3rd Periodical Test in Science Earth Science

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1. A volcano is best defined as ?

A. a chamber in earth’s crust for storing magma C. a mudflow formed from ash and water
B. a mountain range D. a vent in earth’s surface through which magma passes
2. A volcano that may erupt again at some time in the distant future is :
A. Active B.Inactive C. Extinct D. Dormant
3. This term describes solid or molten rock fragments of any size that are ejected from a volcano.
A. magma B. Ash C. lava D. Tephra
4. Which characteristic mainly determines its explosiveness?
A. Color B. amount C.Temperature D. Silica content
5. What is pyroclastic materials?
A. magma that blasts into the air and hardens C. molten rock
B. magma that remains underground too long D. lava that flows underwater
6. What is the Ring of Fire?
A. a chamber in the earth’s crust for storing magma C. an area on the Pacific Ocean with many volcanoes
B. a volcano that is formed near hotspots D. a vent in earth’s surface through which magma passes
7. What can happen to global temperatures for several years after a volcanic eruption?
A. temperatures may increase C. temperatures may decreases
B. temperatures may create more volcanoes D. temperatures are not affected by volcanic eruptions
8. A thick of volcanic can be heavy enough to collapse the roofs of building because ash is ________.
A. is solid C. becomes heavier as it cools
B. cannot be blown by winds D. consists of tiny fragments of rocks that becomes heavy as they pile up
9. The most violent type of volcanic activity is associated with ___________
A. shield cones B. Composite cones C. Cinder cones D. intermediate cones
10. Which of the following is an active volcano in the Philippines?
A. Apo in Davao B. Bud Datu in Sulu C. Isarog in Camarines Sur D. Kanlaon in N. Oriental
11. The type of volcano that is commonly found in the Pacific ring of fire is__________.
A. cinder volcano B. scoria cone C. shield volcano D. stratovolcano
12. A lava that is very runny/flowing probably
A. has low silica content C. has been cooled before the surface
B. is hotter than most lava D. comes from explosive volcanoes
13. When magma is thick with more dissolved gases, we can expect the volcanic eruption to be a/an____
A. oozing ash and lava C. lava frothing over the crater
B. spewing water like geyser D. violent ejection of ash and lava
14. Mt. Kilauea in Hawaii is a low and broad volcano. This type of volcano that is formed from loose
and fluid lava that flows over each other is called ______________.
A. cinder volcano B. shield volcano C. stratovolcano D. submarine volcano
15. The eruption in 1991,of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines may have caused _____________
A. lowered global temperature C. increased earth’s surface temperature
B. eruption of other volcanoes D. ozone losses
16. The most violent type of volcanic eruption is____________.
A. Phreatic B. Plinian C. Strombolian D. vulcanian
17. Magma with a high silica content tends to be:
A. very hot B. very explosive C. very viscous D. less viscous
18. Magma with a large amount of dissolved gases tends to be:
A. very hot B. very explosive C. very viscous D. less viscous
19. Which of the following does not affect the viscosity of magma?
A. style of eruption B. silica content C. temperature D. amount of dissolved gases
20. Of the following choices, which best describes or defines geothermal energy?
A. heat energy volcanic eruptions C. energy from hot springs
B. heat energy from inside the earth D. energy from rock surface
21. Which of the following helps to determine how easily magma flows?
A. silica in the magma C. dissolved gases trapped in the magma
B. the size of the crater D. the number of vents on the volcano
22. Tall cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava alternates with layers of ash are called ___________.
A. shield volcano B. cinder-cone volcano C. composite volcano D. submarine volcano
23. Which of the following is a benefit of volcanic eruptions?
A. volcanic ash released into the atmosphere C. warmer temperature
B. flooding from melting ice D. volcanic soil for farming
24. What is one use of geothermal energy?
A. electricity B. more hours of sunlight C. new animal habitats D. solar –heated homes
25. Geothermal power plant gets energy by ___________________
A. pumping heated water or steam B. circulating fluid underground C. holding water in a dam D. using methane
26. What happens to the temperature of air when altitude increases?
A. remains the same B. decreases C. increases d. Varies
27.Which of the following best describes climate?
A. The weather that occurs in the atmosphere within a day.
B. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a long period of time.
C. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a short period of time
D. The disturbance in the atmosphere that happens in a long period of time.
28. During summer,many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather.What do you think makes Baguio cold?
A. The latitude B. The topography C. The altitude D. The distance from the ocean
29.Why are the coldest places on earth found at the poles?
A. great amount of gaseous particles trap heats from the surface
B. great amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas
C. less amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas
D. less amount of gaseous particles trap heats from the surface
30.City A is surrounded by bodies of water and has moderate climate .It is located near the equator.What will
Most likely affect the climate of the city?
A. Latitude B. Altitude C. topography D. distance from the ocean
31.When does greenhouse effect happen?
A. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the atmosphere.
B. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the earth’s interior.
C. Greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat from the outer space.
D. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat from the earth’s surface .
32. Which of the following is the cause of the change of seasons?
A. the sizes and shapes of land surface C. the tilt of the earth’s axis
B. the rotation of earth D. the latitude and altitude
33. How does the windward side differs from the leeward side of a high land?
A. The windward receives more precipitation than the leeward.
B. The windward side receives more heat the leeward side
C.The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side.
D. The leeward side receives more precipitation than the windward side
34. Which of the following can cause global warming?
A. Volcanic eruptions C.The rising of warm air into the atmosphere
B. The amount of rainfall D. Increase of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
35. Which of the following is an indication of global warming?
A. raising of sea level B. decrease of global temperature C. coastal erosion D. strong waves in the ocean
36. Which condition happens during La Nina phenomenon?
A. Air pressure in the western pacific increases. C. Upweling of the cold water is blocked
B. Air pressure in the eastern pacific decreases. D. Trade wind becomes stronger
37. Why do places at the same latitude but different altitudes have different climate?
A. amount of hear received varies C. higher latitudes have lower temperature
B. amount of precipitation differs D. higher altitudes have higher temperature
38. The rain shadow effect is associated with ______________
A. oceans B. rivers C. Latitude D. mountains
39. Two major factors used to identify climate are
A. Latitude ,altitude B. Temperature,precipitation C. Latitude,temperature D. precipitation,altitude
40. Global winds move warm air toward the ____________-
A. equator B. ocean D. poles D. atmosphere
41.Which of these greenhouse gases is most abundant in the athmosphere?
A. water vapors B. carbon dioxide C. methane D. nitrous oxide
42.What is true about ocean current that is moving toward the equator?
B. it is warm B. it is fast C. it is cold D .it is slow
43. The pavement and buildings in cities affects the local climate by
A. decreasing temperature B. increasing temperature C. decreasing precipitation D. increasing precipitation
44. Happens when the temperature in the eastern pacific rises above normal.
A. La nina B. El nino C. global warming D. typhoon
45. The short-term state of the atmosphere is called
A. weather B. climate C. precipitation D. evaporation
46. Which of the following statements explains the rain-shadow effect?
A. Mountains force air to rise; air cools and releases moisture as it rises.
B. The atmosphere gets denser as elevation increases, causing snow to fall.
C. Temperatures are higher on one side of a mountain than on the other.
D. Wind patterns cause precipitation.
47. The distance north or south from the equator is called
A. the rain-shadow effect. B. topography. C. elevation. D. latitude.
48. The leeward side of a mountain is often ____.
A. wet B. hot C. cold D. dry
49. Which of the following statements describes what happens when the sun heats water and land?
A. Land heats more slowly than water does C. Water heats more slowly than land does.
B. Water and land absorb heat from the sun at the same rate. D. Both absorb heat at the same rate,
but water releases it faster
50.Temperature decreases with elevation by an average of how many degrees per 1000 meters?
A.. –6°C B. 6.5°C C. 1.6°C D. 16.5°C

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