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semester I Night shift, group II









It is conceivable that as the right of association is: That which has its source in the free will of the people who decide to pursue lawful purposes and common across a single organization in which converge, depending on type, efforts, resources and other elements from its members and serve as a means for the realization of collective purpose. A self-constitution of the partnership income added freedom and liberty it out, to complete the basic framework of this freedom. (Law Dictionary) At the global level this right got his first start in the process of industrial revolution and modern democracy due to the drawbacks presented by the process of a contribution salaried job. During the process of association of workers engaged in any demonstration was considered a criminal act and therefore were subject to repression, some of these meetings and associations to defend and promulgate ideals. Elanco, Cabet, Fourier and others were driven to contain affluent developments dehumanized system, creating the revolution from a chance that there was an association between workers. Ayala (2005), states: Internationally, the first recognition is achieved with the Treaty of Versailles signed in June 1919, following the First World War led to the League of Nations and Article 427 of the text stated: The right of association for all purposes not contrary to the laws governing the same for the employee as businesses. Different statements like `` Philadelphia in 1944 ``, `` the universal declaration of human rights in 1948 and stipulated `` veiled rationale for that man had the freedom to express themselves and be linked to meetings or organizations that ensure they in a peaceful manner.

Right of association in Colombia

This right exists throughout Colombia and constitutional interpretation given to ensure that Colombians have different options to join. Because of the variety in social Colombia, as previously existed between patricians and plebeians out to be intolerant, make that assertion of legal and constitutional mandate is not entirely accurate, due to the exclusion suffered by some to belong and to use that right . This right which varies in its scope produces shocks that exceed the theory and practice the fundamental human right is to associate the unknown and respect for differences.

Constituted in Colombia there are different rules and regulations, but are violated fundamental rights as workers in public and private entities because of the solidarity economy rules and the right of association that allows the formation of cooperatives It is mentioned that all citizens come together to make a common and workers form a state association for the employer to the state would provide them with a stable job quality according to what is established by the nation. In some cases the right of association can be violated by his brief relationship because ah some thoughts on improving fundamentals or that produce conflict, just as the associations are vulnerable because of the problem that as a nation and republic live.

History of trade unions

Interpreting SINTRAUD union document is meant as a trade association formed by the employees of state or private companies and trade associations that come together to defend the interests of labor, social, economic and professional of their members in negotiations with the employer and wage increases working conditions during collective bargaining that relate to their work or from the center of production. Unions arise as a response of workers to the harmful effects of what was the industrial revolution and the development of capitalism. As much as it developed the industrial system, many people abandoned, deserted the countryside in search of scarce jobs in large urban centers belonging to the bourgeoisie, the excess supply of labor increased reliance on workers. To reduce dependence on the first trade unions were created, with the threat to their work and excessive working hours with no benefit. These groups had to face opposition from governments and employers, who at first were regarded as illegal associations and coconspirators who sought to restrict economic development. Another time of great importance in the history of trade unionism is the birth of the first Trade Unions in the United States of America. In 1869, some of Philadelphia tailors make the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor, after this organization joined other classes eager to organize workers. It was the first national labor organization, before leaving office to 1900, had managed to bring together more than 700,000 workers. In 1886, born in Columbus, the American Federation of Labor (AFL), which was for the next fifty years the only representative of the working class.


Amnistia Internacional. Sindicalismo en Colombia. (2007). [artculo en internet]. Disponible en: Ayala, Y. S. (2005). Alcances del derecho de asociacin en Colombia a partir de los fallos de la corte constitucional colombiana con base en la influencia de los organismos internacionales sobre la materia. Revista de derecho, universidad del norte. [Artculo en internet]. Disponible en: Cabanellas, G. (1981). Diccionario Enciclopdico de Derecho Usual. T. VII. Buenos Aires: Editorial Heliasta. p. 436. Derecho De Asociacin. (s.f.). Recuperado el 15 de SEPTIEMBRE de 2011, de Efemerides. (2011). 8 de Marzo 1908 - Mueren 129 mujeres en el incendio de una fbrica textil de Nueva York. [Artculo en internet]. Disponible en:

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