Grammar Notes 1

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“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email: ptgonlineclass2020@gmail.



Active Voice = Passive Voice

1. Statement (ရိုးရိုးဝါကျ)
2. Question (မေးခွန်းဝါကျ)
3. Negative (အငြြ်းဝါကျ)
4. Sentences Having Double Objects (ငြုလုြ်ခံရသူ (၂) ခု)

 Acitve Voice : ငြုလုြ်သူကို ကတ္တားအငြစ်မရးသည့် ဝါကျ

 Passive Voice : ငြုလုြ်ငခြ်းခံရသူကို ကတ္တားအငြစ်မရးသည့် ဝါကျ

1. Statement (ရိုးရိုးဝါကျ)
(i) Obj ကို Sub မနရာမရှေ့သို့ြို့
(ii) Active verb ကို Passive Verb သို့မငြာြ်း
(iii) Sub ကို by နှေြ့် တွဲ၍ မနာက်သို့ြို့ (Sub သည် တိကျမသာ Noun ေဟုတ်လျှြ် ြို့စရာေလိ)ု

Active Voice Sub + Active Voice + Obj + M/P/T/R

Passive Voice Obj + Passive Voice + by Sub + P/T/R (Adverb of Manner ကို V3
၏ မရှေ့တွြ် ထားမြးရေည်။)

Active Voice Passive Voice

V1,s,es/ V1 am, is, are + V3
V2 was, were + V3
was, were + Ving was, were being +
am, is, are + Ving am, is, are + being
+ V3
has, have + V3 has, have + been +
had + V3 had + been + V3
Model Verb + V1 Model Verb + be +
am, is, are, going am, is, are , going
* 1*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

to + V1 to be + V3
was, were, going was, were going to
to + V1 be + V3
to + V1 to be + V3

(1) The man killed the dog yesterday.
The dog was killed by the man yesterday.

 Active Voice ဝါကျထဲတွြ် Adverb of Manner (အေှုအရာငြကကိယာဝိမသသန) စကာလုံးြါလျှြ်

Passive တွြ် ၎ြ်းကို V3 ရဲ့ မရှေ့ေှော ထားမြးရသည်။

(1) U Ba Chit drives the car carefully.
The car is carefully driven by U Ba Chit.

2. Question (မေးခွန်းဝါကျ) (Active to Passive)

(i) Yes (or) No Question
(ii) ? နှေြ့် မေးလျှြ် ? ငြန်ထည့်ြါရန်

Active Voice Do/Does/Did + Sub + V1 + Obj + M/P/T/R?

Passive Voice am, is, are + Obj + adv (M) + V3 + by Sub + P/T/R?

(1) Can you help me?
Can I be helped?

Wh…. + Question
Question နဲ မေးလျှြ် Question နှေြ့် ငြန်စ ကျန်တာ Yes (or) No ြုံစံအတိုြ်း

(1) Where did he find Mg Mg?
Where was Mg Mg found?
Who + Verb + Obj……..?
By Whom + H.V + Obj + V3….?

(1) Who invented the radio?
By Whom was the radio invented?

* 2*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

Question အမေးနေူနာြုံစံ

(1) Did + Sub + V1 + Obj?

Was, Were + Obj+ V3 + by Sub?

(2) Has, Have + Sub + V3 + Obj?

Has, Have + Obj+ been + V3 + by Sub?

(3) Am, is, are + sub + Ving + Obj?

Am, is, are + Obj + being + V3 + by Sub?

(4) Was, Were + Sub + Ving + Obj?

Was, Were + Obj + being + V3 + by Sub?

3. Negative(အငြြ်းဝါကျ) (Active to Passive)

Active ဝါကျတွြ် Sub သည် Nobody/Noone ငြစ်လျှြ် Passive ဝါကျတွြ် Verb ကို ငြြ်းမြးရသည်။
(1) Noone Likes death.
Death is not liked.

Active ဝါကျတွြ် Sub သည်Nobody/Noone ငြစ်ပြီး “Ever” ြါလျှြ် Passive ဝါကျေှော ၎ြ်းကို
“Never” မငြာြ်းမြးရသည်။ (Never = not)

(1) Nobody has ever seen such an animal before.
Such an animal has never been seen before.

Active ဝါကျတွြ် Sub သည် Nobody/Noone ငြစ်ပြီး Obj က “anything” ငြစ်လျှြ် Passive ေှော၎ြ်းကို
“Nothing” သို့ မငြာြ်းရသည်။
(1) Noone can do anything before the teacher cames.
Nothing can be done before the teacher cames.

Negative (အငြြ်းဝါကျ) (Passive to Passive)

Noun(p) / Pron(s) + are/were not allowed/ Permitted to + V1----.

No(N(s)) / Noun(body) + is/was allowed/ Permitted to + V1----.

(1) People are not allowed to smoke in the bus.
Noone is allowed to smoke in the bus.
* 3*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

Sentences Having Double Objects ( သက်ေဲ့ = D.O) (သက်ရှေိ = I.O)

Sub + Active Verb ေိေိနှေစ်သက်မသာ ြုံစံ (2) ခုထဲေှေ တစ်ခုကို မငြြါ။
+ Direct Obj
+ to Indirect Obj
Direct Obj + Passive Verb + to Indirect Obj + by Sub
Indirect Obj + Passive Verb + DirectObj + by Sub

(1) The Professor gave the pot and the grain to the youths.
The pot and the grain were given to the youths by the professor.
The youths were given the pot and the grain by the professor.

1. My grandfather built this house.
2. Nilar is watering the plants.
3. Ko Ko has done the homework.
4. People play football all over the world.
5. Someone broke the windows last night.
6. No one can solve this problem.
7. They are digging a well in the garden.
8. He is going to tidy up his room.
9. We completed the project well ahead of time.
10. Daw Nilar is going to send her son to a boarding school on Monday.
11. The police found the stolen jewels under the bed.
12. The villagers caught and killed the man-eating tiger yesterday.
13. The teacher beat him for not doing the homework.
14. Tun Tun was awarded the first prize by the headmaster.
15. Min Min will be met at the station by his friend.
16. These paintings must not be touched.
17. The books were being arranged on the shelf by Ma Ma when I called her.
18. A bridge has been built across the river.

Answer Key
1. This house was built by my grandfather.
2. The plants are being watered by Nilar.
3. The homework has been done by Ko Ko.
4. Football is played all over the world.
5. The windows were broken last night.
6. This problem cannot be solved.
7. A well is being dug in the garden.
8. His room is going to be tidied up.
9. The project was completed well ahead of time.
10. Her son is going to be sent to a boarding school by Daw Nilar on Monday.
11. The stolen jewels were found under the bed by the police.
* 4*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
12. The man-eating tiger was caught and killed by the villagers yesterday.
13. He was beaten by the teacher for not doing homework. (or) He was beaten for not doing
the homework by the teacher.
14. The headmaster awarded Tun Tun the first prize.
15. His friend will meet Min Min at the station.
16. No one must touch these paintings.
17. Ma Ma was arranging the book on the shelf when I called her.
18. They have built a bridge across the river.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

သိေှေတ်စရာ မငြာြ်းနည်း (၃)နည်း
1. Change in Pronouns
2. Change in Tenses
3. Change in Adverbial Phrases

1. Change in Pronouns
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Spea I me my Myself He/She him/her his/her himself/herself
ker we us our Ourselves They them their themselves
listen you you your Yourself He/She him/her his/her Himself/herself
er you you your yourself They them their themselves
listen me You you your Us you you your yourself
er yourself We us our Ourselves
I me my myself

2. Change in Tenses
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
V1,s,es V2
V2 had + V3
Am,is,are + Ving Was, were + Ving
Has,have + V3 Had + V3
Will,shall,can,may + V1 Would, should, could,might + V1
Was, were + Ving had been + Ving
Must + V1 had to + V1 (or)
would have to + V1

3. Change in Adverbial Phrases

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Today That day
Yesterday The day before
Tomorrow The next day
Ago Before
* 5*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

Last + time The time before

Next + time The following time
Now Then
These Those
Here There
This That

Four Kinds of Speech

(i) Statement
(ii) Question
(iii) Imperative (Resquest and commond)
Statement (Direct Speech = Indirect Speech)
(1) Listener ေြါလျှြ် said ကို ငြန်သုံး
(2) Listener ြါလျှြ် Said/Said to ကို told မငြာြ်း Listerner လိုက်
(3) စကားဆက်ဆို "that” နဲ့ဆက်
(4) “ ” ငြုတ် ၊ မငြာြ်းနည်း (၃) နည်းသုံး
(1) Aung Aung said “ I forget to do my homework”
Aung Aung said that he forgot to do his homework.
(2) Ko Ko said to Ma Ma, “ I will come your house tomorrow”.
Ko Ko told Ma Ma that he would come her house the next day.

Question (Direct Speech = Indirect Speech)

(1) Listener ေြါလျှြ် said ကို wanted to know မငြာြ်း
(2) Listener ြါလျှြ် Said/ Said to ကို asked, told မငြာြ်း Listerner လိုက်
(3) Q.W နဲ့ မေးလျှြ် Q.W နဲ့ ဆက်
(4) Q.W နဲ့ ေမေးလျှြ် if နဲ့ ဆက်
(5) “ ” ငြုတ် ၊ အမငြကို (Sub + Verb) ြုံစံမငြာြ်း၊ မငြာြ်းနည်း (၃) နည်းသုံး
(1) Daw Lay Khin said, “ What time do the banks close?”
Daw Lay Khin wanted to know what time the banks closed.
(2) Maung Maung said to Kyaw Kyaw, “ Can you help me about this?
Maung Maung asked Kyaw Kyaw if he could help him about that.

Imperative (Resquent and command)

(1) Requent “Please + V1” to + V1
Command “ V1” to + V1
“Don’t + V1” not to + V1
(2) “ ” ငြုတ် ၊ မငြာြ်းနည်း (၃) နည်းသုံး
* 6*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
(1) The teacher said “ Moe Moe, don’t forget to switch off the light”
The teacher told Moe Moe not to forget to switch off the light.
1. Ma Ma said, "I want to be a doctor when I grow up."
2. Ko Ko said, "I am doing my homework now."
3. Maung Maung said to Nilar, "I will return your book tomorrow."
4. Ma Ma said to Tun Tun, "You can borrow my laptop if you promise to use it
5. The teacher said, "Thiha, I think you are just too lazy to pass the exam."
6. Marlar said to her brother, "The program you want to watch finished fifteen minutes
7. Father said to me, "l am not going to buy you anything if you don't get good grades in
the test this month."
8. Nilar said to me, "You have helped me in every way you can."
9. Naing Lin said to Marlar, "We are planning to go on a trip to a place you are very
much interested in."
10. Phyu Phyu said to her mother, "Our teacher told us a very inspiring story today."
11. The teacher said to the students, "I am sure you will have more confidence in
yourselves after taking this test."
12. Thida said to Tun Tun, "Please help me with my homework."
13. Mother said to me, "Read your answers carefully before you give them to the teacher."
14. The girl said to the boy, "Don't come near me or I will shout out loud."
15. Ko Ko said to Thuzar, “Please don’t leave me alone.”
16. The old man said to the boy, "Can you tell me where the monastery is?"
17. Sandi said to Ko Myo, "What have you planned for our trip?"
18. Thura said to Ni Ni, "Why do you think you are better than me?"
19. Hnin Hnin said, "Will the rain stop today?"
20. Nyi Nyi said, "Can I take the medicine ifl haven't eaten anything?"
21. Mother said to me, "Are you going out tonight?"
22. Tun Tun said, "Why did I do such a stupid thing?"

Answer key;
1. Ma Ma said that she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.
2. Ko Ko said that he was doing his homework then.
3. Maung Muang told Nilar that he would return her book the next day.
* 7*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
4. Ma Ma told Tun Tun that he could borrow her laptop if he promised to use it carefully.
5. The teacher told Thiha that she thought he was just too lazy to pass the exam.
6. Marlar told her brother that the program he wanted to watch had finished fifteen
minutes before.
7. Father told me that he was not going to buy me anything if I did not get good grades in
the test that month.
8. Nilar told me that I had helped her in every way could.
9. Naing Lin told Marlar that they were planning to go on a trip to a place she was very
much interested in.
10. Phyu Phyu told her mother that their teacher had told them a very inspiring story that
11. The teacher told the students that she was sure they would have more confidence in
themselves after taking that test.
12. Thida told Tun Tun to help her with her homework.
13. Mother told me to read my answers carefully before I gave them to the teacher.
14. The girl told the boy not to come near her or she would shout out loud.
15. Ko Ko told Thuzar not to leave him alone.
16. Hnin Hnin wanted to know if the rain would stop that day.
17. Nyi Nyi wanted to know whether he could take the medicine if he had not eaten
18. Tun Tun wanted to know why he had done such a stupid thing.
19. Mother asked me if I was going out that night.
20. Thura asked Ni Ni why she thought she was better than him.
21. Sandi asked Ko Myo what he had planned for their trip.
22. The old man asked the boy if he could tell him where the monastery was.

Without + Ving (being + V3)

 အငြစ်အြျက်(၂)ခုထဲေှေ အငြြ်းြါတဲ့အငြစ်အြျက် Without မနာက်ကလိုက်မြးရသည်။

Sub တူ Sub နဲ့ အငြြ်းငြုတ်

Without + Ving ငြုလုြ်
Sub ေတူ အငြြ်းငြုတ် Without being + V3 ငြုလုြ်
Verb ရဲ့ မနာက်ေှော Pron (o) ငြုတ်
စကားဆက် (conj) ြါလျှြ် ငြုတ်၊ (,) မကာ်ောထည့်၊ ကျန်အြိုြ်းငြန်ကူး

* 8*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
(1) Mother went to the market.She did not take any money with her.
Without taking any money with her, mother went to the market.
(2) Ko Ko attended the party. Nobody invited him.
Without being invited, Ko Ko attendant the party.

1. Tun Tun went to bed early. He did not study his lessons.
2. You will not pass the exam if you don't try hard.
3. You cannot get a distinction in English unless you practise letters and essays.
4. Maung Maung went into the office. No one saw him.
5. He left the party. Nobody heard him.
6. The girl cried. She was not beaten.
7. He left the party. Nobody heard him.
8. The girl cried. She was not beaten.
9. She will not come to your birthday party if you don't invite her.
Answer key;
1. Without studying his lessons, Tun Tun went to bed early.
2. Without trying hard, you will not pass the exam.
3. Without practising letters and essays, you cannot get a distinction in English.
4. Without being seen, Maung Maung went into the office.
5. Without being heard, he left the party.
6. Without being beaten, the girl cried.
7. Without being heard, he left the party.
8. Without being beaten, the girl cried.
9. Without being invited, she will not come to your birthday party.

After + Ving (being + V3)

 အငြစ်အြျက် (၂) ခုထဲေှေ ြထေအငြစ်အြျက်သည် After ရဲ့ မနာက်ေှေ လိုက်မြးရသည်။

and/then/and then/first တို့ကိုငြုတ်ြါ။
Sub တူ Sub + V…..conj, {Sub} + V…..
After + Ving….., Sub + V…..
Sub ေတူ Obj + V to be + V3….conj, {Obj} + {V to be} + V3….
After + being + V3………., Obj + V to be + V3….

(1) The guests had lunch and then they inspected the school.
After having Lunch, the guests inspected the school.
(2) He was beaten by his father, then he never smoked again.
After being beaten by his father, he never smoked again. / After he had been beaten by
his father, he never smoked again.

* 9*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
1. Aung Aung did his homework. Then, he went to bed.
2. Mother came back from the market and then started to cook.
3. He was beaten by his father, then he never smoked again.
4. The books were covered first. Then, they were sent to the library.
5. Nyi Lay went out to play with his friends when he had studied his lessons.

Answer key;
1. After doing his homework, Aung Aung went to bed./ After Aung Aung had done his
homework, he went to bed.
2. After coming back from the market, mother started to cook./ After mother had come
back from the market, she started to cook.
3. After being beaten by his father, he never smoked again. / After he had been beaten by
his father, he never smoked again.
4. After being covered, the books were sent to the library. / After the books had been
covered, they were sent to the library.
5. After Nyi Lay had studied his lessons, he went out to play with his friends.

When = Ving
 Ving နဲ့ စမြးထားလျှြ် ကျန်တာ အားလုံးငြန်ကူးြါ Noun ချိတ်မြးရန် အမရးကကီးသည်။ When
(1) The thieves ran when they saw the policeman.
Seeing the policeman, the thieves ran away.

1. He took out his guitar. Then, he began to sing a Song
2. Nga Pyin never studies his lessons because he is very lazy.
3. As I walked down the street, I bumped into a friend of mine.
4. He has a lot of money so he can buy anything he likes.
5. Nilar did the housework and then relaxed in front of TV.

Answer key;
1. Taking out his guitar, he began to sing a son.
2. Being very lazy, Nga Pyin never studies his lessons.
3. Walking down the street, I bumped into a friend of mine.
4. Having a lot of money, he can buy anything he likes.
5. Having done the housework, Nilar relaxed in front of TV.

When = By the time

 When မနရာေှော By the time မရး၊ By the time မနရာေှော When မရး
(1) When the rain stopped, it was too late to go out.
By the time the rain stopped, it was too late to go out.

Double Negative Pattern (နှေစ်ကကိေ်ငြြ်းြုံစ)ံ

 There is/was no Noun/Noun group(s) who/where/that + Verb (not)…

* 10*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

 Every/All (the) ကို ငြုတ်၊ There is/was no စမရး

 There is/was no ရဲ့ မနာက်ေှေ Noun/Noun Group အနည်းလိုက်
 Noun/Noun Group သည် လူ (Who) / မနရာ (Where) /ကျန်တာ (that) နဲ့ ဆက်
 Verb ကို ငြြ်းြါ။
V1,s,es does not + V1
V2 did not + V1
has,have does not +
had did not + have
has,have + V3 has not + V3
had + V3 had not + V3
is, are is not
was,were was not
(1) Every duck can swim.
There is no duck that cannot swim.
(2) All the students in this class study hard.
There is no student in this class who does not study hard.
 မရှေ့ေှော Noun သည် အေျားငြစ်ပြီး ၎ြ်း Noun ရဲ့ အစားသုံးမသာ Pron Noun သည် အေျားငြစ်လျှြ်
၎ြ်းကို အနည်းမငြာြ်းမြးရေည်။

(1) All the mothers want their children to be successful in life.
There is no mother who does not want her children to be successful in life.
 မရှေ့ေှော Noun သည် အေျားငြစ်ပြီး ၎ြ်း Noun ရဲ့ အသုံးခံငြ Noun အေျားငြစ်မနလျှြ် ၎ြ်းကို

(1) All the workers in this factory wear helmets.
There is no worker in this factory who does not wear a helmet.

 All (the)/ Every သည် Sub မနရာေှော ေရှေိဘဲ အငခားမနရာရှေိလျှြ် Conj, မနာက်ေှော မရှေ့ေှော Sub
ငြန်သုံးရပြီး Verb ကို Sub နှေြ့် ညီမအာြ်ငြြ်းရေည်။

(1) I have studied all the units in my English text.
There is no unit in my English text that I have not studied.
 All ရဲ့မနာက်ေှော “Over” မတွ့လျှြ် “Place in” မငြာြ်းမြးရေည်။

* 11*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
(1) People eat rice all over the world.
There is no place in the world where people does not eat rice.

1. Every mother loves her children.
2. Every school in Myanmar has a library.
3. All the students in our class are good at English.
4. All mothers want the best for their children.
5. All teachers love their students.
6. All the students in our school have to wear uniforms.
7. I have done all the exercises in this book.

Answer key;
1. There is no mother who does not want the best for her children.
2. There is no school in Myanmar that does not have a library.
3. There is no student in our class who is not good at English.
4. There is no mother who does not love her children.
5. There is no teacher who does not love his or her students.
6. There is no student in our school who does not have to wear a uniform.
7. There is no exercise in this book that I have not done.

If = Unless (Unless = If + not)

 If အြိုြ်းေှော အငြြ်းေြါလျှြ် If ကို ငြုတ်၊ Unless မရး၊ ကျန်အြိုြ်းကို ဆန့်ကျြ်ဘက်ငြု လုြ်ရေည်။

 If အြိုြ်းေှောအငြြ်းြါလျှြ် If နှေြ့်အငြြ်းကိုငြုတ်၊ Unless မရး၊ ကျန်အြိုြ်းငြန်ကူးရေည်။{Do not
ငြုတ်=V1,{Does not ငြုတ်=V1,s,es},{Did not ငြုတ် = V2}
(1) If you like this shirt, you will buy it.
Unless you like this shirt,you will not buy it.

V1………………or sub + V…..

Unless you V1…., Sub + V…..
(1) Stop smoking or you will die.
Unless you stop smoking, you will die.

V1…….and sub + V……

If you + V1…, sub + V….
(1) Study hard and you will pass the exam.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

* 12*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
Sub + must + V1…if sub + want to + V1….
Unless + sub + V1…,sub + will not + V1….
(1) You must study hard if you want to pass the exam.
Unless you study hard, you will not pass the exam.

1. If you know how to use a computer, you should buy one.
2. If you stay away from classes, you will not pass the exam.
3. If you do not practise letters and essays, you wil not get a distinction in English.
4. If Nyi Nyi does not find a job soon, his family will get into difficulties.
5. If you want to get good marks, you must study hard.
6. Thiha must stop smoking if he wants to be healthy.
7. Unless the teacher gives us lots of homework, we will watch television till midnight.
8. Unless you keep your promise, you will not be trusted.
9. Do your homework now or I will beat you.
10. Come early or we will not wait for you.

Answer key;
1. Unless you know how to use a computer, you should not buy one.
2. Unless you stay away from classes, you will pass the exam.
3. Unless you practise letters and essays, you will not get a distinction in English.
4. Unless Nyi Nyi finds a job soon, his family will get into difficulties.
5. Unless you study hard, you will not get good marks.
6. Unless Thiha stops smoking, he will not be healthy.
7. If the teacher does not give us lots of homework, we will watch television till midnight.
8. If you do not keep your promise, you will not be trusted.
9. Unless you do your homework now, I will beat you.
10. Unless you come early, we will not wait for you.

Although = In spite of….

 In Spite of + Ving
 In Spite of + weather Condition
 In Spite of + Possessive Pronoun + Noun
 But/Yet
 However = Although

In Spite of + Ving
Sub တူ Although + Sub + V…., Sub + V…...
In spite of + Ving……..., Sub + V…..
Subေတူ Although + Sub + V…, Sub + V…..
In spite of + Sub + Ving.., Sub + V….
(1) Although Mu Mu is young, She is very intelligent.
* 13*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
In spite of being young, Mu Mu is very intelligent.
(2) Although roses have thorns, People still like them.
In spite of roses having thorns, People still like them.

Adjective Noun
Cold Cold
Hot Heat
Dark Darkness
Raining Rain
Misty Mist
Cloudy Cloud
Windy Wind
Stormy Storm

In Spite of + weather Condition

Although + it is/was + adj , Sub V……..
In spite of + the + Noun , Sub + V……..
(1) Although it was raining, they went out to play.
In spite of the rain, they went out to play.

In Spite of + Possessive Pronoun + Noun

Although + Sub + V……, Sub + V …..adj……
In spite of his/her + Naun….., Sub + V ……
(1) Although he is bright, he is lazy.
In spite of his brightness, he is lazy.
(2) Although he work hard, he has a few money.
In spite of his hard work, he has a few money.

Sub + V….. but/yet Sub + V……..
Although + Sub + V……, Sub + V…….
In spite of + Ving………, Sub + V…….(Sub တူ)
In spite of + Sub + Ving.., Sub + V…….(Sub ေတူ)
(1) AungAung is intelligent but he is lazy.
Although AungAung is intelligent, he is lazy.
In spite of being intelligent, AungAung is lazy.

However = Although
However + Adv/Adj Sub + V/ V to be….,Sub + V…….
Although + Sub + V Adv/ V to be Adj,….., Sub + V….
* 14*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
(1) However hard he study, he failed the exam.
Although he study hard, he failed the exam.
1. Although my sister took the medicine, she did not feel better.
2. She is not proud although she is rich.
3. Although Tun Tun got three distinctions, his father was not pleased.
4. Although it was raining, he went out.
5. Although it was raining heavily, the children were playing football.
6. Although they do not have a lot of money, they are happy.
7. In spite of earning a lot of money, Ni Ni still can’t buy a car.
8. In spite of falling off the ladder, he was not badly hurt.
9. In spite of Naing Naing telling the truth, the police did not believe him.

Answer key;
1. In spite of taking the medicine, my sister did not feel better.
2. In spite of being rich, she is not proud.
3. In spite of Tun Tun got three distinctions, his father was not pleased.
4. In spite of the rain, he went out.
5. In spite of the heavy rain, the children were playing football.
6. In spite of not having a lot of money, they are happy.
7. Although Ni Ni earns a lot of money, she still can’t buy a car.
8. Although he fell off the ladder, he was not badly hurt.
9. Although Naing Naing told the truth, the police did not believe him.

As soon as = No sooner…than

As soon as + Sub + V2 No sooner did sub + V1

As soon as + Sub + had + V3 No sooner had sub + V3

 {No sooner + H.V + Sub + V } အချုြ်အားငြြ့် ြုံစံ

 Just နှေြ့် When ြါလျှြ်ငြုတ်၊ Clause နှေစ်ခုကကား than နှေြ့် ဆက်ရေည်။
(1) As soon as Ko Ko saw the visitors, he left the house by the back door.
No sooner did Ko Ko see the visitors than he left the house by the back door.
(2) As soon as I had taken the medicine, I left better.
No sooner had I taken the medicine than I left better.

1. As soon as the thieves saw the policeman, they ran away.
2. As soon as Nilar had done her homework, she went to bed.
3. She burst into tears as soon as she heard the news.
4. As soon as the patient could walk again, he was always on the go.
5. Just as she sat at the desk to study, the lights went out.
* 15*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
6. We had just gone out when it began to rain.

Answer key;
1. No sooner did the thieves see the policeman than they ran away.
2. No sooner had Nilar done her homework than she went to bed.
3. No sooner did she hear the news than she burst into tears.
4. No sooner could the patient walk again than he was always on the go.
5. No sooner did she sit at the desk to study than the lights went out.
6. No sooner had we gone out than it began to rain.

Noun In Apposition

ေူတည်ဝါကျနှေြ့် ဂုဏ်ရည်ငြဝါကျခွဲငခား ဂုဏ်ရည်ငြဝါကျမရှေ့ေှောဆို မကာ်ော (,) နှေစ်ခါသုံး၊

ဂုဏ်ရည်ငြဝါကျမနာက်ေှောဆို (,) တစ်ခါသုံးရေည်။ ေခွဲတက်ြါက V to be ြါသည့် Sentence သည်
ဂုဏ်ရည်ငြဝါကျ ။ V to be ကို ငြုတ်ခဲ့မြးရေည်။
(1) U Thu Kha is a director. U Thu Kha gives a speech.
U Thu Kha, a director, gives a speech.
1. We all love Daw Nilar. She is our class teacher.
2. Phyu Phyu always stands first in class. She is my best friend.
3. We are going to Bagan this summer. Bagan is an ancient city.
4. Mogok is my native town. It is famous for its rubies.
5. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is situated in Nepal.

Answer key;
1. We all love Daw Nilar, our class teacher.
2. Phyu Phyu, my best friend, always stands first in class.
3. We are going to Bagan, an ancient city, this summer.
4. Mogok, my native town, is famous for its rubies.
5. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is situated in Nepal.

So—that N/Pron(s) + V to be /V + adj/adv, Subj, + V …….
N/Pron(s) + V to be /V + So adj/adv that---
ဝါကျနှေစ်မကကာြ်းေှေ So…..that သို့မငြာြ်းလျှြ် “that” ရဲ့မနာက်ေှော ဒုတိယဝါကျထားမြးရသည်။

(1) The man is very weak. He cannot walk.
The man is so weak that he cannot walk.

* 16*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

ေတူတာ (၂) ခုကို ရှော Either…..or….. နှေြ့်ဆက်၊ တူတာ တစ်ကကိေ်ငြန်မရး။

(1) Mu Mu broke the cup or Yu Yu broke the cup.
Either Mu Mu or Yu Yu broke the cup.
(2) Mya Mya may be with Papa in her study.
Mya Mya may be either with Papa in her study or with May May in the kitchen.

1. Nyi Nyi must have eaten the cake. If not, Ko Ko must have eaten it.
2. You can fill in the form yourself. Or you can ask the clerk to do it for you.
3. If you don't go now, I will call the police.

Answer key;
1. Either Nyi Nyi or Ko Ko must have eaten the cake.
2. You can either fill in the form yourself or ask the clerk to do it for you.
3. Either you go now or I will call the police.

Neither of…(P)
Neither of + N/Pron(o) ေျား + H.V နည်း /M.V နည်း....
(1) There two boys did not come yesterday.
Neither of there (two) boys came yesterday.
(2) Both my sister and I were not hungry.
Neither of us was hungry.
1. Both sisters do not have long hair.
2. He and his brother did not go to the party last night.
3. My sister and I are not going on a trip this summer.
4. Both the brothers do not want to attend computer courses.

Answer key;
1. Neither of the sisters has long hair.
2. Neither of them went to the party last night.
3. Neither of us is going on a trip this summer.
4. Neither of the brothers wants to attend computer courses.

Enough…….သည် အဟုတ်အဓိြ္ပါယ်ငြစ်၍ ဝါကျ (၂)မကကာြ်းထဲေှော အဟုတ်ဝါကျေျားငြစ်လျှြ်
Enough to ကို အသုံးငြု၍ ဆက်ရသည်။
Sub တူ N/Pron(s) + V to be/V + adj/adv + enough to + V…..
Sub ေတူ N/Pron(s) + V to be/V + adj/adv + enough for N2/Pron(o)+ to +V1…

* 17*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
(1) He is intelligent.He can answer this question.
He is intelligent enough to answer this question.

(2) The question is easy. We can answer it.

The question is easy enough for us to answer.


Neither…nor သည် ဝါကျနှေစ်မကကာြ်းရှေိ အေျိုးအစားတူစကားလုံးေျားကို

Neither..nor သည် အငြြ်းအဓိြ္ပါယ်မဆာြ်မသာမကကာြ့် ဝါကျရှေိ အငြြ်းစကားလုံးေျား
ငြုတ်မြးရသည်။ စကားဆက်ေျားငြုတ်ြါ။
(1) I haven’t got the time to go on a vacation.I also haven’t got the money.
I have got neither the time to go on a vacation nor got the money.
(2) English as well as Histroy is not a science subject.
Neither English nor History is a science subject.

1. I do not have enough time to go on a holiday. I do not have enough money to go on a
2. Kyaw Kyaw did not know about the accident. His sister did not know about it, too.
3. He is not happy with his job. He is not contented with his life either.

Answer key;
1. I have neither enough time nor enough money to go on a holiday.
2. Neither Kyaw Kyaw nor his sister knew about the accident.
3. He is neither happy with his job nor contented with his life.

too…to... (N)
too…to အငြြ်းအဓိြ္ပါယ်ငြစ်၍ မေးခွန်းတွြ် အငြြ်းြါလျှြ် ငြုတ်ခဲ့မြးရေည်။
Sub တူ N/Pron(s) + V to be/V too adj/adv to + V1…..
Sub ေတူ N/Pron(s) + V to be/V too adj/adv for N2/Pron(o)+ to + V1
(1) The boy was ill. He couldn’t go to school.
The boy was too ill to go to school.
(2) The sum is very difficult.The students cannot solve it.
The sum is too difficult for the students to solve.

Both…and Not only…but also Neither…nor

ေတူတာ(၂)ခုကို ရှော ၎ြ်းတို့နှေြ့်ဆက်ရေည်။ V2 = did, V1 = does

* 18*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

{Positive} Both…..and…..H.V(p)/M.V(p) {နှေစ်ခုစလုံးနှေြ့်သာသက်ဆိုြ်သည်}

{Positive} Not only…butalso…………..H.V/M.V {butalso ရဲ့ မနာက်က Noun နှေြ့်
{Negative}Neither…nor….H.V/M.V {nor ရဲ့ မနာက်က Noun နှေြ့် သက်ဆိုြ်သည်။
(1) Neither Yu Yu nor Mu Mu eats beef.
Not only Yu Yu but also Mu Mu does not eat beef.
Both Yu Yu and Mu Mu do not eat beef.
(2) Both Mya and Hla have never been to Bago.
Neither Mya nor Hla has been to Bago.
Not Only Mya butalso Hla has never been to Bago.

1. Ma Ma gets up at 6’o clock every day. Ni Ni also gets up at 6’o clock every day.
2. I was hungry when I got home. I was tired when I got home.
3. Ko Ko is a hardworking student. Nilar is also a hardworking student.
4. Neither Kyi Pyar nor her brother attends classes regularly.
5. We are going to Pyin Oo Lwin this summer. We are going to Ngapali, too.
6. Nyi Nyi wants a laptop for his birthday. He also wants a bike for his birthday.
7. Ko Ko and his sister are good at English.
8. Neither Aung Aung nor Tun Tun went to school yesterday.

Answer Key;
1. Both Ma Ma and Ni Ni gets up at 6’o clock every day.
2. I was both hungry and tired when I got home.
3. Both Ko Ko and Nilar are hardworking students.
4. Both Kyi Pyar and her brother do not attend classes regularly.
5. We are going not only to Pyin Oo Lwin but also to Ngapali this summer.
6. Nyi Nyi wants not only a laptop but also a bike for his birthday.
7. Not only Ko Ko but also his sister is good at English.
8. Not only Aung Aung but also Tun Tun did not go to school yesterday.

so….that = such….that….

So…that N/Pron(s) + V to be /V + So adj/adv that---

Such…that N/Pron(s) + V to be / V to have + such (a/an) adj + N + that---
(1) The book was so interesting that I had to finish reading it.
It was such an interesting book that I had to finish reading it.
(2) The day was so wet and cold that we stayed in doors.
It was such a wet and cold day that we stayed in doors.

1. Arkar is so lazy that he never does any work.
2. Thandar is so beautiful that she has a lot of admirers.
3. The day was so cold that we did not want to go out.
* 19*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
4. The knife is so sharp that it can cut through the meat easily.
5. U Ba has so much money he can buy whatever he likes.
6. The question was so easy that I could answer it in no time at all.
7. I have collected so many books that my bookshelf cannot hold all of them.
8. Daw Nilar is such a kind lady that all her neighbours love her.
9. It was such a violent storm that many houses were destroyed.

Answer key;
1. Arkar is such a lazy boy that he never does any work.
2. Thandar is such a beautiful girl that she has a lot of admirers.
3. It was such a cold day that we did not want to go out.
4. It is such a sharp knife it can cut through the meat easily.
5. U Ba has such a lot of money that he can buy whatever he likes.
6. It was such an easy question that I could answer it in no time at all.
7. I have collected such a lot of books that my bookshelf cannot hold all of them.
8. Daw Nilar is so kind all her neighbours love her.
9. The storm was so violent that many houses were destroyed.

too….to…= so….that….( can/could not + V1)

“too—to” ေှေ “so—that” မငြာြ်းလျှြ် “that” ရဲ့မနာက်ေှေ N2/Pron(s) + can/could not + V1 ြုံစံ
too—to N/Pron(s) + V to be/V + too adj/adv {for N2 /Pron(o)} to +V1
so—that N/Pron(s) + V to be/V + so adj/adv that {N2/pron(s)} + can/could not + V1---

(1) The boy was too ill to go to school.
The boy was so ill that he could not go to school.
(2) The sum is too difficault for the students to solve.
The sum is so difficult that the students can not solve it.

1. Ma Ma is so fat that she cannot run very fast.
2. Tun Tun was so tired that he could not study any lessons that night.
3. The book is so expensive that he cannot buy it.
4. The question was so difficult that I could not answer it.
5. She was too busy to have lunch.
6. Thura is too short to become a basketball player.
7. The box is too heavy for her to carry.
8. The tree was too high for them to climb.

Answer key;
1. Ma Ma is too fat to run very fast.
2. Tun Tun was too tired to study any lessons that night.
* 20*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
3. The book is too expensive for him to buy.
4. The question was too difficult for me to answer.
5. She was so busy that she could not havelunch.
6. Thura is so short that he cannot becomea basketball player.
7. The box is so heavy that she cannot carry it.
8. The tree was so high that they could not climb it.

Enough……. = So….that….( can/could + V1)

“Enough--to” ေှေ “so—that” သို့ မငြာြ်းလျှြ် “that” ရဲ့ မနာက်ေှော “N2/Pron(s) + can/could +
V1 ြုံစံငြုလုြ်မြးရ သည်။ N/Pron(s) + V to be/V + adj/adv + enough{for N2/Pron(o)} to + V1--
So..that N/Pron(s) +V to be/V + so adj/adv that N2/Pron(s)+ can/could+V1--
(1) He is intelligent enough to solve this problem.
He is so intelligent that he can solve this problem.
(2) The question was easy enough for us to answer.
The question was so easy that we could answer it.

1. Htet Htet was bright enough to pass the exam with flying colours.
2. My uncle is rich enough to buy such an expensive house
3. The movie was good enough for me to watch again and again.
4. She is kind enough for everyone to love.
5. Thura was so fast that he could win the race.
6. Wadi is so beautiful that she can become an actress.
7. The stream is so shallow that we can wade across it.
8. The novel was so short thatI could read it in one hour.

Answer key;
1. Htet Htet was so bright that she passed the exam with flying colours.
1. My uncle is so rich that he can buy such an expensive house.
2. The movie was so good that I watched it again and again.
3. She is so kind that everyone loves her.
4. Thura was fast enough to win the race.
5. Wadi is beautiful enough to become an actress.
6. The stream is shallow enough for us to wade across.
7. The novel was short enough for me to read in one hour.

too…to..= not…enough……
“too…to”ဝါကျေှေ “not…enough to” သို့ မငြာြ်းလျှြ် adj/adv ကို ဆန့်ကျြ်ဘက် မငြာြ်းမြးရန်။………… N/Pron(s) + V to be/V + too adj/adv {for N2/Pron(o)} to + V1…

Not..enough to… N/Pron(s)+ V tobe/V + not adj/adv enough {for N2/Pron(o)} to + V1..
* 21*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

(1) The boy was too ill to go to school.
The boy was not well enough to go to school.
(2) The sum is too difficult for the students to slove.
The sum is not easy enough for the students to solve it.
1. Ni Ni is too short to become a model.
2. This handset is too expensive for me to buy.
3. Tun Tun was not well enough to go to school that day.
4. The story was not interesting enough for her to continue reading.

Answer key;
1. Ni Ni is not tall enough to become a model.
2. This handset is not cheap enough for me to buy.
3. Tun Tun was too ill to go to school that day.
4. The story was too boring for her to continue reading it.

Parallel Structure
 Parallel Structure သည် အမကကာြ်းအရာ (၂) ခုတစ်ပြိုြ်တည်းမငြာြ်းလဲမနငခြ်း၊ မအာြ်ငေြ်မလ
ောနကကီးမလ, စားမေးြွဲနီးလာမလ ြိုစိတ်လှုြ်ရှေားမလစသည့် ြုံစံငြစ်သည်။
 ဝါကျ တွြ် Comparative degree ြါလျှြ် the နှေြ့် တွဲပြီးဝါကျအစတွြ် မရးရေည်။
 Positive degree ြါလျှြ် Comparative degree မငြာြ်းြါ။ ၎ြ်း၏ အမရှေ့တွြ် The more
နှေြ့် မြါြ်း၍ အမရှေ့သို့ြို့ရေည်။
 ၎ြ်းမနာက်တွြ် Sub နှေြ့် Verb ကို ဆက်မရးြါ။
 Sub သည် Noun ငြစ်လျှြ် is/are ကို ငြုတ်ြါ။
 as,when,if,and စသည့် စကားဆက်ေျား ငြုတ်ြါ။
 ဝါကျတွြ် အငြြ်းစကားလုံးြါလျှြ် the less သို့ မငြာြ်းြါ။
 more မနာက်တွြ် Noun တွဲထားလျှြ် The more + Noun ြုံစံမရးမြးရသည်။
 နှိုြ်းယှေဉ်ေှုြုံစံ သုံးေျိုးရှေိသည်။ ၎ြ်းတို့ေှော -
Positive degree (as + adj + as)
Comparative degree (adj-er/more + adj + than..)
Superlative degree (the adj-est/ most + adj)
(1) As they became richer,they spent more and more.
The richer they became, the more they spent.
(2) Nilar became successful and she was proud.
The more successful Nilar became,the prouder she was.
(3) If you don’t smoke a lot,it is good for your health.
The less you smoke,the better it is for your health.
1. When the sun is high, the day is hot.
* 22*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
2. He became more excited and he made more mistakes.
Answer key;
1. The higher the sun, the hotter the day.
2. The more excited he became, the more mistakes he made.

Degrees of Comparison
 နှိုြ်းယှေဉ်ေှုြုံစံ သုံးေျိုးရှေိသည်။ ၎ြ်းတို့ေှော -
Positive degree (as + adj + as)
Comparative degree (adj-er/more + adj + than..)
Superlative degree (the adj-est/ most + adj)

A D2 than B { A က B ထက် ြို၍ ................တယ်}

B not as.......D1…… A { B က A မလာက် ေ.................ဘူး}
 Noun B ကို မရှေ့တွြ်ထား၍ မေးလျှြ် D2 than မြးြါက not as……D1… သို့မငြာြ်းြါ။ Not as
……D1…….as မြးြါက D2 than သို့မငြာြ်းြါ။ မနာက်တွြ် Noun A ကို ငြန်မရးြါ။
(1) China is larger than Mynamar.
Myanmar is not as large as China.
(2) Aung Aung is not as clever as Naung Naung.
Naung Naung is cleverer than Aung Aung.

 Noun A ကို မရှေ့တွြ် ထား၍ မေးလျှြ် Adj ကို Opposite မငြာြ်းြါ။

(1) Elephant is bigger than horse.

Elephant is not as small as horse.

A D2 than B { A က B ထက် ြို၍............တယ်}

A a + D2 + Noun B { A က B ထက် ြို၍...............မသာသူငြစ်တယ်}

 Noun A ကို မရှေ့တွြ်ထား၍ Verb to be နှေြ့် စမေးလျှြ် D2 ကိုမရးြါ။ Verb ကို Noun
မငြာြ်းမရးြါ။ ထို့မနာက် Noun B ငြန်မရးြါ။

1. Hla Hla can play the piano better than Mya Mya.
Hla Hla is a better planist the piano than Mya Mya.
2. Toe Toe cooked better than Soe Soe.
Toe Toe was a better cooker than Soe Soe.

* 23*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

 Main Clause ေှေ Adj ကို as…….as ကကားတွြ် D1 ြုံစံမရးြါ။ မနာက်တွြ် နှိုြ်းယှေဉ်သည့် Noun ကို

(1) Amold is very strong. He is like a lion.
Amold is as strong as a lion.
(2) Daw Chaw Chaw is patient. Daw Nwe New is patient.
Daw Chaw Chaw is as patient as Daw New New.
1. Nyi Nyi is not as tall as Ko Ko.
2. Ma Ma is not as beautiful as Hla Hla.
3. A desktop is better than a laptop.
4. Thida is more hardworking than Kyi Pyar.
5. Ko ko can write essays better than Nyi Nyi.
6. Ma Ma answered the questions more quickly than Ni Ni.
7. Tun Tun runs faster than Aung Aung.
8. Nilar cooks better than Thi Thi.
9. U Tun Ko manages business more efficiently than U Kyaw Swar.
10. Our grandfather tells stories better than yours.
11. Oakar plays football more skillfully than Kaung Kaung.
12. Tun Tun is the tallest boy in our class.
13. Shwedagon is the most famous pagoda in Myanmar.
14. Thiha is the tallest boy in our class.
15. No other planet in the solar system is as large as Jupiter.
16. There is no river in Myanmar as useful as the Ayeyarwady.
17. Ngapali is one of the most beautiful beaches in Myanmar.
18. Tun Tun is brighter than most other students in our class.
19. Few insects in the world are as dangerous as mosquitoes.
20. My younger brother is very playful. He is like a monkey.
21. The palace is big. It is like a mountain.
22. His hands are quite cold. They are like ice.

Answer key;
1. Ko Ko is taller than Nyi Nyi.
2. Hla Hla is more beautiful than Ma Ma.
3. A laptop is not as good as a destop.
4. Kyi Pyar is not as hardworking as Thida.
5. Nyi Nyi cannot write essays as well as Ko Ko.
6. Ni Ni did not answer the questions as quickly as Ma Ma.
7. Tun Tun is a faster runner than Aung Aung.
8. Nilar is a better cook than Thi Thi.
9. U Tun Ko is a more efficient business manager than U Kyaw Swar.
10. Our grandfather is a better story teller than yours.
11. Oakar is a more skillful football player than Kaung Kaung.
* 24*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
12. No other boy in our class is as tall as Tun Tun.
13. No other pagoda in Myanmar is as famous as Shwedagon.
14. Thiha is taller than any other boy in our class.
15. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
16. The Ayeyarwady is the most useful river in Myanmar.
17. Ngapali is more beautiful than most other beaches in Myanmar.
18. Tun Tun is one of the brightest students in our class.
19. Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects in the world.
20. My younger brother is as playful as a monkey.
21. The palace is as big as mountain.
22. His hands are as cold as ice.

Grammar All Lesson Exercise

(1) Mya May said to Ma Ma, “ How long have you known Mg Soe Thar?”
May May asked Ma Ma how long she had known Mg Soe Thar.
(2) All the students in section A are very well-behaved.
There is no student in section A who is not very well-behaved
(3) We said good-bye to the villagers and returned home.
After we had said goodbye to the villagers, we returned home.
(4) He was driving the car recklessly when the accident happened.
The car was being recklessly driven when the accident happened.
(5) As soon as Ko Ko saw the visitors, he left the house by the back door.
No sooner did Ko Ko see the visitors than he left the house by the back door.
(6) The thief entered the house. Nobody heard him.
Without being heard, the thief entered the house.
(7) The day was so wet and cold that we stayed indoors.
It was such a wet and cold day that we stayed indoors.
(8) The house is big enough for two families to live in.
The house is so big that two families can live in it.
(9) The principal is so busy that he cannot see you.
The principal too busy to see you.
(10) All our clothes had been washed and ironed by Nyein Nyein when we got home.

* 25*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:
Nyein Nyein had washed and ironed all our clothes when we got home.
(11) They became more prosperous and their neighbours got more jealous.
The more prosperous they became, the more jealous their neighbours got.
(12) Myanmar is a beautiful country. It is rich in natural resources.
Myanmar is not only a beautiful country but also rich in natural resources.
(13) Unless he finds a job soon, his family will starve.
If he finds a job soon, his family will not starve.
(14) People are not allowed to wear shoes in the monastery compound.
No one is allowed to wear shoes in the monastery compound.
(15) The gold chain was so expensive that I coundn’t buy it.
The gold chain was too expensive for me to buy.
(16) I haven’t got the time to go on a vacation. I also haven’t got the money.
I have got neither the time nor the money to go on a vacation.
(17) She is too young to be sent abroad alone.
She is not old enough to be sent abroad alone.
(18) Grandfather clocks required more space than other styles of clocks.
Other styles of clocks did not require as much space as grandfather clocks.
(19) It is better if you don’t know much about this matter.
The less you know about this matter, the better it is for you.
(20) A Mercedes car is more expensive than a Toyota saloon.
A Toyota saloon is more expensive than a Mercedes car.
(21) Who will take care of the baby?
By whom will the baby be taken care of?
(22) English is one of the most useful languages in the world.
Very few languages in the world are as useful as English.
(23) Our town is larger than Kyaukphyu.
Kyaukphyu is not as large as our town.
(24) When the boys had done their homework, they went out to play.
Having done their work, the boys went out to play.
(25) The book was so interesting that Ma Ma read it in one sitting.
It was such an interesting book that Ma Ma read it in one sitting.
(26) Just as the boys started playing football, their mother asked them to help her.
No sooner did the boys start playing football than their mother asked them to help her.
(27) Was the windowpane broken by the children?
Did the children break the windowpane?
(28) As her wedding day drew near, she became more nervous.
The nearer her wedding day drew, the more nervous she became.
(29) Not only U Ba Chit but also his daughter is a vocalist.
Both U Ba Chit and his daughter are vocalists.
(30) I am not interested in painting and my sister isn’t either.
Neither my sister nor I am interested in painting.

* 26*
“ဖိုးသင်္ကြန်အစိုးရရာထူးဝင်ခွင့်သင်င်တန်း” ပျဉ်းမနားမမို့နယ်၊ နနပပည်နတာ်၊ Ph:09975874579, Email:

* 27*

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