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Proposal for the Network Ninja

Network Ninja Challenge, an engaging and interactive event aimed at fostering
networking and professional and personal development opportunities for
students during the upcoming DAIRA event, will provide participants with a
unique platform to connect with alumni, industry professionals, and fellow
students while honing their networking skills in a fun and competitive
Event Overview:
Event Name: Network Ninja Challenge
Date: ---
Duration: ---
Venue: ---
Event Objectives:
Event Objectives:
• To facilitate meaningful connections between students and industry
professionals within the technical IT field.
• To develop meaningful connections between students and their senior or fellow
students who excel in extracurricular activities, aiming to boost their confidence
and provide encouragement.
• To showcase participants' communication and presentation skills through
engaging interactions and video interviews.
• To provide participants with valuable networking opportunities and experiences
for professional and personal development.
Event Format:
1. Team Registration: Students can register in teams of up to four members for
the Network Ninja Challenge.
2. Task Assignment: Each registered team will be provided with a card containing
a specific technical IT topic or criteria for a person to be found on campus who
meets that criteria.
3. Networking Challenge: Teams must locate and approach the designated
person, conduct a brief video interview discussing the assigned topic, and connect
with them on LinkedIn. Subsequently, that person will guide the student team to
their next target possessing the specific traits.
4. Video Submission: Teams will upload their completed video interviews to a
designated Google Form, along with details of the person interviewed and their
LinkedIn profile link.
5. Judging: Professionals and seniors will self-rate the participants. Additionally,
the number of likes received on uploaded videos will determine which team
demonstrated the best communication skills.
6. Advancement: The top-performing teams will advance to the next level of the
Participant Guidelines:
Teams must adhere to the rules and guidelines of the Network Ninja Challenge,
including respectful and professional interactions with interviewees.
Teams are encouraged to demonstrate creativity, enthusiasm, and
professionalism in their video interviews and interactions.
Teams must accurately record and submit details of the person interviewed and
their LinkedIn profile link for verification purposes in round 2.
Promotion and Marketing:
Promotion of the Network Ninja Challenge will be carried out through various
channels, including social media, inviting other universities societies, and campus
Partnerships with student organizations, industry associations, and academic
departments will be sought to maximize participation and engagement.
The budget for the Network Ninja Challenge will cover expenses related to cash
prize, promotional materials, and any additional resources required for the event.
A detailed budget can be provided.
The Network Ninja Challenge promises to be an exciting and impactful event that
will provide students with valuable networking opportunities and personal
development and professional development experiences within the technical IT
field. We are confident that this event will be well-received by participants and
contribute to the overall success of the DAIRA event. Thank you for considering
our proposal, and we look forward to your support in making the Network Ninja
Challenge a reality.

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