s
SpHb low Alarm priority set to alarm 60 s, according to priority setting: info, low,
info, low, or medium or medium
SpO2 faulty All modules except alarm 5s 30 s
probe / SpO2(2) E-NSATX and UNID
faulty probe
SpO2 high / SpO2 OR software pack- alarm SpO2 high or SpO2 high or
low age, escalating low alarm low alarm
SpO2(2) high / alarm priority delay setting delay setting
SpO2(2) low + 60 s

SpO2 high / SpO2 OR software pack- alarm 0s 60 s

low age and UNID, esca-
SpO2(2) high / lating alarm priority
SpO2(2) low
SpO2 high / SpO2 ICU, NICU, PACU, ED alarm SpO2 high or SpO2 high or
low software package, low alarm low alarm
SpO2(2) high / escalating alarm delay setting delay setting
SpO2(2) low priority + 30 s

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info low medium high
SpO2 high / SpO2 ICU, NICU, PACU, alarm 0s 30 s
low ED software pack-
SpO2(2) high / age and UNID, esca-
SpO2(2) low lating alarm priority

SpO2 high / SpO2 PDM Nellcor alarm SatSeconds SatSeconds +

low OR software pack- 60 s
age and SatSeconds
on, escalating alarm
SpO2 high / SpO2 PDM Nellcor alarm SatSeconds SatSeconds +
low ICU, NICU, PACU, 30 s
ED software pack-
age and SatSeconds
on, escalating alarm
SpO2 high / SpO2 Alarm priority set alarm High, medium or low according to priority
low to low, medium, or setting.
SpO2(2) high / high Separate configurable alarm delay for SpO2
SpO2(2) low low and high alarms.
SpO2 high / SpO2 PDM Nellcor alarm High, medium or low according to priority
low SatSeconds on, setting.
alarm priority set Delay as defined by SatSeconds.
to low, medium, or
SpO2 high / SpO2 SpO2 value ≥ high alarm 0s
low critical alarm limit NOTE: Basic
SpO2(2) high / SpO2 value ≤ low alarm delay
SpO2(2) low critical alarm limit is applied if
the critical
alarm limits
are exceeded
SpO2 measure- alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
ment removed tient case/no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
SpO2 probe off / Escalating alarm alarm 5s 30 s
SpO2(2) probe off priority, all profiles
except Perfusion
SpO2 probe off / Alarm priority set alarm 5 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
SpO2(2) probe off to high, medium, or um, low
low; all profiles ex-
cept Perfusion
Wrong cable PDM Masimo, PDM param. 0s
Wrong cable. Use PDM Masimo alarm 0s
Masimo Set

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info low medium high
Wrong cable. Use PDM Nellcor alarm 0s
Nellcor OxiMax

Alarm priorities and escalation times for rSO2

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
Acquiring signal param. 0s
Check device param. 0s
Check rSO2 labels alarm 0s
X excess light param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
Incompatible rSO2 de- alarm 0s
Insufficient power for alarm 0s
rSO2 device
X interference param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
X no sensor param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
X poor signal param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
Replace X param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
rSO2 device failure: alarm 0s
Call service
rSO2 excess light alarm 0s
rSO2 X high alarm 5 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low
where X = rSO2 channel
rSO2 interference alarm 0s

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info low medium high
rSO2 X low alarm 5 s, according to priority setting: high, medium, low
where X = rSO2 channel
rSO2 malfunction alarm 0s
rSO2 measurement re- alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
moved case/ no admit- tient case/ ad-
ted patient mitted patient
rSO2 poor signal alarm 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
rSO2 X replace sensor alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
where X = rSO2 channel case/ no admit- tient case/ ad-
label ted patient mitted patient

rSO2 X sensor discon- alarm 10 s if no patient 10 s if active pa- 60 s if active pa-

nected case/ no admit- tient case/ ad- tient case/ ad-
where X = rSO2 channel ted patient mitted patient mitted patient
rSO2 X sensor off alarm 10 s if no patient 10 s if active pa- 60 s if active pa-
where X = rSO2 channel case/ no admit- tient case/ ad- tient case/ ad-
label ted patient mitted patient mitted patient

rSO2 X unsupported alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-

sensor case/ no admit- tient case/ ad-
where X = rSO2 channel ted patient mitted patient
X sensor off param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel
Too many rSO2 devices alarm 0s
Unsupported X param. 0s
where X = rSO2 channel

Alarm priorities and escalation times for NIBP

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
Calibrated Displays for 10 s param. 0s
Calibrating param. 0s
Calibration error param. 0s

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info low medium high
Call service alarm 0s
Call service param. 0s
Check NIBP alarm 0s
Control measure- Displays for 10 s param. 0s
Cuff loose param. 0s
Cuff occlusion param. 0s
Cuff overpressure Displays for 10 s param. 0s
Long meas. time Displays for 10 s param. 0s
NIBP alarm limits alarm 0s
NIBP auto stop- alarm 0s
NIBP cuff loose alarm 0s
NIBP cuff occlu- alarm 0s 40 s
NIBP malfunction alarm 0s
NIBP over range alarm 0s
NIBP STAT stop- alarm 0s
NIBP under range alarm 0s
NIBP Sys high / Alarm priority esca- alarm 0s 0 s after con- 0 s after con-
NIBP Sys low lating trol measure- trol measure-
NIBP Mean high / ment ment and if
NIBP Mean low Primary HR
high/ low
NIBP Dia high / alarm also
NIBP Dia low active
NIBP Sys high / Alarm priority set to alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
NIBP Sys low low, medium or high um, low
NIBP Mean high /
NIBP Mean low
NIBP Dia high /
NIBP Dia low
Select cuff size param. 0s
Zero OK Displays for 10 s param. 0s
Zeroing param. 0s

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Alarm priorities and escalation times for invasive pressures

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
> 320 mmHg or param. 0s
> 43 kPa
< -40 mmHg or param. 0s
< -5 kPa
• Art X discon- alarm 5s
• Fem X discon-
• UAC X discon-
where X = 1 to 8,
UAC 1 to 4

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info low medium high
• Art X sensor alarm 0s
• CVP X sensor
• Fem X sensor
• FemV X sensor
• ICP X sensor
• LAP X sensor
• P X sensor dis-
• PA X sensor
• RAP X sensor
• RVP X sensor
• UAC X sensor
• UAC X sensor
• UVC X sensor
where X = 1 to 8
(UAC and UVC = 1
to 4)

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info low medium high
• Art X sensor alarm 0s
• CVP X sensor
• Fem X sensor
• FemV X sensor
• ICP X sensor
• LAP X sensor
• P X sensor
• PA X sensor
• RAP X sensor
• RVP X sensor
• UAC X sensor
• UVC X sensor
where X = 1 to 4
• Art X sys high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ Art X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
• Art X mean alarm also
high present
/ Art X mean
• Art X dia high
/ Art X dia low
where X = 1 to 8
• Art X sys high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ Art X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
• Art X mean
/ Art X mean
• Art X dia high
/ Art X dia low
where X = 1 to 8
Artifact param. 0s
Calibrated Displays for 10 s param. 0s
Calibrating param. 0s

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info low medium high
Calibration failed param. 0s
Check device param. 0s
CPP X high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ CPP X low Escalating Tachy or HR
alarm also
CPP X high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ CPP X low to low, medium, or dium, low
CVP X sys high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ CVP X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
CVP X mean high alarm also
/ CVP X mean low present
CVP X dia high
/ CVP X dia low
CVP X sys high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ CVP X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
CVP X mean high
/ CVP X mean low
CVP X dia high
/ CVP X dia low
Device overheat- param. 0s
Disconnected param. 0s
Fem X sys high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ Fem X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
high/ low
Fem X mean high alarm also
/ Fem X mean low present
Fem X dia high
/ Fem X dia low
Fem X sys high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ Fem X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
Fem X mean high
/ Fem X mean low
Fem X dia high
/ Fem X dia low
FemV X sys high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ FemV X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
high/ low
FemV X mean high alarm also
/ FemV X mean low present
FemV X dia high
/FemV X dia low

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info low medium high
FemV X sys high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ FemV X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
FemV X mean high
/ FemV X mean low
FemV X dia high
/FemV X dia low
ICP X sys high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ ICP X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
high/ low
ICP X mean high alarm also
/ ICP X mean low present
ICP X dia high
/ ICP X dia low
ICP X sys high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ ICP X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
ICP X mean high
/ ICP X mean low
ICP X dia high
/ ICP X dia low
Identical IP8 mod- alarm 0s
Identical PP mod- alarm 0s
Identical pressure alarm 0s
Identical PT mod- alarm 0s
IP's not zeroed alarm 0s 300 s
LAP X sys high Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
/ LAP X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
high/ low
LAP X mean high alarm also
/ LAP X mean low present
LAP X dia high
/ LAP X dia low
LAP X sys high Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
/ LAP X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
LAP X mean high
/ LAP X mean low
LAP X dia high
/ LAP X dia low

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info low medium high
Move pressure de- alarm 0s
vice 1/2 to a cool-
er location
Move pressure de-
vice 3/4 to a cool-
er location
P1 pressure mal- alarm 0s
function to
P4 pressure mal-
• Px over range alarm 5s
• Px under range
where x = 5 to 8
P5 sys high / P5 Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
sys low to P8 sys Escalating Tachy or HR
high / P8 sys low high/ low
P1 mean high / alarm also
P1 mean low to present
P8 mean high / P8
mean low
P5 dia high / P5
dia low to P8 dia
high / P8 dia low
P5 sys high / P5 Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
sys low to P8 sys to low, medium, or dium, low
high / P8 sys low high
P1 mean high /
P1 mean low to
P8 mean high / P8
mean low
P5 dia high / P5
dia low to P8 dia
high / P8 dia low
P1 standby to P8 param. 0s
P1 zeroing failed param. 0s
to P8 zeroing
PA X sys high / PA Alarm priority set to alarm 0s 15 s 0 s if Brady/
X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
PA X mean high / high/ low
PA X mean low alarm also
PA X dia high / PA
X dia low

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info low medium high
PA X sys high / PA Alarm priority set alarm 0 s, according to priority setting: high, medi-
X sys low to low, medium, or um, low
PA X mean high / high
PA X mean low
PA X dia high / PA
X dia low
PDM IP calibration alarm 0s
• PR(Art X) high / HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm delay setting (0 to 20 s), according
PR(Art X) low ple to priority setting: high, medium, low
• PR(Fem X)
high / PR(Fem
X) low
high / PR(UAC
X) low
where X = 1 to 8
• PR(Art X) high / HR Alarms = Multi- alarm PR alarm de- PR alarm de-
PR(Art X) low ple; Alarm Priority lay setting (0 lay setting (0
• PR(Fem X) = Escalating to 20 s) to 20 s)+ 64 s
high / PR(Fem
X) low
high / PR(UAC
X) low
where X = 1 to 8
• PR(Art X) high / HR Alarms = Mul- alarm PR alarm de-
PR(Art X) low tiple; Alarm Priori- lay setting (0
• PR(Fem X) ty = Escalating; HR to 20 s)
high / PR(Fem >1.25 x high limit or
X) low < 0.75 x low limit
high / PR(UAC
X) low
where X = 1 to 8
Pressure device alarm 0s
failure: Call serv-
Pressure device alarm 0s
Pressure device alarm 0s
overheated. Shut-
ting it down
Pressure measure- alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
ment removed tient case/ no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
Pressure Sensed param. 0s

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info low medium high
RAP X sys high / Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
RAP X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
RAP X mean high / high/ low
RAP X mean low alarm also
RAP X dia high /
RAP X dia low
RAP X sys high / Alarm priority set 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
RAP X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
RAP X mean high / high
RAP X mean low
RAP X dia high /
RAP X dia low
RVP X sys high / Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
RVP X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
RVP X mean high / high/ low
RVP X mean low alarm also
RVP X dia high /
RVP X dia low
RVP X sys high / Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
RVP X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
RVP X mean high / high
RVP X mean low
RVP X dia high /
RVP X dia low
Sensor param. 0s
SPV Man. only param. 0s
UAC X sys high / Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
UAC X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
UAC X mean high / high/ low
UAC X mean low alarm also
UAC X dia high /
UAC X dia low
UAC X sys high / Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
UAC X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
UAC X mean high / high
UAC X mean low
UAC X dia high /
UAC X dia low
UVC X sys high / Alarm priority set to alarm 10 s 30 s 10 s if Brady/
UVC X sys low Escalating Tachy or HR
UVC X mean high / high/ low
UVC X mean low alarm also
UVC X dia high /
UVC X dia low

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info low medium high
UVC X sys high / Alarm priority set alarm 10 s, according to priority setting: high, me-
UVC X sys low to low, medium, or dium, low
UVC X mean high / high
UVC X mean low
UVC X dia high /
UVC X dia low
Zero adj >100 param. 0s
Zero ICP separate- alarm 0s
Zeroed param. 0s
Zeroing param. 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for temperature

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Calibration fail param. 0s
Check device param. 0s
Device overheat- param. 0s
Identical Temp de- alarm 0s
Move Temp device alarm 0s
to a cooler loca-
No sensor detect- param. 0s
Performing temp param. 0s
T1 calibration alarm 0s
fail / T2 Calibra-
tion fail / Tblood
calibration fail
T1 high / T1 low With alarm priority alarm 60 s 120 s
T2 high / T2 low setting set to esca-
T3 high / T3 low
T4 high / T4 low
Tblood high /
Tblood low

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info low medium high
T1 high / T1 low With alarm priority alarm 60 s, according to priority setting info, medi-
T2 high / T2 low set to info, medium um, low
or low
T3 high / T3 low
T4 high / T4 low
Tblood high /
Tblood low
T2-T1 high With alarm priority alarm 60 s 120 s
T4-T3 high setting set to esca-
Tblood-T1 high
Tblood-T3 high
T2-T1 high With alarm priority alarm 60 s, according to priority setting info, medi-
T4-T3 high set to info, medium um, low
or low
Tblood-T1 high
Tblood-T3 high
T3 temperature alarm 0s
error / T4 tem-
perature error /
Tblood tempera-
ture error
Temp device fail- alarm 0s
ure: Call service
Temp device over- alarm 0s
heated. Shutting
Temperature error param. 0s
Temperature mal- alarm 0s
Temp measure- alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
ment removed tient case/ no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient

Alarm priorities and escalation times for cardiac output

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.
This table shows cardiac output (C.O.) and continuous cardiac output (CCO) measurement-related messages, and is
valid for modules other than E-PiCCO.


info low medium high
Calibrating param. 0s
Calibration fail param. 0s

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info low medium high
CCI high / CCI low With alarm priority alarm 0s 15 s
set to escalating
CCI high / CCI low With alarm priority alarm 0 s, according to priority setting high, medi-
set to high, medium, um, low
or low
CCO high / CCO With alarm priority alarm 0s 15 s
low set to escalating
CCO high / CCO With alarm priority alarm 0 s, according to priority setting high, medi-
low set to high, medium, um, low
or low
Check Ext Device param. 0s
CO measurement alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
removed tient case/ no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
Confirm calibra- alarm, param. 0 s
Confirm C.O. alarm, param. 0 s
Identical C.O. alarm 0s
Incompatible de- alarm 0s
vice: COP(Sv)
No ext device param. 0s
No HR for REF param. 0s
REF out of range param. 0s
Service CO mod- alarm 0s
Signal Adapting param. 0s
Unstable Tblood param. 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for CCO

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.
The table shows continuous cardiac output (CCO) measurement-related messages when using the E-PiCCO module.


info low medium high
Calibrating param. 0s
CCI high / CCI low alarm 0s 15 s
0 s, according to priority setting high, medium, low

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info low medium high
CCO high / CCO low alarm 0s 15 s
0 s, according to priority setting high, medium, low
CCO meas. fail alarm 0s
CO measurement re- alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
moved case/ no admitted tient case/ ad-
patient mitted patient
Confirm calibration alarm, param. 0s
Confirm CCO Calibra- alarm, param. 0s
Identical C.O. modules alarm 0s
No CCO catheter alarm 0s 60 s
Not calibrated alarm 0s
Re-calibrate CCO alarm 0s 10 min 20 min

Alarm priorities and escalation times for SvO2 and ScvO2

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Calibrating param. 0s
Check cath. posi- param. 0s
Check Ext device / alarm, param. 0 s
Check Ext Device
Connecting param. 0s
Damped Intensity param. 0s
Draw blood param. 0s
Enter lab results param. 0s
Faulty cable param. 0s
High Intensity param. 0s
In vitro calibrating param. 0s
In vitro failed param. 0s
In vivo calibrating param. 0s
In vivo poor signal param. 0s
Insufficient signal param. 0s
Intensity shift param. 0s

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info low medium high
Low Intensity param. 0s
Low Light param. 0s
No Light param. 0s
Not calibrated param. 0s
Poor SvO2 signal param. 0s
Poor ScvO2 signal
Re-calibrate param. 0s
Re-calibrate alarm 0s
Re-calibrate SvO2
ScvO2 cable off alarm 5s 30 s
SvO2 cable off
ScvO2 faulty cable alarm 0s
SvO2 faulty cable
ScvO2 high / alarm 10 s if sensor 10 s if sensor 72 s if sensor
ScvO2 low not calibrat- calibrated calibrated
SvO2 high / ed
SvO2 low
ScvO2 high / UNID alarm 0s 62 s
ScvO2 low
SvO2 high /
SvO2 low
ScvO2 measure- alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
ment removed tient case/ no patient case /
SvO2 measure- admitted pa- admitted pa-
ment removed tient tient

ScvO2 not cali- alarm 120 s

SvO2 not calibrat-
ScvO2 out of param. 0s
SvO2 out of range
ScvO2 signal poor alarm 30 s 120 s
SvO2 signal poor
ScvO2 temp error alarm 600 s
SvO2 temp error
Start ScvO2 param. 0s
Start SvO2
Wait, initializing param. 0s
Warming up param. 0s

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Alarm priorities and escalation times for airway gases

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Agent inaccurate alarm 20 s
Agent mixture alarm 0 s, shown if 0 s, shown if
MAC <3 MAC ≥3 or in-
Agent mixture UNID param. 0s
Apnea (CO2) OR sw package alarm, wavef. 20 s 60 s 122 s
Apnea (CO2) PACU, ED, ICU, NICU alarm, wavef. 20 s 40 s 60 s
sw packages
Apnea (CO2) With alarm priority alarm, wavef. 20 s, according to priority
set to medium or setting: high, medium
Apnea (CO2) CARESCAPE CO2 — alarm, wavef. X seconds (X X + 40 s X +102 s
Microstream: = adjustable
OR sw package, ad- limit)
justable limit sec-
Apnea (CO2) CARESCAPE CO2 — alarm, wavef. X seconds (X X + 20 s X + 40 s
Microstream: = adjustable
PACU, ED, ICU, NI- limit)
CU sw packages,
adjustable limit sec-
Apnea (CO2) CARESCAPE CO2 — alarm, wavef. X seconds (X = adjustable
Microstream: limit), according to priority
With alarm priority setting: high, medium
set to medium or
Apnea deactivat- param. 0s
Auto detecting wavef. 0s
Calibrate system UNID param. 0s
Calibrating param. 0s
Calibration error param. 0s
Calibration re- param. 0s
Calibrating gas wavef. 0s

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info low medium high
Check device param. 0s
Check ext device param. 0s
Check flow param. 0s
Check gas flow alarm 40 s
Check sample gas alarm 40 s 60 s
Check sensor param. 0s
Check water trap wavef. 0s
and sample gas
out. Press Normal
Screen to contin-
Check Water Trap alarm 40 s 60 s
CO2 device fail- alarm 0s
ure: Call service
CO2 device mal- alarm 0s
CO2 inaccurate alarm 20 s
CO2 measure- alarm 25 s
ment purging
CO2 measure- alarm 0 s shown if 0 s shown if
ment removed case not ac- case active/
tive/ patient patient ad-
not admitted mitted
CO2 sensor over- alarm 0s
heated Shutting
Continuous block- wavef 0s
age. Check sample
Continuous block- wavef. 0s
age. Check sam-
ple line and water
EtAA high alarm 20 s 90 s 183 s
where AA = Hal, Enf,
Iso, Sev or Des
EtAA high Gases with UNID alarm 0s 70 s 160 s
where AA = Hal, Enf, primary
Iso, Sev or Des
EtAA high Gases with UNID alarm 0s 70 s 150 s
where AA = Hal, Enf, secondary
Iso, Sev or Des

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info low medium high
EtAA low alarm 20 s 90 s
where AA = Hal, Enf,
Iso, Sev or Des
EtAA low Gases with UNID alarm 0s 70 s
where AA = Hal, Enf, primary and secon-
Iso, Sev or Des dary

EtCO2 high / Et- alarm 20 s 60 s

CO2 low
EtCO2 high / Et- UNID alarm 0s 40 s
CO2 low
EtCO2 high / Et- With alarm priority alarm 20 s, according to priority
CO2 low set to medium or setting: high, medium
EtCO2 high / Et- UNID, with alarm alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
CO2 low priority set to medi- ting: high, medium
um or high
EtN2O high UNID alarm 0s
EtN2O low UNID alarm 0s
EtO2 high alarm 20 s shown if 20 s shown
1st breath after 1st
not detected breath de-
EtO2 low alarm 20 s shown if 20 s shown 82 s shown
1st breath after 1st after 1st
not detected breath de- breath de-
tected tected
EtO2 low alarm 20 s shown if
EtO2 < 10%
Ext:Apnea UNID: OR sw pack- alarm 0s 40 s 100 s
Ext:Apnea UNID: PACU, ED, alarm 0s 20 s 40 s
ICU, NICU sw pack-
Ext:Apnea UNID, with alarm alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
priority set to medi- ting: high, medium
um or high
Ext: Hardware er- UNID alarm 0s
Ext not supported UNID param. 0s
Failure in Agent ID alarm. 20 s
Failure in Agent ID param. 0s
FiAA high CARESCAPE respi- alarm 20 s 180 s 273 s
where AA = Hal, Enf, ratory modules with
Iso, Sev or Des alarm priority set to

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info low medium high
FiAA high Gases with UNID alarm 0s 160 s 250 s
where AA = Hal, Enf, primary and secon-
Iso, Sev or Des dary, with alarm pri-
ority set to escalat-
FiAA high CARESCAPE respi- alarm 20 s, according to priority
where AA = Hal, Enf, ratory modules with setting: high, medium
Iso, Sev or Des alarm priority set to
medium or high
FiAA high UNID, with alarm alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
where AA = Hal, Enf, priority set to medi- ting: high, medium
Iso, Sev or Des um or high

FiAA low CARESCAPE respi- alarm 20 s 180 s

where AA = Hal, Enf, ratory modules with
Iso, Sev or Des alarm priority set to
FiAA low Gases with UNID alarm 0s 160 s
where AA = Hal, Enf, primary and secon-
Iso, Sev or Des dary with alarm pri-
ority set to escalat-
FiAA low CARESCAPE respi- alarm 20 s, according to priority
where AA = Hal, Enf, ratory modules with setting: high, medium
Iso, Sev or Des alarm priority set to
medium or high
FiAA low UNID, with alarm alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
where AA = Hal, Enf, priority set to medi- ting: high, medium
Iso, Sev or Des um or high

FiCO2 high / FiCO2 With alarm priority alarm 20 s 60 s

low set to escalating
FiCO2 high / FiCO2 UNID with alarm alarm 0s 40 s
low priority set to esca-
FiCO2 high / FiCO2 With alarm priority alarm 20 s, according to priority
low set to medium or setting: high, medium
FiCO2 high / FiCO2 UNID with alarm alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
low priority set to medi- ting: high, medium
um or high
FiN2O high alarm 20 s
FiN2O high UNID alarm 0s
FiN2O low UNID alarm 0s
FiO2 high alarm 20 s shown if 20 s shown
1st breath after 1st
not detected breath de-
FiO2 high UNID alarm 0s

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info low medium high
FiO2 low alarm 20 s shown if 20 s shown 82 s shown
1st breath after 1st after 1st
not detected breath de- breath de-
tected tected
FiO2 low alarm 20 s shown if
FiO2 < 18%
after 1st
breath de-
FiO2 low UNID alarm 0s 60 s
FiO2 low UNID alarm 0 s shown if
FiO2 < 18%
Gas measure- alarm 0 s shown if 0 s shown if
ments removed case not ac- case active/
tive/ patient patient ad-
not admitted mitted
Gas measure- UNID alarm 0s
ments removed
Gas module alarm 0s
Gas module wavef. 0s
standby. Touch
any button/key to
Hardware Error param. 0s
Identical CO2 de- alarm 0s
Identical gas mod- alarm 0s
Incompatible de- alarm 0s
vice: Gas module
Insufficient power alarm 0s
for CO2 device
Interface Failed UNID param. 0s
Line disconnected param 0s
Low gas sample alarm 10 s
Move CO2 sensor alarm 0s 120 s
to a cooler loca-
N2O inaccurate alarm 20 s
No ext device UNID param. 0s
O2 inaccurate alarm 20 s
Over range param. 0s

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info low medium high
Over range CARESCAPE CO2 — wavef. 0s
Over scale param. 0s
Purging UNID, CARESCAPE param. 0s
CO2 — Microstream
Replace Water alarm, param. 0 s 40 s
RR (CO2) high / RR With alarm priority alarm 20 s 60 s
(CO2) low set to escalating
RR (CO2) high / RR With alarm priority alarm 20 s, according to priority
(CO2) low set to medium or setting: high, medium
RR (CO2) high / RR UNID with alarm alarm 0s 40 s
(CO2) low priority set to esca-
RR (CO2) high / RR UNID, with alarm alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
(CO2) low priority set to medi- ting: high, medium
um or high
Sample gas out param. 0s
Sample line UNID alarm 0s 20 s
Sample line CARESCAPE respi- alarm 40 s 60 s
blocked ratory modules and
Sample line CARESCAPE CO2 — alarm 0s
blocked Microstream
Sample line param 0s
Sample line dis- alarm 40 s
Select age param 0s
Select age for CO2 alarm 20 s
Sensor overheat- param 0s
Service CO2 sen- alarm 0s
Service ext device UNID param. 0s
Service gas mod- alarm 0s
Service gas mod- param. 0s
Service gas mod- wavef. 0s
ule and specific er-
ror code

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info low medium high
Service Mode UNID param. 0s
Standby param. 0s
Warming up param. 0s
Zero error param. 0s
Zeroing param., 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for spirometry

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Connecting param. 0s
Ext not supported UNID param. 0s
Low volumes E-modules param. 0s
MVexp << MVinsp E-modules param. 0s
MVexp high E-modules alarm 20 s 60 s
MVexp low E-modules alarm 20 s 60 s shown if
first breath
MVexp low UNID alarm 0s 40 s
No ext device UNID param. 0s
Over scale E-modules wavef. 0s
PEEP low UNID alarm 0s 20 s
PEEPe high E-modules, ED and alarm 20 s 60 s
ICU sw packages
PEEPe low E-modules, ED and alarm 20 s 60 s
ICU sw packages
PEEPi high E-modules, ED and alarm 20 s 60 s
ICU sw packages
PEEPi low E-modules, ED and alarm 20 s 60 s
ICU sw packages
PEEPtot high E-modules, OR and alarm 20 s 40 s
PACU sw packages
PEEPtot low E-modules, OR and alarm 20 s 40 s
PACU sw packages
Ppeak high E-modules alarm 20 s 60 s

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info low medium high
Ppeak high E-modules alarm 20 s if Ppeak
is >10
cmH2O high-
er than set
Ppeak high UNID alarm 0s 40 s
Ppeak low E-modules alarm 20 s
Ppeak low UNID alarm 0s
Saving Loop E-modules alarm 0s
Scale changed E-modules wavef. 0s
Service gas mod- alarm 0s
Service gas mod- param. 0s
Service gas mod- wavef. 0s
ule. Spirometry
sensor failed
TVexp low UNID alarm 0s
Vent: Apnea UNID alarm 0s
Vent: Check venti- UNID alarm 0s
Vent: Connecting UNID alarm 0s
Vent: Disconnect UNID alarm 0 s, according to priority set-
ting: high, medium
Vent: Ext not sup- UNID alarm 0s
Vent: In Alarm UNID alarm 0s
Vent: Low battery UNID alarm 0s
Vent: No ext de- UNID alarm 0s
Ventilator inter- UNID alarm 0s
face removed
Zeroing E-modules param. 0s
Zeroing error param. 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for gas exchange

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information

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info low medium high
Artifact param. 0s
Bypass flow high param. 0s
FiN2O detected param. 0s
No VO2, FiO2 >85% param. 0s
Out of range param. 0s
Service gas module alarm, param., 0s
Service gas module alarm 0s
and specific error code

Alarm priorities and escalation times for Entropy

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
Artifacts param. 0s
Automatic check off param. 0s
Cable off param. 0s
Checking sensor param., wavef. 0s
Confirm electrode 1 param. 0s
Confirm electrode 2
Confirm electrode 3
Confirm electrodes param. 0s
Entropy Cable off alarm 0 s if active pa-
tient case/ ad-
mitted patient
Entropy measurement alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
removed case/no admit- tient case/ ad-
ted patient mitted patient
Entropy RE high / En- alarm 15 s
tropy RE low
Entropy SE high / En- alarm 15 s
tropy SE low
Entropy sensor check alarm 0s
Entropy sensor off alarm 60 s
Identical Entropy mod- alarm 0s
Isoelectric EEG param., wavef. 0s

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info low medium high
Low signal param. 0s
No Entropy sensor alarm 60 s
No sensor param. 0s
Noise wavef. 0s
Sensor check failed param. 0s
Sensor off param. 0s
Starting up param. 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for NMT

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
Block recovery alarm 0s
Check electrodes param. 0s
Identical NMT modules alarm 0s
Measurement off param. 0s
NMT measurement re- alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
moved case/no admit- tient case/ ad-
ted patient mitted patient
NMT sensor removed alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
case/no admit- tient case/ ad-
ted patient mitted patient
Reference not stable param. 0s
Reference set param. 0s
Regional Block param. 0s
Response too weak param. 0s
Sensor off param 0s
Setting reference param. 0s
Start measurement param. 0s
Supramax not found param. 0s
Supramax search param. 0s
Wait to continue param. 0s

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Alarm priorities and escalation times for EEG and AEP

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
AEP stimulation param. 0s
Artifacts param. 0s
Big contact differ- param. 0s
Check GND elec- param. 0s
Check EEG refer- alarm 0s
ential montage
Checking electro- param. 0s
EEG AEP stopped alarm 0s
EEG Headbox alarm 0s
overheated Shut-
ting down
EEG Headbox tem- alarm 0s
perature high
EEG Incompatible alarm 0s
EEG leads off alarm 0s
EEG measurement param. 0s
EEG measurement alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
removed tient case/no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
EEG module error: alarm 0s
Call service
Electrodes OK Displays for 10 s param. 0s
Headbox off param. 0s
High FEMG param. 0s
Identical EEG alarm 0s
Incompatible de- alarm 0s
vice: EEG module
Incompatible param. 0s

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info low medium high
Leads off param. 0s
Poor electr. con- param. 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for BIS

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; and wavef. = waveform area. In the
following table, 0 s = no intended delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information


info low medium high
Apply sensor param. 0s
Artifact param., wavef. 30 s
Automatic check off param. 0s
BIS DSC error alarm 0s
BIS high / BIS low alarm 15 s
BIS measurement re- alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
moved case/no admit- tient case/ ad-
ted patient mitted patient
BIS module error alarm 0s
BIS sensor check failed alarm 0s
BIS sensor expired alarm 0s
Checking sensor param., wavef. 0s
Demo data param., wavef. 0s
DSC error param. 0s
High BIS impedance alarm 0s
Identical BIS modules alarm 0s
Incompatible device: alarm 0s
BIS module
Incompatible sensor param., wavef. 0s
Module error param., wavef. 0s
No BIS sensor alarm 60 s
No sensor param., wavef. 0s
Poor signal param., wavef. 30 s
Replace sensor param. 0s
Sensor check failed param., wavef. 0s
Testing DSC param., wavef. 0s

96/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm priorities and escalation times

Alarm priorities and escalation times for TC

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
Calibrating param. 0s
Calibration error param. 0s
Connecting param. 0s
Ext device error param. 0s
No ext device param. 0s
Not calibrated param. 0s
Ready param. 0s
TC measurement re- alarm 0 s if no patient 0 s if active pa-
moved case/ no admit- tient case/ ad-
ted patient mitted patient
TC pCO2 high / TC alarm 0 s, according to TcCO2 alarm priority setting: high,
pCO2 low medium, low
TC pO2 high / TC pO2 alarm 0 s, according to TcO2 alarm priority setting: high, me-
low dium, low
TC timer expired alarm 0s
TC Tsensor high alarm 0s
Tsensor high param. 0s

Alarm priorities and escalation times for trends, snapshots,

and laboratory data
The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
End of 20 min trend alarm 0s
End of High Resolution
Lab data available alarm 0s
Lab data interface alarm 0s

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Alarm priorities and escalation times Supplemental Information Manual


info low medium high
Mark xxx where xxx alarm 0s
= snapshot sequence
Snapshot created alarm 0s
Snapshot memory alarm 0s
full. Oldest snapshot
ST snapshot created alarm 0s
ST snapshot memory alarm 0s
full. Oldest ST snap-
shot erased.
Sweep Speed Changed wavef. 0s
Waveform available wavef. 0s
only for 2min and 4min
time scales

Alarm priorities and escalation times for various situations

The following table shows the messages with their priorities and escalation times. In the table, the message location
is indicated by the following: alarm = alarm area; param. = parameter window; wavef. = waveform area; and modules
connected using the Unity Network Interface Device are referred to as UNID. In the following table, 0 s = no intended
delay. For more information on alarm messages, refer to the user information provided.


info low medium high
CS Gateway com- alarm 0s
munication failure
Alarm setup alarm 0s
changed remotely
Alarm volume alarm 0s
Alarms acknowl- alarm 0s
edged remotely
Alarms audio alarm 0s
paused from tele-
All monitors dis- alarm 0s
Analog output alarm 0s
Application error: alarm 0s
Application error: MUSE 12SL alarm 0s

98/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm priorities and escalation times


info low medium high
Application error: alarm 0s
Barcode scanned alarm 0s
Barcode too long alarm 0s
<Bed> Monitor alarm 0s
Call service: Check alarm 0s
wired MC/IX certif-
Call Service: alarm 0s
Text(s) missing
Call service: Wired alarm 0s
MC/IX certificate
Case ended alarm 0s
Case started alarm 0s
Check device alarm 0s
Check EEG refer- alarm 0s
ential montage
Check CS ONE alarm 0s
Check PDM bat- alarm 0s
Configuration alarm 0s
Configuration alarm 0s
changes. Restart
Configuration er- alarm 0s
Connecting Meas- alarm 0s
Connecting tele- alarm 0s
metry transmitter
Countdown timer alarm 0s
CS ONE battery alarm 0s
CS ONE battery alarm 0s
temp high
CS ONE charging alarm 0s
is denied

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Alarm priorities and escalation times Supplemental Information Manual


info low medium high
CS ONE removed alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
tient case/ no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
CS ONE Faulty De- alarm 0s
vice Connected
CS ONE faulty de- alarm 0s
vice in port #X
where X is the
eter port number
CS ONE not au- alarm 0s
thenticated: Call
CS ONE unknown alarm 0s
device in port #X
where X is the
eter port number
DEMO MODE Not Not for patient alarm 0s
for clinical use! monitoring use!
ECG Analog out- alarm 0s
put malfunction
E-musb disabled. alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
Connect parame- tient case/ no patient case/
ters to CS ONE. admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
E-musb faulty de- alarm 0s
vice in port X
where X = E-musb
port A or B
E-musb module alarm 0s
E-musb unknown alarm 0s
device in port X
where X = E-musb
port A or B
Entering standby alarm 0s
External alarm alarm 0s
light disconnect.
Check USB con-
External display alarm 0s
cable disconnect.
Check display ca-

100/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Alarm priorities and escalation times


info low medium high
F2 frame not au- alarm 0s
thenticated: Call
Identical E-musb alarm 0s
Identical frame alarm 0s
Identical IP ad- alarm max. 40 s
dress noticed
Identical unit & alarm max. 40 s
bed name noticed
Incompatible alarm 0s
Incompatible Re- alarm 0s
Incorrect barcode alarm 0s
Invalid barcode alarm 0s
IP Analog output alarm 0s
License(s) expired alarm 0s
Loading failed alarm 0s
Loading from PDM alarm 0s
Loading from CS alarm 0s
Module voltage alarm 0s
Monitor restarted. alarm 0 s if active
Check patient. patient case/
admitted pa-
Multiple Remote alarm 0s
Alarm Devices
Network down alarm 0s
No license for F2 alarm 0s
No license for alarm 0s
F5/F7 frame
No patients found alarm 0s
No printer select- alarm 0s
Patient admitted alarm 0s

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Alarm priorities and escalation times Supplemental Information Manual


info low medium high
Patient dis- alarm 0s
PDM battery low alarm 0s
PDM battery temp alarm 0s
PDM charging is alarm 0s
PDM module re- alarm 0 s if no pa- 0 s if active
moved tient case/ no patient case/
admitted pa- admitted pa-
tient tient
Power manage- alarm 0s
ment failure
Printer error alarm 0s
Printing Alarm alarm 0s
Printing ready alarm 0s
Printing... alarm 0s
Reconnect CS ONE alarm 0s
Reconnect PDM alarm 0s
Recorder cover alarm <5s
Recorder input Local recorder alarm <5s
voltage high / Re-
corder input volt-
age low
Recorder out of Local recorder alarm <5s
Recorder system Local recorder alarm <5s
Recorder thermal Local recorder alarm <5s
array overheat
Remote Alarm De- alarm 0s
vice disconnected
Remote Alarm De- alarm 0s
vice service life
Saving Printer alarm 0s
Service CS ONE alarm 0s
ECG Analog Out
Service CS ONE IP alarm 0s
Analog Out
Service CS ONE alarm 0s
Calibrate NIBP

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info low medium high
CS ONE Configure alarm 0s
Power Frequency
Service CS ONE — alarm 0s
and specific error
Service CS ONE alarm 0s
faulty port #X
where X is the
eter port number
Service E-musb alarm 0s
faulty port X
where X = E-musb
port A or B
Service Monitor - alarm ≤30 s
and specific error
Service Monitor alarm 0s
Activation Failed
Service Remote alarm 0s
Alarm Device
Service the PDM alarm 0s
Calibrate ECG An-
alog Out
Service the PDM alarm 0s
Calibrate IP Ana-
log Out
Service the PDM alarm 0s
Calibrate NIBP
Service the PDM alarm 0s
Configure Power
Service the PDM alarm 0s
Install License
Service the PDM alarm 0s
and specific error
Setting activation alarm 0s
after next case
Setting activation alarm 0s
after next dis-
Software activa- alarm 0s
tion after next
case end

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Alarm priorities and escalation times Supplemental Information Manual


info low medium high
Software activa- alarm 0s
tion after next dis-
Speaker failure - alarm 0s
and specific error
SW download alarm 0s
failed on CS ONE
port #X
where X = CS ONE
USB port
SW update in alarm 0s
progress on CS
ONE port #X
where X = CS ONE
USB port
Unable to read li- alarm 0s

104/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Parameter specifications

Parameter specifications
INACCURATE RESULTS. Do not use or store the equipment outside the specified temperature,
humidity, or altitude ranges, or outside the specified performance range. Using or storing the
equipment outside the specified operating environment or outside the specified performance
range may cause inaccurate results.

About parameters
Some parameters are only available with certain products and licenses in use. Refer to the Licensed
software options section for a list of available licenses. For information on the feature availability with
the Canvas 1000 and the Canvas Smart, see the user manual.

ECG standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with IEC 60601-2-25:2011–10, IEC 60601–
2–27:2011–03 and AAMI EC57:2012.
Compatible module and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as TYPE CF DEFIBRILLATION-
PROOF per IEC 60601–2–27 Clause 201.6.2 and Clause
When used to generate diagnostic ECG analysis reports, the system complies with IEC 60601–2–
Moderate and Maximum reduced bandwidths do not comply with all requirements of the
IEC 60601-2-27 standard.

ECG performance specifications

For more information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
QT/QTc measurement is not available with combination monitoring.

ECG heart rate range 20 to 300 bpm

Values in the range of 301 to 360 bpm are displayed as 300
ECG heart rate accuracy ±1% or ±1 bpm, whichever is greater.
ECG heart rate resolution 1 bpm
ECG heart rate sensitivity > 0.5 mV peak
ECG heart rate response time A new heart rate is indicated for a step increase of 80 to 120 bpm and a
step decrease of 80 to 40 bpm in < 10 s

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Parameter specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Heart rate accuracy and response to irregu- PDM: Heart rate calculation operates with irregular rhythms of IEC
lar rhythm 60601-2-27 Clause b) 4), according to Figure 201.101,
as follows:
Ventricular bigeminy: 80 bpm
Slow alternating ventricular bigeminy: 59 bpm
Rapid alternating ventricular bigeminy: 126 bpm
Bidirectional systoles: 110 bpm
ECG heart rate averaging computation Average of 12 second median values
ECG heart rate display update interval < 2 seconds
ECG QRS detection range ±0.5 to ±5 mV
ECG QRS detection width (Q to S) 40 to 120 ms
PVC rate range 0 to 300 PVCs per minute
PVC rate resolution 1 PVC per minute
ST numeric range -20.0 to +20.0 mm
ST numeric resolution 0.1 mm
ST numeric accuracy Per EC57 (ESC database):
• ST Mean Absolute Difference < 100 µV
• ST Mean Difference (Mean error) < 50 µV
• Correlation coefficient > 0.90
• ST tolerance ± 0.4 mm or 20%, whichever is greater
QRS numeric accuracy Per EC57 (AHA and MIT-BIH databases):
• QRS sensitivity >97.5%
• QRS positive predictivity: >97.5%
VEB numeric accuracy Per EC57 (AHA and MIT-BIH databases):
• VEB sensitivity >90%
• VEB positive predictivity: >90%
VF numeric accuracy Per EC57 (AHA and MIT-BIH databases):
• VF episode sensitivity >95%
• VF episode positive predictivity: >95%
QT numeric range 100 to 900 ms
QT numeric accuracy ±30 ms in the range 250 ms to 750 ms, HR < 120/min, unspecified
outside this range
QT numeric resolution 1 ms
QTc numeric range 100 to 900 ms
QTc numeric resolution 1 ms
ECG gain selections 0.5x = 5 mm/mV
1x = 10 mm/mV
2x = 20 mm/mV
4x = 40 mm/mV

106/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter specifications

ECG display bandwidth • Diagnostic: 0.05 to 150 Hz

Diagnostic and Monitoring (at 60 Hz pow- • Monitoring:
erline frequency) bandwidths tested from • 50 Hz powerline frequency: 0.05 to 32 Hz
0.67 to 40 Hz as per IEC 60601-2-27 Clause With Monitoring (at 60 Hz • 60 Hz powerline frequency: 0.05 to 40 Hz
powerline frequency) bandwidth recorder • Moderate: 0.05 to 23 Hz
tested for clause a) Frequency response • Maximum: 4.5 to 27 Hz
method A
Moderate, Maximum and Monitoring (at 50
Hz powerline frequency) bandwidths not
tested from 0.67 to 40 Hz as per IEC
60601-2-27 Clause
ECG diagnostic (12SL) analysis signal band- Baseline stabilization off: 0.05 to 150 Hz
width Baseline stabilization on: 0.56 to 150 Hz
Only bandwidth 0.05 Hz to 150 Hz test-
ed according to IEC 60601-2-25 Clause
ECG differential offset voltage (allowable off- ±0.4V
ECG input impedance • PDM only: Common mode: > 10 MΩ at 50/60 Hz
• Differential: > 2.5 MΩ from dc to 60 Hz
ECG system noise < 30 µV (referred to input)
ECG common mode rejection ratio 90 dB minimum at 50/60 Hz
Maximum tall T-wave rejection capability < 4.5 mV
(with a 1 mV QRS test signal)
ECG sweep speed options 6.25, 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
ECG leads available I, II, III, V1 to V6, aVR, aVL, and aVF
ECG leadsets supported P 3-, 5-, 6-, or 10-leadwire ECG
Pacemaker pulse display capability PDM:
• Pulse width:
• 0.5 to 2 ms
• Voltage range:
• Sensitive mode: ±2 to ±700 mV
• Normal mode: Leads L and F minimum 2.3 mV, leads V/V1 and V5
minimum 3.5 mV
• Pulse width:
• 0.1 ms to 2 ms
• Voltage range:
• Sensitive mode ±1.2 mV to ±700 mV
• Normal mode: ±2.0 mV to ±700 mV

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Parameter specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Pacemaker pulse rejection capability Voltage range:

• ±2 to ±700 mV
Pulse width:
• 0.1 to 2 ms
Overshoot according to Method A (IEC 60601-2-27 Clause with amplitude max 2 mV
Time constant:
• 4 ms to 8 ms
According to IEC 60601-2-27 Clause an at-
rial pace pulse with identical amplitude and duration pre-
cedes ventricular pace pulse by 150 ms to 250 ms.
ECG leads disconnection (direct current for • Active patient electrode: < 30 nA
leads-off) detection • Reference electrode: < 270 nA
Defibrillation protection 5000 V, 360 J
ECG analog signal output (gain) 1 V/1 mV ±10%
ECG analog signal bandwidth PDM: 0.05 to 100 Hz
CS ONE: 0.05 to 25, 40, or 150 Hz
ECG analog output delay < 35 ms
Pacemaker marker 5 V ±10%, 2 ms ±5% pulse that is summed with the ECG analog output
Sync signal 5 V (±0.1 V), 2 ms (±0.1 ms) pulse that is summed with the ECG analog
Defibrillator sync delay < 35 ms

Impedance respiration performance specifications

For more information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
Compatible module and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as a DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE CF per IEC
60601–2–27 Clause 201.6.2 and Clause

Impedance respiration measurement range 2 to 200 breaths per minute or 3 to 200 breaths per minute (depending
on the apnea alarm delay selection)
Impedance respiration measurement accu- • 2 to 120 breaths per minute: ±1 breath per minute
racy • 121 to 200 breaths per minute: ±3 breaths per minute
Impedance respiration input impedance PDM:
range • Dynamic: 0.2 to 10 Ω
• Static: 100 to 1500 Ω @ 52.7 kHz
• Dynamic: 0.4 to 10 Ω
• Static: 100 to 1500 Ω @ 52.3 kHz
Impedance respiration waveform sweep 0.625, 6.25 mm/s, 12.5 mm/s, 25 mm/s and 50 mm/s
speed options
Impedance respiration normalized respira- PDM: 140 µA AC RMS typical
tion sensing current CS ONE: <100 µA RMS

108/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter specifications

Impedance respiration carrier frequency PDM: 52.7 kHz typical

CS ONE: 52.3 kHz ±5

SpO2 standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with ISO 80601-2-61:2017-12 and
Corrected version 2018-02.
PDM and specified accessories: SpO2 applied parts are classified as TYPE CF DEFIBRILLATION-PROOF
per IEC 60601–1, Clause 6.
E-NSATX and E-MASIMO and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as a TYPE BF per IEC
60601–1, Clause 6.

SpO2 displayed saturation values

Masimo SET and Nellcor OxiMax pulse oximetry are calibrated to display functional saturation. For
all information regarding SpO2 measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE
You can verify the functionality of pulse oximeter sensor and monitor with a functional SpO2
tester but you cannot evaluate their accuracy with such a device. For more information, refer
to the standard ISO 80601-2-61 Annex FF (Simulators, calibrators and functional testers for
pulse oximeter equipment).
This information may be useful to clinicians such as those performing photodynamic therapy:
• Nellcor OxiMax pulse oximetry sensors contain LEDs that emit red light at a wavelength of
approximately 660 nm and infrared light at a wavelength of approximately 900 nm. The total optical
output power of the sensor LEDs is less than 15 mW.
• Masimo SET pulse oximetry sensors contain LEDs that emit red light at a wavelength of
approximately 653 nm to 660 nm and infrared light at a wavelength of approximately 880 nm
to 905 nm. The total optical output power of the LEDs is less than or equal to 15 mW.

SpO₂ summary of clinical studies used to establish accuracy

Accuracy of Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax sensors
Measurement modules using Nellcor Oximax Technology with Oximax sensors have been validated
for no motion accuracy in controlled hypoxia studies with healthy non-smoking adult volunteers over
the specified saturation SpO2 range(s). Pulse oximeter SpO2 readings were compared to SaO2 values
of drawn blood samples measured by hemoximetry. Subjects used to validate SpO2 measurement
accuracies were healthy and recruited from the local population. Subjects comprised both adult men
and women and spanned a range of skin pigmentations. Because scatter and bias of pulse oximeter
SpO2 and blood SaO2 comparisons commonly increase as the saturation decreases, and accuracy
specifications are calculated from data spanning the stated range, different accuracy values may
result when describing partially overlapping ranges. When sensors are used on neonatal subjects as

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Parameter specifications Supplemental Information Manual

recommended, the specified accuracy range is increased by ± 1 digit, as compared to adult usage, to
account for the theoretical effect on oximeter measurements of fetal hemoglobin in neonatal blood.
For more detailed information, refer to the supplemental analysis graphs in the appendix (Bland and
Altman. Agreement between methods of measurement with multiple observations per individual.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics (2007) vol. 17 pp. 571-582).

Accuracy of SpO2 with the MAX-N sensor

Clinical functionality has been demonstrated on a population of hospitalized neonate patients. The
observed SpO2 accuracy was 2.5% in a study of 42 patients with ages of 1 to 23 days, weight from 750
to 4100 grams, and 63 observations made spanning a range of 85 to 99% SaO2.

Accuracy of SpO2 with Softcare SC-PR and SC-NEO sensors

Clinical functionality has been demonstrated on a population of hospitalized neonate and infant
patients. The observed SpO2 accuracy was 3.0% in a study of 57 patients with ages of 24 to 40 weeks,
weight from 710 to 5,000 grams, and 185 observations made spanning a range of 63 to 100% SaO2.

Accuracy of Masimo SET technology with Masimo SET sensors

The Masimo SET Technology with Masimo sensors has been validated for no motion accuracy in
human blood studies on healthy adult male and female volunteers with light to dark skin pigmentation
in induced hypoxia studies in the range of 70-100% SpO2 against a laboratory co-oximeter and
ECG monitor. This variation equals ±1 standard deviation. Plus or minus one standard deviation
encompasses 68% of the population.
For detailed information, refer to the supplemental analysis graphs in sensor-specific instructions for
use provided by the sensor manufacturer.

SpO2 test methods used to establish accuracy claims during

The Masimo SET Technology with Masimo sensors has been validated for motion accuracy in human
blood studies on healthy adult male and female volunteers with light to dark skin pigmentation in
induced hypoxia studies while performing rubbing and tapping motions, at 2 to 4 Hz at an amplitude of
1 to 2 cm and non-repetitive motion between 1 to 5 Hz at an amplitude of 2 to 3 cm in the range of 70%
to 100% SpO2 against a laboratory CO-oximeter and ECG monitor. This variation equals ±1 standard
deviation, which encompasses 68% of the population.
Accuracy during motion has not been specified for Masimo SET sensors TC-I, TF-I, DBI, Blue,
and E-1.

110/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter specifications

SpO₂ test methods used to establish accuracy claims during

low perfusion
Low perfusion accuracy of Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax
Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax sensors have been validated for SpO2 low perfusion accuracy
in bench top testing using Nellcor's PS II simulator with signal strength setting of 0.03% modulation
and oxygen saturation levels of 70 to 100% at a pulse rate of 90 BPM. Nellcor Oximax Technology with
Oximax sensors have been validated for low perfusion pulse rate accuracy in bench top testing using
Nellcor's PS II simulator at a simulated low perfusion level of 0.10% modulation in the pulse rate range of
40 to 250 beats per minutes (BPM) at a SpO2 of 95%.

Low perfusion accuracy of Masimo SET technology

The Masimo SET technology has been validated for low perfusion accuracy in bench top testing against
Biotek Index 2TM simulator and Masimo's simulator with signal strengths of greater than 0.02% and
transmission of greater than 5% for saturations ranging from 70 to 100%. This variation equals ±1
standard deviation. Plus or minus one standard deviation encompasses 68% of the population.

SpO₂ test methods used to establish pulse rate accuracy

Pulse rate accuracy of Nellcor Oximax technology with Oximax sensors
Accuracy specifications were validated using measurements of healthy non-smoking adult volunteers
during controlled hypoxia studies spanning the specified saturation ranges. Subjects were recruited
from the local population and comprised both men and women ranging in age from 18-50 years old, and
spanned a range of skin pigmentations. Pulse oximeter SpO2 readings were compared to SaO2 values of
drawn blood samples measured by hemoximetry. All accuracies are expressed as ±1 SD. Because pulse
oximeter equipment measurements are statistically distributed, about two-thirds of the measurements
can be expected to fall in this accuracy (ARMS) range.
Adult specifications are shown for OxiMax MAXA and MAXN sensors with the pulse oximeter.
Neonate specifications are shown for OxiMax MAXN sensors with the pulse oximeter.
Clinical functionality has been demonstrated on a population of hospitalized neonate patients. The
observed SpO2 accuracy was 2.5% in a study of 42 patients with ages of 1 to 23 days, weight from 750
to 4,100 grams, and 61 observations made spanning a range of 77% to 98% SaO2.
Specification applies to monitoring cable performance. Reading accuracy in the presence of low
perfusion (detected IR pulse modulation amplitude 0.03% - 1.5%) was validated using signals supplied
by a patient simulator. SpO2 and pulse rate values were varied across the monitoring range over a
range of weak signal conditions and compared to the known true saturation and pulse rate of the input
Nellcor™ sensors motion performance was validated during a controlled hypoxia blood study over an
SaO2 span of 70% to 98.9% and a convenience-sample heart range of 41-105 bpm. Subjects performed
rubbing and tapping movements 1-2 cm in amplitude with aperiodic intervals (randomly changing)
with a random variation in frequency between 1-4 Hz. The average percent range was validated using

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Parameter specifications Supplemental Information Manual

synthetic signals from a patient simulator that comprised representative cardiac and signal artifact
components. Applicability: OxiMax MAXA, MAXAL, MAXP, MAXI, and MAXN sensors.

Pulse rate accuracy of Masimo SET technology with Masimo sensors

Masimo SET Technology with Masimo sensors has been validated for pulse rate accuracy for the range of
25-240 bpm in bench top testing against a Biotek Index 2 simulator. The variation equals plus or minus
one standard deviation, which encompasses 68% of the population.

SpO2 performance specifications

For all information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
Technical specifications given for E-MASIMO are based on Masimo Corporation owned Masimo SET tech-
nology and sensors. For more detailed information, refer to the sensor instructions for use.
Accuracy during motion has not been specified for Masimo SET sensors TF-I, TC-I, E-1, DBI, and Blue.
Technical specifications given for E-NSATX are based on Covidien llc owned technology and sensors. For
more detailed information, refer to the sensor instructions for use.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

Pulse oximetry saturation measurement val- PDM: 1 to 100%

ue and display range E-NSATX : 1 to 100%
E-MASIMO: 1 to 100%
Pulse oximetry saturation measurement val- The specified accuracy for each module is the root-mean-square (RMS)
ue accuracy (PDM) difference between the measured values and the reference values. Be-
cause pulse oximetry equipment measurements are statistically distrib-
uted, only about two-thirds of the pulse oximetry equipment measure-
ments can be expected to fall within the ±1 Arms of the value measured
by a CO-oximeter. Actual accuracy depends on sensor. Please refer to
the sensor instructions for use for more detailed information.
PDM (Nellcor):
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 Adult, ±2 Neonate
• SpO2 (60 to 80%, with LoSatTM sensors): ±3 Adult, ±3 Neonate
• SpO2 (<60%): Unspecified
• Low perfusion:
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 Adult, ±2 Neonate
• SpO2 (< 70%): Unspecified

112/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter specifications

PDM (Masimo):
• Without motion:
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 Adult, ±3 Neonate
• SpO2 (< 70%): Unspecified
• With motion:
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±3 Adult, ±3 Neonate
• SpO2 (< 70%): Unspecified
• Low perfusion:
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 Adult, ±3 Neonate
• SpO2 (< 70%): Unspecified
Pulse oximetry saturation measurement val- The specified accuracy for each module is the root-mean-square (RMS)
ue accuracy (E-modules) difference between the measured values and the reference values. Be-
cause pulse oximetry equipment measurements are statistically distrib-
uted, only about two-thirds of the pulse oximetry equipment measure-
ments can be expected to fall within the ±1 Arms of the value measured
by a CO-oximeter. Actual accuracy depends on sensor. Please refer to
the sensor instructions for use for more detailed information.
• Without motion and low perfusion:
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2a Adult, ±3 Neonate
• SpO2 (< 70%): Unspecified
• With motion:
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±3 Adult, ±3 Neonate
• SpO2 (< 70%): Unspecified
• SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2b, c Adult, ±3d Neonate
• SpO2 (<70%): Unspecified
a M-/LNCS: E1 ± 2.5%, M-/LNCS TC-1: ±3.5%

b DS-100A, OXI-P/I, OXI-A/N, D-YS: ±3%

c D-YSE, MAXR: ±3.5%

d OXI-A/N, D-YS: ±4%

Pulse oximetry saturation display resolution 1 digit (% of SpO2)

Pulse oximetry declared pulse rate range PDM (Masimo) and E-MASIMO: 25 to 240 bpm
PDM (Nellcor) and E-NSATX: 20 to 250 bpm
Pulse oximetry displayed pulse rate range PDM (Masimo) and E-MASIMO: 25 to 240 bpm
PDM (Nellcor): 20 to 250 bpm
E-NSATX: 20 to 300 bpm

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Pulse oximetry peripheral pulse rate accura- The specified accuracy for each module is the root-mean-square (RMS)
cy difference between the measured values and the reference values. Ac-
tual accuracy depends on sensor. Please refer to the sensor instructions
for use for more detailed information.
PDM (Masimo), E-MASIMO:
• Without motion: ±3 bpm Adult, ±3 bpm Neonate
• With motion: ±5 bpm Adult, ±5 bpm Neonate
• Low perfusion: ±3 bpm Adult, ±3 bpm Neonate
PDM (Nellcor):
• ±3 bpm Adult, ±3 bpm Neonate
• Low perfusion: ±3 bpm Adult, ±3 bpm Neonate
• Normal perfusion: ±3 bpm (20 to 250 bpm)
• Low perfusion: ±3 bpm (20 to 250 bpm)
• Unspecified (251 to 300 bpm)
Pulse oximetry peripheral pulse rate display 1 bpm
Pulse oximetry perfusion range PDM (Masimo) and E-MASIMO: 0.02 to 20%
PDM (Nellcor) and E-NSATX: 0.03 to 20%
Perfusion index measurement range (Masi- 0.02 to 20%
mo rainbow SET only)
Pleth variability index measurement range 0 to 100%
(Masimo rainbow SET only)
Pulse oximetry data update period < 30 s
Pulse oximetry saturation and pulse rate The PDM (Masimo) and E-MASIMO measurement modules provide aver-
averaging time aging time options of 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 seconds. When using
the default averaging time the overall alarm generation delay of SpO2
is typically less than 28 seconds from the actual SpO2 value in the
patient. This delay is due to the SpO2 averaging, signal processing and
data transmission delays. The delay consists of the alarm condition and
alarm generation delay, being typically <10 seconds and <18 seconds,
respectively. For pulse rate the alarm generation delay is typically less
than 11 seconds, in which the alarm signal delay is less than a second.
The SpO2 and Pulse Rate data is updated every second.

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The Nellcor OXIMAX algorithm used in the PDM (Nellcor) and E-NSATX
measurement modules automatically extends the amount of data re-
quired for measuring SpO2 and pulse rate depending on the measure-
ment conditions. There are various matrices within the saturation pulse
rate detection algorithm. Some of these are used to assess the severity
of conditions presented to the measuring of SpO2 and pulse rate on
a patient. These individual matrices or combinations of these matrices
are used to determine the quality of the received SpO2 signal. The
advanced signal processing in the algorithms automatically extends the
amount of data required for measuring SpO2 and pulse rate depending
on the measuring conditions. During normal measurement conditions,
the averaging time is approximately three seconds. The overall alarm
generation delay of SpO2 is typically less than 28 seconds from the
actual SpO2 value in the patient. This delay is due to the SpO2 averaging,
signal processing and data transmission delays. The delay consists of
the alarm condition and alarm generation delay, being typically <10 sec-
onds and <18 seconds, respectively. For pulse rate the alarm generation
delay is typically less than 11 seconds, in which the alarm signal delay
is less than a second. The SpO2 and Pulse Rate data is updated every
Pulse oximetry sweep speed options 6.25, 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
Signal strength indication Signal strength is indicated through the display of asterisks (No asterisk,
*, **, or ***). All waveforms are normalized to fit the allocated display
Pulse oximetry waveform size options 1x, 2x, 4x, and 8x
Wavelength of SpO2 probe LEDs Information on the peak wavelengths and maximum output power can
be especially useful to clinicians performing photodynamic therapy.
PDM (Masimo), E-MASIMO:
• Infrared LED: 880 to 905 nm
• Red: 653 to 660 nm
PDM (Nellcor), E-NSATX:
• Infrared LED: 900 nm
• Red: 660 nm
Maximum energy of SpO2 probe LEDs Information on the peak wavelengths and maximum output power can
be especially useful to clinicians performing photodynamic therapy.
E-NSATX: < 15 mW
E-MASIMO: < 15 mW (@ 50 mA pulse)
PDM (Masimo) and PDM (Nellcor): < 15 mW

SpHb performance specifications

For SpHb measurement accuracy and other more detailed information, refer to the sensor instructions for use.

SpHb measurement unit Unit is user-selectable:

• g/l
• g/dl
• mmol/l

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SpHb display range 0 g/l to 250 g/l

0.0 g/dl to 25.0 g/dl
0.0 mmol/l to 16.0 mmol/l
SpHb display resolution 1 g/l
0.1 g/dl
0.1 mmol/l

rSO2 performance specifications

For more information regarding this measurement, refer to the instructions for use for CARESCAPE rSO2.

Measurement unit rSO2 has no measurement unit.

Baseline unit rSO2 has no baseline unit.
rSO2 relative change from baseline unit %
rSO2 display range 15 to 95
rSO2 display resolution 1 digit
rSO2 baseline display range 15 to 95
rSO2 baseline display resolution 1 digit
rSO2 relative change from baseline display 1 digit

SPI performance specifications

SPI microtrend length is user-selectable.
Measurement method The SPI measurement is derived from the plethysmographic pulse amplitude
and interval from the finger.
Performance SPI has no measurement unit.
Measurement range: 0 to 100
Display resolution 1 digit

SPI calculations
Adaptive histogram transformation (scale of 0 to 100) from the pulse interval and plethysmogram’s
pulse amplitude (PGA) =
100 - 0.3 * Pulse interval (with normalization) - 0.7 * PGA (with normalization) = SPI
The SPI algorithm is published: Huiku M, Uutela K, van Gils M, Korhonen I, Kymäläinen M, Meriläinen P,
Paloheimo M, Rantanen M, Takala P, Viertiö-Oja H, Yli-Hankala A. Assessment of surgical stress during
general anaesthesia. (Br J Anaesth 2007; 98: 447-55).

NIBP standards compliance

INACCURATE READINGS. Effectiveness of the NIBP measurement has not been established in
pregnant (including pre-eclamptic) patients.

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When used with a compatible module, the system complies with IEC 80601-2-30:2018-03.
The measurement has been validated with patient populations requiring clinical investigations
according to ISO 81060-2:2013 apart from pregnant and pre-eclamptic women.
Compatible modules and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as TYPE BF DEFIBRILLATION-
PROOF per IEC 60601-1 Clause 6.2.

NIBP performance specifications

For more information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

NIBP measurement technique Oscillometric

NIBP measurement supported modes Manual, Auto, and Stat
NIBP measurement range • Adult: 15 to 300 mmHg (2.0 to 40.0 kPa)
• Child: 15 to 260 mmHg (2.0 to 34.7 kPa)
• Infant: 15 to 155 mmHg (2.0 to 20.7 kPa)
NIBP measurement range accuracy • ±5 mmHg (0.7 kPa) average error, 8 mmHg (1.1 kPa) standard devia-
NIBP measurement default initial inflation • Adult: 135 mmHg (18.0 kPa)
pressure • Child: 125 mmHg (16.7 kPa)
• Infant: 100 mmHg (13.3 kPa)
In the NICU software package, infant ranges are equal to
neonatal ranges.
Supported cuff sizes • Disposable: Large adult, adult, small adult, pediatric, child, and neo-
• Reusable: Adult thigh, large adult, adult, small adult, small adult/
child, child, infant, and adult forearm
Cuff pressure range 0 to 315 mmHg (0 to 42.0 kPa)
Cuff maximum inflation pressure • Adult: 290 ±6 mmHg (38.7 ±0.8 kPa)
• Child: 250 ±5 mmHg (33.3 ±0.7 kPa)
• Infant: 145 ±5 mmHg (19.3 ±0.7 kPa))
NIBP measurement available automatic cy- 1 min, 2 min, 2.5 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min,
cle times 1 h, 2 h, and 4 h

Invasive pressure standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with IEC 60601-2-34:2011-05.
Compatible modules and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as TYPE CF DEFIBRILLATION-
PROOF per IEC 60601–2–34 Clause 201.6.

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Invasive pressure performance specifications

For all information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
E-modules used for this measurement are not suitable for use with neonatal patients.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

Invasive pressure physiological range -25 to 320 mmHg (-3.3 to 42.7 kPa)
Pressure measurement range -30 to 320 mmHg (-4 to 42.7kPa)
Invasive pressure measurement accuracy ±4% or ±4 mmHg (±0.5 kPa), whichever is greater
Invasive pressure pulse rate range PDM: 30 to 300 bpm
E-modules: 30 to 250 bpm
CS ONE: 0 to 360 bpm
Invasive pressure pulse rate accuracy PDM, CS ONE: ±2% or ±2 bpm, whichever is greater
E-modules: ±5% or ±5 bpm, whichever is greater
Invasive pressure pulse rate display resolu- 1 bpm
Invasive pressure zero adjustment range ±150 mmHg (±20.0 kPa)
Invasive pressure frequency response PDM: User-selectable as DC to 12 Hz or 40 Hz (-3dB)
(waveform filter) E-modules: Upper limit user-selectable as DC to 4 Hz, 5 Hz, 6 Hz, 7 Hz, 8
Hz, 9 Hz, 11 Hz, 14 Hz, 17 Hz, or 22 Hz (-3dB)
CS ONE: 0 to 12 Hz or 0 to 40 Hz (-3dB), user-selectable
Invasive pressure waveform display scale se- 0-10 to 0-300 mmHg, with a step size of 10 mmHg (0.0-2.0, to 0.0-40.0
lections kPa, with a step size of 2.0 kPa); or automatic scale based on valid
waveform values from last 4 seconds with a lower limit of -100 mmHg
(-14 kPa) and an upper limit of 350 mmHg (48 kPa) and a step size of 10
mmHg (2.0 kPa)
Invasive pressure waveform display range -30 to 300 mmHg (-4.0 to 40.0 kPa)
Invasive pressure sweep speed options 6.25, 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
Invasive pressure transducer sensitivity 5 µV/V/mmHg
Invasive pressure analog output signal (gain) PDM: 1 V/100 mmHg ±10%
CS ONE: 1 V/100 mmHg ±3% or 2 mmHg, whichever is greater (excludes
Invasive pressure analog output delay PDM, CS ONE: < 35 ms

SPV and PPV calculations

The algorithm uses the arterial blood pressure monitoring information and looks for respiratory changes
in the signal. Respiratory information is derived from the invasive blood pressure data only, and the
values are calculated over one respiratory cycle.
The unit for SPV is mmHg and the value is calculated as follows:
SPV = SBPmax – SBPmin
where SBPmax and SBPmin represent the maximum and minimum values of a systolic blood pressure.
The unit for PPV is % and the value is calculated as follows:

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PPV = (PPmax – PPmin)/[(PPmax + PPmin)/2] * 100

where PPmax and PPmin represent the maximum and minimum pulse pressure.

Temperature standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with ISO 80601-2-56:2017-03 and
Amendment 1:2018-11.
PDM and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as a DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE CF per IEC
60601–1 Clause 6.
E-PT and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as a DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE CF per IEC
60601–1 Clause 6.

Temperature performance specifications

For all information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
E-modules are not suitable for use with neonatal patients.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

Temperature rated output range PDM, E-PT: 25 to 45°C (77 to 113°F)

CS ONE: 18 to 45°C (64°F to 113°F)
Temperature extended output range PDM: 0 to 24.9°C (32 to 76.8°F)
PT: 10 to 24.9°C (50 to 76.8°F
CS ONE: 0 to 17.9°C (32°F to 64°F)
Temperature display range PDM, CS ONE: 0 to 45.0 °C (32 to 113 °F); delta values –45 to 45 °C (–81
to 81 °F)
E-PT: 10 to 45.0 °C (50 to 113 °F); delta values –35 to 35 °C (–63.0 to 63.0

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Temperature measurement accuracy PDM with series 400 disposable probes:

• 25 to 45°C (77 to 113°F), ±0.3°C (±0.5°F), rated output range
• 0 to 24.9°C (32 to 76.8°F): ±0.3°C (±0.5°F), extended output range
PDM with series 400 reusable probes:
• 25 to 45°C (77 to 113°F), ±0.2°C (±0.4°F), rated output range
• 0 to 24.9°C (32 to 76.8°F): ±0.2°C (±0.4°F), extended output range
E-PT with series 400 disposable probes:
• 25 to 45°C (77 to 113°F), ±0.3°C (±0.5°F), rated output range
• 10 to 24.9°C (50 to 76.8°F): ±0.3°C (±0.5°F), extended output range
E-PT with series 400 reusable probes:
• 25 to 45°C (77 to 113°F), ±0.2°C (±0.4°F), rated output range
• 10 to 24.9°C (50 to 76.8°F): ±0.2°C (±0.4°F), extended output range
CS ONE system excluding temperature probes:
• 18 to 45°C (64 to 113°F): ±0.1°C (±0.2°F), rated output range
• 0 to less than 18°C (32 to 64°F): ±0.2°C (±0.4°F), extended output
CS ONE system with series 400 reusable temperature probes with
±0.1°C accuracy:
• 18 to 45°C (64 to 113°F): ±0.2°C (±0.4°F), rated output range
• 0 to less than 18°C (32 to 64°F): ±0.3°C (±0.5°F), extended output
CS ONE system with series 400 disposable temperature probes with
±0.2°C accuracy:
• 18 to 45°C (64 to 113°F): ±0.3°C (±0.5°F), rated output range
• 0 to less than 18°C (32 to 64°F): ±0.4°C (±0.7°F), extended output
Temperature measurement display resolu- ±0.1°C (±0.1°F)
Temperature measurement probe response PDM and E-PT with series 400 disposable probes: < 3 minutes
Temperature measurement units °C or °F
Temperature probe types supported Series 400
Temperature test measurement cycle PDM, CS ONE: Every minute
E-PT: At measurement startup and then every 10 minutes

C.O. standards compliance

E-modules and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as TYPE CF DEFIBRILLATION-PROOF
per IEC 60601–1 Clause 6.
PDM and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as TYPE CF DEFIBRILLATION-PROOF per IEC
60601–1 Clause 6.

Cardiac output (C.O.) performance specifications

E-modules used for this measurement are not suitable for use with neonatal patients.

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C.O. measurement technique PDM, E-COP, and E-COPSv modules: Thermodilution

C.O. blood temperature rated PDM modules: 30.0 to 42.0ºC (86.0 to 107.6ºF)
output range E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 34.0 to 42.0ºC (93.2 to 107.6ºF)
E-PiCCO modules: 34.0 to 42.0ºC (93.2 to 107.6ºF)
C.O. blood temperature extend- PDM modules:
ed output range • 17.0 to 29.9ºC (62.6 to 86.0ºF)
• 42.1 to 44.0ºC (107.7 to 111.2ºF)
E-COP and E-COPSv modules:
• 17.5 to 33.9ºC (63.5 to 93.0ºF)
• 42.1 to 43.0ºC (107.7 to 109.4ºF)
E-PiCCO modules:
• 17.0 to 33.9ºC (62.6 to 93.0ºF)
• 42.1 to 44.0ºC (107.7 to 111.2ºF)
C.O. blood temperature accura- PDM modules:
cy • 30.0 to 42.0ºC (86.0 to 107.6ºF), ±0.2ºC (±0.4ºF), rated output range
• 17.0 to 29.9 ºC (62.6 to 86.0ºF), ±0.4ºC (±0.8ºF), extended output range
• 42.1 to 44.0 ºC (107.7 to 111.2ºF), ±0.4ºC (±0.8ºF), extended output range
E-COP and E-COPSv modules:
• 34.0 to 42.0ºC (93.2 to 107.6ºF), ±0.3ºC (±0.5ºF), rated output range
• 17.5 to 33.9ºC (63.5 to 93.0ºF), ±0.4ºC (±0.8ºF), extended output range
• 42.1 to 43.0ºC (107.7 to 109.4ºF), ±0.4ºC (±0.8ºF), extended output range
E-PiCCO modules:
• 34.0 to 42.0ºC (93.2 to 107.6ºF), ±0.3ºC (±0.5ºF), rated output range
• 17 to 33.9ºC (62.6 to 93.0ºF), ± 0.4ºC (±0.8ºF), extended output range
• 42.1 to 44.0ºC (107.7 to 111.2ºF), ±0.4ºC (±0.8ºF), extended output range
C.O. blood temperature display PDM, E-COP, and E-COPSv modules: 0.1ºC (0.1ºF)
C.O. blood temperature meas- PDM, E-PICCO, E-COP, and E-COPSv modules: < 10 seconds
urement probe response time
C.O. injectate temperature PDM modules: 0 to 30ºC (32.0 to 86.0ºF)
range E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 0 to 27ºC (32.0 to 80.6ºF)
C.O. injectate temperature ac- PDM modules: ± 0.3ºC (0.5ºF)
curacy E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 0 to 27.0ºC (32 to 80.6ºF): ±0.5ºC (0.9ºF)
C.O. injectate temperature dis- PDM, E-COP, and E-COPSv modules: 0.1ºC (0.1ºF)
play resolution
C.O. measurement range PDM modules: 0.2 to 15 l/min
E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 0.5 to 20 l/min
C.O. measurement accuracy PDM modules: ±5%
C.O. measurement repeatability E-COP and E-COPSv modules: ±2% or ±0.02 l/min, whichever is greater
C.O. display resolution PDM modules: 0.1 l/min
E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 0.01 l/min < 10 l/min, 0.1 l/min ≥ 10 l/min

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Right ventricular ejection frac- E-COP and E-COPSv modules: Ejection fraction is determined using an exponential
tion measurement method technique by synchronizing sensed R-waves with points of temperature changes on
the time temperature (thermodilution curve). Once ejection fraction, cardiac output
and heart rate are known, right ventricular volumes may be calculated.
Right ventricular ejection frac- E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 1 to 85%
tion measurement range
Right ventricular ejection frac- E-COP and E-COPSv modules: ±2 % as measured by electronically generated pulsatile
tion measurement repeatability curves for range 10 to 60%
Right ventricular ejection frac- E-COP and E-COPSv modules: 1%
tion measurement resolution

CCO performance specifications

In the following specifications, CoV stands for coefficient of variation. CoV is measured using synthetic and/or database
waveforms (laboratory testing).

Cardiac output (C.O.) C.O. is the amount of blood ejected by the heart to the peripheral circulation
every minute. Continuous Cardiac Output uses the pulse contour method, and it
is calibrated by using the thermodilution technique.
Continuous cardiac output calculation also uses the CVP value, which is obtained
automatically or can be set manually. If the algorithm does not get the CVP value
automatically or manually, a default value of 5 mmHg is used.
Continuous cardiac output (CCO)
Measurement range: 0.25 l/min to 25 l/min (Pulse contour cardiac output)
Measurement accuracy: CoV ≤2%
Transpulmonary cardiac output
Measurement range: 0.25 l/min to 25 l/min (Pulse contour cardiac output)
Measurement accuracy: CoV ≤2%
Stroke volume (SV)
Measurement range: 1 ml to 250 ml
Measurement accuracy: CoV ≤2%
Cardiac index (C.I.)
Measurement range: 0.10 l/min/m2 to 15.0 l/min/m2
Continuous cardiac output index
Measurement range: 0.1 l/min/m2 to 15.0 l/min/m2 (pulse contour cardiac output index)
Stroke volume index (SVI)
Measurement range: 1 ml/m2 to 125 ml/m2
Global end-diastolic volume (GEDV)
Measurement range: 40 ml to 4800 ml
Measurement accuracy: CoV ≤3%
Global end-diastolic volume index
Measurement range: 80 ml/m2 to 2400 ml/m2
Intrathoracic blood volume (ITBV)

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Measurement range: 50 ml to 6000 ml; ITBV = 1.25xGEDV

Measurement accuracy: CoV ≤3%
Intrathoracic blood volume index
Measurement range: 100 ml/m2 to 3000 ml/m2
Stroke volume variation (SVV)
Measurement range: 0% to 50%
Pulse pressure variation (PPV)
Measurement range: 0% to 50%
Global ejection fraction (GEF)
Measurement range: 1% to 99%
Cardiac function index (CFI)
Measurement range: 1 /min to 15 /min
Index of left ventricular contractility
Measurement range: 200mmHg/s to 5000 mmHg/s
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Measurement range: 1 dyn*s*cm-5 to 30000 dyn*s*cm-5 (when CVP is available)
Systemic vascular resistance index
Measurement range: 1 dyn*s*cm-5*m2 to 30000 dyn*s*cm-5*m2
Extravascular lung water (EVLW)
Measurement range: 10 ml to 5000 ml
Measurement accuracy: CoV ≤ 6%
Extravascular lung water index (EL-
Measurement range: 0 ml/kg to 50 ml/kg
Cardiac power output (CPO)
Measurement range: 0.1 Wto 9.9 W
Cardiac power index (CPI)
Measurement range: 0.1 W/m2 to 9.9 W/m2
Pulmonary vascular permeability in-
dex (PVPI)
Measurement range: 0.1 to 9.9
Injectate temperature range: 0 °C to 30 °C (32 °F to 86 °F)
Blood temperature range: 17 °C to 44 °C (62.6 °F to 111.2 °F)

E-PiCCO calculation formulas

Indexed values are not available for patients weighing less than 15 kg (33 lb).

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For indexing volumetric parameters, the DuBois method is used for BSA calculation in patients whose
body weight ≥ 15 kg:
BSA = weight0.425 * height0.725 * 0.007184

Parameter Calculation formula

C.O. C.O.= SV * HR
C.I. C.I. = C.O. / BSA
SVR SVR = ((MAP — CVP) / CCO) * 79.92
SV SV = CCO / HR * 1000
dPmax dPmax = ∆dPmax / ∆t
GEDV GEDV = (C.O. * 1000) * [(Ti — Tm)/60]
in which:
• C.O. = Cardiac output
• Ti = Mean transit time of the cold indicator from the site of injection to the
site of detection
• Tm = Exponential downslope time of the arterial thermodilution curve
SVV SVV = (SVmax — SVmin) / SVmean
PPV PPV = (PPmax — PPmin) / PPmean
The PBSA is calculated using the patient’s height, gender, and patient type
(Adult or Pediatric).
The PBW is calculated using the patient’s height, gender, and patient type (Adult
or Pediatric).
CFI CFI = C.O. * 1000 / GEDV
CPO CPO = CCO * MAP * 0.0022

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Parameter Calculation formula

PBW (predicted body weight) PBW =

Gender Patient Type PBW formula (kg)

Male 50 + 0.91 [height (cm) - 152.4]
Female 45.5 + 0.91 [height (cm) - 152.4]
Male 39 + 0.89 [height (cm) - 152.4]
Pediatric (>152.4 cm)
Female 42.2 + 0.89 [height (cm) - 152.4]
Male, Female Pediatric (≤152.4 cm) [(height (cm))2 * 1.65] / 1000

PBSA PBSA is calculated using the BSA formula where body weight is replaced by

SvO2 and ScvO2 performance specifications

The SvO2 and ScvO2 measurements are not intended for neonatal patients.

The ScvO2 measurement is only available with E-COPSv-01 modules.
Compatible modules and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as a DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE CF per
IEC 60601–1 Clause 6.

ScvO2 and SvO2 saturation value range 1 to 98%

ScvO2 and SvO2 saturation value accuracy ±2% ScvO2 or SvO2 equals 1 standard deviation for range of 30% to 95%
SvO2 or ScvO2 and 6.7 to 16.7 g/dl Hb when using in vivo calibration
ScvO2 and SvO2 saturation value display res- 1%
Supported ScvO2 and SvO2 catheters Edward Lifesciences Corp. ScvO2 and SvO2 catheters and optical mod-

Airway gases standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with ISO 80601-2-55:2018-02.
Compatible modules and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as a TYPE BF per IEC 60601-1
Clause 6.2.

Airway gases normal conditions

CARESCAPE respiratory modules can be used with all software packages, including NICU.
E-miniC is not suitable for use with patients weighing less than 5 kg (11 lbs).
Accuracy specifications apply in normal conditions:
• Ambient temperature:
• E-miniC: normal conditions after a 30 minute warm-up period: 18 to 28ºC, within ±5ºC of

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• E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal conditions
after a 20 minute warm-up period: 18 to 28ºC, within ±5ºC of calibration
• Ambient pressure:
• E-miniC:
normal conditions after a 30 minute warm-up period: 660 to 1060 mbar, within ±67 mbar of
• E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal
conditions after a 20 minute warm-up period: 660 mbar to 1060 mbar, ±67 mbar of calibration
• Ambient humidity:
• E-miniC: normal conditions after a 30 minute warm-up period: 20 to 80% RH, within ±20% RH
of calibration
• E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal
conditions after a 20 minute warm-up period: 20 to 80% RH, non-condensing, within ±20% RH
of calibration

Airway gases performance specifications

For all information regarding this measurement with CARESCAPE ONE, refer to the CARESCAPE ONE manuals.
For more information regarding the CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream measurement, refer to its instructions for use.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

CO2 measurement range E-miniC: 0 to 20% or 0 to 150 mmHg (0 to 20 kPa)

CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 0 to 15 vol% or 0 to 113 mmHg (0 to
15 kPa)
CO2 measurement accuracy E-miniC:
• 0 to 15% vol: ±(0.2 vol% + 2% of reading)
• 15 to 20% vol: ±(0.7 vol% + 2% of reading)
CARESCAPE respiratory modules: ±(0.2 vol% + 2% of reading)
CO2 measurement display resolution 0.1% or 1 mmHg (0.1 kPa)
CO2 rise time E-miniC: < 300 ms
CARESCAPE respiratory modules:
• < 260 ms with 2 and 3 m sampling line lengths
• < 310 ms with 6 m sampling line length
CO2 drift per 6 hours of operation < 0.1 vol%
Gas cross effects to CO2 by O2, N2O, and CARESCAPE respiratory modules: < 0.2 vol%
anesthetic agents
Total system response time E-miniC: max. 2.6 s with a 3 m sampling line, including sampling delay
and rise time (max. 4.4 s with a 6 m sampling line)
CARESCAPE respiratory modules:
• < 3.4 s ( CO2, O2, N2O) with 2 and 3 m sampling line lengths
• < 5.1 s with 6 m sampling line length
CARESCAPE CO2 — Microstream with E-musb:
• < 6 s with 2 m sampling line length
• < 9 s with 4 m sampling line length

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Respiration rate range E-miniC: 4 to 80 breaths per minute

CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 4 to 100 breaths per minute
Respiration rate accuracy E-miniC:
• 4 to 20 breaths per minute: ±1 breath per minute
• 20 to 80 breaths per minute: ±5%
CARESCAPE respiratory modules:
• 4 to 20 breaths per minute: ± 1 breath per minute
• 20 to 100 breaths per minute: ± 5%
Respiration rate display resolution 1 breath per minute
Respiration rate breath detection 1 vol% change in CO2 level
Respiration rate verification method
The rated respiration rate range and the corresponding end-tidal gas reading accuracy were tested with reference
gases of known concentrations. The test gases were fed to the gas sampling system of the module through an
electrically actuated valve with very low internal volume. Depending on its actuation status, the valve directed either
room air or a test gas to the gas sampling line. The desired respiration rates were set by the electrical actuating times
of the valve.
The measurement accuracy of the end-tidal gas readings was tested using 3–meter gas sampling lines connected
to the gas sample port of the water trap. The gas sampled to the sampling line was switched from room air to
the test gases using electrically actuated valve with low internal dead space to generate step changes in the gas
concentrations. The electrical actuating signal of the valve was generated using a highly accurate signal generator to
accurately control the simulated respiration rate.
Expiration time and end-tidal readings
CARESCAPE respiratory modules: The length of expiration time has impact on the accuracy of the gas-specific end-tidal
readings. The longer the expiration time, the better the module achieves the correct end-tidal reading. With I:E 2:1, the
gas specific end-tidal values are within specifications up to respiration rate 45 1/min except with halothane (32 1/min
with halothane). With other I:E values, the end-tidal readings are within specifications.
E-miniC: The length of expiration time has impact on the accuracy of the gas-specific end-tidal readings. The longer the
expiration time, the better the module achieves the correct end-tidal reading. With I:E 2:1, the gas specific end-tidal
values are within specifications up to respiration rate 40 1/min. With other I:E values, the end-tidal readings are within
O2 measurement range CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 0 to 100 vol%
O2 measurement accuracy CARESCAPE respiratory modules: ±(1 vol% + 2% of reading)
O2 measurement display resolution CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 1%
Gas cross effects to O2 by anesthetic agents CARESCAPE respiratory modules: < 1 vol%
Gas cross effects to O2 by N2O CARESCAPE respiratory modules: < 2 vol%
O2 rise time CARESCAPE respiratory modules:
• ≤ 260 ms with 2 and 3 m sampling line lengths
• ≤ 310 ms with 6 m sampling line length
O2 drift per 6 hours of operation CARESCAPE respiratory modules: < 0.3 vol%
N2O measurement range E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
0 to 100 vol%
N2O measurement accuracy, at (0 < N2O < E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
85 vol%) ±(2 vol% + 2% of reading)

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N2O measurement display resolution E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: 1%
Modules that do not measure anesthetic agent do not dis-
play N2O, but use it internally in the module for compensa-
Gas cross effects to N2O by anesthetic E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: < 2 vol%
N2O rise time E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
• ≤ 320 ms with 2 and 3 m sampling line lengths
• ≤ 360 ms with 6 m sampling line length
N2O drift per 6 hours of operation E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: < 0.3 vol%
Anesthetic agents total system response E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
time • < 3.5 s (< 3.8 s for Halothane) with 2 and 3 m sampling line lengths
• < 5.4 s (< 6.5 s for Halothane) with 6 m sampling line length
Anesthetic agents measurement range E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
• Hal, Enf, Iso: 0 to 6 vol%
• Sev: 0 to 8 vol%
• Des: 0 to 20 vol%
Anesthetic agents measurement accuracy E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
±(0.15 vol% + 5% of reading)
Anesthetic agents display resolution E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
• Resolution is 0.01% when the AA concentration is below 1.0 vol%
• Resolution is 0.1% when the AA concentration is 1.0 vol% or greater
• AA concentration over the specified measurement range but within
the display range: 1%
• In the presence of agent mixture, values between 0 and 9%: 0.1%
• In the presence of agent mixture, values ≥ 10%: 1%
Gas cross effects to anesthetic agents by E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: < 0.15 vol%
Anesthetic agents rise time E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:
• ≤ 420 ms (< 800 ms for Halothane) with 2 and 3 m sampling line
• ≤700 ms (< 1800 ms for Halothane) with 6 m sampling line length
Hal, Enf, Iso, and Sev drift per 6 hours of E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: < 0.1 vol%
Des drift per 6 hours of operation E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: < 0.3 vol%

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Anesthetic agents identification E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE:

• The module automatically identifies the anesthetic agent present in
the sampled gas and measures the concentration of the identified
• Identification threshold is 0.15 vol%
• Identification time is < 20 s
• The module automatically identifies mixtures of two anesthetic
agents present in the sampled gas and measures the concentrations
of the two identified agents.
• Identification threshold for the second agent at 1 MAC of the first
agent: 0.2 vol% + 10% of the concentration of the first agent
• Effect of Helium (50 vol%): Decreases CO2 readings < 0.5 vol%
• Effect of Xenon (80 vol%): Decreases CO2 readings < 0.5 vol%
• Effect of Halothane (4%): Increases CO2 readings < 0.3 vol%
• Effect of Isoflurane (5%): Increases CO2 readings < 0.4 vol%
• Effect of Desflurane (15%): Increases CO2 readings < 0.8 vol%
• Effect of Sevoflurane (5%): Increases CO2 readings < 0.4 vol%
• Effect of Enflurane (5%): Increases CO2 readings < 0.4 vol%
• Effect of N2O (40%): Increases CO2 readings < 0.4 vol%
Effect of O2 (40% to 95%):
• If compensation is not activated: decreases CO2 readings < 0.3
Effects of interfering gases and vapors
• If compensation is activated: error < 0.15 vol%
• Effect of N2O (40% to 80%):
• If compensation is not activated: increases CO2 readings < 0.8
• If compensation is activated: error < 0.3 vol%
CARESCAPE respiratory modules:
• Effect of Helium (50 vol%):
• Decreases CO2 readings < 0.5 vol% at 5 vol% of CO2
• Decreases O2 readings < 2 vol% at 50 vol% of O2
• Effect of Xenon (80 vol%):
• Decreases CO2 readings < 0.5 vol% at 5 vol% of CO2
• Decreases O2 readings < 1.5 vol% at 14 vol% of O2

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Effects of non-interfering gases and vapors • A gas is considered non-interfering if its effects to the measured gas
are as follows:
• CO2: < 0.2 vol%
• O2, N2O: < 2 vol%
• Anesthetic agents: < 0.15 vol%
• The following gases are non-interfering when tested according to
ISO 80601–2–55: Freon (R134a) (for CO2, O2, and N2O), ethanol, ace-
tone, isopropanol, methane, nitrogen, water vapor, and with CARE-
SCAPE respiratory modules also carbon monoxide and nitric oxide.
CARESCAPE respiratory modules:
• The effects caused by N2O to the measurement of CO2, O2 and
anesthetic agents are automatically compensated for.
• The effects caused by anesthetic agents to the measurement of CO2
and N2O are automatically compensated for.
Barometric pressure compensation The system automatically compensates for changes in barometric pres-
sure over the atmospheric pressure range of 660 to 1060 mbar (66 to
106 kPa).
N2O compensation E-miniC: Configured from 0 to 40% or from 40 to 80%
CARESCAPE respiratory modules: The system automatically compen-
sates for N2O
O2 compensation E-miniC: Configured from 21 to 40% or 40 to 100%
CARESCAPE respiratory modules: The system automatically compen-
sates for O2.
Warm-up time E-miniC: 1 min for operation, 30 min for full specifications
E-sCO, E-sCOV, and E-sCOVX: 1 min for operation with CO2 and O2, 20
min for full specifications
E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: 1 min for
operation with CO2, O2, and N2O, 5 min for operation of anesthetic
agents, and 20 min for full specifications
Flow rate (diverting sampling) E-miniC: 150 ml/min ± 25 ml/min
CARESCAPE respiratory modules: 120 ml/min ± 20 ml/min
The electronic sampling rate of the gas sensor signals is 25 Hz, equaling a new data point on the gas waveform traces
every 40 ms.

Airway gases calculations

MAC MAC = (EtAA1 (%)/x(AA1)) + (EtAA2 (%)/x(AA2)) + where AA1= primary agent,
(EtN2O (%)/100) AA2= secondary agent, x(AA) is
Hal=0.75%, Enf=1.7%, Iso=1.15%,
Sev=2.05%, Des=6.0% and
MACage MACage (volatile agent) = [(100 x ATMP)/((5xT-85) x where ATMP = atmospheric pres-
760 mmHg)] x (EtAA (%)/AAage) sure in mmHg, T = temperature
of the patient in Celsius, AAage =
agent and age specific constant.
AAage ranges:
• Hal: 0.99 – 0.49
• Enf: 2.25 – 1.12

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MACage (N2O) = [(100 x ATMP)/((5 x 37–85) x 760 • Iso: 1.52 – 0.76

mmHg)] x (EtN2O (%)/(N2Oage x 100)) • Des: 7.93 – 3.95
• Sev: 2.71 – 1.35
N2O age is a specific constant in
the range of 1.38 – 0.62.
Shown MACage is the sum of MAC-
age of the primary agent, secon-
dary agent, and N2O.
Balance gas (EtBal) EtBal = 100 – EtCO2 – EtO2 – EtN2O – EtAA(pri) – where EtAA(pri) and EtAA(sec) are
EtAA(sec) the primary and secondary end ti-
dal values for the measured anes-
thetic agent

References for anesthetic agent MAC values:

• Mapleson W.W.: Effect of age on MAC in humans: a meta-analysis. Br. J. of Anaesthesia 1996; 76:
• Rampil I.J.; Zwass M.; Lockhart S.; Eger E.I. II; Johnson B.H.; Yasuda N.; Weiskopf R.B.: MAC of I653 in
surgical patients, Anesthesiology. Tram-Rac71 (3A):A269, September 1989
• Scheller M.S., Partridge B.L., Saidman L.J.: MAC of sevoflurane in humans and the New Zealand
white rabbit. Anesthesiology 1987; 67: A373
• ISO21647:2004 + C1:2005, Medical electrical equipment - Particular requirements for the basic
safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors.
References for MACage calculations:
• Eger, E.I. II.: Age, minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration, and minimum alveolar anesthetic
concentration-awake. Anesth. Analg. 2001; 93:947-953
• Rampil I.J.; Zwass M.; Lockhart S.; Eger E.I. II; Johnson B.H.; Yasuda N.; Weiskopf R.B.: MAC of I653 in
surgical patients, Anesthesiology. 71 (3A):A269, September 1989

Airway gases CO2 unit conversions

47 mmHg is the partial pressure of the saturated water vapor at 37 °C.
The following table lists the relationship between gas concentration and its partial pressure.

Partial pressure Gas concentration (%)

Reading in mmHg (dry gas) (ambient pressure in mmHg * gas concentration in %)/100
Reading in mmHg (water vapor satu- ((ambient pressure in mmHg – 47 mmHg) * gas concentration in %)/100
rated gas)
Reading in kPa (dry gas) (ambient pressure in mmHg * gas concentration in %)/750
Reading in kPa (water vapor saturated ((ambient pressure in mmHg – 47 mmHg) * gas concentration in %)/750

Spirometry normal conditions

CARESCAPE respiratory modules can be used with all software packages, including NICU.

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E-miniC is not suitable for use with patients weighing less than 5 kg (11 lbs).
Accuracy specifications apply in normal conditions:
• Ambient temperature:
• E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal conditions after a 10 minute
warm-up period: 10 to 40ºC
• Ambient pressure:
• E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal conditions after a 10 minute
warm-up period: 660 mbar to 1060 mbar
• Ambient humidity:
• E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal conditions after a 10 minute
warm-up period): 10 to 98% RH, non-condensing
• Airway humidity:
• E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE: normal conditions after a 10 minute
warm-up period): 10 to 100% RH

Spirometry performance specifications

Only E-sCOV, E-sCOVX, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOVX, and E-sCAiOVE measure spirometry.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

Respiration rate • Adult: 4 to 35 breaths per minute

• Pediatric: 4 to 70 breaths per minute
I:E ratio 1:4.5 to 2.1
I:E ratio display resolution 0.1
Airway pressure measurement range -20 to 100 cmH2O
Airway pressure resolution 1 cmH2O, hPa, mbar (0.1 kPa)
Airway pressure time resolution 10 ms
Airway pressure accuracy ±1 cmH2O
Values calculated from the measured airway • Peak pressure (Ppeak)
pressure data • Plateau pressure (Pplat)
• Mean pressure (Pmean)
• Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEPtot, or PEEPi and PEEPe)
• Static positive end expiratory pressure (static PEEPe and static PEE-
Flow measurement range (for both direc- • Adult: -100 to +100 l/min
tions) • Pediatric:-25 to +25 l/min
Airway gas flow time resolution 10 ms
• Flow measurement has automatic compensation for airway pressure
and effects caused by variation in the concentrations of the gas
components measured by the module.
Tidal volume measurement range • Adult: 150 to 2000 ml
• Pediatric: 5 to 300 ml
Tidal volume resolution 1 ml

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Tidal volume accuracy • Adult: ±6% or 30 ml, whichever is greater

Accuracy verified at ATPD conditions • Pediatric: ±6% or 4 ml, whichever is greater
Minute volume measurement range • Adult: 2 to 20 l/min
• Pediatric: 0.1 to 5 l/min
Minute volume resolution 0.1 l/min
Compliance measurement range • Adult: 4 to 100 ml/cmH2O
• Pediatric: 1 to 100 ml/cmH2O
Compliance resolution • Adult: 1 ml/cmH2O
• Pediatric: 1 to 100 ml/cmH2O
• 1 to 9.9 ml: 0.1 ml/cmH2O
• > 10 ml: 1 ml/cmH2O
Airway resistance measurement range • Adult: 0 to 40 cmH2O/l/s
• Pediatric: 0 to 100 cmH2O/l/s
Airway resistance resolution 1 cmH2O/ l/s, hPa/l/s, mbar/l/s (0.1 kPa/l/s)

Spirometry calculations
Spirometry airway pressures calculations
PEEP, Ppeak, Pmean and Pplat are measured by a pressure transducer on a measurement board.
Atmospheric pressure is used as a reference measurement. The pressure measurement takes place
between the patient circuit and the intubation tube.
Static pressure measurement maneuvers are automatically identified based on an increased zero flow
period at the end of inspiration or expiration. Static compliance is calculated if static PEEP and static
Pplat measurement were made within a two-minute period.

Spirometry airway flow calculations

D-lite(+) and Pedi-lite(+) sensors measure kinetic pressure by a two-sided Pitot tube. Velocity is
calculated from pressure difference according to Bernoulli’s equation. Flow is then determined using
the calculated velocity.
v = √(2 * dP)/p
- from Bernoulli’s equation
where: F = flow (l/min), v = velocity (m/s), A = cross area (m2), dP = pressure difference (cmH2O), p =
density (kg/m3).
The volume information is obtained by integrating the flow signal.
A pressure transducer is used to measure the Pitot pressure. The pressure signal obtained is linearized
and corrected according to the density of the gas. Speed of flow is calculated from these pressure values
and the TV value is then integrated. The MV value is calculated and averaged using TV and respiratory
rate values.

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Spirometry compliance calculations

Compliance is calculated for each breath from the following equation:
Compl = TVexp/ (Pplat - PEEPtot)

Spirometry airway resistance calculations

Airway resistance can be derived at any moment of the breath cycle from the following equation:
P(t) =Raw dV/dt + V(t)/Compl + PEEPtot
where p(t) and V(t) are pressure and volume measured at the sensor at a certain time (t).

Gas exchange performance specifications

This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.
Only the E-sCAiOVX and E-sCOVX measure gas exchange.
The following specifications apply to all compatible modules unless otherwise indicated.

VO2 and VCO2 measurement range 20 to 999 ml/min

VO2 and VCO2 resolution 1 ml/min
VO2 and VCO2 accuracy With D-lite, D-lite+, and Pedi-lite:
• FiO2 ≤65%: ±10% or 10 ml, whichever is greater
• FiO2 <85%: ±15% or 15 ml, whichever is greater
With D-lite++:
• FiO2 ≤65%, and respiration rate ≤ 30 breaths/min: ±10% or 10 ml,
whichever is greater
• FiO2 <85%, or respiration rate >30 breaths/min: ±15% or 15 ml,
whichever is greater
VO2 and VCO2 measurement Not valid with N2O mixtures
Monitor calculates and displays energy expenditure (EE) and respiratory quotient (RQ).
EE display range 0 to 6000 kcal/d or 25121 kJ/d
RQ display range 0.6 to 1.3
RQ resolution 0.01

Gas exchange calculation formulas

Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production can be simultaneously measured by subtracting
the amount of gas that is exhaled from the amount initially inhaled. This incurs multiplying each volume
piece (dV) by the corresponding gas concentration, fO2 or fCO2:
VO2 = ∫ ƒinspO2dv – ∫ ƒexpirO2dv
VCO2 = ∫ expirƒCO2dv – ∫ inspƒCO2dv
By employing inspiratory and expiratory minute volumes, MVi and MVe, as well as the volume averaged
inspiratory (fi) and expiratory (fe) concentrations, these equations can be written:
VO2 (ml/min) = fiO2 * MVi – feO2 * MVe

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VCO2 (ml/min) = feCO2 * MVe – fiCO2 * MVi

The measurement technique incorporates Haldane transformation to ensure that the volume
measurement is less sensitive to errors. The amount of nitrogen in an inhaled sample of gas is equal to
the amount of nitrogen in an exhaled sample of gas. This can be written as fiN2 * MVi = feN2 * MVe.
Since this is the case, we can now write VO2 and VCO2 as:
VO2=(fiO2 – fHald * feO2)MVi(ml/min)
VCO2=(fHald * feCO2 – fiCO2)MVi(ml/min)
where fiO2, feO2, feCO2 and fiCO2 are the corresponding gas concentrations, MVi is the inspired minute
volume, and
fHald = (1–fiCO2– fiO2 – fiAne1 - fiAne2) /(1–feCO2– feO2– feAne1 – feAne2)
After the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production have been arrived at, the respiratory
quotient and the value for energy expenditure can be derived. The value for RQ is a straightforward
calculation, which takes into account both measured parameters, VO2 and VCO2:
Energy expenditure is not a directly measured parameter but it is calculated by using modified Weir
EEadult = (5.509*VO2)+ (1.752*VCO2)– (2.056 × Un) (kcal/day)
where Un = Urea nitrogen excretion = 13 g/day (for adults only)
EEpedi= (5.509*VO2) + (1.752*VCO2)

Entropy standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with IEC 80601-2-26:2019-05.
Compatible module and specified accessories: EEG measurement applied parts are classified as TYPE CF
DEFIBRILLATION-PROOF per IEC 60601-1 Clause 6.2.
The Entropy measurement is not indicated for pediatric patients younger than two years old.

Entropy performance specifications

This measurement is available in OR and PACU software packages only.
The Entropy measurement is not indicated for pediatric patients younger than two years old.

Entropy amplifier input dynamic range ±500 µV

Entropy amplifier input offset range ±300 mV
Entropy amplifier frequency range 0.5 to 100 Hz (minimum)
Entropy amplifier noise level < 0.5 µV RMS, <6 µV peak-to-peak
Entropy amplifier input impedance > 400 kOhm @ 10 Hz
Entropy amplifier common mode rejection > 90 dB @ 50 Hz
ratio (CMRR)
Entropy amplifier defibrillation protection 2000 V

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Entropy waveform display range 1000 μVpp

Entropy waveform display scales ±25, ±50, ±100, ±250, ±400, and ±500 µV
EEG measurement signal reproduction accu- ≤ ±20% or ±10 µV, whichever is greater
Entropy waveform display sweep speeds 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
Entropy numeric display range • RE: 0 - 100
• SE: 0 - 91
• BSR: 0 - 100%
Entropy numeric display resolution 1 digit
Entropy numeric display update interval 1s
Electrode impedance measurement range 1 to 20 kOhm
Electrode impedance measurement accura- ±1 kOhm or ±10%
Electrode impedance measurement start Manual or automatic

Entropy calculations
Entropy measurement is based on acquisition and processing of raw EEG and FEMG signals by using the
Entropy algorithm, a GE application of Spectral Entropy.
The algorithm is published: Viertiö-Oja H, Maja V, Särkelä M, Talja P, Tenkanen N, Tolvanen-Laakso H,
Paloheimo M, Vakkuri A, Yli-Hankala A, Meriläinen P. Description of the Entropy algorithm as applied in
the Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Entropy Module. (Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2004; Volume 48: Issue
2:154-161, 2004).

NMT standards compliance

When used with a compatible NMT measurement module, the system complies with IEC 60601–2–
Compatible module and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as TYPE BF or
DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE BF per IEC 60601-1 Clause 6.2. See the safety symbol on the E-NMT
module front panel.

NMT performance specifications

This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.
NMT measurement is not indicated for pediatric patients weighing less than 5 kg (11 lbs).

NMT measurement stimulation modes • Train of four (TOF)

• Double burst (3.3) (DBS)
• Single twitch (ST)
• 50 Hz tetanic

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NMT measurement intervals • TOF/DBS modes with OR or PACU software package: Manual, 10 s, 12
s, 15 s, 20 s, 1 min, 5 min, and 15 min
• TOF/DBS modes with ICU or ED software package: Manual, 20 s, 1
min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, and 120 min
• ST mode: Manual, 1 s, 10 s, and 20 s
NMT measurement stimulus pulse A square wave with constant current
NMT measurement pulse width 100, 200, or 300 µs
NMT measurement tetanic stimulation dura- 5 s
NMT measurement stimulus current range • Supramax: 1 to 70 mA
• Manual: 1 to 70 mA, in 1 mA steps
• Regional block: 0 to 5 mA, in 0.1 mA steps
NMT measurement stimulus current accura- ±20% or ±3 mA, whichever is greater, within the current range 1-70 mA
cy over the impedance range
NMT measurement range of load impedance Range of load 0.5 to 3 kOhm, max load 3 kOhm
and maximum load (The impedance over this range does not have an effect on the stimulus
NMT measurement maximum voltage 300 V peak
Regional block stimulation mode Single twitch
Regional block mode stimulation intervals 1, 2, or 3 s
Regional block mode stimulus pulse A square wave with constant current
Regional block mode pulse width 40 µs
Regional block mode stimulus current range 0 to 5.0 mA peak with 0.1 mA steps
Regional block mode stimulus current accu- 20% or ±0.3 mA, whichever is greater
Regional block mode range of load 0.5 to 3 kOhm
Regional block mode maximum voltage 300 V peak

EEG standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with IEC 80601-2-26:2019-05.
E-EEG and specified accessories: applied parts are classified as DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE CF for EEG
measurement and as DEFIBRILLATION PROOF TYPE BF for AEP stimulus output per IEC 60601-1 Clause

EEG performance specifications

This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.

EEG measurement number of channels 4

EEG measurement montage Bipolar or referential
EEG measurement gain ≥ 9500 V/V
EEG measurement waveform display resolu- 100 nV

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Parameter specifications Supplemental Information Manual

EEG measurement waveform display range ±500 µV (input dynamic range)

EEG measurement input offset ±300 mV
EEG measurement waveform display scales ±25 µV, ±50 µV, ±100 µV, ±250 µV, ±500 µV
EEG measurement signal reproduction accu- ≤ ±20% or ±10 µV, whichever is greater
EEG measurement sampling frequency 200 Hz per channel
EEG measurement frequency range 0.5 to 50 Hz (–3dB)
EEG measurement input noise level < 6 µVpp
EEG measurement mains notch filter 50/60 Hz
EEG measurement common mode rejection >90 dB @ 50 Hz
ratio (CMMR)
EEG and FEMG measurement parameters Amp, SEF, MF, Delta%, Theta%, Alpha%, Beta%, BSR (not available during
AEP measurement), in each of the four channels. FEMG in one channel.
EEG measurement spectrum display 0 to 50 Hz, in each of the four channels
EEG measurement compressed spectral ar- 0 to 50 Hz, past 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes, 15 successive spectra, in each of
ray (CSA) display the four channels
EEG measurement spatial display Amp and SEF hemispheric and anterior-posterior analysis
EEG measurement defibrillator protection 5000 V
EEG measurement electrode contact impe- Manual and automatic (intervals 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes)
dance measurement mode
AEP measurement number of channels 2
AEP measurement montage Bipolar or referential
AEP measurement amplification ≥ 9500 V/V
AEP measurement click generator 100 µs
AEP measurement click polarity Condensation
AEP measurement sweep length 100 ms (MLAEP) or 10 ms (BAEP)
AEP measurement click frequency 1.1 to 9.1 Hz (1 Hz steps) @ 10 ms sweep
1.1 to 8.1 Hz (1 Hz steps) @ 100 ms sweep
AEP measurement click intensity 10 to 90 dB nHL (normal hearing level), 10 dB steps
AEP measurement sampling frequency • MLAEP (middle-latency auditory evoked potential): 2400 Hz
• BAEP (brain stem auditory evoked potential): 4800 Hz
AEP measurement frequency range 0.5 to 1000 Hz
AEP measurement highpass frequency Off, 10, 30, 50, 75, 100, and 150 Hz
AEP measurement number of total averaged 100 to 2000
AEP measurement waveform update inter- 100 or 200 sweeps (200 when number of total averaged sweeps 2000)

BIS standards compliance

When used with a compatible module, the system complies with IEC 80601-2-26:2019-05.

138/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter specifications

Compatible module and specified accessories: EEG measurement applied parts are classified as a

BIS performance specifications

This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.

Bispectral Index (BIS) range 0 to 100

EMG range 25 to 100 dB (70 to 110 Hz)
SQI range 0 to 100%
SR range 0 to 100%
BIS index update rate 1s
EEG scales supported ±25 to ±500 µV (input dynamic range)
Frequency range 0.25 to 100 Hz
EEG measurement input offset ±300 mV
EEG measurement input noise level < 6 µV peak-to-peak
EEG measurement signal reproduction accu- ≤ ±20% or ±10 µV, whichever is greater
EEG sweep speeds supported 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
Artifact rejection Automatic
Common mode rejection 110 dB @ 50/60 Hz
Filters supported • ON: 2 to 70 Hz with notch
• OFF: 0.25 to 100 Hz
Smoothing rate 15 or 30 s
Radiated immunity level 1 V/m

BIS calculations
The BIS is computed in real time using three steps:
1. The raw EEG signal is broken down second by second, and the segments that have artifact are
identified and removed.
2. The BIS is calculated by combining EEG features associated with anesthetic effect.
3. The index is modified to reflect the amount of suppressed EEG signal in the raw waveform.

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Calculation specifications

About calculations and drug calculations

Calculations are only available with the calculations license. The spirometry or spirometry and gas
exchange license is required for oxygenation and ventilation calculations.
Drug calculations are only available with the drug calculations license.

Drug calculation specifications

Patient Weight display range 0.25 to 250 kg or 250 to 99000 g
Patient Weight display range (Resuscitation 0.25 to 10.0 kg or 250 to 10000 g
Calculated infusion time display range 0 h 1 min to 999 h 59 min
Calculated concentration display range 0.00001 to 1000000 in all units
Calculated dose display range 0.00001 to 1000000 in all units
Calculated infusion rate display range 0.00001 to 1000000 ml/h

Drug calculation formulas

The following formulas show the default unit of measure. The corresponding formulas are used for Drug Amount and
Concentration unit pairs (e.g., I.U. and I.U./ml, mEq and mEq/ml, mmol and mmol/ml).
When any of the following options are changed, the drug calculations will be automatically recalculated if the required
values are available. If the required values are not available, an option that does not have a valid value displays dashes.

Option Description Formula (for calculated or estimated values;

measured values do not have formulas)
Drug Amount If the Drug Amount is changed, the
Concentration, Infusion Rate ml/h
and Infusion Time are re-calculated.
Concentration Requires valid Solution Volume and Concentration (mg/ml) = Drug Amount (mg)/Solution
Drug Amount values. If the Concen- Volume (ml)
tration changes, Infusion Rate ml/h
and Infusion Time are re-calculated.
Dose If Dose is prescribed by Patient's Dose prescribed as amount per Patient's Weight:
Weight, valid Infusion Rate ml/h, Con- Dose (mg/kg/h) = (Infusion Rate (ml/h) * Concentration
centration and Patient's Weight val- (mg/ml))/Patient Weight (kg)
ues are required.
Dose prescribed as amount per Infusion Rate ml/h:
If Dose is prescribed by Infusion
Rate ml/h (independent of Patient's Dose (mg/h) = Infusion Rate (ml/h) * Concentration
Weight), valid Infusion Rate ml/h and (mg/ml)
Concentration values are required.
If Dose changes, Infusion Rate ml/h
and Infusion Time are re-calculated.

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Resuscitation medications calculations Supplemental Information Manual

Option Description Formula (for calculated or estimated values;

measured values do not have formulas)
Infusion Rate ml/h If Infusion Rate ml/h is prescribed by Infusion Rate ml/h prescribed by Patient's Weight:
Patient's Weight, valid Dose, Concen- Infusion Rate (ml/h) = (Dose (mg/kg/h) * Patient
tration and Patient's Weight values Weight (kg))/Concentration (mg/ml)
are required.
Infusion Rate ml/h prescribed independent of Pa-
If Infusion Rate ml/h is prescribed in- tient's Weight:
dependent of Patient's Weight, valid
Dose and Concentration values are re- Infusion Rate (ml/h) = Dose (mg/h)/Concentration
quired. (mg/ml)

If Infusion Rate ml/h changes, Dose

and Infusion Time are re-calculated.
Infusion Time Requires valid Dose, Solution Volume Infusion Time (h) = Solution Volume (ml)/Infusion Rate
and Drug Amount values. (ml/h)

Resuscitation medications calculations

Available in the NICU software package only.
Clinicians must enter the patient’s weight in order to calculate, display and print resuscitation medication data. The
following formulas are used to calculate resuscitation medication doses.

Medication Dose formula

Epinephrine ET Epinephrine ET Dose (ml) = (Patient Weight (g) * 0.1 mg/kg)/(1000 * 0.1 mg/ml)
Epinephrine IV Epinephrine IV (ml) = (Patient Weight (g) * 0.01 mg/kg)/(1000 * 0.1 mg/ml) to (Patient
Weight (g) * 0.03 mg/kg)/(1000 * 0.1 mg/ml)
Volume Expanders Volume Expander (ml) = (Patient Weight (g) * 10 ml/kg)/1000
Naloxone Hydrochloride Narcan 0.4 (ml) = (Patient Weight (g) * 0.1 mg/kg)/(1000 * 0.4 mg/ml)
Narcan 1.0 (ml) = (Patient Weight (g) * 0.1 mg/kg)/(1000 * 1.0 mg/ml)

Laboratory data calculations

Laboratory data is available for the admitted patient. Blood gases entered and saved as laboratory data are used
in oxygenation and ventilation calculations. The following formulas are used to calculate values when Temperature
Correction (Tcorr) is enabled.

Value Temperature Correction formula

pHa, pHv, pH Corrected pH value = pH value – 0.0147(Tcorr value – 37°C) + 0.0065(7.4 – pH value)(Tcorr value
– 37°C)
PaCO2, PvCO2, PCO2 Corrected PCO2 value (mmHg) = PCO2 value(mmHg) * 100.019(Tcorr value(°C) – 37°C)
PaO2, PvO2, PO2 Corrected PO2 value (mmHg) = PO2 value(mmHg) * 10A1(Tcorr value(°C) – 37°C)
A1 = (5.49 * 10-11 * PO2 value (mmHg)3.88 + 0.071)/(9.72 * 10-9 * PO2 value(mmHg)3.88 + 2.30)

142/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Hemodynamic calculation specifications

Hemodynamic calculation specifications

Hemodynamic calculations input parameter specifications
C.O. value range 0.1 to 20.0 l/min (0.1 l/min steps)
REF value range 1 to 100% (1% steps)
HR or PR value range 20 to 250 bpm (1 bpm steps)
PCWP measurement range -40 to 100 mmHg (1 mmHg steps) or -5.3 to 13.3 kPa (0.1
kPa steps)
The setting PCWP Source allows you to se-
lect whether mean or dia is used. The value
range is the same for both.
CVP measurement range -40 to 100 mmHg (1 mmHg steps) or -5.3 to 13.3 kPa (0.1
kPa steps)
PA mean measurement range -40 to 150 mmHg (1 mmHg steps) or -5.3 to 20.0 kPa (0.1
kPa steps)
Art mean measurement range -40 to 320 mmHg (1 mmHg steps) or -5.3 to 42.6 kPa (0.1
kPa steps)
BSA value range 0.01 to 4.11 m2 (0.01 steps)
PEEPtot value range 0 to 60 cmH2O (1 cmH2O steps) or 0 to 45 mmHg (1 mmHg

Hemodynamic calculations calculated parameter

C.I. value range 0 to 99 l/min/m2
SV value range 0 to 999 ml/beat
SVI value range 0 to 999 ml/m2
SVR value range 0 to 9999 dyne*s/cm5
SVRI value range 0 to 9999 dyne*m2*s/cm5
PVR value range 0 to 1500 dyne*m2*s/cm5
PVRI value range 0 to 1500 dyne*s*m2/cm5
LVSW value range 0 to 999 g*m
LVSWI value range 0 to 999 g*m/m2
RVSW value range 0 to 99 g* m
RVSWI value range 0 to 99 g*m/m2
LCW value range 0.0 to 99.9 kg*m/min
LCWI value range 0.0 to 99.9 kg*m/m2/min
RCW value range 0.00 to 9.99 kg*m/min

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Hemodynamic calculation specifications Supplemental Information Manual

RCWI value range 0.00 to 9.99 kg*m/m2/min

RVEDV value range 0 to 999 ml
RVEDVI value range 0 to 999 ml/m2
RVESV value range 0 to 999 ml
RVESVI value range 0 to 999 ml/m2

Hemodynamic calculations calculated parameter formulas

The time of C.I. is the same as the time of C.O.
Calculated values are recalculated if the unit of measure is changed.
• 79.92 is the factor for converting Wood to SI.
• 0.0136 is the factor for converting mmHg*cm3 to g*m.
If any of the required values are missing or invalid, the calculation will result in invalid data, displayed on the monitor as

Calculated parameters Label Formula

Cardiac Index C.I. C.I. = C.O./BSA
Stroke Volume SV SV = (C.O./HR) * 1000
Stroke Volume Index SVI SVI = (C.I./HR) * 1000
Systemic Vascular Resistance SVR SVR = ((Art mean – CVP mean) * 79.92)/C.O.
Systemic Vascular Resistance Index SVRI SVRI = ((Art mean – CVP mean) * 79.92)/C.I.
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance PVR PVR = ((PA mean – PCWP mean) * 79.92)/C.O.
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index PVRI PVRI = ((PA mean – PCWP mean) * 79.92)/C.I.
Left Ventricular Stroke Work LVSW LVSW = (Art mean - PCWP mean) * SV * 0.0136
Left Ventricular Stroke Work Index LVSWI LVSWI = (Art mean - PCWP mean) * SVI * 0.0136
Right Ventricular Stroke Work RVSW RVSW = (PA mean - CVP mean) * SV * 0.0136
Right Ventricular-Stroke Work Index RVSWI RVSWI = (PA mean - CVP mean) * SVI * 0.0136
Left Cardiac Work LCW LCW = Art mean * C.O. * 0.0136
Left Cardiac Work Index LCWI LCWI = Art mean * C.I. * 0.0136
Right Cardiac Work RCW RCW = PA mean * C.O. * 0.0136
Right Cardiac Work Index RCWI RCWI = PA mean * C.I. * 0.0136
Right Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume RVEDV RVEDV = (SV/REF) * 100
Right Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume RVEDVI RVEDVI = RVEDV/BSA
Right Ventricular End-Systolic Volume RVESV RVESV = RVEDV – SV
Right Ventricular End-Systolic Volume RVESVI RVESVI = RVESV/BSA

144/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Oxygenation calculation specifications

Oxygenation calculation specifications

Oxygenation calculations input parameter specifications
Input parameter Range Formula (for calculated or estimated values; measured val-
ues do not have formulas)
C.O. display range 0.1 to 20.0 l/min (0.1 /min
C.I. value range 0 to 15 l/min/m2 C.O./BSA
(C.I. values are provid- (0.1 /min steps)
ed when C.O. and BSA
values are available.)
FiO2 display range 18 to 100% (1% steps) or
0.18 to 1.00 (0.01 steps)
EtCO2 display range 0 to 200 mmHg (accuracy of
1 mmHg)
PaCO2 display range 0 to 200 mmHg (1 mmHg
(If the PaCO2 value is steps)
not obtained from lab
data, the measured Et-
CO2 value is used.)
PaO2 display range 5 to 800 mmHg (1 mmHg
steps) or 0.7 to 106.6 kPa
(0.1 kPa steps)
SaO2 display range 0 to 100% (1% steps)
(If the SaO2 value is not
obtained from lab da-
ta, the measured SpO2
value is used.)
PvO2 display range 10 to 102 mmHg (1 mmHg
SvO2 display range 15 to 100% (1% steps)
Hb display range 3.4 to 25.5 g/dl (0.1 g/dl
(The Hb molecular steps) or 34 to 255 g/l (1 g/l
weight specific conver- steps)
sion constant is used
when converting Hb
values from g/dl to
VO2 display range 50 to 1500 ml/min (1
ml/min steps)
VO2I display range 0 to 9999 ml/min/m2 VO2I = VO2/BSA
(1ml/min/m2 steps)
RQ display range 0.4 to 1.5 (0.01 steps)

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Oxygenation calculation specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Input parameter Range Formula (for calculated or estimated values; measured val-
ues do not have formulas)
ATMP display range 300 to 1200 mmHg (1
mmHg steps) or 40 to 160
kPa (0.1 kPa steps) or 400
to 1600 mbar (1 mbar
CaO2 display range 10 to 400 ml/l (1 ml/l steps) Calculated:
or 1 to 40 ml/dl (1 ml/dl CaO2 (ml/l) = (1.34 * Hb (g/l) * SaO2 (%)/100) + (PaO2 (mmHg) *
steps) 0.031)
CaO2 (ml/l) = (1.34 * Hb (g/l) * SaO2 (%))/100
CvO2 display range 10 to 400 ml/l (1 ml/l steps) Calculated:
or 1 to 40 ml/dl (1 ml/dl CvO2 (ml/l) = (1.34 * Hb (g/l) * SvO2 (%)/100) + (PvO2 (mmHg) *
steps) 0.031)
CvO2 (ml/l) = (1.34 * Hb (g/l) * SvO2 (%))/100

Oxygenation calculations calculated parameter specifications

C(a-v)O2 value range 0 to 999 ml/l
VO2calc value range 0 to 999 ml/min
VO2calcI value range 0 to 999 ml/min/m2
O2ER value range 0 to 100%
DO2 value range 0 to 9999 ml/min
DO2I value range 0 to 9999 ml/min/m2
COcalc value range 0 to 99 l/min
CIcalc value range 0 to 99 l/min/m2
PAO2 value range 0 to 999 mmHg
AaDO2 value range 0 to 999 mmHg
CcO2 value range 0 to 100%
Qs/Qt value range 0 to 100%

Oxygenation calculations calculated parameter formulas

Calculated values are recalculated if the unit of measure is changed.
• Constant 1.34 indicates the amount of O2 in ml that one g of Hb combines.
• Constant 0.031 indicates the amount of soluted O2 in ml/l for one mmHg of partial pressure.
If any of the required values are missing or invalid, the calculation will result in invalid data, displayed on the monitor as
The AaDO2 and PAO2 units of measure are determined by the PCO2, PO2 unit of measure setting. The CcO2 unit of
measure is determined by the O2 Contents unit of measure setting.

146/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Oxygenation calculation specifications

Calculated parameters Label Default unit of Formula

Arteriovenous Oxygen C(a-v)O2 ml/l Calculated:
Content Difference C(a–v)O2 (ml/l) = CaO2 (ml/l) – CvO2 (ml/l)
C(a–v)O2 (ml/l) = (SpO2 (%) – SvO2 (%)) * (1.34 * Hb
Oxygen Consumption Cal- VO2calc ml/min Calculated:
culated by Fick Equation VO2calc (ml/min) = C(a–v)O2 (ml/l) * C.O. (l/min)
VO2calc (ml/min) = (SpO2 (%) – SvO2 (%)) * (1.34 * Hb
(g/l)/100) * C.O. (l/min)
Oxygen Consumption Cal- VO2Icalc ml/min/m2 VO2Icalc = VO2calc/BSA
culated by Fick Equation
Oxygen Extraction Ratio O2ER % Calculated:
O2ER (%) = (C(a–v)O2 (ml/l)/CaO2 (ml/l)) * 100
O2ER (%) = (SaO2 (%) – SvO2 (%))/SaO2 (%) * 100
Oxygen Delivery DO2 ml/min Calculated:
DO2 (ml/min) = C.O. (l/min) * CaO2 (ml/l)
DO2 (ml/min) = C.O. (l/min) * (1.34 * Hb (g/l) * SaO2
Oxygen Delivery Index DO2I ml/min/m2 Calculated:
DO2I (ml/min/m2) = C.I. (l/min/m2) * CaO2 (ml/l)
DO2I (l/min/m2) = C.I. (l/min/m2) * (1.34 * Hb (g/l) *
SaO2 (%))/100
Cardiac Output Calculat- COcalc l/min Calculated:
ed by Fick Equation COcalc (l/min) = VO2 (ml/min)/(CaO2 (ml/l) – CvO2
COcalc (l/min) = VO2 (ml/min) * 100/((SpO2 (%) – SvO2
(%)) * 1.34 * Hb (g/l))
Cardiac Index Calculated CIcalc l/min/m2 Calculated:
by Fick Equation
CIcalc (l/min/m2) = (VO2 (ml/min)/(CaO2 (ml/l) – CvO2
(ml/l)))/BSA (m2)
CIcalc (l/min/m2) = (VO2 (ml/min) * 100)/((SpO2 (%) –
SvO2 (%)) * 1.34 * Hb (g/l))/BSA (m2)
Partial Pressure of Oxy- PAO2 mmHg PAO2 (mmHg) = (FiO2 (%)/100 * (ATMP (mmHg) –
gen in the Alveoli 47)) – PaCO2 (mmHg) * (FiO2 (%)/100 + (1 – FiO2 (%)/

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Ventilation calculation specifications Supplemental Information Manual

Calculated parameters Label Default unit of Formula

Alveolar-arterial Oxygen AaDO2 mmHg AaDO2 (mmHg) = PAO2 (mmHg) – PaO2 (mmHg)
Capillary Oxygen Content CcO2 ml/l CcO2 (ml/l) = Hb (g/l) * 1.34 + PAO2 (mmHg) * 0.031
Venous Admixture Qs/Qt % Calculated:
Qs/Qt (%) = 100 * [Hb (g/l) * 1.34 * (1 – (SaO2 (%)/100))
+ 0.031* (PAO2 (mmHg) – PaO2 (mmHg)) ]/[Hb (g/l) *
1.34 * (1 – (SvO2 (%)/100)) + 0.031 * (PAO2 (mmHg) –
PvO2 (mmHg))]

Ventilation calculation specifications

Ventilation calculation input parameter specifications
FiO2 display range 18 to 100% (1% steps) or 0.18 to 1.00 (0.01 steps)
EtCO2 display range 0 to 200 mmHg (1.0 mmHg steps)
FiCO2 display range 0 to 30 mmHg
PaCO2 display range 0 to 200 mmHg (1 mmHg steps)
PaO2 display range 5 to 800 mmHg (1 mmHg steps) or 0.7 to 106.6 kPa (0.1 kPa steps)
MVexp display range 0.5 to 20 l/min (0.1 l/min steps)
TVexp display range 15 to 2000 ml (1 ml steps)
T corr. display range 10 to 45°C (0.1°C steps) or 50.0 to 113.0°F (0.1°F steps)
RQ measurement range 0.4 to 1.5 (0.01 steps)
ATMP display range 300 to 1200 mmHg (1 mmHg steps) or 40 to 160 kPa (0.1 kPa steps) or
400 to 1600 mbar (1 mbar steps)

Ventilation calculations calculated parameter specifications

PAO2 value range 0 to 999 mmHg
AaDO2 value range 0 to 999 mmHg
Pa/FiO2 value range 0 to 999 mmHg
a/AO2 value range 0 to 100%
Vd/Vt value range 0 to 100%
Vd value range 0 to 9999 ml
VA value range 0 to 99.9 l/min

Ventilation calculations calculated parameter formulas

Calculated values are recalculated if the unit of measure is changed. If any of the required values are missing or invalid,
the calculation will result in invalid data, displayed on the monitor as dashes.

148/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Ventilation calculation specifications

Calculated parame- Label Default Formula

ters unit of
Partial pressure of PAO2 mmHg PAO2 (mmHg) = FiO2 (%)/100 * (ATMP – 47) – PaCO2 (mmHg) * (FiO2
Oxygen in the Alveoli (%)/100 + ((1 – FiO2 (%)/100)/RQ)))
Alveolar-arterial Oxy- AaDO2 mmHg AaDO2 (mmHg) = PAO2 (mmHg) – PaO2 (mmHg)
gen Difference
Arteri-Alveolar PO2 Pa/FiO2 mmHg Pa/FiO2 (mmHg) = PaO2 (mmHg)/FiO2 (%) * 100
Arterial Oxygen Lev- a/AO2 % a/AO2 (%) = PaO2 (mmHg)/PAO2 (mmHg) * 100
el/alveolar Oxygen
Dead Space Ventila- Vd/Vt % Calculated:
tion Vd/Vt (%) = (PaCO2 (mmHg) – ExpCO2wet (mmHg))/(PaCO2 (mmHg) –
FiCO2wet (mmHg)) * 100
ExpCO2wet (mmHg) = ExpCO2 (%)/100 * (ATMP (mmHg) – 47
ExpCO2 (%) = ((VCO2 (ml/min)/1000)/MVexp(STPD) (l/min)) * 100 +
FiCO2 (%)
MVexp(STPD) (l/min) = MVexp (l/min) / 1.211
FiCO2wet (mmHg) = (FiCO2 (%)/100) * (ATMP (mmHg) – 47 (mmHg))
Dead Space Vd ml Vd (ml) = (Vd/Vt (%)/100 * TVexp (ml))
Alveolar Ventilation VA l/min Calculated:
VA (l/min) = (VCO2 (ml/min)/1000)/(PaCO2 (mmHg)/(ATMP (mmHg) –
VA (l/min) = (VCO2 (ml/min)/1000)/(EtCO2 (%)/100) * 1.211

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Default settings

Understanding your monitor configuration

The monitor’s configuration is dependent on the equipment used, the software enabled, and the
settings that define how the software application behaves.

Software packages
The monitor can have up to five software packages, but only one can be enabled at a time. Software
packages pre-configure the monitor’s behavior and appearance for a specific clinical environment. There
are five software packages:
• ED: Emergency Department (also called Emergency Care)
• ICU: Intensive Care Unit (also called Critical Care)
• OR: Operating Room (also called Anesthesia Care)
• PACU: Post Anesthesia Care Unit (also called Post Anesthesia Care)
• NICU: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (also called Neonatal Care)
ICU is the factory default software package. Software packages cannot be customized, but the profile
and care unit settings for a software package can be customized.

Software features
The monitor is factory-enabled with basic software features (e.g., 24 hour trending, guarded alarm
limits). For more information on these features, refer to the user manual or contact your local GE

Licensed software options

The following table lists the software options available for purchase. These options are enabled with
licenses during installation/configuration. For more information, refer to the appropriate service manual.
Name Feature code Canvas 1000 Canvas Smart
12RL 12-lead ECG P12R Optional Optional
NICU: Not available NICU: Not available
12SL Diagnostic ECG P12D Optional Optional
12SL ECG with ACI-TIPI P12S Optional Optional
72 Hour trending TR72 Optional Optional
Anesthetic agent measurement PGAS Optional Not available
ED: Not available
Auto View On Alarm AVOA Optional Optional
Bx50 Monitor DEMO SW DEMO Standard Standard
Calculations CALC Optional Not available

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Understanding your monitor configuration Supplemental Information Manual

Name Feature code Canvas 1000 Canvas Smart

CO PCOP Standard Standard
Combo Telemetry ECG CMBO Optional Optional
NICU: Not available NICU: Not available
Drug Calculations DRUG Optional Not available
Dual Video VID2 Optional Not available
E-SpO2 Module Neonatal PSPO Standard Standard
Frame support F2 FRM2 Optional Not available
Frame support F5/F7 F5F7 Optional Not available
Full Arrhythmia PARR Optional Optional
Full PiCCO PPIC Optional Not available
High Resolution Trends TRHI Optional Optional
Histograms HIST Optional Optional
LaunchPad License AIPN Optional Not available
Multi-lead ST Analysis 12ST Optional Optional
MuseView AMSE Optional Optional
PI/PVI PPVI Optional Optional
PiCCO PPCO Optional Not available
Real-time Trends / minitrends TRMI Standard Standard
Regional Oxygen Saturation RSO2 Optional Optional
NICU: Not available NICU: Not available
SpHb SPHB Optional Optional
NICU: Not available NICU: Not available
Spirometry SPIR Optional Not available
Spirometry and Gas Exchange METB Optional Not available
Surgical Pleth Index PSPI OR: Optional Not available

Software profiles
Each software package supports up to eight active profiles. A profile is a group of unique settings
suited to a particular care unit or patient demographic within the broader software package clinical
environment (e.g., alarm limits, screen layouts, trends and snapshot settings). Profile settings can be
customized. The following table lists the factory default profiles for each software package. The default
profile is listed first.
Medical Medical Premature General General
Trauma Surgical Cardiac Perfusion Invasive
Cardiac Cardiac Full-term Invasive Regional
Neuro Neuro Infant Regional Neuro

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Supplemental Information Manual Software settings


Respiratory Trauma There are four facto- Neuro PreRegional
ry default profiles for
Adolescent Adolescent Adolescent Adolescent
NICU. The remaining
Pediatric Pediatric four profiles (Profile 5 Pediatric Pediatric
to Profile 8) can be
Infant Infant user-defined. Infant Infant

Software settings
The software in use (enabled software profile and licenses), the monitor type, and the
acquisition modules used with the monitor determine which configurable settings are
available on the monitor. Some settings may not appear on all configurations. Refer to the
Licensed software options section for a list of available licenses. For information on feature
availability with Canvas 1000 and the Canvas Smart, refer to the user manual.
If the monitor resets while monitoring a patient, care should be taken to confirm the settings are
appropriate for the current patient, making changes where necessary.
If the supply mains to the equipment is interrupted while the monitor is on, the monitor shuts down
immediately. When restarted within 15 minutes, it will continue monitoring with the previously selected
user settings.

Care unit settings

Care unit settings are password protected. Care unit settings are established during installation/
configuration of the monitor. Instructions to access the care unit settings are provided in this document.
The care unit settings factory default values are also provided.
Care unit settings apply to the software package and all associated profiles. Care unit settings have two
• Current values: Values displayed on the monitor, saved during configuration/installation of the
monitor to meet the needs of a particular clinical environment.
• Factory default values: Permanent values used in case of failure that allow the software application
recover from failure by reverting to these values for system operation.
The reset behavior for care unit settings varies by setting. There are three types of reset:
• Case reset/discharge: Case is reset/patient is discharged from the monitor.
• Cold start: Start-up of the software application after the monitor is shut down for 15 minutes or
more, or start-up of the software application after an abrupt shutdown.
• Warm start: Start-up of the software application after the monitor is shut down for less than 15

Entering the DEMO MODE is password protected. The DEMO MODE can only be activated (confirmed) if
there is no active patient case.
When you exit the DEMO MODE, the monitor restarts with the same settings that were used in the
actual monitoring mode before entering the DEMO MODE. In other words, any changes made to the
settings in the DEMO MODE do not affect the actual monitoring mode.
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The DEMO MODE is not meant for actual patient monitoring, it is for demonstration
purposes only.

Exiting the DEMO MODE

To avoid the risk of missed alarms and loss of monitoring, always exit the DEMO MODE when simulated
monitoring is no longer needed. Restart the monitor, or:
1. Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup.
2. Select Exit DEMO > Confirm.
The monitor will shut down and restart in the normal monitoring mode.

Profile settings
Profile settings are password protected. Profile settings are established during installation/configuration
of the monitor and can be downloaded to other monitors. Instructions to access the profile settings are
provided in this document. The profile setting factory default values are also provided.
Profile settings only apply to a specific profile. Profile settings have three values:
• Current values: Values displayed on the monitor for the current patient.
• Saved values: Values selected and saved during configuration/installation of the monitor to meet
the needs of a particular clinical environment.
• Factory default values: Permanent values used in case of failure that allow the software application
recover from failure by reverting to these values for system operation.
Profile settings generally share the same reset behavior. There are three types of reset:
• Case reset/discharge: Case is reset/patient is discharged from the monitor. Generally, the saved
value is retained and used after the reset.
• Cold start: Start-up of the software application after the monitor is shut down for 15 minutes or
more. Generally, the saved value is retained and used after the reset.
• Warm start: Start-up of the software application after the monitor is shut down for less than 15
minutes. Generally, the current value is retained and used after the reset.

Current patient settings

Current patient settings are non-password protected settings that are adjusted to meet the needs of
the current patient. The current patient settings are not saved to the monitor’s permanent memory, but
most current patient settings are configured to persist over a warm start (monitor is shut down for less
than 15 minutes). For more information, refer to the user manual.

Configuring care unit settings

To access and customize the care unit settings:
1. Select Monitor Setup > Defaults & Service > Default Setup.
2. Enter the Username: clinical.
3. Enter the password for the clinical user account.
4. Select Care Unit Settings.

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5. Change the settings as needed in Alarms, Parameter Alarms, Screens, Admit/Discharge, Units,
Parameters, Drug List, Standby Sites, Show in Screen Setup, Roving, Telemetry, and Printer.
All changes are automatically saved and applied.
• To revert to the factory default care unit settings, select Factory Default > Yes.

Alarm settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Alarms to define the alarm settings for the care unit. The following table lists the factory
default settings.

Local Alarms
Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Show Alarm Limits Enable the current Enabled
alarm limits to dis-
play in parameter
Latching Alarms Select the level of High None
alarm priority to
sound until the event
is acknowledged.
Alarm Tones Select the audible IEC
alarm tone sounds.
Low Priority Alarm Selects the audible Single
Tone alarm tone sound for
low priority alarms.
Alarm Volume Con- Select whether the Common for All
trol alarm volume adjusts
all priority alarms
(Common for All)
or a separate vol-
ume for low priority
alarms (Separate for
Minimum Alarm Select the minimum 6
Volume for: High & audible alarm volume
Medium Priority for high and medium
priority alarms.
Minimum Alarm Select the minimum 6
Volume for: Low audible alarm vol-
Priority ume for low priority
Audio Pause Time Select the number of 2
(min) minutes to pause au-
dible alarms.
All Audio Pause (5 Select to allow all Disabled
min) audio alarms to be
paused for 5 mi-
Reminder Volume Select the audible re- 5
minder volume.

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Local Alarms
Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Audio Alarm Enable audible Disabled
alarms to be turned
off (Off Allowed).
Alarm Light Enable the alarm Disabled Enabled Disabled
light to be turned off
(0% (Off) Allowed).
Pause Monitor Enable the monitor Disabled
display to turn off
and pause audible
alarms at the moni-
tor (Allowed).
Pause Monitor & Enable the monitor Disabled
Central display to turn off
and pause audible
alarms at the mon-
itor and central (Al-

Remote Alarms
Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Allow Audio Pause: Enable Audio pause No
For Remote Bed for a remote bed
from this monitor.
Allow Audio Pause: Select which remote Not Allowed
From Remote Loca- devices on the net-
tion work can pause
alarms for this moni-
Allow Remote Select the alarm pri- Low Alarms
Pausing of ority levels that can
be remotely paused.
Show Remote Pa- Enable the patient’s Disabled
tient Name name to display
when using the AVOA
Remote Alarm Enable the alarm On
Light light for remote
Remote Alarm Tone Select the audible Local
alarm tone for re-
mote alarms.
Remote Bed Selec- Select to restore the Enabled
tions: Restore after list of selected re-
Discharge mote beds after a

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Remote Alarm Device

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Remote Alarm De- Select the monitor High and Medium
vice Priority alarm priority that
will trigger the alarm
Operation Mode: Select whether the Intermittent
signal is sent to
continuously or inter-

Parameter alarms settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Parameter Alarms to define the parameter alarms settings for the care
unit. The following tables list the factory default settings.
Allowed Priorities default settings
Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Care Unit Settings > Parameter Alarms > Allowed Priorities > ECG
Tachy/PR high Select if the low pri- Disabled
Brady/PR low ority alarm setting is
Arrhythmia Alarms Select if information- Enabled
Informational Al- al level alarm setting
lowed is allowed for non-
lethal arrhythmia
ST Alarms Select if the infor- Disabled
Informational Al- mational level alarm
lowed setting is allowed.

QT/QTc Alarms Select if the infor- Disabled

Informational Al- mational level alarm
lowed setting is allowed.

V Tach Select the allowed High

alarm priorities for V
Noisy ECG, Arrh. Select the allowed Escalating, High
Paused alarm priorities for
Noisy ECG and Ar-
rhythmia paused.
ECG Leads Off Select the allowed Escalating, High
alarm priorities for
Leads off.
ECG Lead Off Select the allowed Low
alarm priority levels.
Care Unit Settings > Parameter Alarms > SpO2 & Pressures

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Allowed Priorities default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
SpO2 Low Select if the low pri- Disabled
Low Priority Al- ority alarm setting is
lowed allowed.

SpO2 Probe Off Select the allowed Escalating, High

alarm priorities for
SpO2 probe off.
IP High/Low Select if the low pri- Disabled
Low Priority Al- ority alarm setting is
lowed allowed.

NIBP High/Low Select if the low pri- Disabled

Low Priority Al- ority alarm setting is
lowed allowed.

Care Unit Settings > Parameter Alarms > Other Parameters

Apnea (Imped.) Select the allowed Escalating, High
alarm priorities for
impedance apnea
RR (Imped.) Select the allowed Escalating, High
High/Low alarm priorities for
impedance respira-
tion rate high/low
Resp (Imped.) Select the allowed Escalating, High
Meas. Paused alarm priorities for
impedance respira-
tion measurement
paused alarms.
Temperature Select if the infor- Disabled
Alarms mational level alarm
Informational Al- setting is allowed.

Alarm Deactivation default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Care Unit Settings > Parameter Alarms > Alarm Deactivation
Allow alarm deacti- Select if the Deac- Disabled
vation from the pa- tivate SpO2 Probe
rameter menu for: Off option is enabled
SpO2 Probe Off in the SpO2 menu.
Allow alarm deacti- Select if the Deacti- Disabled
vation from the pa- vate Apnea Alarm
rameter menu for: option is enabled in
Apnea (CO2) the gases menu.

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Alarm Deactivation default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Allow alarm deacti- Select if the Leads Disabled
vation with the Au- off. alarm can be de-
dio Pause key for: activated with the
ECG Leads Off Audio Pause but-
Allow alarm deacti- Select if ART, FEM, Disabled
vation with the Au- and UAC alarms can
dio Pause key for: be deactivated with
Arterial Disconnect the Audio Pause
Allow alarm deacti- Select if the SpO2 Disabled
vation with the Au- probe off alarm can
dio Pause key for: be deactivated with
SpO2 Probe Off the Audio Pause
Allow alarm deac- Select if apnea Disabled
tivation with the alarms can be deacti-
Audio Pause key vated with the Audio
for: Apnea (CO2/ Pause button.

Screen settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Screens to define the screen settings for the care unit. The following table lists the factory
default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Show Applications Select the screen Screen 1
to display Citrix soft-
ware applications.
Application Size Select the size of the Normal
application that dis-
plays on the screen.
Show Menus Select the screen to Screens 1&2
display menus.
Show Alarms Select the screen to Screens 1&2
display alarms.

Admit/discharge settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Admit/Discharge or Start / Reset Case to define the discharge settings for the care unit.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Auto Discharge Select the automatic 24 hours 15 min
Time discharge time.

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Allow Remote Dis- Control whether pa- Disabled Not applicable
charge tients can be dis-
charged remotely.

Unit of measure settings

Parameter/demographics unit of measure settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Units > Parameters / Demographic to define the units of measure settings for the care
unit. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Blood Pressure Select the unit of meas- mmHg
ure for non-invasive
blood pressure (NIBP)
Paw Select the unit of meas- cmH2O
ure for airway pressure
I:E Select the unit of meas- [-]
ure for inspiration:expi-
ration measurement.
Energy Expendi- Select the unit of meas- kcal/d
ture ure for energy expendi-
ture measurement.
CO2 Select the unit of meas- %
ure for CO2 measure-
TC Select the unit of meas- mmHg
ure for transcutaneous
CO2/O2 measurement.
Temperature Select the unit of meas- °C
ure for temperature
SVR/SVRI Select the unit of meas- dyne*s/cm5
ure for systemic vascular
resistance values for cal-
Height Select the unit of meas- cm
ure for patient height.
Weight Select the unit of meas- kg g kg
ure for patient weight.
Weight in Drug Select the unit of meas- kg
Calculations ure for patient weight
used in drug calcula-

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Hb, SpHb Select the unit of g/l
measure for hemoglobin

Laboratory values unit of measure settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Units > Laboratory Values to define the laboratory data units of measure settings for the
care unit. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

PCO2, PO2 Select the unit of meas- mmHg
ure for carbon dioxide
partial pressure in arte-
rial blood (pCO2) and
oxygen partial pressure
(pO2) values saved in
laboratory data.
HCO3-, BE, TCO2 Select the unit of meas- mmol/l
ure for bicarbonate
(HCO3-), base excess
(BE), and total carbon
dioxide (TCO2) values
saved in laboratory data.
Hct Select the unit of meas- % PCV
ure for hematocrit values
saved in laboratory data.
Na, K, Cl Select the unit of meas- mmol/l
ure for sodium (Na), po-
tassium (K), and chloride
(CI) values saved in labo-
ratory data.
iCa Select the unit of meas- mmol/l
ure for ionized calcium
values saved in laborato-
ry data.
Glucose Select the unit of meas- mg/dl
ure for glucose values
saved in laboratory data.
Lactate Select the unit of meas- mmol/l
ure for lactate values
saved in laboratory data.
Urea Select the unit of meas- mmol/l
ure for urea values saved
in laboratory data.
Creatinine Select the unit of meas- mg/dl
ure for creatinine values
saved in laboratory data.
Anion Gap Select the unit of meas- mmol/l
ure for anion gap values
saved in laboratory data.

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

BNP Select the unit of meas- pg/ml
ure for B-type natriuret-
ic peptide (BNP) cardiac
marker values saved in
laboratory data.
CK-MB Select the unit of meas- ng/ml
ure for cardiac muscle
type creatine kinase (CK-
MB) cardiac marker val-
ues saved in laboratory
Troponin I Select the unit of meas- ng/ml
ure for troponin I values
saved in laboratory data.

Calculations unit of measure settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Units > Calculations to define the calculation units of measure settings for the care unit.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Vascular Resist- Select the unit of meas- dyne*s/cm5
ance ure for vascular resist-
ance values used in cal-
PEEPtot Select the unit of meas- cmH2O
ure for total positive end
expiratory pressure val-
ues used in calculations.
FiO2 Select the unit of meas- %
ure for inspired O2 val-
ues used in calculations.
PCO2, PO2 Select the unit of meas- mmHg
ure for arterial blood
(pCO2) and oxygen parti-
al pressure (pO2) values
used in calculations.
O2 Contents Select the unit of meas- ml/l
ure for O2 values used in
ATMP Select the unit of meas- mmHg
ure for atmospheric
pressure used in calcula-

Parameter settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Parameters to define the parameter settings for the care unit. The following table lists
the factory default settings.

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

TV Based On Select the method used BTPS
to acquire tidal volume.
CO2 Numbers Select the humidity com- Dry
pensation type.
Inspiratory Flow Select the sign of inspira- Negative Not applica- Negative
tory flow. ble
NIBP Display Time- Select the time to gray- 60min/4h 5min 30min/1h
out out and clear NIBP
measurements from the
parameter window.
NIBP Cycle Time Select how the NIBP cy- Graphical
Display cle time is displayed.
Beat Tone Sound Select which beat tone Soft Sharp
sound is used.
MAC Type Select the MAC calcula- MAC
tion algorithm.
ATM Pressure Unit Select the unit of meas- hPa, mbar
ure for atmospheric
ATM Pressure hPa, Select the atmospheric 1013
mbar pressure value to use
when no measured at-
mospheric pressure val-
ue is available.
Art Disconnect / Select whether turning Enabled
Fem Disconnect / alarms off is allowed for
UAC Disconnect each of these invasive
Alarm Off Allowed pressures.
NMT Deep Relaxa- Select whether PTC PTC Allowed
tion measurement for depth
of relaxation is allowed.

12 lead ECG settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Parameters > 12 Lead ECG to define the 12 lead ECG settings. The following table lists
the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

12 Lead Print Select the print 25mm/s
Speed speed for 12 lead
ECG reports.
Allow Baseline Sta- Select to allow base- Disabled
bilization line stabilization for
12 lead ECG reports.
Tech ID Required Select if a Techni- Disabled
cian ID is required
when transmitting
12SL reports.

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Transmit with temp Select if a temporary Enabled
MRN medical record num-
ber (MRN) is allowed
when transmitting
12SL reports.

Select Care Unit Settings > Parameters > 12 Lead ECG > Reasons for 12 Lead open a window to define the reasons
for 12 lead for the care unit. The following reasons are available: Therapy Outcome Control, Chest Discomfort,
Angina Pectoris, Pre-Op Evaluation, Post-Op Evaluation, Post MI, Dizziness, Routine Test. Along with the
Default Reasons, up to 17 additional Configurable Reasons can be defined.

ECG settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Parameters > ECG to define the ECG parameter settings for the care unit. The following
table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

ECG Printout For- Select the ECG print- 4 x 2.5 - 1 Rhythm
mat out format.
HR Alarms Select if HR alarms Multiple
display and alarm
from one HR source
or more than one
HR/PR source.
ST Alarms Select if ST alarms Group
display and alarm in-
dividually or as a
Allowed Arrh. Lev- Select the level of ar- Full, Lethal
els rhythmias detected.

Temperature label settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Parameters > Temperature Labels to define the temperature site labels
for the care unit. Up to six additional temperature site labels can be defined. The following default labels
are also available: Eso, Naso, Tymp, Rect, Blad, Axil, Skin, AirW, Room, Myo, Core, and Surf. The
factory default site labels are T1, T2, T3, T4 and Tblood.

Catheter settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Parameters > Catheters to define the catheters for the care unit. Up to 50
additional catheters can be defined.
The following default catheters are available for the E-COP and E-COPSv:
• Edwards: 777HF8, 741HF75, 139HF75, 131HF7, 931HF75, 132F5, D431HF7
The following default catheters are available for the PDM:
• Edwards: 5.0F, 6.0F, 7.0F, 7.5F, 8.0F
• BD: 5.0F, 7.0F, 7.5F
• Arrow: 4.0F, 5.0F, 6.0F, 7.0F, 7.5F
• Hospira: 5.0F, 7.0F, 7.5F, 8.0F

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Drug list settings

Up to 24 additional drugs can be added to the factory default Drug List. To add an additional drug,
select Data & Pages > Drug Calculations > Calculator > Additional Drug. For more information, refer
to the user manual.

ED, ICU, OR and PACU software package drug list default settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Drug List > Edit/View to define the care unit Drug List. The following table lists the
14 commonly used drugs factory default settings. The Starting Dose and Dose Increment define the values in the
Titration table.
The Solution Volume default unit of measure is ml.
The Drug Amount default unit of measure is mg for all drugs except Heparin and Insulin, which are I.U.
The Dose default unit of measure is defined by the Dose Unit for the specific drug.

Drug Name Solution Drug Concentration Dose Unit Dose Starting Dose Incre-
Volume Amount Unit Dose ment
Aminophylline 500 500 mg/ml mg/kg/h 0.50 0.1 0.1
Amrinone 500 500 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 7.5 0.5 0.5
Bretylium 500 2000 mg/ml mg/kg/min 5.0 0.1 0.1
Dobutamine 250 250 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 2.0 0.5 0.5
Dopamine 250 400 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 2.0 1.0 1.0
Epinephrine 250 1.0 mcg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.02 0.01 0.01
Heparin 250 25000 I.U./ml I.U./kg/h 10 1.0 1.0
Insulin 100 100 I.U./ml I.U./kg/h 0.10 0.01 0.01
Isoproterenol 250 50 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.05 0.01 0.01
Lidocaine 500 100 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 10.0 0.5 0.5
Nitroglycerin 250 50 mcg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.50 0.1 0.1
Nitroprusside 250 50 mcg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.50 0.1 0.1
Norepinephrine 500 8.0 mcg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.10 0.01 0.01
Procainamide 500 2000 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 20 1.0 1.0

NICU software package drug list default settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Drug List > Edit/View to define the care unit Drug List. The following table lists the
seven commonly used drugs factory default settings. The Starting Dose and Dose Increment define the values in the
Titration table.
The Solution Volume default unit of measure is ml.
The Drug Amount default unit of measure is mg for all drugs except Heparin and Insulin, which are I.U.
The Dose default unit of measure is defined by the Dose Unit for the specific drug.

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Drug Name Solution Drug Concentration Dose Unit Dose Starting Dose Incre-
Volume Amount Unit Dose ment
Dobutamine 50 50 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 5.0 0.5 0.5
Dopamine 50 50 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 2.0 1.0 1.0
Epinephrine 50 0.5 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.02 0.01 0.01
Heparin 50 30 I.U./ml I.U./h 0.6 1.0 1.0
Insulin 50 5 I.U./ml I.U./kg/h 0.01 0.01 0.01
Isoproterenol 50 0.5 mg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.05 0.01 0.01
Norepinephrine 50 0.8 mcg/ml mcg/kg/min 0.08 0.01 0.01

Standby site name settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Standby Sites to define the care unit standby site names to indicate the location of a
patient if they are disconnected from the monitor. The following factory default sites are available: Operating Room,
Physiotherapy, Dialysis, Radiology, MRI, CT Scan. Up to three additional sites can be defined. The following table
lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

1 Select a default standby site Operating Room
2 Select a default standby site MRI
3 Select a default standby site CT Scan
4 Select or define a standby site Physiotherapy
5 Select or define a standby site Dialysis
6 Select or define a standby site Radiology
Restore De- Change the custom standby NO
fault Sites site names to the factory de-
fault settings.

Show in Screen Setup settings

Select Care Unit Settings > Show in Screen Setup to define the parameters that will show in the screen setup. The
following table lists the factory default settings. Note that ECG1, ECG2, NIBP, P1, P2, SpO2, Resp, CO2, T1, and T2
cannot be selected off the list.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Show in Screen Select if the parameter All available parameters are selected to be shown.
Setup will be shown in the
Screen Setup list.

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring profile settings

Roving settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Roving to define the roving settings for the care unit. The following table lists the factory
default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Monitor Roving Select if monitor roving Not Allowed
is allowed.
Roving Between Select if roving between Not Allowed
Units units is allowed.
Manual Bed Entry Select if bed names can Not Allowed
be entered manually.

Telemetry settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Telemetry to define the telemetry (combination monitoring) settings for the care unit.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

ECG Measurement Select available ECG Monitor only
Source: measurement sources.
Enhanced ASY De- Select if enhanced ASY Enabled
tection detection is in use.
Latch High Priority Select to latch high pri- Enabled
Alarms ority alarms during com-
bination monitoring.

Print settings
Select Care Unit Settings > Printer to define the printer settings for the care unit. The following table lists the factory
default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Paper Size Select the paper size for A4
printed reports.
Numeric Trends Select the data to in- Data on Screen
Printing clude in numeric trends
Print Patient Include the patient name Enabled
Name in printed reports.

Configuring profile settings

To access and customize the profile settings:
1. Select Monitor Setup > Defaults & Service > Default Setup.
2. Enter the Username clinical.
3. Enter the password for the clinical user account.

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4. Select Profile Settings.

5. Change the settings as needed in Alarm Absolute Limits, Alarm Delays, Invasive Pressures,
Pages, Trends & Snapshot and Care Report.
6. Select Previous Menu until you return to the Default Setup page.
7. Select Save Profiles.
• To revert to the factory default profile settings, select Factory Default > YES.
• To rename a factory default profile, select Rename and enter the new name.
• To restrict the profiles that clinicians can select for the current patient, highlight the profile in
the Profiles list > deselect the Enable Profile check box.
• To define a default startup profile, select a profile from the Startup Profile list.
• To save current profile settings to a selected profile, select the profile name in the Profiles list >
Save as selected.
Some settings do not display in all software packages. These settings are indicated where
appropriate as Not applicable.

Absolute alarm limit settings

Select Profile Settings > Alarm Absolute Limits to define the absolute high and low parameter alarm limits for the
profile. The following table lists the factory default settings.


Tachy/Brady 240/30
HR(ECG) Tachy/Brady 300/20
PR(SpO2) 240/30
PR(SpO2(2)) 240/30
PR(UAC) 300/20
PR(Art) 300/20
PR(Fem) 300/20
ST(Lateral) 12.0/-12.0
ST(Inferior) 12.0/-12.0
ST(Anterior) 12.0/-12.0
ST(I) 12.0/-12.0
ST(II) 12.0/-12.0
ST(III) 12.0/-12.0
ST(aVR) 12.0/-12.0
ST(aVL) 12.0/-12.0
ST(aVF) 12.0/-12.0
ST(V1) 12.0/-12.0
ST(V2/dV2) 12.0/-12.0
ST(V3/dV3) 12.0/-12.0

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ST(V4/dV4) 12.0/-12.0
ST(V5) 12.0/-12.0
ST(V6/dV6) 12.0/-12.0
V Tach Minimum HR 180/N/A 220/N/A 180/N/A
Frequent PVCs OFF/N/A
Frequent SVCs OFF/N/A
SpO2 OFF/30
SpO2(2) OFF/30
NIBP(Mean) Adult OFF/OFF
NIBP(Mean) Child OFF/OFF
NIBP(Sys) Infant OFF/OFF
NIBP(Mean) Infant OFF/OFF
NIBP(Dia) Infant OFF/OFF
Art(Sys) OFF/OFF
Art(Mean) OFF/OFF
Art(Dia) OFF/OFF
Fem(Sys) OFF/OFF
Fem(Mean) OFF/OFF
Fem(Dia) OFF/OFF
FemV(Mean) OFF/OFF

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P1(Mean) OFF/OFF
P2(Mean) OFF/OFF
P3(Mean) OFF/OFF
P4(Mean) OFF/OFF
P5(Mean) OFF/OFF
P6(Mean) OFF/OFF
P7(Mean) OFF/OFF
P8(Mean) OFF/OFF
RR (Imped.) OFF/OFF
EtO2 OFF/10

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FiO2 OFF/18
EtHal Not applicable 6.0/OFF
FiHal Not applicable 6.0/OFF
EtEnf Not applicable 6.0/OFF
FiEnf Not applicable 6.0/OFF
EtIso Not applicable 6.0/OFF
FiIso Not applicable 6.0/OFF
EtSev Not applicable 8.0/OFF
FiSev Not applicable 8.0/OFF
EtDes Not applicable 20.0/OFF
FiDes Not applicable 20.0/OFF
Ppeak 100/OFF
MVexp Adult OFF/OFF
MVexp Pediatric OFF/OFF
Tblood 44.0/17.0
Tblood-T1 20.0/N/A
Tblood-T3 20.0/N/A
T1 45.0/10.0
T2 45.0/10.0
T2-T1 20.0/N/A
T3 45.0/10.0
T4 45.0/10.0
T4-T3 20.0/N/A

rSO2 OFF/OFF Not applicable OFF/OFF

RE Not applicable OFF/OFF
SE Not applicable OFF/OFF

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Alarm delay settings

Select Profile Settings > Alarm Delays to define the alarm delay settings. The following table lists the factory default


PR (SpO2/IP) high/low 5s
SpO2 high 5s
SpO2 low 5s
RR (Imped.) high 15 s 10 s 15 s
(Pediatric and Infant profiles: 10 (Pediatric and Infant profiles: 10
s) s)
RR (Imped.) low 15 s 10 s 15 s
(Pediatric and Infant profiles: 10 (Pediatric and Infant profiles: 10
s) s)

V Tach Event Duration Criteria

Select Profile Settings > Alarm Delays to define if V Tach Event Duration Criteria is allowed. The following table
lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

V Tach Event Dura- Select if event duration Not allowed
tion Criteria criteria selection is al-
lowed for V Tach.

Invasive pressures alarms settings

Select Profile Settings > Invasive Pressures > Alarms to define the invasive pressures alarms settings.

Select Arterial tab to adjust the invasive pressures arterial alarms profile settings. The following table lists the factory
default settings.


Art Sys High Limit/Low 180/80 90/40 180/80 180/80
Limit (Neuro profile: 160/90; Adoles- (Cardiac profile: (Neuro profile: (Neuro profile:
cent profile: 150/80; Pediatric 100/40; Full- 160/90; Perfu- 160/90; Adoles-
profile: 130/70) term and Infant sion profile: cent profile:
(Infant profile: 120/50) profiles: 100/40) 120/40; Adoles- 150/80; Pedia-
cent profile: tric profile:
150/80; Pedia- 130/70)
tric profile: (Infant profile:
130/70) 120/50)
(Infant profile:
Art Sys Alarm On Enabled

172/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
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Art Mean High Lim- 140/60 60/30 140/60
it/Low Limit (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pe- (Cardiac, Full- (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pe-
diatric profile: 100/50; Infant pro- term, and In- diatric profile: 100/50; Infant pro-
file: 80/40) fant profiles: file: 80/40)
Art Mean Alarm On Disabled Enabled Disabled
(Adolescent, Pediatric, and In- (Adolescent, Pediatric, and In-
fant profiles: Enabled) fant profiles: Enabled)
Art Dia High Limit/Low 100/40 50/20 100/40
Limit (Adolescent and Pediatric pro- (Cardiac, Full- (Adolescent and Pediatric pro-
files: 80/40; Infant profile: 70/30) term, and In- files: 80/40; Infant profile: 70/30)
fant profiles:
Art Dia Alarm On Disabled
PR(Art) High Limit/Low 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
Limit (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pediatric (Infant profile: (Neuro profile: (Neuro profile:
profile: 170/70; Infant profile: 180/80) 120/50; Adoles- 120/50; Pedia-
180/80) cent profile: tric profile:
150/50; Pedia- 170/70; Infant
tric profile: profile: 180/80)
170/70; Infant
profile: 180/80)
PR(Art) Alarm On Enabled Enabled Enabled
(Perfusion pro-
file: Disabled)
Fem Sys High Limit/Low 180/80 90/40 180/80
Limit (Neuro profile: 160/90; Adoles- (Cardiac, Full- (Neuro profile: 160/90; Adoles-
cent profile: 150/80; Pediatric term, and In- cent profile: 150/80; Pediatric pro-
profile: 130/70) fant profiles: file: 130/70)
(Infant profile: 120/50) 100/40) (Infant profile: 120/50)
Fem Sys Alarm On Enabled
Fem Mean High Lim- 140/60 60/30 140/60
it/Low Limit (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pe- (Cardiac, Full- (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pe-
diatric profile: 100/50; Infant pro- term, and In- diatric profile: 100/50; Infant pro-
file: 80/40) fant profiles: file: 80/40)
Fem Mean Alarm On Disabled Enabled Disabled
(Adolescent, Pediatric, and In- (Adolescent, Pediatric, and In-
fant profiles: Enabled) fant profiles: Enabled)
Fem Dia High Limit/Low 100/40 50/20 100/40
Limit (Adolescent and Pediatric pro- (Cardiac, Full- (Adolescent and Pediatric pro-
files: 80/40; Infant profile: 70/30) term, and In- files: 80/40; Infant profile: 70/30)
fant profiles:
Fem Dia Alarm On Disabled

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PR(Fem) High Limit/Low 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
Limit (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pediatric (Infant profile: (Neuro profile: (Neuro profile:
profile: 170/70; Infant profile: 180/80) 120/50; Adoles- 120/50; Pedia-
180/80) cent profile: tric profile:
150/50; Pedia- 170/70; Infant
tric profile: profile: 180/80)
170/70; Infant
profile: 180/80)
PR(Fem) Alarm On Enabled Enabled Enabled
(Perfusion pro-
file: Disabled)
UAC Sys High Limit/Low 90/40 90/40 90/40
Limit (Cardiac, Full-
term, and In-
fant profiles:
UAC Sys Alarm On Disabled
UAC Mean High Lim- 70/30 60/30 70/30
it/Low Limit (Cardiac, Full-
term, and In-
fant profiles:
UAC Mean Alarm On Enabled
UAC Dia High Limit/Low 50/20 50/20 50/20
Limit (Cardiac, Full-
term, and In-
fant profiles:
UAC Dia Alarm On Disabled
PR(UAC) High Limit/Low 200/90
Limit (Infant profile: 180/80)
PR(UAC) Alarm On Enabled Enabled Enabled
(Perfusion pro-
file: Disabled)

Select Venous tab to adjust the invasive pressures venous alarm profile settings. The following table lists the factory
default settings.


CVP Sys High Limit/Low 20/5 15/5 20/5
CVP Sys Alarm On Disabled
CVP Mean High Lim- 15/0 5/0 15/0 15/0
it/Low Limit (Infant profile: 10/0) (Perfusion pro- (Infant profile:
file: 15/-5; In- 10/0)
fant profile:

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CVP Mean Alarm On Enabled Enabled Enabled
(Trauma and
Neuro profiles:
CVP Dia High Limit/Low 10/-5
CVP Dia Alarm On Disabled
UVC Mean High Lim- 15/0 5/0 15/0
it/Low Limit
UVC Mean Alarm On Disabled Enabled Disabled
FemV Sys High Lim- 20/5 15/5 20/5
it/Low Limit
FemV Sys Alarm On Disabled
FemV Mean High Lim- 15/0 5/0 15/0
it/Low Limit (Infant profiles: 10/0) (Infant profiles: 10/0)
FemV Mean Alarm On Enabled
FemV Dia High Lim- 10/-5
it/Low Limit
FemV Dia Alarm On Disabled Enabled Disabled

Select PA, ICP & P1-P8 tab to adjust the invasive pressures alarm profile settings. The following table lists the factory
default settings.


PA Sys High Limit/Low 40/10
PA Sys Alarm On Disabled
PA Mean High Lim- 30/5
it/Low Limit
PA Mean Alarm On Enabled
PA Dia High Limit/Low 20/5
PA Dia Alarm On Enabled Enabled
(Trauma and
Neuro profiles:
ICP Sys High Limit/Low 20/0
ICP Sys Alarm On Disabled
ICP Mean High Lim- 15/0 9/0 15/0
it/Low Limit (Infant profile: 9/0) (Infant profile: 9/0)
ICP Mean Alarm On Enabled
ICP Dia High Limit/Low 10/0

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ICP Dia Alarm On Disabled
CPP High Limit/Low 100/60 100/40 100/60
Limit (Infant profile: 90/50) (Infant profile: 90/50)
CPP Alarm On Enabled
P1-P8 Sys High Lim- 20/5 15/5 20/5
it/Low Limit
P1-P8 Sys Alarm On Disabled
P1-P8 Mean High Lim- 15/0 5/0 15/0 15/0
it/Low Limit (Infant profile: 10/0) (Perfusion pro- (Infant profile:
file: 15/-5; In- 10/0)
fant profile:
P1-P8 Mean Alarm On Enabled Enabled Enabled
(Neuro and
Trauma profiles:
P1-P8 Dia High Lim- 10/-5
it/Low Limit
P1-P8 Dia Alarm On Disabled

Select Ventricular & Atrial tab to adjust the invasive pressures ventricular and atrial alarm profile settings. The
following table lists the factory default settings.


RAP Sys High Limit/Low 20/5
RAP Sys Alarm On Disabled
RAP Mean High Lim- 15/0 5/0 15/0 15/0
it/Low Limit (Pediatric and Infant profiles: (Pediatric and (Pediatric and
10/0) Infant profiles: Infant profiles:
10/0) 10/0)
RAP Mean Alarm On Enabled
RAP Dia High Limit/Low 10/0
RAP Dia Alarm On Disabled
RVP Sys High Limit/Low 40/10
RVP Sys Alarm On Disabled
RVP Mean High Lim- 35/5 25/5 35/5
it/Low Limit (Pediatric and Infant profiles: (Pediatric and Infant profiles:
25/5) 25/5)
RVP Mean Alarm On Enabled
RVP Dia High Limit/Low 20/0
RVP Dia Alarm On Disabled

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LAP Sys High Limit/Low 30/5
LAP Sys Alarm On Disabled
LAP Mean High Lim- 20/5 10/2 20/5
it/Low Limit (Pediatric and Infant profiles: (Pediatric and Infant profiles:
15/5) 15/5)
LAP Mean Alarm On Enabled
LAP Dia High Limit/Low 20/0
LAP Dia Alarm On Disabled

Invasive pressures colors settings for labels

Select Profile Settings > Invasive Pressures > Colors to define the invasive pressures colors settings for labels. The
following table lists the factory default settings.


Art Red
Fem Red
CVP Cyan
FemV Cyan
UVC White
PA Yellow
RAP White
RVP White
LAP White
ICP White
P1-P8 White

Page settings
Pages define monitor screen formats, including which parameter windows display in the upper (vertical)
and lower (horizontal) parameter window areas, as well as split screen settings and combined invasive
pressure waveform settings.
Each software package has a pre-defined primary Normal Screen page. The following software
packages also have additional pre-defined pages:
• ED software package Neuro profile: EEG.
• ICU software package (all profiles except Pediatric and Infant): EEG.
• ICU software package Pediatric and Infant profiles: NEO-VENT.
• NICU software package: NEO-VENT.
• OR software package Invasive profile: VENTILAT., SWAN-GANZ, and AoA.
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• OR software package Pediatric profile: VENTILAT.

• OR software package Neuro profile: EEG, VENTILAT., and NEURO.
• PACU software package Neuro profile: EEG.
Any page (including Normal Screen) can be customized. A customized page can also be saved as a new
page. Up to five pages can be defined per profile. The page name can be up to nine characters. Any
remaining (empty) pages can also be defined. Empty pages have no pre-defined settings.
Once defined, a user can select any page for the current patient. For more information, refer to the user

Upper parameter area settings

Select Profile Settings > Pages > Page x > Upper Parameter Area to define the parameter display
order and which parameter windows and waveforms will display in the upper (vertical) parameter area
for the selected page (Page x, where x = page number). Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Screen
Setup > Screen 1 or Screen 2 > Upper Parameter Area to customize the Normal Screen settings.
Up to eight individual waveforms and 16 parameter windows can display in the upper parameter area if
the lower parameter windows are off. If the lower parameter windows are on, up to seven waveforms
and 14 parameter windows can display in the upper parameter area. A maximum of eight parameter
windows can display in the lower parameter area. The Invasive Pressure Waveforms factory default
setting for all pages is Individual. The following tables list the factory default settings.
In the following tables, “X” indicates the parameter is enabled and will display; “--” indicates the
parameter is not enabled and will not display.
ED software package upper parameter area settings
Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Wave-
Normal Screen EEG
Cardiac profile All other profiles Neuro profile
ECG2 X X -- X
ECG3 -- -- -- X
SpO2 -- X -- X
SpO2(2) -- X -- X
NIBP -- X -- --
P1 X X X X
P2 X X -- X
P3 X X -- X
P4 X X -- X
P5 X X -- X
P6 X X -- X
P7 X X -- X
P8 X X -- X
Resp X -- -- X
CO2 X X -- X

178/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
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ED software package upper parameter area settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Wave-
Normal Screen EEG
Cardiac profile All other profiles Neuro profile
SvO2 -- -- -- --
SpO2&SvO2/ScvO2 -- -- -- X
T1 -- -- -- --
T2 -- -- -- --
T3 -- -- -- --
T4 -- -- -- --
T1&T2 -- -- -- --
T3&T4 -- -- -- --
Temp -- -- -- --
Temp2 -- -- -- --
Tblood -- -- -- --
Tblood&T1 -- -- -- --
Tblood&T3 -- -- -- --
EEG1 -- -- X X
EEG2 -- -- X X
EEG3 -- -- X X
EEG4 -- -- X X
C.O. X X -- --
C.I. -- -- -- --
CCO -- -- -- --
CCI -- -- -- --
GEDI&ELWI -- -- -- --
CO&CI -- -- -- --
PCWP -- -- -- --
SPV -- -- -- --
Paw TV -- -- -- X
Compl -- -- -- --
StatSpiro -- -- -- --
VO2 -- -- -- --
VO2/m2 -- -- -- --
VO2/kg -- -- -- --
EE&RQ -- -- -- --
TC -- -- -- --
NMT X X -- X

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ED software package upper parameter area settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Wave-
Normal Screen EEG
Cardiac profile All other profiles Neuro profile
BIS -- -- -- X
O2 -- -- -- X
Paw -- -- -- X
Flow -- -- -- X
Timers -- -- -- --
SpO2(2) & SvO2/ScvO2 -- -- -- --
rSO2 -- -- -- --

ICU software package upper parameter area settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show
Normal Screen EEG NEO-VENT Waveform
Adolescent, Cardiac Neuro All other All pro- Pediatric
Pediatric, profile profile profiles files and Infant
and Infant profiles
ECG2 -- X X X -- -- X
ECG3 -- -- -- -- -- -- X
SpO2 X X X X -- X X
SpO2(2) X X X X -- X X
NIBP -- X X X -- X --
P1 X X X X -- X X
P2 X X X X -- X X
P3 X X X X -- X X
P4 X X X X -- X X
P5 X X X X -- X X
P6 X X X X -- X X
P7 X X X X -- X X
P8 X X X X -- X X
C.O. X X X X -- -- --
C.I. -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CCO -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CCI -- -- -- -- -- -- --
GEDI&ELWI -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO&CI -- -- -- -- -- -- --
PCWP -- X -- -- -- -- --

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ICU software package upper parameter area settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show
Normal Screen EEG NEO-VENT Waveform
Adolescent, Cardiac Neuro All other All pro- Pediatric
Pediatric, profile profile profiles files and Infant
and Infant profiles
SPV -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO2 X X X X X -- X
Resp X X -- -- -- X X
SvO2 -- -- -- -- -- X --
SpO2&SvO2/ScvO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- X
EEG1 -- -- -- -- X -- X
EEG2 -- -- -- -- X -- X
EEG3 -- -- -- -- X -- X
EEG4 -- -- -- -- X -- X
T1 -- -- X -- -- -- --
T2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T1&T2 X -- -- -- -- -- --
T3&T4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Temp -- X -- -- -- -- --
Temp2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tblood -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tblood&T1 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tblood&T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Gases -- -- -- -- -- -- X
MAC -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Balance -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Paw TV -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Compl -- -- -- -- -- -- --
StatSpiro -- -- -- -- -- -- --
VO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
VO2/m2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
VO2/kg -- -- -- -- -- -- --
EE&RQ -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TC -- -- -- -- -- -- --
NMT X X X X -- -- X

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ICU software package upper parameter area settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show
Normal Screen EEG NEO-VENT Waveform
Adolescent, Cardiac Neuro All other All pro- Pediatric
Pediatric, profile profile profiles files and Infant
and Infant profiles
BIS -- -- -- -- -- -- X
O2 -- -- -- -- -- -- X
AA -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Paw -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Flow -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Timers -- -- -- -- -- -- --
SpO2(2) & SvO2/ -- -- -- -- -- -- --
rSO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

NICU software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Waveform
Normal Screen and NEO-VENT
All profiles
ECG2 -- X
ECG3 -- X
SpO2 X X
P1 X X
P2 X X
P3 X X
P4 X X
P5 X X
P6 X X
P7 X X
P8 X X
Resp X X
SpO2(2) X X
CO2 -- X
C.O. X --
C.I. -- --

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NICU software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Waveform
Normal Screen and NEO-VENT
All profiles
CCO -- --
CCI -- --
CO&CI -- --
PCWP -- --
SPV -- --
SvO2 X --
SpO2&SvO2/ScvO2 -- X
EEG1 -- X
EEG2 -- X
EEG3 -- X
EEG4 -- X
T1 -- --
T2 -- --
T3 -- --
T4 -- --
T1&T2 -- --
T3&T4 -- --
Temp -- --
Temp2 -- --
Tblood -- --
Tblood&T1 -- --
Tblood&T3 -- --
Gases -- X
MAC -- X
Balance -- X
Paw TV -- X
Compl -- --
StatSpiro -- --
EE&RQ -- --
TC -- --
BIS -- X

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Configuring profile settings Supplemental Information Manual

NICU software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Waveform
Normal Screen and NEO-VENT
All profiles
O2 -- X
Paw -- X
Flow -- X
Timers -- --
SpO2(2) & SvO2/ScvO2 -- --

OR software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show
Screen GANZ form
All pro- Invasive Neuro Pediatric Neuro Invasive Neuro
files profile profile profile profile profile profile
ECG2 X X -- -- -- X X X
ECG3 -- X -- -- -- -- -- X
P1 X X X X -- X X X
P2 X -- -- -- -- X X X
P3 X -- -- -- -- X -- X
P4 X X -- -- -- -- -- X
P5 X -- -- -- -- -- -- X
P6 X -- -- -- -- -- -- X
P7 X -- -- -- -- -- -- X
P8 X -- -- -- -- -- -- X
SpO2 X -- -- -- X -- -- X
SpO2(2) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
CO2 -- X X X -- -- X X
O2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
AA -- -- X X -- -- X X
Resp -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Paw -- -- X X -- X -- X
Flow -- -- X X -- -- -- X
EEG1 -- -- -- -- X -- -- X
EEG2 -- -- -- -- X -- -- X
EEG3 -- -- -- -- X -- -- X
EEG4 -- -- -- -- X -- -- X
Entropy -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X

184/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
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OR software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show
Screen GANZ form
All pro- Invasive Neuro Pediatric Neuro Invasive Neuro
files profile profile profile profile profile profile
NMT -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
BIS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
NIBP -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
PCWP -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
SPV -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
C.O. X -- -- -- -- -- -- --
C.I. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CCO -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CCI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
GEDI&ELWI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO&CI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
SvO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
SpO2&SvO2/ScvO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
T1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T1&T2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
T3&T4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Temp -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Temp2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tblood -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tblood&T1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tblood&T3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Gases -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
MAC -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Balance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Paw TV -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X
Compl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
VO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
VO2/m2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
VO2/kg -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
EE&RQ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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Configuring profile settings Supplemental Information Manual

OR software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show
Screen GANZ form
All pro- Invasive Neuro Pediatric Neuro Invasive Neuro
files profile profile profile profile profile profile
TC -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Timers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
SpO2(2) & SvO2/ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
rSO2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

PACU software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Waveform
Normal Screen EEG
All other profiles Neuro profile
ECG2 X -- X
ECG3 -- -- X
P1 X X X
P2 X -- X
P3 X -- X
P4 X -- X
P5 -- -- X
P6 -- -- X
P7 -- -- X
P8 -- -- X
SpO2 X -- X
SpO2(2) X -- X
CO2 -- -- X
Resp -- -- X
NIBP -- -- --
C.O. X -- --
C.I. -- -- --
CCO X -- --
CCI -- -- --
GEDI&ELWI -- -- --
CO&CI -- -- --
PCWP -- -- --
SPV -- -- --

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PACU software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Waveform
Normal Screen EEG
All other profiles Neuro profile
SvO2 -- -- --
SpO2&SvO2/ScvO2 -- -- --
EEG1 -- X X
EEG2 -- X X
ECG3 -- X X
EEG4 -- X X
T1 -- -- --
T2 -- -- --
T3 -- -- --
T4 -- -- --
T1&T2 -- -- --
T3&T4 -- -- --
Temp -- -- --
Temp2 -- -- --
Tblood -- -- --
Tblood&T1 -- -- --
Tblood&T3 -- -- --
Gases -- -- X
MAC -- -- X
Balance -- -- X
Paw TV -- -- X
Compl -- -- --
VO2 -- -- --
VO2/m2 -- -- --
VO2/kg -- -- --
EE&RQ -- -- --
TC -- -- --
Entropy -- -- X
NMT -- -- X
SPI -- -- --
SE & SPI -- -- --
BIS -- -- X
O2 -- -- X
AA -- -- X

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Configuring profile settings Supplemental Information Manual

PACU software package upper parameter settings

Parameter order Show Parameter Show with Waveform
Normal Screen EEG
All other profiles Neuro profile
Paw -- -- X
Flow -- -- X
Timers -- -- --
SpO2(2) & SvO2/ScvO2 -- -- --
rSO2 -- -- --

Lower parameter area settings

Select Profile Settings > Pages >Lower Parameter Area to define which parameter windows will
display in the lower (horizontal) parameter area for the selected page. Select Monitor Setup > Main
Setup > Screen Setup > Screen 1 or Screen 2 > Lower Parameter Area to customize the Normal
Screen settings.
The lower parameter area can be selected to be Double Height or Single Height. The selection
determines the number of available lower and upper parameter windows as follows:
• Double Height
• Up to eight lower parameter windows
• Up to six waveforms with their associated upper parameter windows, plus another six upper
parameter windows
• Single Height
• Up to four lower parameter windows
• Up to seven waveforms with their associated upper parameter windows, plus another seven
upper parameter windows
The following tables list the factory default settings for the pre-defined pages. Up to five pages can be
defined per profile. The page name can be up to nine characters. Any remaining (empty) pages can also
be defined. Empty pages have no pre-defined settings.
Normal Screen page lower parameter area settings
Position 1 OFF Temp TC NIBP
(Pediatric and
Infant profiles:
Position 2 OFF EE&RQ OFF
(Pediatric and
Infant profiles:
Position 3 OFF NIBP T1&T2 Temp
Position 4 OFF

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Normal Screen page lower parameter area settings

Position 5 OFF C.I. SpO2(2) Entropy
(Pediatric and
Infant profiles:
Position 6 OFF
Position 7 OFF SvO2/ScvO2 Timers Gases
Position 8 OFF CO2
Display on screen Off Double Height

EEG page lower parameter area settings

(Neuro profile) (All profiles except (Neuro profile) (Neuro profile)
Pediatric and In-
Position 1 SpO2 NIBP EEGgra SpO2
Position 2 OFF
Position 3 EEGgra T1&T2 OFF EEGgra
Position 4 OFF EEGgra OFF
Position 5 EEGnum Paw TV EEGnum
Position 6 OFF EEGnum OFF
Position 7 NIBP O2 Gases NIBP
Position 8 OFF BIS OFF
Display on screen On

NEO-VENT page lower parameter area settings

Position ICU NICU
(Pediatric and Infant profiles)
Position 1 TC
Position 2 OFF
Position 3 T1&T2
Position 4 OFF
Position 5 SpO2(2)
Position 6 OFF
Position 7 Timers
Position 8 OFF
Display on screen On

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Configuring profile settings Supplemental Information Manual

VENTILAT. page lower parameter area settings

Position OR OR OR
(Invasive profile) (Neuro profile) (Pediatric profile)
Position 1 SpO2
Position 2 OFF
Position 3 Tblood T1&T2 NIBP
Position 4 OFF
Position 5 C.O. MAC T1&T2
Position 6 OFF
Position 7 Gases O2 Gases
Position 8 OFF
Display on screen On

SWAN-GANZ page lower parameter area settings

Position OR
(Invasive profile)
Position 1 SpO2
Position 2 OFF
Position 3 T1
Position 4 Tblood
Position 5 C.O.
Position 6 OFF
Position 7 Gases
Position 8 OFF
Display on screen On

NEURO page lower parameter area settings

Position OR
(Neuro profile)
Position 1 SpO2&SvO2/ScvO2
Position 2 OFF
Position 3 NIBP
Position 4 OFF
Position 5 NMT
Position 6 OFF
Position 7 Gases
Position 8 OFF
Display on screen On

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Primary screen split screen settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Screen Setup > Screen 1 > Split Screen to define the split
screen settings for the primary display.
The factory default split screen settings vary based on the pre-defined pages. For more information,
refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.
Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Show Select the parameter to dis- None None Minitrend
play in the split screen when (Cardiac
Normal Screen is selected. profile: ST)
Select the parameter to dis- None EEG Minitrend None None
play in the split screen when (Neuro pro- (Pediatric (Invasive (Neuro pro-
Page 1, EEG, VENTILAT., file: EEG) and Infant profile: Spi- file: EEG)
or NEO-VENT (depending on profiles: ro 1; Neuro
software package and profile) Minitrend) profile: EEG;
is selected. Pediatric
profile: Spi-
ro 2)
Select the parameter to dis- None None None
play in the split screen (Invasive
when Page 2, SWAN-GANZ profile: ST;
or VENTILAT. (depending on Neuro pro-
software package and profile) file: EEG)
is selected.
Minitrend Select the minitrend time 5 min nor- 30 min nor- 5 min normal
Length scale. mal mal
CO2 Mini- Select the respiration rate or Respiration Rate
trend compressed waveform for dis-
play in the split screen.
Imped. Mini- Select the respiration rate or Compressed Waveform
trend compressed waveform for dis-
play in the split screen.

Secondary screen split screen settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Screen Setup > Screen 2 > Split Screen to define the split
screen settings for the secondary display. Screen 2 is only available if the dual video license is enabled.
The factory default split screen settings vary based on the pre-defined pages. For more information,
refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.
Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU
Split Screen Select the parameters to display None None Minitrend Spiro 2 Minitrend
on the split screen. (Cardiac
profile: ST)
CO2 Minitrend Select the respiration rate or Respiration Rate
compressed waveform for dis-
play in the split screen.
Imped. Minitrend Select the respiration rate or Compressed Waveform
compressed waveform for dis-
play in the split screen.

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Configuring profile settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Minitrend Length Select the minitrend time scale. 5 min nor- 30 min 5 min normal
mal normal

Trends and snapshot settings

General trend settings
Select Profile Settings > Trends & Snapshot > General to define the generic trend setup for the profile. The following
table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Default Trend Select the default trend display Graphic
Field 1 Select what displays in the first Priority 1 Waveform

Graphic trends page settings

Select Profile Settings > Trends & Snapshot > Graphic Trends > Page 1 to Page 4 to define the
parameters to display on each trends page for the profile. For more information, refer to the user
If Regional Oxygen Saturation license has been enabled, rSO2 trends are displayed on Page 5
(not available in NICU software package). This setting is not user-configurable.
ED software package graphic trends page settings
Setting Medical and Cardiac profile Neuro profile Respiratory Adolescent, Pe-
Trauma profiles profile diatric, and In-
fant profiles
Page 1 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2 HR+PVC HR+SpO2 HRdif
Field 3 P1+P2 Off P1+P2 Off
Field 4 Off NIBP Off NIBP
Field 5 RR(Imped.)+ SpO2 CO2+SpO2 RR(Imped.)+
Field 6 Off
Page 2 Field 1 Off
Field 2 P1+HR ST Anterior P1+HR
Field 3 SpO2+Pleth ST Inferior SpO2+Pleth
Field 4 T1+T2 ST Lateral T1+T2
Field 5 ST QT/QTc ST
Field 6 Off
Page 3 Field 1 Off

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ED software package graphic trends page settings

Setting Medical and Cardiac profile Neuro profile Respiratory Adolescent, Pe-
Trauma profiles profile diatric, and In-
fant profiles
Field 2 Off EEG 1 Off
Field 3 Off EEG 2 Off
Field 4 Off EEG 3 Off
Field 5 Off EEG 4 Off
Field 6 Off
Page 4 Field 1 Off
Field 2 Off
Field 3 Off
Field 4 Off
Field 5 Off
Field 6 Off

ICU software package graphic trends page settings

Setting Medical, Surgical, Cardiac profile Neuro profile Adolescent, Pedia-
and Trauma profiles tric, and Infant pro-
Page 1 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2 HR+PVC HR+SpO2 HRdif
Field 3 P1+P2 HRdif CPP NIBP
Field 4 P3+P4 NIBP SpO2+Pleth
Field 5 CO2+O2 RR(Imped.)+ SpO2 CO2+O2 CO2+ RR(CO2)
Field 6 Off
Page 2 Field 1 Off
Field 2 CO2+SpO2 ST Anterior CO2+SpO2 CO2+O2
Field 3 Paw ST Inferior Paw
Field 4 MVexp+ RR(CO2) ST Lateral MVexp+ RR(CO2)
Field 5 Compl+Raw QT/QTc Compl+Raw
Field 6 Off
Page 3 Field 1 Off
Field 2 P1+HR HR+SpO2 P1+HR HR+SpO2
Field 3 ST Off ST P1+P2
Field 4 C.O.+PCWP P1+P2 SpO2+Pleth Off
Field 5 Tblood+T3 T3+T4 T1+T2
Field 6 Off
Page 4 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2 P1+HR EEG 1 Off

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ICU software package graphic trends page settings

Setting Medical, Surgical, Cardiac profile Neuro profile Adolescent, Pedia-
and Trauma profiles tric, and Infant pro-
Field 3 SvO2 P3+P4 EEG 2 Off
Field 4 VO2+VCO2 C.O.+PCWP EEG 3 Off
(Surgical profile:
Field 5 EE+RQ Tblood+T3 EEG 4 Off
(Surgical profile:
Field 6 Off

NICU software package graphic trends page settings

Setting Premature profile Cardiac profile Full-term profile Infant profile
Page 1 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2
Field 3 P1+P2 NIBP
Field 4 T1+T2
Field 5 RR(Imped.)+ SpO2
Field 6 Off
Page 2 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HRdif
Field 3 APN (Imped.)
Field 4 SpO2+ Signal Str SpO2+ SpO2(2) SpO2+ Signal Str SpO2+ SpO2(2)
Field 5 Off
Field 6 Off
Page 3 Field 1 Off
Field 2 Off
Field 3 Off
Field 4 Off
Field 5 Off
Field 6 Off
Page 4 Field 1 Off
Field 2 Off
Field 3 Off
Field 4 Off
Field 5 Off
Field 6 Off

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OR software package graphic trends page settings

Setting Perfusion and General profile Regional profile Neuro profile Adolescent, Pe-
Invasive pro- diatric, and In-
files fant profiles
Page 1 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2 HR+PVC HR+SpO2
Field 3 P1+P2 NIBP CPP P1+P2
Field 4 O2+N2O
Field 5 CO2+AA RR(Imped.)+ CO2+AA
Field 6 Off
Page 2 Field 1 Off
Field 2 CO2+SpO2 P1+HR CO2+SpO2
Field 3 Paw SpO2+Pleth Paw
Field 4 MVexp+ RR(CO2) T1+T2 MVexp+ RR(CO2)
Field 5 Compl+Raw ST Compl+Raw
Field 6 Off
Page 3 Field 1 Off
Field 2 P3+P4 P1+HR Off EEG 1 P1+HR
Field 3 Tblood+T3 SpO2+Pleth Off EEG 2 SpO2+Pleth
Field 4 C.O.+PCWP T1+T2 Off EEG 3 T1+T2
Field 5 SvO2 ST Off EEG 4 ST
Field 6 Off
Page 4 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2 Off T1+T2 HR+SpO2
Field 3 SPI Off ST SPI
Field 4 NMT Off NMT
Field 5 Entropy Off Entropy
Field 6 Off

PACU software package graphic trends page settings

Setting General and Invasive profile Regional profile Neuro profile Adolescent, Pe-
PreRegional diatric, and In-
profiles fant profiles
Page 1 Field 1 Off
Field 2 HR+SpO2
Field 3 P1+P2 NIBP CPP P1+P2
Field 4 Off O2+N2O Off
Field 5 RR(Imped.)+ CO2+AA RR(Imped.)+ SpO2
Field 6 Off

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PACU software package graphic trends page settings

Setting General and Invasive profile Regional profile Neuro profile Adolescent, Pe-
PreRegional diatric, and In-
profiles fant profiles
Page 2 Field 1 Off
Field 2 P1+HR CO2+SpO2 P1+HR
Field 3 SpO2+Pleth Paw SpO2+Pleth
Field 4 T1+T2 MVexp+ T1+T2
Field 5 ST Compl+Raw ST
Field 6 Off
Page 3 Field 1 Off
Field 2 Off P3+P4 Off
Field 3 Off Tblood+T3 Off
Field 4 Off C.O.+PCWP Off
Field 5 Off SvO2 Off
Field 6 Off
Page 4 Field 1 Off
Field 2 Off
Field 3 Off
Field 4 Off
Field 5 Off
Field 6 Off

Snapshot settings
Select Profile Settings > Trends & Snapshot > Snapshot to define the snapshot settings for the profile. The following
table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Field 1 Select the parame- Priority 1 real time
ter to display in
Field 2 Select the parame- ECG 1 waveform
ter to display in
Field 3 Select the parame- Pleth wave- P1 waveform P1 waveform P1 waveform Pleth wave-
ter to display in form (Cardiac pro- (Full-term and (Regional, form
snapshots. (Trauma pro- file: ECG 2 Infant profiles: Adolescent, (Invasive pro-
file: P1 wave- waveform; Pleth wave- Pediatric and file: P1 wave-
form) Adolescent, form) Infant profiles: form)
Pediatric and Pleth wave-
Infant profiles: form)
Pleth wave-

196/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Field 4 Select the parame- P1+HR
ter to display in
Field 5 Select the parame- RR(Imped.)+ CO2+ RR(Imped.)+ CO2+ RR(Imped.)+
ter to display in SpO2 RR(CO2) SpO2 RR(CO2) SpO2
snapshots. (Cardiac pro-
file: RR(Imp-
ed.)+ SpO2)
Field 6 Select the parame- Off
ter to display in

Care report settings

Select Profile Settings > Care Report to define the care report format for the profile. The following table lists the
factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Graphic Enable the trends Enabled
Trends report pages to
display on report
Page 1.
Enable the trends Enabled
report pages to
display on report
Page 2.
Enable the trends Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled
report pages to (Neuro profile: (Regional pro- (Invasive pro-
display on report Enabled) file: Disabled) file: Enabled)
Page 3.
Enable the trends Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled
report pages to (Adolescent, Regional pro-
display on report Pediatric and file: Disabled)
Page 4. Infant pro-
files: Disabled)
Hours/Page Select the num- 2h 8h 8h 4h 2h
ber of trend hours
printed per page.
Loops Enable the spiro- Enabled Disabled Enabled Enabled
metry loops re- (ICU software package Cardiac Regional pro-
port. profile: Disabled) file: Disabled)
Hemodynamic Enable the hemo- Disabled
Calculations dynamic calcula-
tions printout.
Oxygenation Enable the oxy- Disabled Enabled Disabled
Calculations genation calcula- (Cardiac,
tions printout. Adolescent,
Pediatric and
Infant pro-
files: Disabled)

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Configuring locking settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Ventilation Enable the venti- Disabled Enabled Disabled
Calculations lation calcula- (Cardiac,
tions printout. Neuro, Ado-
lescent, Pe-
diatric and In-
fant profiles:
AEP Enable the Disabled
evoked potential
Print Auto- Select to print a No Disabled
matic care report at the
defined printing
Print on Dis- Enable automatic No
charge print when the
case is reset/
patient is dis-

Configuring locking settings

Some profile and care unit settings can be locked. Clinicians cannot adjust locked settings for the
current patient.
1. Select Monitor Setup > Defaults & Service > Default Setup.
2. Enter the Username: clinical.
3. Enter the password for the clinical user account.
4. Select Locking Settings.
5. Change the settings as needed in General, Parameters, and Alarms.

General locking settings

Select Locking Settings > General to define the general locking settings. The following table lists the factory default


Touch Volume Unlocked
Parameter Colors Unlocked

Parameter locking settings

Select Locking Settings> Parameters to define the parameter locking settings. The following table lists the factory
default settings.


ECG: ST Analysis Unlocked

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ECG: QRS Width Unlocked Locked Unlocked
(Pediatric and Infant profiles: (Pediatric and Infant profiles:
Locked) Locked)
ECG: V Tach Minimum Locked
ECG: V Tach Event Du- Unlocked
ECG: V Tach Criteria Unlocked

Alarm locking settings

Select Locking Settings > Alarms to define the alarm locking settings. The following table lists the factory default


HR Alarm - Single: Ta- Unlocked Locked Unlocked
chy/Brady Alarm
HR Alarm - Single: Criti- Unlocked Locked Unlocked
cal Tachy/Brady Alarm NOTE: You cannot lock this set- NOTE: You cannot lock this set-
ting unless HR Alarm - Single: Ta- ting unless HR Alarm - Single: Ta-
chy/Brady Alarm is locked. chy/Brady Alarm is locked.
HR Alarm - Multiple: Ta- Unlocked Locked Unlocked
chy/Brady Alarm
HR Alarm - Multiple: Unlocked Locked Unlocked
Critical Tachy/Brady NOTE: You cannot lock this setting NOTE: You cannot lock this setting
Alarm unless HR Alarm - Multiple: Ta- unless HR Alarm - Multiple: Ta-
chy/Brady Alarm is locked. chy/Brady Alarm is locked.
PR(SpO2) Alarm Unlocked
PR(SpO2(2)) Alarm Unlocked
PR(UAC) Alarm Unlocked
PR(Art) Alarm Unlocked
PR(Fem) Alarm Unlocked
ST(Lateral) Alarm Unlocked
ST(Inferior) Alarm Unlocked
ST(Anterior) Alarm Unlocked
ST(I) Alarm Unlocked
ST(II) Alarm Unlocked
ST(III) Alarm Unlocked
ST(aVR) Alarm Unlocked
ST(aVL) Alarm Unlocked
ST(aVF) Alarm Unlocked
ST(V1) Alarm Unlocked

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ST(V2/dV2) Alarm Unlocked
ST(V3/dV3) Alarm Unlocked
ST(V4/dV4) Alarm Unlocked
ST(V5) Alarm Unlocked
ST(V6/dV6) Alarm Unlocked
Frequent PVCs Alarm Unlocked
Frequent SVCs Alarm Unlocked
QT Alarm Unlocked
QTc Alarm Unlocked
SpO2 Alarm Unlocked
SpO2 Critical Alarm Unlocked
NOTE: You cannot lock this setting unless SpO2 Alarm is locked.
SpO2(2) Alarm Unlocked
SpO2(2) Critical Alarm Unlocked
NOTE: You cannot lock this setting unless SpO2(2) Alarm is locked.
NIBP(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
NIBP(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
NIBP(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
UAC(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
UAC(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
UAC(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
Art(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
Art(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
Art(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
Fem(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
Fem(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
Fem(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
UVC(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
UVC(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
UVC(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
CVP(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
CVP(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
CVP(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
FemV(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
FemV(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
FemV(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
PA(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
PA(Mean) Alarm Unlocked

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PA(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
RAP(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
RAP(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
RAP(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
RVP(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
RVP(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
RVP(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
LAP(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
LAP(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
LAP(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
ICP(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
ICP(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
ICP(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
CPP Alarm Unlocked
P1(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P2(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P3(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P4(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P5(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
P5(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P5(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
P6(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
P6(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P6(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
P7(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
P7(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P7(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
P8(Sys) Alarm Unlocked
P8(Mean) Alarm Unlocked
P8(Dia) Alarm Unlocked
RR (Imped.) Alarm Unlocked
Cardiac Artifact Alarm Unlocked
FiCO2 Alarm Unlocked
Ext Apnea Alarm Unlocked
Ext EtN2O Alarm Unlocked
Ext FiN2O Alarm Unlocked
TC CO2 Alarm Unlocked

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Configuring Time & Date settings Supplemental Information Manual


TC O2 Alarm Unlocked
PEEPtot Alarm Unlocked
PEEPe Alarm Unlocked
PEEPi Alarm Unlocked
PEEP Alarm Unlocked
Vent Alarm Unlocked
TVExp Alarm Unlocked
Tblood Alarm Unlocked
Tblood-T1 Alarm Unlocked
Tblood-T3 Alarm Unlocked
T1 Alarm Unlocked
T2 Alarm Unlocked
T2-T1 Alarm Unlocked
T3 Alarm Unlocked
T4 Alarm Unlocked
T4-T3 Alarm Unlocked
CCI Alarm Unlocked
CCO Alarm Unlocked
SvO2 Alarm Unlocked
ScvO2 Alarm Unlocked
SpHb Alarm Unlocked
rSO2 Alarm Unlocked Not applicable Unlocked
BIS Alarm Unlocked
RE Alarm Not applicable Unlocked
SE Alarm Not applicable Unlocked

Configuring Time & Date settings

Time & Date can be changed locally on a monitor in the CARESCAPE Network also during an active
case/admitted patient.
MISINTERPRETATION OF HISTORICAL DATA. Changing the date and time on one network
device on the CARESCAPE Network will also update the date and time for all other devices
on the same network. To avoid possible misinterpretation of historical data when viewing it,
special attention should always be paid to the time and date information.
1. Select Monitor Setup > Defaults & Service > Default Setup.
2. Enter the Username: clinical.
3. Enter the password for the clinical user account.
4. Select Time & Date.

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings

5. Change the settings as needed for Day, Month, Year, Hour, Min, and Time Format.
6. Select Confirm.

Time Format settings

Select Time & Date > Time Format to define the time format. The following table lists the factory default settings.


Time Format 24 h

Configuring current patient settings

Current patient settings are non-password protected settings that are adjusted to meet the needs of
the current patient. They are saved to the monitor’s permanent memory, but only until the case is
reset/patient is discharged. For more information, refer to the user information provided.
Some settings do not display in all software packages. These settings are indicated where
appropriate as not applicable.

Alarm limits settings

Select Alarms Setup > Alarm Limits to adjust the parameter alarm high/low settings for the current

Alarm priority settings

Select Alarms Setup > Alarm Priorities to adjust the alarm priority settings for the current patient. For more
information, refer to the user information provided. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Select the ECG tab to adjust the ECG alarm priority settings for the current patient. For more information, refer to the
user information provided. The following table lists the factory default settings.


Tachy/PR high Escalating High Escalating
Brady/PR low Escalating High Escalating
ST Segment high/low Medium Low Medium
QT/QTc Low
Frequent PVCs Low Escalating Low
Frequent SVCs Low
Arrhythmia paused Escalating
Noisy ECG Escalating
ECG Lead Off Low
ECG Leads Off Escalating

Select the Invasive Pressures tab to adjust the invasive pressure alarm priority settings for the current patient. For
more information, refer to the user information provided. The following table lists the factory default settings.

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UAC high/low High
Art high/low High
Fem high/low High
UVC high/low Medium
CVP high/low Medium
FemV high/low Medium
PA high/low Medium
RAP high/low Medium
RVP high/low Medium
LAP high/low Medium
ICP high/low Medium
CPP high/low Medium
P1 high/low Medium
P2 high/low Medium
P3 high/low Medium
P4 high/low Medium
P5 high/low Medium
P6 high/low Medium
P7 high/low Medium
P8 high/low Medium

Select the Other Parameters tab to adjust other parameter alarm priority settings for the current patient. For more
information, refer to the user information provided. The following table lists the factory default settings.


Change telemetry bat- Medium N/A Medium
tery (Combo mode only)
SpO2 high Escalating
SpO2 low Escalating
SpO2 probe off Escalating
rSO2 high Low N/A Low
rSO2 low High N/A High
NIBP high/low High
RR (Imped.) high/low Escalating
Apnea (Imped.) Escalating
Resp (Imped.) measure- Escalating
ment paused
RR (CO2) high/low Escalating
Apnea (CO2) Escalating
CO2 high/low Medium

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings


FiAA high/low Medium
TcCO2 high/low High
TcO2 high/low High
Temp high/low Escalating
CCI high/low Escalating
CCO high/low Escalating
SpHb high/low Escalating
Ventilator disconnected High Medium

Arrhythmia alarm settings

Lethal alarm settings
Select Alarms Setup > Arrhythmia > Lethal Alarms to adjust the lethal arrhythmia alarm settings for the current
For more information, refer to the user manual.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Asystole > Alarm Define the alarm priority. High
Asystole > Create Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
Asystole > Print on Enable automatic print- Enabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
V Fib / V Tach > Define the alarm priority. High
Alarm Priority
V Fib / V Tach > Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Create Snapshot shot on alarm.
V Fib / V Tach > Enable automatic print- Enabled
Print on Alarm ing on alarm.
V Tach > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priority. High
V Tach > Create Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
V Tach > Print on Enable automatic print- Enabled Disabled Enabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
Arrhythmia Define the arrhythmia Full Lethal Full
detection level. (Perfusion
profile: Off)

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V Tach Criteria settings

Select Alarms Setup > Arrhythmia > Lethal Alarms > V Tach Criteria to adjust these settings for the current
patient. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

V Tach Criteria Select whether Mini- AND
mum HR/min AND
Event Duration or Mini-
mum HR/min OR Event
Duration is used.
Minimum HR/min Select the HR value to be 100 160 100
used for V Tach.
Event Duration Select the event dura- OFF
tion to be used for V

Ventricular alarm settings

Select Alarms Setup > Arrhythmia > Ventricular Alarms to adjust the ventricular arrhythmia alarm settings for the
current patient.
For more information, refer to the user manual.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

VT > 2 > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priori- Medium
ority ty.
VT > 2 > Create Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
VT > 2 > Print on Enable automatic print- Enabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
R on T > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priori- Medium
ority ty.
R on T > Create Enable automatic snap- Disabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
R on T > Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
V Brady > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priori- Medium High Medium
ority ty.
V Brady > Create Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
V Brady > Print on Enable automatic print- Enabled Disabled Enabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
Couplet > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priori- Low
ority ty.
Couplet > Create Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.

206/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Couplet > Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
Bigeminy > Alarm Define the alarm priori- Low
Priority ty.
Bigeminy > Create Enable automatic snap- Enabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
Bigeminy > Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
Accelerated Ven- Define the alarm priori- Low
tricular > Alarm Pri- ty.
Accelerated Ven- Enable automatic snap- Disabled Enabled Disabled
tricular > Create shot on alarm.
Accelerated Ven- Enable automatic print- Disabled
tricular > Print on ing on alarm.
Trigeminy > Alarm Define the alarm priori- Low
Priority ty.
Trigeminy > Create Enable automatic snap- Disabled Enabled Disabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
Trigeminy >Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm.
Multifocal PVCs > Define the alarm priori- Off
Alarm Priority ty.
Multifocal PVCs > Enable automatic snap- Disabled
Create Snapshot shot on alarm.
Multifocal PVCs > Enable automatic print- Disabled
Print on Alarm ing on alarm.

Atrial alarm settings

Select Alarms Setup > Arrhythmia > Atrial Alarms to adjust the atrial arrhythmia alarm settings for the current
Select A Fib and SV Tachy for all available settings.
For more information, refer to the user manual.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Pause > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priori- Low
ority ty.
Pause > Create Enable automatic snap- Disabled Enabled Disabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
Pause > Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm.

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Configuring current patient settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Pause Interval Select the time inter- 3s 5s 3s
val between two adja-
cent beats before Pause
alarm sounds.
A Fib > Alarm Pri- Define the alarm priori- Off Not applica- Low Off
ority ty. ble
A Fib > Create Enable automatic snap- Disabled Not applica- Disabled
Snapshot shot on alarm. ble
A Fib > Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled Not applica- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm. ble
Irregular > Alarm Define the alarm priori- Not applicable Low Not applicable
Priority ty. PDM with NICU pack-
age only.
Irregular > Create Enable automatic snap- Not applicable Enabled Not applicable
Snapshot shot on alarm. PDM with
NICU package only.
Irregular > Print on Enable automatic print- Not applicable Disabled Not applicable
Alarm ing on alarm. PDM with
NICU package only.
Missing Beat > Define the alarm priori- Off Not applica- Low Off
Alarm Priority ty. ble
PDM only.
Missing Beat > Cre- Enable automatic snap- Disabled Not applica- Disabled
ate Snapshot shot on alarm. ble
PDM only.
Missing Beat > Enable automatic print- Disabled Not applica- Disabled
Print on Alarm ing on alarm. PDM only. ble
SV Tachy > Alarm Define the alarm priori- Off
Priority ty.
PDM only.
SV Tachy > Create Enable automatic snap- Disabled
Snapshot shot on alarm.
PDM only.
SV Tachy > Print on Enable automatic print- Disabled
Alarm ing on alarm. PDM only.
SVT Length Define the number of 6 Beats
beats before the SV Ta-
chy alarm sounds.
PDM only.
HR for SVT /min Define the beats per mi- 120 180 120
nute before the SV Ta-
chy alarm sounds.
PDM only.

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings

Audible and visual alarm settings

Select Alarms Setup > Audible & Visual to adjust the audible and visual alarm settings for the current patient.
For more information, refer to the user manual.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Activate All Audi- Select to activate all au- Enabled
ble Alarms dible alarms.
Set audible alarms Select to turn on/off None None None
permanently Off the audible physiologi- (Perfusion
cal alarm tones for an profile: Ap-
alarm group or for all nea & ECG
alarms. Audio Off)
Alarm Volume Select the audible alarm 7 6 7
This setting appears tone volume.
when the Alarm Vol-
ume Control setting
is set to Common
for All.
Alarm Volume for: Select the audible alarm 7 6 7
High & Medium Pri- tone volume for high
ority and medium priority
This setting appears alarms.
when the Alarm Vol-
ume Control setting
is set to Separate
for Low.
Alarm Volume for: Select the audible alarm 7 6 7
Low Priority tone volume for low pri-
This setting appears ority alarms.
when the Alarm Vol-
ume Control setting
is set to Separate
for Low.
Alarm Light % Select the alarm light 100

Monitor screen settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Screen Setup to adjust the screen settings for the current

Monitor brightness settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Brightness to adjust the display brightness. By default, it is
Automatic for all profiles.

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Configuring current patient settings Supplemental Information Manual

Invasive pressures color settings for channels

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Colors > Invasive Pressures to adjust the channel color settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.


Art 1 Red
CVP 2 Cyan
Fem 3 Red
PA 4 Yellow
P5 to P7 White
Art 8 Red

Setting NICU
UAC 1 Red
UVC 2 White
Art 3 Red
CVP 4 Cyan
P5 to P7 White
P8 Red

Other parameters color settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Colors > Common to adjust the color settings for the current patient. The
following table lists the factory default settings.


ECG Green
SpO2 Yellow
SpO2(2) Light cyan
Resp White
Temp White
CO2 White
O2 White
N2O Light cyan
Paw Yellow
Flow Green

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Colors > Specific to adjust the color settings for the current patient. The
following table lists the factory default settings.

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C.O./CCO White
SvO2/ScvO2 Light cyan
TC White
EEG Cyan
BIS Dark blue
Entropy White
(This setting controls the SE parameter and EntrEEG waveform display color. The RE trends
are Orange and BSR trends are Blue.)
SPI Not available Violet Not available
Timer White
SpHb Cyan
NMT Light purple Not applicable Light purple

Monitor sound settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Sound Volumes to adjust the volume settings for the current patient. For more
information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.


Alarm Volume 7 6 7
This setting appears
when the Alarm Volume
Control setting is set to
Common for All.
Alarm Volume for: High 7 6 7
& Medium Priority
This setting appears
when the Alarm Volume
Control setting is set to
Separate for Low.
Alarm Volume for: Low 7 6 7
This setting appears
when the Alarm Volume
Control setting is set to
Separate for Low.
Beat Volume 0 5 0
Touch Volume 2
Completed NIBP Vol- 3
Stimulus Beep Volume 0

Monitor parameter settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup to adjust the parameter settings for the
current patient.
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For more information, refer to the user manual.

Waveform printout settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Printing > Waveforms to adjust the waveform printout settings for the current
patient. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Delay Select the amount 10 s
of most recent
saved data to
print before print-
ing real time data.
Print Length Select the amount 30 s
of time (duration).
Paper Speed Select the printing 25 mm/s
Print on Alarm Enable automatic No
printing on alarm.
Waveform 1 Select the wave- II
form to print.
Waveform 2 Select the wave- Pleth (SpO2) IP channel 1 IP channel 1 IP channel 1 Pleth (SpO2)
form to print. Trauma pro- Cardiac pro- Full-term and Regional, Invasive pro-
file: IP channel file: V1 Infant pro- Adolescent, file: IP channel
1 Adolescent, files: Pleth Pediatric and 1
Cardiac pro- Pediatric (SpO2) Infant pro-
file: V1 and Infant files: Pleth
profiles: (SpO2)
Pleth (SpO2)
Waveform 3 Select the wave- None
form to print.
Waveform 4 Select the wave- None
form to print.

Report settings
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Printing > Reports > Trends to adjust the report settings for the current
patient. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Printout Length Select the amount 2h 8h 4h 2h
of time to print.
The From and To
fields update to
display the print-
ed time range.
End Hour Select the last Current hour
(newest) hour of
collected data to

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Minutes Select the last Current minute
(newest) minute
of collected data
to print.
Page 1 Enable the Trend Enabled
Report Content
page to print.
Page 2 Enable the Trend Disabled
Report Content
page to print.
Page 3 Enable the Trend Disabled
Report Content
page to print.
Page 4 Enable the Trend Disabled
Report Content
page to print.
Hours/Page Select the number 2h
of hours printed
per page.

Device settings
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Printing > Devices > Setup to adjust the printing device settings for the
current patient. The options vary based on the print devices that are configured and available in the care unit or
network. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Printout Select the print- Waveforms
out type.
Location Select the print Local
device location for
Select the print Local
device location for
waveform alarms.
Select the print Local
device location for
telemetry wave-
Select the print Local
device location for
numeric trends.
Select the print Network
device location for

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Configuring current patient settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Unit Select from the First in list
list of units where
printing devices
are available. List
is in alphabetical
Remote Device Select from the First in list
list of compatible
printing devices
on the network.
List is in alphabet-
ical order.
Network Device Select from the First in list
list of printers
configured for the
network. List is in
alphabetical or-

Drug calculator settings

Calculator default settings
Select Data & Pages > Drug Calculations > Calculator to adjust the drug calculator settings for the
current patient. A drug calculator is provided for each of the factory default drugs in the Drug List.

Titration table default settings

Select Data & Pages > Drug Calculations > Titration Table. A titration table is provided for each of
the factory default drugs in the Drug List.

Resuscitation medication settings

Available in the NICU software package only.
Select Data & Pages > Drug Calculations > Resuscitation Medications to adjust the resuscitation medication set-
tings for the current patient. Clinicians enter the patient's weight in order to calculate, display and print resuscitation
medication data. The following table lists the factory default resuscitation medication values

Medication Concentration Route

Epinephrine 1:10,000 ET
Epinephrine 1:10,000 IV
Volume Expanders None IV
Naloxone Hydrochloride (Narcan) 0.4mg/ml IV, IM, SQ
1.0mg/ml IV, IM, SQ

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings

Laboratory data settings

Select Data & Pages > Laboratory Data > Enter Data to adjust the lab data settings for the current patient. For more
information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Temperature Enable the tem- Laboratory
Correction perature to be
Temperature Select the tem- Manual
Source perature correc-
tion source.
Sample Site Select the blood Arterial
sample site.

Calculation settings
Select Data & Pages > Calculations > Hemo, Oxy or Vent to adjust the calculation settings for the
current patient. For more information, refer to the user manual.

Other patients (remote alarm) settings

Select Data & Pages > Other Patients > Receive Alarms to adjust the remote alarm settings for each individual
remote bed or for all remote beds in the selected Unit. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following
table lists the factory default settings.
The Receive Alarms tab is only visible when the automatic view on alarm (AVOA) functionality is enabled.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Change All Noti- Select the type of alarm noti- Off
fications fication(s) that will display on
this monitor for the selected
Change All Pri- Select the alarm priority level High, Med
orities that will display on this moni-
tor for the selected Unit.
Unit Select the care unit. The list Current unit
of units is alphabetical.
Alarm Notifica- Select the type of alarm noti- Off
tion fication(s) that will display on
this monitor for the selected
Alarm Priorities Select the alarm priority level High, Med
that will display on this mon-
itor for the selected Bed un-
less the Alarm Notification
setting is Off.

Select Data & Pages > Other Patients > View Patients to view a list of all patient beds in the selected Unit or all
remote beds configured for alarm notifications. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists
the factory default settings.

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Unit Select the care unit. The list Current unit
of units is alphabetical.
The displayed list of beds/pa-
tients depends on the Show
Show Select which patient beds are All Patients
shown in the list.

Admit/discharge or start/end case settings

Select Data & Pages > Admit/Discharge or Start / Reset Case > Patient to adjust the admit/discharge or start/end
case settings for the current patient/case. For more information, refer to the user manual. Some settings remain blank
(empty) until a value is selected for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Profile Select the moni- Medical Premature General
tor profile.
Height cm Select the pa- 170 40 170
tient’s height. (Adolescent profile: 150; Pe- (Adolescent profile: 150; Pe-
diatric profile: 115; Infant diatric profile: 115; Infant
profile: 65) profile: 65)
Weight kg or Select the pa- 80 1500 80
Weight g tient’s weight. (Adolescent profile: 40; Pe- (Adolescent profile: 40; Pe-
ED, ICU, OR, and diatric profile: 20000; Infant diatric profile: 20000; Infant
PACU: unit of profile: 8000) profile: 8000)
measure is g with
the Pediatric and
Infant profiles
and kg with all
other profiles.
NICU: unit of
measure is g with
all profiles.

Select Data & Pages > Admit/Discharge or Start / Reset Case > Patient > Edit All Demographics to adjust the
patient demographic settings for the current patient. For more information, refer to the user manual. Some settings
remain blank (empty) until a value is selected for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Date of Birth Select the pa- 15 Current day 15
tient’s birth day. (Infant profile: Current day) (Infant profile: Current day)
Select the pa- June Current June
tient’s birth (Infant profile: Current month (Infant profile: Current
month. month) month)
Select the pa- -40 0 -40
tient’s birth year. (Adolescent profile: -13; Pe- (Adolescent profile: -13; Pe-
(Subtract number diatric profile: -5; Infant pro- diatric profile: -5; Infant pro-
of years from to- file: 0) file: 0)
day’s year).

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Age Select the pa- 40 0 40
tient’s age. (Adolescent profile: 13; Pe- (Adolescent profile: 13; Pe-
diatric profile: 5; Infant pro- diatric profile: 5; Infant pro-
file: 0) file: 0)
Select the unit of Years Days Years
measure for the (Infant profile: Days) (Infant profile: Days)
patient’s age.
Gender Select the pa- Not selected
tient’s gender.
Ethnicity Select the pa- Caucasian
tient’s ethnicity.
Height cm Select the pa- 170 40 170
tient’s height. (Adolescent profile: 150; Pe- (Adolescent profile: 150; Pe-
diatric profile: 115; Infant diatric profile: 115; Infant
profile: 65) profile: 65)
Weight kg or Select the pa- 80 1500 80
Weight g tient’s weight. (Adolescent profile: 40; Pe- (Adolescent profile: 40; Pe-
ED, ICU, OR, and diatric profile: 20000; Infant diatric profile: 20000; Infant
PACU: unit of profile: 8000) profile: 8000)
measure is g with
the Pediatric and
Infant profiles
and kg with all
other profiles.
NICU: unit of
measure is g with
all profiles.
BSA m2 Select the pa- Not selected
tient’s BSA.

Trend settings
Select Trends to adjust the trends view settings for the current patient. For more information, refer to the user manual.
The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

View Select the type of Graphic
trend to display.
Time Scale Select the time 1h 2h
scale for trends.

Select Trends > View > Graphic to adjust the graphic trends view settings for the current patient. For more informa-
tion, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Time Scale Select the time 1h 2h
scale for graphic

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Configuring current patient settings Supplemental Information Manual

Select Trends > View > Numeric to adjust the numeric trends view settings for the current patient. For more
information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Time Interval Select the time in- 5 min 15 min 5 min
terval for numeric (Trauma, Car-
trends. diac, Neuro,
Pediatric, In-
fant profiles:
1 min

Select Trends > View > Event to adjust the event view settings for the current patient. For more information, refer to
the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Sort by Select the display Time
order for events.
Show Deleted Select if the delet- Disabled
ed trends are
shown or not.

Select Trends > View > Snapshot to adjust the snapshot time scale for the current patient. For more information,
refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Time Scale Select the snap- 1h 2h
shot time scale.

Select Trends > View > Snapshot > Snapshot Setup to adjust the snapshot view settings for the current patient. For
more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Create Snapshot Select if snap- Tachy/Brady enabled; ST High/Low enabled; PVC disabled; SVC disabled;
on Alarm: shots are created Art/Fem/UAC High/Low enabled; SpO2 High/Low enabled; Apnea enabled
on alarm.
Automatic Print- Select if snap- Disabled
ing shots are printed
Print Loop Select if spirome- No
try loops are
Sweep Speed Select the snap- 12.5 mm/s
shot sweep

Select Trends > View > Histogram to adjust the time scale for the current patient. For more information, refer to the
user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Time Scale Select the histo- 1h 2h
gram time scale.

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Supplemental Information Manual Configuring current patient settings

Select Trends > View > Histogram > Histogram Setup > SpO2 to adjust the histogram settings for the current
patient. For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SpO2 Target Select upper limit 94
Zone Limits: Up- for target zone.
per Limit
SpO2 Target Select lower limit 87
Zone Limits: for target zone.
Lower Limit
SpO2 Range Select the range 70–100%
for SpO2.

Select Trends > View > Histogram > Histogram Setup > HR to adjust the histogram settings for the current patient.
For more information, refer to the user manual. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

HR Target Zone Select upper limit 150
Limits: Upper for target zone.
HR Target Zone Select lower limit 50
Limits: Lower for target zone.
HR Range Select the range 30–160
for HR.

Trend scales default settings

Select Trends > Graphic > Trend Scales > General to adjust these settings for the current patient. The following table
lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

HR /min Select the trend 0-150 0-300 0-150
scale size.
PVC /min Select the trend 0-20
scale size.
STmm Select the trend -4..+4
scale size.
SpO2% Select the trend 80-100
scale size.
SvO2/ScvO2% Select the trend 50-90
scale size.
CO2% Select the trend 0-6
scale size.
VO2 ml/min Select the trend 400
scale size for
adult sensors.
Select the trend 40
scale size for pe-
diatric sensors.

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Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Resp Rate /min Select the trend 0-30 0–100 0-30
scale size. (Pediatric profile: 0-100; In- (Pediatric profile: 0-100; In-
fant profile: 0-100) fant profile: 0-100)
Apnea Duration Select the trend 0-30
s scale size.
SpHb Select the trend g/l: 90-180
The default scale scale size. mmol: 5.5-11.0
size depends on g/dl: 9-18
the selected unit
of measure.
rSO2 Select the trend 15-95 Not applicable 15-95
scale size.

Select Trends > Graphic > Trend Scales > IP/NIBP to adjust these settings for the current patient. The following table
lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Art1 mmHg Select the trend 0-200 0-100 0-200
scale size. (Adolescent profile: 0-170; (Infant profile: (Adolescent profile: 0-170;
Pediatric profile: 0-140; In- 0–120 Pediatric profile: 0-140; In-
fant profile: 0-120) fant profile: 0-120)
CVP2 mmHg Select the trend 0-20 0-10 0-20
scale size. (Infant profiles: 0-10) (Infant profiles: 0-10)
Fem3 mmHg Select the trend 0-200 0-100 0-200
scale size. (Adolescent profile: 0-170; (Adolescent profile: 0-170;
Pediatric profile: 0-140; In- Pediatric profile: 0-140; In-
fant profile: 0-120) fant profile: 0-120)
PA4 mmHg Select the trend 0-60 0-10 0-60
scale size. (Pediatric and Infant profiles: (Pediatric and Infant profiles:
0-40) 0-40)
PCWP mmHg Select the trend 0-30
scale size.
CPP mmHg Select the trend 0-200 0-100 0-200
scale size.
P5 mmHg Select the trend 0-60 0-40 0-60
scale size.
P6 mmHg Select the trend 0-60 0-40 0-60
scale size.
P7 mmHg Select the trend 0-60 0-100 0-60
scale size.
Art8 mmHg Select the trend 0-200 0-100 0-200
scale size.
NIBP mmHg Select the trend 0-300 0-100 0-300
scale size. (Pediatric profile: 50-150; In- (Infant profile: (Pediatric profile: 50-150; In-
fant profile: 0-100) 50-150) fant profile: 0-100)

220/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Select Trends > Graphic > Trend Scales > Cardiac Output to adjust these settings for the current patient. The
following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

C.O. l/min Select the trend 1-5
scale size.
C.I. l/min/m2 Select the trend 2-6
scale size.
SVV % Select the trend 0 - 10
scale size.
SVRI Select the trend 600 - 3000
dyne*s*m2/cm scale size (with
5 Indexed values)
SVR Select the trend 600 - 3000
dyne*s/cm5 scale size (with
non-indexed val-
SVI ml/m2 Select the trend 20 - 120
scale size (with
Indexed values).
SV ml Select the trend 20 - 120
scale size (with
non-indexed val-
GEDI ml/m2 Select the trend 500 - 1000
scale size.
ELWI ml/kg Select the trend 5 - 15
scale size.

Select Trends > Graphic > Trend Scales > Temp to adjust these settings for the current patient. The following table
lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

T1 °C Select the trend 20-40
scale size.
T2 °C Select the trend 20-40
scale size.
T3 °C Select the trend 20-40
scale size.
T4 °C Select the trend 20-40
scale size.
Tblood °C Select the trend 20-40
scale size.

Parameter default settings

Some settings do not display in all software packages. These settings are indicated where
appropriate as not applicable.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

High and low alarm limit values are fixed and no algorithms are used, and auto limits are off
by default.

ECG default settings

The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module for this

ECG setup default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

ECG 1 Lead Select the ECG 1 II
lead for 3-, 5, 6-,
10-lead and 12RL
ECG 2 Lead Select the ECG 2 V1 V5 V1
lead for 3-, 5-, 6-, (3-lead mode: Cascade; 5- and 6-lead mode: (3-lead mode: (3-lead mode:
10-lead and 12RL V1) Cascade; 5- Cascade; 5-
modes. lead mode: and 6-lead
V1; 6-lead mode: V1)
mode: V5)
ECG 3 Lead Select the ECG 3 aVL
lead for 3-, 5-, 6-, (3-lead mode: Cascade)
10-lead and 12RL
Va Lead Position Select the chest V1
lead to be dis-
played on the
monitor ( 5-lead-
wire: the only
chest lead; 6-lead-
wire: the first
chest lead) and
central station (5-,
6- and 10-lead-
wire). This setting
also determines
which chest lead
is analyzed by the
ECG algorithm.
Vb Lead Position Select the second V5
V-lead label for 6-
Beat Source Select what is Primary HR
used as the beat
Beat Volume Select the audible 0 5 0
QRS beep tone

222/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Beat Tone on Enable the audi- N/A Disabled N/A
Brady Only ble QRS beep tone
during bradycar-
Size Select the wave- 1x
form size.
Hemo Sweep Select the hemo- 25 mm/s
Speed dynamic wave-
form speed.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > Setup > 12 Lead Analysis to adjust
these settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Stabilize Base- Select to enable Disabled
line waveform base-
line stabilization
for 12 lead ECG

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > Setup > 12 Lead Analysis > Settings to
adjust these settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Technician ID Enter the clini- Empty
cian/ technician
Order Number Enter the order Empty
Reason for 12 Select a reason (Not Selected)
Lead for the 12 Lead
Diagnostic Tool Enable/disable ad- ACI-TIPI
ditional ACI-TIPI
or ACS.analysis.
Gender Select the patient (Not Selected)
Age Select the patient (Not Selected)
Chest or Left Select the pain (Not Selected)
Arm Pain complaint.
Auto Interval Select the interval Off
of automatic 12SL
Display Format Select the report 4 x 2.5 - 3 Rhythms
12 Lead on ST Select to perform Disabled
Alarm analysis on ST

5697480-01 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 223/280
Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Print Interpreta- Select whether Enabled
tions the diagnostic
statements will
be included in the
printouts or not.

Select Monitor Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > Setup > 12 Lead Analysis > Filter to adjust this
setting for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default setting.
This setting is only available when a 12SL report is open for viewing.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Low-pass Select the filter to be 150 Hz

ECG advanced default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > Advanced to adjust these settings for
the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Pacemaker De- Enable the pace- Sensitive (Pace 2)
tection maker detection
Waveform Filter Select the filter Monitoring
for waveform dis-
play and printed
QRS Width Adjust the moni- Normal Narrow Normal
tor to detect cer- (Pediatric and Infant profiles: (Pediatric and Infant profiles:
tain types of QRS Narrow) Narrow)
Lead Analysis Select the lead(s) Multi lead
for ECG analysis (3-lead cable connected: Single lead)
when a 5-, 6-, 10-
lead cable is con-
Primary HR Select the param- AUTO
Source eter to calculate
Show 2nd HR Display a second Disabled Enabled Disabled
Source HR value in the
ECG parameter
Show ST Display the ST val- Disabled
ue in the ECG pa-
rameter window.
Show PVC Display the PVC Enabled Disabled Enabled
value in the ECG
parameter win-

224/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Show QT Display the QT or Disabled Disabled Disabled
QTc value in the
ECG parameter
ECG Grid Display a grid on Disabled

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > HR/PR Alarms to adjust these settings
for the current patient when the HR Alarms care unit setting is Multiple. The following table lists the factory default

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

HR alarm limits Select the 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
high/low alarm (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pedia- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
limits. tric profile: 170/70; Infant file: 180/80) file: 120/50; file: 120/50;
profile: 180/80) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
150/50; Pe- 170/70; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 170/70; 180/80)
Infant profile:
HR alarm on Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
when limits are (Perfusion
violated. profile: Alarm
HR critical alarm Select the 180/40 230/75 190/40 180/40
limits high/low alarm (Neuro profile: 150/40; Pedia- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
limits. tric profile: 200/55; Infant file: 210/65) file: 150/40; file: 150/55;
profile: 210/65) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
180/40; Pe- 200/55; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 200/55; 210/65)
Infant profile:
HR critical alarm Enable alarm Alarm Off
on when limits are
PR(SpO2) and Select the 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
PR(SpO2(2)) alarm high/low alarm (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pedia- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
limits limits. tric profile: 170/70; Infant file: 180/80) file: 120/50; file: 120/50;
profile: 180/80) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
150/50; Pe- 170/70; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 170/70; 180/80)
Infant profile:

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

PR(SpO2) and Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
PR(SpO2(2)) alarm when limits are (Perfusion
on violated. profile: Alarm
PR(UAC) alarm Select the 200/90
limits high/low alarm (Infant profile: 180/80)
PR(UAC) alarm on Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
when limits are (Perfusion
violated. profile: Alarm
PR(Art) alarm lim- Select the 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
its high/low alarm (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pedia- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
limits. tric profile: 170/70; Infant file: 180/80) file: 120/50; file: 120/50;
profile: 180/80) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
150/50; Pe- 170/70; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 170/70; 180/80)
Infant profile:
PR(Art) alarm on Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
when limits are (Perfusion
violated. profile: Alarm
PR(Fem) alarm Select the 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
limits high/low alarm (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pedia- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
limits. tric profile: 170/70; Infant file: 180/80) file: 120/50; file: 120/50;
profile: 180/80) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
150/50; Pe- 170/70; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 170/70; 180/80)
Infant profile:
PR(Fem) alarm on Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
when limits are (Perfusion
violated. profile: Alarm

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > PVC/SVC Alarms to adjust these
settings for the current patient when the HR Alarms care unit setting is Multiple. The following table lists the factory
default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

PVC alarm limit Select the high 10 6 10
alarm limit.
PVC alarm on Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm Off Alarm On
when limits are

226/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SVC alarm limit Select the high 10
alarm limit.
SVC alarm on Enable alarm Alarm Off
when limits are

ECG arrhythmia alarm default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ECG tab > Arrhythmia to adjust
these settings for the current patient.

ST default settings
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ST tab > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

ST Analysis Enable ST analy- On Off On On
sis. (Adolescent, Pediatric and (Adolescent, (Adolescent,
Infant profiles: Off) Pediatric and Pediatric and
Infant pro- Infant pro-
files: Off; Per- files: Off)
fusion profile:
ST Window Select which ST All Leads ST Leads All Leads
leads display in ST
ST Lead 1 Select the ST lead II
1 lead to display
for 3-, 5-, 6-, and
10-lead and 12RL
ST Lead 2 Select the ST lead 10-lead and 12RL modes: V5 10-lead and 10-lead and 12RL modes: V5
2 lead to display 3-lead mode: NONE,CASC 12RL modes: 3-lead mode: NONE,CASC
for 3-, 5-, 6-, and V1
10-lead and 12RL 5-lead mode: V LEAD A 5-lead mode: V LEAD A
3-lead mode:
modes. 6-lead mode: V LEAD B NONE,CASC 6-lead mode: V LEAD B

5- and 6-lead
modes: V
ST Lead 3 Select the ST lead 5-, 6-, 10-lead and 12RL modes: aVL
3 lead to display 3-lead mode: NONE,CASC
for 3-, 5-, 6-, and
10-lead and 12RL

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ST tab > Realtime View to adjust the Time Scale
setting for the current patient. The factory default setting is 1h.
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ST tab > ST > Trend View to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

5697480-01 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 227/280
Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Leads Select the type of Display
ST leads to trend.
Time Scale Select the ST 1h
trend time scale.
Trend Scales Select the ST ±4
trend scale.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ST tab > Trend View > Ischemic Burden to adjust
these settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Ischemic Burden Enable the ische- Disabled Disabled
mia visualization (Cardiac profile: Enabled)
Depression Limit Select the depres- -1.0
(mm) sion limit value.
Elevation Limit Select the eleva- 1.0
(mm) tion limit value.

ST alarms default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > ST tab > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient when the ST Alarms care unit setting is Group. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Anterior alarm Select the 2.0/-2.0
limits high/low alarm
Anterior alarms Enable alarm Alarm On
on/off when limits are
Inferior alarm lim- Select the 2.0/-2.0
its high/low alarm
Inferior alarms Enable alarm Alarm On
on/off when limits are
Lateral alarm lim- Select the 2.0/-2.0
its high/low alarm
Lateral alarms Enable alarm Alarm On
on/off when limits are

228/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

QT default settings
QT setup default settings
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > QT tab > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

QT Analysis Enable QT analysis. On On On
profile: Off)
Show Select the QT or QTc
QTc values to dis-

QT alarms default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > QT tab > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

QT alarm limit Select the high 450 500 450
alarm limit.
QT alarm on/off Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated. (If QT Analysis is Off, the alarms default is also Alarm Off.)

QTc alarms default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > ECG > QT tab > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

QTc alarm limit Select the high 500 460 500
alarm limit. (Pediatric profile: 480, In- (Pediatric profile: 480, In-
fant profile: 460) fant profile: 460)
QTc alarm on/off Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated. (If QT Analysis is Off, the alarms default is also Alarm Off.)

Impedance respiration default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Impedance Respiration > Setup to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the PDM. The PDM is the default
acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Resp Measure- Display respiration Off
ment measurement.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Size Select the waveform 20%
display size. Note: When PDM is connected, the value is replaced by the value used by
PDM, for example, 60%.
Sensitivity Select the threshold 40%
breath detection value.
Imped. Resp Enable impedance res- Disabled Enabled Disabled
Smoothing piration smoothing. (Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: Enabled) files: Enabled)
Resp Sweep Select the waveform 6.25 mm/s
Speed display sweep speed.
Respiration lead Select the lead to II
selection measure respiration.
Insp./Exp. Mark- Enable inspiration/ex- Enabled
ers piration markers to be
shown on the wave-

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Impedance Respiration > Alarms to adjust these
settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Respiration Rate Select the high/low 40/4 75/20 40/4 40/4
alarm limits alarm limits. (Perfusion
profile: OFF/
Resp Rate (Imp- Enable the impedance On
ed.) Alarm On/ respiration rate alarm.
Alarm Off
Apnea Limit Sec- Select medium elapsed 20
onds time limit.
Cardiac Artifact Enable Cardiac Arti- On
fact alarm.

SpO2 default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SpO2 > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the PDM, E-NSATX, and E-Masimo modules. The PDM
is the default acquisition module for the primary channel (SpO2) and the E-NSATX module is the default acquisition
module for the secondary channel (SpO2(2))

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Size Select the waveform 1x
display scale.
Hemo Sweep Select the waveform 25 mm/s
Speed display sweep speed.
Primary HR Select the parameter AUTO (IntelliRate)
Source to calculate HR.

230/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Show with SpO2 Select the parameter None
values that are shown.
Beat Source Select what is used as Primary HR
the beat source.
Beat Volume Select the volume of 0 5 0
the pulse rate beat
Variable Beat Select what is used as Off
Tone Source the variable beat tone
Show Sat. Sec- Enable SatSeconds dis- Disabled
onds play. Nellcor PDM mod-
ule only.
Saturation Sec- Select the saturation 10
onds seconds measurement
option. Nellcor PDM
module only.
Response Select the averaging Normal
time. Nellcor PDM
module only.
SpO2 Averaging Select the averaging 8s 12 s 8s
time. Masimo PDM
module only.
Sensitivity Select the sensitivity. Normal
Masimo PDM module
PI Averaging Select the averaging Short
time for the perfusion
index. Masimo rainbow
SET technology and
Masimo sensors only.
PVI Averaging Select the averaging Long
time for the pleth var-
iability index. Masimo
rainbow SET technolo-
gy and Masimo sensors

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SpO2(2) > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Size Select the waveform 1x
display scale.
Hemo Sweep Select the waveform 25 mm/s
Speed display sweep speed.
Primary HR Select the parameter AUTO (Intellirate)
Source to calculate HR.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Show Pulse Rate Enable the pulse rate Disabled
display for the secon-
dary (SpO2) channel.
Beat Source Select what is used as Primary HR
the beat source.
Beat Volume Select the volume of 0 5 0
the pulse rate beat
Variable Beat Select what is used as Off
Tone Source the variable beat tone
SpO2 Averaging Select the averaging 8s 12 s 8s
time. E-Masimo mod-
ule only.
Sensitivity Select the sensitivity. Normal
E-Masimo module on-

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SpO2 > Alarms to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SpO2 alarm limits Select the high/low OFF/90 OFF/90 100/88 OFF/90
alarm limits for the pri- (Neuro and (Neuro pro- (Infant pro- (Neuro and Infant profiles:
mary (SpO2) channel. Infant pro- file: OFF/94; file: 100/92.) OFF/94.)
files: OFF/ Adolescent,
94.) Pediatric
and Infant
Trauma pro-
file: 100/90.)
SpO2 alarms on Enable alarm when Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
limits are violated for (Perfusion
the primary (SpO2) profile:
channel. Alarm Off)
SpO2 critical alarm Select the high/low OFF/88
limits alarm limits.
SpO2 critical alarm Enable alarm when Alarm Off
on limits are violated.
PR(SpO2) alarm Select the high/low 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
limits alarm limits. (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pe- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
diatric profile: 170/70; In- file: 180/80) file: 120/50; file: 120/50;
fant profile: 180/80) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
150/50; Pe- 170/70; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 170/70; 180/80)
Infant pro-
file: 180/80)

232/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

PR(SpO2) alarms Enable alarm when Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
on limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off.)

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SpO2(2) > Alarms to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SpO2 alarm limits Select the high/low OFF/90 OFF/90 100/88 OFF/90
alarm limits for the (Neuro and (Neuro pro- (Infant pro- (Neuro and Infant profiles:
secondary (SpO2(2)) Infant pro- file: OFF/94; file: 100/92.) OFF/94.)
channel. files: OFF/ Adolescent,
94.) Pediatric
and Infant
Trauma pro-
file: 100/90.)
SpO2 alarms on Enable alarm when Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
limits are violated for (Perfusion
the primary and secon- profile:
dary (SpO2(2)) chan- Alarm Off)
SpO2 critical alarm Select the high/low OFF/88
limits alarm limits.for the
secondary (SpO2(2))
SpO2 critical alarm Enable alarm when Alarm Off
on limits are violated for
the primary and secon-
dary (SpO2(2)) chan-
PR(SpO2(2)) alarm Select the high/low 150/50 200/90 160/40 150/50
limits alarm limits. (Neuro profile: 120/50; Pe- (Infant pro- (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
diatric profile: 170/70; In- file: 180/80) file: 120/50; file: 120/50;
fant profile: 180/80) Adolescent Pediatric
profile: profile:
150/50; Pe- 170/70; In-
diatric pro- fant profile:
file: 170/70; 180/80)
Infant pro-
file: 180/80)
PR(SpO2(2)) Enable alarm when Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
alarms on limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off)

SpHb default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SpO2 > SpHb > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SpHb Averaging Select the SpHb aver- Medium
aging time.
SpHb Precision Select the rounding 0.1
precision for the SpHb
measurement values.
Arterial/Venous Select the SpHb meas- Arterial
Mode urement location.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SpO2 > SpHb > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SpHb alarm limits Select the high/low OFF/OFF
alarm limits.
SpHb alarms on Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated.

rSO2 default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > rSO2 > Setup to adjust these settings for the current

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Sensors Select the rSO2 meas- ALL Not applica- ALL
urement channel(s) for ble
which you want to set
the baseline.
Microtrend Select the microtrend 1h Not applica- 1h
Length length for the rSO2 ble
Label Select the appropriate Channel 1: L Not applica- Channel 1: L
label for the connected Channel 2: R ble Channel 2: R
Channel 3: S1 Channel 3: S1
Channel 4: S2 Channel 4: S2

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > rSO2 > Alarms to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

rSO2 alarm limits Select the high/low OFF/40 Not applica- OFF/40
alarm limits for each ble
rSO2 measurement
rSO2 alarms on Enable alarm when Alarm On Not applica- Alarm On
limits for the rSO2 ble
measurement channel
are violated.

234/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

SPI default settings

The following table lists the SPI profile settings and the setting descriptions.

Setting Description OR
Color Select the color for displayed numerics, trends and messages Violet

NIBP default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > NIBP > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module for
this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

NIBP Auto Enable automatic Disabled
Cycle Time Select the amount 5 min 15 min 10 min 5 min
of time between auto-
matic measurements.
Completed NIBP Select the tone volume 3
Volume that sounds when an
NIBP measurement is
Display Format Display the values dis- Sys/Dia (Mean)
play format.
Auto Initial In- Enable automatic se- Enabled
flate lection of initial cuff in-
flation pressure.
Init. Pressure Select the adult cuff in- 135
mmHg itial inflation pressure.
Select the child cuff ini- 125
tial inflation pressure.
Select the infant cuff 100
initial inflation pres-
Cuff Size Select the cuff size. (Not Selected) Infant (Not Selected)
(Adolescent profile: Adult; (Adolescent profile: Adult;
Pediatric profile: Child; In- Pediatric profile: Child; In-
fant profile: Infant) fant profile: Infant)

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > NIBP > Alarms to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

5697480-01 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 235/280
Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Systolic alarm lim- Select the high/low 180/80 180/80 180/80
its adult alarm limits. (Adolescent profile: 150/80.) (Adolescent (Adolescent
profile: profile:
150/80, Neu- 150/80.)
ro profile:
Select the high/low 130/70 120/70 130/70
child alarm limits.
Select the high/low in- 120/50 90/40 120/50
fant alarm limits. (Cardiac,
and Infant
Systolic alarm on Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated.
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low 140/60
adult alarm limits. (Adolescent profile: 110/50)
Select the high/low 100/50 90/50 100/50
child alarm limits.
Select the high/low in- 80/40 60/30 80/40
fant alarm limits. (Cardiac,
and Infant
Mean alarm on Enable alarm when Alarm Off Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
limits are violated. (Adolescent (Infant pro- (Infant profile: Alarm On.)
profile: file: Alarm
Alarm On) On)
Diastolic alarm Select the high/low 100/40 100/40 100/40 100/40 100/40
limits adult alarm limits. (Adolescent (Adolescent (Adolescent (Adolescent
profile: profile: profile: profile:
80/40.) 80/40.) 80/40;Neuro 80/40.)
Select the high/low 80/40 60/40 80/40
child alarm limits.
Select the high/low in- 70/30 50/20 70/30
fant alarm limits. (Cardiac,
and Infant
Diastolic alarm on Enable alarm when Alarm Off
limits are violated.

236/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Invasive pressures default settings

Invasive pressure channel labels and channel numbers both have default settings. If you change a
pressure channel label, the channel’s settings will change to the default settings for that label. For
example, Art 1 will have different default settings than RAP 1 because the channel site labels Art and
RAP have different default settings. If no label is selected for an invasive pressure channel, then the
default channel number settings are used.

Art 1 pressure site default settings

The default P1 pressure site for the ED, ICU, OR and PACU software package is Art. Select Monitor Setup > Main
Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 1 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for
the current patient. The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module
for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Label Select the pressure site la- Art
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-200 0-200 0-200
(Adolescent profile: 0-170; Pe- (Adolescent (Adolescent
diatric profile: 0-140; Infant profile: 0-170; profile: 0-170;
profile: 0-120) Pediatric pro- Pediatric pro-
file: 0-140; In- file: 0-140; In-
fant and Per- fant profile:
fusion profiles 0-120)
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform dis- 25 mm/s
play sweep speed.
Display Format Select the pressure values Sys/Dia (Mean)
display format.
Primary HR Source Select the parameter to AUTO (IntelliRate)
calculate HR.
Show Pulse Rate Enable the pulse rate dis- Disabled
SPV Source Select the source for SPV. Off

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art1 > Advanced to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Filter Hz Select the waveform filter. 12
Catheter Discon- Enable the disconnect Enabled
nect alarm.
Smart BP Enable the Smart BP algo- Enabled
IABP On Enable the IABP program. Disabled
Primary Arterial Select the primary arterial AUTO
Source source.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art1 > Art Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 180/80 180/80 180/80
limits. (Neuro profile: 160/90;Adoles- (Neuro profile: (Neuro profile:
cent profile: 150/80; Pediatric 160/90; Perfu- 160/90; Ado-
profile: 130/70; Infant profile: sion profile: lescent profile:
120/50 120/40; Ado- 150/80; Pedia-
lescent profile: tric profile:
150/80; Pedia- 130/70; Infant
tric profile: profile: 120/50
130/70; Infant
profile: 120/50
Systolic alarms on Enable alarm when limits Alarm On
are violated.
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 140/60
limits. (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pediatric profile: 100/50; Infant pro-
file: 80/40)
Mean alarms on Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
are violated. (Adolescent, Pediatric, and Infant profiles: Alarm On)
Diastolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 100/40
limits. (Adolescent and Pediatric profiles: 80/40; Infant profile: 70/30)
Diastolic alarms on Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
are violated.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art1 > PR(Art 1) Alarms to adjust
the heart rate alarm default settings for the current patient.

UAC 1 pressure site default settings

The default P1 pressure site for the NICU software package is UAC. Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter
Setup > Invasive Pressures > UAC1 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for the current patient.
The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description NICU

Label Select the pressure site label. UAC
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-100
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform display sweep 25 mm/s
Display Format Select the pressure values display for- Sys/Dia (Mean)
Primary HR Source Select the parameter to calculate HR. AUTO (IntelliRate)
Show Pulse Rate Enable the pulse rate display. Disabled
SPV Source Select the source for SPV. Off

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > UAC1 > Advanced to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

238/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description NICU

Filter Hz Select the waveform filter. 12
Catheter Disconnect Enable the disconnect alarm. Enabled
Primary Arterial Source Select the primary arterial source. AUTO

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > UAC1 > UAC Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description NICU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 90/40
(Cardiac, Full-term, and Infant profiles:
Systolic alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm Off
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 60/30
(Cardiac, Full-term and Infant profiles:
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm On
Diastolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 50/20
(Cardiac and Full-term, and Infant pro-
files: 60/20)
Diastolic alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm Off

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > UAC1 > PR(UAC) Alarms to adjust
the pulse rate alarm default settings for the current patient.

CVP 2 pressure site default settings

The default P2 pressure site for the ED, ICU, OR and PACU software package is CVP. Select Monitor Setup > Main
Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > CVP 2 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for
the current patient. The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module
for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Label Select the pressure site CVP
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-20
(Infant profile: 0-10)
Hemo Sweep Select the waveform dis- 25 mm/s
Speed play sweep speed.
Display Format Select the pressure val- Mean only
ues display format.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > CVP 2 > Advanced to adjust the
Filter Hz factory default setting for the current patient. The default setting is 12.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > CVP 2 > CVP Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Mean alarm limits Select the high/low 15/0 15/0 15/0
alarm limits. (Infant profile: 10/0) (Perfusion pro- (Infant profile:
file: 15/-5 and 10/0)
Infant profile:
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when lim- Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
its are violated. (Trauma and
Neuro profiles:
Alarm Off)

UVC 2 pressure site default settings

The default P2 pressure site for the NICU software package is UVC. Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter
Setup > Invasive Pressures > UVC2 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for the current patient.
The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description NICU

Label Select the pressure site label. UVC
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-10
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform display sweep 25 mm/s
Display Format Select the pressure values display for- Mean only

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > UVC2 > Advanced to adjust the
Filter Hz factory default setting for the current patient. The default setting is 12.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > UVC2 > UVC Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description NICU

Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 5/0
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm On

Fem 3 pressure site default settings

The default P3 pressure site for the ED, ICU, OR and PACU software package is Fem. Select Monitor Setup > Main
Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures >Fem 3 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for
the current patient. The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module
for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Label Select the pressure site la- Fem
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-200
(Adolescent profile: 0-170; Pediatric profile: 0-140; Infant pro-
file: 0-120)
Hemo Sweep Select the waveform dis- 25 mm/s
Speed play sweep speed.

240/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Display Format Select the pressure values Sys/Dia (Mean)
display format.
Primary HR Source Select the parameter to AUTO (IntelliRate)
calculate HR.
Show Pulse Rate Enable the pulse rate dis- Disabled
SPV Source Select the source for SPV. Off

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Fem 3 > Advanced to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Filter Hz Select the waveform filter. 12
Catheter Discon- Enable the disconnect Enabled
nect alarm.
Smart BP Enable the Smart BP algo- Enabled
IABP On Enable the IABP program. Disabled
Primary Arterial Select the primary arterial AUTO
Source source.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Fem 3 > Fem Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 180/80
limits. (Neuro profile: 160/90; Adolescent profile: 150/80; Pediatric pro-
file: 130/70; Infant profile: 120/50)
Systolic alarms Enable alarm when limits Alarm On
on/off are violated.
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 140/60
limits. (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pediatric profile: 100/50; Infant pro-
file: 80/40)
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
are violated. (Adolescent, Pediatric and Infant profiles: Alarm On)
Diastolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 100/40
limits. (Adolescent and Pediatric profiles: 80/40; Infant profile: 70/30)
Diastolic alarms Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
on/off are violated.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Fem 3 > PR(Fem) Alarms to adjust
the ECG alarm default settings for the current patient.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Art 3 pressure site default settings

The default P3 pressure site for the NICU software package is Art. Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter
Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 3 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for the current patient.
The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description NICU

Label Select the pressure site label. Art
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-100
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform display sweep 25 mm/s
Display Format Select the pressure values display for- Sys/Dia (Mean)
Primary HR Source Select the parameter to calculate HR. AUTO (IntelliRate)
Show Pulse Rate Enable the pulse rate display. Enabled
SPV Source Select the source for SPV. Off

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 3 > Advanced to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description NICU

Filter Hz Select the waveform filter. 12
Catheter Disconnect Enable the disconnect alarm. Enabled
Primary Arterial Source Select the primary arterial source. AUTO

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 3 > Art Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description NICU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 90/40
(Cardiac, Full-term, and Infant profiles:
Systolic alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm On
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 60/30
(Cardiac, Full-term and Infant profiles:
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm On
Diastolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 50/20
(Cardiac, Full-term, and Infant profiles:
Diastolic alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm Off

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 3 > PR(Art) Alarms to adjust
the ECG alarm default settings for the current patient.

242/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

PA 4 pressure site default settings

The default P4 pressure site for the ED, ICU, OR and PACU software package is PA. Select Monitor Setup > Main
Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > PA 4 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for
the current patient. The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module
for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Label Select the pressure site PA
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-60
(Pediatric and Infant profiles: 0-40)
Hemo Sweep Select the waveform dis- 25 mm/s
Speed play sweep speed.
Display Format Select the pressure val- Sys/Dia (Mean)
ues display format.
Show PCWP Enable the PCWP value Disabled
to display in the PA pa-
rameter window.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > PA 4 > Advanced to adjust the
Filter Hz factory default setting for the current patient. The default setting is 12.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > PA 4 > PA Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low 40/10
alarm limits.
Systolic alarms Enable alarm when lim- Alarm Off
on/off its are violated.
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low 30/5
alarm limits.
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when lim- Alarm On
its are violated.
Diastolic alarm lim- Select the high/low 20/5
its alarm limits.
Diastolic alarms Enable alarm when lim- Alarm On Alarm On
on/off its are violated. (Neuro and
Trauma pro-
files: Alarm Off)

CVP 4 pressure site default settings

The default P4 pressure site for the NICU software package is CVP. Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter
Setup > Invasive Pressures > CVP 4 > Setup to adjust the following factory default settings for the current patient.
The following factory default settings are for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition module for this parameter.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description NICU

Label Select the pressure site label. CVP
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-10
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform display sweep 25 mm/s
Display Format Select the pressure values display for- Mean only

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > CVP 4 > Advanced to adjust the
Filter Hz factory default setting for the current patient. The default setting is 12.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > CVP 4 > CVP Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description NICU

Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm limits. 5/0
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits are violated. Alarm On

P5 to P7 pressure site default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > P5, P6, or P7> Setup to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.
The P5 and P6 factory default settings are for the E-PP module. The E-PP module is the default acquisition module for
those parameters.
The P7 factory default settings are for the E-PT module. E-PT module is the default acquisition module for this

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Label Select the pressure site la- P5, P6, and P7
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-60
(Pediatric and Infant profiles: 0-40)
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform dis- 25 mm/s
play sweep speed.
Display Format Select the pressure values (Mean) Sys/Dia
display format.
Ventilation Mode Select how the respiration Spontaneous Controlled Spontaneous
filter operates.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > P5, P6, or P7 > Advanced to adjust
the following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Filter Hz Select the waveform filter. 9
Response Select the response time. Normal

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > P5, P6, or P7 >P5 Alarms , P6
Alarms, or P7 Alarms to adjust the following factory default settings for the current patient.

244/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 20/5
Systolic alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
are violated.
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 15/0 15/0 15/0
limits. (Infant profile: 10/0) (Perfusion (Infant profile:
profile: 15/-5; 10/0)
Infant profile:
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
are violated. Neuro and
Trauma pro-
files: Alarm
Diastolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 10/-5
Diastolic alarms Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
on/off are violated.

Art 8 pressure site default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 8 > Setup to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.
The Art 8 factory default settings are for the E-PiCCO, E-COP and E-COPSv modules. E-PiCCO, E-COP and E-COPSv
modules are the default acquisition modules for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Label Select the pressure site la- Art 8
Scale mmHg Select the trend scale. 0-200 0-200 0-200
(Adolescent profile: 0-170; Pe- (Adolescent (Adolescent
diatric profile: 0-140; Infant profile: 0-170; profile: 0-170;
profile: 0-120) Pediatric pro- Pediatric pro-
file: 0-140; In- file: 0-140; In-
fant and Per- fant profile:
fusion profiles: 0-120)
Hemo Sweep Speed Select the waveform dis- 25 mm/s
play sweep speed.
Display Format Select the pressure values Sys/Dia (Mean)
display format.
Ventilation Mode Select how the respiration Spontaneous Controlled Spontaneous
filter operates.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 8 > Advanced to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Filter Hz Select the waveform filter. 22

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Response Select the response time. Normal

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Invasive Pressures > Art 8 > Art 8 Alarms to adjust the
following factory default settings for the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU OR PACU

Systolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 180/80 (Neuro profile: 160/90; 180/80 (Neuro 180/80 (Neuro
limits. Adolescent profile: 150/80; Pe- profile: 160/90; profile: 160/90;
diatric profile 130/70; Infant Perfusion pro- Adolescent
profile 120/50) file: 120/40; profile: 150/80;
Adolescent Pediatric pro-
profile: 150/80; file 130/70; In-
Pediatric pro- fant profile
file 130/70; In- 120/50)
fant profile
Systolic alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits Alarm On
are violated.
Mean alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 140/60 (Adolescent profile: 110/50; Pediatric profile 100/50; In-
limits. fant profile: 80/40)
Mean alarms on/off Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
are violated. (Adolescent, Pediatric, Infant profiles: Alarm On)
Diastolic alarm limits Select the high/low alarm 100/40 (Adolescent profile: 80/40; Pediatric profile 80/40; Infant
limits. profile 70/30)
Diastolic alarms Enable alarm when limits Alarm Off
on/off are violated.

Temperature default settings

T1, T2 default settings
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Temperatures > T1, T2 > Setup to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the PDM. The PDM is the default
acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

T1 Measurement Select the tempera- Enabled
ture site to display.
T1 Label Select the tempera- T1
ture site label.
T2 Measurement Select the tempera- Enabled
ture site to display.
T2 Label Select the tempera- T2
ture site label.
Show T2 - T1 Enable the delta Enabled

246/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
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Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Temperatures > T1, T2 > Alarms to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

T1 alarm limits Select the high/low 38.5/34.0 37.5/36.0 38.5/34.0
alarm limits. (Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: 38.0/35.5) files: 38.0/35.5)
T2 alarm limits Select the high/low 38.5/34.0 37.5/36.0 38.5/34.0
alarm limits. (Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: 38.0/35.5) files: 38.0/35.5)
T2 - T1 alarm limit Select the high 4.0
alarm limit.
T1 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off)
T2 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off)
T2 - T1 alarms Enable alarm when Alarm Off
on/off limits are violated.

T3, T4 default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Temperatures > T3, T4 > Setup to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the E-PT. The E-PT is the default
acquisition module for these channels.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

T3 Measurement Select the tempera- Enabled
ture site to display.
T3 Label Select the tempera- T3
ture site label.
T4 Measurement Select the tempera- Enabled
ture site to display.
T4 Label Select the tempera- T4
ture site label.
Show T4 - T3 Enable the delta Enabled

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Temperatures > T3, T4 > Alarms to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

T3 alarm limits Select the high/low 38.5/34.0 37.5/36.0 38.5/34.0
alarm limits. (Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: 38.0/35.5) files: 38.0/35.5)

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

T4 alarm limits Select the high/low 38.5/34.0 37.5/36.0 38.5/34.0
alarm limits. (Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: 38.0/35.5) files: 38.0/35.5)
T4 - T3 alarm limit Select the high 4.0
alarm limit.
T3 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off)
T4 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off)
T4 - T3 alarms Enable alarm when Alarm Off
on/off limits are violated.

Tblood default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Temperatures > Tblood > Setup to adjust these settings
for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the PDM. The PDM is the default
acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Show Tblood - T3 Enable the delta Enabled
Show Tblood - T1 Enable the delta Enabled

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Temperatures > Tblood > Alarms to adjust these
settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

TBlood alarm limits Select the high/low 38.5/34 37.5/36 38.5/34
alarm limits. (Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: 38/35.5) files: 38/35.5)
TBlood - T1 alarm Select the high 4
limit alarm limit
TBlood - T3 alarm Select the high 4
limit alarm limit
Tblood alarms Enable alarm when Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
on/off limits are violated. (Perfusion
Alarm Off)
TBlood - T1 alarms Enable alarm when Alarm Off
on/off limits are violated.
TBlood - T3 alarms Enable alarm when Alarm Off
on/off limits are violated.

248/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Cardiac output (C.O.) default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Cardiac Output > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the PDM. The PDM is the default acquisition
module for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Manufacturer Select the catheter User Defined
Model Select the catheter Empty
Probe Type Select the probe In-Line
Injectate Volume Select the initial in- 10 ml 3 ml 10 ml
jectate volume. (Pediatric profile: 5 ml; In- (Pediatric profile: 5 ml; In-
fant profile: 3 ml) fant profile: 3 ml)
Computation Select the compu- 0.500
Constant tation constant val-
Measurement Select the meas- Automatic
Type urement detection
Scale °C Select the thermo- 1.0
dilution waveform
Show with C.O./ Select what to None
C.I. show.

CCO default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Cardiac Output > Setup to adjust these settings for
the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the E-PiCCO. The E-PiCCO is the default
acquisition module for this parameter. Note that the E-PiCCO cannot be used in NICU.

Option Description ED ICU OR PACU

Patient Type Select the patient type. Adult
Measurement Type Select the measurement detection type. Automatic
Injectate Volume Select the initial injectate volume. 15 ml
CVP Source Select the source for the CVP measurement. Manual
CVP Value Select the CVP value. 5
Scale Select the thermodilution waveform scale. 1.0
Show with C.O./C.I. Select what to show. None
Indexed Select whether or not to show indexed values. Yes

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Cardiac Output > View > Configure to adjust these
settings for the current patient.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Option Description ED ICU OR PACU

Number of Parame- Select how many parameters will be shown in 7
ters the graphical view.
Numeric 1 Select parameters for this position in the Art 8 Sys
graphical view.
Numeric 2 Select parameters for this position in the Art 8 Dia
graphical view.
Numeric 3 Select parameters for this position in the Art 8 Mean
graphical view.
Numeric 4 Select parameters for this position in the CCI
graphical view.
Numeric 5 Select parameters for this position in the SVRI
graphical view.
Numeric 6 Select parameters for this position in the SVV
graphical view.
Numeric 7 Select parameters for this position in the SVI
graphical view.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Cardiac Output > View to adjust these settings for the
current patient.

Option Description ED ICU OR PACU

View Select the viewing mode. Graphical Numeric Graphical

SvO2 and ScvO2 default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SvO2/ScvO2 > Calibration to adjust these settings for
the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings for the E-COPSv. The E-COPSv module is the
default acquisition module for this parameter. Note that only E-COPSv-01 or later will measure ScvO2.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Measurement Select the measure- SvO2 Not applica- SvO2
Type ment type: ScvO2 or ble
Lab SvO2 % Select the initial SvO2 80 Not applica- 80
value. ble
Lab ScvO2 % Select the initial ScvO2 80 Not applica- 80
value. ble
Lab Hb g/l Select the initial Hb 115 Not applica- 115
(Depending on the value. ble
unit of measure
selected, this set-
ting could also be
Lab Hb g/dl or
Lab Hb mmol/l)

250/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Update Hb g/l Select the initial Hb 115 Not applica- 115
(Depending on the value. ble
unit of measure
selected, this
setting could also
be Update Hb
g/dl or Update Hb

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > SvO2/ScvO2 > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

SvO2 or ScvO2 Select the high/low 85/55 Not applica- 85/55
alarm limits alarm limits. ble
SvO2 or ScvO2 Enable alarm when Alarm On Not applica- Alarm On
alarms on/off limits are violated. ble

Airway gases default settings

The following factory default settings are for the default acquisition module for this parameter. The
default module is E-sCOVX for ED and ICU software packages, E-sCOV for NICU software package, and
E-sCAiOVX for OR and PACU software packages. For all Unity Network ID interfaced devices, the default
for alarms is Alarm Off.

CO2 default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Gases > CO2 > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Scale % Select the CO2 0-6
CO2 Sweep Select the CO2 6.25 mm/s
Speed sweep speed.
Show with Et- Select the options FiCO2
CO2 to display.
Measurement Select the source Automatic (A)
Source for gas measure-
FiO2 level % Select the level of E-miniC: 21-40
FiO2 used to make CARESCAPE respiratory modules: Not applicable
compensation to
measured CO2
N2O level % Select the level of E-miniC: 0-40
N2O used to make CARESCAPE respiratory modules: Not applicable
compensation to
measured CO2

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Age Select the age (Not Selected)
range for the pa-
Apnea limit sec- Select the time 20 s
onds delay before an
apnea alarm is

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Gases > CO2 > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

EtCO2 alarm lim- Select the 8.0/3.0 8.0/3.0 8.0/3.0 8.0/3.0
its high/low alarm (Neuro and Trauma profiles: (Neuro pro- (Neuro pro-
limits (%). 6.0/2.7) file: 6.0/2.7; file: 6.0/2.7)
profile: 8.0/0)
FiCO2 alarm limits Select the 3.0/OFF
high/low alarm
limits (%).
FiCO2 alarms Enable alarm Alarm On Alarm On Alarm On
on/off when limits are (Perfusion
violated. profile: Alarm
Respiration Rate Select the 60.0/OFF 60.0/OFF 75.0/20.0 60.0/OFF 60.0/OFF
alarm limits high/low alarm (Infant pro- (Perfusion
limits. file: 60.0/15.0) profile: OFF/

O2 default settings
Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Gases > O2 > Setup to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Scale % Select the O2 scale. DIFF6
O2 Sweep Speed Select the O2 sweep 6.25 mm/s

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Gases > O2 > Alarms to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

EtO2 alarm limits Select the high/low OFF/10
alarm limits.
EtO2 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm Off
limits are violated.
FiO2 alarms limits Select the high/low OFF/18
alarm limits.

252/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

FiO2 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated.

Anesthetic agent default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Gases > Agent/N2O > Setup to adjust these settings for
the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Agent Scale % Select the Des scale. Not applica- 10
Select the Enf scale. Not applica- 2.5
Select the Hal scale. Not applica- 1.2
Select the Iso scale. Not applica- 2.5
Select the Sev scale. Not applica- 5
Agent Sweep Select the sweep Not applica- 6.25 mm/s
Speed speed. ble

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Gases > Agent/N2O > Alarms to adjust these settings for
the current patient.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

EtDes alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 10.0/OFF
alarm limits. ble
EtDes alarms Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm On
on/off its are violated. ble
EtEnf alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 2.9/OFF
alarm limits. ble
EtEnf alarms Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm On
on/off its are violated. ble
EtHal alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 1.3/OFF
alarm limits. ble
EtHal alarms Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm On
on/off its are violated. ble
EtIso alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 2.0/OFF
alarm limits. ble
EtIso alarms on/off Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm On
its are violated. ble
EtSev alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 3.4/OFF
alarm limits. ble
EtSev alarms Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm On
on/off its are violated. ble

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

FiDes alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 12.0/OFF
alarm limits. ble
FiDes alarms Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm Off
on/off its are violated. ble
FiEnf alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 5.1/OFF
alarm limits. ble
FiEnf alarms on/off Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm Off
its are violated. ble
FiHal alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 2.2/OFF
alarm limits. ble
FiHal alarms on/off Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm Off
its are violated. ble
FiIso alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 3.4/OFF
alarm limits. ble
FiIso alarms on/off Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm Off
its are violated. ble
FiSev alarm limits Select the high/low Not applica- 6.0/OFF
alarm limits. ble
FiSev alarms Enable alarm when lim- Not applica- Alarm Off
on/off its are violated. ble

Spirometry and gas exchange default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Spirometry/Gas Exchange > Setup to adjust these
settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.
For all Unity Network ID interfaced devices, the default for alarms is Alarm Off.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Scaling Select the waveform Auto
and loops scale.
Scaling Speed Select the scale speed. Slow
Paw Sweep Select the sweep 6.25 mm/s
Speed speed.
Flow Sweep Select the sweep 6.25 mm/s
Speed speed.
Sensor Type Select the sensor type. Adult Pediatric Adult
(Pediatric and Infant pro- (Pediatric and Infant pro-
files: Pediatric) files: Pediatric)
Show Volume Select the volume. TV
EE Average Time Select the value used 2h Not applica- 2h
in calculating the aver- ble
age EE and average RQ

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Spirometry/Gas Exchange > Paw Alarms to adjust these
settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

254/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Ppeak alarm limits Select the high/low 40/OFF 30/OFF 40/OFF
alarm limits (cmH2O). (Trauma, Neuro, Adoles- (Neuro, Adolescent, Pe-
cent, Pediatric and Infant diatric and Infant profiles:
profiles: 30/OFF) 30/OFF)
PEEPe alarm limits Select the high/low 10/OFF 8/OFF Not applicable
alarm limits (cmH2O). (Trauma, Neuro, Adoles-
cent, Pediatric and Infant
profiles: 8/OFF)
PEEPe alarms Enable alarm when Alarm On Not applicable
on/off limits are violated.
PEEPi alarm limits Select the high/low 10/OFF Not applicable
alarm limits (cmH2O).
PEEPi alarms Enable alarm when Alarm Off Not applicable
on/off limits are violated.
PEEPtot alarm lim- Select the high/low Not applicable 10/OFF
its alarm limits (cmH2O). (Neuro, Adolescent, Pe-
diatric and Infant profiles:
PEEPtot alarms Enable alarm when Not applicable Alarm On
on/off limits are violated.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Spirometry/Gas Exchange > MV/Vent Alarms to adjust
these settings for the current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

MVexp alarm limits Select the high/low 10.0/OFF 2.0/OFF 10.0/OFF 10.0/OFF
alarm limits. (Adolescent profile: 8.0/ (Adolescent (Adolescent
OFF; Pediatric profile: 5.0/ profile: 8.0/ profile: 8.0/
OFF; Infant profile: 2.0/OFF) OFF; Pedia- OFF; Pedia-
tric profile: tric profile:
5.0/OFF; In- 5.0/OFF; In-
fant profile: fant profile:
2.0/OFF; Per- 2.0/OFF)
fusion pro-
file: OFF/
Ventilator Apnea Enable apnea and Alarm Off
and Technical technical alarms when
Alarms limits are violated from
an interfaced device.

Entropy default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Entropy > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings. E-ENTROPY is the default acquisition module for this

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Scale µV Select the EEG wave- Not applicable 250
form scale.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

EEG Sweep Select the waveform Not applicable 25 mm/s
Speed sweep speed.
Display Format Select the value dis- Not applicable RE+SE
play format.
Trend Length Select the trend length. Not applicable 5 min
Show Entropy Enable the microtrend. Not applicable Enabled
Sensor Check Enable automatic sen- Not applicable Enabled (Automatic)
sor check.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Entropy > Alarms to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

RE alarm limits Select the high/low Not applicable OFF/OFF
alarm limits.
RE alarms on/off Enable alarm when Not applicable Alarm Off
limits are violated.
SE alarm limits Select the high/low Not applicable OFF/OFF
alarm limits.
SE alarms on/off Enable alarm when Not applicable Alarm Off
limits are violated.

NMT default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > NMT> Setup to adjust these settings for the current pa-
tient. The following table lists the factory default settings. E-NMT is the default acquisition module for this parameter.
This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Start-up Settings Select when a new AUTO Not applica- AUTO
measurement starts. ble
Use Supramax Enable the search Enabled Not applica- Enabled
for the supramaxi- ble
mal stimulus current
Current mA Select the stimulation S(70mA) Not applica- S(70mA)
current value for TOF, ble
DBS and ST stimulation
Stimulus Mode Select the stimulus TOF Not applica- TOF
mode. ble
Cycle Time Select the TOF/DBS 20 s Not applica- 20 s
stimulation mode cycle ble

256/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Select the ST stimula- 1s Not applica- 1s
tion mode cycle time. ble
Pulse Width µs Select the stimulation 200 Not applica- 200
pulse width. ble
Stimulus Beep Select the volume of 0 Not applica- 0
Volume the audible stimulus ble
beep tone.
Recovery Note Enable a recovery note OFF Not applica- OFF
to display. ble
Patient Type Select the patient type. Adult Not applica- Adult
Show TOF% Mi- Select whether micro- Enabled Not applica- Enabled
crotrend trend is shown. ble
Depending on the
selected Stimulus
Mode, this setting
could also be
Show DBS% Mi-

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > NMT > Regional Block to adjust these settings for the
current patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Current mA Select the regional 2.0 Not applica- 2.0
block stimulation cur- ble
rent value.
Stimulus Cycle Select the regional 1s Not applica- 1s
block stimulation cycle ble

EEG default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > EEG > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings. E-EEGX module is the default acquisition module for this
This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Scale µV Select the waveform 100 Not applica- 100
scale. ble
EEG Sweep Select the waveform 25 mm/s Not applica- 25 mm/s
Speed sweep speed. ble
Numeric 1 Select the first EEG SEF Not applica- SEF
numeric to display in ble
the parameter window
and trends.

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Numeric 2 Select the second EEG Amp Not applica- Amp
numeric to display in ble
the parameter window
and trends.
SEF % Select the spectral 97 Not applica- 97
edge frequency per- ble
centage used in calcu-
CSA Time Scale Select the CSA time 15 min Not applica- 15 min
scale. ble
Freq. Scale Hz Select the curve fre- 30 Not applica- 30
quency scale to dis- ble
play in the parameter
window and CSA, SEF
and MF trends.
Imped. Cycle Select time interval 15 min Not applica- 15 min
of automatic electrode ble
impedance checks.

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > EEG > View to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

EEG View Select the data view. CSA Not applica- CSA
CSA Time Scale Select the time scale. 15 min Not applica- 15 min

EEG montage default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > EEG > Montage to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings with BASIC montage.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Select Montage Select the montage. Basic Not applica- Basic
Channel 1+ Select the current elec- A1 Not applica- A1
trode for channel. ble
Channel 1- Select the current elec- Fp1 Not applica- Fp1
trode for channel. ble
Channel 2+ Select the current elec- A2 Not applica- A2
trode for channel. ble
Channel 2- Select the current elec- Fp2 Not applica- Fp2
trode for channel. ble
Common Refer- Select current refer- None Not applica- None
ence ence electrode when ble
the Montage Type is

258/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Parameter default settings

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

EEG Channels Select the number of 2 Not applica- 2
EEG channels used. ble
Montage Type Select the montage for Bipolar Not applica- Bipolar
waveforms, parameter ble
windows, CSA view,
numerical view and
Channel 3+ Select the current elec- None Not applica- None
trode for channel. ble
Channel 3- Select the current elec- None Not applica- None
trode for channel. ble
Channel 4+ Select the current elec- None Not applica- None
trode for channel. ble
Channel 4- Select the current elec- None Not applica- None
trode for channel. ble

AEP default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > EEG > AEP > View to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Cycle Select the measure- Manual Not applica- Manual
ment intervals. ble
EP Size Select the AEP curve 50 Not applica- 50
scale. ble
Reference EP Select the number of None Not applica- None
saved references. ble
Erase EP Select the number of None Not applica- None
references to erase. ble

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > EEG > AEP > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

AEP Channels Select the number of 2 Not applica- 2
EEG channels used in ble
the AEP measurement.
Responses Select how many AEP 1000 Not applica- 1000
responses are aver- ble
Stimulus Fre- Select how often the 8.1 Hz Not applica- 8.1 Hz
quency click stimuli are given. ble
Stimulus Intensi- Select the volume of 40 dB Not applica- 40 dB
ty the clicks delivered to ble
Sweep Length Select the length of the 100 ms Not applica- 100 ms
recorded and displayed ble

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Parameter default settings Supplemental Information Manual

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Filter Select the frequency of OFF Not applica- OFF
the high pass filter. ble

BIS default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > BIS > Setup to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings. E-BIS is the default acquisition module for this parameter.
This measurement is not available in the NICU software package.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

Scale µV Select the waveform 100 Not applica- 100
scale. ble
EEG Sweep Speed Select the waveform 25 mm/s Not applica- 25 mm/s
sweep speed. ble
Smoothing Rate Select the amount of 30 s Not applica- 15 s
data used to calcu- ble
late the BIS value.
Check Sensor Enable automatic Enabled (Automatic) Not applica- Enabled (Automatic)
combined sensor im- ble
pedance check and
ground impedance
Filters Enable the EEG high Enabled Not applica- Enabled
and low pass filter ble

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > BIS > Alarms to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

BIS alarm limits Select the high/low OFF/OFF Not applica- OFF/OFF
alarm limits. ble
BIS alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm Off Not applica- Alarm Off
limits are violated. ble

Transcutaneous CO2/O2 default settings

Select Monitor Setup > Main Setup > Parameter Setup > Transcutaneous to adjust these settings for the current
patient. The following table lists the factory default settings. A Unity Network ID interfaced device is the default
acquisition module for this parameter.

Setting Description ED ICU NICU OR PACU

pCO2 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated.
pO2 alarms on/off Enable alarm when Alarm On
limits are violated.

260/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01

Before any planned maintenance or regular checks

Make sure that the patient is not being monitored during maintenance or regular check procedures.

Planned maintenance for the monitor and secondary

Service personnel shall perform the following checkout procedures every 24 months after installation.
Refer to the service manuals for planned maintenance procedures.
• Visual inspection
• Electrical safety tests
• Functional check

Planned maintenance for the modules

Service personnel shall perform the following checkout procedures annually every 12 months after
installation unless otherwise indicated in the device service manual. Refer to the service manuals for
planned maintenance procedures.
• Replacement of planned maintenance parts
• Visual inspection
• Electrical safety tests
• Functional check
• Battery maintenance for the PDM

Planned maintenance for the frames

Service personnel shall perform the following checkout procedures as indicated in the service manuals
for the frames. Refer to the service manuals for planned maintenance procedures.
• Visual inspection
• Electrical safety tests
• Functional check

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Regular checks Supplemental Information Manual

Regular checks
Daily checks
• Check that the accessories, cables, cable connectors, monitor, modules, and display parts are clean
and intact.

Check every two months

• Change the water trap.
• Check the gas calibration if the measurement is in continuous use.

Check every six months

• Check the gas calibration if the measurement is in normal (not continuous) use.

Check every 12 months

• Check NIBP calibration when using PDM.

Check every 24 months

• Check the calibration of temperature and invasive blood pressure when using E-modules.
The invasive blood pressure transducers should be calibrated whenever a transducer
error occurs.

262/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplies and accessories

About supplies and accessories

For a list of supplies and accessories that are approved, specified and available for use with
the CARESCAPE patient monitoring system, refer to the Supplies and Accessories Supplement or
instructions for use in the CARESCAPE Parameter package. To ensure patient safety, use only supplies
and accessories listed in this supplement, instructions for use in the CARESCAPE Parameter package, or
recommended by GE.
PATIENT SAFETY. When using any supply or accessory, make sure that you are familiar with
their use to avoid any risk to the patient. For detailed instructions and information regarding
supplies and accessories, always refer to their own instructions for use.
DEFIBRILLATOR PRECAUTIONS. Patient signal inputs labeled with the Type CF and Type BF
symbols with paddles are protected against damage resulting from defibrillation voltages. To
ensure proper defibrillator protection, use only the recommended cables and leadwires.
PATIENT SAFETY. Use only approved accessories, including mounts, and defibrillator-proof
cables and invasive pressure transducers. For a list of approved accessories, see the
supplemental information provided. Other cables, transducers and accessories may cause
a safety hazard, damage the equipment or system, result in increased emissions or decreased
immunity of the equipment or system, or interfere with the measurement.
Some of the recommended accessories may have to be ordered from the OEM manufacturer.

Ordering information
Contact your local GE representative to order supplies or accessories. Accessories without a GE part
number must be ordered from the OEM manufacturer, and vice versa.

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SpO₂ supplemental analysis graphs

Additional accuracy information for Nellcor sensors with

E-NSATX and PDM (Nellcor)
Table information provides supplemental data analysis for Nellcor sensors’ measurement accuracy.
Table is provided by Covidien llc.
The supplemental data analysis includes the Bland-Altman graph with a linear regression fit and
the upper 95% and lower 95% limits of agreement (Mean ±1.96 * standard deviation). Additionally
the sampled data points are differentiated for each individual test subject by color/style. See Bland
and Altman. Agreement between methods of measurement with multiple observations per individual.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics (2007) vol. 17 pp. 571-582.

1. SpO2 — SaO2
2. Average SaO2 and SpO2

Additional accuracy information for Masimo sensors

The table information provides supplemental data analysis for Masimo sensors’ measurement accuracy.
The tables are provided by Masimo.

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Additional accuracy information for Masimo sensors Supplemental Information Manual

For other Masimo sensors, refer to sensor-specific instructions for use provided by the sensor


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Supplemental Information Manual Additional accuracy information for Masimo sensors



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Additional accuracy information for Masimo sensors Supplemental Information Manual



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Supplemental Information Manual Additional accuracy information for Masimo sensors


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Electromagnetic compatibility

IEC 60601-1-2
The system complies with IEC 60601–1–2:2020–09.
Compliance with the standard IEC 60601–1–2:2020–09 applies only to those products that are currently
being manufactured and shipped. For standards compliance information, refer to the supplemental
information provided with the device.
According to parameter-specific IEC 60601-2-xx and IEC 80601-2-xx series standard requirements
for ESU (electrosurgical unit) tests, the equipment is protected against malfunction caused by

Electromagnetic compatibility safety precautions

EMC INTERFERENCE. The use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those
specified may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity performance of the
equipment or system.
ERRONEOUS READINGS. The device/system should not be used adjacent to, or stacked with,
other equipment. Consult qualified personnel regarding device/system configuration.
DEGRADED PERFORMANCE. Do not use portable RF communications equipment (including
peripherals such as antenna cables and external antennas) closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to
any part of this device/system, including cables specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the
performance of this device/system may degrade.
EMC INTERFERENCE. Changes or modifications to this device/system not expressly approved
by GE may cause EMC issues with this or other equipment.
DEGRADED PERFORMANCE. Use of known RF sources, such as cell/portable phones, RFID,
electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems, diathermy, or other radio frequency (RF)
emitting equipment near the system may cause unexpected or adverse operation of this
device/system. Consult qualified personnel regarding device/system configuration.
Electromagnetic disturbance may cause, for example, temporary loss of measurement or
changes in the values or the appearance of the displayed waveforms (such as excessive noise
or a sine wave).

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Essential performance in EMC Supplemental Information Manual

Essential performance in EMC

The parameter accuracy values in the following table are applicable when the compliance levels listed in the immunity
tables of this appendix are used.
When the accuracies listed below cannot be met, the system generates an alarm or recovers to normal operation
within 10 or 30 seconds after exposure to transient electromagnetic disturbance, according to the parameter-specific
IEC 60601-2-xx and IEC/ISO 80601-2-xx standards.

ECG heart rate accuracy ±1% or ±1 bpm, whichever is greater
ST numeric accuracy ST Mean Difference (Mean error) < 50 µV

Impedance respiration
Impedance respiration rate accuracy ±1 breath per minute (0 to 120 breaths per minute)

NIBP measurement range accuracy (over the display Static: ±2 mmHg (0.3 kPa)

SpO2 essential performance when signal strength is indicated as normal (***) and no messages about ques-
tionable signal quality are displayed
Pulse oximetry saturation measurement value accu- PDM: SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 to ±3.5
racy E-NSATX modules: SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 to ±4
E-MASIMO modules: SpO2 (70 to 100%): ±2 to ±3.5
The accuracy depends on the sensor type.
Pulse oximetry peripheral pulse rate accuracy PDM:±3 bpm
E-NSATX modules:±3 bpm
E-MASIMO modules:±3 bpm

Total hemoglobin
SpHb measurement accuracy ±1 g/dL

Regional oxygen saturation

rSO2 measurement accuracy ±6 from baseline

Temperature measurement accuracy PDM: (0°C to 45°C ): ±0.2°C for reusable sensors and ±0.3 °C for
disposable sensors
E-PT: (10°C to 45°C): ±0.2°C for reusable sensors and ±0.3 °C for
disposable sensors

Tblood measurement accuracy PDM: (30ºC to 42ºC): ±0.2ºC
E-COPSv: (34ºC to 42ºC): ±0.3ºC
E-PICCO: (34ºC to 42ºC): ±0.3ºC

272/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual EEG accessories and electromagnetic compatibility


SvO2 saturation value accuracy ±2% from baseline

Invasive pressures
Invasive pressure measurement accuracy ±4% or ±4 mmHg (±0.5 kPa)


CO2 measurement accuracy ±(0.2 vol% + 2% of reading) with 5% nominal CO2 reference gas


O2 measurement accuracy ±(1 vol% + 2% of reading) with 55% nominal O2 reference gas


N2O measurement accuracy ±(2 vol% + 2% of reading) with 33% nominal N2O reference gas

AA (Desflurane)
Anesthetic agents measurement accuracy Des: ±(0.15 vol% + 5% of reading) with 2% nominal desflurane
reference gas

Sample gas flow rate

Flow rate (diverting sampling) E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOV, E-sCAiOE, E-sCAiOVE, E-
sCOVX and E-sCAiOVX modules: 120 ml/min ± 20 ml/min
E-miniC modules: 150 ml/min ± 25 ml/min

Total noise level <6 µV peak-to-peak

Total noise level < 6 uV peak-to-peak

Total noise level < 6 uV peak-to-peak

EEG accessories and electromagnetic compatibility

The EEG accessories meet the IEC 60601-1-2:2020 standard requirements for immunity with the
following exceptions:
• Power Frequency Magnetic Field immunity compliance level of the EEG measurement when AEP is
turned on is 10 A/m. Higher levels may cause disturbance to the EEG curve and numerical values.
• The conducted RF immunity compliance level of the EEG measurement is 0.8 Vrms with some
frequencies. Higher levels may cause disturbance to the EEG curve and numerical values.
Based on the standard, these degradations of the EEG measurement are acceptable as they do not
cause an unacceptable risk to the user or patient.
The user can easily notice the electromagnetic disturbance because there are changes in the EEG
values or the appearance of the EEG curve (for example, excessive noise or a sine wave). If you suspect

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BIS accessories and electromagnetic compatibility Supplemental Information Manual

electromagnetic disturbance to the EEG measurement, it is recommended that you select the EEG curve
to be shown on the screen.
If there is a disturbance on the EEG curve and/or values, increase the distance between EEG accessories
and the RF field.

BIS accessories and electromagnetic compatibility

The BIS accessories meet the IEC 60601-1-2:2020 standard requirements for immunity with the
following exceptions:
• The radiated RF immunity compliance level of the BIS measurement is 1 V/m with some
frequencies. Higher levels may cause disturbance to the BIS curve and numerical values.
• When the BIS sensor is connected to the PIC+ cable, the maximum compliance level for the
electrostatic air discharge of the BIS sensor connector is ± 8 kV. Higher levels may cause loss of BIS
Based on the standard, these degradations of the BIS measurement are acceptable as they do not cause
an unacceptable risk to the user or patient.
The user can easily notice the electromagnetic disturbance because BIS measurement is lost or there
are changes in the BIS values or the appearance of the BIS curve (for example, excessive noise or a sine
wave). If you suspect electromagnetic disturbance to the BIS measurement, it is recommended that you
select the BIS curve to be shown on the screen.
Depending on the error that the system detects if exposed to a significant electromagnetic interference,
different actions may be required from the user. For example, the user may need to disconnect the BIS
interface cable from the E-BIS module and immediately reconnect it back to the E-BIS module. If there
is a disturbance on the BIS curve and/or values, increase the distance between BIS accessories and
portable RF communications equipment.

Electromagnetic emissions
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic emissions
The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user
of the device should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF emissions Group 1 The monitor uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore, RF
CISPR 11 emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in
nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions Class A The equipment is suitable for use in all establishments other than
CISPR 11 domestic and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power
supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Harmonic emissions Class A
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctua- Complies
tions/flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3

The emissions characteristics of this equipment make it suitable for use in industrial areas
and hospitals (CISPR 11 class A). If it is used in a residential environment (for which CISPR

274/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Electromagnetic immunity

11 class B is normally required) this equipment might not offer adequate protection to
radio-frequency communication services. The user might need to take mitigation measures,
such as relocating or re-orienting the equipment.

Electromagnetic immunity
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic immunity
This device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. It is the responsibility of
the hospital to assure that the device is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment —
Electrostatic Discharge ± 8 kV contact ± 8 kV contact Floors should be wood, concrete or
(ESD) ± 2 kV, ± 4 kV, ± 8 kV, ± 2 kV, ± 4 kV, ± 8 kV, ceramic tile. If floors are covered
IEC 61000-4-2 with synthetic material, the relative
± 15 kV air ± 15 kV air humidity should be at least 30%.
Electrical Fast Transient/ ± 2 kV for power supply ± 2 kV for power supply Mains power quality should be that
Burst lines lines of a typical commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-4 ± 1 kV for input/output ± 1 kV for input/output environment.
lines lines
Surge IEC 61000-4-5 ± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV differen- ± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV differen-
tial mode tial mode
± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV, ± 2 kV ± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV, ± 2 kV
common mode common mode
Voltage dips Ut = 0%, 0.5 cycle (0, 45, Ut = 0%, 0.5 cycle (0, 45,
Mains power quality should be that
IEC 61000-4-11 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270,of a typical commercial or hospital
and 315 degrees) and 315 degrees) environment. If the user of the equip-
Ut = 0%, 1 cycle Ut = 0%, 1 cycle ment requires continued operation
during power mains interruptions, it
Ut = 70%, 25/30 cycles (0 Ut = 70%, 25/30 cycles (0 is recommended that the equipment
degrees) degrees) be powered from an uninterruptible
power supply or a battery.
Short interruptions and Ut = 0%, 250/300 cycles Ut = 0%, 250/300 cycles Mains power quality should be that
voltage variations on of a typical commercial or hospital
power supply input lines environment. If the user of the equip-
IEC 61000-4-11 ment requires continued operation
during power mains interruptions, it
is recommended that the equipment
be powered from an uninterruptible
power supply or a battery.
Power Frequency Mag- 30 A/m 30 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields
netic Field 50 Hz or 60 Hz 10 A/m EEG when AEP is should be at levels characteristic of a
IEC 61000-4-8 active typical location in a typical commer-
cial or hospital environment.
50 Hz and 60 Hz
Immunity to proximity 134.2 kHz 134.2 kHz Proximity magnetic fields should be
magnetic fields 65 A/m 65 A/m at levels characteristic of a typical
IEC 61000-4-39 location in a typical commercial or
13.56 MHz 13.56 MHz hospital environment.
7.5 A/m 7.5 A/m
1.5 A/m for SvO2 meas-
NOTE Ut is the AC mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

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Electromagnetic immunity for RF Supplemental Information Manual

Electromagnetic immunity for RF

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic immunity
This device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. It is the responsibility of
the hospital to assure that the device is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test Compliance Electromagnetic environment — guidance
level level
Conducted RF 3 Vrms Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should
not be used closer to any part of the equipment, including ca-
IEC 61000-4-6 0.8 V rms EEGa
bles, than the recommended separation distance calculated
3 Vrms 150 kHz to 80 from the equation applicable to the frequency of the trans-
150 kHz to 80 MHz MHz mitter.
6 Vrms 6 Vrms Recommended separation distance for 1 W:
150 kHz to 80 MHzb 150 kHz to 80 d = 1.2 √P (d = 3.5 √P for BIS, d = 4.4√P for EEGX) 150 kHz to
MHzb 80 MHz
Radiated RF 3 V/mc 3 V/m d = 1.2 √P (d = 3.5 √P for BIS) 80 MHz to 800 MHz.
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz 1 V/m BISd d = 2.3 √P (d = 7.0 √P for BIS) 800 MHz to 2.7 GHz
80 MHz to 2.7 where P is the maximum output power rating of the trans-
GHz mitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufactur-
er, and d is the recommended separation distance in meters
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined
by an electromagnetic site surveye should be less than the
compliance level in each frequency rangef.
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol:

NOTE At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by reflection
from structures, objects, and people.
a The EEG measurement is inherently very sensitive as it measures very small physiologic signals.

b The ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) bands between 0.15 MHz and 80 MHz are 6.765 MHz to 6.795 MHz; 13.553
MHz to 13.567 MHz; 26.957 MHz to 27.283 MHz; and 40.66 MHz to 40.70 MHz.
c For more information, see section Proximity field immunity compliance.

d The BIS measurement based on measuring the EEG signal is inherently very sensitive.

e Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile
radio, AM and FM radio broadcast, and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the
electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the
measured field strength in the location in which the equipment is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level
above, the equipment should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional
measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the equipment.
f Over the frequency range 150 KHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

276/280 CARESCAPE Canvas™ 1000 and CARESCAPE Canvas™ Smart Display 5697480-01
Supplemental Information Manual Recommended separation distances

Recommended separation distances

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the
This device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment on which radiated RF disturbances
are controlled. The customer or the user of the device can help prevent electromagnetic interference by
maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters)
and the device as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications
Rated maximum Separation distance in meters (m) according to frequency of transmitter
output power of
transmitter in 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
watts (W)
d = 1.2 √P d = 3.5 √P1 d = 4.4 √P2 d = 1.2 √P d = 3.5 √P1 d = 2.3 √P d = 7.0 √P1
0.01 0.12 0.35 0.44 0.12 0.35 0.23 0.70
0.1 0.38 1.1 1.4 0.38 1.1 0.73 2.2
1 1.2 3.5 4.4 1.2 3.5 2.3 7.0
10 3.8 11 14 3.8 11 7.3 22
100 12 35 44 12 35 23 70
1 The BIS measurement based on measuring the EEG signal is inherently very sensitive.

2 The EEG measurement is inherently very sensitive as it measures very small physiologic signals.

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance [d] in
meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the
maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
These guidelines may not apply in all instances. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and
reflection from structures, objects and people.

Proximity field immunity compliance

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic immunity (IEC/EN 60601-1-2, 4.1 Edition)
Test fre- Band Service Modulation Maximum Dis- Immunity Immunity
quency (MHz) power (W) tance compliance test level
(MHz) (m) level (V/m) (V/m)
385 380 to TETRA 400 Pulse Modulation 1.8 0.3 27 27
390 18 Hz
450 430 to GMRS 460, FRS FM ± 5kHz devia- 2 0.3 28 28
470 460 tion 1 kHz sine
710 704 to LTE Band 13, 17 Pulse Modulation 0.2 0.3 9 9
787 217 Hz

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Proximity field immunity compliance Supplemental Information Manual

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic immunity (IEC/EN 60601-1-2, 4.1 Edition)
Test fre- Band Service Modulation Maximum Dis- Immunity Immunity
quency (MHz) power (W) tance compliance test level
(MHz) (m) level (V/m) (V/m)
810 800 to GSM 800/900, Pulse Modulation 2 0.3 28 28
960 TETRA 800, iDEN 18 Hz
820, CDMA 850,
930 LTE Band 5
1720 1700 to GSM 1800; Pulse Modulation 2 0.3 28 28
1990 CDMA 1900; 217 Hz
GSM 1900;
1970 DECT; LTE Band
1, 3, 4, 25; UMTS
2450 2400 to Bluetooth, Pulse Modulation 2 0.3 28 28
2570 WLAN, 802.11 217 Hz
b/g/n, RFID
2450, LTE Band
5240 5100 to WLAN 802.11 Pulse Modulation 0.2 0.3 9 9
5800 a/n 217 Hz
NOTE Separation distance (d) has been calculated using the formula (IEC 60601–1–2:2020) E = 6*√P/d, where E
is the immunity test level (V/m) of the monitoring system, P is the maximum power (W) of the transmitter.
NOTE The distance values represent the recommended separation distance between interfering equipment and
the monitor, modules, and accessories.
NOTE The performance of the BIS measurement may degrade with the RF fields shown in this table.

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