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I. Fill in the blanks with suitable article : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) _______ apples in ______ basket are juicy.
2) Give me _______ small, green book.
3) Do you have _____ eraser?
4) I saw ____ child walking with his mother yesterday.
5) _____ gang of thieves robbed my neighbour’s house last week.
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) Uncle Brijesh made ______ laugh by cracking jokes.
2) My name is Adhil. _____ study in Prince Model School.
3) This is my bag. Where is ___________?
4) Farhan has a new bicycle. Look over there! That blue bicycle is _______.
5) Meera and Sheena went to the garden. _________ played there for an hour.
III. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs and tenses given in the bracket : -
( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) They _______ football for two hours. (play)
2) He _______ his lesson by next week. (learn)
3) Lily _____ already ____ her breakfast. (take)
4) Prices ______ by forty percent last year. (rise)
5) The storm _______ since 4 o’ clock. (howl)
IV. Rewrite sentences with correct form of verbs : - ( 3 x 1 = 3 marks)
1) I lock the door and went to sleep.
2) Jack writes three letters so far today.
3) By the end of the month we finish our school project.
V. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) Sometimes she put _______ salt in my vegetables.
2) There is _______ milk to prepare tea.
3) January is the ________ month of the year.
4) ________ time should we meet tomorrow?
5) ______ storybook is full of beautiful pictures.
VI. Pick out the adjectives and state its kind :- ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) How do you do this sum?
2) The cow has a long tail.
3) Which student broke this chair?
4) The coffee is not good.
5) A little boy was playing with his friend.
VII. Fill in the blanks with correct degree of comparison : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) Which towel is _______, the blue one or the red one? (soft)
2) Ken is the ________ of the twins. (young)
3) This apple is _______than that one. (sweet)
4) The _________ boy of all is Alan. (strong)
5) That baby girl is the _______ baby I ever saw. (cute)
VIII. Identify the adjectives and write the correct degrees of comparison : -
( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) The train station is closer to our office than the airport.
2) Your website is more organised than Gabriel’s.
3) The design she submitted was attractive.
4) Mr.Peter is the most conservative member on the board.
5) Marissa is a strong candidate for the open position.
IX. Fill in the blanks with adverbs : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) She _________ ignored me. (simple)
2) The teacher _______ rejected her proposal. (complete)
3) He answered all the questions ________. (clever)
4) I ran _______ to the house when it started raining. (quick)
5) I _______ refused to attend any more meetings. (absolute)
X. Underline the adverbs and state its kind : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) She spoke slowly and clearly.
2) Joseph always tells the truth.
3) The children are playing outside.
4) I will never follow your advice.
5) I brush my teeth everyday.
XI. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions according to the type given in the
bracket : - ( 7 x 1 = 7 marks)
1) It has been raining ________ 6 am. (preposition of time)
2) All roads lead _________ Rome. (preposition of movement)
3) He slept soundly _______ three hours. (preposition of time)
4) There is a pet shop ________ the cafe and the hospital. (preposition of place)
5) He walked _________ the park. (preposition of movement)
6) Alex addressed her words to herself _____ the mirror. (preposition of time)
7) We had a great time _________ the game. (preposition of time)
XII. Fill in the blanks with conjunctions : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) I cannot sleep ______ I read a book.
2) We came back from the cinema _________ there were no tickets available.
3) Nikita cut the vegetables __________ Chandni got the pots and pan ready.
4) Put on your shoes ______ tie the laces firmly.
5) He told me _______ I can take his help.
XIII. Join the sentences using suitable conjunctions : - ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) I trust him. He speaks the truth.
2) We were at the party. We left the party at 8 pm.
3) There was a monkey in our courtyard. My brother told me.
4) Gourab is injured. He can’t participate in the race.
5) The food was tasty. It was inexpensive.
XIV. Rewrite the sentences using punctuations and capital letters : -
( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1) seema gave me a toy for my birthday
2) mahatma gandhi is popularly called bapu of india
3) when did mohini leave for ayodhya
4) where are the rugs from
5) kashmir the heaven on the earth is in india
XV. Composition : - ( 5 marks)
1) Describe a favourite toy
2) The benefits of reading a book
XVI. Reading comprehension : - ( 5 marks)
One rainy night, there was a lot of thunder. Amelia got scared of the loud noise. She woke
up and went to her window to see outside. She saw a white light emerge from the clouds
and touch the earth. She was very surprised to see this. She ran to her parent’s room. She
asked her father, “ What is that daddy?” He said, “That’s called lightning Amelia”. And
thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Amelia heard every word her father spoke. She
also asked, “ Why does lightning come before thunder?” He answered, “Because light
travels faster than sound”. Amelia listened carefully.
She felt that she had learned something new. She was no longer scared, and quickly went
to sleep. Next day at school, she had a new story to tell her friends. When she was
narrating last night’s discovery to her school friends, they listened as carefully as she had
the night before. They were as amazed as her.

1) What did Amelia see outside the window?

2) Why does lightning come before thunder?
3) What did Amelia feel after listening to her father?
4) Why did Amelia wake up?
5) What was the reaction of Amelia’s friends?


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