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1. Line - it is a path made by a moving point; a series of dots; a prolongation of points or according
to Paul Klee is a dot that went for a walk.
2. Curved lines - are technically curvilinear lines.
3. Horizontal lines - move from left to right or vice versa.
4. Diagonal lines - are slanting lines.
A. Lines can possess a variety of characteristics, depending on shape, density, rhythm,
angularity, and the material that have produced them. FALSE NOT LIGHT
B. Lines may be short or long, fine or thick, heavy or light, wavy or jagged, straight or curved.
6. Color - adds beauty and meaning to all forms of art.
7. Hue - It is the name given to the color
8. Primary hues - RED, YELLOW and BLUE they are called what?
9. Secondary hues – When two primary use are mix in equal amount they produce what? These are
10. Shade – what do you call when black is combined with another color NOT SURE
11. Monochromatic harmony - When a single color in the composition is varied in intensity and value
by adding white or black.
12. Analogous harmony - results when colors that are adjacent or beside each other in the color wheel
is used in a composition.
13. Chiaroscuro is the technique of manipulating light and shadow in painting.
A. Shapes - In visual arts, a shape is formed when two ends of a line meet to enclose an area
B. The area may stand out from the surface because of a difference in color, value or
texture.- TRUE
15. Natural or organic shapes - those are seen in nature like the shape of leaves, animals, mountains,
flowers and seashells.
16. Non-objective or biomorphic shapes - seldom have reference to recognizable objects, but most
often show a similarity to some organic forms.
17. Texture - refers to the feel or tactile quality of the surface of an object.
A. Background - the topmost part. FALSE NOT BOTTOM
B. Foreground - the bottom part. FALSE NOT TOPMOST
A. Perspective - deals with the effect of distance on the appearance of objects. TRUE
B. Linear perspective - give the perception distance by means of converging lines. TRUE
20. Space in sculpture may be viewed in two ways: it may be considered a single solid object or a space
as it enters relations with its surroundings
21. Actual movement - in art, specifically in sculptures results in kinetic art.
22. Melody - is the succession of tones arranged in such a way as to give it a musical sense.
A. Harmony - is the sounding of a series of groups of tones in the same time. RHYTHM yung
sinabi ni mam pero yan yung nakalagay na meaning
B. THEATER - is a collaborative form of performing art that uses live performers. Ito mismo
sinabi nya
A. Choreography refers to how the steps and movements are connected for it to be performed
in an organized manner. TRUE
B. Technique is the skill of the dancer in executing the movements. TRUE
25. Drama is basically one of the genres of literature that is written primarily to be performed.
Performance live on stage
26. Exposition is the part that familiarizes the audience with the characters and the situation they are
27. The Performers are the ones who portray the characters in a play.
28. Make-up, Hair and Costume Design. These people are responsible for applying the specific type of
make-up, hairstyle and costume to the actors before they face the camera.
29. Primary Features. Its physical attributes in terms of medium, color, texture and size.
A. Context refers to the various circumstances that influence how a work of art was produced
and interpreted. TRUE
B. The two types of context are: Primary context and Secondary context TRUE
A. Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, color, texture and space. TRUE
B. Radial balance is achieved when the elements are arranged around a central point. TRUE
32. Pattern is the repetition of objects, shapes, lines, or symbols all over the space or picture plane.
33. Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all parts relate well with each other.
34. Curiosita is approaching life with a heightened level of wonder and continuous search to know and
learn more.
A. Sfumato literally translates to “going up in smoke”. TRUE
B. Corporalita is taking care of one’s body. TRUE
36. Ancient Art period includes the works found in classical civilizations like the Greeks and Celts as
well as that of the early Chinese dynasties.
A. Chinese artistic styles are classified according to the dynasty under which they were
produced. TRUE
B. Hindu Art is considered an example of Asian Art. TRUE
A. The word baroque means something that is elaborate and highly detailed. TRUE
B. The Neoclassical Period is considered a period of enlightenment. TRUE
39. The modern art refers to late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century art.
40. Fauvism is a term to denote the use of distortion and exaggeration for emotional, which first
surfaced in the art literature of the early twentieth century.
A. Expressionism is an artistic style in which the artist attempts to portray not objective reality
but rather the subjective emotions TRUE
B. Surrealism intends to channel the unconscious means to unlock the power of
imagination. TRUE
A. Contemporary art provides a chance to reflect on contemporary civilization and the matters
relevant to us, and the world around us. TRUE
B. Postmodern art refers to a group of movements that began in the late 1950s and early 1960s,
43. Cantus Firmus means ______?? "firm chant"
A. The Classical era is the era where the most influential personalities of classical music
emerged. TRUE
B. The 20th century is described as the “age of musical diversity” because composers had more
creative freedom. TRUE
A. Jazz can be traced back to earlier African-American music styles. FALSE NOT CONCERT MUSIC
B. Minimalism is the type of music which was simple and contained patterns that were repeated
and reinforced by a steady beat. TRUE
46. The Philippine Arts pertain to Filipino artworks that have developed in country from the beginning
of its civilization up to the present era.
47. The pre-colonial era or also known as Pre-Spanish era is the period of Philippine Art before the
coming of Spaniards.
48. Gold Death Mask - the burial practice of covering the eyes, nose, and mouth of the dead with
sheets of gold is a custom practiced by a limited group of Filipinos.
A. Shell Bracelets and Pendants - in the early days, shells were transformed into tools, as well as
ornaments. TRUE
B. The oldest identified ornaments made from cone shells were found in the early 1960’s in the
tomb of an adult male in Duyong Cave in Palawan. TRUE
50. Method of decoration is how designs are applied on the body’s surface.
51. The Mununggul jar is regarded as the symbol of Philippine Prehistoric artifact.
52. Bahay-kubo is built from bamboo and nipa which are the most available construction materials in
the rural areas.
53. ANCIENT WRITING called Baybayin.
A. AMERICAN COLONIAL ART PERIOD - The arrival of the new colonial power ushered in a
change in art patronage – from the native ilustrados to the Americans.
B. SCULPTURE - Only a lone name stood out, Guillermo Tolentino, trained in the classical style in
Rome, Tolentino’s masterpieces include the Oblation in the University of the Philippines
A. Fabian dela Rosa was noted for his realistic portraits, genre, and landscapes TRUE
B. Fernando Amorsolo captured the attention of the public and the buyers, and had a long
artistic career. TRUE.

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