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Here are 10 advanced phrases for English conversations along with their meanings:

"In a nutshell" - This phrase means to summarize something concisely or in a few

words. For example, "In a nutshell, the project is behind schedule."
"To play devil's advocate" - This expression is used when someone presents an
opposing viewpoint or argument for the sake of discussion, even if they don't
necessarily believe in it. For example, "I'll play devil's advocate here and say that there
are some benefits to the new policy."
"To read between the lines" - This means to understand the hidden or implied
meaning in what someone is saying. For example, "I think she was upset, but you have
to read between the lines to know for sure."
"To get the ball rolling" - This phrase means to start an activity or process. For
example, "Let's get the ball rolling on this project by scheduling a meeting."
"To be on the same page" - This expression indicates that people are in agreement or
have a shared understanding of a situation. For example, "We need to make sure
everyone on the team is on the same page regarding our goals."
"To think outside the box" - This means to think creatively or in unconventional ways,
often to find innovative solutions to problems. For example, "We need to think outside
the box to come up with a unique marketing campaign."
"To get the hang of it" - This phrase means to become skilled or proficient at
something over time. For example, "At first, coding was challenging, but after some
practice, I finally got the hang of it."
"To be in hot water" - This expression means to be in trouble or facing a difficult
situation due to one's actions or decisions. For example, "He's in hot water with his boss
for missing the deadline."
"To weigh the pros and cons" - This means to carefully consider the advantages and
disadvantages of a decision or situation. For example, "Before making a choice, it's
important to weigh the pros and cons."
"To touch base" - This phrase means to make contact or communicate briefly with
someone. For example, "I'll touch base with you later to discuss the project's progress."
These advanced phrases can add depth and nuance to your English conversations,
helping you express ideas and thoughts with precision and sophistication.

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