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Hackathon Round 2 Preparation Guide For Students

● These are the points that should be mentioned mandatory in the PPT.

1. Team Name & Team Details:

a. Mention your team name on the first slide of your PPT.
b. Also, mention team member details with role. Ex. CEO, CMO, CFO, COO.
Use the CEO role as the team leader.

2. Company Logo & Company Name :

a. In the second slide mention your company logo with company name.
b. Also, mention a suitable tagline that reflects your idea and solution.

3. Problem Statement + Solution Statement :

a. In the third slide mention your exact problem and solution statement.
b. Use a minimum number of lines to explain the problem and your solution
and also add examples so that it can be explained better.
c. You can also use some pictures which will help in understand your idea
d. You can use one or two slides to describe your problem + solution.

4. Why is this solution urgently needed? :

a. Describe how the solution to this problem is urgently needed.
b. Use some numerical and historical records to explain the depth of your
researched problem.
c. Use some newspaper-cropped pictures, Google results, statements of
famous people etc to explain how this solution is needed. Shaping “skills” for “scaling” higher…!!! Page 1 of 2

5. Flowchart - Tech Flow of Your Solution
a. In this slide describe how your solution is technically possible.
b. Here you can mention how a step-by-step problem will be solved by your
c. Here you can use to explain the technical flowchart diagram.
d. In this slide, you can mention some key points regarding the flowchart.
e. You can add a link on a slide that will redirect you to your flowchart
diagram page and you can present a detailed flowchart on that page. By
doing this your PPT will look professional and attractive.

6. UI Representation
a. In this slide, you have to add your solution App or Web UI with the mockup.
b. Here you can use more than one slide to showcase your UI effectively.
c. Your company name and logo should be used in the necessary space in
the UI.
d. All points that have been mentioned in the flowchart should have been
mentioned in the UI.

7. Real Market Surveys

a. In this slide, you will describe how you make efforts on R&D and Surveys to
get feedback, suggestions, and reviews.
b. Also, you have to mention your real customer(The targeted audience of
your product) feedback with name, profession, and place.
c. Here, You need to mention the minimum 5 different real customer feedback.

8. Idea Pitch in IT Company :

a. For this, you will go to the IT company and present your idea to them and
mention the feedback they give here.
b. You also have to carry a thank-you gift and mention an image in the PPT
that the gift is being given by your team to the company.
c. This task is mandatory for all teams and if a team mention a fake image,
that team will be disqualified even if their idea is powerful. Shaping “skill” for “scaling” higher…!!! Page 2 of 2

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