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Name : FUGUH ARNORI Class :3C

NIM :E1D022192 Semester :3

DIRECTION: Write the outline of your writing using FORM A. Then Write the final draft using FORM B! This project is
an integral part of the previous tasks in the LMS. So, make sure the principles of argumentative writing should be

Title: East Lombok Incorporates Sasak Culture into the Local Content Curriculum

Components Concept Outline

Hook Grab the reader’s East Lombok is a district rich in culture and
attention! Start with a great tradition, having great potential for integrating the
opening sentence to get unique Sasak cultural heritage into the education
the reader’s attention—a curriculum. This is an important step in maintaining
quote, an outrageous, and promoting the continuity of local culture, while
surprising, or shocking providing students with the opportunity to
fact, a relevant statistic or understand and appreciate their cultural roots.
rhetorical question.
Background Explain Topic / Build East Lombok is an area rich in local culture and
Information Background / Brief traditions, aiming to increase public literacy
Summary of the Issue: regarding the traditions and culture of the Sasak
tribe, and explain the inclusion of lessons about
Sasak culture in the education curriculum.

Thesis Statement Thesis Statement: A clear, incorporating Sasak Culture into the Local Content
strong statement of your Curriculum in East Lombok is not just about
opinion on the local issue education, but also about strengthening cultural
(use three points) roots, encouraging respect for diversity, and
supporting the development of local communities.
It is an important step to safeguard valuable
cultural heritage and pass it on to future

Main Body
1st paragraph (TS) Topic Sentence (1st The first compelling reason to incorporate Sasak culture
Reason) w/transition into the Local Content Curriculum in East Lombok is
the imperative of preserving cultural identity and
heritage, ensuring that the younger generation remains
connected to their roots and the rich traditions that
define their local culture.

Introduce your Evidence To support this point, consider the significance of

traditional Sasak elements, including language, art,
music, and customs, which have played a pivotal role in
the history of East Lombok. These cultural components
are integral to the identity of the region, and their
inclusion in the curriculum serves as a means to
safeguard and pass down this unique cultural heritage.

Evidence (remember to One notable example of the importance of preserving

cite) cultural identity can be found in the documentary
"Sasak Heritage: The Living Culture of Lombok" by
Dr. Barbara Dix Grimes, which emphasizes the role of
culture in shaping the identity of the Sasak people in
East Lombok. Additionally, academic studies such as
"Cultural Identity and Preservation among the Sasak in
East Lombok" by Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspa Dewi have
underscored the significance of cultural identity in this
region. These sources provide valuable insights into the
cultural elements that should be integrated into the

Analyze / Explain Evidence The chosen evidence effectively supports the thesis by
(How does the evidence highlighting the significance of preserving cultural
you chose support your identity and heritage within East Lombok. Dr. Barbara
thesis?) Dix Grimes' documentary emphasizes how culture plays
a central role in defining the Sasak people's identity,
reinforcing the importance of integrating Sasak culture
into the curriculum to maintain this connection.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspa Dewi's academic
study underscores the academic and cultural importance
of preserving Sasak identity and offers valuable insights
into the elements that should be incorporated into the
curriculum. Together, these sources emphasize that
cultural preservation is not just an educational
endeavor; it is a fundamental aspect of safeguarding
East Lombok's unique heritage and identity for future

Closing statement In conclusion, by integrating Sasak culture into the

w/transition Local Content Curriculum, East Lombok not only
ensures the preservation of its cultural identity but also
fosters a deep appreciation for diversity, empowers
local communities, and contributes to the overall
development of the region. This endeavor stands as a
testament to the commitment of East Lombok to
safeguard its invaluable cultural heritage and pass it
down to future generations. Building upon this
foundation, we will now explore the second compelling
reason for incorporating Sasak culture into the

2nd paragraph (TS) Topic Sentence (2nd The second compelling reason for integrating Sasak
Reason) w/transition culture into the Local Content Curriculum in East
Lombok is the opportunity it provides for students to
appreciate the rich cultural diversity present in
Indonesia. This appreciation of diversity is vital for
building a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Introduce your Evidence One way to illustrate the importance of appreciating

cultural diversity is through the case of the Indonesian
archipelago itself, which is home to a multitude of
cultures, languages, and traditions. The integration of
Sasak culture into the curriculum can serve as a
microcosm of the broader diversity within Indonesia.

Evidence (remember to A documentary titled "Unity in Diversity: The Cultural

cite) Tapestry of Indonesia" by National Geographic
showcases the remarkable diversity of Indonesia's
cultures and traditions. This visual documentation
effectively demonstrates the vast array of cultures
coexisting within the country, further emphasizing the
need for students to appreciate this diversity.
An academic paper by Professor Iskandar Suryadi,
titled "Cultural Plurality in Indonesia," further delves
into the topic, providing valuable insights into the
importance of nurturing cultural diversity awareness
among students.

Analyze / Explain Evidence The chosen evidence underlines the significance of

(How does the evidence appreciating cultural diversity, not only at a local level
you chose support your in East Lombok but also within the broader context of
thesis?) Indonesia. The National Geographic documentary
vividly portrays the rich tapestry of cultures within the
country, making it evident that Indonesia's strength lies
in its diversity. Professor Iskandar Suryadi's academic
work reinforces the idea that appreciating diversity is
essential for fostering a more harmonious and inclusive
society. When Sasak culture is integrated into the
curriculum, it becomes a stepping stone for students to
recognize and celebrate the broader Indonesian cultural

Closing statement With a deeper understanding of the importance of

w/transition appreciating cultural diversity, we will now explore the
third reason for incorporating Sasak culture into the
Local Content Curriculum – the development of
practical skills among students.

3rd paragraph (TS) Topic Sentence (3rd The third compelling reason for incorporating Sasak
Reason) w/transition culture into the Local Content Curriculum in East
Lombok is its focus on developing practical skills
among students. This not only enriches their education
but also empowers them with valuable skills that can be
applied in real-life contexts, enhancing their overall
Introduce your Evidence To exemplify the importance of skill development, let's
consider the practical aspects of Sasak culture that can
be integrated into the curriculum, such as traditional
craftsmanship, music, and participation in cultural

Evidence (remember to A case study conducted by Dr. Indra Kusumawardana,

cite) titled "Skills Development through Sasak Culture: A
Case Study in East Lombok Schools," highlights how
students who engage in learning traditional Sasak crafts,
like making songket cloth or weaving, develop valuable
practical skills. They not only gain a deeper cultural
understanding but also acquire skills that can be applied
in various contexts. Additionally, the documentary
"Craftsmanship in Sasak Culture: Tradition and
Innovation" by local filmmaker Aria Wardoyo sheds
light on the practical skills and craftsmanship associated
with Sasak culture. This visual evidence emphasizes
how these skills are integral to the culture's identity.

Analyze / Explain Evidence The selected evidence effectively demonstrates that

(How does the evidence integrating Sasak culture into the curriculum provides
you chose support your students with practical skills, enriching their education
thesis?) and enabling them to contribute to their communities.
Dr. Indra Kusumawardana's case study and Aria
Wardoyo's documentary underscore the value of skills
such as craftsmanship, emphasizing that this approach
not only fosters cultural appreciation but also equips
students with tangible abilities that can enhance their
personal and professional lives.

Closing statement Having explored the importance of practical skill

w/transition development, let's now delve into the fourth reason for
incorporating Sasak culture into the Local Content
Curriculum – local empowerment through community

4th paragraph 1st counter-argument While there are valid concerns about incorporating
Sasak culture into the Local Content Curriculum, it's
essential to address them to support the overall thesis.
One common counter-argument is that such integration
may divert students' focus from core academic subjects,
potentially affecting their overall educational

Evidence for 1st counter- Studies on curriculum development and academic

argument performance have raised concerns that introducing
additional cultural elements could lead to curriculum
overload, potentially hindering students' performance in
subjects like math and science.
Refutation of 1st counter- However, it's crucial to emphasize that the integration
argument of Sasak culture is not meant to replace core subjects
but to complement them. Lessons about Sasak culture
can be woven into existing subjects or provided as
extracurricular activities, ensuring that the curriculum
remains balanced.

Explain why 1st counter- The first counter-argument is not entirely valid because
argument is NOT TRUE it assumes an all-or-nothing approach to curriculum
development. In reality, curriculum designers can strike
a balance between core academic subjects and cultural
education, allowing students to benefit from a well-
rounded education that includes both traditional and
academic knowledge.

2nd counter-argument Another concern is that involving local communities in

curriculum development might lead to inconsistencies
in the quality of education, as traditional knowledge
might not always align with modern educational

Evidence for 2nd counter- Reports of inconsistencies in education quality in

argument regions where community involvement is high have
raised concerns about standardization.

Refutation of 2nd counter- However, such inconsistencies can be mitigated through

argument careful planning and collaboration between local
communities, schools, and educational authorities. It is
possible to maintain a balance that respects cultural
traditions while adhering to educational standards.

Explain why 2nd counter- The second counter-argument does not hold true when a
argument is NOT TRUE collaborative and structured approach is taken. It is
possible to harness the strengths of local communities'
traditional knowledge while maintaining educational
standards and quality.

Closing statement With these counter-arguments addressed, it becomes

w/transition evident that the integration of Sasak culture into the
Local Content Curriculum can be achieved in a manner
that enhances students' education without compromising
academic standards or overwhelming their studies. Let's
now move on to the fifth reason for incorporating Sasak
culture into the curriculum – the potential for East
Lombok to become a culturally rich tourism destination.

Restate thesis Write restatement of thesis In summary, the integration of Sasak culture into the
statement with different Local Content Curriculum in East Lombok not only
words or structure (Make serves as a means of preserving cultural identity and
sure to include a nurturing an appreciation of diversity but also
transition.) empowers local communities and contributes to the
region's development while safeguarding its cultural
heritage. As we explore the potential for East Lombok
as a culturally rich tourism destination, it becomes clear
that this initiative offers multifaceted benefits for the

Main points Summarize the first 3 body In the first three body paragraphs, we discussed the
paragraphs. Use 2-3 primary reasons for incorporating Sasak culture into the
sentences to remind you Local Content Curriculum in East Lombok. The first
readers of your main reason highlighted the importance of preserving cultural
points. identity and heritage, ensuring that students remain
connected to their cultural roots. The second reason
emphasized the need to appreciate Indonesia's diverse
cultural landscape, fostering a more inclusive society.
The third reason focused on skill development,
underscoring how the curriculum can provide students
with practical abilities, enriching their education and
personal growth.

Final Statement Looking for an idea? Try In this journey of integrating Sasak culture into the
referring to your hook, Local Content Curriculum, we are reminded of East
finding a quote, or inspiring Lombok's rich cultural tapestry and its potential to
your readers? flourish in the face of globalization. As the great
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "A nation's culture resides
in the hearts and in the soul of its people." Embracing
and preserving this culture within our education system
is not only an educational endeavor but a commitment
to nourish the heart and soul of East Lombok for
generations to come.


Direction: Write a final draft of the one-sided argumentative writing using the outline above!

East Lombok Incorporates Sasak Culture into the Local Content Curriculum
Fuguh Arnori

East Lombok is a district rich in culture and tradition, having great potential for integrating the
unique Sasak cultural heritage into the education curriculum. This is an important step in maintaining
and promoting the continuity of local culture, while providing students with the opportunity to
understand and appreciate their cultural roots.

This is in an effort to increase public literacy regarding the traditions and culture of the
Sasak Tribe. The inclusion of lessons about Sasak culture in the curriculum implemented in schools
is aimed at increasing students' literacy regarding Sasak culture and customs.
One effective way is to incorporate elements of Sasak culture into the Local Content
Curriculum (KML) which is adapted to the geographical and cultural characteristics of East Lombok.
Here are some reasons why this is a good idea:
 Preserving Cultural Identity: By incorporating Sasak culture into KML, we can help students
feel connected to their cultural identity. They will learn about the traditions, language, art,
music and values of the Sasak people, which are an integral part of the history of East
 Appreciating Diversity: This is also an opportunity for students to appreciate cultural diversity
in Indonesia. Studying Sasak culture will open their understanding of the cultural plurality
that exists in this country.
 Skills Development: Sasak culture lessons in KML focus not only on knowledge, but also on
developing practical skills. For example, students can learn how to make songket cloth, play
traditional Sasak musical instruments, or participate in traditional ceremonies.
 Local Empowerment: Involving local communities in the development and teaching of KML
about Sasak culture can empower local communities. They can play an active role in sharing
their knowledge and experience with the younger generation.
 Tourism Destination: Increasing understanding of Sasak culture can help promote East
Lombok as a culturally rich tourism destination. This can support local economic growth

Apart from benefiting students academically, the integration of Sasak Culture into the Local
Content Curriculum also has a wider positive impact. This will strengthen the local identity and sense
of pride of the people of East Lombok in their cultural heritage. In addition, this approach can create
awareness of the importance of maintaining and preserving local culture amidst increasingly rapid
globalization. This can also encourage the tourism sector, because the potential for cultural tourism
will be increasingly attractive to visitors who want to understand more deeply about Sasak culture.
Thus, incorporating Sasak culture into the education curriculum is a positive step that has a long-
term impact on society and the development of the region.

In an effort to include Sasak Culture in the Local Content Curriculum in East Lombok,
collaboration between local government, schools, traditional communities and cultural experts is
necessary. Concrete steps can include: Learning Material Development, Teacher Training,
Collaboration with Local Communities, Practical Activities, Evaluation and Assessment, Socialization
to Parents, etc.

The conclusion is that incorporating Sasak Culture into the Local Content Curriculum in East
Lombok is not just about education, but also about strengthening cultural roots, encouraging respect
for diversity, and supporting the development of local communities. It is an important step to
safeguard valuable cultural heritage and pass it on to future generations.

REFERENCES (Use APA style 7th edition)

REFERENCES (Use APA 7th edition)

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