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Script Documentation

Group members:
Leader: Charlotte Valenzuela
Patrick Bigbig
Jessel Cagoco
Gerald Cruz
Celine Respuesto
Reinier Bellen
Jenica Baysic
Jenieca Palma
GELYN Calamba

Title: "Brewed Harmony: Teatime Strategy"

Scene: Teahouse Google Meeting

CHARLOTTE Emma (CEO): Visionary and passionate about the milk tea industry.

PATRICK BIGBIG David (CFO): Analytical, focused on financial sustainability and growth.

JESSEL CAGOCO Lily (Marketing Director): Creative and trend-savvy, develops innovative
marketing campaigns.

GERALD CRUZ Mark (Sales Manager): Charming and persuasive, dedicated to expanding milk
tea sales.

CELINE RESPUESTO Hannah (HR Manager): Personable and empathetic, fosters a positive
workplace culture.

REINER BELLEN Ethan (IT Specialist): Tech-savvy, manages digital platforms and online

REGIMA BOLA Oliver (Legal Counsel): Detail-oriented, ensures legal compliance in all business

JENICA BAYSIC Sophie (Operations Manager): Efficient and organized, oversees day-to-day
teahouse operations.
JENIECA PALMA Mia (Master Tea Blender): Tea connoisseur, responsible for creating unique
and flavorful blends.

GELYN CALAMBANina (Innovation Specialist): Always exploring new trends to enhance the
milk tea experience


CHARLOTTE VALENZUELA Emma: Welcome, team! Let's steep ourselves in success. David,
financial overview?

PATRICK BIGBIG David: Profits are steeping, but we need to carefully balance expenditures for
sustainable growth.

JESSEL CAGOCO Lily: Our social media presence needs a refresh. I propose a campaign
featuring our tea-making process. Thoughts?

GERALD CRUZ Mark: Excellent idea! It'll give customers a peek behind the scenes and build a
connection with the brand.

CELINE RESPUESTO Hannah: Employee morale is essential. Any suggestions, Sophie?

JENICA BAYSIC Sophie: How about introducing a monthly tea tasting event for our staff? It'll
boost morale and help us refine our offerings.

REGIMA BOLA Oliver: Legal matters need attention. Are our labeling and product descriptions
compliant with regulations, Mia?

JENIECA PALMA Mia: Absolutely. I've ensured that all our blends adhere to labeling standards,
and we're in compliance.

REINER BELLEN Ethan: Our online orders are increasing. I suggest upgrading our app for a
smoother customer experience.

GELYN CALAMBA Nina: Let's also introduce a limited-time "Innovator's Blend" each season to
keep customers intrigued.

CHARLOTTE VALENZUELA Emma: Fantastic ideas, team! Let's blend these strategies for
success. Any final thoughts?

Everyone: (Nods and agreements)

CHARLOTTE VALENZUELA Emma: Meeting adjourned! Let's infuse our passion into the
teacups of the world.
The team leaves the boardroom, ready to stir up the milk tea business with their innovative and
harmonious approach.


CHARLOTTE VALENZUELA/Emma: Welcome back, team! Let's continue our journey to brew
success. David, how are our financials looking after the recent marketing campaign?

PATRICK BIGBIG David: We've seen a notable uptick in sales, and the campaign didn't strain
our budget. We're on track for growth.

JESSEL CAGOCO Lily: I've been exploring influencer partnerships. Mark, any insights on
potential collaborations?

GERALD CRUZ Mark: I've identified a couple of influencers with a strong engagement in our
target demographic. I'll reach out to them this week.

CELINE RESPUESTO Hannah: Employee feedback on the tea tasting events has been
overwhelmingly positive. Sophie, any concerns from the operations side?

JENICA BAYSIC Sophie: Smooth sailing so far. The events have created a sense of
camaraderie among the staff, and we've adjusted schedules accordingly.

REGIMA BOLA Oliver: Legal update. We're clear on all compliance fronts. Mia, any new blends
on the horizon?

JENIECA PALMA Mia: Indeed. I'm working on a seasonal collection, incorporating unique
flavors that align with upcoming trends.

REINER BELLEN Ethan: Our app upgrade is underway. Nina, any new innovations we can
introduce to stay ahead in the digital space?

GELYN CALAMBA Nina: Augmented reality labels for our tea packaging could offer an
interactive and immersive experience for customers.

CHARLOTTE VALENZUELA Emma: Fantastic progress, team! Let's keep riding this wave. Any
other business to discuss?

Everyone: (Shares updates and ideas)

CHARLOTTE VALENZUELA Emma: Excellent. Meeting adjourned! Let's continue brewing

harmony in every cup.

The team leaves the boardroom, energized and ready to elevate the teahouse to new heights.

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