Narrative 2024

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Day 1

March 20, 2023

I know that this is the first day of our work

immersion. It is amazing, and I am so
excited to perform. I promise to myself that
I will try my best to do my duties as a
worker in the government.
On the first day of my immersion as an
immersionist, I felt so nervous and scared
because I was a newbie. At that moment, I
realized that I needed to prove that I am
firm, flexible, and versatile in any kind of
First thing in the morning, I wake up early to
attend the flag ceremony together with
Althea Jean Pening, Nikki Izelwen Tello, Kybelle Kate Lood, and other immersionists from other
schools. Our advisors, Ma'am Ruzzil Jamorol and Ma'am Cherry Taguran, also came to know
what we were doing, and later on, they had to go. After the flag ceremony, we went to the
Mayor’s Office to ask Mr. Sumile about our designated area. We waited for several minutes
while they processed our papers. Unfortunately, Althea Jean was assigned to the Treasury
Department Office while we (Nikki Tello and Kybelle Lood) are in the Budgeting Department

We meet our supervisors Ma'am Rosalie Balangao, she originated us on the rules and
regulations and how to respect every person we encounter and the job that he will assign us for
our 10 days of immersion. She also talked about conflict resolution and teamwork. It is
important because it is one of the ingredients for success.
We also meet the staff of the budgeting office: Ma'am Marjurie, Ma'am Maris, Ma’am Arlyn,
Ma'am Gang-Gang, Ma'am Maribel, and Sir Mark. Ma'am Maris assigned us to do book tagging,
and Ma'am Marjurie taught us how to do it. Lunch came, and I decided to accompany Althea to
their house to eat lunch. Afternoon came, and we continued with the book tagging, and after
that, we finished the book tagging.

Day 2

March 21, 2023

Work immersion is one method by which

we students are given a chance to
experience the real world on the field that
we are in and apply the lessons we learn
from school. It also helps us obtain
applicable knowledge and skills in the
actual work setting. It also provides
opportunities to go through the actual
methodologies of a specific job using real
tools, equipment, and documents.
On my second day of immersion, Ma'am
Marjurie taught us about our work,
including when and how we do the book
tagging and the gathering of the
population survey. Then after that, during lunch, we went to the nearest
restaurant to eat some foods, and, after making small talk with other
immersionists, we stayed there until the bell rang. The afternoon came right after
we finished our lunch, and we automatically went back to our jobs to finish them.
Around 3 in the afternoon, our supervisor gives us snacks, and we have a chika
with the staff and our supervisors; after that, we finish our task, and thankfully, at
the end of the day, we did each of our assignments very well.
In working it needs to spend time due to the fact that it is a serious
work you must need to focus on it. It is stressful, but we just need to prepare for
and accept it, even though it is hard. We must sacrifice to reap a better future.
Hard work is the key to success. I know that being an intern student is a hard task
because you are working in a real-life situation.

Day 3

March 22, 2023

Immersion is not all about the

students; it may also help the
manager. The manager can use
this immersion as a method for
recruiting employees. Since
the manager or supervisor can
follow our progress, he can
gauge, based on performance, behavior, and attitude, whether we the students
will make good recruits after the completion of our immersion.

On the third day of our work immersion, first thing in the morning, I woke up
early. We are the first intern students to arrive in the office. Since the office was
closed, we waited for a couple of minutes until Ma'am Maribel arrived. Early this
morning, we cleaned the office, wiped the table, and swept the floor. After doing
our job, we sat on the chair and waited for our supervisor's command. Ma'am
Maris gave us our task, which is the gathering of population survey data in every
barangay; this is the task we did yesterday. After doing our assigned task, we gave
it to Ma'am Maris. Afternoon came; we ate our lunch in the restaurant, stayed
there for about 40 minutes, and then went back to the office. We did our job and
finished it in about 3 hours, I think.

This will serve as a tool for me to improve my skills and to be a responsible

person. I promise to myself that I will try my best to do my duties as a worker in
the government. With all the challenges that I encountered in life, they made me
strong and helped me to be an independent person.

Day 4

March 23, 2023

On-the-job training is a form of
training that takes place in a normal
working situation. It helps students
gain knowledge by performing in a
real working environment. It is
essential to get students to
understand how to perform their job
Early in the morning on the fourth day
of our work immersion, We clean the
office around 7:30; this is our daily
task in the morning. After that, Ma'am Arlyn gave us an assigned task to go into
the ABC Building and do the sizing of t-shirts for every member of the barangay;
this is needed in order to know their sizes, and it includes the number of people
who will be attending the seminar. Some of the members spent their own money.
After that, we gave the documents and information back to Ma'am Arlyn. Lunch
came, and unusually, we went to the nearest restaurant to eat and have some
In the afternoon, they (Ma'am Gang-Gang and Ma'am Rosalie) have some errands
to run, and they told us that we have to stay at the office together with Ma'am
Maris and Ma'am Marjurie just in case someone will approach us and ask for the
sizes. And that's all we did for the afternoon.
Every student has a responsibility in their respective area. I know that as a
temporary worker for the government, it is not easy because it takes a lot of time
to serve people, and I observed that all staff at the Department of Budgeting have
a cherishing heart to serve people who needed their help.

Day 5

March 24,2023
Aside from work experience, this work
immersion allows the trainees or students to
get acquainted with real professionals and
meet people in different positions in the
specific environment that we are in.
On the fifth day of our work immersion, our
daily routine was to help Ma'am Maribel clean
the office. Early in the morning we do the
book tagging and sizing of t-shirts; aside from
that, there is nothing more. Our supervisor
and Ma'am Maris told us that we could take a
moment's rest.
In the afternoon, we asked them what to do,
and they told us to take a rest because around
3 p.m. there is a general cleaning. Exactly at 3
p.m. The bell rang, and that is the signal to go
outside the office and clean the pathway. We
also saw all the other immersionists and staff. I
swiped the grass, and Nikki held the trash can
while Kybelle held the dust pan.
Our five-day experience here at Local
Government Unit Lopez Jaena Municipality has
been very positive. I have learned a lot from
different staff members and supervisors. The knowledge imported will give us
some ideas regarding our work immersion. This was a great opportunity for us in
order to gain knowledge and enhance our skills to be a better immersion student
in our assigned work places as well as a better citizen in the society.

Day 6

March 27, 2023

Having a proper work immersion helps in
the preparation of future professionals for
their future jobs. What we student
learned in our immersion, even the little
things, can be applied when we are
already working. Students will be
trained not only academically but socially
as well.
On the sixth day of our work immersion
here at Local Government Unit Lopez Jaena Municipality, I woke up early to
attend the flag ceremony at 8:00 in the morning. When I got there, I went directly
to the budgeting office to put my belongings, and only a few employees were
there, which is why I decided to wait for my co-immersionist to come. When they
came, we logged in first to our log book and proceeded to the city plaza. The flag
ceremony started, and after that, we listened to the announcement and waited
for another 2 hours until the flag ceremony was done. When the flag ceremony
finished, we just went to the budgeting office and asked for our job today. In the
morning, we didn’t have work to do, so we asked our supervisor what we had to
do, but our ma'am told us they had no more tasks to give us. That is why we just
sat down at our table and waited for their command.
Lunch came, and our supervisor said that we could eat at the office. We finished
our food and decided to play with our cellphone since it was break time. In the
afternoon, the bell rang, and Ma'am Maris assigned us to submit all the
documents in the mayor’s office, and we went back to the Budgeting Department
and waited for their other commands. Minutes later, we submitted another set of
documents to the accounting office. Around 3:30 p.m., Ma'am Marjurie gave us a
cake, and it was so delicious.
When the time passed at 5:00 p.m., we got our log book, said our goodbyes to
them, and went back home.

Day 7

March 28, 2023

Seventh day of immersion, and I go
to the municipality early, around
7:20, and unexpectedly I see that
Ma'am Gang-Gang designed a
birthday decoration because it is
Ma'am Marjurie's birthday today,
and I decide to help Ma'am Gang-
Gang. I am assigned to fold the
paper into a rectangular shape, and Nikki and Kybelle are assigned to
cut those papers I fold. And there is a funny part: Ma'am Gang-Gang
told us to hide inside our supervisor's office because Ma'am Marjurie
came, which was supposed to be a surprise but failed, but we made her
happy. After that, our supervisor made us buy two cakes at the market.
One for Ma'am Marjurie and one for Nanay.
When lunch came, we took some selfies and sang a birthday song to
Ma'am Marjurie and Nanay. Have some joke time. I ate pancit, lechon,
sinabawan, brownies, leche plan , and cake. And after that, we do our
job. Around 4 p.m., our supervisor decided to eat the leftovers, and we
didn’t have a choice but to eat. Before we ate our foods, we went
outside because our classmates had arrived at the plaza, and we
(Kybelle Kate, Althea Jean, and Nikki Izelwen) decided to go there and
meet them and have some talk with each other.
It only takes minutes, and we just went back to the office because we
left our food on the table, and maybe our supervisor will look for us

Day 8

March 29, 2023

My eighth day as an immersionist

began first thing in the morning
when I woke up around 6 a.m. and
got ready to take a bath. After that, I
ate breakfast that my mother had
prepared for me. Around 7 o’clock in
the morning, I arrived at the
budgeting office, and I waited for my
co-immersionist to come up.

The first thing we do in the morning

is our assigned supervisor gives us a
paper that contains all the names of
people who need to attend a meeting, and we must get their signatures that indicate that they
received the paper. We do our best to our assignment that’s why we finished it in the span of
time. Ma’am Maribel needed assistance to carry the curtains to the other building, which is the
ABC building. Upon arrival, Ma'am Maribel swept the floor while I, Nikki, and Kybelle hung
those curtains in the windows. We also helped them carry those papers on top of the table that
they needed to transfer. Ma'am Maribel told us to get the mop and chlorine at the kitchen.

After that, Ma'am Rosalie Balangao told us to find these people, and we went to all the
buildings to sign these important papers with all the heads of every department. Only the
mayor’s office, the Engineering Building, the Senior Citizens Department, the Accounting Office,
the Human Resources Department, the Treasury Department, Bureau of Fire Protection, and
the other office besides the Human Resources Department, which is the Department of Interior
Local Government, Municipal Social Welfare Development (MSWD), Municipal Health Building,
and Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO), are the offices that
received the documents. When lunch came, we decided to eat here at the office because we
realized it would take a lot of time to go to the restaurants, which is why we stayed at the
office. When the afternoon came, we went back to the offices that hadn’t received the
documents and asked for an update about where their boss was.


Day 9

March 30, 2023

On our ninth day as immersionists,
which was coming to an end, in the
morning I woke up early so that I could
go to the office earlier. I took a bath, ate
some breakfast, brushed my teeth, and
prepared my meals; it took me an hour
to prepare. At 7am in the morning I was
already at the budgeting office and they
are already there my co-immersionist
which are Nikki and Kybelle.
We ask Ma'am Maris what we can do to
help, and she responds, "We don’t know
what to give, because you finish your task in just 3 days," and we all laugh about
that. That is why she told us to relax and go have some chill, so we sat at the chair
and played mobile games, and while we were playing, they gave us cake.

After that, they called us and asked us to go to the Mayor’s office to ask for
something important, and we went there. We went to the office because our job
was done and waited for the bell to ring since it was near 12 noon, but
unexpectedly we saw our advisors, Ma'am Ruzzil Jamorol and Ma'am Cherry
Taguran, so we had small talk and laughed about the things we talked about. And
when lunch came, our adviser told us to eat with them, and we automatically said
yes, so we went back to the office to get our belongings and went to the
restaurant to eat, and our adviser treated us to drinks and ice cream. It lasted
about an hour. After that, we went back to the office, and I was told by Ma'am
Rosalie Balangao to deliver the important documents to the supply office inside
the Treasury Department. Then we immediately returned to the office to ask if
there was anything else.


Day 10

March 31, 2023

Today is my 10th day as an immersionist. I

felt so sad because we can’t see each other
again or get together and be happy at the
same time because this is our last day.
Earlier in the morning, I wake up and take a
bath; after that, I eat my breakfast and get
ready to go here to the office.

On the 10th day of our work immersion

here at Local Government Unit, we cleaned
the office; I swept the floor and threw the
dirt in the trash can. We waited for Kybelle
to arrive at the office because she had a

cake with her, and she told us to wait for her; that is how we planned to surprise them. When Kybelle
arrived, we immediately went to the mayor's office to give Mr. Sumile a cake, but unfortunately he was
in Cagayan; we brought the cake to us when we came back to the office.

Later on, we don’t have anything to do, which is why we do our narrative, which needed to be past this
day. It took us hours to finish the 1–9 narrative, goal, objectives, and summary. When the lunch came,
Kybelle decided to buy food at the restaurant, and we ate it here at the office because it was so hot
outside. Afternoon came, and I continued the narrative 10 and after that, we decided to give the carrot
cake to the mayor’s staff, together with Althe Jean, Nikki Izelwen, and Kybelle Kate. When we were done
delivering the cake, we went back to the office to fill up the Daily Time Record (DTR). After that, we took
pictures together with the Head of Office and her staffs. This work immersion taught me to gain new
skill sets and improve my existing capabilities.




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