(Envperm) Table3.2

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Table 3.

2 Matrix of Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts

Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Pre Construction Stage
Licensing Public There was At the plot Every time Check the At the plot Begin the executor:Initiato
● Carry out the licensing
Management unrest one location you manage completeness of location permitting r
Activities complaint by process, especially ……………… a business operational permits ………………. process Supervisor
the local business place permits .. license and business place . Leading
community and operational permits permits Sector :
regarding Local
business neighborhood
activities security officers
District Office
District office
agencies :
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Construction Stage
Land Deterioratio Parameters Areas in the Every day Conduct field Areas in the Every day executor:
● Watering and wetting the
Clearing n of of dust, SOx, project as long as observations project as long as Initiator
(Including Ambien Air COx, and land during the activity activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Demolition of Quality NOx ● Using masks for workers on progress implemented progress Leading
Old management system Sector :
Buildings, Aceh Singkil
Backfill, etc.) Regency
agencies :
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Land Existence Material and Place Every day Make observations Place Every day executor:
● Provide temporary
Clearing of Excavated shelter during the field by shelter as long as Initiator
(Including Excavated Soil shelter in the parcels excavated activity visual against excavated activities is on Supervisor
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Demolition of Material Generation of materials system materials and progress Leading
● Collaborate with licensed
Old and Soil ..... and soil the management soil Sector :
Buildings, third parties in done Aceh Singkil
Backfill, etc.) transportation and use Regency
trucks/pick ups with Sanitation and
closed bodies so they Green Open
don't get scattered Space Office
agencies :
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Land Decrease Reduced Replanting and Reduced Every day Make observations Reduced Every day executor:
Clearing in Vegetation rearranging reduced vegetation As long as field by vegetation As long as Initiator
(Including Vegetation vegetation in the area of activities is visual against in the area of activities is on Supervisor
Demolition of Diversity the project on progress implemented the project progress Leading Sector:
Old management system Aceh Singkil
Buildings, Regency
Backfill, etc.) Sanitation and
Green Open
Space Office
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Land Fire There's a fire Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Placing the rest of the
Clearing Potential project As long as field by project as long as Initiator
(Including material and excavated activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Demolition of soil in a safe place on progress system progress Leading Sector:
Old ● Check the tools used the management Aceh Singkil
Buildings, done District Fire
Backfill, etc.) Service
● Make SOP related to fire Relevant
● Provide fire extinguishers Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
in the project area Environmental
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Land K3 Amount Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Provide PPE and first aid
Clearing disorders work project during the field by project as long as Initiator
(Including accident kits as first aid before activity visual against activities is on Supervisor
Demolition of that being referred to the system progress Leading Sector:
Old happened. nearest the management Aceh Singkil
Buildings, puskesmas/clinic/hospit done District
Backfill, etc.) al Manpower Office
● Implementing the K3 Relevant
Management system Aceh Singkil
and SOP regarding K3 Regency
by including its Environmental
application in the RKS Service
(Work Plan and Reporting :
Conditions) in the work Aceh Singkil
contract documents with Regency
employees Environmental
● Include employees in Service
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
Land Decrease Vector sum Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Coordinate with the local
Clearing in which project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
(Including Environme disease Puskesmas to increase activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Demolition of ntal migrate. outreach about on progress system progress Leading Sector:
Old Sanitation improving the management Aceh Singkil
Buildings, environmental done District Health
Backfill, etc.) sanitation in and around Office
the house, closing Relevant
garbage cans, and agencies:
covering food. Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Base Camp Opening of As many At parcel Before Monitor the work of At the plot Before carrying executor:Initiato
● Prioritizing local
Operations Job workers as location carrying out the workforce location out activities at r
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Opportuniti needed residents in the …………… activities at recruited according to ………………. the construction Supervisor
es recruitment process the their respective skills . stage Leading
while still considering construction Sector:
the expertise possessed stage Aceh Singkil
● Providing facilities in the
form of health insurance Office
and death benefits to Related
workers Supervisors:
Aceh Singkil
Aceh Singkil
Base Camp Liquid The volume Bathroom Once a week Monitor the domestic Septic tanks Once every 6 executor:
● Treating domestic liquid
Operations Waste of domestic during liquid waste months Initiator
Increase wastewater is waste with appropriate activity generated by month during Supervisor
7.35 (e) chemicals , capacity going on do analysis activity Leading Sector:
(Table 2.6) 7.35 m3 , number of 2 parameters laboratory going on Aceh Singkil
m3/day units(**According to domestic wastewater on stage Regency
Figure 2.2) construction Environmental
● Carry out dismantling of Service
portable toilets at the agencies:
end of the construction Aceh Singkil
phase Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Base Camp Solid The amount Trash can in Every day for Coordinate with the Outdoor trash Once every 2 executor:
● Provide adequate and
Operations Waste of waste the room activity local environmental can (in front of days during Initiator
Improveme generation is adequate segregated going on cleaning officer for the parcel) construction Supervisor
nt 4.9 (b) (Table waste bins the activities Leading Sector:
2.7) liters/day● Providing communal transportation/dispos Aceh Singkil
al of waste toTPS Regency
trash cans in front of Kelurahan Sanitation and
parcels with a capacity ……………….. Green Open
of 60 liters(** Adjust to Space Office
Figure 2.3) Relevant
● Garbage generated is agencies:
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
picked up by cleaning Regency
staff every day and Environmental
transported to TPS Service
Kelurahan Reporting :
……………… Aceh Singkil
(**Kelurahan according Regency
to SKRK) Environmental
Base Camp Growth of There are About Every day Monitor the activities About Every day during executor:
● Provide officers to keep
Operations the Informal vendors who business during of street vendors business construction Initiator
Sector sell in the street vendors from activities construction activities activities Supervisor
vicinity of selling around business activities Leading Sector:
business activities Subdistrict ....
activities ● Adding a guardrail to Office of
prevent street vendors and SMEs
from entering the Relevant
project area agencies:
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

Mobilization Deterioratio Parameters Place Every day Make observations Place location Every day executor:
● Requires the transporter
of Heavy n of of dust, SOx, location as long as field by lower as long as Initiator
Equipment Ambien Air COx, and of fill material to cover lower activities is visual against materials and activities is on Supervisor
and Quality NOx the tub so that the materials on progress implemented vehicle progress Leading Sector:
Materials material is not scattered and management system carrier Aceh Singkil
vessel Regency
carrier Environmental
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Mobilization Noise Noise ≤ 60 Sea vessels Every day Make observations The route Every day executor:
● Mobilize heavy
of Heavy Enhancem passed as long as field by traveled by as long as Initiator
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Equipment ent dBA equipment and carrier activities is visual against the vessel activities is on Supervisor
and materials in stages, not heavy on progress system carrier progress Leading Sector:
Materials all at once. equipment the management heavy Aceh Singkil
and done equipment Regency
● Ensure that the vessels
material and Environmental
used for transportation with a material with a Service
are seaworthy distance of ± distance of ± Relevant
200 meters 200 meters agencies:
from from Aceh Singkil
project project Regency
boundaries. boundaries. Environmental
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Mobilization Decreased There are Roads and Every day Make observations Roads and Every day executor:
● Do all documentation of
of Heavy Road potholes and pedestrians as long as field by pedestrian as long as Initiator
Equipment Performanc pedestrian road and pedestrian passed by activities is visual against crossings activities is on Supervisor
and e damage conditions prior to the vehicles on progress system vehicle progress Leading
Materials start of activities in carrier the management carrier Sector :
buildings that are heavy done heavy Office of Public
passed by vehicles equipment equipment Works of
transporting heavy and and Highways and
equipment and material with material Pematusan Aceh
materials with a a distance of with a Singkil Regency
distance of ± 100 to 200 ± 200 meters distance of ± Relevant
meters from the project from the 200 meters agencies :
boundary project from Aceh Singkil
● Using material transport boundary. project Regency
boundaries. Environmental
vehicles and heavy Service
equipment according to Reporting :
the class of the road Aceh Singkil
being traversed Regency
● Limitation of the tonnage Environmental
of material transport Service
vehicles and heavy
equipment according to
road class
● Repairing potholes and
rearranging damaged

Mobilization The There is a Along the Every day Conduct visual field All the way Every day executor:
● Requires the transporter
of Heavy emergence scatter of way that as long as observations of the through as long as Initiator
of fill material to cover
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Equipment of Material material that the tub so that the vessel carrier activities is management system vessel carrier activities is on Supervisor
and Spills falls along material is not scattered of on progress implemented heavy progress Leading Sector:
Materials the sea route on the sea heavy equipment Aceh Singkil
that is equipment and Regency
traversed and material Sanitation and
material Green Open
Space Office
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Mobilization Increased Decreased Place Every day Conduct field Place location Every day executor:
● Arrange the arrival time
of Heavy Traffic service level location as long as observations lower as long as Initiator
Equipment Congestion road of heavy equipment and lower activities is visual against material. activities is on Supervisor
and materials so that it material. on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
Materials doesn't take place management system Aceh Singkil
during peak hours. District
● Provide material storage Transportation
areas and parking areas Relevant
for heavy equipment agencies:
and material transport Aceh Singkil
vehicles with sufficient Regency
area within the project Environmental
site, so as not to disturb Service
traffic routes Reporting :
● Do not park the machine Aceh Singkil
in a traffic lane Regency
● Placing officers to Service
manage traffic when
heavy equipment works
near traffic lanes
Mobilization Vibration Vibration ≤ 50 Roads Every day Make observations Roads Every day executor:
● Mobilize heavy
of Heavy occurs dBA vehicle as long as field by vehicle as long as Initiator
Equipment equipment and passed activities is visual against passed activities is on Supervisor
and materials in stages, not carrier on progress implemented carrier progress Leading Sector:
Materials all at once. heavy management system heavy Office of Public
● Using material transport equipment equipment Housing and
and and Settlement
vehicles and heavy material with material with a Areas, Cipta
equipment according to
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
the class of the road a distance of distance of ± Karya and
being traversed. ± 200 meters Spatial Planning
100 to 200 from of Aceh Singkil
● Transporting material
meters from project Regency
with weight according to project boundaries. Relevant
the permit of the boundaries. agencies:
transportation Aceh Singkil
equipment used. Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Mobilization Building Number of Passed Every day Conduct field which building Every day executor:
● Do all documentation of
of Heavy Cracks buildings building as long as observations vehicle as long as Initiator
Equipment who building conditions prior vehicle activities is visual against passed activities is on Supervisor
and experienced to the commencement carrier on progress implemented carrier progress Leading Sector:
Materials rift of activities in buildings heavy management system heavy Office of Public
that are passed by equipment equipment Housing and
vehicles transporting and and Settlement
heavy equipment and material with material with a Areas, Cipta
materials at a distance a distance of distance of ± Karya and
of ± 100 to 200 meters ± 200 meters Spatial Planning
from the project 200 meters from of Aceh Singkil
boundary. from project Regency
● Carry out SOP for project boundaries. AndSubdistrict ...
boundaries. ..
compensation for Relevant
building damage agencies:
between the initiator Aceh Singkil
and the building owner Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

Lower Noise Noise ≤ 60 Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Use tools that have a low
Foundation Enhancem dBA project during the field by project as long as Initiator
Construction ent noise level activity visual against activities is on Supervisor
● Use the appropriate pile implemented progress Leading Sector:
management system Aceh Singkil
according to the activity Regency
● Added project- Environmental
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
appropriate perimeter Relevant
fences to reduce noise agencies:
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Lower Vibration Vibration ≤ 50 Areas in the Every day Conduct field Areas in the Every day executor:
● Use a tool that has a low
Foundation occurs dBA project as long as observations project as long as Initiator
Construction vibration impact activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
management system Office of Public
Housing and
Areas, Cipta
Karya and
Spatial Planning
of Aceh Singkil
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Lower Building Number of Cracked Every day Make observations Cracked Every day executor:
● Do all documentation of
Foundation Cracks buildings building as long as field by buildings with as long as Initiator
Construction who building conditions prior with a activities is visual against a distance of activities is on Supervisor
experienced to the start of activities distance of ± on progress implemented ± 200 meters progress Leading Sector:
rift in buildings that are 200 meters management system from the Office of Public
passed by vehicles from project Housing and
transporting heavy project boundary. Settlement
equipment and boundaries. Areas, Cipta
materials with a Karya and
distance of ± 100 to 200 Spatial Planning
meters from the project of Aceh Singkil
boundary Regency
● Carry out SOP for andSubdistrict ...
compensation for Relevant
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
building damage agencies:
between the initiator Aceh Singkil
and the building owner Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Lower K3 Amount Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Providing first aid kits as
Foundation disorders work project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction accident first aid before being activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
that referred to the nearest on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
happened. puskesmas/clinic/hospit management system Aceh Singkil
al District
● Implementing K3 Manpower Office
management systems agencies:
and SOPs regarding K3 Aceh Singkil
by including their Regency
implementation in the Environmental
RKS (Work Plan and Service
Conditions) in the work Reporting :
contract documents with Aceh Singkil
employees Regency
● Include employees in Environmental
business activities with Service
BPJS Health and BPJS
Lower Deterioratio Parameters Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Watering and wetting the
Foundation n of of dust, SOx, project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction Ambien Air COx, and land during the activity activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Quality NOx takes place during the on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
dry season. management system Aceh Singkil
● Using masks for workers Regency
● Adding dust-catching Service
nets at the project site Relevant
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Lower The Long and tall Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Keeping the side drains
Foundation emergence puddle project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction of puddles / clean so they don't get activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
floods clogged, by installing a on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
screen at the inlet of the management system Office of Public
drainage canal. Works of
● Socializing efforts to Highways and
Pematusan Aceh
clean drainage Singkil Regency
channels regularly Relevant
before the rainy season. agencies:
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Lower The Material and Place Every day Make observations Place Every day executor:
● Provide a temporary
Foundation existence Excavated shelter as long as field by shelter as long as Initiator
Construction of Material Soil place for material excavated activities is visual against excavated activities is on Supervisor
Generation Generation of storage located within materials on progress implemented materials and progress Leading Sector:
..... the activity parcels with and soil management system soil Aceh Singkil
a sufficient area Regency
● Cooperate with licensed Sanitation and
Green Open
third parties in Space Office
transportation and use Relevant
trucks/pick ups with agencies :
closed bodies so they Aceh Singkil
don't get scattered Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Lower Fire There's a fire Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Placing the rest of the
Foundation Potential project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction material and excavated activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
soil in a safe place on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
● Check the tools used management system Aceh Singkil
District Fire
regularly Service
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
● Make SOP related to fire
Aceh Singkil
● Provide fire extinguishers Regency
in the project area Service
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Lower Decrease Number of Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Coordinate with the local
Foundation in disease project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction Environme vectors Puskesmas to increase activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
ntal migrate. outreach about on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
Sanitation improving management system Aceh Singkil
environmental District Health
sanitation in and around Office
the house, closing trash Relevant
cans, and covering agencies:
food. Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

Upper Noise Noise ≤ 60 Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Use tools that have a low
Foundation Enhancem dBA project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction ent noise level activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
● Added project- on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
management system Aceh Singkil
appropriate perimeter Regency
fences to reduce noise Environmental
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Upper Fire There's a fire Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Placing the rest of the
Foundation Potential project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction material and excavated activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
soil in a safe place on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
● Make SOP related to fire management system Aceh Singkil
District Fire
● Check the tools used Service
regularly Relevant
● Provide fire extinguishers Aceh Singkil
in the project area Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Upper K3 Number of Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Providing first aid kits as
Foundation disorders work project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction accidents first aid before being activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
that referred to the nearest on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
happened. puskesmas/clinic/hospit management system Aceh Singkil
al District
● Implementing K3 Manpower Office
management systems agencies:
and SOPs regarding K3 Aceh Singkil
by including their Regency
implementation in the Environmental
RKS (Work Plan and Service
Conditions) in the work Reporting :
contract documents with Aceh Singkil
employees Regency
● Provide PPE such as Environmental
helmets, masks, Service
goggles, safety shoes,
earplugs and so on
● Include employees in
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
Upper Deterioratio Parameters Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Watering and wetting the
Foundation n of of dust, SOx, project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction Ambien Air COx, and land during the activity activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Quality NOx takes place during the on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
dry season. management system Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
● Using masks for workers
● Adding dust-catching Service
nets at the project site agencies:
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Upper The Material and Shelter Every day Make observations Place Every day executor:
● Provide a temporary
Foundation existence Excavated excavated as long as field by shelter as long as Initiator
Construction of Material Soil place for material materials activities is visual against excavated activities is on Supervisor
Generation Generation of storage located within and soil on progress implemented materials and progress Leading Sector:
..... the activity parcels with management system soil Aceh Singkil
a sufficient area Regency
● Cooperate with licensed Sanitation and
Green Open
third parties in Space Office
transportation and use Relevant
trucks/pick ups with agencies:
closed bodies so they Aceh Singkil
don't get scattered Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Upper Decrease Vector sum Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Coordinate with the local
Foundation in which project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Construction Environme disease Puskesmas to increase activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
ntal migrate. outreach about on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
Sanitation improving management system Aceh Singkil
environmental District Health
sanitation in and around Office
the house, closing trash Relevant
cans, and covering agencies:
food. Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period

Finishing Fire There's a fire Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Placing the rest of the
Activities, Potential project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Mechanical, material and excavated activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Electrical soil in a safe place on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
● Check the tools used management system Aceh Singkil
District Fire
regularly Service
● Make SOP related to fire Relevant
● Provide fire extinguishers Aceh Singkil
in the project area Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Finishing Noise Noise ≤ 60 Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Use tools that have a low
Activities, Enhancem dBA project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Mechanical, ent noise level activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Electrical ● Added project- on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
management system Aceh Singkil
appropriate perimeter Regency
fences to reduce noise Environmental
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Finishing K3 Number of Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Providing first aid kits as
Activities, disorders work project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Mechanical, accidents first aid before being activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Electrical that referred to the nearest on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
happened. puskesmas/clinic/hospit management system Aceh Singkil
al District
● Implementing K3 Manpower Office
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
management systems agencies:
and SOPs regarding K3 Aceh Singkil
by including their Regency
implementation in the Environmental
RKS (Work Plan and Service
Conditions) in the work Reporting :
contract documents with Aceh Singkil
employees Regency
● Provide PPE such as
helmets, masks,
goggles, safety shoes,
earplugs and so on
● Include employees in
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
Finishing Deterioratio Parameters Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Watering and wetting the
Activities, n of of dust, SOx, project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Mechanical, Ambien Air COx, and land during the activity activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Electrical Quality NOx takes place during the on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
dry season. management system Aceh Singkil
● Using masks for workers Regency
● Adding dust-catching Service
nets at the project site Relevant
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Finishing The AriseMaterial Place Every day Make observations Place Every day executor:
● Provide a temporary
Activities, existence shelter as long as field by shelter as long as Initiator
Mechanical, of Material place for material excavated activities is visual against excavated activities is on Supervisor
Electrical Generation storage located within materials on progress implemented materials and progress Leading Sector:
the activity parcels with and soil management system soil Aceh Singkil
a sufficient area Regency
● Cooperate with licensed Sanitation and
Green Open
third parties in Space Office
transportation and use Relevant
trucks/pick ups with agencies:
closed bodies so they Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
don't get scattered Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

Greening Environme Parameters Around the Every day Check the shade Around the Every day during executor:
● The applicant is
ntal Health of dust, SOx, areaparcels . during trees planted areaparcels ... construction Initiator
Improveme COx, and required to provide a .... construction .. activities Supervisor
nt NOx green open space activities Leading Sector:
(KDH) of 10% of the Aceh Singkil
GS cut-off area, in District Health
accordance with the Office
requirements stated in Relevant
the SKRK; agencies:
● The initiator is required to Aceh Singkil
make arrangements for Environmental
environmental Service
aesthetics by prioritizing Reporting :
the planting and Aceh Singkil
maintenance of Regency
pollutant-absorbing Environmental
protective trees in Service
accordance with Aceh
Singkil District
Regulation Number 7 of
2002 concerning
Management of Green
Open Spaces in the
activity area.

Demolition of Deterioratio Dust Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Watering and wetting the
Base Camp n of Generation ≤ project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
Ambien Air 0.26 mg/m3 land during the activity activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
Quality takes place during the on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
dry season. management system Aceh Singkil
● Using masks for workers Regency
● Added dust catcher nets Service
at the project site Relevant
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Demolition of Noise Noise ≤ 60 Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Use tools that have a low
Base Camp Enhancem dBA project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
ent noise level activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
● Added project- on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
management system Aceh Singkil
appropriate perimeter Regency
fences to reduce noise Environmental
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Demolition of The Material Place Every day Make observations Place Every day executor:
● Provide a temporary
Base Camp existence Generation shelter as long as field by shelter as long as Initiator
of Material place for material excavated activities is visual against excavated activities is on Supervisor
Generation storage located within materials on progress implemented materials and progress Leading Sector:
the activity parcels with and soil management system soil Aceh Singkil
a sufficient area Regency
● Cooperate with licensed Sanitation and
Green Open
third parties in Space Office
transportation and use Relevant
trucks/pick ups with agencies:
closed bodies so that Aceh Singkil
they don't get scattered Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Demolition of K3 Number of Areas in the Every day Make observations Areas in the Every day executor:
● Implementing K3
Base Camp disorders work project as long as field by project as long as Initiator
accidents management systems activities is visual against activities is on Supervisor
that and SOPs regarding K3 on progress system progress Leading Sector:
happened. by including their the management Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
implementation in the done District
RKS (Work Plan and Manpower Office
Conditions) in the work Relevant
contract documents with agencies:
employees Aceh Singkil
● Use of PPE according to
the type of hazard in Service
construction workers Reporting :
● Facilitating construction Aceh Singkil
workers with health Environmental
insurance Service

Demobilizati Deterioratio Parameters Place Every day Make observations Place location Every day executor:
● Requires the transporter
on of Heavy n of of dust, SOx, location as long as field by lower as long as Initiator
Equipment Ambien Air COx, and of fill material to cover lower activities is visual against materials and activities is on Supervisor
and Quality NOx the tub so that the materials on progress implemented vehicle progress Leading Sector:
Materials material is not scattered and management system carrier Aceh Singkil
on the road vehicle Regency
● Washing tires and carrier Environmental
tailgate of vehicles Relevant
(trucks/cars, etc.) before agencies:
leaving the project site Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Demobilizati Noise Noise ≤ 60 Roads Every day Make observations Roads Every day executor:
● Mobilize heavy
on of Heavy Enhancem dBA vehicle as long as field by vehicle as long as Initiator
Equipment ent equipment and passed activities is visual against passed activities is on Supervisor
and materials in stages, not carrier on progress implemented carrier progress Leading Sector:
Materials all at once. heavy management system heavy Aceh Singkil
equipment equipment Regency
and and Environmental
material material with a Service
with a distance of ± Relevant
distance of ± 200 meters agencies :
200 meters from Aceh Singkil
from project Regency
project boundaries. Environmental
boundaries. Service
Reporting :
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Aceh Singkil
Demobilizati Decreased There are Roads and Every day Make observations Roads and Every day executor:
● Do all documentation of
on of Heavy Road potholes and pedestrians as long as field by pedestrians as long as Initiator
Equipment Performanc pedestrian road and pedestrian passed by activities is visual against passed activities is on Supervisor
and e damage conditions prior to the vehicles on progress system vehicle progress Leading Sector:
Materials commencement of carrier the management carrier Office of Public
activities in buildings heavy done heavy Works of
that are passed by equipment equipment Highways and
vehicles transporting and and Pematusan Aceh
heavy equipment and material with material Singkil Regency
materials with a a distance of with a Relevant
distance of ± 200 ± distance of ± agencies:
meters from the project 200 meters 200 meters Aceh Singkil
boundary from from Regency
● Using material transport project project Environmental
boundaries. boundaries. Service
vehicles and heavy Reporting :
equipment according to Aceh Singkil
the class of the road Regency
being traversed Environmental
● Limitation of the tonnage Service
of material transport
vehicles and heavy
equipment according to
road class
● Repairing potholes and
rearranging damaged
Demobilizati The There is a All the way Every day Make observations All the way Every day executor:
● Requires the transporter
on of Heavy emergence scatter of throughvehicl as long as field by throughvehicl as long as Initiator
Equipment of Material material that of backfill material to ecarrier activities is visual against ecarrier activities is on Leading Sector
and Spills falls along cover the tub so that the heavy on progress implemented heavy progress Supervisor:
Materials the road that material is not scattered equipment management system equipment Aceh Singkil
is traversed on the road and and Regency
material material Sanitation and
Green Open
Space Office
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Aceh Singkil
Demobilizati Increased Decline Place Every day Make observations Place location Every day executor:
● Arrange the arrival time
on of Heavy Traffic service level location as long as field by lower as long as Initiator
Equipment Congestion road of heavy equipment and lower activities is visual against material. activities is on Supervisor
and materials so that it material. on progress implemented progress Leading Sector:
Materials doesn't take place management system Aceh Singkil
during peak hours. District
● Provide a material Transportation
storage area and Relevant
parking area for heavy agencies:
equipment and material Aceh Singkil
transport vehicles with Regency
sufficient area around Environmental
the project site, so as Service
not to disturb traffic Reporting :
lanes Aceh Singkil
● Do not park the machine Regency
in a traffic lane Environmental
● Placing officers to
manage traffic when
heavy equipment works
near traffic lanes
Demobilizati Vibration Vibration ≤ 50 Roads Every day Make observations Roads Every day executor:
● Mobilize heavy
on of Heavy occurs dBA vehicle as long as field by passed as long as Initiator
Equipment equipment and passed activities is visual against vehicle activities is on Supervisor
and materials in stages, not carrier on progress implemented carrier progress Leading Sector:
Materials all at once. heavy management system heavy Office of Public
● Using material transport equipment equipment Housing and
and and Settlement
vehicles and heavy material with material Areas, Cipta
equipment according to a distance of with a Karya and
the class of the road ± distance of ± Spatial Planning
being traversed. 200 meters 200 meters of Aceh Singkil
● Transporting material from from Regency
with weight in project project Relevant
accordance with the boundaries. boundaries. agencies:
permit of the Aceh Singkil
transportation Regency
equipment used. Environmental
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Demobilizati Building Number of Passed Every day Make observations which building Every day executor:
● Carry out all
on of Heavy Cracks buildings building as long as field by vehicle as long as Initiator
Equipment who documentation of vehicle activities is visual against passed activities is on Supervisor
and experienced building conditions prior carrier on progress implemented carrier progress Leading Sector:
Materials rift to the commencement heavy management system heavy Office of Public
of activities in buildings equipment equipment Housing and
that are passed by and and Settlement
transport vehicles material with material Areas, Cipta
● heavy equipment and a distance of with a Karya and
± distance of ± Spatial Planning
materials with a 200 meters 200 meters of Aceh Singkil
distance of ± 200 from from Regency
meters from the project project project andSubdistrict ...
boundary. boundaries. boundaries. ..
● Carry out SOP for Relevant
compensation for agencies:
building damage Aceh Singkil
between the initiator Regency
and the building owner Environmental
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

Operational Stage
Activities of Liquid The volume Septic Every day Monitor the domestic Septic Once every 6 executor:
● Treating domestic liquid
Employees, Waste of domestic tank/biofilter during liquid waste tank/biofilter months Initiator
Visitors, Increase liquid waste waste with a Biofilter and activity generated with and grasetrap during Supervisor
Residents, is 39 m3/day capacity of 39 m3 in the grasetrap going on do analysis outlets activity Leading Sector:
Guards number of 1 units on stage laboratory regarding going on Aceh Singkil
because it is more operational the parameters of on stage Regency
environmentally friendly domestic liquid waste operational Environmental
● Doing drains once every Service
5 years agencies:
● Added 1 unit of grase Aceh Singkil
trap in the kitchen Regency
● Manage the Grase trap Service
every 2 days Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Activities of Solid The amount Trash can in Every day for Coordinate with the Outdoor trash Once every 2 executor:
● Inside the room provide
Employees, Waste of domestic the room activity local environmental can (in front of days during Initiator
Visitors, Improveme waste adequate segregated going on cleaning officer for the parcel) activity Supervisor
Residents, nt generation is waste bins on stage the going on Leading Sector:
Guards 5 ● Outside the room (in operational transportation/dispos on stage Aceh Singkil
litres/person al of waste toTPS operational Regency
front of the parcels)
/day Kelurahan Sanitation and
provide trash bins with a ……………….. Green Open
capacity of 1 liter
The amount Space Office
of non-● Garbage generated is Relevant
domestic picked up by cleaning agencies:
waste staff every day and Aceh Singkil
generation is transported to TPS Regency
2 Kelurahan Environmental
liters/person ……………… Service
/day Reporting :
● Non-domestic waste that Aceh Singkil
can be utilized and sold Regency
to third parties (used Environmental
goods collectors) once Service
a week
Activities of Employmen Job Business Once during Make observations District Office Once during executor:
● Make announcements
Employees, t opportunities environment activity field against ………………. activity Initiator
Visitors, Opportunity for local openly on bulletin going on acceptance amount . going on Supervisor
Residents, people boards in the local on stage required local on stage Leading Sector:
Guards Kelurahan....., RT, RW operational workforce operational District Office
to reduce social ………………..
jealousy in the District office
community and accept ………………..
employees from local Relevant
residents who are in agencies:
accordance with their Aceh Singkil
respective expertise Regency
● Prioritizing residents Environmental
around Kelurahan Reporting :
business activities. Aceh Singkil

Building K3 There are Location of Every day for Monitor the way Location of Every day for executor:
● Providing first aid kits as
Maintenance disorders work business activity employees work by business activity Initiator
Activities accidents first aid before being activities going on conducting interviews activities going on Supervisor
experienced referred to the nearest on stage and field on stage Leading Sector:
by puskesmas/clinic/hospit operational observations during operational Aceh Singkil
employees al working hours District
● Implementing the K3 Manpower Office
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Management system Relevant
and SOP regarding K3 agencies:
by including its Aceh Singkil
application in the RKS Regency
(Work Plan and Environmental
Conditions) in the work Service
contract documents with Reporting :
employees Aceh Singkil
● Provide PPE such as
helmets, etc Service
● Include employees in
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
Building Deterioratio Parameters Location of Every day Monitor air quality by Location of Once every 6 executor:
● The applicant is
Maintenance n of of dust, SOx, business during the conducting laboratory business monthsduring Initiator
Activities ambient air COx, and required to provide a activities operational analysis activities activity Supervisor
quality NOx green open space phase going on Leading Sector:
(KDH) of 10% of the Aceh Singkil
GS cut-off area, in Regency
accordance with the Environmental
requirements stated in Service
the SKRK; Relevant
● The initiator is required to agencies:
Aceh Singkil
make arrangements for Regency
environmental Environmental
aesthetics by prioritizing Service
the planting and Reporting :
maintenance of Aceh Singkil
pollutant-absorbing Regency
protective trees in Environmental
accordance with Aceh Service
Singkil District
Regulation Number 7 of
2002 concerning
Management of Green
Open Spaces in the
activity area. Provide
sufficient building for air
● Perform regular indoor
and outdoor cleaning
● Provide an exhaust fan
to reduce humidity in
the room and toilet
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
● Reducing the use of
glass in buildings
Building Noise Amount Location of Every day for Perform field Location of Every 6 executor:
● Use tools that have low
Maintenance increase public business activity measurements with business once a month Initiator
Activities who noise so as not to cause activities going on using a sound level activities during Supervisor
complains noise around business on stage meter activity Leading Sector:
because of activities operational going on Aceh Singkil
disturbance on stage Regency
noise operational Environmental
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Building Environme Number of Location of Every day for Monitoring is carried Location of Once every 6 executor:
● Provision of clean water
Maintenance ntal health employee business activity out by direct business months during Initiator
Activities improveme health that meets the activities going on observation in the activities activity Supervisor
nt problems requirements for quality, on stage field going on Leading Sector:
quantity and continuity. operational on stage Aceh Singkil
● Carry out routine operational. District Health
maintenance of Relevant
buildings, sanitation agencies:
facilities Aceh Singkil
(KM/Toilet/IPAL, clean Regency
water reservoirs), Environmental
mechanical electrical Service
and fire fighting Reporting :
facilities. Aceh Singkil

Loading and K3 There are Unloading Every day for Monitor the way Unloading Every day for executor:
● Providing first aid kits as
unloading disorders work area activity employees work by area activity Initiator
activities accidents first aid before being going on conducting interviews going on Supervisor
experienced referred to the nearest on stage and field on stage Leading Sector:
by puskesmas/clinic/hospit operational observations during operational Aceh Singkil
employees al working hours District
● Implementing the K3 Manpower Office
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Management system agencies:
and SOP regarding K3 Aceh Singkil
by including its Regency
application in the RKS Environmental
(Work Plan and Service
Conditions) in the work Reporting :
contract documents with Aceh Singkil
employees Regency
● Provide PPE such as
helmets, etc
● Include employees in
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
Loading and Deterioratio Parameters Loading and Every day Monitor air quality by Loading and Once every 6 executor:
● The applicant is
unloading n of of dust, SOx, unloading during the conducting laboratory unloading monthsduring Initiator
activities ambient air COx, and required to provide a area and operational analysis area and activity Supervisor
quality NOx green open space green open phase green open going on Leading Sector:
(KDH) of 10% of the space space Aceh Singkil
GS cut-off area, in Regency
accordance with the Environmental
requirements stated in Service
the SKRK; Relevant
● The initiator is required to agencies:
Aceh Singkil
make arrangements for Regency
environmental Environmental
aesthetics by prioritizing Service
the planting and Reporting :
maintenance of Aceh Singkil
pollutant-absorbing Regency
protective trees in Environmental
accordance with Aceh Service
Singkil District
Regulation Number 7 of
2002 concerning
Management of Green
Open Spaces in the
activity area.
● Do soil wetting in the
loading and unloading
area twice a day
(morning and evening)
Loading and Decreased The number Loading and Every day for Conduct visual Loading and Once every 6 Executor:
● Provide parking lots
unloading road of queues of unloading activity observations and unloading months during Initiator
activities performanc vehicles on within parcels and in area and going on calculations of the area and activity Supervisor
e the road accordance with the entrance to on stage number of vehicle entrance to going on Leading Sector:
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
around the ANDALALIN the parcel operational queues (±3 vehicles) the parcel on stage Aceh Singkil
place of Recommendations/ at the entrance and operational District
business Traffic Management exit of business Transportation
Recommendations activities Office
● Placing officers at the
entrance and outside to Aceh Singkil
manage vehicles Regency
entering and leaving the Environmental
parcel Service
● No parking on the Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
shoulder of the road Regency
● Obey traffic signs and Environmental
road markings on the Service
inside and outside of
the parcel
● Provide instructions for
the circulation of
vehicles in and out of
the parcel
Loading and Noise Amount Unloading Every day for Take measurements Unloading Every 6 executor:
● Setting the time for
unloading increase public area activity field with area once a month Initiator
activities who loading and unloading going on using a sound level during Supervisor
complains activities that are not on stage meter activity Leading Sector:
because of carried out outside the operational going on Aceh Singkil
noise operating hours of on stage Regency
disturbance business activities operational Environmental
● Use tools that have low Service
noise so as not to cause agencies:
noise around business Aceh Singkil
activities Regency
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

generator The The total B3 Trash Every day Monitor the handling B3 Trash Once a month executor:
● Provide TPS B3 in
activity emergence generation of Shelter during the of B3 waste Shelter during the Initiator
of B3 waste solid B3 accordance with the operational operational Supervisor
waste is 65.6 provisions of the phase phase Leading Sector:
kg/day/month applicable law Aceh Singkil
● Undertake permits Regency
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
The total related to the temporary Environmental
generation of storage of B3 to the Service
liquid B3 Aceh Singkil Regency Relevant
waste is 39 Environmental Service agencies:
liters/day/m Aceh Singkil
● Store the collected B3
onth Regency
waste in the B3 TPS Environmental
(explain for with a storage time in Service
each accordance with Reporting :
according to Government Regulation Aceh Singkil
chapter 2) No. 101 of 2014 and Regency
submitted to a third Environmental
party who already has a Service
permit for B3 waste
management from KLH
generator Noise Number of About the Every day for Take measurements About the Every 6 executor:
● Providing a generator
activity increase people generator activity field with generator once a month Initiator
who that has a low noise going on using the SoundLevel during Supervisor
complains level on stage Meter activity Leading Sector:
because of ● Provide dampers around operational going on Aceh Singkil
noise on stage Regency
generator placement
disturbance operational Environmental
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
generator K3 There are Unloading Every day for Monitor the way Unloading Every day for executor:
● Providing first aid kits as
activity disorders work area activity employees work by area activity Initiator
accidents first aid before being going on conducting interviews going on
experienced referred to the nearest on stage and field on stage Supervisor
by puskesmas/clinic/hospit operational observations during operational Leading Sector :
employees al working hours Aceh Singkil
● Implementing the K3 District
Manpower Office
Management system
and SOP regarding K3 Relevant
by including its agencies :
application in the RKS Aceh Singkil
(Work Plan and Regency
Conditions) in the work Environmental
contract documents with Service
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Reporting :
● Provide PPE such as
Aceh Singkil
helmets, etc Regency
● Include employees in Environmental
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
generator Fire Number of APAR Every day for Doing a check list of APAR Once every 6 executor:
● Provide a building
activity potential fires due to placement activity APAR functions and placement months during Initiator
short circuit protection system point and going on checking the point and activity Supervisor
against fire hazard for electrical on stage installation of the electrical going on Leading Sector:
each floor and room network operational electrical network network on stage Aceh Singkil
inside and outside the installation installation operational District Fire
parcel that is easy to Service
see and affordable. Relevant
● Providing ..... APAR tube agencies:
Aceh Singkil
units with a capacity of Regency
3 kg of Dry Chemical Environmental
Powder type Service
● Make SOP related to fire Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
● Equip buildings with fire Regency
emergency stairs, fire Environmental
evacuation routes, and Service
fire evacuation
gathering points
● Provide an unobstructed
access point for fire
fighting vehicles
generator Deterioratio Parameters Around the Every day Monitor air quality by Around the Once every 6 executor:
● The applicant is
activity n of of dust, SOx, generator during the conducting laboratory generator and monthsduring Initiator
ambient air COx, and required to provide a and green operational analysis green open activity Supervisor
quality NOx green open space open space phase space going on Leading Sector:
(KDH) of 10% of the Aceh Singkil
GS cut-off area, in Regency
accordance with the Environmental
requirements stated in Service
the SKRK; Relevant
● The initiator is required to agencies:
Aceh Singkil
make arrangements for Regency
environmental Environmental
aesthetics by prioritizing Service
the planting and Reporting :
maintenance of Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
protective trees in Regency
accordance with Aceh Environmental
Singkil District Service
Regulation Number 7 of
2002 concerning
Management of Green
Open Spaces in the
activity area.

Business Public There were Suggestion Every day for Make visual Suggestion Once every 6 executor:
● Provide adequate
activities unrest complaints box at the activity observations of the box at the months during Initiator
from the security personnel and location of going on number of complaints location of activity Supervisor
public due to facilities business on stage that exist at the business going on Leading Sector:
business ● Deliver and report copies activities operational activity location activities on stage Ward .....
activities andWard ..... onWard ... andWard ..... operational Subdistrict .....
of occupant and Subdistrict .. Subdistrict ... Subdistrict ... Relevant
employee identity cards ... .. agencies:
to RT, RW, Aceh Singkil
Kelurahan ......., and Regency
implement rules of Environmental
conduct for residents, Service
visitors and employees Reporting :
● Create a complaint Aceh Singkil
suggestion box at the Regency
activity location and Environmental
Kelurahan to Service
complaints and
suggestions from the
community and resolve
them quickly
Business Deterioratio Parameters Inside the Every day for Conduct ambient air Inside the Once every 6 executor:
● Provide sufficient
activities n of of dust, SOx, room on activity sampling and room on monthsduring Initiator
Clinic/ ambient air COx, and building for air business going on compare it with the business activity Supervisor
hospital quality NOx circulation activities on stage quality standards of activities going on Leading Sector:
● Perform regular indoor operational East Java Governor on stage Aceh Singkil
Regulation No. 10 of operational Regency
and outdoor cleaning 2009 Environmental
● Provide ventilation, Service
adequate windows and Relevant
air conditioning in agencies:
buildings Aceh Singkil
● Provide an exhaust fan Environmental
to reduce humidity in Service
the room and toilet Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
● Reducing the use of Regency
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
glass in buildings Environmental
Business The The height Drainage Every day for Make a visual Drainage Once every 6 executor:
● Carry out periodic
activities occurrence and duration channels activity observation of the channels monthsduring Initiator
Clinic/ of of rainwater maintenance of the inside and going on height of the puddle inside and activity Supervisor
hospital inundation inundation at drainage channels outside the on stage in the drainage outside the going on Leading Sector:
or flooding the activity inside and outside the business operational channel business Office of Public
site business activity parcels activity activity Works of
that have been built, so parcels that parcels that Highways and
that the drainage have been have been Pematusan Aceh
channels can function built built Singkil Regency
optimally Relevant
Aceh Singkil
Aceh Singkil
Business Fire Number of APAR Every day for Doing a check list of APAR Once every 6 executor:
● Provide a building
activities potential fires due to placement activity APAR functions and placement months during Initiator
Clinic/ short circuit protection system point and going on checking the point and activity Supervisor
hospital against fire hazard for electrical on stage installation of the electrical going on Leading Sector:
each floor and room network operational electrical network network on stage Aceh Singkil
inside and outside the installation installation operational District Fire
plot which is placed in Service
an easily visible and Relevant
accessible place. agencies:
● Make SOP related to fire Aceh Singkil
● Providing ..... units of fire Environmental
extinguishers with a Service
capacity of 3 kg of Dry Reporting :
Chemical Powder type Aceh Singkil
● Equip buildings with fire Environmental
emergency stairs, fire Service
evacuation routes, and
fire evacuation
gathering points
● Provide an unobstructed
access point for fire
fighting vehicles
Business Disruption If there is a Ground Every day for Perform a checklist of Ground Water Once every 6 executor:
● Create, operate and
activities of PDAM disruption to Water activity the functions of the Tanks(GWT) months during Initiator
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
Clinic/ water the supply of maintain Ground Water Tanks(GWT) going on Ground Water Tank or Roof Top activity Supervisor
hospital distribution the PDAM, Tank (GWT) or Roof or Roof Top on stage (GWT) or Roof Top Tank (RTF) in going on Leading Sector:
the water Top Tank (RTF) to Tank (RTF) operational Tank (RTF) tool and business on stage PDAM Aceh
demand can accommodate PDAM in business its accessories activities operational Singkil District
be met water with adequate activities Relevant
properly. capacity agencies:
Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Business Decreased The number Entrance and Every day for Conduct visual Entrance and Once every 6 executor:
● Provide adequate
activities road of queues of outside activity observations and outside months during Initiator
Clinic/ performanc vehicles on parking space within the parcels going on calculations of the parcels activity Supervisor
hospital e the road parcels. on stage number of vehicle going on Leading Sector:
around the● Placing officers at the operational queues (±3 vehicles) on stage Aceh Singkil
place of at the entrance and operational District
entrance and outside to
business exit of business Transportation
manage vehicles activities Office
entering and leaving the Relevant
parcel agencies:
● Adding an information Aceh Singkil
board on the availability Regency
of parking space Environmental
● No parking on the Reporting :
shoulder of the road Aceh Singkil
● Obey traffic signs and Environmental
road markings on the Service
inside and outside of
the parcel
● Provide instructions for
the circulation of
vehicles in and out of
the parcel
Business K3 There are Inside the Every day for Monitor the way Inside the Every day for executor:
● Provide first aid kits as
activities disorders work room on activity employees work by room on activity Initiator
Clinic/ accidents first aid business going on conducting interviews business going on Supervisor
hospital experienced ● Implementing the K3 activities on stage and field activities on stage Leading Sector:
by operational observations during operational Aceh Singkil
Management system
employees working hours District
and SOP regarding K3 Manpower Office
by including its Relevant
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
application in the RKS agencies:
(Work Plan and Aceh Singkil
Conditions) in the work Regency
contract documents with Environmental
employees Service
Reporting :
● Provide PPE such as
Aceh Singkil
masks, gloves, special Regency
clothes when in the Environmental
laboratory and so on Service
● Include employees in
business activities with
BPJS Health and BPJS
Business Environme No Business Every day for Make visual Business Once every 6 executor:
● Monitoring sanitation,
activities ntal health complaints environment activity observations of the environment months during Initiator
Clinic/ improveme on food spraying dengue fever, going on cleanliness of the activity Supervisor
hospital nt presentation counseling for clean on stage business activity going on Leading Sector:
living outside the plots operational location area on stage Aceh Singkil
of business activities so operational District Health
that the environment is Office
healthy Relevant
● (Filled in according to the agencies:
Aceh Singkil
handler in the business Regency
activity) Environmental
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil
Business There is an Diseased Business Every day Monitor complaints Business Every day during executor:
● Perform separation of
activities infectious staff environment during the related to infectious environment the operational Initiator
Clinic/ disease areas between patients operational diseases phase Supervisor
hospital who are sick or who are phase Leading Sector:
only taking medication. Aceh Singkil
● Providing hand sanitizer District Health
(anti-germicidal hand Relevant
sanitizer) in every agencies:
corner of the clinic room Aceh Singkil
● Equip officers with PPE Regency
(Example: gloves, Environmental
masks, etc.) when Service
performing procedures Reporting :
on patients Aceh Singkil
Effort in Managing Environment Environmental Monitoring Efforts Management Information
Impact Impact Impact
Location of Environmen
Source Type Magnitude Forms of Forms of Location of Environmental
Environment tal
Environmental Environmental Environment Monitoring
al Managemen
Management Efforts Monitoring Efforts al Monitoring Period
Management t Period
● Etc. (filled in according to
what was done by the
Business Increased The amount WWTP Once a week Monitor the domestic WWTP Once every 6 executor:
● Processing clinical
activities liquid waste of liquid during liquid waste months Initiator
Clinic/ specifically waste wastewater with the activity generated with month during Supervisor
hospital for generation is WWTP provided by the going on do analysis activity Leading Sector:
operational equal to 39 initiator, with a capacity on stage parameters going on Aceh Singkil
activities m3/liter/day of …… m3 totaling …. operational laboratory on stage Regency
units domestic wastewater operational Environmental
(explain for● Doing drains once every Service
each Relevant
5 years
according to agencies:
chapter 2) Aceh Singkil
Reporting :
Aceh Singkil

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