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Physics 101 No:


PHYS101/Spring 2015-2016 — Midterm 1

(On my honor I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this exam.)

• This is a closed-everything exam.

• This exam is for 60 minutes and has three problems out of 100 points.
• Answers without work shown or proper explanation will not be given any credit.

(Leave blank)

Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Total

Formula Sheet

Scalar Product:
A ~ = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz Constant x-acceleration:
~·B~ = |A||B| cos φ vx (t) = v0x + ax t
Vector Product: x(t) = x0 + v0x t + ax t2
A ~ =C ~ 2 2
vx = v0x + 2ax (x − x0 )
Cx = Ay Bz − Az By
v0x + vx
x − x0 = t
Cy = Az Bx − Ax Bz 2
Cz = Ax By − Ay Bx Motion in three dimensions:
~ × B|
|A ~ = |A||B| sin φ ~r(t) = x(t)ı̂ + y(t)̂ + z(t)k̂
Straight-line motion: ~r2 − ~r1 ∆~r
~vav = =
x2 − x1 ∆x t2 − t1 ∆t
vav−x = =
t2 − t1 ∆t ∆~r d~r
~v (t) = lim =
∆x dx ∆t→0 ∆t dt
vx (t) = lim = ~v2 − ~v1 ∆~v
∆t→0 ∆t dt ~aav = =
v2x − v1x ∆vx t2 − t1 ∆t
aav−x = =
t2 − t1 ∆t ∆~v d~v
~a(t) = lim =
∆vx dvx ∆t→0 ∆t dt
ax (t) = lim =
∆t→0 ∆t dt

sin 36.9◦ = cos 53.1◦ = 0.6 , sin 53.1◦ = cos 36.9◦ = 0.8
1.91 .. A cube is placed so that Figure P1.91 -6.0ın # 4.0
one corner is at the origin and quarterback
three edges are along the x-, y-, z far and in w
Problem (1) (30 points) and z-axes of a coordinate sys- (Like the coa
b c
tem (Fig. P1.91). Use vectors to before solvin
compute (a) the angle between d 1.100 ... N
A unit cube is placed so that one corner is at the origin
the edge along the z-axis (line Lander space
and three edges are along the x-, y-, and z-axes of a
ab) and the diagonal from the 3, 1999, the
coordinate system (see figure). a y
origin to the opposite corner surface, the
(line ad ), and (b) the angle coordinates:
Use vectors to compute, between line ac (the diagonal of
a face) and line ad.
1.92 .. Vector A has magnitude 6.00 m and vector B has magni-
tude 3.00 m. The vector product between these two vectors has
(a) (15 pts.) the cosine of the angle between the edge 2along the z-axis (line ab) and the diagonal Mars
magnitude 12.0 m . What are the two possible valuesSforSthe scalar
from the origin to the point d (line ad product
), of these two vectors? For each value of A # B, draw a
S S In these coo
sketch that shows A and B and explain why the vector products in
earth’s orbit
the two sketches are the same but the scalarS products differ.
= k̂..and once a year o
~1.93 ~scalar S
ab and ad can be written as vectors: ab Thead ̂ + k̂ of vectors A and B is +48.0 m2.
= ı̂ +product
S northern hem
~ · (ad)
(ad) ~ = |(ab)||(
~ ~ cos θ
ad)| Vector A Shas magnitude 9.00 m and direction 28.0° west of south.
If vector B has direction 39.0° south of east, what is the magnitude
(k̂) · (ı̂ + ̂ + k̂) = 1 S tance from t
of B?
1.94 ... Obtain a unit vector perpendicular to the two vectors
√ tions of the s
~ = 1, |(ad)|
|(ab)| ~ = 3 the followin
given in Exercise 1.53.
sun to the ea
1.95 .. You are given vectors A " 5.0ın ! 6.5≥n and
cos θ = √ S S S Mars. (c) As
3 B " -3.5ın # 7.0≥n. A third vector C lies in the xy-plane. Vector C direction to
is perpendicular to vector A, and the scalar product of C with B is 1999? (d) Ex
15.0. From this information, find the components of vector C . midnight on
(b) (15 pts.) and the cosine of the angle ..
between line ac S
(the S
Two vectors A and B have Smagnitudesof a face) and line ad.
A = 3.00 and tion, the sun
1.101 ... N
B = 3.00. Their vector product is A : B " -5.00k N # 2.00ıN.
What is the angle between A and B? Big Dipper (
= ̂ +..k̂ Later in our
ac can also be written as a vector: ad 1.97
~ study ofSphysics we will encounter quantities the same dis
represented by
1A :
B 2 # C. S(a) Prove that Sfor any three each other. F
vectors A, B, and C, A # 1B : C2 = 1A : B2 # C. (b) Calculate
~ · (ad)
(ac) ~ = |(ac)||(
~ ~ cos θ
ad)| S S S S S S S
each of these
1A : B2 # C for the three vectors A with magnitude A = 5.00 and
(̂ + k̂) · (ı̂ + ̂ + k̂) = 2 distance tha
√ √ angle uA = 26.0° measured in the sense from the +x-axis toward 9.461 * 10 1
~ = 2, |(ad)| ~ = 3 S S
the +y-axis, B with B = 4.00 and uB = 63.0°, and C with magni- earth’s sky.
2 tude 6.00 and in the +z-direction. Vectors A and B are in the Merak, and o
cos θ = Merak. (b) T
3 xy-plane.
degrees apar


1.98 ... The length of a rectangle is given as L ! l and its width
as W ! w. (a) Show that the uncertainty in its area A is
a = Lw + lW. Assume that the uncertainties l and w are small, so
that the product lw is very small and you can ignore it. (b) Show
that the fractional uncertainty in the area is equal to the sum of the
fractional uncertainty in length and the fractional uncertainty in Alkaid
width. (c) A rectangular solid has dimensions L ! l, W ! w, and 138 ly
H ! h. Find the fractional uncertainty in the volume, and show
that it equals the sum of the fractional uncertainties in the length, 1.102 ... Th
width, and height. tor, points fr
1.99 ... Completed Pass. At Enormous State University with coordin
(ESU), the football team records its plays using vector displace- prove the fo
ments, with the origin taken to be the position of the ball before the Ax + By +
play starts. In a certain pass play, the receiver starts at plane that pa
+1.0ın ! 5.0≥n, where the units are yards, nı is to the right, and vector Aın #
Problem 2 (30 points)
A car and train move together along parallel paths at 25.0 m/s, with the car adjacent to the rear
of the train. Then, because of a red light, the car undergoes a uniform acceleration of -2.50 m/s2
and comes to rest. It remains at rest for 10.0 s and then accelerates back to a speed of 25.0 m/s
at a rate of 2.50 m/s2 .

How far behind the rear of the train is the car when it reaches the speed of 25.0 m/s, assum-
ing that the speed of the train has remained 25.0 m/s?

Since the car has different accelerations for different periods of time, it is better to draw the
v(t) − t graph of the vehicles, then we can find the difference of the positions by evaluating the
area between the v(t) − t curves of the train and the car.
v(t) [m/s]




t [s]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
If we calculate the area !
of the blue-hatched trapezoid:
10 m + 30 m
(25m/s). = 500 m.
Problem 3 (40 points)
A baseball is thrown from the top of a 5.0 m
tall building, and after flying 5 seconds, it hits to
ground at a point which is 160 m away in hori-
zontal. (take g=10.0 m/s2 )
160 m

(a) (10 pts.) Find the velocity of the ball when its thrown, and write it in unit vector notation.
The baseball hits the ground at t = 5 s, after traveling a horizontal distance of 160 m.
That means vx (t) = 160/5 = 32 m/s. In order to find the vertical component of the initial
velocity, start with the vertical position of the baseball as a function of t.

y(t) = y(0) + vy (0)t − gt2

y(5) = 0

0 = 5 + vy (0).5 − .10.52

Therefore, vy (0) = 24 m/s.

(b) (10 pts.) Find the average velocity of the ball during its flight and write it in unit vector
~r2 − ~r1 ∆~r
~vav = = , ~r1 = (5 m)̂, ~r2 = (160m)ı̂, t1 = 0 s, t2 = 5 s.
t2 − t1 ∆t
(160 m)ı̂ − (5 m)̂
~vav =

~vav = (32 m/s)ı̂ − (1m/s)̂)

(c) (10 pts.) Calculate the maximum height of the ball from the ground.
vy2 24.24
hmax = 5 m + =5+ = 33.8 m
2g 2.10
(d) (10 pts.) What is the minimum value of the speed of the ball during its flight?
v(t) = vx2 (t) + vy2 (t)

vx (t) = 32 m/s (constant)

vmin occurs when vy (t) = 0

so, vmin = 32 m/s

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