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Manpower Planning and


 Manpower Planning & Budgeting serves as the foundation for

managing an organization’s Human Resources. It enables
organizations to plan strategically to meet current and future
manpower needs, and prevents unnecessary surprises in
maintaining steady-state manpower.
 Manpower planning further assists organizations by ensuring
positions is filled by the right employees with the needed
competencies, and appropriate planning is conducted to
align the manpower to meet future organizational goals.
 The more effective the development and execution of the
manpower plan, the more the organization is able to leverage
its Human Resources for the accomplishment of its strategic
Goals and Objectives

 To recruit the most effective managers, engineers, and technical

specialists, skilled and unskilled workers in appropriate numbers.
 To ensure that the staffing requirements are well planned in
advance to ensure achievement of Company's business
 To assist Company to manage towards the employment of the
optimum level of Human Resources with the required skills.
 To estimated by the respective Department Head/Project
Manager, endorsed by each Department Head/Project
Manager, reviews and recommended by the HR Manager and
approved by the GM/OCM.
The Manpower Plan

A. The manpower plan defines the number, skills set and

timeframe for the Human Resource requirements and
addresses both the maintenance and growth of the existing
employee numbers.

B. The Human Resource/Manpower Planning will be a strategic

function with objectives and goals in line with the corporate
strategic objectives.
Determining Future Manpower

A. Future manpower requirements are determined by matching

existing Human Resources against projected volumes and types of
work, and developing existing staff or recruiting new staff to cater
to those needs and develop the most effective mix of core and
support staff. To achieve the corporate objectives, all decisions
made in connection with the organization structure development
and management is incorporated into a manpower plan.
B. Ad-hoc recruitment will be required to overcome unforeseen staff
requirements such as, replacements for sudden resignations, new
projects etc. Such ad-hoc recruitment will in turn feed into the
manpower plan for future planning purposes.
C. The ad-hoc recruitment requirements should be approved by the
HR Manager and endorsed by the OCM and communicated to
the HR Officer as early as possible.
Budgeting for HR Requirements

 Budget approvals for the manpower plan of each

Department/Project are sought in writing from the Department
Head/Project Manager.

 All requests for an increase in headcount or related employee costs

must be supported by a business case at the beginning of the
calendar year and sent to the HR Manager so that the costs are
included in the budgets for the year.
Developing the Manpower Plan

 Department Heads/Project Managers are responsible for staffing

requirements 1 year ahead as part of the annual Human
Resource Planning and budgeting process, to ensure sufficient
lead-time for the HR Manager to carry out the recruitment and
selection process effectively to meet Company’s objectives.
Steps in Budget and Manpower Planning

1. Identification

2. Formulation & Control

Monitoring & Formulation &
Evaluation Control
3. Appraisal & Selection
Budget &
4. Negotiations Manpower Planning

Appraisal &
5. Implementation Implementation

6. Monitoring & Evaluation Negotiations

Thank You!

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